>2 hour stream to show off a content update and a switch port
The update better be huge and give us a Phym romance route.
>2 hour stream to show off a content update and a switch port
The update better be huge and give us a Phym romance route.
>Phym romance route
is it happening?
phym is not for lewd
also 1.3 comes out wednesday
Dead game lol it's mh for schoolgirls
Phym is only for protecting
Phym is for mindbreaking.
Delete this
Is it actually good game?
it's aight
Not made by a team. It is OK if you don't mind it is a soft reboot
hope 1.3 has enough to do till code vein comes out
hope code vein comes out before 1.4
no waifus it's fucking fujo shit FUCKING HUGO
no content with protag
So is the protag mute?
talks a lot at the end
Doesn't she hold his hand a few times and basically act like Phym's mom?
that's nothing compared with the hugo fuckery
>1.3 adds romance
>it's with Lulu instead of Claire
Fuck off incels.
don't kinkshame lulu
Is Claire the only normal one there?
Is alright.
The story is ass but i liked the beginning.
>1.3 adds romance
>It's with Phym instead of Lulu or Claire
Based. Imagine the butthurt from daughtertards.
when are we gonna get to fight Soma for Shio's hand in marriage?
Normal aragami don't poop. Only Phym can.
Better than MHW
Not joking
is that what she's doing here?
With Keith and Neal, the playable male cast outnumbers the female cast 2:1
What would you want out of a new girl?
cute pits
a goofy hat
I want Opposite gender mc
They will talk about Resonant Ops new arc too
So Hope and Faith, basically?
that she's fuckable and gets screen time there's no fucking content for male protags
Just give me my wife Alisa
yeah pretty much
I really wish we had hope's bodysuit as an outfit
but you play as new shit manlet in ge3
It's MH with combat done right
Who cares about other girls when the FeMC is this perfect.
fuck the fujo and otome menace
I don't need a new girl. Just give me back my wife is all i ask
It doesn't feel like playing God Eater at all without her friendly fire
true except femc has no ass
MILF Alisa and gigachad Yuu when
Of course, this is true
However, I can't fuck myself
Not with that attitude.
>no blast guns
>no friendly fire
She's dead, user
Why is she so cute, anons?
did the MCs in 3 get canon names like in 1 and 2?
They're trying to figure out a pun for "protagonist"
Canonical shameless tomboy
There will be a FeMC specific costume that is just three pieces of tape.
Grown up Erina.
She'd be like mid 20s by now right? Could be a melee focused lancer to claire's ranged focus, kind of like neal and ricardo
God, I just want to brush her hair
I want to tie her up with tape
It's dead
Translate please
How do we fix long blade?
It's already fixed in GE2
replace impulse edge with something useful
it's a code vein demo but with shit combat just wait for that
Because long blade in GE2 has blood arts that actually useful while GE3 don't
Post more default FeMC
I can't remember any of them besides misty moon and tornado rush, I think it was called
And I only remember misty moon because it generated OP really fast
no alisa no buy
Fuck that, where's Gina
I want my flat crazy wife back
Skanda IV is good too since it ignore enemy armor and you can use it quickly chasing enemy so you don't have run across the map everytime when they trying to escape
Also very easy to fulfill pledge
Claire is canon mom. You can stop screaming about Hugo, amazon jp review reader-kun.
short blade is so fun
sucks the dps ain't too hot
Psssh, hair 5 is better anyway. Combine it with the Claire top for those exposed shoulders, ooooh.
They kind of fused skanda and apsara wheel together by making void cutter and having it ignore armor, but it can only spin three times instead of four
Long blade just doesn't have anything quick and spammable with hefty bonus element damage like lunar orbit or sky cleaver, or even just a big fuck off hit on downed monsters like rampaging comet or grand finale
adorable daughter wife
There better be a chest slider once I'm done with GE2RB. Which will probably be in a couple years at best because I'm waiting for an undub.
I need A-cup.
Claire best girl.
wtf I want to fuck myself
Reminder that her boobs got nerfed in actual game
Claire and Lulu's outfits look dirty when I'm wearing them, not sure why
Oh and hilariously enough long blade can't even abuse the MPW burst unit properly because it requires max HP and OP, so if you ever use impulse edge you'll lose the bonus until you get it back to full
suspicious pink shading near the edges of her panties on claires upskirts. what did bamco mean by this?
So is FeMC supposed to be canon MC's sister in this?
You will be Hugo's cock holster and you will enjoy it.
God damn it Bandai, stop avoiding working on Code Vein, get that shit out before Sony ruins it for Xbox and PC too.
honestly feMC gets so much art that I'm wondering if the canon MC for 3 is the female one
Go have sex incel. Lolis are made to be lewded.
Male MC does get a fair amount of art, although it's mostly just gay shipping with Hugo to no one's surprise so I don't bother saving it
There tends to be more custom male MCs in art too, while FeMC art tends to stick to the default look
It's also fact. Only an incel wouldn't want to fuck a loli.
I like tits and hips and tall girls
Whatever incel. Go have sex then.
How do we fix guns?
Hard mode: don't un-nerf custom bullets
Let guns shoot whatever ammo they want again, give guns OP cost reduction for their specific ammo
Give each custom ammo slot its own 1000 point budget instead of just 1000 for all 4
Reduce the cost on custom bullet OP to match their store bought counterparts
That will make them a lot more usable while keeping the nerfs in effect.
Good. New size is better.
We don't, FUCK guns they are the number 1 reason GE1 and 2 are utterly unplayable SHIT
Why did they make her sexy?
The male MC is always canon, fanart is not relevant.
Show me a single unsexy little anime girl
More specifically, how do we fix shotguns?
I don't think they ever stopped being hot fucking garbage
Why is she so lewd? Isn't she being a bad example for her daughter?
C'mon, tape is all she's got to work with.
Scrap the retarded "damage based on proximity to the muzzle" modifier on shotgun bullets and just make it a proper spread weapon. You could do some neat things with Shotgun bullets if it wasn't for that. Also change Slug (ShotL point black) to at least medium range.
If they brought back the Pierce/Crush bias on guns like Resurrection had, Shotguns would be great with Radials and Bomb bullets.
I mean, have you looked at what the other women around her are wearing?
The only girl more modest than FeMC is Amy
if we could just wear the leotard portion without the pants I would've bought the game twice
more unsexy lolis please
It's the apocalypse user, she needs to teach her daughter how to repopulate.
>Claire's top actually gives you a bigger chest
das it mane
Lulu could go shirtless and nobody would even notice she's a woman with that chest.
>all this lulu bullying
gays, the lot of you
Yeah, it's weird that there's no variance in damage types
No busters with all crush or all slash damage, no short blades with all slash or all pierce, and no guns with big modifiers on only one side, or even anything like those meme weapons in 2RB like the pierce buster or slash spear
Lulu's cute, no bully
That's a teenager. Teenagers aren't sexy, they stink and are hairy. Yikes.
I'm hoping they implement weapons with different damage types in the future. I'm a fan of that slash spear myself. 1.3 will be telling of what we can expect in the future, but people who've poked around the game files have found things like rank 10 install skills and the like.
Would you guys recommend playing the older God Eater games at all or should I just jump into 3?
Lulu is a fetishist weirdo and a bad influence on my daughter
If the series has never appealed to you just start with 3. You miss out on a lot of background but GE3 is a good starting point and the old games are pretty dated by today's standard.
3 is mostly standalone in terms of story and fine to start with
The old games are pretty fucking jank nowadays, I'd honestly only recommend them if you played and liked 3 and wanted to know more about the series background and story
Everyone in the party is a bad influence on Phym anyway
Atleast she ain't teacher her to cheat
Should I buy this game and if so
a) is PC online region-based (eg download region decides matchmaking region)
b) is PC online cheater-free
c) is PC online alive
d) if no to any of the above, is the base PS4 version okay
Until you notice her freakishly small mouth and then you can never unsee it.
uh, if no to b or c but yes to a
a is bad
>Hugo showing her books she can barely understand
>Zeke teaching her to cheat at games
>Keith telling her to fuck off out of the god arc vault
>Claire teaching her how to dress like a street walker
>Lulu teaching her weird excretion fetishes
>Hilda letting her eat broken coffee machines
>Ricardo teaching her to do her chores and clean up after herself
Bless this man
That and her one solid object Jessie hair
I can't say her face ever really bothered me. I just wish she would emote more, but I guess they needed someone to balance out Claire.
This isn't a MHW thread buddy.
I'm 99% sure she doesn't even know who Keith is. She just assumes that it's Zeke in a different outfit.
you think lulu watches phym in the bathroom?
Actually, do they ever say why Keith never does any field work?
Is he just that much more useful on the back line?
Phym is my daughterwife.
*joins your assault*
Claire is a good wife and mother!
Phym is going to kill and eat Claire
Should I try this if I liked almost everything about Monster Hunter World but combat?
Probably, but what exactly did you not like about it
It models its combat after monhun but has far less animation lock and is generally faster. One big adjustment you'd have to make is GE doesn't have iframes on dodge so you have to block or avoid enemy attacks.
>daughteru is a degenerate
Time to find a new one
She was raised by a bunch of fucking weirdos.
How slow it is, how not enjoyable dodging is, enemies’s frames are weird, I hated being stunned after getting hit etc. I also really didn’t like having to run to the boss all the fucking time because they start to run away or even fly away when their hp is low or just because they can.
My problem was that I expected a dark souls kind of combat because I was recommended MHW by a souls fan, and I was really disappointed. Although, I did like the whole grinding thing, the idea of killing bosses and getting their sets. It must be fun with friends.
>GE doesn't have iframes on dodge so you have to block or avoid enemy attacks.
Got it, thanks, not trying it out then
Soulsfags, every time
I like souls but I also like GE because I'm not a faggot who is only able to play one type of game
weird huh
I like souls, MH, and GE
Am I a unicorn?
This was a nice thread
See you on wednesday
I want to give Phym siblings!
Phym is for hugs, not fugs you disgusting degenerate
>FeMC will suffocate your with a hug
Are they finally going to fix the braindead BA spam combat?
Not interested
>Make third game
>Decide that instead of ditching the shit that turns combat into spamming one move to win you ditch the far superior predator style system
>Dude just give 2 more attacks with blood/burst arts I'm sure that'll make the combat less spammy since they'll have 3 overpowered moves instead of 1
nips like spam 1 move combat
What a surprise, nips have shit taste
Why do people go on about predator styles? You just nibble on the aragami in 5 different ways before blasting it to hell with custom bullets anyway. It's nice to have options, I guess. The first problem is that the base weapon movesets haven't changed since the first game, and they've always been piddly and pathetic compared to either your gun or art spam. The second problem is that as a consequence of the genre, nothing is going to stand there and take a long combo to the face unless it's somehow incapacitated, so obviously the most efficient moves to use will be high damage, low commitment, extra spammy. Unless you heavily incentivize those high commitment attacks, like grand finale or overkill, there's just reason to bother with them.
At this point, the best fix would be to just abandon BA limitations and let you equip as many as you want as long as they don't overlap, redistribute the bonus damage effects to arts that actually take some work to pull off or just remove them entirely, and increase aragami health by 30-40% overall.
Probably the after story. Maybe we'll finally find out what Soma's port is.
Source of that Double image?
Just google it. It's not porn.
KYS incel.
I just thought it looked cute
>ywn have a threesome with FeMC and Claire
>Used to hate God Eater back in 2010 because "its Monster Hunter but anime"
>Now monster hunter is anime
Day one buy for me
It's been out since last year, I thought
>monster hunter was never anime