How do you create a "non-forced" gay character in vidya?

>make their gayness a core part of their identity
>"Why won't this character shut up about being gay, like that's their only personality trait? They're not even a real character. They're a talking mouthpiece that's only meant to virtue signal to the WOKE crowd (that doesn't buy their games anyways)"

>make their gayness a footnote that most players won't even notice if they don't read the background material
>"Pffft, this gay shit is so tacked on; it never even comes up in the main story! This character was clearly designed without their gayness in mind, only for it to be added afterwards to virtue signal to the WOKE crowd (that doesn't buy their games anyways)"

So you can't make the character's gayness important, but you can't make their gayness unimportant either? What exactly are you supposed to do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Literally have them be a normal person and the gay part is side..You are gay and human,you are human and gay

Dont make the character at all.

>"What the fuck is moderation?"

If their sexuality is mentioned within the first 10 minutes of interacting with the character, it's forced. If the player inquires about, that's another matter. The character needs to be a character first, and gay/tranny second.

I’ll admit it user.....I just don’t like gay people!

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you don't create gay character, you create character that is gay.

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And even then some faggots complained over him.

Didn't even know, also, his design is fucking sick, and he's actually good looking. Identity politicsfags are allergic to reprenstation of themselves that aren't preachy caricatures though, so I doubt they like him.

if romance isn't essential to the plot, make it a normal part of the character's routine and conversation. and don't give them an obnoxious flamboyant voice ffs, nobody likes that shit.

That's gaycist

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I fucking hate venom and venom players

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Do it like Kirby Star Allies where it's not their only character trait and isn't intrusive to the experience of the game

Have them just be a person and not really talk about sex or their taste in partners unless specifically pressed on it. Character first, sexuality later.
There are some excepts to this however, like if the character's a whore.

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If you think that gayness shouldnt be a core part of their identity (which is the right to do) then it makes no sense for you to complain when it's a sidenote. It's hypocrisy.

There are some people that add the gay thing for points but not everyone does it. Literally just search more about the creation/decision behind it.

What is considered gay anyway? If O just let a really cute guy suck my dick or I penetrate his ass is it considered gay already? Or only when I have all of my holes filled with dicks?

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Make a fucking character, not respresentative
>durr hurr it's hard to satisfy both p-
that's your fucking job now.

How many gay people have you run into who immediately just told you "oh boy i'm gay whats up I like fucking dudes"?

How to make a gay character:
Make a normal character who also likes the same sex.

Pretty simple

arcade gannon

how do you write a decent character who does make their sexuality/whatever into a big deal?

>Gucci belt
Of course he's a faggot


Create a character that works for your story and target audience, ignore people outside the target audience who don't like it.

Like this

you don't let homophobes determine what "non-forced" means

Underrated post.

Calling for "non-forced" gay characters is just a way to say you don't like gay people without sounding like you're homophobic. It's just a default because it sounds like it makes sense and that you have artistic integrity in mind.

Every character ever written is "forced" in the way people use the word. Their identity, or character, is an element of a story that dictates what that person will do or say and alter, or be altered by, the plot. "Forcing" in the true sense is when a character that has been developed does something that conflicts with what they've been portrayed as. People who claim that a gay charavter is "forced" are just plebs pretending they have culture. This is made clear when they point out how a character who happens to be gay is incredible subtle about it, or it is a footnote and has nothing to do with the story, so it's irrelevant. What people actually mean is that they prefer that being gay is irrelevant. But if the sexual orientation has relevance to the story, then it's not irrelevant, and that angers people who don't like homosexuality.

If a character constantly reminds people that they're gay, and makes it clear as fucking day, that's just the character and there's literally nothing wrong with that.

there is a very real different between being gay and a faggot.

most of what we see in videogames are faggots. the only times i've seen them done right are from jap devs.

not gay

>the character is just a normal character
>his gayness is revealed in one line of optional dialogue
It's not hard

>>make their gayness a footnote that most players won't even notice if they don't read the background material
>>"Pffft, this gay shit is so tacked on; it never even comes up in the main story! This character was clearly designed without their gayness in mind, only for it to be added afterwards to virtue signal to the WOKE crowd (that doesn't buy their games anyways)"
Literally no one thinks this way is bad.
Unironically one of the best things about the last of us, even though its a horrible horrible fucking game is how they handled and made a character gay
I cant remember the faggots name, but the two mani characters are riding in a car that they got from said fag, and in the car was a magazine and the female finds it and ask's why's it so sticky. Its obvious a little joke, he jerked off on it, we get it, but what you don't get told and you have to ACTUALLY look to see, is that it was a mans magazine, so therefore, hes a faggot.
See? That's how you fucking do gay characters, you literally make them a "normal" character but you dont even remotely throw it in the players face that they are gay, just have it somewhere very and I mean VERY vaguely just like the magazine in this situation.
Hot tip, having a character being is gay is LITERALLY unnecessary bullshit that NO ONE likes, even actual faggots don't like it because it takes away from the character as a whole.
That's why characters that have their entire characters based off of it always fail
An example of that is Cortez from ME3, where LITERALLY EVERY TIME you talk to him, it has something to do with him being a faggot.
First time you talk to him, "Oh yeah I got this message from my GAY DEAD HUSBAND FEEL BAD FOR ME OR YOU DON'T LIKE GAY!!!"
Next time you go to the citadel hes at the bar and he talks to you and says about looking for the right GUY
It's so shitty it's not a good character.
Fuck this stuff in your face bullshit.

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Nah you're both retarded.


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You're all falling into the second point. You know that people will react negatively to a gay character, so instead of facing that conflict head-on, you'd rather have the character hide their true selves from the player, in fear of not being liked. Make a character that "just so happens to be gay" actually means, "We know most gamers hate gay people, so we'll try to hide it as much as possible so it doesn't trigger them too much." Why can't you let gays just be gay?

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The real key to making a good gay videogame character is to make them and the rest of your game appeal to your core demographic of young straight white men. If a majority of people who will be buying your game think something in it is good, then you did a good job.

Who was the gay companion in New Vegas that doesn't mention he's gay unless you manage to question him about it. Besides that, there's no other indication, he's just a normal guy.

> t. Homophobe

You can't because the type of people who say a gay character is "forced" will consider any gay character at all "forced"

>flesh fang

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Nah, I'm gay. You're a retarded faggot.

>You know that people will react negatively to a gay character
>Why can't you let gays just be gay?
Gee I wonder

>How do I do [thing] in a way that pleases everyone?
You can't.

stop playing devil's advocate and post astolfo faster

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people that base their entire personality around their sexuality aren't interesting

Arcade Gannon

make them important to the story for some other attribute than being gay
like Holt from Brooklyn 99.

or just dont even make reference to their sexuality and give the player the option to fuck them like Mass effect

its really not hard, just don't make the whole character revolve around "LOOK AT ME AND MY PINK UNIFORM, IM SOO GAY hehehe"

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I'm willing to bet you are the same kind of faggots that got upset when tracer had a girlfriend in the christmas comic though. Fuck off
Easy formula
Create a character
Figure out how gay they are
Figure out when they "discovered" they were gay
Then go calculate the effect that their gayness would have on their backstory, including how others would have reacted to it
Once you have a backstory you do the same for the current character
Decide how gay they are, decide how they are affected by being gay in their day to day life (how often do they seek romantic partners, how often do they seek sexual partners, how do their friends/family/neighbors/etc feel about them, etc etc), decide how often those effects will cross over with whats happening in the current story based on how gay the character is
Voila you have a gay
you're a false dichotomy shilling nigger with an IQ lower than african life expectancy

Make it about the character and the story, not about how gay it is. And give it reasons

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>bringing up one's sexuality in a videogame
If the player finds out about it, then it's already forced.
Or just an utter shit game.

You cant please everyone.

Here's a tip from a fellow artist, though.
If you really knew your character and story well, you'd know how where in the sliding scale between forefront and background you should place the gayness, and in that you wouldnt need to ask this question.

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No you're not. You're just larping as one to justify being dismissive.

Just don't virtue signal about it.

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Make them gay years later when your game is dying to show how woke you are

Why knowing more details about a character is forced?

I'm more of a Felix Argyle guy myself.
I know catboys are like the fast food of gay shit, but junk food is damn good every once in awhile, and there's not as many as I'd hope.
It's not like anybody is in a rush to make a decent Schrodinger body pillow or anything...

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What's with zoomers not liking themselves?

Because real humans don't walk around and proclaim "I'm gay." That's reserved for online interaction.

You don't, degeneracy should not be shilled

make them the biggest flaming homo in the fucking world as a gag like based sylvando

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Make the character pay more attention to men than women during cutscenes and dialogues.
>sexy girl appears and everyone but him are looking at her
>he's is more concerned about what other male characters think
>he acts shy when people start talking about love interests

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Unironically this guy. The thing with his father is cringe bit outside of that he's a fine character personality wise.

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>Make extremely flamboyant and fabulous male character.
>He's also straight as an arrow and is constantly drowning in pussy
What are some games that do this?

Of course we are not talking about the character literally spelling out all about them in a conversation, but having these details told in different subtle ways.

I've been in a gay relationship for 8 years. You are a boy molesting fruit who thinks he's cute and has a good point. I can't help but read all your comments with a lisp. Faggot.

80% of gays are just normal people that don't shove it in everyone's faces, their life isn't based entirely around benis in bunghole, take a look at Arcade Gannon.
It's not difficult to make a non-forced gay character, but too many developers just see a cheap and easy way to virtue signal

Fuck off faggot, if your personality/being is defined by gay, then no one wants you anywhere near them. Video games are leisure time, I don't want obnoxious bullshit in my leisure time. If I wanted to know about a fucking character's sexuality, I'd ask for it.

"Hi, my name is faggot and I REALLY love sucking dick" isn't "why can't you let them be gay" it's "why can't you let me preach my politics and world view whether you're willing to listen or not". You want to FORCE people to accept you, you don't want them to be given the option. You're not entitled to acceptance, only tolerance, and you're tolerated as long as you stay the fuck away from people who don't want to associate with you. You don't want to associate with straight people? Tough shit, the world is built by straight people, because we're the default state that no amount of politics will change. I'm sick and fucking tired of the vast, vast majority having to bend over to accommodate every single fucking faggot that wants broadcast every little minutia of his fucking life.

My game.

Thomas from Deadly Premonition for one example on how to do it. Their homosexuality should be relevant to the plot.


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Wanting a character to hide their gayness is inherently homophobic

but if a gay character is treated as a punchline out of malice by the writers that are a problem because

of course, there is taste and nuance when it comes to these things

but give me some examples of "good" gay characters

That's also a problem depending on the context of the setting. Like it implies that he is hiding his gayness. If the story goes nowhere with that it means that the writer needed to hide this detail because they wanted to appease the homophobic audience.

I can't think of a lot of people who wear their heterosexuality on their wrist in Fallout so it's not that big of a deal here

but if you have a gay character who's just there for a "very special episode" it just validates that we live in a world where guys need to hide their sexuality.
Probably the most important thing when it comes to writing any group in media is to actually have "diversity"
because the token ends up becoming a symbol for an entire group in the setting. That could make them a stereotype or come off as an idea of being an example of "one of the good ones"

but not every story needs to be about diversity, but when you have it, be sure to put care into it

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Hey faggot, You know straight people don't hide being straight? They also don't ram it down your throat.
Well they might, Faggot.

retarded faggot.

King of Fighters with Benimaru, and Street Fighter with Vega.

He's not even ugly looking for a gag character

Bullshit. I bet you're a 20-something straight black male who regularly posts about how terrible niggers are, but you're in a thread about some different hot-button now so you're switching gears. You're just a bored asshole.

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Anyone from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Most of the males in Ikuhara's works
Whoops not vidya

not an argument

>normal people don't hide being normal

Obsidian did it just fine in Fallouts - just dont make them flaming faggots that dont have any character besides being gay

Why does Japan keep trying to confuse our sexuality?

>Anyone from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
few characters are sexual at all in JJBA
and the ones that are, are the least flamboyant

It was an accurate description, not an argument.

Comedy relief.

>make their gayness a footnote that most players won't even notice if they don't read the background material
>"Pffft, this gay shit is so tacked on; it never even comes up in the main story! This character was clearly designed without their gayness in mind, only for it to be added afterwards to virtue signal to the WOKE crowd (that doesn't buy their games anyways)"
Says no one except SJWs who focus on being gay as their entire identity. The other 99.9% of us prefer this method.

why should someone hide their sexuality?

This piece of shit is the worst thing to come from anime garbage and of course it comes from a shitty gacha game to make matters worse

So you're saying gay people are monstrosities because they can't keep their sexual desire in their pants?

thats homophobic

Like this

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he's not supposed to be ugly

Because no-one gives a flying shit, and hence would rather not being told.

Randy and Mr. Lahey from Trailer Park Boys are how you write gay characters.

Look nigger, no one is going to be happy and trying to make everyone happy is for gay retards. Now, post cute boys.

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>no one gives a shit
>still get mad

Don't spotlight the fact that the character is gay. Don't do anything that won't organically flow with the narrative just to show the character is gay unless it is important to the story in some way.

How often do we see other characters have their sexuality put on display? We don't know Master Chief's sexuality, or Doom Guy's, but who cares? There is no reason to know their sexuality as it would add nothing to their narratives.

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make them killeable

*or shown, or other, too.
That's correct, I dislike people deliberately wasting my time.

Only homophobes prefer it, because they're disgusted by the very existence of gay people in real life. So when they try to escape to their videogames, and see that "the gays" have followed them there, they see it as a personal attack. To them, it's like the gays invaded their safe space.

We shouldn't listen to those people.

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his npc: Evening.

>Says no one except SJWs who focus on being gay as their entire identity.
Holy shit, this. So many shallow brained idiots subscribe to this idea that they have to act like some cookie cutter stereotype in order to be gay and completely drown themselves in playing a character instead of thinking and acting like a human fucking being. Like if they don't act like a poorly written sitcom character the gay police will show up and revoke their gay status.

>People who go out of their way to get mad at something.
>People who go out of their way to defend something.
Neither of these audiences should be catered too.

Make them miserable.
People don't like token characters because they're always there to virtue signal. "Look at how cool this character is, they're better than you."

If you just make them miserable, flawed and not in any way trying to be better, you'll find they get a lot more lenient reception from an audience who doesn't feel that their inclusion is propaganda or signalling. Make them miserable, with miserable love lives and more miserable futures.

There, that's a relatable character. Relatable in the "oh this is a character I can accept as real", not the tumblr definition of "oh this character superficially resembles me, I am arbitrarily invested."
Compare that to every gay, lesbian, tranny, minority character in recent popular fiction, and you'll see where the clear disconnect is in writers and artists trying to put these motherfuckers on a pedestal, and being surprised when the average person sees right through that. They're not the experts in worldbuilding they think they are.

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I think being gay or anything in LGBT specrum is immoral and it defies human nature, it should be illegal to publicly endorse this stuff, it's bad for undeveloped minds

>gayness is a core part of his identity and his motivations, flaws, and eventual redemption
>he still never mentions it because there’s no need to
Best vidya homo, prove me wrong

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>The thing with his father is cringe bit outside of that he's a fine
that was like 90% of his character though

This. Just make cute boys and let people assume their sexuality.

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But what does being gay mean to you? If it is just being sexually attracted to the same sex, then that is something completely internal. No fanfare. And for most game where the focus lies not on relationships between characters, it will never come up. If being gay to you is, being sexually attracted to the same sex and outwardly proclaiming that all the time, then that is not being gay, that is being a flamboyant stereotype. And in a game that focuses on something else than character relationships, this is not only superfluent, but also intruding onto what actually matters in the game.
The only exception to this being flamboyantly gay stereotypes for comic relief.

You worry too much about people that you shouldnt give a fuck as they aren't your audience. No matter what they complain about, you shouldn't care less and actually just focus on making a proper decent character.

like rockstar did with gay tony. make dude gay, don't make it his primary characteristics. don't try to write a story with "powerful message" about gay abuse or whatever, just say he's gay and move on with your good and completely manlove-unrelated story

Any characters that are straight by day but at night jerk it to gay smutt? Who do i relate to

It's abuse on the same level as grooming user.

There is literally nothing they can do and its their own fucking fault.
They're the dumb faggots who put "There need to be more gays in video games" agenda on the table, so now it will always look like an agenda.

If they'd kept their faggot mouths shut and just snuck some cock sucker into a game every now and then, they might have normalized it over time, but instead they made it a crusade against regular people who are going to defend themselves the same way anyone else would.

So way to go, faggots. You did this to yourselves.

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>haha Im gay BTW even tho u didnt ask lol
>why cant I just be gay?
>why dont you like me being gay?
>how do we not be obnoxious about being gay in video games?
>gay gay gay gay gay
>hi nice to meet you BTW did I mention Im GAY lol
gee I fucking wonder why people don't like it.. just because the internet and media may want you to believe people are more tolerant of homosexuals nowadays that doesn't mean it still doesn't make the vast majority of us uncomfortable as fuck because it's not natural. ANY presence at all is unneeded because unless it's a porn game peoples sexuality are irrelevant. seriously just fucking kill yourself you retard

gay people will die and so will their lineage all because they wanted a dick up their shitter
fags can ruin their games all they want with their faggot talk, I've got plenty of games to enjoy that don't shove gay cock nonsense down my throat

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Solid Snake

The wrong people were nuked

>So way to go, faggots. You did this to yourselves.
Don't look at me, the vast majority of people pushing this were/are white-guilt ridden, limp-wristed straight people desperate to prove how fucking virtuous they are.

Literally make a normal person that happens to be gay, and they shouldn't even mention that, you should find it out by digging or if you happen to see them with their couple

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The latter.

Writing protip: characters are shallow depictions of humans. If you make a character gay, it needs to be for a relevant story-related reason, otherwise it's distracting and out of place. The newest MtG novel is probably the best example of doing this shit wrong.
>multidimensional dragon fucking everything up
>literally marching an army into ravnica as part of a multi-millenia plan to retake the city and become a God
>oh and did we mention [one planeswalker out of thirty] had a homosexual love interest?
Nobody fucking cares. The readers unfamiliar with the series won't even know who this character is, let alone his OC homosex lover who was shipped for brownie points.

This user had it right. Bill was probably the best written faggot in vidya history, and not because he was gay, but because it was integral to why he was such a fucking paranoid, distrusting cunt. He had a perfect self-contained arc beyond the token faggot shit you get in games like ME3.

Just write good characters goddamn.

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It's simple, make their romantic life a non-forced part of the game.

This is so true on literally every level

they just need to increase the lethality of aids

How about not putting in gay charactes just because you want to.

it's the vegan dilemma, even faggots don't care about gay representation
it's lonely depressed losers who seek to attach any sort of unique label on themselves that also makes them impervious to criticism or hate or else you're a nazi bigot racist who should be thrown in jail
that is their end game

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1. homosexuality is a disfunction
2. In healthy society, sexuality is private matter, and even perfectly normal sex life will get you looked down upon if you're too obnoxious about it

>normal person
>normal person
>goes to to parks and public washrooms at midnight looking for strangers to jerk off
not how normal works

I think the simple solution is for gay people to not exist.

Long story short: You can't.

But one decent way to do it is to have their sexuality be relevant to a story somehow, but have it NOT be the only part of their personality or history, and the other parts of their personality and history are also relevant to their story.
This is really hard to do, though.

Irrelevant. Faggots and faggot supporters all wanted the same thing and a lot of them went about it in the stupidest, most entitled way possible. And this is the result.

Artists always draw alstolfo wrong

like, he has a very feminine borderline "draw a girl call it a guy face" but his body is masculine as fuck, its weird but no one gets it right

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Make him gay but make it optional for the player to force it out of him
>Hey let's go to the titty bar!
>Nah I'm fine senpai you just go without me
>1. Ok see you! - 2. Why not? Who doesn't love titties?

You do it and don't give a fuck about homophobes.

>normal person
>Yea Forums poster
>normal person
>spends all day and night on a czech string bending image board
Not how normal works

Bridget is so cute, I want to pinch his cheeks.

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also veronica

OK Sseth

>you should find it out by digging
Like them having a diary and mentioning other boys/men on it? That's not a bad idea.

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tacked on gayness is a problem because its typically done for marketing reasons, it's purely cynical

it kind of became a way of "having your cake and eating it too"
you get to tell liberal brownie points who only care about tokenism
you get homophobes not complaining because they noticed a gay
but then you have gays subconsciously being told that being gay is something they should hide

personally, I think American Dad has one of the better gay representation. if covers more bases than most specifically sjw shows do
Terry - the less flamboyant gay who comes from a football playing background. he also had an episode where he hid his gayness from his dad and learned to be proud of it
Greg - the more obvious gay with the clear "gay voice" but they subvert him by making him a Republican and the top in the relationship then Roger - the pansexual alien that cross-dresses. sometimes his queerness is used as a joke, others its treated as normal and doesn't get questioned or pointed out by other characters

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they are killing themselves off by being mentally ill
you just don't get to see the statistics on lgbt suicides, rampant spreading of stds, and realization that all faggots will not have kids and are essentially doing willful population control on their retarded genes
all you see about LGBT propaganda is being happy and faggots never do anything wrong come on kids be gay and cut off your dicks if you played with a doll for 5 minutes

I love how it's subverted in Ballad of Gay Tony
At first you see Tony as gay-as-fuck character, loud and overly cheery, but as you learn more about him, he turns out to be lonely and depressed guy, who can't hold his life together, and his flamboyant persona is just act he puts up to "look the part"

maybe that's because no one wants to see masculine bodies. i mean shit user, what are you, gay or something?

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Oh shit I like that, we need more lgbt suicides in vidya.

Kill tranny fucks

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but i mean, that's what he is officially bro

(assuming you are male)
Romantic or sexual attraction or arousal to entities which are male, or which are intersexed and in which you are attracted to the male parts (e.g. if you are attracted to futadick)
Also, willingly engaging in sexual intercourse with a male, or with an intersexed entity, wherein their male parts have some role in the sexual intercourse.

Swap "male" for "female" and "futadick" for "cuntboypussy" if you are female instead.

I don't mind gay people, I'd be totally cool with a gay man marrying my sister or whatever.
I just don't like fags with their "coming out" bullshit and other "camp" retardation.

wow, gay AND racist, how modern :^)
are you a shitskin?

The bigger problem is the people paranoid that every gay character by default is forced and must make a point to convince them that they're not. A hetero character can do the exact same thing a "forced" gay character does but no one would pay much mind to it and not see them as poorly written.

True homophobes are just as small of a percentage of the population as actual homosexuals. And the vast majority of people just don't care about either of them. But they do care when they spend $60 to escape into a work of fiction and get shame lectures, treating them as if they are homophobes.

Not everyone who complains about this stuff is a homophobe. Most of them are just regular people who are tired of social politics being forced into everything. We don't care if you're gay. But if you go around talking about NOTHING but how gay you are, it's going to get old. Just like if someone met a famous person like James Earl Jones, then every single time you saw that person, he had to somehow find a way to drop how he met James Earl Jones into every conversation. You'd want to punch him in the face because he's so annoying. Not because he met Jones, just because he's so fucking annoying.

That's what SJWs are. Diverting every conversation to some kind of social politics virtue signal. And praising games for shaming people.

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>first thing on character creation is determining how gay they are
fuck off tranny

creating character for sole purpose of victimization / redemption is seperate level of fuck up

>i wanted or needed the character to be gay to improve the overall story
there we go.

I don't give a single shit about the sexual proclivities of fictional characters. I do however really fucking hate this pandering trend of manga/anime artists to draw a girl and arbitrarily brand them male in order to get cred from the mentally ill. Shit needs to go.

People absolutely fucking despise being told what to do. Forcing people who are neutral about gay bullshit only makes them hate it more. It doesn't help that the people pushing hard for gay bullshit in games have a sheet list of what gay characters need to have (can't be a joke, can't be subtle, must constantly be in your face) and these criteria just happen to be exactly the type of shit people who aren't invested in your bullshit want to avoid. If you won't take subtlety, because it's "hiding their gayness and homophobic" then you can fuck off. The needs of the many to not have bullshit shoved in their face outweigh the need of the few to feel that they're normal. Gay is not normal, whether you accept that or not is up to you, and that's not necessarily bad, but to claim otherwise is sheer lunacy and is the reason deviants are hated in the first place.

>token gay character
>they're actually a nihilistic douchebag who wants to bring everyone down to his level so they can all suffer equally
>he brings up his sexuality a lot, but only to disgust people by hitting on everyone, men and women alike
>but their backstory gives them reasons for why they act that way, and since everyone in Nohr is kind of fucked up in their own way, most of them deserve it at least a little bit
FE characters can be pretty based. Too bad that almost all their character is stuck in optional supports instead of the actual story.

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That's why I fucking hate sjws AND Anti-sjws.

There's a couple ways to inform people a character is gay without being a faggot about it.
>Relationship situation
Normal way to bring it up
>People treat the character poorly because gay
Could be a plot point in a personal story of a character that acknowledges the gay part of them without being hamfisted

Bad Ways
>proceeds to have flanderized homo character
>it's brought up out the blue with no reason other than for it to be shown to the player
It has to be a natural interaction between characters in the story, and not just something that happens to inform the player of the homofactor

New Vegas does it right.

I unironically felt Cortez in me3 to be pretty well done outside of like one line in the bar.

Astolfo is a crossdresser, not a tranny.
Let me illustrate you in case you don't know:
A crossdresser is someone who gets a boner from wearing a dress.
A tranny is someone who's fucking insane.

the ratio of cute boys to retarded politics is garbage

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Make them a huge slut

i know i talk about a lot of gayness but my stance is if gays are in your story to just "be there"
you should probably only focus on what your story/game is really about.

Blizzard has the worst case of this because gays are only there for marketing sake.
They write their characters like these "reveals" are interesting details and secrets we're learning about the characters
but Overwatch isn't a game where the story matters
it would probably be best to not mention anyones sexuality. it helps people identify with the characters better.

there are people would have liked to think Tracer as a lesbian regardless
there are people would have liked to think Solider 76 as their gay bara daddy regardless

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Bridget actually isn't gay. It's a weird case of child abuse.

His parents forced him to dress like a girl because twins of the same danger are a bad omen in his village, and one would need to be sacrificed.

Your opinions about what a gay is aren't facts

She takes magic HRT by doing a prayer. She's trans.
Alsoif she's just a crossdrsser to pop a boner why is she dressed like that 24/7?

Why is ''''gay'''' art always depictions of male children in a skirt.

Astolfo is not gae.

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>no emil
i'm disappoint

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Because most pedophiles are also homosexuals.

Underrated post

This means that if you stick your dick in a gloryhole, but you have no idea who's sucking your dick and you picture a girl, or don't picture a gendered entity at all, you are not gay.
However, if you're thinking to yourself, "Oh boy I hope a CUTE GUY is sucking my dick right now" then you are gay as fuck.

Similarly, if you are plowing someone in the ass, and you never even bloody check what they have packing, then you see that they have a penis and you are disappointed/don't care, then you're probably not gay.
But if when you start checking and you think "Man there better be a DICK down here" then you are gay as fuck.
In short, traps aren't gay if you think of them as a downgrade to women (but still good). If you deliberately seek out traps rather than seeking out women, or if you'd prefer your partner be a trap instead of a woman, then A. that's completely the opposite to the definition of "Trap" so you're ruining the semantics, and B. You're gay.
Hope this clears it up for you.

I beg to differ

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—he said, probably thinking about a game that lets your murder people on a whim

That doesn't make any sense, being a girl doesn't make you any less of a twin

Both are mentally ill, but that is beside the point. Astolfo is clearly drawn as a female, and needs to be pointed out as "male" in the media because nobody would know otherwise. This is absolutely just pandering to the mentally ill. Whether those mentally ill are fujos with extreme fetishes or trannies who are deluded into thinking one gender can actually ever look like the other isn't the point. It's still pandering to the mentally ill either way.

killing is how humanity thrived, not being buttfucked

No such thing as a normal fag.

i don't care if it makes sense, it's his actual lore.

>What exactly are you supposed to do?
Ignore Yea Forums

Say no more, fampai

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>pandering trend of manga/anime artist to draw a girl and arbitrarily label them male in order to get cred from the mentally ill
>implying nips care about brownie points with trannies and arent drawing what appeases nip penis
Draw a girl, call it a boy has been a thing longer than you've been on the internet.
Who cares? He's cute, a boy and I want to stuff my dick into his boyhole.

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>create a character
>ruin them by making them gay
Why the FUCK would you do this to anyone but the villian?

I can fix Bioshock Infinite with gay. Here's how.
Remember the part where they jump dimensions for the first time because the main characters are retards who didn't realize it's impossible to carry 10 tons of weapons by yourself? Well, instead of going through a tear and fucking up the plot for the rest of the game, Booker says "Wait, I was gay in the army when I killed those indians" and thus his ass can open wide enough to store all the weapons and bring them to the dindus so they can have their revolution, but at the last minute the weapons malfunction because they got clogged with semen inside Booker's asshole and they get killed by Comstock's army.
At the end Comstock and Booker have sex because they are homos but it's ok because they are the same person so it's not gay.

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if your explicit purpose is to create a gay character then would the formula for creating a gay character not, by necessity, include the step that actually determines if the character is gay?

>trannies who are deluded into thinking one gender can actually ever look like the other

They absolutely can its just rare and takes some work.
Dont worry user, most trans people will let you know they've got a girldick before it gets too serious. They generally dont like being murdered.

The fact this obvious trapposting thread hasnt been deleted is proof all jannies are faggots

also, people hated the Solider 76 reveal because you had a lot of straight people identifying with him

character games aren't really ones where people are interested in learning "secrets" about characters

no one in Street Fighter has details of their personal identity be revealed as the series went on, they develop
(except maybe learning that Bison wants to be a teenage girl sometimes)

Well I wouldn't make them a "gay and proud" kind of character, because that's already done to death
I'd make a character who's secretive about it, kind of distrusting of other people judging him about it, and therefor doesn't talk about it unless pressed or if they trust you a lot.

whats your examples of a good gay

Japan doesn't give a fuck about this kind of politics. It must be hard to accept that not every single gay character is created for purely pandering certain politics since way before, even in literature, and writers can have million of valid reasons.


I didn't say it was necessarily for trannies. It's mostly for fujos, who are just as mentally fucked just in different ways, but still make up a very profitable niche of the otaku market. That doesn't change a single fucking thing I said or in any way argue against it.


I've always wondered whether selfcest would count as gay or not, given that giving yourself a handjob isn't gay.
My stance on the matter is "If you're going to make a hypothetical situation just make both of yourselves lesbians".

>They absolutely can
No they can't. I've heard this argument a thousand times, been shown pictures of "convincing" trannies and no. No they can't to anybody with even an ounce of discernment.

autocorrect got him?
he meant twins of same sex are bad omen, Though I wonder how you can hide sex of your child in a village, where everyone know each other to point where random person on street can tell you what you had on lunch yesterday

>trannies who are deluded into thinking one gender can actually ever look like the other
I mean, it's not impossible

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You haven't seen enough.

unless being gay is actually part important of the game (same with other sexual preferences), you don't.

Or do it like Paranorman

Where did that post mention politics? Stop projecting, fuckwit.

>I'd make a character who's secretive about it, kind of distrusting of other people judging him about it, and therefor doesn't talk about it unless pressed or if they trust you a lot.

that in itself is a bit of a cliche
like if you have an arc revolving around him hiding his gayness but then revealing it. that becomes a coming out story (which is done to death)
if its just a small detail that gets hid to the audience it just enforces the idea that gays SHOULD hide their gayness

you know what would be good? the gay is secretive about everything, not just his sexuality and the sexuality detail is just that, another detail and not a focus.
He doesn't hide his gayness because whats been said before, he hides it because other reasons that could be put into an interesting arc

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I would definitely fuck ash Ketchum here but dating a tranny is always a bad idea.

Just put some cute traps into video games. I do not give the tiniest shit if it's forced or not.

>I'm so thirsty I can't tell the difference, so nobody can REEEEEEEE

>niggers are good for nothi-

>wanting two men to fuck is mentally ill
>draw a boy, call it a girl is for fujos
double retard
>this doesnt change anything i said
triple retard
go preach on facebook nigger

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Sir Hammerlock is done well. On the other hand Janey makes me push the day of the rope up my schedule

They've been defending them for some time now.

Literally a loose open can of STDs. And shes aging like milk

Tbh a lot of fujos are into bishies and traps

And a lot of fujos browse Yea Forums

Yeah I'm sure people upload casual, unadulterated photos to social media, especially those fellas who suffer from body issues and are desperate for validation.

Is that the saiyan boy from dragon ball super?

I think the problem, as my gay friend puts it, is that homosexuality has become a cultural note and the defining factor in a lot of people's lives.
A lot of gays try to bloat their flat and uninteresting personalities by "Being gay"; flamboyant, extroverted, insane and edgy, 'gay'; not grounded and reasonable gay. This aggressive gayness is what pollutes the discourse and poisons this whole well of material.
Game devs can either appeal to the militant, aggressive gay crowd whose entire worldview and identity revolves around where they put their junk, or they can not. If they pander, they're called out for pandering. If they don't pander, they piss off the militant minority of loud-mouthed uber-fags whose entire world is "im gay".

desu, if you wanna design a gay character nobody should know because why would they? it's the difference between 99% of protags and chars being straight standard boxed normies but you don't see them go "LOL I LOVE PUSSY BRO DUDE DID I MENTION I LOVE FUCKING THE OPPOSITE SEX AND HOW HETERONORMATIVE I AM"; having a gay character do this is both retarded and should be offensive to non-flamboyant gays.

they're there to slay a dragon or shoot fucking lasers at aliens, they don't need to (and wouldn't be) ranting about where they shove their dicks and what their preferred pronouns are. nobody would care. more important shit to handle.

Just make the character and how they act to the story first, or make him entirely separate as an NPC joke. The thing is you don't need to shove in their sexuality unless it comes into play

Like two guys fucking for the sake of having nothing else to do, no homo

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Oh yeah, I'm sure the army gave her PLENTY of makeup at the base

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>Literally a loose open can of STDs. And shes aging like milk

Yes, the one from the other universe.

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Being genuine here, but shill me on abusing trannies.
I find lgbt+ to be disgusting and pathetic, but what's the point in killing them off? Is it the fear that it will spread?

>tfw a gay/trap/tranny thread lasts longer than a projared thread

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Don't make gay characters you fucking degenerate.

>Thread topic and title
>Picture is an omnivore bisexual

Sasugo OP you are indeed the big yaoi.

Yes, yes, very good angle. Now show hands and the none existent hips. Tits, ass, and face are a worthless measure of femininity in this day and age, since you can cover them in pounds upon pounds of silicon and plastic.

the push for the "gay identity" seems mostly as a reaction to gay kids who grew up with overly flamboyant characters being their representation

those characters were all made as jokes on the gays expense. when you're a kid you don't realize that. and gays want to reclaim that identity like how trannies do with Ursela

and the only other representation was the gay who hides it and has a "coming out" episode

who's more worth looking up too? the LOUD AND PROUD gay who's comfortable
or the gay who's moppy and ashamed of themselves

Probably. If you study roman history or pre-ww2 german culture a little, you'll see that the prevalence of LGBTQ+ nonsense and the false song of 'equality' being used to silence and hurt the builder-class/groups who created the systems is always a forerunner to the tumble-down of said systems, republics, etc.
look at how many kids are being tranny-fied right now, the exponential rise in self-identification with other-genders-than-two, etc.
it's a slippery slope whether we like to say it or not, and i'm not the guy you responded to, but i see the danger in culturally embracing degeneracy and teaching it to children.

the only good gay character is gay tony from GTA 4 stories

Vidya characters are usually extensions of the game's core themes. They should have character arcs that relate to those themes. This is why everyone praises Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4, even though he isn't confirmed to be gay, his story arc about sexuality fits in with the game's themes and makes his character valuable to the story as a whole.

have molestation in their backstory as that would make it realistic

Theres your proof. Army is full of sluts both gay and straight.

Btw. Army won't dare to enforce any regs on trannies in order to stay PC. She can wear all the makeup she wants

lol stay mad incel

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Oh finally some good cabba shota. Post more.

>He has STDs
>dude just trust me
Guess he doesn't, gonna keep beating off to him

>tfw he deleted all his nudes, then came back, then deleted them again.

i think you're making a decent point but sort of missing the elephant in the room; you shouldn't "look up to someone" because they put their penis in another man. the sexual preferences of a person shouldn't be the major defining factor of their quality as a person, and the wackadoodle gay "PRIDE PARADE" crowd are the ones pushing that it is, because they've nothing else to stand on.
>Hey son, respect me because i've accomplished much with my years and opened businesses, had wives, lived and suffered and had victories
has become instead
ya know? a tad hyperbolic but you should get the point. we shouldn't be idolizing people or creating an entire persona of something as trite and retardo as sexuality, and that's what offends folks like me about shoehorned degenerate characters

Okay guys serious question for a serious thread. I fap exclusively to astolfo doujins but I'm only attracted to women and I don't wanna fuck an irl trap or anything. Am I still gay?

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>whiteknighting a tranny
>white knighting

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>women are disgusting and awful company
>men are good company but reality is fucking an asshole is disgusting

The only answer is to just be alone forever,

Yeah I served in the Army. You haven't. So fuck off loser.

she CUTE!

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just make him one of the villains or something

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Not him but you can still see the manly features in that, looks like a teenage boy with some make up on.


If you don't want to do a gay romance
And even then good fucking luck doing a gay romance in *current year*

The fag in Dragon Quest 11 made it the worst game in the series.

>dude just trust me
Really convincing arguments

make a normal character, and make the only way you discover he is gay by talking to him about stuff etc until you start talking about something lewd or whatever
just like normal fucking people
Seriously why cant people get this, dont force that shit

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Cope harder

>trust me

>Those hands
>sideways to hide hip to shoulders ratio
>white knighting a tranny
oh no no no no

literally who cares

>n-noo stop ruining my world view!!!!

based Hellsing chad

>people still dont know how to make a gay character in the year 2019
dear fucking god, are people really this retarded ? just look at the gay characters that people actually like and then at the ones that people hate and you will realize how to make a good one

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bro I'm just trying to find out if I'm gonna suck cock at some point or need to be so rude..............

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Fucking a transgirl is no different from doing anal with a flat chick. Don't tell me you wouldn't at least make out with her?

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Ironically chimp level brain. Chimps are primarily focused on killing and nothing else. The balance between sex culture and war is what made humans superior to chimps and other apes.

look at a real life crossdresser and see how your dick reacts
in the end who cares, no one else will know but you

thats absolutely true
but that happens because people who feel outcasted will often look up to the people who share something with them

and gays will feel less connected to a character when the differences between them get more and more focused on.
like yeah Spider-Man is cool, but then get gets an entire arc dedicated to his girlfriend dying and how much he loved his girlfriend, he has another girlfriend, and he really loves his girlfriend. he then marries his girlfriend, he has a child with his wife, but then he takes a deal with the devil and loses all of that and now his wife is just his girlfriend again

you can still think Spider-Man is cool but he becomes lses of an idol when its clear he's nothing like you as a person

plus people have a way of doubling down on things when someone says its bad
"oh you made this overly flamboyant guy to make fun of gays, WELL WE'LL SHOW YOU, WE LIKE BEING FLAMBOYANT!!!!"
stupid but happens all the time in all groups

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>people still dont know how to make a good character in the year 2019

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Good gay man example in games
>The guy in The Last of Us
>Helps you out
>Does not bring up he is gay till you look inside his house and see pictures on the wall.
>He starts to cry because he has no idea where his husband went or if he is dead.
Bad example of this shit
>Mass effect:A
>"Hi what brings you on to the mission"
>I am trans, thats ma dead name
Subtlety that is what you do. Probelm is you san fran hipster fucks need to be SEEN with this shit instead of just being fucking normal about it.
So you have to make big song and dance about it and fuck it up and all you are left with is token gays.

Yeah, but what about the cock

i'm not trying to say nobody should care about your post, i'm saying you shouldn't care about what's technically gay or not

1.) Comedy relief
2.) Villain
3.) Lesbian (the cute anime kind)

do you want to fuck astolfo or to have astolfo fuck you ? thats the question

You'd never even see it from behind, so why would you care?

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>gay villain
name 3 games

Most of the societies who took on those practices, it was the elites who started it. In ancient China and Rome, the elites were doing it and the plebs started copying them. In pre World War Europe however, the elites stayed away from that stuff, but encouraged the masses to take it up.

Western society is currently repeating the latter. The politicians and media are encouraging the lower/middle class to do all this crap, to cause disunity. Which makes it easier for them to rule us. Divide and conquer. But because it is so obvious, going against what we were taught for multiple generations and not what the majority of people want, people are starting to fight against it. I hope we can be the first society to stop it before the cycle completes.

Submit to Astolfo seems better

>the ass was fat


>Literally have them be a normal person and the gay part is side..You are gay and human,you are human and gay
Hey smartass, that's literally how they do it in modern videogames and it's fucking annoying

>go to female npc
>Hey guys can you find my wife?
Makes me roll my eye

If anything presenting it as normal is much worse. If everyone reacted like " Wait...WIFE? Whaaaaaaat?" Then it'd be a thousand times less repulsive

Why not just fuck a flat girl at that point
Also in what world is the sack not visible from behind?

>3.) Lesbian (the cute anime kind)
Yup, fanservice is the way

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then you are clearly going to suck a cock you retard, anyways who cares about sex when you can just masturbate

One example of bad I'd say is moongirl from presequel. One of her first lines is I turned him down cause I'm not into dudes. Now imagine if they had gone more subtle and had her say he's not her type, then in later interractions flirt with fem chars or athena since we know they marry.

they did all the time in older cartoons
HIM from PPG
the Silver Spooner (yeah he was a one off character from a banned episode but counts when i'm spitballing)
Ursela (who isn't specifically gay but is based off a drag queen, so she's very coated as QUEER = BAD)
and James from Pokemon, hes not actually gay but he enforces that the behavior is bad

I dunno. I generally love gay characters in manga. Vidya its usually hamfisted.
Just make them really nice and slightly flirty with other guys. Dont need the generic gay shit. Maybe mention it once.
Looking over this thread though it looks like this is some discord tranny shit so fuck off.

>make typical woke homo character that can't shut up about their homosexuality and use they homosexuality as punctuation whenever they speak
>people are miffed and annoyed
As they should.

>make character homosexual after it's been perceived as straight for 2 years thanks to your portrayal of it as a stereotypical father figure though skins, poses and voice acting
>people get upset and say it's tacked on to boost publicity of your increasingly irrelevant game
As they should.

I see no issues here.

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God hand

Revolver Ocelot

Guys have better personalities than girls. After fucking them raw, you can play vidya with them while you cuddle afterwards
And how can you see the sack when your dick is in front of it while you're ramming their asshole? There's is no perspective where you can see their sack from behind while fucking them.

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Why a tranny and not a boy who will not kill himself after some years?

Most creative types have an ego the size of the sun. And try to actively do the opposite of what previous people did, to feel like they're being "original." This is especially prevalent today, with media obsessing over remakes in everything. But when they remake something, they end up doing the exact opposite of everything the original did. To "subvert expectations." Which is just a fancy way of saying "I want to do everything different to be creative." Which means they shouldn't be doing a fucking remake.

Anyway, the point is, most creative people lack awareness and self control. The few people who have talent, creative vision AND awareness are the ones who make the good products. And there's very few good products coming out of the west these days...because they keep hiring SJWs straight out of college to head major productions.

Basically, if they try to actively make you think about the fact that they're gay, it's forced. If someone is like "yea, Jim told me about that shit awhile back" and someone is like "the fuck is Jim?" and he's like "he's a good man, I love 'em". Then you see a picture of him and some guy, or maybe find a note that makes it obvious, idk. It's less a problem with gays being forced these days as it is with writers lacking any sort of writing ability/subtlety. They feel like they have to just directly tell you EVERYTHING.

What if
What if you just learn to write a decent story in which the MC and love interest meet up in a peculiar way and by fighting/staying together they develop feelings for each other, coupled with a reasonable background for each character without it being too long or too filler compared to the main story and giving them some kind of personality progression throughout the entire game
Wasn't so fucking hard now, was it? Doesn't even matter the gender or race, just learn to fucking write.

user i agree that guys are hotter then women and blah blah blah, but come on you can fucking see their sack if you are fucking them

Why can't you faggots just admit you hate gay people, instead of making up shit transparent excuses?

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>Revolver Ocelot
Revolver Ocelot

KOF series with Ash, Shion and Jivatma

this, just fuck a femboy if you like man that much

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It's pretty obvious but that's why you shouldnt give a fuck about them, it's not that hard.

Because they are civic cucknationalists who watch Gavin McInness and Sargon of Akkad, and fine with every sin and crime as long as it doesn't break the law

just make a character with good writing. but even then most writing for video game characters are ultimately shadowed by the gameplay. so just stop being a fag and thinking that just because you write a character who has abnormal traits means that it'll be amazing and everyone will enjoy it because it's "different".

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I have no problem with gays, women or black people I just don't want to see them in any form of media, be it video games or film, and if I I see them, I will complain about their existence.

>Hey smartass, that's literally how they do it in modern videogames and it's fucking annoying
No, it's not. The way they do it in modern video games is the same way they do it in movies and TV. Situations where the characters look straight into the camera and pontificate about their identity, then shame the audience. And every story situation with them after that is about how the gay character is oppressed/abused/ignored/[insert some other victim situation here]. And the straight characters (99% of the time a white male) are always the aggressors/bad guys.

Astolfo is just a futalite in 99% of doujins. He wasn't designed for gay people.

the big think for this

Now that that issue is cleared up, how do I go about banging a femboy

Receiver Oktorok

just make the gayness a single facet of his character and dont make it gay for political reasons
whoa you guys are very smallminded, gays dont get special rights and any character designed out of shitty pandering is a shit character
wow racist too not woke at all

Except they don't
They just say "Hey it's my girlfriend" or "Oh no my husband died"
What you describe almost never happens, not even in shit like Life is Strange

>>go to female npc
>>Hey guys can you find my wife?
>Makes me roll my eye
why ? thats a completely normal fucking question

It's funny watching naive puritans justify genocide for mundane reasons. Faggots have existed and will always exist in sizable numbers whether the government says they exist or not. The fact that you even clicked on this thread proves you're already huge faggots.

There need to be explicit gay sex scenes.

>wearing boy underwear under the dress

It should only be extremely blatant, or extremely hidden. If it isn't hidden it should be a part of the narrative or world building: think a mission where you break into a celebrity's mansion to retrieve an object, you make the celebrity gay to solidify that liberal celebrity atmosphere, and potentially show that they live in a different 'world' with different norms and standards.

On the other side you have extremely hidden, not just some dialogue option you get to through exhausting everything, but things like mind reading, secret notes in journals/emails, or late night rendezvous you can discover. Typically you would do this when their exterior actions betray next to nothing, and you want a kind of 'dark secret'.

Another example of blatant done well is just having a setting full of gays. If you have a cyberpunk or far future setting and no one is unapologetically gay then why? The setting was expected to be more liberal and utopian, but isn't, what is the setting like and what made it more conservative (think 40k).

Based mentally ill spammer

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SIr Hammerlock from Borderlands 2 is the best subtly fag character in any game yet.

Being gay isn't normal, stop normalizing it
You literally become gay from being told homosexuality is normal. Kids adopted by gays are much, much more likely to become gay themselves

I'm not a puritan nor did I say anything about killing anyone. It's funny how people like you have to turn moderate arguments into an extremist right thing. Because that's the only way it can be counter to your extreme left mindset.

1. Don't make being gay the literal point of the character. Sexuality is only one of many traits that a real person has, so you absolutely need to include and explore a lot more if you want to write someone as believable. Having the story center around a relationship helps, because there's many things you can explore irregardless of the gender of the characters.

2. Make sure that you're coming from a genuine place. Are you doing this because you think it would be interesting, or because you're gay and genuinely want to make something that appeals to you and other gays. Or are you just fishing for woke points?

3. Come to the realization that 'Forced' can mean many different things to a lot of people, and some (many of the replies in this thread included) seem to think that if the fact that a character's not straight isn't hidden somewhere in five hundred pages of an obscure book way off the main path, then it's 'Forced'. Sexuality is an aspect that you should be able to explore in a narrative like any other, and making it a core part of a story isn't wrong just because some /pol/ LARPers say so.

4. Come to the realization that there's going to be players who won't enjoy any inclusion of gay characters, and accept that. There's many reasons why someone might not like it, and not all of them are from a place of direct animosity or bigotry. Take the stance that if someone doesn't like it, they don't have to buy the game. Don't be too urgent to be vocal or militant about detractors being homophobes. You won't win over the more center-aligned people to your viewpoint if you do that.

I don't know if there's anyone here who was looking for actual advice, but I hope this helped if so.

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But it is normal. Your schizo brain isn't though

Really makes you think.

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>entire response is to a post about killing faggots
Sounds pretty extremist to me

you can't
the people that want them excluded will never be satisfied
the people that want them included will never be satisfied

just say fuck em all and make the character as gay or as not gay as you want
fuck Yea Forums

>They just say "Hey it's my girlfriend" or "Oh no my husband died"
Watch one episode of Supergirl. You'll change your tune.

it genuinely isn't, gays at most make up 3% of a given population now that doesnt mean they dont deserve to be treated like human beings but distorting people's perception through propaganda is misleading and unethical

Every human should reproduce. Being gay means you cannot reproduce.

And inb4 muh barren women or some shit, if there was a drug that made women fertile you'd be heralded as a hero, if you made a pill that cured gayness you'd be sent to jail

Ban anime, ban video games and then ban society. Revert mankind back to its purest form so that homosexuality can only exist between 2 faggots and not as a culture.

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>if you respond to someone talking about killing people, it means you belive in it too! Even if your argument never mentions it or actively counters it!
Yup, the extreme left mindset in all its glory.

>Every human should reproduce.

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Based twitter, hate speech must be eradicated

Sauce on the right pic

honestly don't bother unless romance aspects are part of the game. People who demand represenation of every minority under the sun don't actually care about games, they just need something to either rub their tummy about and tell themselves what a good ally they are, or something to get mad about because they don't have anything else in their life.
Does a game primarily about shooting guns need a BK kids club rainbow of diversity? fuck no, it doesn't matter, the guns need to work. Does a game about beating the shit out of thugs need a side character to openly admit he loves cock? fuck no, unless the devs want to add a romantic aspect to it, they're just wasting time and resources to appease some goof fuck on twitter who wasn't going to buy their game in the first place. If you want your game to have romantic aspects though, yeah go ahead put a homosexual rep in there, throw your deranged tranny in there too who gives a fuck, it'll give players some options and maybe positively affect the game overall

That's you thinking what you see in front of you is the truth since you want to believe your team is winning. Statistics say nothing when everyone is still insecure about admitting their homosexuality. The flamboyant faggot parades are a vocal minority but not in the way you think it is.

>Statistics say nothing
so you're just going to go full anti science then ok cool

well we know what you're failing at don't we

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>being gay means you can't reproduce
>so lets force gays to reproduce so we can have more gays
I'm not following your logic

kys faggot

why do you guys care so much about what other people do while having sex ?
we already have 7 billion faggots on the world, no need for more until we get to mars or some shit

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Actual science says gays are absolutely normal in nature and has done little to affect animal populations.

Most gay people I know are
The second type usually just say things like
>my ex BOYfriend like that movie/game

bend over gayboy

Why are trannies always so desperate for attention anyway?

People don't become gay, being told that gay people exist doesn't change someone's sexuality. If you "became gay", you always were but didn't realise it.

>every character ever written is "forced"
Reign in the deconstructionist bullshit

ok give me a source then because i already know that's bullshit and it isn't going to be comparable also humans are massively different from regular animals in many ways

And you're going to ignore his argument? He's kind of right. Polling is not precise even in the best of times. But asking highly invasive questions like "are you homosexual?" never works. Because most people won't answer truthfully.

This is why all the political polls don't work either. They ask a question like "Would you vote for Trump?" And 80% of people day no. Yet 48% of people end up voting for him. Clearly a lot of people said no on the poll, because they didn't want people to know they would vote for Trump. It's the same thing asking people if they're gay.

>this entire thread
>people actually dancing in the palms of OP's cum stained hands, giving him what he wants
>info on how to include more faggots in video games has been obtained

Can someone tell me again why it's such a bad thing to be homophobic? Yeah I don't like you QUEERS one bit, and if you've got a problem with that, then tough shit. You're all freaks. You've never been a normal group of creatures in society and you never fucking will. You'll always be hated, so instead of desperately trying to claw your way out of your cages, why not just be content with where you've gotten? On the bright side (for you) you fags aren't being lynched in the streets in sight anymore like the good old days, so show some appreciation to the people who allowed you to breathe.


>People don't become gay

Imagine actually believing this

You already said you're going to know it's bullshit so it's clear your mind is already set. This is the most predictable argument ever and I'm not sure if you realize you're the type to be easily manipulated by government propaganda.

>lol ok you have no source so i win
Yeah sure here's your brownie points for thinking you're smart for a few seconds on a chinese dog cooking board.

came here to post this

Your sexuality is genetic

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>highly invasive
it's not highly invasive though the last 20 years of propaganda have made that clear, LGB people are pretty much treated like any other person by most of western society

of course there's problems with polling but it's genuinely the best we have so i'd rather take that than just some guy and his anecdotal of "lol it's just normal btw" fuck off with that, especially considering the many comorbidities and deviant behaviors like bugchasing that come along with LGB

do you really think gay people would exist if they could choose their sexuality ?

>>lol ok you have no source so i win
yes literally this
>dude lol fuck it our discussion didnt matter anyway lol
ok man have a nice day


It literally isnt.

It's funny watching degenerates justify the heat death of civilization for mundane reasons. Faggots have existed and will always exist in sizable numbers whether they're pandered to and embraced by cultural zeitgeist or not. The fact that you even responded to the above post proves you're already a huge faggot.

Hmm...I wonder who could be behind this post

Glad you agree that homosexuality is perfectly normal.

someone who actively considers gender dysphoria a mental ilness and also sees that it isnt universally accepted as normal by western society

or are you going to say im a terf now or some dumb bullshit

Shut up tranny

Thanks doc.

What a stupid argument, you should honestly just go kill yourself right now if you actually think that way. People choose to do dumb shit and make awful lifestyle choices despite what common sense would say. People chasing aids, people indulging in retarded fetishes like eating shit, getting their body parts chopped off, hooking themselves by the skin and hanging in the air, do i really need to go on? All of those things are fucking retarded and make no sense but idiots still do it in pursuit of some warped pursuit of pleasure.

have sex

>ugly tranny telling others to have sex

Is his gayness ever mentioned in daddy nier or is it just the nip version?

>ugly tranny calling others tranny to hide the fact that he's a tranny

Don't make them obnoxious. Subtly suggest that they are gay. Don't make them gay for the sake of being gay. Give them a sound reason for being gay. Their sexual preferences should only be a facet of their identity. Not their entire identity.

(I haven't read the thread so if someone already posted a similar suggestion then I'm sorry).

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okay i still haven't seen a good answer to whether it's gay to fuck a trap or not, is nobody trying to figure this out?

for now i'll continue to err on the side of caution but please tell me somebodies working on finding an objective solution to this

If you, as a person, use your sexuality as a defining characteristic, you are a deviant. Not because you're a homosexual, but because you make it a defining part of who you are, you enter the room letting everyone know you love sucking dick and taking it up the ass. Any time you ever bring it up, it's all about sex. It's never about life, or living, it's about sex. It's same sex fetishism, and the homosexual community doesn't see this as the problem.

Your ignorance to this problem doesn't make the problem go away. Your gay pride parades where you deepthroat a yardstick isn't impressing anyone. You're not making any allies from people who weren't your allies in the first place, you're just making your enemies more convinced that you're a degenerate-

And once again let me repeat, it's not because you're gay, it's because you choose to make being gay your defining characteristic. You are an overly sexual degenerate and it is not for polite company. Your parades are disgusting, your characters in literature, animation, theater, television, and videogames are often disgusting. Your argumentative natures are often disgusting, and you often troll the internet looking for a fight and then play the victim after people call you out for being an antagonizer.

The people who like you aren't going to like you more if you double down on your loud faggoty ways, you will gain 0 more friends this way, and you should stop trying if that's really what you want. Continuation of this method of discourse is basically admitting all you want to do is make your gayness the center of everyone ELSE'S lives as well as your own.

Keep it in your pants and you might be considered human.

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traps are gay yes

If you're aware that they're a man with a penis, it's gay

Easy, don't put gay people in video games

of course you fucking retard
>is it gay to fuck a man

If you're aware that they're a boy, then yes, that's gay, and yes, that's fine.

Given people are getting sex changes just for 5 minutes of social media attention, I can believe some people would choose a gay lifestyle for attention.

It's also been proven by psychiatric doctors that a fair portion of people who identify as homosexual have the root cause of it tied to something like sexual abuse or sexual confusion. They are not inherently gay, but chose it. I know multiple people who do this, as well as others who choose to be bisexual. All of them have the same issues of growing up in a bad home and being sexually confused as adults.

I have yet to meet anyone who discovered they were gay during puberty. All of them either were coached into being gay before puberty (again, sexual abuse in the home) or "discovered" it in high school/college.

Why can't you just be gay somewhere else and stop whining about it

Boys are better girls and girls are.

A normal gay character in a normal game will be completely indistinguishable from straight characters.
The vast majority of games at the most have a romantic interest for the protagonist who by all accounts would be expected to be straight given that homosexuality is a minute minority, therefore the sexuality of most other characters is simply presumed and not defined.
In this context, you can't make a natural gay character, it's a game about fighting bad guys and saving the world nobody cares if Cid or the Adoring Fan or whoever likes sucking dick.
In a game like, say, Dragon Age or Mass Effect, for some stupid reason everyone cares very much about the romance options, personally I think they're shit and tacked-on by design but if Dragon Age Inquisition didn't have shit writing and pathetic characterization of the gay characters, they would fit right in.


I wish I could find more sexual degenerate gay characters in games. Gay characters like to shout that they're gay but they're completely vanilla.

its almost like being homosexual isn't normal and will never be no matter how much people insist that it is

>include a female villain who seduces men into doing her bidding
>she has no effect on the gay guy

You should try more modern games where they use lesbians as advertising material.

Imagine being so shit with women you unironically delude yourself into believing this

2d traps aren't gay but 3d traps are.

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If you are gonna put a gay character in, make them the flamboyant type. Love them

>tfw has been in relationships with many girls
>tfw formally married
>tfw have a child
>tfw now have a trap gf

Boys are better girls than girls.

>they use lesbians as advertising material
You mean what they've been doing for decades?

It's not fine, you poop from there!

easy, you make a character, and don't mention their sexuality unless it's relevant to the game.

They've been using WOMEN as advertising materials. Nowadays the go-to way to grab the goyim is to make a shitty over the shoulder third person """""shooter""""" based on underage girls kissing.

Sex sells, and now Homosex sells.

Homosex has always sold

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>it never becomes relevant
>no one ever mentions it
>some people headcanon them as gay anyway online
>some drama burps up
>dev chimes in
>"He's actually gay"
Try again.

>now Homosex sells
i dont think this is true it's mostly just gaming being a huge booming industry nearing its peak and that coinciding with a new generation of indifferent zoomers buying everything they're told to

She's looking at the viewer. FFM is the straightest thing in the universe. If they were looking at each other instead of being a coppertone parody I'd be inclined to believe you, but there's nothing lesbian here, it's just math. Sexy woman + sexy woman = profit.

oh wait nvm yeah that kind of homosex sells because gaming is mostly a male hobby and hot lesbians are nice to have

they don't do that anymore though in the west

This is true.

This is true.

Lesbians aren't straight, user. It doesn't matter how much of a drooling retard you are, lesbians are by definition gay as fuck.

nah they're homosex in canon

>this example doesn’t count.

Nice goalpost moving.

There is a difference between happenstance in universe and happenstance in the metauniverse, which encompasses the real world. It was a poorly executed marketing move

Oh. Never actually played it. I thought it was just a coppertone parody and trying to appeal to the FFM fantasy.
You were correct- also I never said lesbians weren't gay, I was just denying the implication that they were lesbians. Previous post showing that I indeed did not know them personally.

>How do you create a "non-forced" gay character in vidya?
make the main character bi-sexual
let the player decide
devs never hint or state their true sexuality
release a poll later showing game data what the players chose
then everyone stood up and clapped

It's worked pretty well for dragon age, fallout, and whatnot so far, the problems arise when the NPCs take a stand.

>make a girl
>make the girl actually look like a girl and not a generic western take on """""beauty"""""
>give her a dick
It's literally that easy

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>nobody ITT mentioned Sylvando
Fuck this gay thread.

Hes who I had in mind when I said

>an user literally did
I'd say you tried but you didn't.

Either make cute traps or don't make any gays at all. It's that simple.
Girls blushnig and getting flustered over holding another girl's hand is also acceptable.

>Like it implies that he is hiding his gayness
how the hell is Arcade Gannon hiding his his gayness? You only get to know that's he's gay unless you get to know the man. He's just not gonna tell some random guy that he's gay straight out. Like what does you being gay has to do with the problems here?

Traps are not gay

your last example is actualy the right way of it's done from the start and not added later through dlc or autistic twitter reveals/comics like overwatch is doing.

Their character doesn't revolve around their sexuality, you don't see straight people talking about how straight they are. Do you see how funny it looks now to other people?

Make a flamboyant flaming faggot and make it obvious that he's a joke character.

Smart man right here.

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Good post

I genuily am gay and I hate people like you and the fucking pride parades.
>let's show people being gay is normal and not degenerate by acting like complete degenerates and living out every stereotype
also fuck you for having me have start this sentence with "I'm gay" because I honestly hate having to say it as if it defines who I am, when it doesn't.

>you don't see straight people talking about how straight they are
That's wrong though. Charactrers who just lust over girls (sucessfully or not) are not all that uncommon.

Kill yourself, homo.

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Is astolfo the ultimate example of draw a girl call it a boy? where the fuck is the "boy" in that character?

You wouldn't be attracted if a hot guy was standing next to you?

Nothing is natural anymore you stupid piece of shit.
Modern medicine is unnatural. Unplug your shit pc and go live in a forest you neanderthal.

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>No breasts
>Less-than-feminine jawline
>Bulge in pants
It's not that hard, user.

Dont let anyone tell you that the second one isn't fine.

No, I'm not gay.

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Make then obviously gay, but don't make it important.

Make them do literally anything but talk about being gay all the time.

good thing I'm not from the US

It's another "30 year old basement dwelling virgins complain about gay people despite having next to zero meaningful human interactions irl" episode.

Just because the statistics are from the US then that doesn't mean homos behave differently in the rest of the west.

Having no meaningful interactions with other people is better than being a bad influence on other people.

Judt because 20% of americans arent drooling retards doesn't mean you're bright yourself.

look at liberals in the US and liberals in any other european country, the difference is insane.
being lib in the US generaly means to be as SJW as possible while in europe it means to promote free market and be against goverment intervention.

Define bad influence.

Internet was a bad influence on you. Just sayan.

if a character's romantic life is not a story arc or part of their motif, anything sexual they bring up has to be minor. you have to be okay with someone being able to miss it.

if, under any circumstances, you feel the need to make it unflinchingly clear that Johnny Mcguffin Holder sucks cock in his spare time, to the point where he talks profusely about it unprovoked, you should ask yourself why the guy holding a mcguffin in a cave for ten years needs to think about cock. is it that important to him? why?

I might not be bright, but at least I'm not a fucking faggot, so it can't be all bad.

In Europe they're simply called "greens" instead. The silly american "liberal" term comes from them being unable to have other political orientations than liberal and conservative.

Ghost was a shitty series.

liberals are the blue parties actualy. greens are just the hippies, the rancid SJW's you're thinking of are the reds.

Normalizing, spreading and indulging in homosexual behavior.

It has done me bad and done me good.

Homos are more useful to society than 90% of the people in this thread and ironically more likely to procreate by donating sperm because you incels don't even leave your house.

make their sexuality optional

>If their sexuality is mentioned within the first 10 minutes of interacting with the character, it's forced.

Well wait now, Dorian from DAI doesn't mention his sexuality in the first 10 minutes and he was still labeled as forced.

Not where I come from.
Ranking from most to least SJW-ism.

>faggots can still get aids together and you get to pick whether to join in or not
No thanks

i meant make faggot themes optional
like a separate patch, DLC, skin or something similar

>Entire character is to be as much of a flaming faggot as he can
>Well-loved by everyone and one of the best party members
What went so right?

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Why is it bad exactly? Because you don't like other people in general?

based human that just happens to be gay

>but at least I'm not a fucking faggot
Maybe not, but you seem like a little bitch to me.

Because homosexuals are prone to various problems

You don't. You make a game for faggots to cater for faggots. Just like how one would make scat porn to cater to poo in loos.

>Charactrers who just lust over girls (sucessfully or not) are not all that uncommon.

Yes, but that doesn't usually play a huge segment of their whole character, and when it does, it's usually treated as a negative thing or used as a gag. See pic related.

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If there's only one character whose sexuality is revealed and they're gay, it's forced. That's just the way it is.
If there's already at least one openly straight character, there can also be an openly gay character.

>or used as a gag
As it should be. Same if a character lusts over men.

Why does it bother you?

>If there's already at least one openly straight character, there can also be an openly gay character
That's be forced. There should be an openly gay character for every 50 openly straight characters.

how would one make scat porn "non-forced" anyway

There is literally nothing wrong with being gay and dressing up like Astolfo

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Because I'm all for removing or at least lessening the unhealthy and detrimental parts of society.


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Remove the "being gay" part and you're right.

Make it ambiguous.

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We haven't even reached the point where homosexuality can exist between two people, yet.
Fuck Christianity/Islam and fuck conservatism.

I always enjoy watching the retard logic of dumbasses like this
who usually proposes forcing gays to be "normal" by passing on their supposed broken genes to future generations instead of letting them assfuck each other and leaving everyone else alone.

>tfw own two of his outfits
>tfw permavirgin because I'm never gonna do anything IRL
Outfits are hella cute tho

Are you the 20% or the 40%?

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You just hint at it somewhat later in the game.
However, I prefer characters to be openly gay from the start. Because gays disgust me and I don't want to start liking a character just to think less of him once I found out he is a degenerate.

Unless that's the same ratio as real life, that's arbitrary.

There is 1000% something wrong with being straight and dressing up like Astolfo.

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Straight male here. Where do I find boypussy to fuck? Ideally xie would have a paper bag on xir head and stay silent.

Are you implying that homosexulity will go extinct if we let it go on unmolested?

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Look at New Vegas for gay characters done right.

You get to lynch, burn, maim and kill faggots in the game, that's one way to do it.

At this moment in time, there is no way to do it. The retarded left has made being gay so political that there is no way to include them in western media without arising suspicion that it's forced and/or pandering.
Maybe when being gay isn't trendy or gives you brownie points we'll be able to see gay characters again with normalcy

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If a character's sexuality is to be explored it should be part of a character arc, be it tied to a romance with the player or part of their individual story. If a character trait doesn't affect the narrative just don't even worry about it. That's writing 101

Your world view is incredibly crooked if you think that two sexy girls in a shot marketed entirely to males is "homosex".

Are you cute?
20%, but really it's 0% cause I'm not dumb.

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If something is inherently wrong with homosexual behavior then yes it will eventually phase out if it proves beneficial for the survival of humans. That's how all evolution works. But human "morality" always gets in the way of natural selection by turning things taboo which ironically only perpetuates that behavior.

It is the same as the real life ratio, according to non-homos at least.

Find an arcade.

>What exactly are you supposed to do?
Just make them a good character that happens to be gay. Negative Man from Doom Patrol is a good example in current media. He's a well developed character who has his gayness be a part of who he is, but it's presented in such a way that it's tastefully done. A romance is shown rather than just a relationship of pure lust, which I think really helps with making the audience not get upset that they're "different" or "wrong" because they're just like a straight man who loves a woman, though in their case it's another guy instead.

It's difficult talking about what the general audience will like especially when it comes to volatile topics like sex and gender politics, but as long as the character has some quality that is sympathetic or just makes them entertaining, then I think that's enough.

That's not how evolution works. The less fit for survival option doesn't disappear as a "phasing out", it disappears because it is denied what it needs to live from those that are more fit. If you're really so pro-evolution then you should be denying homos food and water or outright kill them.

In fact, there is literally everything right with it

Make a good game with good writing. If the rest of the game is leftist garbage, the inclusion of a gay character is going to come off as political pandering no matter how you do it. If the writing is good and the reveal is handled naturally, nobody but the most deranged idiots will care.

Gay is not a personality trait.

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Goddamn fags, answer me something.
I want to fuck a cute boy. I see one or other that I like with my day friend BUT here's the catch:
I am very masculine looking, not fat not fit, just masculine. But my dick is extremely small.
Can I just suck them dry or something? Or it's all about the dick?

They didn't care about offending anyone. And it turns out a lot of actual homosexuals love to laugh at the stereotypes. Just not have them directed at them. To see a character in game who doesn't take offense to every little thing, it's liberating. It means they can just enjoy the character without expecting a shame lecture or political rant every time they show up.

Also, he's just a good character. And while it is heavily implied he likes men, it's never outright said. He also shows plenty of interest in women. I'd venture to guess he's actually pretending to be gay as a cover. Though again, nothing is confirmed.

Attached: 1535857814614.jpg (635x900, 500K)

What is it then? Because I'd say it is.

>it's all about the dick
Homos only care about sex, so yeah.

Attached: Vamp-MGS2.jpg (800x450, 37K)

What if I like both boys and girls?

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Then you're just lying to yourself.

>non-forced gay character
>just have character be gay
>don't make gay feel forced
is it really that hard?

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When is she(he) posting a new video!

Attached: 1544716447972.jpg (1156x1080, 353K)

Then you'll be hated by everyone including the gays. Being different is evil, of course!

Then you have to give me a source for that pic. Also best of both worlds, fap to whatever.

Tracer is a very different story and you know it. Overwatch and its "story" is a very obvious cobbled together mess that they have just been making up as they go along. They have been purposefully leaving characters' romantic relationships out as much as possible so they can decide at a later point in time and the fact that they fucking advertised "HEY GUESS WHAT WE HAVE A GAY CHARACTER! WE WON'T SAY WHO THOUGH SO YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO WAIT A FEW WEEKS FOR THE COMIC TO COME OUT ;)" If it had been something that was planned from the start, they wouldn't have made some big fuss about revealing it. They either would have just had it out there from the start or they would have just done the comic and not bothered to advertise that they were revealing who was gay. Then they went as pulled pretty much the same shit with Soldier 76. Fucking advertising that you're revealing that a pre-existing character is gay is a pretty fucking obvious sign that you just arbitrarily decided on it well after the fact for the sake of virtue signaling.

The worst part about it is that the way they handled Tracer's sexuality could have been perfectly fine and an example of how you should handle a gay character but they had to go and show their hand by making such a big deal out of it by teasing and advertising the reveal.

Get off this board, holy shit, how can one genuinely post this crap
*shill me on abusing X*
What the fuck user wake up


Link the me the old video, nigga

When the only reason for them to have a gay character is to force their agenda and virtue signal, yes. It really is hard for them not to force it.

>How do you create a "non-forced" gay character in vidya?
Make them gay, just don't be a faggot about it

Of course.

Based and hatapilled

Attached: hatarabu0810-754689987728121856-20160717_155129-img3.png (960x1276, 2.07M)

xtube hatarabu


Huh, that's weird, I don't recall saying "[...] so that I can join in on the actions that I am questioning."..
Funny that.



Wait, there is porn?

Still a faggot who should hang himself.

Sounds about right. I was being a bit facetious naming Sylvando as a gay character when it's not said, he just came to mind when I thought "stereotypical gay character", and yet even with that everyone who's played the game loves him. Hell, I love him too. There's definitely more to Sylvando's character than just flamboyance, but even if it was outrighted stated that he loves dick, I'd love him all the same. 10/10 guy.

I want to suck astolfo's bbc!

Attached: astolfo censor.png (1200x2018, 2.15M)


Right or wrong, the people doing the abusing have a motive.
What exactly is wrong with user wanting to understand where they're coming from?

Hold up. Are they teaching New Math/Common Core/Whatever in the last panel there? Now that's going too fucking far!

It just seems like these writers don't understand sex or sexuality. Real people don't really fucking talk about this type of stuff, even among friends. No one is hiding it, we're not ashamed of it, we don't hate it, it just isn't normal conversation material.

God I just want to fuck him

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Attached: cuteboy.jpg (1080x1081, 249K)

I know that feel, I have literally every one of his videos and pictures saved

Attached: D3zNUv_U4AgZXk3.jpg (1183x1727, 160K)

Meanwhile, real people hold Pride parades and go to gay-exclusive clubs

Who doesn't?

Attached: 1523533782502.jpg (245x312, 16K)

he is literally canon bi

Attached: friendly reminder astolfo is canon bi.png (500x253, 108K)

you create it in 2012 and before that

Don't point it out. Don't have a character go "oh btw Im gay :)" Don't have a stupid kiss front and center. When it is unnecessary information is when it's shit.

So do it.

There is a difference between hiding it and not going out of your way to draw attention to it. People are asking for the latter, not the former. When you make some big show out of it and act like it's some big deal, your basically acknowledging that it's something abnormal. You don't see straight people explicitly trying to draw attention to how straight they are and in a realistic gay relationship that you would actually see in reality, you're not going to see that kind of shit either from people who don't build their entire personality off of their sexually. If you want to be seen as normal, then act like what you're doing is normal.

I'd rather be praised for doing it than the opposite.