Anjanath reskin

>anjanath reskin
>lavasioth reskin
>kushy reskin
>only 1 actual fresh thing
Where's the crab? ape? boar? or insect maybe?

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Other urls found in this thread:

That'll be 40 shekels plus tip

shut up demo you alcoholic fuck
make a video you dumb lizard boy

>Not playing a far better game with five times as much content running at 60FPS and 4000x2400 res with a turbo button and the ability to crossplay with Switchfags on your PC right now for free

You can lead a donkey to the water, but you can't make her drink it.

Attached: 60FPS.jpg (2560x1400, 986K)

Let's be honest. We all find at least one monster sexually attractive.

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>anjanath reskin


I'm really confused why they gave the goat a T-rex skeleton with stubby arms like Uragaan.

probably talking about the brute wyvern skeleton like barroth
though i think it have the uragaan skeleton if anything

Amazing how this "reskin" argument was never an issue until MHW. What the fuck is wrong with reusing skeletal assets? It's a sign of good game dev.

fucking worldbaby


Turbo like Street Fighter Turbo.

>Not playing at 250% speed

>features in 5 different games with 3 different reskins
>has always had gear good enough that you'll inevitably kill him three dozen times in every one of them
>one of the least changed monsters over 3 generations in terms of gameplay

Attached: confused flying wyverns.jpg (640x374, 69K)

Grinding Lucy for moon mats in 3U is when I officially signed off on the Narga hypetrain. I never want to fight this hairy turd again.

how tf are you playing with people on the switch

>Monster Hunter
>fresh things

I'm fine with them reusing skeletons as long as the fights are radically different. Problem with Banbaro is that not only does it share the same skeleton as Barroth it practically uses the same fucking gimmick as well.

>>anjanath reskin
holy shit worldbabs are fucking real. this is a nightmare

I want new skeletons. I want to hunt new things, not the same things I've alraedy hunted 500 times.

Tri did this the best but even 4 and X had plenty of new arrivals like najarala and gammoth.

I'm talking about the skeletons you bunch of reading comprehensions, it's the only monster with a fresh new form in world
I've been playing FU since before you were born

Tigrex and Narga share the same skeleton and their fights are radically different. Them reusing skeletons isn't new.

>Copy+pasted monster
>Fresh new form

Not as fresh as Red Khezu amirite?

Yeah why the fuck aren't you playing 3/4 you fucking CUHRAAAZY faggot with your shitty anime arts?

Narga and Tigrex use a modified flying wyvern skeleton, you can see it whenever they idle on their hind legs. It's like people who think brachy has a unique skeleton when it's just the regular brute skeleton modified to have functional arms.

This is retarded how can you judge any monster by 5 seconds of gameplay footage or no footage at all.

They really aren't.

Akshully 3/4 are the over the top anime games in this regard because MHGU allows you the option to play with Gen 2's moveset and no arts, and in some cases even Gen 1. MHGU is the game most faithful to its roots.

but narga isn't fucking fresh in the fucking slightest you fucking poser
Narga skeleton wasn't even fresh to begin with as it was preceded by Tigrex and Akantor
porting a decade old skeleton to a new engine isn't grounds to call it """fresh""".
if you meant to say Narga is the only welcome addition, then sure. but you're just trying to save face here

>if you meant to say Narga is the only welcome addition
That's literally what i'm trying to say
How many time should say "IN WORLD" before it goes through

I don't mind reskins but holy fuck just stop reusing that fucking fish. I am 100% sure his Iceborn hunt will be at least as shitty as the default lavasioth.

They'd better put Khezu in this expansion

>ackshually you can gimp yourself by picking a style that's vastly inferior to brave hbg/ls/gs so that means MHXX isn't horseshit :))))
Xfags are the worst and most disingenuous.

>same fucking gimmick

Except it looks fast and has a big hitbox. It's more like Tri Barroth than World Barroth.

Khezu won't work in nu-MH because he lives inside a cave and nu-MH is all about monsters roaming all around the map. Don't even thinking about putting him in the rotten vale, haven't you seen how far up the ceiling is?

>Can't win without using the most OP build available in a game where all builds are viable

Tourneyfagging in a single player game? Laughable.

just admit you shouldn't have used fresh

>you bunch of reading comprehensions
>using the thing they need to improve upon as an adjective

All monsters are fresh in world just because of technologies.

It became an argument because of the lack of variety in the game
There's flying wyvern, brute wyven, fanged wyvern and the dragons
No hermitaurs, no beasts, all lizards


Thats not true though Khezu roams the swamps in most zones.

They just need 1 or 2 cave areas for him to rest or introduce them

Actually no monster in world is fresh because you don't get any new weapons to fight them with. Seriously my #1 issue with world is that it's the same shit but worse.

what are you testing user

They haven't shown it yet, but we might be getting Bulldrome - the New Year's event with the giant mutant Mosswine were basically just re-skinned Bulldromes. There's still a chance we'll get other beasts that haven't been shown yet.

the only one being disingenuous are retards like you.
styles are like difficulty options. They're not meant to be equal whatsoever. they're there to let you play how you want.
You can't criticize the game for being to easy and in the same breath refuse to make it harder for yourself when the option is available.
What's happening isn't "gimping" yourself. It's to challenge yourself. This mindset of yours is one rooted in weakness
here's an example of what you sound like
>haha man this game is way too easy what a joke
>really? what difficulty are you playing on?
>easy duh
>well then just play on hard
>NO why would I make the game harder for myself when I can make it easier??? i don't understand???? are you retarded?????????
that's you.
you take no responsibility whatsoever and just expect everyone else to conform to your own fragile mindscape.

Plus they mostly exist to make low tier weapons more viable. There's no way a gunlance can compete with a Greatsword, but a Valor Gunlance and a Guild Greatsword are on par. So if you really want to use a hunting horn ever your best bet is MHGU.

Brachydios has slimed this post!
Every poster that's more than 5 posts below this post are safe.

Attached: Brachydiosmio.jpg (2500x3000, 342K)


nothing personal faggot

*uses temporal mantle*


>fighting a blastshit without bio master

>Crafting an entirely new set instead of just not getting hit

Casuals have such a strange perception of MH

>making a new set for a 5 slot skill

Attached: 1556184290228.png (325x292, 70K)

>Snow expansion
>Finally, my body is ready for Barrioth

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did u rike it

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In what world are the tigrex and Narga fights similar?

Tigrex and Khezu are different fights. Tigrex and Narga is just stay close, roll and attack. Run around to cut the tail, hit the sides for the cutwings/claws, same shit.

Your logic is fucking retarded my friend

just admit your fucking retard

Surely these 4 monsters can't be the only ones that comes with the DLC and then charge us 40$ for it right? Surely there has to be more monsters that didn't get revealed yet, because if it was 20$ then okay, but for almost the price of a new game only 4 monsters and one area? There should be at least 6-7 new monsters.

And like people said, their fights may be really different from the monsters the share skeleton of, but if they're reusing skeletons for the new monsters then only 4 seems lazy as fuck.

I don't want to hear that coming from a guy who calls Nargacuga's 13th rehash "fresh content".

on a scale of 1-10 how autistic are you?

What game and how

This. I need to know what you're talking about user.

There will be like 15-20 "new" monsters, plus a few new/old subspecies that weren't in the base game.

It's essentially a 40 dollar "G-Rank" expansion, not a cheap DLC, expect a good deal of content.

Some madman made a bunch of codes that let remove the FPS lock in MHXX and also let you crossplay between MHXX and MHGU. I only just found out about it yesterday but I've been trying to spread the word.

Attached: 60FPSCitra.jpg (2560x1399, 983K)

wew that dragon would be a really nice pokemon

They would all make better pokemon than anything Gamefreak has designed in the last four generations

When is MHW going to have Hunter arts and styles? The Iceborne trailer is disappointing as fuck.

hopefully never

Just post the list retard

Attached: wew.jpg (2880x2200, 2.55M)

Probably never, you have a much better chance of hoping for an MHGU port, a sequel to the series (be it the World or Generations franchise) or a new spinoff

Nothing wrong with it when we also get some new ones now and then...WHICH DOESN'T FUCKING HAPPEN YOU RETARD.

Not even the ones MH4 introduced like snakse and frogs and insects.

Kill yourselves you fucking braindead fanboys

Why not? Do you understand how barebones MHW feels compared to the handheld versions? How are you satisfied with the lower monster hunts and less varied gameplay? Can your brain not process how much gameplay changes with each style and art loadout? Why do you want LESS?

Both are shit handheld are cancer and MHW has a shit roster with even shitter online for some reason

Styles add nothing but extra fluff to most weapons no real substance, some styles even make the game easier (valor LS)
I'd much rather have a new weapon type implemented rather than have styles comeback

You're playing with Switch fags from your PC? The fuck?
You're telling me Citra has working multiplayer through Ninty's servers?

It's not about easier or harder, substance or fluff, there is literally so much LESS in MHW. Adding oils, a retarded uppercut special attack, and valor style to SnS might as well be adding a completely new weapon because the SnS in World is literally just spamming shield drop until the monster dies. How do people not get this? There is so much people are missing out on and people defend it with their ignorance.

>A monster that was expected in every MonHun game is absent and thus players must hope for a patch/expansion to add him in World

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>only 1 actual fresh thing
Are you talking about Narga? Cause he's not new. Not that that is a bad thing. I'd much rather have old monsters back instead of Capcom trying their hand at new monster which just end up as worse version of already existing ones. Why didn't they give us Zamtrios insead of Ice Lavasioth man

You realize you have an entire moveset to use and the round slash adds movement for positioning and combo extensions
you sound like one of thoese metafags that refuses to use anything that isn't calculated and analyzed five times over because helm breaker does 1.5^53% damage compared to combos actively ruining the weapon for yourself for some autistic reason, I bet you only use SAED on CB, onlyTCS GS, only wild swing SA, cluster only HBG, only tornado slash on IG

Nargacuga is a strange one. He's an old addition, yet he would probably have new features, not to mention the numerous ways World can make him even more badass by dominating other monsters via Turf War and other shit

yeah they got movesets in those other games too, but with styles, arts, and more varied weapon models, and more monsters, and the list goes fucking on forever

I thought Kushala was already an ice monster.

good thing we'll have so many fire weapons to choose from to fight these ice monsters
right guys?

Silly user, don't you know water melts ice?

Attached: 1503409078425.gif (469x311, 301K)

styles add the minimum to a weapons moveset, few moves added while taking out or adding part of already previously established movesets, art are alright but a majority of them too niche or just out right suck (like tempest axe) I'll admit a lot of weapons have genric bone/steel look but most rarity 7/8 "meta" weapons have unique look to them, I don't consider genu roaster a selling point consider more than 3/4 are just rehashes that are basically just copied and paste based on popularity polls, world is a first generational game similar tri which was also bare until 3rd came out

New engine pls understand. Buy emotes.

Duramboros shares the same skeleton. As far as monsters that charge at players go, the brute wyvern skeleton is a staple of such monsters skeletons.

Monster Hunter is fucking DEAD. World never deserved the title to begin with.

Kushala technically doesn't have an element and can only even inflict iceblight or snowman when fighting on frozen terrain

But since there's no wind element and plenty of raw weapons to go around, they gave him ice

Please tell me it's not just 4 extra monsters.

There's no way.

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That'll be $40 plus tip

20 monsters

Excluding subspecies and variants, name a G-rank game where this wasn't the case.


Well we're getting tigrex too, plus if Velkhana is the Nerg equivalent then there will 100% be the Xeno equivalent G rank end-boss. Plus there's no way they would leak all the new monsters in the first place.

This is already more new monsters than any previous G rank expansion. Usually it's just a new flagship and a new final boss.

But user Gammoth reuses the Popo skeleton and moveset

>yfw the G-rank endgame grind is just a repainted Kulve

Attached: time to rise and shine.png (540x540, 466K)

Are you fucking retarded

u can tell GenU is true to its roots because it didn't sell amazingly. it remains a cult game.

>if Velkhana is the Nerg equivalent then there will 100% be the Xeno equivalent G rank end-boss
I'm guessing the Xeno equivalent will be the guy on the right in pic related.

...And forgot the pic

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Popos have a moveset?

>lmao lets add more spikes
Is mainline finally becoming Frontier?

looks like shit desu senpai

Have you fought lunastra recently? It's already frontier.

That's a good point. MH was the cultiest of cult games in the west for the longest time.

He's obviously referring to the leap from Gen to GenU.
I really hope you were just pretending.

I greatly enjoyed the Lunastra fight and consider it the only good monster in World. Behemoth was way more frontier, with homing AOEs that render all positioning and on-the-fly reactions pointless.

Attached: Luna.jpg (2560x1440, 774K)

Implying that's real

if you’re talking about aoe fuck-off attacks, gogmazios already did that in 4u

Welcome to Monster Hunter, this isn't new. It's funny to see new players go crazy over this. Hopefully it'll filter out a chunk of the casual ARPG newbies.

Have you played any MH after Freedom 2? Every game from Unite and on is Frontier. Monsters from before Unite aren't safe either. That's not to speak at how unnecessarily spiky the fucking franchise's main monster is.

Attached: frontier.png (1539x1050, 2.55M)

i don't get it didn't mh always used reskins of monsters to do new mosnters?

isn't narga a reskin of tigrex too?

aren't all the kut ku reskins?
lavasioth is a reskin too

Except with Gog it was one gigantically telegraphed attack. With Luna it's in her entire moveset and often with almost zero start-up.

we had lower standards back then because the whole game looked like shit anyway

I thought Odo was ok, and would be pretty interesting if they added him back into classic. He shares a little with Nargacuga since they both leap around and attack with quick swipes and lunges. Narga will probably feel worse in world too due to the animation style and lenient dodging.

b8post dont respond

How is it bait?

Nah man. 3's monsters were almost all new. 4 had plenty too like the monkey (not ape) and tetsucabra.

Gog was a huge monster with slow movements and huge telegraphs

Luna is one of the most aggressive monsters in the game and has a move to hit you from pretty much every range and angle, endlessly shitting aoe all the while

Attached: 1528247243871.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

>Travel to new continent with promises of new shit
>it's nothing new, just Rath x3 again
>travel to snowy location expecting bears, fuzzy shit, maybe Gammoth
>here's a freezy Kushala and a Barroth with horns
where are the fucking bears or monkeys?

that aint bait, the series has gotten more and more anime/casual as it's progressed. 4U is the peak of "neo classic" monster hunter, but FU is still on top stylistically and in terms of difficulty.

A new locale with 3 distinct environments (tundra forest, geyser/hotsprings, crystal cavern or some shit like that)
A new final boss arena (probably a floating iceberg)
New town at the tundra map with at least 2 houses
New hub at the tundra map
New arena
Astera is upgraded
Those new weapon moves, slinger combos was really a surprise
Comfy snow mantles
Weather effects
At least 5 returning olf flagship monsters (narga, tigrex, brachy, glavenus, seregios and zinogre are the most likely due to available

At least 10 more returning monsters based on currently available skeletons (easy ones like bird and flying skeleton - kutku, garuga, gravios,

monoblos, chameleos, etc.)
At least 5 more returning old subs (gold/silver raths, etc.)
At least 1 more returning old skeleton type on top of tigrex skeleton (most probably fanged beasts, hopefully leviathan too)
At least 2 more new iceborne monsters (one of it would be the obvious alpha pack leader type with its minions, best outcome would be a wolf

One final boss monster (please not be another elder dragon)
At least 3 world monsters' subspecies (dodogama sub, odo sub, legiana sub, not restricted to iceborne region)
Flagship monster altering gimmick like frenzy or deviant subspecies style endgame content
Fatalis because 15th anniversary
1 new cat support tool
Not to mention all the new armors, weapons, npcs, storyline, quests, etc.

I think these are fairly realistic judging by past games.

Odo fell into the 4U Stygian Zinogre category for me. Once you learn to just wait for his 5 hit combo to peter out he really just a punching bag.

Lunastra is fucking terrifying. She runs straight up to you and starts ripping your asshole out. I was scared for the first time since like apex Rajang.

>isn't narga a reskin of tigrex too?
How? It only shares the skeleton, none of its attack animations are shared with Tigrex. If you want an actual reskin try Barioth in Tri.
>aren't all the kut ku reskins?
That's rather vague? What are "all the kut ku"? Every flying wyvern skeleton monster? They share maybe two or three animations, usually the charge or bite which don't have much room for variance anyway.

Am I the only person who hates elder dragon fights? They always have some stupid mechanic, and the monster is usually much larger than you to the point where evasion and positioning is significantly dumbed down. Mid tier flagship monsters like zinogre and narga are most fun IMO.

Pathetics bitches that you can headlock to death in 4 minutes are fun to you? I like elders because I respect them and they usually bring something to the table that forces me to change the way I fight them.

How are those other players healing so quickly?

Did you even read the post?

I don't hate all of them, but I do think some of them have really retarded gimmicks like kushala

Uuuh sure? If you have Gen/GU just do a Gammoth then play a quest with Popos and kick them and you'll see what moves they share.

bite, tail spin in sets of two, flailing run, flailing run with breath attack, leap, peck. 90% of the fight against kut ku, blue ku, gypceros, purple gypceros, garuga and hypnocatrice. The only real different is that some of them have different elements.

I wish they would just skip the expansion and focus on making the sequel.

They've gotten worse lately with their gimmicks being less avoidable by good positioning and making the armor skills countering them more of an on/off switch for their difficulty.

Are we playing the same game? Elders are usually the easiest to headlock, and Kushala in particular can die in a few minutes.

Not pathetic bitches, deviants were top tier fights and none of them were huge superman-dodge melee sponges like dalamadur, gogmazios or the literal DPS checks like Lao.

most likely, they're all using the Long Range ability and drinking pots at the same time, resulting in instant healing.

Rusty laughs at the notion and wonders if you're a Worldbab.

Attached: cef8db26160267d8fa10b52ad107e288f015e23c_00.jpg (429x343, 19K)

We put so much trouble into our big retarded maps that you'll stop paying any kind of attention to after 10 minutes that we forgot to make anything but a handful of skeletons compatible with the terrain, please understand that making new assets is hard for the most successful capcom game of all time

That'll be $40 by the way be sure to preorder the deluxe edition

Attached: never ever.webm (872x480, 2.94M)

past games haven't updated their graphic since 2008

Weren't MHW updates supposed to be free? Why is this $40?

Why are scalies always homosex?

t. actual worldzoomer pretending to have played the old games. I can't think of a more headlockable monster in all of second gen, literally power slash or triple pound the face twice while it's flailing and the next unsheath/super pound is another guaranteed knockdown.

Fuck i thought that's a new frog monster there
Also does anyone have an HD pic of that Vaal Hazak?
How does that yellow fog work

Yeah, disappointed. I'm really surprised that Capcom can make this great game, but they're having difficulty making more interesting monster variants when they've had plenty of non-draconic monsters before - like you said, crabs, apes, boars, insects, all would be brilliant.

>and consider it the only good monster in World.
Constant chip damage, braindead AoE an idiot could have (and did) designed, missing out on Teostra's fun openings and tunring them into more annoying bullshit (360 spin when shootin fire)

it's pure trash and you taste is garbage.

Hardest elder of all time in 4U's G-rank. The apex monsters pale before that monster and his OHKO instant charge against anyone stupid enough to stand right in front of him and attempt hit his face.

The frog is just a Paratoad. The effluvium around Vaal is yellow cotton or something similar, I think.

>with your shitty anime arts
World is more anime than GU ever was. Iceborne even gives the option to fucking Sekiro grapple into the monster.

It's always been a thing, it's just much more noticeable and much more of an issue in World thanks to a combination of factors, like the smaller-than-average roster, the lack of more unique skeletons like the Leviathans or the ape Fanged Beasts, and the few skeletons that are present having really lopsided distribution across the roster.

Kushala is so easy to stunlock in gen 2 you can do it by accident (especially with hammer or GS charges). I've been playing since F2, and I'm sure you started with 3DS games at the earliest.


Was this your way of starting a Monster Hunter thread?

Attached: 2 - OMdDsRJ.png (500x500, 186K)

Post your favourite weapon and one thing you dislike about it

Because it's an expansion, retard.

>one fresh thing
>blatantly is the pukei pukei skeleton with a new model
Fuck off.

Genuinely the ambition of the game was killed by the weak hardware in base consoles as well as the teams general inexperience with AAA scale development.
>no dark areas
>no fighting Narga in the dark with only his eye glow to predict movement
>reskinned fish monster because "lol we can't get insect/Lagi skeleton working in the new engine"
>no underwater combat when it would be perfect for World
Why is it called World or even '''New World'''? It has barely any areas and most of the monsters are old world or reskinned old world with barely any diversity making it feel like the most tightly constrained game in the franchise.

MH3, even had nothing but new maps.

Nope. Just a nu-hunter so dumb that you were literally unable to tell if he was being serious or not.

>we won't charge you money for additional content
>so we're just renaming it and charge you anyways

Dual Blades
In world small amount of status weapons
In general the small moveset

Yea Forums is known for having a high quantity of homosexual scalies, pard. The hetero subspecies can often be found within /tg/, and the two may be intermingling on /trash/.

Attached: handler.png (1489x1020, 1.71M)

Long sword.
World bloated it with an anime attack that makes spirit slashes almost completely irrelevant and the best counter move on any weapon when I was completely against MH ever having counters to begin with.

I wish they had just made a proper G-rank game instead of trying to update a turd.

MHDos introduced a day/night cycle with different monsters and levels of aggression, but it was stripped back for Freedom 2 due to PSP limitations. We still haven't seen that mechanic reimplemented since as the Freedom games are often seen as the best in the series.

can't wait for the snow themed armor sets. they are always the best. here is hoping the mhw transmog guy does a quick job when the expansion releases

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that fucking fish again?

Must be nice living in a world where games with free expansion packs exist.

>Go through the trouble of including Kirin in World
>Still don't use its almost totally unique skeleton for any new monsters

Attached: GoFuckYourself.gif (500x281, 2.56M)

wow, sounds cool, right when I was playing XX on citra with a friend

>whine about not enough monsters in MHW
>new monsters announced

Yea Forums

I'm surprised they didn't buy into the memes and make a kelbidrome like they did with popodrome (gammoth).

You mean like this?

Attached: into the unknown.webm (640x360, 2.2M)

>cut those poor indie devs some slack :(
this is you

Kirin was included for its bikini meme set, not because anyone in their right mind actually likes fighting it

Kirin uses kelbi skeleton

Gammoth uses conga skeleton believe it or not.

Whoa so this is the power of low-rank in a classic Monster Hunter game... casual babby Worldsperm btfo...

So which of the old MH is the bestest ever and why does MHW sucks ass and is for casuuls, you fucking Nintentoddler?

I can't believe how hard they nerfed Uragaan in World.

Attached: Uragaan.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

>Ooh a MH thread after the Iceborne trailer, this should be goo-
>This thread

Attached: 1397817584557.jpg (900x675, 223K)

MH2. That's when they took the series to the next level, and every game since has just been a polished MH2.

Attached: theyreinmybehind.png (1149x862, 1.13M)

Attached: powercreep.webm (852x480, 2.93M)

Whoa, buddy! It seems you've taken some criticisms aimed at your favourite game too personal and have internalized them. Why don't you take it down a notch?

If you want a circlejerk over a shitty game then r/MonsterHunterWorld is perfect for you.


frontier is dumb

Fuck, so this is what World on a Nintendo console could have been like... Fuck Snoy for ruining Monster Hunter...

Everyone can nitpick, buddy. Nobody likes people who always keep whining about everything.

Gen 2 (peaking with FU) is my personal favourite, but overall 4U is probably the better package. Tons of content, relatively balanced compared to other games (only two OP weapons and even then not by a huge amount, and "weak" weapons like gunlance and horn were still solid), guild quests provided random runs and scalable monsters with unique loot (grindy but optional), overall a great game. It's easier than gen 2 but harder than gen 3/5.

The only real candidates are 3U and GU because they're the only ones that run at 60FPS.

I'm going with 3U because underwater > ledges. Also black diablos, stygian zinogre and original brachydios were amazing fights.

Attached: SI_3DS_MonsterHunter3Ultimate_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 318K)

Nargacuga is best boi, so suck my fucking cock

Who's nitpicking?

Frontier hasn't been hardcore in a good while, it's just more punishing if anything.

I'd instantly drop $60 on a switch version of 4U at 60fps, it'd be peak MH.


holy shit
spooky as fuck

gotta pick up mhxx again

XX/GU are locked at 30 and 3U averages around 40-45.

That's frontier

>dabbing uragaan anal-voring wojak-hunters.jpg

>39.99 for four monster and one area

so this is the power of 12 million sales

Yeah I wasn't really thrilled about the trailer either. The new monster designs of World continue to not impress me.

you could just play on citra

>lying through your teeth for free
So this is the power of nintenyëärolds.

here, I'll fix MHW:

>make monster health scale properly for 2 and 3 players instead of only having monster health for 1 or 4 players
>remove SNS on the fly sling and item use, give it oils back
>fix wyvernstake and SA elemental discharge and zero sum discharge damage to make them useful instead of garbage
>give Lance a third option out of super guard that has slow recovery and deals heavy damage proportional to how much stamina you spent (damage comparable to GS lvl 2 or 3 charge)
>make attack decos not 1 in a trillion chance to drop
>enable crafting decorations, but make it really expensive
>or at fucking least let people craft decorations that are absolutely essential for builds, like guard and guard up for example


Attached: DobY_j6W0AA92C3.jpg (904x504, 117K)

XX's FPS can be unlocked if you put in a cheat code.

Attached: 1552247410993.jpg (1440x1333, 143K)


Same. Absolutely pitiable, miserly retards. These dudes need to take a walk and get some perspective or just a bullet to the head.

If you want those you can play the older games.

That's illegal user

Why you'd have any expectation of a decent Monster Hunter thread since after MHW reveal lured all the shitposters and their mothers to the yard is beyond me.

cope harder ninfants

I agree with the decos. They should be rare but not retardedly rare. Craftable decos at the absolute end game mite b cool as long as they where priced accordingly. Not sure what that price would be though.

were so mad about your 40 dollar expansion that only adds four monsters

at 60?

Trade in like 50 decos for 1 deco maybe. Even that would make the endgame grind not absolute despair.

>they're reusing the Barroth skeleton
>I really enjoy fighting it but it's too easy
>finally we'll get a cool endgame Barroth fight!
>the devs comment that it'll be an early game monster

well if your reflexes will still be good then i guess?

>even more forced story content featuring every ones favorite downie, The Handler
kill me

I’m neutral to the fish and Velkana but I like the moose a lot. Why are people acting like these are all we’re getting? Tigrex got teased at the end of the stream and they aren’t going to blow all their load with the first trailer.

50 for one is still ridiculous.

wow, so you don't need to pay shit to play with switchfags and real 3ds?

And still better than what we have right now. Also, getting 50 decos right now is pretty easy thanks to the 2 meme decoration event quests.

Normies like dinosaurs, so you get ONLY DINOSAURS.

Jagras/Lavasioth events give up to 30 per run so it wouldn't be that bad.

I just guess because I have an old citra version, multiplayer with switch players doesn't work.

60 fps works very well tho.

They're events though, so it's not like they'll always be available.

Sounds like you proved him right honestly.

post-third gen babies can fuck off to gamefaqs, thx

Why did they go full retard with event quests in World?

>skeletons are suddenly bad
its ok when

Content drip feed for artificial longevity

Anime as fuck

>enable crafting decorations, but make it really expensive

I'm not sure why mainline is adverse to deterministic grinds, because this in general would've been fine. Have to wonder what the fuck they're going to do with decos in Master Rank though.

Why does anyone think anything about this shit is acceptable?

>putting barfapukea in a snowy area when barioth is literally a superior snowy nargacuga

Narga's not in the snow area, did you watch the presentation?

I'd be very surprised if Barioth wasn't in. People are acting as if they've revealed everything already.


Because they designed monsters to have attacks that go through Guts at that point since it was meta. 2nd gen Guts in particular, which works multiple times in a hunt if HP is high enough.

Attached: how to uragaan.png (796x690, 37K)

>barioth is literally a superior snowy nargacuga
Only furfags who started with third gen would think this.

>playing on PC
>common sense keeps telling me to just say fuck Capcom and cheat in the attack decorations (I've got over 600 hours played)
>common sense keeps telling me to just use transmog mods because Capcom will never implement it
>I keep trying to avoid modifying files and such because I know I won't be able to go back after doing it

The Flying Wyvern skeleton has been there since Day 1

This board was taken over by the Chinese a long time ago.

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Does capcom care if you cheat in decorations? There's no skill behind acquiring them so I honestly don't care, it's just fluff to artificially extend playtime.

You just have to move a file between 2 folders and it only affects the shop. Capcom doesn't give a shit unless you get equipment and mats over your HR and even in that case i'm unsure if they do anything.

Its gonna be great but i dont know who the fuck told them anyone was asking for more story content

Just dump the monsters into a dlc pack and youll still get your money, who the fuck wants to sit through more unskippable garbage cutscenes

Can't seem to find a good rom for XX.

he is a shoe in for sure.

So you like him now? He doesn't trip all the time anymore.

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Nergigante's cool but always felt pretty bland. I don't know what it is about him but it feels like it has zero personality/presence unlike other flagships. Tigrex and zingore were scary in comparison. He's just alright.

Not enough original moves. Outside of his divebomb, I can't remember a single move that makes me go "yeah, that's a nergi move"

He also doesn't have any backstory or buildup. The whole plot of the game is chasing after Zorah Magdaros and Nigger just shows up randomly for no reason and fucks off right after. It's not really a narrative threat like all of the other box monsters were built up to be.

Divebomb was his main thing and it only happened once every 90 seconds or so. Some of the spike moves were pretty cool like throwing them forwards or making them rain but that was about it. They didn't fully commit to the gimmick.

What else is different with AT Nerg?

I don't agree at all. He's very present in the game and his personality comes from his animation and "don't give a fuck about myself" self-damaging moveset. What does Tigrex that make his "presence" do exactly? Appear in a Popo quest and that's it?

What other monsters use their wings as a giant shield to trash all over you?

You literally find corpses made by him and traces of his passage during the story.

Her entire schtick is killing and eating on elder dragons. She attacked Zorah to feed on him.
Her moves mostly revolve around her spikes and launching them out at you. The divebomb is most memorable because it's fast and does a ton of damage.

I fucking hate Nergi's moveset at its core.
>teleports behind you and trips you like a long sword user
>knocks you around with minimal telegraph
>hitboxes where no should be

>Is an Elder, but has no Elder power other then Straight GAINS
>Makes Elders shit their pants and throws them across the room like nothing
>Is cute
The worst flagship is probably Lagiacrus, whose gimmick was so bad it got scrapped in all the future MH games.

kill yourself

>"reskin" argument was never an issue until MHW

Attached: get out.jpg (1000x1150, 199K)

What? Nerg is fucking great, he's the apex of Elder Dragons. That's like being the king of kings

Attached: 67545223_p0.png (799x766, 278K)

If you think I'm furry, I called it a she because I'm pretty sure it was mentioned somewhere in story that it was female.

Tigrex is a constantly hungry, constantly aggressive beast that fucks you up twice within the first couple of hours of the game. Your whole reason for progressing as a hunter is to get revenge on Tigrex, you're not saving the world or fighting a great evil. Its armor conveys that personality too as it provides eating skills while ignoring defense. Tigrex wants you dead, it doesn't give a fuck about self protection or planning a strategy. In gen 2 it didn't ever get tired either so there was no downtime.

Game needed an ice and water/beach area to be honest. Those elements were really lacking. Maybe with some decent lightning monsters as well.

I'll admit that the hoarfrost area looks pretty damn good so far, but I can't help but feel slightly disappointed they decided to only go with the one new locale. Even if that was the series standard with G-Rank expansions beforehand.

No Green Narga No Buy
>No Green Narga No Buy

Attached: narga.jpg (2582x720, 183K)

Roleplaying that it's your bf sticking its dick in you won't make its actual existence within the game any better.

>Game needed an ice and water/beach area to be honest
Can't wait for the Oceanborne expansion in 2020

I'm surprised MH doesn't have some kind of starfish creature where you can completely sever body parts and they'll grow back unless you destroy the core weak point. Obviously not a starfish. Maybe something tall that falls on its knees temporarily as you hurt it, or a monster that physically divides up and gets smaller as you hurt it. The environment could have pools or deposits it uses to grow larger again.

Technically this already exists on a gameplay level, just not the regrowing aesthetic. Some monsters have hard to reach weakspots for which it is preferable to trip the monster over by hitting its legs and/or head and then aiming for the weakspot while it's vulnerable.

Yep, just not combined in that way. Nergigante kinda has regrowing with his spikes but not with full limb replacement. I don't think it'd be too hard for them to implement on a standard design monster, but an amorphous blob monster would be awesome IMO. Plenty of games have the "slime that gets smaller or breaks up as it takes damage" gimmick, but I guess MH relies too much on skeletons.


I don't think so Tim

DD did it with Hydra and iirc MHW runs on the same, slightly modified engine, so it wouldn't be impossible I think.

Tim's right on this one, sorry James

It's a recolor, which is way worse.

I'm boycotting MHW until I see my boys red khezu and green congalala make their grand return.

i just want the crabs man

Attached: DbfpKu.gif (320x320, 746K)

not until gold and silver winged girl and boy come back

That quest gave me PTSD in FU. It was so frustrating to solo.

>Nerg will never be my bf and stick his dick in me
You're right. It only makes it worse...

fuck flying wyverns

heres your crabs bro

Attached: 1556674609292.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Anyone else miss that big monster with the wrecking ball tail that swings around in circles?

Pretty much because they don't want to go full unrealistic(yeah, i know how dumb that sounds with this franchise, but believe it). Same reason why they never did a hydra and discarded the only multiheaded monster they planned(twin headed snake). Horns, crests, shells and tails are ok but they will probably never allow head or limb cutting. Even the resident cephalopode gets away with it.

I really hope it doesn't add any more retarded story shit.
Did anyone actually give a fuck about a 20 minute story that got dragged out to 10 hours by making you enter and exit an area 10 times in a row?

furgins ruined mh

>>no dark areas
>he didn't play tri
Shame, they're gone forever tho...

Attached: 1437164475206.gif (175x200, 676K)

True. I've always been into the tail cutting/part weakness aspect of MH though, it's what originally got me interested back on PSP. Unfortunately a lot of the time it's only relevant for getting drops. It's rare you need to pay attention to it to simply hunt a monster. I didn't like the game as a whole, but Horizon borrowed the part severing mechanic and had it significantly impact the movesets of the creatures you fight. That doesn't happen as much in MH anymore. Lagiacrus had breakable crystals to limit its moveset and you can prevent monsters calling for backup by breaking their crests, but it still feels underused.

>I really hope it doesn't add any more retarded story shit
Boy do I have bad news for you user

That doesn't seem humane in any singular way possible. Also this reminds me of quake 4 for some reason.


Why do you think people hate gen 1 monsters?

Duramboros had World's Hammer mechanics before World existed

>You and your loved ones will never be strapped into a machine that will sever your limbs and kill you instantly so that people can devour your limbs like a delicacy.

Damn not even a single bug monster, or even a bird.

I was not aware Odogaron's skeleton was a thing before MHW, you dumbshit

I'm so fucking disappointed when banbaro doesn't turns out to be a an actual moose
Are there any reasoning why they're avoiding mammals so far?

XX/GU runs at 30fps unless you use Citra, 4U has native 60fps (which it hardly reaches)
60fps on Citra with a custom code

People hate gen 1 monsters because they were still fundamentally the same fights by the end of gen 4, they desperately needed full overhauls. Instant attacks with no telegraph, janky hitboxes and small uninteresting movesets. Nothing to do with their skeletons necessarily.

Could have given us an polar bear version of Azuros

Laziness to create a new skeleton and normalfags would find it weird.

Banbaro is a moose, reptiles don't have a monopoly on the theropod body shape

If they wanted a moose, they could have used Kirin's rig

Objectively speaking, a dinomoose is more original than a regular big moose

>Retarded worldfag pretends to know anything about a franchise he just found out about

You can't go severing body parts on mammal monsters without people going crazy about it. Meanwhile no one bats an eye from severing tails on reptilian monsters.

Yeah 4U and 3U on the new3DS are more like 40 FPS. And 4U has way too many issues in general.

That and the ESRB would probably go fucking crazy about it and give it an m rating.

Don't worry, we will also get Ice Kirin, Rusted Kusha, Gold and SIlver Raths.

It reminds me of barroth+tetsucabra but more interesting visually. we've already seen the armor set too, it looks neat. Look at the third across, behind G rank anjanath.

Attached: armor.jpg (1920x1080, 150K)

>crossplay with Switchfags on your PC
tell me more. i just downloaded the TL version for 3ds

>whining about reused assets
I guess World is your first MH game?

What about the previous games though?
Not realistic enough for the rating to go through?

>small uninteresting movesets
>Nothing to do with their skeletons necessarily
But it does and their return in the gen 4 was an attempt to diversify their moveset from each other.

Imagine a Gammoth-sized moose with Kirin's speed.

it's a brute wyvern, so not a mammal.

>it looks fast
If you think that shit is fast, you might be retarded. Not only that but its hitbox doesn't look that big either, it only gets wider when it grabs a tree.

Irrelevant. It's furry. It's close enough. Grow up.

Body injuries are different from severing. Same reason why japanese RE4 had Dr.Salvadors slicing your chest with the chainsaw while the rest of the world had him taking your head off.

How many fanged beasts in the previous game could you actually sever their tails from? Like I'm talking visible bone and everything.

I’m 100% expecting Barioth.

Lagombi, Blangonga, and Ukalnos are less likely but are logical inclusions.

You mean Lagombi you goddamn novice

Do you think lumu, kadachi or kirin are mammals too? cause they're not

This, a hunter's objective during a Rajang hunt is the tail and even then it's just destroying the hair tuft at the end, no severing even in such an important target.

I think it’s design is more interesting than if it had just used the Kelbi/Kirin skeleton. I like it’s moveset of throwing around trees and rolling massive snowballs.

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Close. Enough.

You're acting like this is taxonomically relevant. It's not. If they were "real" mammals, they'd still look and act the same you stupid cunt.

most of the arts have been put into the movesets already

Fur isn't exclusive to mammals in MH

They already had a moose herbivore before, not that I wouldn't like an Anteka drome

Attached: IMG_20141020_0034.jpg (1742x1244, 439K)

>Telling someone to grow up while arguing about fantasy creatures on a Vietnamese photograph
sharing forum

>Fur isn't exclusive to mammals in MH
Not. Relevant.

fanged wyvern were thing since tri you faggot

I'm not even trying to argue about banbaro originally user, i don't have a problem with it
What i meant was why they're avoiding the staple mammal monsters that's been in the game since forever like the apes, boars, bears, etc
World is literally all lizards

>Banbaro forming giant snowballs
>Banbaro throwing trees; we now have both ice and forest biomes

You can’t have Deviljho without Rajang in GRank. There will be the classic arena quest featuring the two.

World players are not ready for golden rajang, it's going to be fun to see initial reactions.

If the taxonomy is irrelevant then why do they bother to classify monsters under several groups?
It's not like there's no mammal monsters.

>yfw golden rajang, savage deviljho, and nuclear bazelgeuse all in the same room together

Attached: 1478821631524.jpg (167x195, 9K)

with all movement and buffs for hunters in world, Rajang would be a total bitch

I'm betting they'll bring Rajang in after release like Jho as a special quest.

All monsters hunted in monster hunter are male unless explicitly stated otherwise by the devs, like Gammoth being female.

This is pretty retarded and probably not true

Never happened except in your warped tranny head

They often make the stereotypically female looking monsters male and vice versa. Mizutsune is male.

They’re not avoiding, they’re choosing not to massively rehash. And I respect it. Make new monsters rather than just include old ones. Save classics staples like Narga and Tigrex to hook people in, trickle in some surprise old faces like Khezu and Lagombi, and you have a balanced hunt roster.

I personally enjoy the new shit. Monsters like Dodogama, Tzi-Tzi, Kulu Ya-Ku, Pukei-Pukei all grew on me more than I expected them too.

This desu. The challenging part of rajang is trying to get your attacks in without getting hit by his hard-hitting moves yourself, but he goes down pretty quick if you manage to hit him often. The auto dodge mantle would destroy him easily as it lets you unga bunga all over him with impunity

Dodogama's great, especially for a mid tier monster that just kinda appears. He has more personality than Nergigante and a lot of the classic roster.

boring??? dude look at those kaiju-looking motherfuckers and tell me you wouldn't want to 1v1 them only to get interrupted by another bigger kaiju trying to wrestle your prey away from you

Yea, all Mizutsune hunts are male, all Diablos are male except Black Diablos which are female, Raths are obvious with Los being all male and ian being all female, Teostra are male, Lunastra are female, Royal Ludroth were all male, etc.

Fuck, i hate that bat. He's too fast to my liking.

They'll never add monsters that are too anime and comedic like rajang and conga because they're trying too hard to appeal to realisticfag
Every monster in world is really grounded

Do the hunters have romantic feelings toward the monsters? One quest mentioned Paolumu as their love and the researched really appreciated Rathian's curves.

I just need gore and zinogre now

are you fucking high

>all Diablos are male
That's wrong The female Diablos looks the same as male ones, Black Diablos are females that become aggressive during mating season and change color

There are recurring quests from a girl who's obsessed with "examining" monsters and requests you bring them to her alive. I don't remember the specifics. It's probably all exclusive to the english localisation but they often have fun with quest givers and meme around.

GU has a golden egyptian mantis pilot a mech.

Monster AI got revamped, so stuff like Rajang’s signature pivot turns won’t be there. Also forced tremor investment, his tendency to juke, and 1 hit dazes would be a decent challenge.

They’ll figure it out. I mean just look at how they handled Deviljho. And he’s not even G Rank

>feeds off dying elder dragons
dude's just a vulture at this point

>virgin nigger spike dive

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I started the series with Tri and Barioth was my endgame set. Fucking loved the aesthetics of it. I'll be pretty salty if he doesn't show up in a fucking sice expansion.

Attached: barioth.png (387x442, 241K)

That new move that basically lets you send a monster flying in whatever direction you want is going to be broken as fuck, isn't it?

Especially with four people doing it repeatedly. People are overlooking the indirect SNS nerf since everyone can use pods without sheathing now.

The complete and utter disregard for life so many people have depresses me. Ironic that I say this in a video game about hunting monsters.

The Guild Marm wanted Brachydios

Don't forget the cute pawpads

Now that the controls, camera, hitboxes, and animations aren't ass, we'll see how good golden rajang really is.

>diablos digging through sand
>kirin waltzing up walls
Rajang would be fine.

I imagine it will be just like regular mounting. After doing it once or twice, it'll get harder and harder to land.

Can someone explain mounting on mhw.
I jump, i don't know if i attack or not. Sometimes i mount, sometimes i don't.

Any word on how many new levels are in?


oh my god

Wasn't there a post way back here about iceborne leak with something about a snow map and a fox monster?
Since the first part got right i hope the fox thing goes through too


Rajang always had top tier hitboxes and animations, with good timing you could literally roll underneath it while it was using its fist flurry toward you. Every other issue is on the player being too stubborn to adapt.

Roll? With a drawn greatsword you could WALK between the punches. Even in MHFU.

>LEAK: Iceborne will have a snow map
Fucking incredible

Probably shoulda worded that better
I saw the leak that's probably ABOUT iceborne

Things we know of:
>Barroth and lavasioth reskin are early monsters of the new map, which means that there will be more of different levels.
>There will be returning monsters, nargacuga being one of them, he will be around the middle of the expansion. Tigrex is teased at the end of the trailer too.
>Valka is the new flagship monsters but we will probably have the usual real big boss at the end.
So 6 monsters confirmed by know, I think we can expect around 12-15 minimum with the info we have, hope we get more

They redid all the flagships with World textures and shading for the 15th anniversary art so I expect some of them to be in besides Narg.

Attached: A9C9C398-EF15-48E2-8AEA-5FD2B51FD59C.jpg (1920x1080, 3.01M)

Rath looks fucking hilarious

o fug I hope youre right

He's really happy about the new Star Wars trailer.

oils only gave the sns passive buffs, why is everyone so gung ho on sns oils?

Maps whatever.

More versatility, they synergised with different builds, and incentivised mid battle item use which is the SNS's main unique trait.

bowguns should get internal ammo back too, tons of interesting shots we'll never see again otherwise and it reduces the money sink earlygame in a fun and inventive way while making each weapon unique.

>All the flagships in World

Attached: 1555287102048.jpg (691x683, 70K)

is this the fatalis behind all of them ?

I don't remember it being a flagship


Not too interested in many old monsters returning but i would actually like the angry pine cone t b h.
Preferably him joining the BazelJoe fuck-your-hunt-and-you-in-particular Team.

wait, you cant craft decorations in world?

kys reddit

Can't you craft decorations using the midget stirring the giant pot?

Faatalis is the literal flagship of the series

Attached: Monster_Hunter_Logo.png (1000x1000, 208K)

Barioth Y is the sexiest fucking Female armor.

Where the fuck is zamtrios

we are getting zamtrios, barroth, kushala and narga, look at the damn trailer

>Steve and Bazel run into each other on the map.
>Have a bond attack instead of a turf war.
Please Capcom.

i need rajang to be in this game so he can slap jho and bazel around

Take your gay fanfiction somewhere else, idiot.

>Two pinecones helping each other out against a common enemy.
You’re the one making it gay.

I'm gonna go ahead of say it.
New skeletons are tough to make.
Reskins with differant strategies are easier.
sue me.

Old monhun is slow and controls like shit.

>Rajang jumps onto Jho's face, rips its jaws open and fires its lightning beam straight down its throat

That's why it was good, it kept away retards like you.

>stating the obvious as if it's somehow controversial
Now if you said that's what they should do, then that'll net you some (You)s

In terms of pure moveset i really don't feel any difference in world

>Implying the new monster hunter isn't slow and controls like absolute dogshit compared to what we should expect from AAA titles.

Some weapon classes are literally unplayable.


I wouldn't have it any other way

I see what you're doing and I do not approve.

It's the animations. World has much less recovery frames which make the gameplay feel better but it's much easier as a result.

>it kept away retards like you.
Guess that didn't work since this retard played through 3U and Generations.

Why did you play through games that are slow and control like shit?

World sold 10 million copies

Because I like Monster Hunter. They're good games I just like world better despite how easy it is.

Well, then I guess you're just a freak of nature subhuman who goes "wow cool dragons" and has vapid taste in action games.

World is even slower and barely controls better. The only real movement flow they added was being able to roll backwards from a combo, there are few more animations when moving around and they transition nicer, that's it.

isn't it like 13 million now?

The different look of critical hits in World really pisses me off. Instead of a one or two frame long flash it's this elaborate contraction that ends up being so much more visual clutter, especially with fast weapons and high crit rates. Why the change, just to be prettier?

Attached: nargsip.png (460x480, 210K)

This. Capcom are a struggling indie company, cut them some slack.

turn off the damage numbers???

>critical hit flash
>damage numbers

Why is the MH so autistic, I don't get it.

Yeah but then I'd have to play XX which sucks

The decoration problem really to me stems from the way the investigation system works.
I honestly cannot understand how they thought locking the end game grind behind literally 3 layers of RNG was a good idea.
I fucking wish they changed it so you could fight tempered elders consistently without the investigations. Like why the fuck would you do that, it's so stupid

What an incredibly autistic thing to have a complaint about.

What is any less cruel about that than them being savagely eaten in the wild?
I honestly can get that sentiment with pigs or cows being bred and slaughtered in captivity but not so much with lower intelligence animal like crabs or fish

>Odagaron fights like Zinogre


>ywn have Seltas Queen in MHW
why live bros

I'd refute some of these and debunk others but it'd be a waste of time since its so opinionated

It's just one part of the problem I have with World's presentation, but I thought it's a good example.

They are really paranoid about bringing this game to the west
They're worried that they won't be able to win the audience without putting some kind ANY kind of story no matter how bland it is

Its roster is equal in size on release to the last console release, which people liked. And considering it's grown slowly over time its even more.

Apes were shit to fight, same with bulls. The only sad thing is we don't have Zamtrios or any frog like body and no insects.

glad im not the only one who noticed this, makes even more sense since we know tigrex is in

I honestly don't care about reskins, i just want subspecies and monster to BEHAVE in an unique way. Bazelgeuse might share the same animations with Seregios, but feels like a completely different monster.
Tigerstripe Zamtrois felt like a whole different species despite just being a subspecies.
But then there are monster like Kut-ku and Gypceros who just have one or two different attack patterns despite being unique monsters

>where are more easy things with bare bones attack pools

why would you want that

It's a fucking crab, if you caught one in the wild you'd have to bash it open with a rock or a knife to eat it.

Just use Giginox

>Apes were shit to fight
The only bad one is Blangonga.

>seregios and blasty boy

oh plz

No they're all bad. The bear models are pretty boring too. The only models worth keeping are the two insects, the frog types (zamtrios and tetsu) and the Leviathans.

I hate the lack of blood splatter. You really think a LV 3 GS charge only leaves a little splash of blood? MHW can fuck off


You don't understand what that words means. Its been common practice for years for them to reuse skeletons.

Vaal Hazak is the worst offender of this.
He ranges from being incredibly frustrating and annoying with his room wide debuff effect that constantly damages you and may halve your HP
to being a total whimp pushover once you put in 3 Miasma gems
I really thought they would do some gimmick where he controls Girros or sucks the life force out of his surroundings when collecting effluvia, but in the end he is literally just a BRAAAAAP dregun

>I never fought Duramboros

"We have more info to show at E3."


You know i like to shit frontier for being an AOE instakill without evasion+10 memefest, but this is actually pretty cool

How many monsters did world come out with? Because the MH community manager said the amount of monsters coming in Iceborne was pretty close to the base count

29 i think, most of them are filler though

They already have his animations for Bazelgeuse, he's a no brainer if you ask me. I'd like to see each area to get at least 1 new monster.
Narga would be in the forest, steve in the wastes, etc.

thanks for the tip

I'm weirdly excited for all the new endemic life in iceborne
I hope your house gets an upgrade too of somewhat

>make "new" shitty ice land shark
>superior one already exists and they don't use it
>this is not jawsome
also I know it's never gonna happen, but I want spider and seltas queen so bad

Attached: zamtrios_by_rough_chrysalis_dbwg348-pre.jpg (1192x670, 176K)

>talk to Housekeeper
>"Welcome home, Meowster."
>upgrade available
>it's a comfy log-cabin

>or sucks the life force out of his surroundings when collecting effluvia
He does suck the life out of hunters too but only when they're infected since this symbiosis with Effluvia is his entire concept (infect>proliferate>take back) Which is why it falls kinda flat, the effluvia is too severe to ignore so you just slot protection in and boom he's a Fatalis who got Slow from Final Fantasy casted on him now
They should've removed the skill that prevents debuff and remove DoT from his farts (leave DoT for AT maybe)

Zamtrios would be better if he was just cool ice shark and the inflation was used for a big frog.

>most of them are filler though
That's absolutely every MH ever though, which is unfortunate. I wish they'd stop with this obvious tiering stuff. Make one-two tutorial mons and everything else more or less equal in terms of dangers and sets\weapons viability.
>here's cool new snake\crab\whatever sorry their set is useless though and you'll never bother with it's weapon line but you can grind ya favorite boy Rathalos for the best set though i'm sure you love it like 50 times before

>can upgrade to igloo house
>can catch penguin monsters and place them all over your house
Im in

Oh god fuck yes
I hope they set up a second Astera too since supposedly Iceborne will be the same size of the base game

>anjanath reskin
Excuse me?

This is so fucking mechanical and cool

yes user, they revealed all the new content in the first infodump.
also none of the weapons that weren't shown off have grapple attacks
and we saw the entirety of the map
and there are no varients of existing world monsters

>lower intelligent

might as well kill all the retards to free up space :)

Letting us use any monster armor/weapon as a layered armor would fix this a bit.

Can't wait to farm decos but with 0.1% more chances to good one.

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I really fucking hope they won't add Platinum Kulve Taroth. Entire idea about farming rng weapons from this sitty time gated fight is retarded. Thank god for PC version and loot tables to add that one fucking good item from her.

I'm amazed at this being entirely correct.

I would unironically like the idea of fighting smethin that creates a black mist and you ca only follow the red of its eyes
not the most frontier I have seen, there was another that was able to break another dimension around you or some shit, think it was a fatalis variant

honestly i just fought her a couple times when she first came out and then didn't fight her anymore.
You can get good enough gear from all the other monsters. i'm good on grinding her

I wanna mount Anjanath

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Oh yeah Xeno'Jiva the semi-transparent, glowing laser dragon

Really grounded

How do I connect to the MHGU hubs with Citra?

just put the code into the cheat list and then try to join an online game ?

I didn't succeed personally but that's because I have an old citra version I think

Hunting Horn

I really suck at it.

I hope there's a quest about an ancient elder dragon jagras frozen in the ice


it's pretty bad in solo if you want to make some fast runs

Well he thinks Narga is a "fresh thing", that is saying a lot.

>Does it after a roar to fuck you over
>Flies to the sky for 10 minute making it a joke to evade.
Yeai, pure """"chad""""

People will just bitch about it being a recolor, same with silverwind.

I hate that World's is just 4U SAED spam again

okay faggots it's time to stop the fucking rollercoaster for a secound because i have something else to hit you with
my young cousin will get one of ds console, which monster hunter game should i buy him as a present?

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I hope you're right now.

Attached: mh glav fight.webm (720x404, 2.88M)

Is he good at video games? 4U
Is he a casual? 3U
Do you want him to become a weeaboo, gay, and possibly transition into a woman? GU



People who don't play it are obnoxious about people who play it

People who play it are obnoxious about playing it

he's little lad, 12 years old, he's casual
only games he played i think is gta v on xbox360
i want to change it, i want him to become a man, a real hunter

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Playing GU, is Valor Gunlance viable?

I know about this image, but I wasn't sure whether it's just a CGI specifically created as a poster to commemorate the 15th anniversary or renders of monsters for MHW.

It's just their usual render format they use for boxart and shit. World really skewed people's perception about MH.

>can't wait for the snow themed armor sets

This. Winter is ultimate comfy.

Not me though, I'm not like those other hunting horn players. I'm cooooooool.

Valor Gunlance is all i play

It's fun, but won't get the fastest times(if you care about that).

Why are World's monsters all boring shit, looking at this image they don't even compare to Narga.

>any kind of gunlance in GU

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1. Hammer.
2. Everyone who is not hammer but goes for the head anyway.

All that and the boring fucker still has no character.

>why are regular monsters les interesting than a flagship

Yeah man why the fuck is Cephadrome so boring compared to Nergigante

Except one of those 'regular monsters' is also a flagship

But those monsters are G-rank additions. Wouldn't Plum Hermitaur, Copper Blangonga or Lavasioth be more apt comparisons?