

Attached: lc674tvbqh321.png (640x799, 458K)

Before World fucked everything up.

but the asset will be used to make more high-quality monhun in the future. Just think it as an investment.

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>PC version is delayed again

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>When you play more MHGU than MHW

i dont have a switch

>Not giving World and Generations their own line

Play MHXX using citra
There's also English patch if you're an EOP
Heck it will look better than the switch

1st column: Trash
2nd column: Kino
3rd column: Meh

I honestly would instead recommend playing XX/GU on Switch docked with a pro controller. Going back to dealing with 3ds shenanigans is awful and Citra right now is meh. Hopefully the Switch emulator comes along well.

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>Portable 2nd over Portable 2nd G
>World over XX
>With everything that got announced Iceborne over XX & 4

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>And who created Christianity and Islam?

Is there reason to play the oldest games?


oldest or older?
no if you mean going back to play 1/dos

very much this but without G.
Im not a world cocksucker at all but the settings where amazing, in other instances it felt clunky outside hub areas.

Not him, but my PC is a toaster

why are the world logos so sterile and lifeless compared to the rest?

looks fine to me

Nothing prior to MHFU is worth playing, as it literally has all their content and the same engine minus a shit load of the jank from the first couple of cames.

Here's all the games from the mainline series that are worth playing to varying degrees

These games each have a unique set of content, while every other game in the series has a subset of the content in one of these games.

Which of the games is worth playing is a different question. I've put hundreds of hours in each of these except 3U, and I'd recommend any of them. Some people will make a big shit about a particular entry (namely GU and World), but at the end of the day all the games are fundamentally the same.

Be warned though, the further you go back chronologically the more jank is present. I love MHFU to death and would recommend it to anyone who wants a challenge, but holy shit that game has a boatload of technical issues.

because its a sterile, lifeless product focus tested to appeal to non-fans of the franchise

I'm Case and point

Because world is sterile and lifeless compared to the rest.

>World made alot more people know about the MonHun series
>"fucked everything up"
Thats gonna be a yikes from me hun.

>More money=better
How's call of duty these days champ?

>World made alot more people know about the MonHun series
When has this ever been a good thing?

Nothing wrong with taking a cleaner approach. XX is as crazy as the logos should get. Any more and it would become egregious.

Play Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate on Switch that game is like a greatest hits album but for monster hunter and it's also in the classic pre-world style everything else prior to that is going to be missing a lot of QoL and also online presence.

This game is the the XX(double cross) logo in the OP's image.



>hunting arts and styles
Stop spreading misinfo
X and XX are fucking dogshit entries that feel like MH parodies

I played all the way up to g rank without using any arts or styles outside of guild, which is pretty much old-school monhun. Genult gives you the option to get something close to old-school monhun, world forces its changes into you whether you like them or not.


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you just salty because you spent 400 euro on a crappy handheld console and you now feel like it was a waste because the best game in the franchise is on PC which you cant even run

Meh i like styles. Arts can be fun as well, i think its a good system that was not properly balanced. A new game made by mh b team with arts and style better balanced would be goat.

World has a balancing problem with waaaay too much power given to the hunter but also nerfed monster easier to stagger and give status etc. There's no saving world though that game is the call of duty 4 of the series everything else that team does will be chasing the world audience 12 million copies sold is a big deal.

Before Monster Hunter Awakening fucked everything up...

>World ruined MH but it's okay because it's popular now.
Fucking brilliant.

>not gens
faggot, neck yourself. 4U might have lost some straight up difficulty from 3U but the fenzy/apex shit was fucking brilliant and balanced that reduction...then they labotomized it for fucking hyper...then just tossed it away fully.

Mon Hun is dead, invest in Dauntless or other such things.

>he didn't play the Gens with Guild+0 arts

You have only yourself to blame, shitter.

THANK YOU! Finally one of you faggots say this. Been saying this since they announced world and had plenty of bitching on gens. 4U is the last acceptable mh game.

>hurdur but world drew inb a jizzillion players
I. DO. NOT. CARE! Appealing to cunts who don't care about the franchise ruins it. We've had this issue since fucking Dead Space (not really it's older, but you newfags won't recall anything else.)

Have they given any indication as to how many new monsters will be included in Iceborne?
All I heard was that we're still not getting leviathans

Why is this autistic series so popular? All you do is just slash at monsters for hours

Wow, you can even see the soul being sucked out of the logos.

Daily reminder that Valstrax was peak flagship gameplay. Everything goes from pants on head retarded to god tier when he shows up to dumpster your ass after you beat Gravios.

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The very first one is the best logo, prove me wrong.

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P3rd and XX are the best logos. Sorry bud

Things actually wrong with World

>uninspired monster designs that only reuse old skeletons and mostly just rehash monster concepts already done before
>the returning monsters were mostly boring gen 1 and 2 trash
>half of the weapon and armor designs look like garbage
>turf wars get old really fast
>Worlds most challenging content is just unfun garbage like the arch-tempereds
>cutscenes make going through the game again with a friend an absolute fucking chore
>annoying map design that makes it so you spend more time running around chasing monsters than actually fighting them
>monster roars are more obnoxious than ever due to the recovery animation being slightly longer
>no transmog except for the retarded layered armor system which exists to create pre-order bonuses and add microtransactions

They literally made it more fucking causal than it already is

Forgot to add that mounting was also made worse because now it takes like 3x as long.

>being a mind reader
please by all means tell me the lottery or answers to jepordy faggot. Neck yourself.

I used guild 90% of the time only switch to aerial rarely. As for arts...basically ignored as well. Game is piss easy either way and has no fucking substance.

The meal/food system is a fucking abortion of a mess. There's like 120 options just for the meal and like 12 'seasonings' or whatever shit.....versus '6 catergories, two choices each, 4 cooking types.
>but we needz moar choices nowz
fuck you, add fruit and dessert categories. done. faggot.

varints were rebranded at deviants because ?????????????? ...ohg..right..casuals. 'hur dur lok ut u fag. u su skiledz u hunt ultra meanie munters' ffs they were all given the same rational of 'welp..hunter tried to kill it, but didn't so it evolved' unlike prior shit like savage jho, furious rajang, raging brachy, etc.

monsters have such reduced health and attack i constantly raped mizutsun in the bulldrome mission with unupgraded starting armor and a basic astalos switch axe/basic lagi sns.

mission design is fucking atrocious. the cats never get any real hunts basically proving prowler is a laughing stock excuse. plus YOU STILL FUCKING HAVE GATHERING QUESTS ON MR7! LIKE 4 FUCKING GATHERING QUESTS! This shit should be done at mr4!

devs self admitted they COULD have added a new weapon..but like...YOOOOOOO ARTS MAN! WOAHHH RADICAL! casuals love dat shietttttt!

new forging system...the fuck is this gay shit? swear to god i'm spending nearly twice the res as mh4u for the same fucking stats.

fuck you. fuck anyone who defends gens. fuck capcom. I want Dauntless on switch.

also because extra fuck you.
things that should be kept from gens
channeled notes for hunting horn.
>saves times, forces you to be aggressive.

pawstal deliver service
>fuck yuh more gathering, thus more time saved

ehhh..maybe i still debate if it too op. but acceptable.

now eat aids dick faggot.

dude calm down retard lmao haha

Damn, you share my exact thoughts


So I am a mind reader then. Get fucked, nigger.

XX logo, just the like the game, is over the top

I played a ton of all the western releases and I just play XX now. Not really excited for iceborn as the aesthetics, controls, monsters, and map design just feel like a step down in world

Why is almost every monster incredibly easy, even on the first time fighting it?

The only one that really tested my braincells was the G rank giant ape fight, and even then it's just "lol just fight on it's side".

Monster Hunter games are fun, but they really need to tone up the challenge. Give me some of that MegaMan ass kicking fights.

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>Deviants > Apex
Also it was 4 that made the franchise all cuuhrraaazzy with dumb shit like insect glaive pole hopping and CB being a more retarded version of the switch axe. Right now though GU looks a hell of a lot better than World.

Seething nintendie. So glad MonHun is back on a home console.

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>monsters have such reduced health and attack i constantly raped mizutsun in the bulldrome mission with unupgraded starting armor
With unupgraded starting weapon?
>and a basic astalos switch axe/basic lagi sns.
Aw come on now level 1 astalos gear is pretty rad for that point of the game.

>fuck you. fuck anyone who defends gens. fuck capcom. I want Dauntless on switch.
But dude Dauntless is very shallow and cheap I can't believe they wanted the MH audience with such simplistic combat and lazily designed monsters.

Based retard. Who the fuck only has a switch? No one who has played a MH before world would say that world is an improvement



Enjoy your low res environment textures.

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Without shitposting, how lively is MHGU? I've been making early high rank rooms but nobody joins them. No rooms for notable deviants as well.

more classic than world. The armor skill stuff is there. The varied weapons and armors is there. The 100 monsters each with own craftable armor/weapons (in most cases 2 or 3 each) is just cherry on top. seethe harder.

All comics of this nature are fated to age poorly methinks

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gens is nowhere near as easy as world, you can argue it had been degrading for a while but world is babbie mode

most people use hunter's hub (G hub) not the bherna hub, as you still have access to lo-and high rank quests in there as well as G. No reason to go back to old hub except to give a foot up to struggling brainlets up through the ranks.

where the fuck do i even get it though

>World 2 is released with a Hardcore mode and a Casual mode
>Hardcore mode plays like classic MH where you can't move while healing, can't restock items at base, mantles are crafted with rare mats and used up instead of recharging and slinger ammo can only be obtained as drops
>Casual mode is the same as Iceborne

Would you faggots finally stop bitching?

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because western normalfags literally want things to be boring and "serious"

Nobody fights low rank deviants while in low rank?

Deviant difficulty is skewed they are harder than their respective ranks. All I know is Hunters pub always has deviant turn rooms. Not much point until you get to G anyway since most Deviant armors and weapons are rubbish until final upgrades.

I've played classic Monster Hunter since Freedom Unite and I actually like world. I don't think best able to move while healing is really that big of a deal. The AI does things to compensate and there are more difficult things now too like
>Roars true comboing into attacks
>Stuns lasting 15+ seconds instead of instantly breaking out with mashing

Not that big of a deal? Damage is meaningless because healing is free. I've never been knocked out of a heal in World. Poison might as well not exist since you can heal it instantly.

FU is such overrated trash. kill yourselves

Healing is "free" in old games too. You literally just wait for a Monster to attack then slam a potion. You heal VERY fast in old Monster Hunter games, a lot faster than World.

>Dauntless Dauntless Dauntless
Shut the fuck up.

2nd gen getting kinda hard to go back to these days but I got over thousand hours in FU so I'm happy.
3rd gen still king, baby.
4u fantastic but lacks depth introduced in Tri.
GU is anime as fuck but fun.
World has nice menus.

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Is p3 that good? I've played all others you mentioned and the only i didn't enjoy that much was FU

You could've just said that you've never played classic MH and saved us both the time. Multiplayer doesn't count.

Casuals. Dos has tons of unique shit going for it that makes it worth playing over MHFU.

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As fun as 3U and 4U were, GU feels like it does everything and we won't be seeing that variety in playstyles in a while, if ever.

I agree hyper monsters are underwhelming, but the deviants are pretty challenging

>fucking weeb autists thinking that Monster Hunter isn't just Japanese Call of Duty and that it's basicallly 2nd to fucking Dragon Quest in terms of how popular it is.

Can all you fucks please eat shit on your way out and deposit all your money in the Monster Hunter pachislot machines.

Hyper monsters get redeemed in G-rank because without them the game would be too easy. G-rank Hypers are so much stronger than monsters in previous G-ranks that it's not even funny, and serves as a fitting challenge to bring the MH saga to an end.

Forgive me for being a casual and enjoying the wrong games

You're wrong. You can sprint in World whilst healing and it's near damn the same speed if not faster. The monsters are nowhere near as aggressive in World either, you spend most your time running after them or getting yourself close to them. They don't feel like boss fights like they used too. It's a fun game, but it's not Monster Hunter.

I find deviants harder than g-hyper desu

The monsters in world are really spaztic though, which I like because it makes them unpredictable. I think more people would notice this if, again, taking damage actually meant something in a game with infinite free healing.

All of G Rank is still quite alive. I went through it maybe two months ago while playing during late night/early morning and rarely had any trouble filling a group.

still seething huh soitchlets?

It's never going back. World is the future.

I got my friend into MH through MHW and it surprised me. All he plays is shooters and yet he really took to the game and now has a higher HR and playtime than me. I quit just a bit before Arch-Tempered Lunastra launched and yet he's still playing and doing any new event that releases. Wonder if he'd be as enthused with the game if it played like an older MH game instead.

Man, I hate the future. All games are casual garbage and the planet's dead.

You are not forgiven.
I can't believe you've done this.

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not but soloing hypers is hell on any rank as they give no breathing space at all. Especially arena hyper huntathons such as Guild Greatest hit quest. I had to resort to using palicoes as decoys for that to get a few extra seconds breathing time

I love the old games but man I can't enjoy old Gunlance anymore after experiencing World. It's got nothing before World and doesn't have a fun charge shot only build either.

It's probably more like 70% of weapon and armor designs look like garbage

Besides the iron/bone recycling all the sets look extra chunky now for some reason

I tried the gunlance in world and it seems worse than ever. Any weapon that requires endgame charms or weapons and shit to be good are not for me.

Is there any easy way to play it nowadays? I heard the PS2 emulator was bad

It worked fine 9 years ago so I don't see why.

Playing the old Lance or Bow feels extremely clunky after World, too. They were my mains from Freedom 1 to Gen 3DS but I couldn't get into either of them for GU.
Still vastly prefer old world GS though.

That depends. Is it on the switch this time?

It felt good from the beginning. Even without the decos and charms. It's moves feel very satisfying to me.

It's not just the healing, mantles and stats on hunter gear but the stats on World's monsters as well they have nerfed stagger values and are much easier to stun and proc status. They also made so many things faster like for example placing traps. It's a long laundry list of things they did to make the game appeal to a more casual audience beyond QOL stuff and thats fine but where they failed is in having substance for vets as well and no AT monsters don't have the intelligent design and development time dedicated to succeed at this. Deviants and Apex > AT monsters.

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That doujin was pretty hot

Harder =\= better.
While world us easier it's also way more fun to play.

Nonsense. Difficulty is everything.

>4u fantastic but lacks depth introduced in Tri.
Curious as to what depth 4u lacks that tri has. Last time I played tri i didn't get past low rank since 4u was about to come out.

Gameplay is everything, tight controls and working hitboxes is fun.

But without the difficulty the gameplay means nothing. There's no incentive to learn how anything works.

>tfw we are NEVER going to see valstrax or ahtla ka in a MH game again
why live

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Serious question.

Why are nintendonerds still so utterly buttblasted about world?

It's seems really worrisome to see them still frothing at any mention of the game.

>mfw XX/GU is the swansong of classic MH
>tfw every MH from now on will be chasing the World audience and 12 million sales just like CoD4:MW and WoW did for their genres

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Try to get him into GU on Switch with you playing together. Maybe he can get over initial hurdle and appreciate the subtleties of classic monster hunter along with the insane amount of content.

They've been at war longer than you Sonyshitters. All they know is how to fight.

In retrospect (and after the 60FPS patch) it's a fine sendoff. I have no qualms with MH coming to a dignified end.

Valor gunlance is the best rendition of GL. World is cool and all but not as fun.

I'm pretty pissed that instead of adding new moves or hunter arts/styles they just added more slinger bullshit. Why can't they add anime trash into the console Monster Hunters? That anime shit is the best part.

Nah MH was known for it's deep and high quality gameplay. While world iterated on it, a lot of that was also casualization. I think it would have been better received by vets if they retained their old "commit and execute" tactical design but that has a barrier to entry for all the casualfags so I can see why they went all in with worlds design. XX to me is far more interesting specially with the challenge of deviants.

>In retrospect (and after the 60FPS patch)
Woah woah what? There's a 60fps patch?

4 and World were pretty anime combat wise. But yea GU made it more blatant.

Yes but only on a hacked 3DS or Citra

>stupid mindless grind for casuals
nah i have better games

>legit complaints = must be buttblasted

nice ad hominem

>start with Freedom
>enjoy every game since then, up to and including 4U
>Gens/U feels like shit
>World feels like shit
It's over, isn't it?

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I was hoping they would make something in between the newest and older installations. Hopefully we'll get a switch game

i starded with 3U and i just started playing world

it doesn't seem bad for now.
the biggest change is the fact that with the new maps and shit the game feels less like a bossfight on flat ground like the older games
wich could make repeating the bossfight tedious once the novelty has worn off
also the weapons don't look so varied