The wither was introduced to Minecraft in 2012

>The wither was introduced to Minecraft in 2012
Oh no...

Attached: time.png (931x617, 70K)

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holy fucking shit.................

how, tell me, HOW is content coming out SLOWER than when Notch was working on it with like 2 other guys? what the fuck is wrong with microsoft

They just had a content update that added a bunch of tedious and pointless shit that broke the game and made it even more frustrating to play.

>says horses came out in 2013
>played minecraft from 2011 to 2015 and don’t remember them being a thing outside mods
is the site wrong or did i miss something?

so they installed a modpack?

That said, there's a WIP looking to usurp them.

a mix between the game having zero directon even when notch was working on it and almost zero incentive to improve the game because it sells like hotcakes on every platform imaginable anyway

They added something where villagers now have jobs and can be leveled up via trading shit to them or buying things with emeralds. This is good. It eases the grind.

They added a hostile faction of villagers that can spawn in and kill all the villagers. The villagers don't defend themselves. The villagers also randomly despawn entirely due to a bug. This is bad. It means you have to constantly wipe their asses and be afraid of randomly having your sustenance economy taken away.

they need to go back to what notch said he was going to implement to the game years ago. i don’t know who gets the idea of llamas and pandas. every aspect of the game seems limited especially the mining system

Not only do you have to worry about these illniggers fucking up your villagers, but Iron Golems can get 1v1'd by one of the mobs in their raiding parties, to give you a sense of how bullshit these raids are.

remember when there was planned to be pigman villages and goblin villages

It frustrates me to no end that Terraria and Starbound were the closest we got to a dev trying to cash in on Minecraft. Billions of dollars on the table and all they had to do was make something competent. All they have to do was surface above the waters of mediocrity and they would've been the ones getting the infinicash.

>every aspect of the game seems limited especially the mining system
The fact the tedium of mining was never addressed is fucking ridiculous. The fact the death of exploration by the lack of meaningful goals was never addressed by implementing something to strive after is equally ridiculous.

>The fact the death of exploration by the lack of meaningful goals was never addressed by implementing something to strive after is equally ridiculous.
Actually, I take that back. Those wings you get in The End is the only thing in the game that counts for this. So it has one. At the end. When it doesn't matter anymore.

i wish they'd replace the dev-art tier character models but i know that its too ingrained at this point to be changed
those removed mobs from way the fuck back were supposed to be the new player models but it feel through for some reason

Attached: steve.jpg (236x299, 20K)

>game called MINEcraft
>since launch, the best thing you can get is diamond which is achievable in 5 minutes literally and the only other ore since then is emerald which is tied to the defunct village system
have they added anything i am not aware of?

reminder that villages were rushed out to be impimented with no villagers or purpose. villagers were then introduced later and did nothing. years later they try to do something with them and it doesn’t work

Nope. Diamond is still the highest tier of armor that surpasses all others and has the highest defense in addition to a specialized damage resistance variable unique to diamond armor.

I vaguely recall those models from early early early, but have no idea what went on there. After Minecraft became a property it suffered a special kind of developmental death. Feature freeze came in because merch was being made. When that happens, shit stagnates.

As I mentioned, it half-works. They should've let you train and equip villagers as part of the job system. Really, I wish that Minecraft had a far more robust foundation. Because good things COULD be done with the concept. Hopefully things like HyTale make good on it, but who knows. They seem very ambitious, but perhaps too ambitious.

Any comfy servers?

they should’ve had multiple “tiers” of underground that is seperated by bedrock. each tier’s bedrock has to have some kind of item to get through. imagine sprawling caverns with underground giant mushrooms and different structures. imagine finding a dwarf village underground as a reference to the games dwarf fortress inspiration

>you can get diamond in 5 minutes
no you cant'

all you need to do is dig straight down and get lucky

>no you cant'
Not that user, but you definitely can. Knock down trees, get wood, get saplings, acquire dirt, get grass seeds, straight down to bedrock.

I'm pretty sure they added pandas and llamas thinking it would help sell the game to Chinks and Hispanics

You don't even need to dig. Just find a shipwreck and chances are you will find a couple diamonds inside.

They should've done a lot of things. But now they actually have someone coming for their heads and Microsoft and Mojang will need to step things up if they want Minecraft to maintain any value.

1.13 added Phantoms which spawn if you haven't slept in a few days, actively discouraging exploration.

>thinking effort would be put into a 10 year old game

It's about maintaining the brand. HyTale is coming right down the barrel aimed at the Minecraft brand. It isn't just another Minecraft style game. It's actively aimed to take down the brand. It's coming with a singleplayer campaign, seed-generated custom worlds, minigame servers, custom model editor, etc. I know it's a running joke to speak of things being brand-killers, but what I've seen so far makes it look like it's genuinely a threat.

Hytale will never steal the brand. It will and is already marked as minecraft 2.0.
Minecraft will never lose its recognition and updating the main game because of a better clone would be too much effort for too little sales. Think about it, the people going to buy hytale have already bought minecraft

>Think about it, the people going to buy hytale have already bought minecraft
Minecraft can't even load 10 chunks without freaking the fuck out and showing through the world. You need to continually stop and go to let new areas load in. It doesn't matter if people already own Minecraft. Minecraft is garbage.

>It doesn't matter if people already own Minecraft. Minecraft is garbage.
What are you arguing if this doesn't matter?

'Member the secret friday updates? I do.... I 'member....

>minecraft will never be this comfy ever again