Life is strange 2 ep 3 05/

What the fuck were they thinking? Hippies on a weed farm, hippie foreign fucks talking about muh environment and they're from fucking Malmo of all places.
No wonder Daniel is pissed, and he's right: Asian girl > white toastie hippie

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>MC gets some gay romance
>it's with the most stereotypical disgusting hipster imaginable

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not videogames

>plays fucking life is strange
>expects something well-written
Based retard

Only if your choices are full homo

The first game was naturally cringe and it was good

this one feels forced from the start and just cringe,
like reading some commie flyer,no fun at all

What were you expecting from a game without cute girls?

Life is Strange 1 deserved a gaming Oscar if such thing existed

except it was cringe because it was unnatural
it was out of touch middle-aged frogs writing dialogue for modern American teenagers

This. Cute girls > faggy spics.
Didn't they learn anything from the epidemics of waifufagging in 4channel?

Yeah but it wasnt trying to force some shit down your throat

it was written by people who are totally out of touch with the reality of teens but that was what made it fun

Orange man bad: the videogame

>waifupedes assblasted they have nothing to worship
cope. Also stop buying garbage games.

I heard that they really went full blown with the trump derangement syndrome.
Just how bad is it?

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Life is Strange 1 deserves to be forgotten like the pile of shit it was

First episode has a guy kidnap the main character, threaten to call ICE on him and declare that he is the reason they need to build the wall.

>Playing the bisexual waifu game without bisexual waifus
Are you brain damaged?

Everybody in LiS was an adult besides Warren iirc. That's part of what made the writing so goofy, because they all seem 16/17 years old.

OK you are fucking shitting me, right?
I can't fucking believe it, I know the first game had a really retarded and hypocritical scenes about "masculinity" and guns, but this shit just sounds beyond over the top.

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I thought the sequel was going to be about the cute girls in college, what happened?

Nope. They took to worst parts from the first game and maximized it while taking out the cute girls and the recurring cast and scenery, trading it for maybe one call to your GF and a bunch of hobos who showed up twice.

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This episode is probably the only good one objectively, first one was a complete slog even for a walking simulator enthusiast like me, episode 2 really picked up the pace and kept the cringy political stuff optional, this one's straight up kino.

How did you miss that? Yea Forums were memeing about that for quite a while but it petered out because honestly 10 people on Yea Forums give a shit about this "game"

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Nothing happened until the end

Jesus fucking Christ
I only really know of this series because of all the porn, didn't know they went even more "woke" for the sequel and stupidly didn't keep the girls which is what attracted the waifu fags who make up most of the fanbase.
They fucked up.

This game is only good when Lyla is around, without Lyla it's shit. You should travel with Lyla instead of boring ass Daniel

Well, they did show some (Indian?) Holly's tits this episode

Hippy not Holly

If I was dontnod even if I knew it could straight up kill the franchise I'd do the same, fuck sfmfags, fuck waifufags. they never wanted their fanbase to become THIS cancer so It was pretty much a necessary measure

I didn't know SJWs were allowed to show tits.

didn't they also make that remember me game where the only interesting thing about it was that you played as a cute girl? seems they knew what they were doing. plus they're French. they probably just got TDS.

Only if they're not busty or conventionally pretty

>instead it's a gay ass drama about a bunch of dindus as they do nuffin that's basically ripping off Of Mice and Men
leave it to the french to fuck something up

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Later on you also take a naked bath with another hippy chick and then finger in the bum

Was I the only one who kept rejecting the thirsty hippie girl?


I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite game on steam.

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>finger in the bum
No way

Hers on yours

>run away because you did nothing wrong, to prove stereotypes wrong
>Join weed farm and get a punk haircut and gangbanger tattoos

Sean is a dumb cholo

No racism outside of b