Lobotomy Corporation

For me, it's the Big Bird.

Attached: 1556998681984.jpg (1080x1080, 120K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Go to bed

For me, it's the Judgement Bird.

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is this game cool

We just had 3 back to back threads, lets have a cooldown or else E box production goes down and we don't want that, now do we

Yes, but Its not for everyone

It's pretty fun. If you're not too sure about the price, you could always pirate and buy it later if you like it.

Fair enough, Manager. I wasn't awake during the 2 threads before the last one so I wasn't aware.

alright v so i'm on day 11 and just got a nice pairof red shoes what am i in for? general tips would be nice as well

What's your gut instinct?

Big Bird is here! Say something nice!

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that this thing is going to kill somebody by the end of the day

he was giving you a hint, user

I'm getting gradually further and further before each reset, but I feel like the biggest thing holding me back is how I spend my LOB points.
What SHOULD I use them for? What do I prioritise?

AND ugleh

Borb is cute!

What was his one sin?

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Remember that danger will often get you nice rewards if you can finagle it.
Tap employees on shoulders if they're REALLY worrying you.
Don't get too used to Pause, as helpful as it is.
Stat growth is tied to Work as well as the "Level" of the stat, which requires a particular value - that's why LOB upgrades give stat bonuses to stat. The better the World's efficiency, the better the gain. Abnormality class also plays a role.
Ranged weapon spreads are very, very important. Enemies can hit in aoes just like some of your dudes can.
Consider the shape of the abnormality when deciding initial work, of course. Objects like Wellcheer's and Red Shoes for example, TYPICALLY tend to respond better to Instinct.

If I now an ordeal is going to happen its better to stop all the work and wait? Or is better just to keep everyone busy in the chambers so the ycan avoid damage?

Our Original Sin, of course - which he took upon himself

If you don't have the heart for it, don't bother with it

If it's a Purple Noon, evacuate before it happens.

If it's anything else, it's really up to you. Good work practice is to at the very least dump some of JOOR BEHST outside the door of the abnormality you have the most trouble containing, to keep that shit from happening

If you push an ordeal with your agents all busy, Red Dawns risk opening your units because they won't be stopped. Orange and Green Dawns will murder the everloving fuck out of your clerks as well - and when your Clerks die, you start to lose your Department bonus.
Better to keep your agents on standby and send one dude out to trigger it. Don't lump them all in one place unless it's the earlygame of a BRAND NEW file though.

>Day 1~20
Get at least 1 chad per department. Don't use LOB points on stats past level 3. Use TETH, HE, and WAW to grind everything up beyond level 3. Don't use LOB on Justice.
>Day 20ish-your first suppression
By now you may encounter abnormalities who hate high leveled people. Use LOB to generate some shitter employees to babysit the problem abnormalities. Keep grinding your chads and distribute some LOB as you see fit, to get your special ones to V level. Make sure to never deplete your LOB because you're going to start losing people and not want to restart the day to avoid it.
>Day 35ish-end
You should unlock the buff that makes employees start with level 3 on all stats and be swimming in LOB. Use it however you like.
Of course these day restrictions aren't concrete and it really depends on what weapons you have available as well as what abnormalities you have, there are some WAWs that can boost your stats super quick because they're easy to grind.
The safest strategy is to have 1 guy trigger the ordeal while the fighters are waiting in position and can access the enemies quick, and put the weak ones away from the fight. Putting your weak employees to work will make them exit while you're in the middle of fighting and they may get caught in the battle.

>let every abnormality loose
>nothing there just dabs on them all while losing 5% HP in the process
not fair


Kicking WhiteNight's bitch ass


Thanks, this is exactly the sorta thing I was hoping to see.
Should I ever make someone from one department go and work in another? Any reason to/not to?

Quiet Philharmonic should have been fleshed out more. Make it interact with other musical abnormalities like la luna or the singing machine.

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In my game I have a gentle HE that I use to grind Justice on (i.e. spam repression work) and I send everyone to it, they usually get to lvl 3 in one day. There's no reason to not send someone downstairs or upstairs to do stuff. The only thing you generally shouldn't do is change who the Team Captain is as they get special buffs for being the first in their department after time passes, but if you have someone who's way more qualified, let them get promoted (move everyone out of the department then place the intended employee first)
SO was made for the employees in mind, not the abnormalities. He plays for everyone and favors no one.

Sure. Since you can activate ordeals at your own leisure, it lets them keep their Department bonus while they work in other ones anyways.
And since it's unlikely EVERY department will have perfect abnormality spreads for stats, it's a good idea to both cycle agents as well as let them work in other departments here and there.

Is it wrong that I've been avoiding playing because I'm afraid that my game is going to crash right as I finish a hard day?

That's why I just quickly restart once I get past Day 30 - at the start of a brand new day just to make 100% certain it's saved.

Goddamn I'm tired of Chesed timed quest, It wasn't fun the first time nor is the 4th one.

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wut da fugg xDDD
At least this is potentially more new ALEPH gear if I can survive these fellows.

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Yeah, but sometimes even after a fresh restart it will crash which sucks even more.

Nice leg collection.

blue star is easy mode

That reminds me why did I have to go back in time thanks to Melting Loven, Silent Orchestra and Censored in central department.... fuck that.

I'm prayin that his core suppress isn't what I think it is...

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central chads where we at?
>the centerpiece of the whole facility
>get to work with 8 abnormalities
>competent sephirah
>stylish department HQ
>lots of clerks to bully
>no elevators so you get a good cardio workout daily
>Orange is the best color
>9 fellow agents to talk and bond with
>excellent theater for Silent Orchestra's performances.

Attached: CentralCommandTeamMainRoom.png (1114x967, 1.91M)

>no edit replacing Daiyousei and Cirno with Tiphereth

I like Central as long as Queen Bee's fucking away from it.
Just gotta remember to micro all agents down one floor at the start of every day. They really should just fucking start there, as it makes their movement more efficient.
And yeah, great colors and aesthetic My SO's in Records though, where it also blends in.

I have no such skills user.

The fuck is this game even about

I found it on my Steam wishlist but I don't even remember adding it

SCP sex game

I CTD'd last night during the end of day loading screen last night. I assume this means Im fucked huh

Attached: UH.png (1920x1080, 390K)

I picked a box before going to bed, said "something something manager", is it good?

stress simulator 2000 (with some feels interspersed between panic attacks.)

Hello? Goodbye.

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Nevermind, it fixed itself after restarting. What the fuck

Does it have a campaign or is it one of those 'endless' games like Dwarf Fortress

I prefer playing games that have a finite ending

you're fucked, start backing up shit

It has a 'campaign' yes and multiple endings
and timed missions after the fact if you like

It has a story campaign that runs for 50 days, with a restart mechanic so you can return to previous days if you screw yourself over.

quit bein' a doofus user

Thanks guys

Have this comfy image

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This happened to me too, haven't noticed any problems since. Was pretty spooky because I was clicking to try and get me to a start menu but it sent me to an abnormality page with all the categories and prices as UNKNOWN.

Are those Hod's nicknames?

>tfw you forgot your ticket while clearing a dusk/midnight ordeal

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Enjoy user

>tfw the Train just passes by and misses EVERYONE
>"don't forget your ticket next time bro"
based train

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>tfw you never pick up the ticket
survival of the fittest

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>Tfw first time making it to day 10 with no casualties or problem-abnormalities, and a decent number of level 3+ workers.
Things are finally looking up.
Can't wait for the inevitable anal ravaging I'll get on day 11-12.

>train only damages your guys
I hate that shit

saw it run over Ppodae once
shit was great

>Got to 20 rather smoothly
>Had to memory repository on 25 because I had CENSORED but not a lot of lvl 4s

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you can use lob to reinforce employees. If you have level 4s but require a level 5, you can just spend a few LOB for that final push

>the manager tips for the ALEPHS are all just a long winded version of saying "fuck anyone that doesn't have V's across the board"

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>he says, posting the one ALEPH that can be shitslapped by IIIs

Did you mean to post CENSORED user?

I was thinking, just how dangerous is mountain if he gets bodies rolling?

Laughs in Silent Orchestra

Quite. His main body doesn't take any damage until his additional parts are defeated, so that means longer fights and more damage to your guys

>have a -12% modifier
>still get 19 PE boxes

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It's usually a -12% off of like 90%+

Creating WhiteNight

>Roll normal or enjoy your breach+free music bro

>All the alephs are in central

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>Noon ordeal
>Clerks dying
>Big bird breachs
>mountain of smiling bodies breachs
>Ordeals still causing chaos
Why I can't kill all the clerks from the game? they just make everything worst.

Clerks lives matter

Fuck off, Hod

Try to get Execution Bullets as fast as possibly from Disciplinary team

Just because I don't have execution bullet yet, I know I'm going to use every bullet....

Is getting annoying trying to do timed mission with an ordeal killing clerks and fucking everything up.

>Day 49 is a giant cluster-fuck of arbiter, Apocalypse bird, Blue star, mountain, melting love, nothing there, all while unable to pause

What the fuck game?

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The korean motto is "Micro or die".

Better get that APM up

I'm anything but a drugged up slut

>all of these core suppression's available at once
Guess I'll start from the top and work my way down. Maybe tomorrow though.

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I don't think you understand the definition of the word "at once"

This guy begs to differ
(spoilers obviously)

Ah now I get what you mean, no I'm going to do them one at a time, not feeling particularly ballsy enough to take on multiple bosses at once, losing space to deploy agents on top of that would make things go south really quickly.

How do I deal with mountain of smiling bodies? is not by it self but the fucking ordeal killing fodder with Big bird joining the party.

Get his armor asap. Whenever clerks die, use the guy with the armor to go eat the corpses so he doesn't immediately sprint for them. If his Qliphoth counter is at 1 you can try to intentionally breach him because his first form is very weak compared to other Alephs. Two guys with aleph gear is enough to take him down, sometimes with a red shield or two.

Why does heroic monks weapon only deal 3-4 damage? Is it really fast or something?

Thanks I'll try that, ordeals are runing my day, I got an agent with Nothing there gear maybe she can tank it.

no he's just a useless piece of shit only good for giving your girl employees cute bracelets

Fuck, My choices are him, meme bathtub or shoes and I hate all of them.

>Lobotomy Corporation

A Lobotomy Corp thread? Woefully devoid of Prawny posts? Narry a single Wellcheers shill?
I'll put a stop to that!

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at least he's insight training fodder

They've grown so much, I'm very proud of these 5 still staying alive and being all geared up

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So is this a redo of SCP?

Pretty radical team.

>still in HE gear
What did hoon ever do to deserve this

All I get are HEs, followed by ALEPHS and maybe a tool WAW if I'm lucky, I'm surprised I got a WAW suit at all Though that suit is on a different unit, so Jake is also stuck in HE

>tfw I just reached day 25
This got way too grim way too fast. Are you telling me every Sephirah is a fucking 40k style servitor and they get replaced when they get old or when they show emotions or doubt outside the range they get mindwiped?

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Sort of. Keep playing, you'll see.

How are my agents even taking damage from Well Cheers? I can't imagine it doing anything to hurt anyone other than maybe throwing empty cans at the person researching them

>day 23 of first reset
>first aleph Silent Orchestra

Do I just roll back to day 21? Is this dudes gear even worth it? Just seems like a genuine cocksucker. I'd rather take Melting Love again.

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I actually like central because I can move the control team in to one of the empty corridors without having to reassign them and lose the MS bonus.

Then I move training team in to control so they can do heir noobie grinding, thinking about moving discipline in to central as well.

ALL abnormalities you can work with do damage. Wellcheer's does 1-2 Red.
If you mean 'how', some sort of residual energy fluctuation caused by copious amounts of DRUGS

How hard is the dusk ordeal with this setup?

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Keep it. It'll be a slog but you can just memory repo it(and don't be afraid to drop its counter to 0 as long as you're ready to GTFO your entire department and get ready for Big Bird if you have him as well as keep Punishing Bird down)
if you get lucky you'll get his EGO Gift
which if you combine with his armor confers a 100% White damage immunity

bruh you should be stomping dusk before you even unlock that floor.

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>Express train to hell
>Rather than picking up passangers and taking them to hell it crashes through the station killing everyone like a ghetto hit and run

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What, did you expect a korean game to be devoid of industrial grade, 100% pure concentrated SUFFERING(tm) ?


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This Birb and Mountain are making my days stressful, I'm glad that I'm done with the timed quest getting 980 PE in 8mins was annoying.

I always viewed it that the Facility is basically Hell anyways, so that's why

It's on the bottom of central, so dude has to walk all the way up to escape.

and it slowing shit down to 1x speed is fucking awful.

>bruh you should be stomping dusk before you even unlock that floor.
Yeah but Birb, Mountain and that fucking parasyte tree are not making it easy.

She should be able to. I send someone geared with NT's gear and I didn't have to send anyone else since he just tanked all the hits and got what little damage he took back from the healing effect of the sword

The ride is only starting, user.

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It's inspired by SCP, so in a way you could say it is. I'd actually recommend it to people who like SCP not because of how much it's similar to SCP, but because of how all the Abnormalities feel fresh and different compared to the same 4-5 that all the SCP games end up featuring (173, 096, etc).

also its plague doctor is better than 049

Uh manager

This clerk is outside the door and it won't leave me alone

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Not at all but well it was a nice surprise to see we are going full AdMech on this game. Im hook


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Go do the dusk ordeal mission and enjoy the shitstorm.

Not too hard.
One guy on aleph gear should be able to solo it

No it's shit.
Some fags just keep circlejerking it everyday

>Knife isn't Mimicry
this clerk is not a threat

It's pretty fun figuring it all out. Pirated it, played to day 10, stopped playing and now waiting for a sale to buy it.

Wow what a hard choice.

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figured out the dmg meem.

have katana and judgement birb greatsword. can just smash it down to 45% hp by end of 1st movement. then swarm it with a bunch of V's with black weapons.

still a fucking slog, and it's defiantly going to be nuisance later on. Not sure if I'll reset once getting the gear.

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Shhh, Queen of Hatred is sleeping!

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Your sisters are hotter.
Both of them.

The "damage" in the abnormalities panel is the damage amount and damage type your employee will take each time they got a bad P.E. boxes.
Armor do help negate the damage. If you wear a red armor while performing work on an abnormality while it deals 4, your employee will only take 2 instead.
Keep in mind that sometimes when an abnormality breach its damage type may not be same as the damage type he dealt while in captivity.

You forgot your ticket.

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Choo choo



Train is officially the worst abnormality in my opinion, parasyte comes second.

you didnt reply to that post every 180 seconds user
For me so far is Big Bird, the biggest problem is how low the kill count is for him to get out, he always fucks with my LOB rewards because the Ordeals go wild

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Based train picks another victim just have a guy on ticket duty user, the ticket at max light heals the whole place

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It's ridiculous low, clerks are just fodder that dies even from worms, I can deal with Birb but having to deal with that shitty tree is annoying.

CUTE! BEAUTIFUL! Kinda violent too.

>Heroic monk could've been actually heroic if it not had been for a mistype by a backer
Oh, what could've been...

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KoG is a slut.

A sluuuut!

It's not about caring for the clerks, its about abnormalities breaking out because they smell blood

Also, visiting the train station to grab a ticket will increase a count for the parasyte tree. Imagine having both of them while suppressing core that does not allow you to pause.

You shut your whore mouth, clerk.

It DOES say "express", and hell is no place for the living.

>just got Third Trumpet
So this means its an insta game over?

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>got to central command
>Got an Aleph (the Soldier stuck in a Jelly Heart and a pair of shoes
>Aleph makes everyone go insane before they can finish their work
>breaks out and fucks around

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Just means the fun begins
But if your best agents are down/going down, best close up shop and try again

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>having central command with no one able to work on an Aleph
How did this happen

Everyone in Central Command is V/IV in every stat. I've sent out my best trooper with V everywhere and still gets mindboggled.

Soldier in pink heart is my first hard restart. I just couldn't handle him and I got him even before central command.

Are you using armour properly?

But he's a perfectly safe zayin

One fucking clown released Nothing there and everything went down quick, not even my best agent with his gear could hold it long enough for all my other agents trying to kill him, it was hilarious.

I used the shelter and shit turned into the webm from Cabin in the Woods

Wew that Welfare team, you like living on the edge?

Sounds fun!

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But he's a Zayin, game wouldn't lie to you.


There's no blue sky in lobotomy corporation. Only death and misery and decay.

>non escaped object

Why the fuck can't they use hazmat suit for biohazard abnormalities?

EGO suits kind of function like that. Just get one with the right resistances.

Technically they did.
Good work means your employee followed procedures while bad work means they didn't wear their goggles.

goddamnit, why couldn't this game have a better core loop? Dealing with new anomalies (fuck the translation) is awesome and interesting, but then it's 20 minutes to an hour of grind slog to finish one (1) day... I'm at day 17 and i have no reason to do anything other than grind my current new anomaly every time. It's especially boring when it's a tool.
All they needed to do is add reasons to work on many abnormalities at once other than promotions.

>Game glitched and red hood [/spoiled] becomes a clerk

Attached: RedHoodWhiteneck.jpg (1542x1650, 359K)

>Shy Look switches from 1 to 5 as my employee enters the door

>day 17
You ain't seen nothing yet.

This is some serious bullshit, man.

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I honestly feel really bad for the clerks.

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Clerks aren't people.

>abnormality breaches on a medium result just as the day was about to end

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>tfw you will never be an employee of lobcorp assigned to ticket duty and get fat stacks of dosh doing nothing so you can buy the vacation package from W corp every 2 months

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Is it even a good vacation package?

>Getting a 15 on Queen of Hatred when she's at 1 Qliphoth

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show me some Angela porns! !

Do abnormalities fight eachother?

The employees keep talking about it, so it must be good.


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I've had someonepossessed by red shoes[/spoiler] and Big bad Wolf fight Nothing There.
So yes

So what does the disciplinary team even do? If I'm working with eldritch horrors every day, wading through clerk guts flooding the corridors, and likely facing fates worse than death, a sternly worded letter or suspension won't really deter much.

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There was an attempt

They are the group that is despatched when the Security team fucks up.

>making a really over the top detailed strategy just to get enough confidence to even start the game again after getting my ass whipped on day 49
I don't know what I'll do if it turns out that this doesn't work. I just fall apart

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I've been seeing this game posted a lot on Yea Forums lately. Is it any good? It's a monster management game? I don't understand, it was made a year ago, what made it crop up now?

it got translated or something
it's pretty comfy, a little expensive though

This question gets asked and answered several times every thread. Just lurk.

Sorry. I didn't want to look around too much incase I spoiled myself on the game. I like going into stuff without knowing a lot about specifics.

>Is this any good?
It was decent. Cheap, and good enough to keep you occupied for a few days.
>What made it crop up now?
English translation (poorly, but get the job done) and mouth to mouth marketing
Fyi the game was made by some Korean and these fucker knows absolutely nothing about difficulty scale. There will be some torturing if you decide to try this game.

Drink more coffee


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That's like 4/10 in terms of difficulty when you compare it to later content.

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What was getting you? Binah? The no-pausing? Some Aleph getting loose because of the meltdowns?

>dimensional refraction variant
>counter decreases all the time regardless of what i do

Why is Gebura always so angry?

>as tall as an employee while hunching over
>her crotch is at employee mouth level with a short skirt

>Can sometimes hear Laetitias music box even when I'm not playing the game

Am I going insane?

Attached: 1527362686638.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

She wants to be your friend!

I have all of the bullshit alephs and Binah just wants too much attention too fast. it doesn't help that it needs 20 minutes to even get her to spawn.
I'll probably just ignore her and push for the 10 meltdown levels + energy, although SO could be a problem

>3 hours trying to suppress gebura
>finally made it to phase 4
Almost there you bitch

Why, just why, it's the central command to make it even worse.

Attached: centralcommand.png (1223x641, 475K)

>Queen of Hatred
>Get yellow result
>"eh" she says
>Starts convulsing on the floor

Attached: 1537251283449.jpg (431x665, 161K)

Just take the queen of hatred

Someone in the last thread said there was a good pixiv comic. Anyone have it? Something about cute interactions and gore at the end
Have a rabbit to loosen your tongue

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Should have dicked her better

>Day 24
>Still havent done the dusk task

God damn, it takes so fucking long to do this. Am I not meant to do it at this time of the game?


Guess I'll worship her feet next time


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Dimensional Refraction Variant or Little Red.
I have the wolf in my facility already

Basement dwellers purged from the gene pool

Does it count if another department can do it? When I unlocked Central I didn't have anyone to put in it except noobs but my security team is stronk.

Little Red

Little red is unironically the most useful abnormality in the game

I just started playing this, I got One Sin on day 1 and the Fairy on day 2
There is one thing I don't get, how do I keep my Qlipoth meter low? I'm keeping them happy but the meter is already at half on day 2, and I just started.

Blue star or fat slime girl for first anomally? Slime fucked me up last time so i'm tempted to go blue

You can't. Eventually you're going to have to deal with it filling up multiple times in a day.

Depends on what you have. I'll go for Slime if she's gonna be in Records/Extraction Department for easy quarantine.

Though it helps to do the work that produces the most PE since it goes up by one each work. You'll be able to end with a lower counter that way.

Central command.

Blue Star

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On one hand I really like these threads and that they exist with some regularity, on the other I hate you because you make me and to start playing it again, but my laptop roasted itself.

Other option is big bird, is it way too early for aleph memes?

You don't. The meter will always get one bar every-time you perform a work. When the bar fills it will trigger a Qliphoth meltdown. If there's a number next to the meter it means the amount of amount of meltdown it will occur. If it says something like "dawn" in green color, however, it means that the dawn of green (an event) will replace the meltdown instead.
Fyi what happens if it's a meltdown and you didn't reach the containment cell in time is that the abnormality's counter immediately drop to 0 and will activate its ability. This means that any meltdown warning occuring on tools or abnormality with no qliphoth counter will have no effect when the counter ticks to 0.

queen is probably the easiest there. If you have execution bullets just shoot 2 clerks every qliphoth level

that's the point of the game.

Every job fills the meter by 1. Later when it fills you'll start getting ordeals(dawn, noon, etc) where monsters will attack each department once the meter fills. Thus when the meter's 1 away from filling, it's best to recall everyone. So that when the meter fills you have almost all your dudes to deal with the ordeal. ]Just don't recall everyone one Purple Noon :^)

As other poster said, you'll start getting more dangerous Abos but they give more PE per work. As the number on the meter climbs, more Abos will hit meltdown and ordeals will get more dangerous. So you'll want to get an efficient PE/unit work.

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Central Command is great for Big Borb since you have long corridors and he's slow, but if you have Level V employees you should be trying to get Aleph asap and game gets significantly easier with those.

Just hope Blue Star doesn't break out.

>This means that any meltdown warning occuring on tools or abnormality with no qliphoth counter will have no effect when the counter ticks to 0.
You also lose some energy. I think it's like 10 or 20% at most but if you ignore too many you might just drop back to 0.

or do the manly PE box method, like a real manager.

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I really wish I was at home playing this game

it's not %. it's a flat number, although it could be a % of your day goal, but even then it'd at most 1 or 2%
It costs me about 30 energy to ignore one abnormality and I need 2000 to finish the day
It really is no real problem though compared to the bullshit of some non-escapables or tools

Guys I got slime. How the fuck can I contain it?
Clerks keep getting in my elevator.

>strongest abnormality I have is this one drugged up shark or freischütz
>new box, wonder what to pick
>got spoiled on schadenfreude so dont pick it, hate being limited on such dumb actions
>the other ones talk about a)a roulette and b)galaxy
>why not pick the galaxy lmao
>it's the famed blue star
I dont think I can handle it bros

Blue Star's gears OP. It's also fairly basic in working with it making it easy energy. Doesn't really have any stupid mechanics either. Just that you're fucked if it gets out.

Slime's easy if it's in one of the side zones. Farm it's gear then just leave it be. 3 is plenty if it has a meltdown, and you just get rid of all the office clerks and leave 1 designated employee there.

Attached: oggaboogaInnawoods.gif (500x280, 1010K)

Thanks for clarifying that
>i got some Cursed thingy at day 3
>every type of work I tried except one made the worker go insane
>mfw i had to kill them every time because I don't have white weapons(?)
>mfw retry the day because autism and I dont want anyone to day
yeah, playing this game is gonna be a problem for me

>or do the manly PE box method, like a real manager.

1. Buff judgment with research paper and try to not die doing repress
2. Use execution bullet to kill all the clerks
3. Don't work on her and let her breach. She herself is actually quite weak for an ALEPH and her attack does not infect people

>risking a day trying to get 16, that fails often even with 'Very High' outcome

I swear it was 3, but mine turned into 'more than 3' so I always had to do 4 clerks.. Does it change because I remember doing 3 at one time.

Attached: ohShit.jpg (450x331, 88K)

shoot those clerks or let them get killed by another abnormality first
then quarantine someone in the department that can work her alone
that's it

Clerks for each department don't respawn right?

My wife and me

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That's the point of the game.

You reset the day if you know you messed up or know you can do it/got fucked by RNG.

Eventually you're gonna hit a wall and have to restart to Day 1. Either you'll pick a shitty Abo combination, or not be able to finish missions to get unlocks, etc.

You keep all your gear and research. When picking new Abos you can see ones you had last time, helping you pick a good base.

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They only respawn at the start of the day but they don't respawn during day.
The amount of clerks affect the department's bonus. That being said, some department (e.g. training) were useless late game and you basically lost nothing killing them.

>with no keyboard shortcuts, group select, or camera shortcuts to center on a department or unit

game is just bad

>army in pink
>has a bigger successive work penalty than my waws
Am I being tricked?

>blue star with no equipment
Say goodbye to your entire facility if/when it breaks out user

Someone post part 2

No. The rating is correct. Army in pink is friendly and does not breach and therefore it's correctly classified as Zayin class.

Just become korean bro

it's 15 goddamnit, how many times will people repeat this wrong.
With a temperance V employee you have an absurdly high chance to get enough every time
I did that for at least 30 days

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Thus go for clerks in dangerous Depts first(melting, scarecrow, monk etc) if you have monsters that are triggered by deaths. Else just spread them out amongst Depts, so they help with early ordeals.

It's pretty easy to deal with. Just an endurance match since it's a long time and high white dmg. Once you have a dude strong enough it's 2 easy 'good' energy rounds for 20+ PE.

If it breaks out you're fucked. But it only breaks out when you mess up badly rather than gimmick bullshit.

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>I can just do whatever I want to blue star thanks to this fucker right here
he might suck gigantic dicks, but his gift is great in some cases

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delicious chocolate

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the fat one

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When she's hysteric it's 16, don't know what version you're playing.

I've hit 15 and failed when she's hysteric.

The wording's weird, if anything it reads 17 and above is safe. But 16 works. No clue where you're pulling 15 from.

help me come up with the funny stuff to put in the game text

Attached: skull_bro.png (770x504, 444K)

Attached: z.png (1144x432, 246K)

How good is QoH at suppressing abnormalities?

>*kisses head*(not gay)
>*slaps ass(es)*

that's why you don't let her get hysteric in the first place
15 works, try it out.

By that you mean before you set off the meltdown

She's around HE level when in human form . However she will always teleports so she can always join fights regardless distance.

For insight
>Remove piss bottles
>Reapply FLEX SEAL
>Cleanse Cheetos dust
>Sniff thoroughly
>Remove gore
>Install gore

For repression
>Blast loud nigra
>Initiate beatings
>Gas light
>Gas board
>Water light
>Evict waifu pillow

She's a good support, just be warned that she only goes out at second trumpet

>unlock equipment
>it's aleph-tier
If I let it breach and suppress it, will that count for Geburah's "suppress some Alephs" mission?
The Zayin rating confuses me.

Is there a special reward for killing the yin yang dragon?

These all sound like WAW or ALEPH class, pick which way i'm going to get fucked.

Attached: z7Pg6fH.png (1920x1080, 920K)


Important question: is this game still being updated or is it finished? Also if I pay 10 dollars for the art book is anyone interested in me uploading it?

You've obviously googled before coming here. So just pick what you liked.

Oh, that's kinda disappointing. I'm not sure I want it anymore.

I've done everything blind so far other than Schadenfreude.

Just pirated the game - does the game have a good tutorial or is it a fake it till you make it type of deal?

It is being updated but it's a slow - a few extra content a few months- kinda deal as the game is finished.There's only 1 important patch coming later on and that's about how ordeals work which we dont know how it'll play out really so go for it, play the game now.
For the second point, yeah, people would appreciate it I guess.

It's better to read the manual that you can read when you press escape.

Yeah, it counts. That said, it's one of the harder ones to suppress.

I thought they were busy working on the sequel?

it doesn't if she's hysteric. unless you do the exploit of working with her, let it hit 15, then start the final work of the meter in another cell. thus 'skipping' the hysteria. which is hardly 'it works'.

16-22 is literally 'Good Tier'. 15 gives you yellow and a fail.

15 doesn't work when she's hysteric. I've forgotten her and sent 'Very High' people to try and fix it, and they'll often get 15 or less and fail since there's a debuff on work.

Without too much spoiler:

Pick left if you have unlocked bullets
Pick middle if you have good white armor
Pick right if you have good black armor

They are, but they are also developing a few more stuff for this game on the side.Should be on one of the Steam logs.There are 2+1 more abnormalities coming in a few months too but considering there's like 110+ it's a minimal change.

>it doesn't if she's hysteric. unless you do the exploit of working with her, let it hit 15, then start the final work of the meter in another cell. thus 'skipping' the hysteria. which is hardly 'it works
I think that what he actually meant

Fuck, it's the only one I have so far.
Guess I'll have to keep rerolling after I get to the next memory repository checkpoint.

Tutorial can only do so much. The menus and UI are clunky and confusing as fuck. Do the tutorial, read the manual, be overwhelmed. Then just fake it 'til you make it. You'll pick up quick. Be prepped to reset days often. You can roll back to a checkpoint, or restart at Day 1 if you can't progress while keeping your items/research.

Don't read the wiki, pick whatever sounds okay, avoid here since there's spoilers.

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Do you have the birbs?

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Game itself is really simple and the pace doesnt go from 0 to 100 by itself
The issue is the abnormalities themselves, many of which have their own rules you have to play around AND figuring them out is kinda what's the game about so both.

Haha, here I go

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How the fuck do you actually handle blue star
God damn it stop dealing so much white damage you annoying fuck

Okay so I'm trying to get past the Disciplinary missions before Day 36 what's the best way of cheesing the suppression requests? My only breaching WAWs are Little Red, Dreaming Current, Heroic Monk and Big Birb. Even then I need more ALPEHS cause all I have is [Censored] Shit is rough even with a bunch of rank V agents.

Has anyone ever managed to get all 35 boxes from the boxiest abnormality in the game? I think my highest was 28 with a character at 115 stats.

Gonna try to visualize how Rhino Protocol and Deer Protocol troopers look like, anyone wanna toss weapon suggestions they might use?

Im thinking Rhino Protocol would be something like EGO gear boosted hulk supersoldiers with Deer dudes going in another direction, using EGO gear that makes them nearly skeletal.

Well damn, and I've had trouble doing one at a time.

Birds are painful

There is a guy who posts in these threads that has all of the sphirah as agents, anyone know where the hair mod came from?

Silent Orchestra's Gift+Armor makes you immune to white dmg It'll still wreck everything else though. Though it should never really get out unless you're incompetent.

Just put all your dudes outside Heroic Monk. Send in someone who can get 'Bad' and not panic. Do it over and over and release him. He's a joke and should due quickly.

Don't feel pressed into getting everything first run. If you have the Hod perk of new employees are IV's you'll stomp from Day 1 on. Before you unlock central you can grind your guys infinetly since you'll only get 1 Noon, and your departments are immune to meltdowns.


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Only one I have is tall bird.
I'm thankful for it because it's easy Aleph gear without the headache of managing an Aleph.

>execute clerks cause they might trigger heroic monk
>they smile after you pull the trigger

Do you have anything that you can easily breach and suppress?
Doesn't need to be WAW, even something like Schadenfreude (stare at him in containment, look away when being suppressed) will work.
Red hates it when things breach and will join them.

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The soothing song of Laetitia

Attached: Friendly abnormality.png (331x297, 241K)

>anyone wanna toss weapon suggestions they might use?
They use what the Lobotomy Corporation provides them.

Imagine getting rejected by a yandere slime

My current strat was to send someone to Meat Latern because fucking everything gets him to breach but it takes forever and I don't have execution bullets to stop the clerks from becoming snacks.

I'd feel relieve to be honest.

Thanks user, gonna try to see how i can mod this into the game.

Today is a new day of trying to beat a combination of annoying things during Apocalypse. 30 seconds in and Der Free shooty shot all the disposable red people being moved to safety. 20 actually geared people left.

Attached: 30 seconds in.png (1542x275, 598K)

Imagine an FPS or RPG of this.

Best Sephirah coming through

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so what you're saying is, have aleph gear or die?

Poor bastards were probably so close to that W Corp vacation too.

Didn't do any tutorial or research. At first run I got to day 8 but I couldn't beat the day with more than half of my employees dying. Realizing this is not way to play, I read all the managing tips ingame. Started to figure shit out. On second try, day 15. I'm doing good. So yeah, you can learn how to play without doing tutorial, if you are okay with fucking up your first run that is. But something tells me it's gonna take much more runs to beat this game anyways. So just jump into it

You just know

Move aside gramps the real best Sephirah is here

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>2~3 new abnormalities

If those turn out to be another waifubait, I'm gonna play it agian

You only "fail" run if you lose valuable equipment by having people die with them on. If you pick up any new abnormality, get its info and equipments and/or complete missions, the run has been beneficial even if you have to start from Day One.

>Pirated this cheap ass indie game
>looks like some cheap game that can be completed in 2 to 3 hrs
>Actually kept me playing for a week and probably will keep me playing for few more weeks

What the fuck I feel guilty now. Should I buy it?

I'm getting there slowly, boss was at 40% this time and everything went bad because they all went insane and turned into bee food, mushroom guys and other nasties.
I think the rabbits were pretty useful since everything was focussed on killing my guys instead.

Attached: Rip squad.png (555x442, 211K)

The devs are based, so probably.

If you can afford it, yes. The devs need not only money but encouragement from western market after them getting scammed by the first translation

There's extremely blurred sprites in one of the steam blogs.Dunno why all are blue though.

Both are my favourite Sephiras.

>get this as today's abnormality
>breaches after being worked with for the first time
>instakills a gal in aleph gear
Well then.

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I swear meat lantern is one of the more annoying things.

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fuck I feel bad for the devs. Probably gonna buy the game now. Also does anybody know where games are being saved? If I'm to buy game on steam, do I have to manually move save data from pirated version?

Finally got the third bird.

For the sake of 100%, wish me luck.

rough wip.

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That looks really good

very nice

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dude nice

Thanks, wish the game was moddeable so I could actually animate and put it in the game, I figured Rhino and Deer protocol would be around tier 6 personnel capable of going 1 vs 1 weaker Alephs by the sound of their description.

>tfw never met him because I always restart right before unlocking his department

I heard somewhere there is gonna be next game from this developers? Are there any source to it or am i just hallusinated this?

Hit her from the back and keep everybody out of the hallways. She is pretty easy, just tanky. Use black damage


>Haha, today i shall replace the CPS on my car!
>But first just a quick day of LC
>Now it's too dark
For fucks sake

Yes, that is happening.


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Did they nerfed Angela's bust ?

Old lady is fucking bullshit

Now I decided to use the rabbits to clear the middle, things kept keeping them occupied so they wouldn't dissapear to let me finally beat the boss. By the time they left to finish tbe boss Der Fuck shot everyone and I didn't notice White getting angry.
When only 3 were left alive the organ music began.

Having three mind controlling abnormalities, bees and more during a boss fight sure ups the challenge.

Attached: Der fuck.png (388x658, 193K)

>>>>Not visiting you old grand ma once every meltdown.

Gotcha, thank you kindly

Grandma drove two of my employees insane and each of them killed one person on day two

Attached: y god.png (396x616, 182K)

Exactly me except
>Oh shit is that the sun
I'm way to into training my agents to put the game down

You are a shit grandson. Just get white damage resist

I don't even know what that means user, don't bully

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The cutest daughter

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Wear one sin armor. It can handle old lady white damage.

S-should I touch Blue Star?Does a floating heart shaped magical energy thingy even have instincts?How do I even gather emotion energy from it?How does it all work aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

If you look at abnormality's info, you can see the damage type and the amount of damage they'll deal to your employee everytime your employee got a bad PE box.

Wearing armor corresponding to the damage will help reduce/negate the damage take from working. So if you wear say, a 0.7 white armor and work on the old lady, you'll only get 1(0.7), 1 (1.4 rounded down) or 2(2.1) damage everytime you get a bad box instead of 1, 2, 3.

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>tfw you'll never take Laetitia out to the range/go innawoods to teach her shooting with the exact rifles she gives

>intently reading dialogue
>Angela appears
Very effective way to get my attention but also spikes my blood pressure every time.

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>Teaching abos how to kill easier

Attached: 68832129_p0.jpg (1280x2272, 330K)

New to this game, I think I missed it in the manual, but does having your dudes work on the HP stat with a monster increase their own HP stat and so on with each stat or does it only affect the abonormality?

I want to do attachment work on Laetitia!

Work corresponds to matching stat of the agent. Doing that work increases that stat.

Thank you

Red work increases red stats. White work increases white stats. etc.

Yes, Doing white work (insight) increases insight stat of that agent permamently, but only once the day is done does it apply. The more you do it, and the harder/dangerous the abnormality, the more point increase does the agent get after the day

How do i get 8 suppressions in one day, it rarely gives me 2 chances so far to do it.

Get a suit from One Bro and put it on them.

Just remember to give Laetitia many headpats and to call her a good girl when you get her because she is just a super qt

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>How do i get 8 suppressions in one day, it rarely gives me 2 chances so far to do it.

do bad on purpose to let shit break out

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Attached: 71430651_p5.png (1111x1553, 947K)

>supressing Malkuth
>forgot about Purple Noon
>an entire department dies
Well damn, the one thing I forgot to check.

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I need to find this dude's shit. These are all great and slightly erotic.

>it rarely gives me 2 chances so far to do it
Than create more

>be employee
>eldritch horrors escaping left and right
>half my friends are dead or worse
>the rest went mad
>I'm here trying to fend off some otherwordly monstrosity
>that one smug asshole is fast asleep in Melting Love's arms without a care in the world
Time to borrow a pistol from one of the dead clerks.

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Fuck Purple Noon I'd even take Blue Noon over getting nuked from orbit and have 20 clerks blow up in a second

>tfw no tall slime wife to spoil me until i melt away
just fucking kill me already

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I'm trying to get all three birds, is there certain days that they're more likely to spawn on/where I should return to repository?

Should i aim for certain abnormalities? Im just getting the box that i think sounds the least horrible.

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Thus far the only thing i got that breaks out is dog and he always kills someone before going back

Out of all the humanoids, she feels like the most innocent of them. She doesn't actually mean to kill people, but is just too autistic and naive to understand the consequences of her gift

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>How user discovered he was a slime fetishist all along

I just got the game, is there any drawback on grinding out One Sin to get everything from him on day one?

Thats bullshit, i would shot her down if she could escape, she gives you her gift if you dont get a good result, like if you dont like her youre irrelevant enough for her to be used as a spawner.

Why do half of the people who talk about Blue Star name him the easiest aleph while the rest name him death incarnate?What's going on?

Nope it'll just take a bit of time, be sure to rotate the agents and do different type of works.

fuck, i've just been doing repression repeatedly
I'll get the rest of his suits/guns with the other skills

I, too, also wish I could shoot you down

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Easiest to contain, hard GG if he gets out

Pic's done, now to figure out if its possible to mod this in.

Attached: EmployeesInTheMainDepartment3.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

It's not that simple. A bad result, she doesn't want to be your friend. A good result, she's sure you'll return since you are good friends.
But a normal one means she's uncertain of you, and want you to come back (by guilt tripping you) so she can get to know you better, without realizing what damage the gift can do.

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Looking good

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I remember this faggot, he used to fail at teamkilling and became KoS in SCP: Secret Lab

While i agree shes by far the prettiest abnormality of the whole game, she has done that gift thing before she knows about her friend coming from your very body, she is aware of what she does and calls it a surprise, theres the hard line of her forgiving you and instantly sentencing you, and she draws it herself.

Wouldnt surprise me, he griefs every online community he finds on Yea Forums like risk of rain or terraria

>purple noon coming up
>don't want to restart because i'm 100 pe boxes away from the daily goal
>heroic monk breaches
>army in black breaches
>little red breaches
I hate it.

Pretty dope

As for modding I think it's a hard as fuck task to accomplish

>Same food taste as Mr. President

could you bait them into the main lobbies then activate purple noon, or does that not do damage to skips?

>she is aware of what she does and calls it a surprise,
Like i said, too autistic to understand the consequences of what that actually entails. For all we know, she might think it's a jack-in-the-box thing, not realizing the horrors coming from it.

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Didn't bother, I managed to end the day without fighting any of the tombstones or abnormalities.
I wish you could at least make clerks fuck off from an area, I just realized the monk and army breached because a ton of clerks got crushed.

Invest in Gebura's department and get execution bullets asap

My facility was the same but execution bullets make them a non-issue, just clear out entire departments of clerks each shift, fuck the bonuses

I tried.

Attached: saved the facility.jpg (642x419, 97K)

Make it a bit bigger so you can read the text. Nobody really needs to as we can all guess what they say, but it's still something to consider.

The oc you guys keep making in these threads never fails to amaze me.

fucking kek

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I want to do Attachment work with the Queen of Hatred!

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>Based Welfare Team made it out unscathed

Attached: 067_OIgBUs8.jpg (300x297, 48K)

If they don't serve in the containment units they will serve on the firing line

do not lewd

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>Doing work at the deparment you head
>These two appears and demand to test whose department is better
How do you fare?

Attached: Abo battle.jpg (720x460, 105K)

Can you change out which EGO gift your toons have, or are you stuck with whichever one you first get?

you think you could fuck his beak? like it looks nice and fleshy, just hold it open and go ham

>binah mission to extract equipment
Does this have to be done in one day?
If it does, then I have to not make any equipment for a few days, which seems pretty dumb.

For your question, you can "lock" the gifts and they cant be replaced, as long as you dont lock it, it will change for one of the same slot you get next.

scarecrow retard
You can lock them when they're higher ranked on the pre-day setup.

>successfully suppress Malkuth with one death because I wasn't paying attention and kept the eye box on screen
>results scroll
>10 dead
>purple noon still happened
Okay this is epic

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Attached: BREACH.jpg (768x768, 361K)

>dont wanna do any boss battles or deal with no pause gimmicks
>just wanna get more and more abnormalities and test em
Free modo when?

You're lucky
>First attempt
>580 EP out of 600
>For some reason everyone goes mad at the same time fighting Swan and kill each other for no real apparent reason
>Second attempt
>596 EP out of 600
>Crash due low memory

Attached: 69938186_p0.jpg (320x180, 16K)

Are tool abnormalities effects like luminous bracelet still active during work on other abnormalities ?

Of course dummy,that's their point.

Day 41, going to do the ALEPH suppression mission now
Blue star
Wish me luck!

>tfw sending anyone to a new 'use' order abnormality

Attached: 767.jpg (460x345, 53K)

>Malk suppression
>Queen Bee gets meltdown counter
Just kill me

>get new abnormality
>its the little white bird everyone keeps posting
I-im gunna be ok right guys?

are any of them actually useful? most of them just kill you if you leave them on for too long or put them away too early.

Remember to play nice with the birb

HOLY FUCK the OST during core meltdown is KINO

i found one that upgrades your weapons for a few boxes its pretty cool

You'll be fine as long as you make sure to have a friend play with him or else he'll get jealous of the other Abnormalities and go out to find a friend himself

Attached: 1557427257467.png (1080x1047, 61K)

The Heart one is useful and you can just leave it on all day. The Painting also is fucking top tier if you use it correctly.

If it's the one i'm thinking of it also takes away your weapons if you get a bad roll. It's just not worth it since the buff only lasts one day.

He's gonna learn you something today

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Why does it cost to customize the look of an employee?

Attached: I wish my old hard drive didn't fucking explode.png (169x236, 27K)

It's worth it just for the happy faces on the agents alone

Just do it at the start of the day

Because it gives the advantage of easier agent identification between each other

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Third core suppression clear! Same team as the second.

I almost screwed up sending my main to study nothing there, didnt realize characters werent healing, like 2 hp left until i did

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He's not too bad. He regularly escapes but he's easy to surpress if you act fast. Longer he stays out, the harder it will be.

What is the Deer's jig?

Rhino are stated to trash the place but it's stated that Deer would kill the manager but machines would be fine
Bio cleansing?

Im going to make a series of short shitty comics about user the unkillable (not really) worker whos stuck in an eternally looping hell of death by various abnormalities

Not him but how do you make it bigger

Like, he/she gets the full course of the abnormalities attacks and suffer the complete horrors of the corporation but at most he/she ends up unconscious in a hallway or waking up in a bed? Sounds cute.

sounds nice but some guy already beat you to the punch but with SCPs and as youtube short cartoons
have fun with it user

I like that show. No its different because only he remembers it and nobody believes it. Actually maybe some of the abnormalities remember him and fuck with him because of it.

Nice, I'll tune in user.Sounds interesting.

I would graze this rabbit, if you know what I mean.

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What's wrong with the Sleeping Sheep? Managed to unlock everything but... just by luck guessing what to do... even without saying nothing in its archive. WTF

There was not enough space for every departments notification.

What's so hard about him? Just don't send anyone with temperance below 2.

You can suppress the same abo multiple times for that
I'd recommend just abusing Silent Orchestra's breakouts at the start of the day

>doing a core suppression with a new ALEPH (ZAYIN)
Things exploded, Nothing There went on a rampage, the baby's crying, it's over

Why does the Wellfare team missions piss so many people off?
It's not hard at all. Even the closest I came to fail a mission, I still had like 3 or 4 minutes left and I don't fancy myself to be a great gamer.

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What?? Fuck. Didn't see that... I sent other personnel from other team and it worked... I thought that I had to send personnel of other teams and not from the one the Sheep is.

i'm guessing he means gebura's aleph mission, which you need different aleph's for


I guess people dont realize you can stop time and work 10 abnormalities at the same time

Nah it deserves to be locked up and repressed by your chaddest agents.

>training rookies
>purple dawn
>rookie ends up fighting one on his own
>about to black shiled him when magic bullet control team captain runs and blows his head off
Poor guy

I want to FUCKING KILL Angela

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Just don't get too used to it

>magic bullet
why didn't you stop it

Tell me about the last Aleph you suppressed.
Was it a good feeling?

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>Ordeal pops up
>No problemo, should be easy to deal with
>One of my team members has Her Fruitrollups gun
>Send her to deal with one of the mobs solo so she doesn't hurt anyone else
>Two seconds later
>Dipshit 1 has died!
>Dipshit 2 has died!
>Dipshit 3 has died!
>Peak over to their corpses, confused
>Retard with Der Fuckfaces gun decided to ignore my order and "assist" everyone else, quickscoping the entire department in the process

literally the first tip

>Day 25
>Malk suppression
Dear god it's been a long time since a game made me feel like this and i love it

Who thought this was a good idea?

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This is why I isolate the gunner everytime

She's justice 5 with long standing control team bonuses, she zooms around like a race car killing things too fast for me to notice them.

>silent orchestra
>on central command

>shoes enchant someone
>alright no problem I can deal with it easy
>Yin breaks out
>alright shits a bit fucked but still manageable
>Jelly Heart breaks out
>Meat Lantern breaks out
>Freischütz decides to shoot in the line with all my employees

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>mountain's daily breach
Not particularly

>If the gift is replaced by another gift that goes in the same slot, the stat effects will be removed but the employee can't still perform attachment

This isn't true anymore. If you replace the effect with something else you can do attachment work safely again.

What's the problem? Get one guy that does Armor until you get the weapon and sword and let him equip it as a Melee Monsters until you get better melee weapons

>alright shits a bit fucked but still manageable
Yin alone is a fucking nightmare, since its laser can oneshot several employees at once and if you don't beat it and Yang relatively at the same time, the other one breaks out again.

or you could just do instinct work

>all the other employees thinks he's crazy so he keeps to himself after a while
>some of the abnorms think he's either fun to fuck with, scared of his mystical powers, or interesting
I like your twist bro

I had to suppress Silent Orchestra 4 or 5 times per day while working on him, not fun at all.

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My dude can do all types works except Attechment while another that has Red Flame too dies by doing any work at all (even Instinct). It's really weird.

Yin and Yang are trap abnormalities on the level of Nameless Fetus, Don't Touch Me and Giant Tree Sap

Should I farm every day to the max? Every day brings harder and harder abnormalities, and im getting shorter and shorter on trained staff

>pick it in a run for the weapon and clothing
>never pick it again

It wouldnt be so bad if they didnt always spawn so fucking close to each other

Anyone here survived a three trumpet situation?

some dude cleared day 49 with 1 employee left alive.

What the fuck is this, every time I work on this fat faggot this shit increases.

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If you can do it safely and not risk agent's lives no reason not too, just remember that lower ranked Abnormalities give less experience.

>pick yin as the last abnormality in the department
>yang spawns on the other side of the facility entirely
haha get fucked

>Central Command
>Get Alephs and WAWS thrown at me
>next day draw the shrimp vendor machine
Feels like a complete waste for a slot.

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to prevent farming of WAWs and ALEPHs they get a negative modifier to success every work that resets every meltdown

All WAW class and above Abnormalities have that, it's only noticeable when it gets to 12% or higher Also have fun keeping Big Birb in containment

from my experience with that i just accepted him as doomed so I just had him farm enough boxes for the weapon and armor and then he just died the last time he went in, no matter what work he did the flame reduced his health

Guys, when should i get my first aleph? i used memory reposit because i got 3 aleph (including melty) in central, but now i have nothing there and censored in central am i fucked again?

I noticed theres a small bar at the Anomaly container screen on some of them. What do they mean?

is this your first run

Nothing There shouldn't a problem as long as you don't let it breach, and you'll be able to handle CENSORED if you equip someone with Nothing There's armor.

>Don't understand anything about this game's mechanics, just liked the abnormality entries
>Holy fuck playing it is so much different from watching
>Uhhh what do these stats do uggghh do i upgrade or hire more employees ugggggggh fuck
>First day is successful
>Get 3 more employees and unlock the cursed fuck on day 2
>Fucker I sent to work with her immediately goes insane
>Oh fuck oh shit how do I pause maybe i shouldn't have skipped tutorial
>Employee attacks others
>Send all my employees to supress the crazy fuck
>They beat them to death
>Send another employee to use repression on it instead of insight
>Its actually working nice
>Pass the day and unlock straight jacket autist
>He fucking attacks people in his room wtf
>Ends up breaking out after an negative interaction
>Kills all my employees
>This happen 3 times before I manage to pass the day somehow
>Day 4 and I get this weird eye orb
>See the employee I assigned to it took it out of the chamber
>Ah fuck they can't leave their containment get back in there you fuck
>Return it
>Employee rips out their fucking eyeballs and dies
>Cursed fag has a meltdown for no reason
>Don't know what to do to stop it
>Killer escapes after negative interaction
>Only employee he hasn't killed is panicking
>Uninstall game
This shit is retarded

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I was fully expecting to get wiped out,
but it was actually nowhere as bad as I thought.
>Blue star
>Get ALL employees in one single elevator, pop a white shell then summon rabbit team

>Kill all the clerks prior to the fight, solo it with a black resist aleph gear employee and spam black shell on him

>Just rush him

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Ok, guess i'll farm nothing there first, censored just panic-rape everything i throw at him

Sasuga DBfag

>letting the situation become this bad
Shitty manager

Everyone talking about Clerks... what are those? I'm at day 14