My friend is expecting me to come over to play vidya with him tomorrow and I said I would try but now I just don't have...

my friend is expecting me to come over to play vidya with him tomorrow and I said I would try but now I just don't have it in me to set an alarm to get up and go and everything but I don't want to have to tell him I can't go either because I know I'll regret not going
please just fucking kill me I can't handle this social obligation shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

Itll be fun, user. You'll appreciate that you did it after the fact

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why not just go and take a nap later
you literally don't have any obligation to go by the way

Depends, what games are you playing?

going to the arcade for a fightan tournament
I have to meet him at his place early so we can drive up there because I don't drive myself
I don't even really want to enter the tournament even if I did go but I would probably be bad-mouthed by the guys there if I didn't
I'll be there all day and I don't take naps anyway
probably but it would also be exhausting, any time I have to wake myself up with an alarm or be somewhere at a certain time I'm fucking miserable and stressed beyond belief
also if I end up entering the tournament I'll probably not have a lot of fun at all and ruin my day

I nap at my friends places all the time OP. You're fine

go so he can make your boy pussy feel good

You shouldn't need anons to tell you how to live your life. Don't be a fag and go have fun. If you don't like the games you're playing, play arcade games like Konami's TMNT, I'd recommend Snow Bros (on genesis though). Or try to play Adventures of Lolo, that gets both of you thinking and backseating the shit out of each other (makes conversation).

so if you don't want to enter the tournament, why not just back out now
literally just say something came up or you have an upset stomach from dinner last night; what's your friend going to do, force you to go and potentially shit your pants?

seriously it sounds like you'll be miserable going to the tourney so literally just don't go; once again, you have no obligation.

on a side note, what are you fucking miserable and stressed beyond belief at waking up to an alarm clock? how do you normally wake up for school/work?

Make it fun. Crossdress or crossplay and show up and seduce him for giggles, have your nap at his home, then play video games as usual.

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You sound like a fun guy.
Are you sure you're not just depressed? Get something to help you with that user, maybe you'll enjoy things more, like going outside.

nice blogpost fag

go see a therapist for that depression and go play some vidya

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I can relate to how you feel user, trust me on that, and here's something that I wish someone would gave said to me the countless times I decided to bail on social events due to fear, laziness etc:
You are strong and you know you want to go. Go

because I could still go to play casual games and hang out and since it's a tournament there's more people there than usual and I haven't been to any of them so far so I feel guilty, the same guilt I would have from not entering if I went
I'm NEET user, I haven't been in school in years but all throughout it for years on end I was staying up late every night procrastinating and being exhausted miserable and late every day, having to wake up at all for anything for being expected to be anywhere gives me extreme anxiety even for things I want to go to for fun like this
I've been depressed for several years user
nothing helps

go back go the psychiatrist, schizo


Who supports you?

but part of me genuinely doesn't want to go
as miserable as I am most of the time not having to worry about anything and getting to sleep and lay around freely does give me some peace
social stuff always ends up feeling like an obligation, I hate being lonely but then I hate feeling like an ass for intentionally backing out of the opportunities I do have
my dad does basically everything for me
he would be the one driving me to the guys place tomorrow so he can drive to the arcade with me and he would be the one picking me up at the end of it

wait why do you feel guilty from not entering the tournament? you said you haven't been to any of them so far right? do you have some obligation to go to one? where is the guilt is coming from?

on another side note, back when you were in school, what did you stay up every night doing? and when did you usually go to sleep naturally/wake up normally?

Take the easy way out already. We both know you will eventually.

OP do you browse wizardchan or /hikki/?

I meant tournaments at the arcade for the game I play specifically, I come other times to just play and we're all pretty tightly knit and I guess I'm competent enough at it that me being a no show is a negative, I know the older guys who still take it super seriously are always disappointed I don't enter anything
when I was in school I was constantly miserable because of assignments never letting me feel like I was ever free even outside of school and I procrastinated eternally then ended up crunching every assignment into the wee hours of the morning the day or even the minute before it was due for online stuff
I never went to sleep naturally then, now by schedule just gradually shifts on its own a full cycle every few weeks or so, I just get tired and go to bed a little bit later every day and wake up a little bit later every day until it loops fully and then just keeps going all over again

which /hikki/ are you referring to

did it to yourself, retard

the uboachan one, but i guess you don't browse either

How do I become interesting?
My "friends" like to invite me to hang out but I don't because I always end up as the silent awkward fuck no one wants to talk to.

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well how about this then, since you seem to be in a lose-lose situation, why not just flip a coin and commit to the consequences? both choices are equally awful right?

wait so when you were in school, did you ever finish any of your assignments as soon as possible, and then do whatever afterwards so that you're actually free? also what did you do when you weren't sleeping

are you silent because you don't want to talk, or are you silent because you literally don't have anything to talk about?

I don't even browse boards other than Yea Forums most of the time
I don't like change

learn to talk to people practice with a friend if you can or someone online

ask follow up questions

people like to talk about themselves so ask questions about them

learn how to be funny and witty


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Your mistake is thinking normies are interesting. What you actually need to do is learn to start being interested in the same inane shit they are and become so self-centered you talk about all the inane shit that happens in your life as if people care. It isn't about the actual content for the average normie, it is just an excuse to have the social interaction.

because I don't have the right brand of autism to let it be decided on a coin flip, I'd rather just drive myself to misery with complete indecision
no I don't think I ever did that
when I wasn't sleeping I was playing video games or dicking around on the internet

I thought wizardchan /dep/ and uboachan /hikki/ were like the default boards for all NEETS? go take a look if you want I guess

why wont you go to therapy user

>because I don't have the right brand of autism to let it be decided on a coin flip, I'd rather just drive myself to misery with complete indecision
what's the logic behind that? why would you prefer indecision over a decision made for you? no control = no guilt, right?

I'm an eternal phoneposter and I've completely moved over to clover so I don't like using anything else
I've only ever been on Yea Forums and Yea Forums for 99% of it and I also can't handle how dead every other place I've looked is

>you don't want to talk
I love to talk I just don't know the right thing to say
>literally don't have anything to talk about?
I don't think Yea Forums, Yea Forums or /his/ topics are interesting to them.
>ask follow up questions
I tried this once but they ended up getting annoyed and stopped responding.

because I can't force myself to believe a coin flip is really deciding anything when I'm the one still making the decision in the end
no matter which it "chose" I would still be upset and probably pick what I wanted, which is almost always the path of least resistance and in this case would be to stay home
same reason I don't do literally anything else

>same reason I don't do literally anything else
do you want to better yourself or do you just want to bitch and be miserable?

>I tried this once but they ended up getting annoyed and stopped responding.
dont ask creepy things

wallowing will only make things worse, either:
start doing things purely for the sake of doing them until you run on pure productive habit
opt out

I find comfort in my misery
I just know it's not sustainable and I'm going to probably end up killing myself when it all crashes down in the near future

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>tfw desperately need to take a shit but closest clean toilet is 20 minutes walk from my house

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cool so you want to be miserable and bitch then

well i can redirect you to another website more suited for blogposting like tumblr I think thatll interest you more

why is your house toilet not clean?

We have lots of toilet paper!

what a fucking retard lmao

well now even if I wanted to commit to not going I couldn't message my friend now because it's 1 in the morning and it would look really weird but I can't wake up to message him before he leaves because that's what I'm trying to avoid, and if I wait to do it when I wake up normally it'll already be after he left while waiting for me to show up first and I'll look like an asshole
also he knows I don't do shit and he probably knows I'm full of shit every time I tell him "something came up" when I just don't want to go

Worded my post wrong because I'm physically tryi g not to shit my pants right now
Will post updates if thread is still alive

Imagine being this much of a whiny fag. You don't want a solution, you don't want to get better. You just want to come up with excuses why everything is the worst and impossible to fix despite being easy shit.

oh ok so you want to talk but don't have common interest with those particular people

well then do you still want to talk to those particular people? you'll have to compromise and do research on the stuff that they're talking about. This might even turn out well for you if you even up finding that you enjoy those particular topics.

for example, back when I roomed with a rando in college, I shared no interest with that guy at all. He was big on football, was basically a /k/ommando, and was big on military history, whereas I was just a Yea Forumsirgin who dabbled in Yea Forums now and then. I made an effort to look into this esoteric gun stuff just for some conversation topics, and as it turned out that stuff was pretty fascinating, and now we go shooting together and chat about the pacific front & stuff. give it a try (and give your friends a chance). of course if you find that shit completely vain and uninteresting, you might want to just admit that you guys don't share interest, and that's honestly fine

god speed user

I don't think that's the case user; I think most people want a solution but are unable to find one that fits their needs, and whining is just a coping mechanism for their stress at unable to find a suitable solution

for that kind of depression therapy will almost always help but they never want to go because they dont actually want help

it's 1:00am where you are now? then the decision has already been made for you; it's too late to inform your friend to bail. You're committed to waking up tomorrow now. It's time to either get sleep and prepare for tomorrow if you're feeling productive, or stay up and procrastinate if you want to wallow some more. either way, you're heading out to the tourney tomorrow

so what are you going to do? go to bed to stay up?

maybe that's true, but maybe they're also afraid of help, or don't have access to help, or don't have the financial resources for help, or don't believe that therapy will actually be effective (which are all valid reasons). anyways I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now until they absolutely stubbornly refuse to get help for no good reason when needed

I can just leave a message that he'll see in the morning, I just don't want to send it so late because it lets people know how degenerate I am
I don't know exactly how I'll feel tomorrow but right now I really don't want to go very much

they almost always do have access to it

if they dont its understandable but 90% of the time they can but just wont unless someone drags them there screaming


people already know how degenerate you are user just send the message and fuck off please

I told him I wasn't going, sorry user
guess I'm disappointing more than one person tonight
they really don't
I don't tell anyone who knows me in real life fucking anything

thats how they know you are a degenerate user

im sure this isnt your first time bailing on plans trust me they know full well

things can get better user

congrats you did it; when it came down to it you were able to figure out what you wanted to do and you acted in response to achieve that result, I'm not disappointed at all, in fact you acting against what I told you and making a decision for yourself was even better than what I expected

now you get to stay up AND sleep in tomorrow

I'm not explicitly bailing, I always word myself carefully and told him earlier specifically that I "would try to make it" so I have leeway to give an excuse to not go if I changed my mind
I'm sure they can, but it being a possibility is about all I know

Your a disappointment, kys

thats how you think but in their perspective its bailing and in anyone elses perspective it is as well
the way you gave yourself 'leeway' is a giant red flag that you dont have intentions to commit in the first place and are almost certainly going to bail

they know

it's still the path of least resistance for me, and in the end I'm choosing not to go do something for fun because of my poor life habits and personality issues
in the end I prefer depression over anxiety, I guess I can handle the former more comfortably

well I don't care as long as they don't know how hellish my existence is and they don't ask any questions
to be perfectly honest with these people I only really hang out with them because they play the same dead fighting game I do, most of them are a generation removed from me and even disregarding that I don't really relate to most of them very well so that adds to it to a degree
at this point in my life I feel like I might have unrealistic expectations for real life friends, I don't really know anymore

stop making and reposting these threads when they get pruned you boring loser

Are you me?

>be military in 2005
>addicted to WoW
>pull all-nighters days in a row
>can barely function
>be hours late for muster one day
>happens again despite 3 separate alarms
>be so sleep deprived and ashamed over the whole ordeal it fucks my brain up forever
>be kicked out of military, diagnosed with major depressive disorder with psychotic features and put on 100% disability for the rest of my natural life
>this was over 10 years ago and I still get stressed out over waking up to visit a friend I've known since i was literally an infant
>also develop a severe hatred of the very concept of time

I'm resigned to my fate. Some of us are meant to be kissless permavirgins, it seems.

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I’d be your friend user, you seem like a decent person

any user can just say that

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>put on 100% disability for the rest of my natural life
boy would I like to have this step

Talk to your friend about your depression and allow him to have an understanding about why you don't want to go.

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>50 minutes ago
Damn he shitted his pamts.......

Why didn't you just say you were busy in the first place?

It's literally the only reason I exist, so yeah. Not like I'm just swimming in money, it barely makes ends meet considering my family situation. My dad is a boomer who could never hold down a job, and his wife is on expensive medication. Guess who they depend on?

he really doesnt

absolutely not going to happen
like I said earlier if it wasn't for us playing the same game I'd probably not talk to this guy otherwise
I wouldn't even confide with the very few people I'm really comfortable with, the one or two people I am that comfortable with are that way because we'd just shoot the shit whenever we were together and not dwell on real life misery like it seems every fucking adult I interact with these days does
not that I talk to these people at all anymore anyway

seems like an attentionwhore bitch

Is he truly your friend then if you don't feel comfortable talking to them about anything? Fuck it I guess.

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honestly I've wondered if there's anything legitimately wrong with me that I could try to get some financial support for or if I've become so complacent that I've even fooled myself and I'm actually a fully functional lazy piece of shit
not like I have any motivation or willingness to look into that or any kind of official treatment or diagnosis but hey any reason to hate myself more is worth it I suppose
I agree with you on starting to hate time itself really, there's been countless times when I was practically in the morning where I wish I could just freeze time only so that I could fucking sleep and be ready for whatever I had to get ready for by the time I unfroze it and with how my sleep schedule is ever changing on its own I just don't see how I can be compatible with a rigid schedule that any sort of responsibility demands

Just fucking go and visit your faggot of a friend you will have fun and you know it.


I mean it

probably not, same reason why they don't keep in contact anymore
I might not ever have had a real friend in my life in that case

Can I add you on Steam?

See, this guy get it.

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you seem to have missed the post where I already backed out
sorry user
well we're both anonymous and when the thread dies we'll never speak to each other again
that's what I meant

If you're not sure if someone's an actual, real friend, think if they would take a bullet for you or not. Not sure or hesitate? Then they're not. I have a good amount of friends, but only three that I know would do it.

you could but I don't use it for anything
I don't have a pc

That's retarded. I have friends, but I wouldn't take a bullet for any of them. The only person I'd take a bullet for is my mother.
You expect too much of people. Just what exactly are friends to you, anyway?

how are you posting?

>I already backed out
What are you? gay? see user I was a neet for like 2 years and hate social interaction in nearly every single form possible but even someone like me can visit a friend every now and then, is completely fine and you will have fun.

You might as well exploit the government as much as you possibly can.

It's not like they're doing you any favors in representation assuming you're white

Also I wouldn't have gotten a diagnosis from the VA if my dad didn't push me to do it. It's kind of fucked up but I'm almost incentivized to NOT get any better.

Dammit, I meant for Sorry

lmao by that metric I'm the most lonely fuck that has ever existed
I don't know if I've even known someone who would entertain that thought, much less do it
if the people I thought were closest to me can't even send a text over several years then I guess I better have a gun myself in that scenario

What is your Steam?


my phone
they've been able to go on the internet for a while

I made it lads. I fucking made it just as the turd kissed the outer lips of my asshole

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I have you added on Discord :)

I literally said I have a good amount of friends, but barely any on that level. I'm not sure what you guys are thinking that means really means, that the rest aren't actually friends at all even though I'm saying they are?

People on that level I'm talking about are true, real friends for me. People I think of as my brothers, family. And no matter how much time passes, could be an entire decade of us not talking to each other, we could just randomly shoot each other a message and still be friends.

I'm 3 and a half years and counting with no past or future prospects
I do meet up every now and then to play, in fact it's the only thing I leave the house for anymore but this tournament starts too early in the day and I'm just not feeling it right now


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>I've been depressed for several years user
>nothing helps
As someone who has an ungodly amount of experience with depression, you sound like some miserably self-pittying asshole. You can just lay back and let depression/social anxieties be your excuse for not doing regular shit, but if you do you may as well just an hero because there'll be nothing significant in your life between now and that point anyways. Quit being a bitch and go do the fun thing with your friend before he gives up on you like you have.

I think I have too much money in savings to even be eligible for neetbux actually so I'm boned no matter what
really I just don't want to delve into that shit because then it feels like I have to commit to unfucking my entire life and I'll be more pressured to do so by other people and I can't handle that

Nothing that some cups of coffee can't solve, energy drinks also work, I feel you, I really dislike to wake up early.
I'm not sure what you're expecting

Does your online name start with an F and end with a T?


it's not even early, the guy is leaving at 11 and he's 15-20 minutes away from me
really it's the fact it's a tournament rather than a casual session that I would rather avoid, since I don't like entering stuff and I don't like getting berated by the other guys for not entering when I'm actually there
plus I'd just feel left out by being there and not entering

Former depressed suicidal neet of 7 (seven) years with 2 (two) suicide attemps here, only solution to get out of it is to either work through it with someone you know (partly what I did) or have a miraculous stroke of luck that benefits your specific situation like me, my solution was that I got a non stressful job with good pay and it literally yanked me out of the dark tunnel of depression, I can't even bring myself to be sad anymore these days. My happiness lies in consuming oroduct and be excited for next product, and it's just fine.

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what? no, it should be exactly what the link is
unless you're trying to call me a faggot

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I've seen some promising studies on the effects of CBD oil in treating anxiety and depression. It's only illegal in a handful of states and normally doesn't have THC in it, so it won't get you high or anything.

If you're interested in that, google the research. You can buy the stuff online. I'm gonna start taking it and see if it does anything for me, just waiting for delivery at this point. I never liked the way any SSRI made me feel, so fingers crossed on this.

Are a casul? show those fags and your friend that you are good at vidya.

you think I don't realize that user
do you think I have any other plans for the future

Good on you user. It will be a shitshow anyways, your friend is going to get shit on in the first round and pack it up.

Give me whatever you kids use to instant message nowadays, I want someone to talk to during the lonely night shift

1st world problem

create a discord account

Just play gacha, is better, play Dokkan battle, the best gacha there is.

My parents are my only connections and they have rendered me retarded and actively prevented me from making my own decisions since birth. After I started disrespecting them, they disowned me in a sense but I've since lost all agency over the years and have become unwilling to learn. I don't want to become a depressed neet that kills themselves after their providers die, but I have next to no self-esteem nor social/practical skills from a lifetime of neglect, bickering, and fighting as well as internalized distrust of anyone that interacts with me. By all means, I am a still a fucking toddler except I have no more drive and I'm in constant pain that medicine cannot cure. What do?

No, you fucking retarded kid, stop trying to bring everyone into your gambling addiction, hitting your balls with a hammer is better than playing gacha games as a time sinker.

Then die of boredom on your lonely night shift, fagget.

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You made the decision to go on Yea Forums, you made the decision to make this post, stop blaming your parents, 99% chance I had worse parents than you, I used to blame them for all my behavioural issues too, turns out you won't be able to chance those issues until you accept they're your fault.
I'm not excusing your parents, they mightve been shit, but clinging to that thought will only keep you in the past.

is that pic from medaka box?

Get a job, even if it is shitty.


am I doing this right

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How do you get fun friends like in Persona and not friends you just force yourself to hang out with?

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find ones that share your interests

thanks, friend

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>sorry, you have no pending friend invites to show

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>friends you just force yourself to hang out with
Those aren't friends. Also, if that happens often, you're the problem.

fuckin hell user you scared me

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>just be yourself
>no don't do that you're the problem be someone else

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I'm not telling you to be someone else. I'm telling you to stop forcing yourself to be with people you clearly don't want to be with over and over. Being with friends shouldn't be a chore.

>he thinks he isn't the problem

Attached: disgusting faggot.png (766x173, 90K)

Become the mint man.

>wheat flour tortilla
>liquid american cheese
>grated american cheese
>italian lettuce
>the size of whatever meat that is
American "food"

>whatever meat that is
>filename clearly says potato
American "education"

Fuck man I know how you feel. I've been cancelling plans a lot lately, and even therapist appointments because I literally can't summon the energy to get out of bed before fucking 1pm. It sucks and I fucking hate myself for it.

I just can't handle not waking up naturally and being under pressure to be somewhere at a certain time
few things make me feel as terrible

No, but same artist

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I really hate it when people say shit like this. You don't have to be someone else, but being yourself doesn't mean act however you want in any situation. Just because you like anal vore or think that the only good anime is magical girl shit and everything else is garbage, doesn't mean you need to tell people that. Find people that you share interests with, but realize that there are proper ways to act in social settings, and that not everything really works in every setting.

take your pills

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ask questions. People like to talk about themselves.

This thread is hilarious. Oh my lord. Just stop being sad, people. Put on a smile and take a walk. It's really really easy to be happy and social.
These are the kinds of intellects I'm spending my time posting with?
Being someone who was so anxious about everything for the longest time and then one day just decided not to be anxious about something, I realized how fucking simple it is to turn it off and on and control it and now I only get anxious for big exams (but a good kind of anxiety).

>Just stop being sad
Are you really that stupid or just shitposting

are you literal babies
set your fucking alarm at 9 am
set another alarm at 12 am or 1 am to tell you to go to sleep
this is not a "waaahh i feel terrible" situation this is you making up bad feelings to excuse your laziness when the solution couldn't be simpler
it will be unpleasant for 2 days. after literally 2 fucking days you will be used to a normal sleep schedule and will reap the benefits of getting slightly closer to being an adult. all you have to do is press the clock app on your phone and put in one alarm.

Funny how I'm the stupid one, when I'm the one who went from sitting on this website for whole days at a time to enjoying my social life and academics and making use of video games / Yea Forums as a small outlet.
Yep, I sure am an idiot for deciding I have some fucking agency and taking control of my life.

This entire thread is shitposting.

>have literally zero drive to have a social life outside work because dealing with other people 45 hours a week is about as much as I can take
>shut myself in all weekend just to regain mental energy for the next week, a sanctuary from the noisy outside world
>guy I used to know in basic training is visiting my town, found out I live here, and now is asking to "hang out" and go to bars and shit on the weekends or even after work
>running out of excuses to turn down his request
I wish 95% of everyone would just painlessly vanish so this world could be quieter. No 8-to-5 slavery, no social media, no governments or corporations breathing down my neck, total freedom.

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How about you stop pretending you need "recharge time" and try going out with your fucking friend you selfish piece of trash.

>running out of excuses
Just say you don't want to hang out. You fucking retards can't get them off your backs because by not being direct, you're implying you'll be free a different day. If you don't want to speak up, kill yourself because the world won't change for you.

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The funny thing is, you still are stupid. You probably are literally going to be unable to understand me explaining this to you, but 'just stop being sad' doesn't work for some people.

For one, if you're unaware, some people's brains are just fucked and don't produce enough chemicals. Other people have had incredibly terrible situations happen to them.

Not everyone is you, stop projecting yourself onto others.

>forgot I was going to the movies with my friend at 10 a.m.
>oh well I'll just sleep through it and say I forgot
>my friend comes into my house and wakes me up
>we have a great time at the movies and grab lunch after
Never thought he'd even show up unless I texted him.

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That's a good friend, user
I'm glad you had fun

Yes, yes, I am aware that there are people in tough situations. You fail to recognize the obvious fact that the majority of people on Yea Forums, especially Yea Forums, do this to themselves out of a feeling of laziness and bitterness. I guarantee you that out of the people on this board who whine about having to be social and get a job and take care of themselves, the proportion of them who actually experience mental illness (what you have opted to call a chemical imbalance, somewhat pseudoscientifically) or trauma is rather low.
Sometimes, it actually is just that people are lazy shitbags. You're too gracious.

>but 'just stop being sad' doesn't work for some people
it does for the people here. most itt aren't depressed they're just lazy

This is literally how this shit goes 10/10 times and some of the fuckers in this thread will still bite their fucking fingernails off worrying about being forced to go to a movie with someone before 6pm.

I can maybe handle a hang out session on a Sunday, but not a Saturday and certainly not on a fucking work day. How the hell can you work for 8 to 10 hours and not feel mentally drained? There is only another 5 or 6 hours left for free time, I want that for myself.

OP doesn't seem to have any serious issues. He's just a whiny cunt.

I don't recognize anything, I don't know the people on here and how the hell could I? Not going to pretend that I know what anyone on here is actually like and I'm not going to use general terms either and say 'everyone on Yea Forums is like x'.

I don't feel like I can handle it either most of the time, but it's all mental, none of it is physical exhaustion. So I just force myself to go with it and I always forget I was tired and have a good time.
What are you doing with yourself for 6 hours?

>I hate being lonely but then I hate feeling like an ass for intentionally backing out
Well then don't back out and kill 2 birds with one stone. I've been in that position for my entire adult life too, but I've never regretted taking up a friend on their offer to hang out. If you want to improve your situation, start one little bit at a time. As long as you just make some kind of progress, even if it's just going from socializing once a year to twice a year, you'll get somewhere better than where you are now.

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Who would willingly go on this site constantly without being mentally ill anyways

It's almost like the two are somehow related in some way

You're such a weak little shit. I have to get up at 5 every day just to go to work. Go see your friend instead of sitting at home alone all day feeling like shit.

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Cooking, gym, anime, vidya, maybe a walk if it's nice.

m8 the bes ttaco at Del taco is the Chicken Soft Taco that they sell for a discount on Thursdays.

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Then you're really taking this whole thing way too seriously. It should be clear to anyone with a brain that the kind of """depression""" you see here most of the time is self-inflicted and completely self-interested. It's all about having a (subconscious) excuse to sit and watch anime and play video games all day. Imagine being so fucking socially unaware you actually take anyone's emotions on this website with anything more than a grain of salt. It's mostly theatrics.
Except for that greenland guy on /int/ who almost killed himself, he was actually depressed. But again that was obvious. There are clear differences. And being the smart people we are on /int/, we saved the guy.

I don't think you understood at all what I was saying, but that's alright man.

Have sex you'll appreciate it after the act.

Well that all sounds great then (especially the cooking and gym) so you do you.
I mostly just shake my head at people who use the whole "recharge time" thing as an excuse to sit and do nothing for all their free time.
Sounds like you've got it figured out for yourself.

How much is that taco exactly, user? Now I have to know.

No, I understand perfectly that you were admitting to your stupidity and gullible nature. It's okay, it takes all kinds here in this big wide world.

Stop making excuses and be honest with them. Hearing you're drained from the work week or whatever is a lot better than hearing a chain of "i have a tummy ache", "my dog ate my driver's license", etc. I've explained to my extroverted friends that it's like there's a leaky bucket in my mind that fills up by interacting with other people, regardless of whether I like them or not. The bucket can only get so full before it starts weighing on me and it takes time for some of that to leak out.

You didn't understand at all man. I'm saying you can't possibly know what anyone on this site is actually like, but you're pretending you do. And you're probably going to keep doing so.

And no, I don't care about the people on this site. I'm not even sure what made you think that. But yes, please keep pretending you know me and have figured me, an anonymous poster, out.

Not OP, but as a kid I always played SP games because none of my Friends we're into vidya, the ones that we're always danced around the autism spectrum.

Fast forward to present, I found some fellow manchild to play vidya with, but after 6 years of playing shit gets boring.
Even when se do other shit than playing vidya. I rather sleep, play alone or Watch some shit tv
Am I just getting old
Why are se still here? Just to suffer?

Unironically take a shower.

That usually gets me up and warm and in the mood to actually give a shit about doing something with the day.

I feel the same way about life as you OP. Being alone in a dark room with the internet is bliss.

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>And no, I don't care about the people on this site
>therefor I'm going to argue for their sake
Who gives a fuck, he's right most people here a pathetic pity me's just check /adv/ or /r9k/ and you'll get a clear picture

One word : Sarcasm

Listen people, look for those who loves sarcasm and hangout with them.

You litterally just have to shitpost orally and you'll make great friends

yeah nah
the lanky neet crying that he doesn't want to hang out with someone today isn't the same as the one kicked out of the military and diagnosed with a mental disorder

suck a dick you fucking faggot, recharge time is definitely something people need when they deal with people ALL DAY LONG 9-5 5 DAYS A WEEK

I agree with him too, i wish people would just poof out of fucking existence and leave me alone. i fucking despise people

I bet you believe in free will, idiot. I hope you kill yourself before these depressed fucks do.

It takes a lot for a depressed fuck to just get off their ass and do something they don't actively want to do. Taking a shower. Exercising. Going grocery shopping so they don't starve. Therapy is usually pretty far down the list.

>i wish people would just poof out of fucking existence and leave me alone. i fucking despise people
You could just kill yourself. No wait, don't tell me. You're scared of doing that but you also don't want to be on this planet and wish someone would do it for you.

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Friend here. Fuck you Jason you cunt.

>somebody somewhere in the world is worse off than you so your problems are invalid

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Recharging is actually something that people need and there's proof. Look it up, friend.
I think I understood what you said? No, I'm not going to check those boards. Like I said, I can't speak for others and I don't know what other people on this board are like or have done, but I've never even been on those boards. I highly doubt everyone on Yea Forums frequents those boards. And no, I'm not arguing for other people's sake, I'm just being an asshole.

Lol of course I don't know your story. Not claiming in any way that you don't have every reason to be where you are. I speak from a statistical point of view, which is to say that the average "im so depressed" Yea Forums user is no more depressed than the average 2000s emo teen.
When I say you care about people, I mean that you are talking about individuals and their situations as single stories, where I mean to talk about a collection of average experiences. I could not give less of a shit about what some dude's life story is on this website, but I am socially aware enough to read what the general patterns are over a large set of users.

>my little tantrum is comparable to an actual meltdown

I can't wait until I get my own place and to hang out with my dude and watch anime and then cuddle and fuck him after. Ill make some stupid anime food too we can eat while watching

I bet your "depression" is self-diagnosed.

Why don't you off yourself instead? I absolutely love myself, huge narcissist actually, I just don't like other people. Which is the main source of my distress.

People who want to kill themselves can go right ahead though. Who gives a shit.

Oh boo hoo, spending less than a quarter of your total time each week with OTHER PEOPLE is JUST TOO MUCH TO ASK!!!
Currently a student and spend 80+ hours a week working with peers/professors on problems/research/mathematics. I have the pleasure of working with some of the most egoistic awkward fucks on the planet. It's fine and I love doing it.
You should really stop hating people so much, it's like something a 9th grader would say.

>Why don't you off yourself instead?
Because I'm not the one whining about the rest of the population. I'm content where I am. Admit it, you're too much of a pussy.

The whole point of that post was that there's no reason to compare them. They're two different people in different emotional states. You're basically telling a guy he's not allowed to be depressed because someone else has a worse mental illness. That's not how depression works. They both need help.

Then what's you're problem if not loneliness

I do not believe in free will, I do not think about free will versus determinism because it is irrelevant. I simply decide "I am unhappy, and this is how I might be able to fix that" and then do the thing I thought of. It's extremely animalistic and deterministic.

>I absolutely love myself
Who are you trying to convince?

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>They both need help
never said they didn't but one needs actual help while the other needs a kick in the ass

Again, you're still misunderstanding the things I was saying and just going off and creating your own.. whatever the fuck you're doing, ever after I've explained about three times now.

Just going to hop off here man, good luck with whatever the hell you're doing.

>3rd post claiming I don't know what you're talking about
>still hasn't explained himself
>welp time to leave!
I'm glad if I have no clue, it's most likely incoherent.
They do not both need "help". One needs help and the other needs to stop being a fucking 2 year old.

>You're basically telling a guy he's not allowed to be depressed
One isn't depressed

>explained what you were missing but it still went over your head
>you're just incoherent

Why don't you just decide to start liking other people? How can you love yourself without being in control of all of your emotions and actions?

Nobody in discussions like these ever understand what depression is and no matter how many different times and ways you explain it they will never get it. There's a reason why "just stop being sad" is such a popular meme.

Thanks bros, since this is a blog thread I'm just gonna say my onahole is finally getting shipped, so I have that to look forward to.

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>waaa everyone else should kill themselves
Mmmmm....nah. You go first.

Ok, went back and reread what you said and I addressed that. Again, I said that you come at this individualistically (you cant know any single person's life) while I come at it statistically (I do know the average story, modulo outliers and details). You seem like you might be an ISFJ brainlet or something.

>"You're not depressed you just can't find happiness in anything, and even when you know the right things to do and your brain is telling you to accept your friend's offer to hang out because you will enjoy it or regret it if you don't, you'll do the wrong thing and spend all day alone and unhappy"
What do you think depression is, user?

Hahaha this thread is so vitriolic and aggressive. This is why I come here, boyos. Bring the fucking blood.
Anyone else derive pleasure from arguing with people on the internet?

take the free time to kill yourself

>What do you think depression is
Common and easily treatable.

Depression is a medical condition.
The situation you've described is called "being stupid" and the cure is "choosing the right decision because you literally fucking can."

>lunch time
>don't feel like cooking something because it takes time
>eat some instant ramen
>want to play vidya
>remember THAT level
>proceed to shitpost on Yea Forums for 7 hours straight because epic lulz
ugh guys I'm so depressed tfw no gf

This one time a friend invited me to his house for smash bros melee but the fucker was naked the entire time.

Didn't fucking acknowledge it once himself and I thought I'd be the weird one if I brought it up so I just autistically played smash bros with my naked friend and then left.

You forgot the part where you sucked his dick

Haha, imagine if you tripped and fell on him haha like your face got close to his penis haha that'd be funny

>choosing the right decision because you literally fucking can
Disorders like these are characterized by the afflicted person being unable to help themselves. An ADHD kid knows he's not supposed to talk in class but literally can't stop himself from doing it until they're in trouble. A depressed fuck knows they're not supposed to sit on the couch and watch TV all day but they literally can't stop themselves from doing it until they're in deep shit. It's an inability to recognize the future is coming. They "know" it is but they don't understand it. They know what to do, they just can't effectively utilize that knowledge as well as others.

Depression is a serious condition that has become a joke thanks to people like Yea Forums blogfags, but now every fuck who doesn't want to do something one day can declare themselves depressed for a free pity party from anime RPers

It's only a matter of time before it changes from this binary thing, where you either have it or you don't, into a spectrum

Yes but these people are not actually depressed, they're using it as an excuse to sit and be lazy. This is what you're unironically defending.

Stop projecting yourself onto other people

>Yes but these people are not actually depressed
You don't know enough about most of these anons to say that for sure. Everyone who THINKS they MIGHT be depressed should get help, but one of the keystones of depression is that it makes going out and seeking that help virtually impossible without even more help. You're probably right about that one user but there are dozens and dozens of people who posted in this thread.

It's fucking hard to pinpoint depression accurately because we have such a little understanding of the human brain, it's such a "fleeting" disease because there could be a shit ton of possibilities that trigger the chemical imbalance that causes it. Sometimes it's mundane, sometimes it stems from shit you can't even detect subconsciounsly so there are people that suffer from it their whole lives and it's fascinating to see it, coming from someone who fought depression and actually managed to tuck it away into a corner, but then here come the newer generation that make deep fried image macros with "Haha I WAnA KiLl mYseLf iSnT tHaT fUnNy" and it makes me well up with pure, unbrindled rage.
tldr fuck zoomers

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if you killed yourself then you could love yourself forever in the afterlife :)