Team Sonic Racing

>Hey user, check out my concept art! My new game is coming out in two weeks. It's called Team Sonic Racing and its 60+ fps!

Attached: D1zRmKBVYAA_GM2.jpg (571x571, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Cancelled, along with Cream.


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its releasing on PC and you can play it at 144fps if you wanted.
unlike some other cart racing games.

>posting inferior FemSonic

Attached: DxR3LMBWkAIyICy.png (1200x878, 739K)

chao gameplay, in case you missed their ultimate theme:

Big is in the game, user.

>MissPhase Sonic
goddamn it, muh

Attached: Dd091oIVQAAgK79.png (1182x1200, 1.13M)

If the switch version is 60 frames, I'll cum

Rouge is cute!

Attached: 1556227130060.png (1072x914, 709K)

No wonder Sonic never talks about his mom, he's so embarrassed of her.

When are they gonna give her proper underboob curvature again?

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have a gif

Attached: 1556367630171.gif (600x490, 1.02M)


I see what you did there and I appreciate it

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did they edit in cleavage just for that gif?

I'm soured by the lack of Sega IPs and transforming vehicles. Feels like two steps back.

I don't even care about the transforming vehicles, the boat sections were cancer.

And I could forgive the lack of Sega IPs, because lets be honest, they shouldn't promote characters from games they will never touch again. But the roster in this game sucks ass and it's far too small.

but rouge is superior to any other sega IP character.

not even superior to Blaze.

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I know, I love her too, but I hate the idea of Sega just ditching their properties like that.

Attached: Rouge & Blaze - Morning Babe.jpg (800x744, 72K)

This girl sonic is hotter than it has any right to be.

imagine being a Rouge fan and feeling entitled to draw her bullying other characters. This is how cancerous you guys are.

Oh I'm buying it.

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rouge causes growth, but not of tumor cells.

chill bro. I love them both

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been raising chao while waiting for my new PC parts to arrive

Attached: Screenshot_12.png (416x325, 251K)

why the fuck doesnt this game have a chao garden? it would be perfect for it.
also thats a cute chao user.

thank you, her name is demi. I honestly haven't played a sonic game other than generations in many years but the moment they bring back the chao garden is the moment they have my money

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how do you get jewel chao on PC?

But it's fun.

Attached: Blaze Has It Rough.png (880x869, 215K)


that's just a shiny orange chao, I did hear jewel were bugged though which is a shame

any progress on that request from that other thread?


Attached: rouge the bat 6549601 (x2.0).png (2186x1638, 1013K)

It's gonna happen, just dealin with last assignments and finals next week.

why are late night TSR threads peak comfy?

jewel chao are just the completely metallic looking ones, correct? Shinies are just regular colors with white spots on them, it seems.


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>its releasing on PC and you can play it at 144fps if you wanted.

What's the request he's doing?

game runs at 60fps on Xbone / PS4 and is releasing on PC
ASRT was originally released unlocked, they had physics issues so they locked it but theyve had years to fix whatever was the problem

you've got it. this one's a neutral/run adult shiny orange

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (353x395, 250K)

I'll buy it when they get more adventurechad representation and less Zavok.

Attached: DtcjuBpU8AAgGWI.png (604x919, 837K)

First Panel- Tails lookin behind at Rouge after he hears her cry for help, somethin about her car malfunctioning.

Second Panel- Rouge exposing her chest and stickin her tongue out

Third Panel- Tails crashes, Rouge is surprised and amused. She thought he'd just spin out or swerve, not crash.

More of this sezziness

Is there a shiny, light-blue egg? Turning that into a Light-Chaos chao would make it look just like Chaos 0, no?

Attached: chaos-chao-infobox.png (889x602, 231K)

do you have any shiny two-tone? or any chaos chao?

>Sonic Forces Speed Battle advertising a NEW SUPER COOL EVENT COMING THIS WEEK
>It's a fucking Zavok and Zazz event

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What console do you think this game will have the largest playerbase on?


Why do I like this

Attached: Rouge & Vanilla - Tails.jpg (592x800, 104K)

no shiny two tones yet, the previous neutral/run could've been one but I dig his sleekness.

i'm actually currently aiming to breed an all S Chaos Chao for the first time, making it so the generational pattern turns out the type of chao you want is tricky and has heavy RNG on which color the child will take so I'm not that concerned with what its appearance, only that I get the correct stats. i think a light blue does exist, and that would be pretty sweet

minmaxing these cute bundles of pixels has been my life for the past 2 weeks, this guy is gonna be dark/power when he grows up.

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Why wouldn't you?

Because I'm not a Sonic fan

Le Switch

Attached: TSR Switch icon.jpg (1024x1024, 778K)

Oh my holy shit MOAR

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Better, you're a Rouge fan.


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More like this.


Because biiiig kitties are cute and it'd be more cute to watch her waddle from table to table and take people's orders, all while the customers laugh at her as she moans and struggles to squeeze between tables.

Holy shit Edtropolis drew somethin racy

Rouge definitely fucks human men

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I never saw it like that, but I guess it's true

Just going to post some Rouge

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The thought of this amuses me too much

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>5 minutes should be plenty!

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I want to fill Rouge's womb with my sperm every day!

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Have any Rogue booty?

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cute rougey

Attached: Rouge Working Out.gif (1200x1000, 698K)

your naive if you think they'll fix anything

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I think pic related is the only good female Sonic, because it's actually designed like a female Sonic character and wasn't born out of the artist being horny for Sonic but being too in denial to jack off to how he actually looks.

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I prefer Ultrahand or just "Ultra" now, so you know.

Would the image of her big ass or her huge, velvety belly sliding across your back and shoulders or your face as she squeezed by please you?

Why isn't Chaos Zero in the fucking game

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>i posted it again!

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cry more, diives

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Not really. I'm not into fat fetish stuff. I just thought bullying a chubby Blaze was hilarious and adorable.

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I actually wonder how many times I've blown my load to Rouge over the last decade and a half.

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Not that user, but I'd appreciate any fat stuff you got

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I mean, the Sonic Adventure Music Experience is making several songs on the OST. I would say that's a bunch. Hell, seems like the Sandopolis stages are going to mostly lean towards Adventure references rather than the original stage, and in the thread we had earlier someone pointed out the story mode portraits harkening back to Adventure, pic related

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>her huge, velvety belly sliding across your back and shoulders or your face as she squeezed by please you?
Mother of god, yes.

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Hey fair enough, I'm just in a mood. I could probably do a phone doodle or two before I pass out.

Attached: Giddy Up.jpg (1126x1559, 144K)

Is modern Sonic finally getting unJUSTed? Could Adventurekino finally dethrone nu-Sonic after 9 years of suffering?

Attached: it's over.png (1334x1334, 748K)

I wanna say Switch but I think most people will abandon the game after a while and go back to Mario Kart 8.

Not sure why anyone would want to play the inferior Switch version with its gross sub-30fps. I'm getting it on PC and will try to enjoy the online while its shortly populated. :\

>Is modern Sonic finally getting unJUSTed?

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oh wow, yeah, that looks perfect. I never bred for a two-tone chao before though, but I guess I'll have to learn if I want it to look that good

Attached: 1418239476874.jpg (1200x881, 424K)

Here's a Shiny Monotone for comparison.

Attached: neutralchaosshinymonotoneskyblue.jpg (109x132, 18K)

secret chao intel incoming

Attached: Chao Types.jpg (895x2700, 487K)

Attached: 1412975 - Mystical Rouge_the_Bat Sonic_Team.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

I definitely wanna see that flashing RougexTails one when you're done though

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Sumo Digital has yet to disappoint and seems to have amped up the Sonic fanservice in TSR since it's the focus now, but we need Sonic Team to get their shit together or them or some other studio to make a great 3D Sonic before he will be officially unJUSTed

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is that a fucking

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tfw too busy to draw Sonic porn anymore, I loved drawing naughty Rouge pics.


Sunscreen yes

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you sure user?

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all this lewdness, wont somebody think of the chao

Because now that we know most of the stages and have seen more of the game in action, we have more to discuss.
Back in the day, TSR threads would be lucky to hit double digits before dying. Nowadays they tend to hit 100 or even bump limit.
I've been revisiting the All Stars Racing games, and I have a new appreciation for the first one now that I bothered to experience the all content I skipped over. Gonna replay all the Sonic stages in both sometime this week.

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I'd spread those cheeks.

And would you wanna see her stuck in a doorway with her butt clenching as she thrusts her hips around to get through? With her big love handles heavin around?

something about the aesthetic for the first adventure game just hits the right notes, I don't know how to explain it

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all the way to her cervix

Well, sure, but as much as I love enormously fat asses and hips, in my heart of hearts I'm a belly man and that gut pooling around my shoulders as she inched herself by my table is the stuff of dreams.

Hey stupid dial it back, you’re gonna 86 the thread.

Rouge is a human cock slut

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nigger you trying to get this thread nuked?

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I don't know what you're talking about user it's just a bat

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Please keep the Rouge pics to ecchi/cheesecake, I'm sure where the folks here know to the find porn at this point.

is that kramer from seinfeld

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Giddy up!

Attached: bd5ab61c9781dc2466ea985dfdf6ab6a.jpg (1571x2300, 214K)

So you’re thinkin her belly poolin on your face and shoulder and she’s all shy cause horny guys are reachin to manhandle her fat? She’s just pantin and whinin for people to stop shaking her fat.

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Yeah, something like that. She's complaining people are jostling her around and groping her piles of love handles, but even if they were to stop she'd keep jiggling about on her own anyway, so what's the point?

Attached: 7192cbb0742dd33368b71ccda3d8d27c.png (633x895, 317K)

hey guys what about
>rouge's chubby belly
>rouge's chubby belly bouncing up and down as you fuck her cowgirl
>rouge's chubby belly hitting your pubic region as you're fucking her cowgirl

since we're fatposting

What does sex with a bat feel like?

god damn that's one nice fat ass

Attached: e63e4c9adf3866060a0804ae7caeb512.png (992x1403, 1.04M)

Tiddy is nice and all, but where is the ass

Have an edit

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>huge, natural titties
>wide hips
>soft tummy
The best two images so far.

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More cute and wholesome fanart please

>Still no Rouge erotic adventure game
Come on guys start making it.

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colo's great and all, but that torso's way too long

Someone made a patreon and a couple sprites for a fan game, but ite not like I was keeping an eye on it.

not that its saying much but i can sort of cobble together renpy games if there were people to provide writing and art assets

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