Take yourself back to 1998, you’re playing Metal GearSolid for the first time. Think about how kino it is...

Take yourself back to 1998, you’re playing Metal GearSolid for the first time. Think about how kino it is, all those awesome moments.

>who’s footprints are these
>security camera?
>ricocheting bullets in a gun fight
>baker and the darpa cheif’s illness
>C4 to find hidden rooms
>tank battle with grenades
>using cigarettes to sneak past lasers
>it is in the back of the cd case
>fist fght with a fucking robot ninja
>torture scene
>hidden bomb in your gear
>catching a cold
>sneezing alerts guards
>ketchup escape
>nikita control missile
>battling a chooper on a rooftop
>absailing down a building
>invisible soldiers
>psyco mantis reading your game file nand tsking over your controller
>left controller port hideo
>sniper battles
>tempersture morphing key card
>fight with metal gear rex
>fight ON metal gear rex
>all those plot twists
>saving merryl

Take me back lads

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I played this in 2012 and though all those things.

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my dick is ready for a replay

you niggers better apprecaite this game with me

I played it in 1998, I hated the topdown view and thought it was a tedious game. Giving it a chance later in life I accept the top down view as a technical limitation but I still find it boring and overbearingly pretentious.

It's a shame because I thought it would be right up my ally since I love Spliter Cell and Hitman, but I guess like OP's image suggests, it's more of a jank action game than stealth.

Its an okay game and im glad you like it

Great game. The gameplay aged like milk though. But for anyone who barely plays games, MGS1 would be their favorite even to this day. I know that for a fact since I first played it 4 years ago on my android.

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MGS1 absolutely is more of an action game than a stealth game. I don't think it's particularly "jank" though.

MG1 and MG2 are more stealth focused than MGS1, and so are most of the games after MGS1.

I played a demo of MGS1, got VR missions for Christmas one year (it was trash).

The first one I beat was MGS2, so I’m more nostalgic about 2.

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I had a 64 but when my cousin moved into my house he bought a ps1, first game we got for it was crash warped but shortly after that around winter time we got mgs1 and we all found it to be incredible

I was like... 3 years old in 98, and even later my first console was a snes, so I missed a lot of good shit from the ps1 era. Still, I knew MGS since forever, and though someone spoiled the Psycho Mantis bit for me, I played the fuck out of this game on PC as soon as I could, so it still managed to mark my childhood.
Three or four years ago I bought a PS3 just so I could play the Legacy Collection I regret fucking nothing

the gun is the most coolest thing ever

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>VR Missions

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Coming from bing bing + 2D sprites from the SNES to this was really something.

>David Hayter voice

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Low-poly ps1 graphics have aged really well, tho. At least the well animated ones. The aestethics in games like MGS feel very deliberate and alive.

i played it in 1999 when i was 6 years old. i want to go back so bad lads.

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MGS1 David Hayter is amazing.

I can't, user. I can't go back. I was born in 1999, and my first MGS game was MGS2. I've never played MGS1 on a PS1, only on a PS3,so I've never looked on the back of the CD case. I bet playing it back in the day must've been absolutely fantastic, and I'm jealous.

Enjoy having nostalgia over 2, it's great.

this was cool too

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it really was a revolutionary game. People who didn't experience first hand AND did not suffer from depression (...) can relate how amazing this and ff7, 8 were.

Was cool to find out you could snap necks by smashing the button instead of simply pacifying enemies as mentioned in the manual.

>Take yourself back to 1998
I wasn't even alive yet lol

Also great story that touched on subjects like the Selfish Gene theory by Richard Dawkings and genetic engineering.

Played it in 2010 when I was in 7th grade, simpler time. It was great, elevator scene had me shook

I always loved the game but I also thought it was incredibly dumb, especially plot wise.

People were too wowed about having a cinematic experience with cutscenes like a movie to actually think about how bad the writing and story really are.


Kids born in 2001 can post, my man
4 months until people born after 9/11 can legally post

The plot is goofy Bond-style fare, but on a thematic level it has a clear existential arc that resonates with people. It's heavy-handed and cartoonish, but I don't think it's particularly bad. Especially not compared to most story driven games.

my uncle had a demo disc for MGS1 back then. it ran from the intro to meeting the DARPA chief - a pretty substantial chunk of stuff for a demo. i remember being so blown away by the fact that you could see characters' breath in the cold, and lead guards in circles with your footprints. i spent at least six or seven hours on it. every time i went to visit him, i'd tear that demo up.

>VR missions
uhh my dude playing as cyborg ninja was worth the purchase price alone

What games up to 1998 had a better plot or even something resembling a plot?

I did user, in fact mgs was the first game i finished more than once and not only that but was the game that actually made me love and respect vidya

>not saving otacon
you gay or something?

vr missions mystery mode was top tier fun

It was basically a 3D remake of MG2.

MGS1 reuses a lot of setpieces and setups from MG2 but it's a very different game overall.

Pretty much every RPG on the SNES.

I love this MGS story and Metal Gear Rex. I am hoping in the future that TPP would finally feel like a complete game as a remake.

I was too busy playing Thief, an actually good stealth game.

*an actual stealth game

didnt play this till 2017 and i was a kid when ps1 was still putting out games. upset i didnt play this till i was an adult. i love this game now.

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