what the fuck happened
What the fuck happened
Other urls found in this thread:
>left Snyder
>right Whedon
War, war never changes
So left sucks inherently and right sucks because of time constrains and limited resources?
Don't start this shit here, faggots.
poor porting and poorly redone textures for the sake of hiding compression. The retards probably lost the original sculpts and took the lazy way out. This resulted in worse maps.
At least it's not AC2 remaster.
More powerful hardware doen't make up for shitty ports.
does losing the sculpts include losing the textures too?
post the image user, you know the one
I really don't.
le hugo strange beard?
I'll never understand why last gen games needed a fucking remaster, and not just a simple port.
Why do they keep changing shit like that? All they have to do is to port the PC version to console.
>port the PC version to console.
most games today are made for consoles then ported to PC
Ports are what they call remasters now.
There's trillions of images, user. Be more specific.
All games are made on PC then ported to consoles.
Fucking normies
At REAL 1080p/"4k", SSAO, speculars, dynamic lighting, and self-shadowing are absolutely murder on the XB1/PS4 GPU. The original games on console could get away with it because it was sub-720p internally, and Unreal 3 was practically built around the 360/PS3, but AA/AC maxed on the PC will always be the definitive versions, and with those you can force HBAO+ and SGSSAA, along with having loads of texture mods
>what the fuck happened
outsourcing to the chinese
Isn't it because the cutscenes were pre rendered but the new versions are all in engine? I likes at the gameplay comparison and it looked pretty good
remake looks better retards
They could have ported the PC versions, but the thing is, the devs remastering it will get paid more if they make new assets & can foot Warner Bro's a bill, that's why shit was changed
Weren't they also using the Unreal Engine 4 for the remaster which is supposed to be more powerful and over all better...and yet the game looked so much worse.
>PC version
It was a shitty port.
Outsourcing to a, i shit you not, random chink dev who had most experience in mobile shit. WB were so fucking greedy they ruined both games. AC has its lighting fucked and it looks terrible.
You guys haven't seen shit until now
>what the fuck happened
Literally chinks
Ported by people with little understanding of Rocksteady's vision and use of the Unreal engine.
>most games today are made for consoles then ported to PC
Nah, that simply isn't true unless you're talking Japanese developers. The big AAA developers work entirely on PCs and there are separate groups of people who handle the console stuff.
Japs make their games on PC now too, pretty much all devs use Windows with Nvidia & Intel hardware, then ironically port it to a OpenGL based API & AMD hardware (PS4), this is the funniest thing about Console development
They don't even fucking hide this fact anymore, we have screenshots of KH3 running on Windows 10
It isn't a remake you idiot.
>lost the original sculpts.
What the fuck are you even talking about? They're right there. In the damn game.
Yes it was moron
No, right sucks because Whedon was never good and Serenity was shit
Her costume now made of carbon fiber?
Animated cutscene vs Real time. They both look fine, but it's honestly sad to see it change too much...
>Losing the sculpts
Go to a doctor, you might be legally retarded.
It's all the same assets with additional work on top.
That's gonna be a Yikes from me
left is Burton
PS4's batsuit looks fine, Bruce's face is awful though. Chin and lips are too damn big.
AC has some absolutely quality models, I don't have an excuse to dump them usually
yes you faggot
I can never tell which one looks better in comparison pics and vids in these threads.
Assassin's Creed 3
2012 vs 2019
Especially this one
Wasn't it something about using the actual character models and ingame graphics for cutscenes in the remaster vs using CG or pre rendered stuff or whatever in the originals?
I dunno shit about making videogames,I just remember hearing that was the reason.
holy dogshit
this can't be real
OG AC3 was already looked good on lowest setting
what the fuck were they doing?
Return to Arkham had some tradeoffs. Characters were lit better in the original games, but the environments look better in the remasters.
No, that's not the reason
Considering the fact that textures are baked from sculpts...yes
Always happens with remastered shit
They totally fuck up the bloom and lighting/shadow because they need you to see all the HD textures they slapped over everything
You don't understand what an engine does
People genuinely don't understand PS4 is unironically targeted at normalfags who play games for 3-5 hours a week and call themselves "gamers", but 90% of their playtime is a sports game, watching an actual movie, or CoD. They literally can't tell the difference.
Most of these images are from before the game had it's release postponed and fixed up. The cutscenes still look worse though but that's because the originals used pre-rendered for their cutscenes while the remaster is all in-game. The collection itself for the most part is a huge upgrade.
Ded Island remaster is actually great looking in motion. The lighting is eye-candy, and textures are greatly improved from the original
The right would look better if it wasn't run through a piss filter.
>original game uses technically inferior lighting engine in a precise manner to establish tone and atmosphere on a scene-by-scene basis
>remaster slaps on a technically superior one-size-fits-all lighting engine without bothering to check which shots were adversely affected by it and how these instances might be counteracted
Same thing that happens every time.
Think you just described the xbone lad
>not so tight boys
Another example
>technically superior one-size-fits-all lighting engine without bothering to check which shots were adversely affected by it and how these instances might be counteracted
Reminds me of the Dark Souls remasters
One more for the hell of it.
>No Bat nipples
You made your point user, fair enough. Relieved desu, the OPs comparison shots had put me off looking at the remaster
Post a "fixed" screenshot of something already seen in this thread if you want to be believed.
What the hell is up with that broken bottle rammed into his eyes, it looks like someone did it to him but he was like cool with it.
I've only played the first game and didn't find it enjoyable enough to finish it or any other.
lmao, and the best part is there was no big uproar over this because no one cares about this fucking shit game
I can't. I already explained that the cutscenes are downgraded due to the originals being pre-rendered vs the collections in-game. This does mean though that costumes are reflected in cutscenes now though.
He was glassed and told that if it was removed it would kill him, he grew to like it because it mimicked being posh (a monocle) yet was common as shit, basically the penguin himself.
Wouldn't he get an infection? And getting punched in the face by batman would definitely shatter it and kill him.
It does look cool though.
>posting the ps3 version
>not posting the pc original vs re release
It's a universe where a man with half of his face burned away to almost a skull can walk around no problem so infections aren't really a worry.
PS3 is its direct competition however there are videos on youtube comparing the PC version if you want to watch them.
>playing on console
There's your problem
the argument could be made that it should have looked like this at first and not taken backlash to to get it actually look like a "remaster"
Lol are you stuck in 7th gen? That changed a very long time ago.
That's what 'I' figured, sure it might look fine until it's rammed into your skull like that.
I wrote an action scene where a dude glasses some guys eye out with a shot glass, that just played out in my head when I saw this design.
Right was made by a Chinese company.