Yea Forums dresses 2B

Let's play a game!

- I'm thinking of a number between 0-500.

>Post a number and a letter of the outfit you want 2B to wear

- If you're within 5 of the number I'm thinking of, 2B will wear your choice
- Once a clothing has been picked, I'll post the next set of clothing options
- After 5 categories [dress][sock][shoe][gloves][panties], 2B will be all dressed up, she'll pose for you, and then game resets

disclaimer: clothing color may vary

Attached: 2b_dress_choice.jpg (1600x900, 939K)

Repost with letters this time

Attached: 2b_dress_choice.jpg (1600x900, 954K)

bruh if I wanted to jack off I can just go to /e/ or /h/
get this cringey shit outta here. thirsty ass teenager

Dude, everyone has honey select, fuck off.

>no clown outfit

Attached: clown 2B.jpg (1200x795, 63K)

>hee hee le ebig bosnian meme



This, Clussy is the only way.

gotta post a 0-500 number too
post get bypass