Be Black Character

>Be Black Character
>Have iconic dialogue
>Be not as shit as most real black people
>Actually love your daughter
>Japan decides to keep ALL of his dub features(sans Glasses)
>Kotaku gets mad

Attached: Barret-FFVIIArt.png (398x448, 198K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Linking directly to Kotaku

They are right. They intentionally changed back his design and voice from a more serious tone(in the previous trailer) to a borderline racist stereotype.

I'm not clicking a fucking Kotaku article but fuck Kotaku, who manage to be more of a nigger collectively than Barret ever will be

Fuck off, pol

You're a blatant shill spamming their shitty article

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>>Be not as shit as most real black people
You know those meme statistics are still a vast minority of blacks you utter retard

Who are you quoting?


I'm black.

OP here. Im pol. Just stupid and forgot archive.

Attached: bro-you-just-5cb6d5__01.png (648x578, 371K)

Post using Firaga.

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>I’ve never played Final Fantasy VII
This is a Kotaku journalist reporting on Final Fantasy VII. Wow

I’m just wondering why they didn’t bring Jet back. He was perfect. This guy just sounds like he’s doing a bad impression.

Based oldfag first poster.

Kill yourself newfag redditor.


Haha. The archive thing didn't start until around 4-5 years ago.

And I'm glad they did. Barret without passion is just wrong. Now if he would just leave Rude's glasses gimmick to him. Rude's also the serious black man of the story, so it's good their personalities don't overlap too much.

As I expected.
>female writer
>hasn't played the game
>refers to a couple of tweets about how everyone is outraged
>it needs to be progressive and modern
>muh masculinity muh stereotype
Completely ignores the fact that Barret is actually a pretty beloved character and most people have him in their party. Typical Kotaku cancer as one would expect.

It sounds like they've replaced everyone, including fucking Superman.

Given the way Rude looks in Advent Children, I'd almost say he is more latino looking, but thats just me.

His voice is exactly what I imagined him sounding so it's good

I wasn’t gonna play with the dub but this makes me want to.


I’m all for replacing Aerith though. She was awful in Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2.


>game became much harder to find
There a fucking ports out the ass and emulation is still a thing, fuck the PS2 and non-slim PS3s could play PS1 discs, how full of shit do you have to be to keep pretending you didn't play the game once you could be trusted with your own expensive property?

Just because he tries to bypass Reno's asswipe personality by keeping his mouth shut doesn't mean he's serious in any way shape or form.

Women are notorious liars to make themselves the victim.

Yeah I agree, in AC (he even looks quite cool), but I don't count that. He's also white in BC.

Can someone explain what's we're mad about?

Trying to Whitewash, unironically, an iconic black character who is one of the heroes and has a lot of good traits just because they hate how he talks.

Some people are pissy that their favorite game of all time is not going to be perfect in every single way.

>what is we are mad about

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I've never heard anyone dislike Barret. He's great. And wanting to lobotomize him and turn him into a fucking robot because giving a black character any type of personality whatsoever is a no-go due to fear of accidentally doing something slightly stereotypical. No wonder every character created by the woke progressives is a boring wish-fulfillment fantasy that makes plain broth look spicy in comparison.

>what's we're mad about

Attached: wait_what.png (289x297, 108K)

And yet tomorrow they'll be writing an article bitching about some white protagonist. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Nobody cares about 7 remake but zoomers and zoomer opinions don't matter. Support the real release of final fantasy 7 on the ps1 steam.

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>what's is were're are's mad about

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Unfortuantely a lot of 30 somethings are hyped too for some reason.

kys tranny nigger

>barrets va basically confirmed everyone got replaced

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Based oldfag.
soicucked newfag tranny.

30-somethings are maybe hyped because they played the original game when it came out? My guess.

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Fucking hell Squeenix you're going to make mad bank with this game and you cheap out with the voice actors?

Why would that make someone more hyped? I played Spyro in the 90s, but I didn't care about the remake. The MediEvil remake seems more faithful at least, but I'm not pissing myself with excitement, and I given SE's track record, I don't expect much from the FF VII remake.

I always thought of him as strong but unintelligent and impulsive. Certainly a memorable, iconic character and I hope they can keep his impulsiveness but tone down his stupidity and excessive macho attitude. It will be fun seeing him call Cloud 'Spikey Ass', but it will be annoying to see him overreact at everything.

FF7fags are just being retarded again, if its not low tier waifuwars its race wars

Barret isn't black... he's a dark skin asian guy.

For an argument see Yoruichi Shihouin from bleach.

>and his re-translated dialogue now also emphasizes Americanized ideals about masculinity

god the horror

were mad that FF7 is getting a unnecessary remake when other FF games need it more, ie: FF8

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I'm happy. Many of them were picked to fit for the somber Advent Children. Now they're tailored for the lively VII. Sephiroth better be jubilant.

I refuse to believe the voice direction has suddenly miraculously improved though.

It’s a tough decision, but I think that the voice is true to his original character, problematic as he is... Squenix needs to do better with their black characters in the future (and FWIW I liked Sahz in XIII a lot!), but I guess they didn’t want to change him up too much from the original FF7. Barrett’s a walking stereotype in original FF7, and I can only hope that they give him a slightly better treatment, but they’re likely to stay true to his original character. At the very least, he looks a lot more human in this trailer than in FF7 where he was a giant circular muscle with legs and a gun.

>Fans are concerned.
I fucking doubt secondary scum are "fans"
Screaming and crying about a game you were never going to play in the first place doesn't automatically make you a fan. And I wish the subhumans and Kotaku would stop pretending it does.

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Black man here, Barret was one of the better characters of the game and not being shilled all over the place helps too. Keep his sucka nigga personality and ignore the thin-skinned faggots crying.

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grrr I am so mad about this I am a Yea Forums gamer wtf vros

For what it’s worth, the dicey presentation aside, Barrett really is a wonderfully 3-dimensional character: a passionate and intelligent eco-terrorist with a big-time “screw capitalism” bent, an adopted daughter he turns into a big mushy teddy bear around, and Complicated Feelings about the blue-collar mining town he grew up in. Also his hand is a big gun.

There’s a reason he’s so prominent in marketing materials any time anything related to Final Fantasy VII comes out: because he’s deeply, sincerely beloved by a lot of people.

As a white dude who now works in the game industry as a writer, when I played FFVII as a kid, the troublesome aspects were something I was definitely aware of, but it was also just like “This dude is the coolest, most interesting character in this game, by a mile”.

Barrett is straight-up the heart of Final Fantasy VII, and one of the best characters in the entire franchise. I honestly struggle to think of many black characters in pop culture / children’s media that get to have anything approaching his level of agency, depth, and heroic spotlight moments, aside from maybe the cast of Black Panther. It kind of breaks my heart to imagine that a single bad creative decision from a localizer in 1997 could, two decades later, prevent others for whom such stereotypes are more distracting and/or personal from being able to connect with his character in the same way I got to.

I really hope, the voice issue aside, that they stick the landing with him in the remake’s writing, and a new audience has the opportunity to get to know the gruff tuff hippy gun-hand teddy bear dad I love.

Barrett rules.

>archive linking is oldfaggotry now

i thought the voice work just sucked ass cause they went with cheap barely professional voice actors but now i can see i was totally wrong and that they are really racist
thanks kotaku!

Did you just copy/paste this from Kotaku's comment section. lol dudes be original, form your own opinion.

Guess I just misunderstood the statement. I'm ready for it to come out too, but I'm not crying tears of joy over it. I haven't purchased any Squenix titles since FFX.
The "extra hype" status is probably soi-based

Well considering nobody bloody bothers anymore it may as well be.

>No soap opera actor voice for Cloud
>No Superman voice for Sephiroth
>No She's All That girl voice for Tifa
This upsets me more than it should. Even if the AC cast weren't all that great at times, they should've at least kept them around for the sake of consistency.

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Barret was certainly exaggerated in the localization, but he was a pretty rough spoken character in Japanese too. There was a lot wrong with FF VII's original localization, but Barret's not one of the things that bothered me.

But how will they get clicks if they don't overdo every single stupid opinion?

Just play with the Japanese voices, where Barret will have no dialect and probably be voiced by Solid Snake.

...oh wait, this is a Final Fantasy game. So no dual audio option.

Attached: kojima_akio_otsuka.jpg (1082x220, 184K)

>can't represent niggers how they are irl or else it's racist

The should have actually hired Mr. T to deliver the lines.

Did Kotaku fall into a coma during the original FFVII release? Barret has always been a fucking Bookter T caricature, only this time you can hear him

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but if he talks like in ff7 they will say that he is a stereotype,so I don't understand

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There's your problem

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>Completely ignores the fact that Barret is actually a pretty beloved character and most people have him in their party.

Naturally she does. I remember seeing this one black guy on youtube watching the trailer and he was like "Is that mah nigga Barrett?!"

>on the ps1 steam
I wonder what did he mean by this 'Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?'
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.

The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.

IQ is 75% heritable among whites.

IQ is about 80% heritable.

IQ is higher among asians and whites than among blacks. This difference owes 50-80% to genetics.
>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.

Attached: 1417723107807.jpg (298x389, 31K)

>...oh wait, this is a Final Fantasy game. So no dual audio option.

Did you just wake up from a 7 year coma?

imagine being so pathetic you make and spam a gish gallop copypasta when anyone mentions black people on a video games imageboard

>fans are mad that they didn't change it!
yeah like 1% of oversensitive baby ass fans, the rest who liked the original are probably glad they kept in his iconic personality

this is not /pol/ and if you think it is, you are a raging newfag
this is /pol/ cancer of the highest caliber, you are a faggot if you post shit like this

Gish gallop is when you post so many *invalid* points that your opponent can't respond to them. Those are all peer-reviewed published scientific articles. Gish gallop does not mean "When my enemy provides so much evidence to support his argument that my anecdotes and feelings can't match up."

Hope this helps.

Attached: poverty vs race in crime.jpg (1024x430, 75K)

They live in a perpetual state of looking for the next outrage. They don't care about video-games.

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>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.
yts and nignogs btfo

>Gish gallop is when you post so many *invalid* points
no, it's any flurry of arguments that doesn't leave time for refutation. I could gish gallop a dozen counter-arguments as well, and we wouldn't be having any kind of debate. we'd just be screaming at eachother to suit our interests.

Barret isn't black.

Attached: science.jpg (800x1034, 285K)

Why do people even use that site?

>The Gish gallop is a technique used during debating that focuses on overwhelming an opponent with as many arguments as possible, without regard for accuracy or strength of the arguments.
Source: Google

Would you say that peer reviewed & published scientific articles are not accurate or strong evidence?

Correlation =/= Causation

>>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.
Correlation ≠ causation, dark skinned people are correlated to more crime due to low income, not genetics

“Genetics is the science of inheritance, not pre-determinism, and there is no substitute for hard work and application.”
>Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable
Does not mention distribution by race anywhere also read the last line of the article

>Human intelligence is highly heritable.

>Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Blacks have an average lower IQ but that is because of factors such as poverty

>Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
Doesn't matter, nothing to do with iq it's a cultural thing read the article

>The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79
Means nothing gentics-wise

>The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.

>Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Read the article, study was biased

>Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
Does not mention race

>The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.
Right wing article that bent the truth

>IQ is 75% heritable among whites.
>IQ is about 80% heritable.
>IQ is higher among asians and whites than among blacks. This difference owes 50-80% to genetics.
All the same shit

Nice science, want to talk about climate change?

You totally do have time for refutation. This is not a real-time oral debate, no one is pressuring you to answer in x amount of time.

t. stormfag

Where was this outrage in 1997? Literally nothing has changed about this character except he has sunglasses now.

It is almost like they are just looking for next outrage and are not a true fan of anyting at all.


The added sunglasses are obvious racism. Clearly the developers of Final Fantasy VII Remake don't want black characters to be able to look around at night. Typical game devs, always keeping the black man down.


Attached: images (1).jpg (201x251, 11K)

Did you? They keep releasing FF games with no dual audio option. The only ones I know of that actually have it are are FFXIII (only the Steam version), Type-0 (again, only the PC version) and FFXV. Hell, they released FFX Remaster on Switch, yet again with no dual audio option. Then pulled an extra stupid stunt by making you download FFX-2.

They do this as a form of soft region locking. Because people in Japan will import the American version of the game for $20 less if it comes with Japanese audio. So for every game they can, they block the Japanese audio options.

There's a difference between citing a conclusion and citing random strings of statistics while omitting a lot of information.

Is this your first day on Yea Forums? This thread will die within an hour.

There's not really any outrage in 2019 either, these articles and websites thrive on people posting the most insane opinions and presenting them as if it's a common or rational belief, and they end up getting reposted in places like here by people who want to create the image that there's a war going on.

>Correlation =/= Causation

Yes, congratulations, you have graduated middle school. What they didn't include in that catchy slogan is that correlation IS however *correlated* with causation, which is the basis of all science. Science is all about finding corellates and making reasonable assumptions of cause by controlling for all other possible correlates.

>dark skinned people are correlated to more crime due to low income, not genetics
No they aren't. Have a look at image

>Does not mention distribution by race anywhere also read the last line of the article

>Blacks have an average lower IQ but that is because of factors such as poverty
No, poverty is controlled for in virtually any good racial IQ study. Hundreds of transracial adoption studies arrived at the conclusion that blacks raised in wealthy white families have equal IQ to blacks raised in poor black families. See the image in the post you replied to.

>Doesn't matter, nothing to do with iq it's a cultural thing read the article
Already responded

>Means nothing gentics-wise
Wrong again, already responded

Wrong again, already responded

>Does not mention race
Already responded: irrelevant

>Right wing article that bent the truth
No, it's peer reviewed and published science from a leftie-controlled academic university.

>All the same shit
You're not even trying anymore.

Attached: african eurasian genetic variance.png (1047x415, 92K)

one race
the human race

Attached: australian aboriginals.jpg (2000x1333, 521K)

Imagine being so pathetic to call solid scientific studies and proof gish gallow just because your doctrine tells you to.

>"The only ones I know of that actually have it are are"
>lists examples of some of the most recent voiced FF games baring XII for some reason and X which I'll accept because you need a mod for the PC version to play with one language and listen to another

Uh, okay. Thanks for taking care of that, I guess.

>Because people in Japan will import the American version of the game for $20 less if it comes with Japanese audio. So for every game they can, they block the Japanese audio options.

I know that some still do that, but that's becoming less of a thing what with more and more games having both multiple audio options and the option to use several different text languages.


Attached: murder by race in the USA.jpg (632x773, 119K)

The studies may be solid but plucking one sentence from a whole study and repeating that a dozen times to form a shoddy narrative is the opposite of solid.

White people, you had better stop, just telling you now. We have The Voice. You will regret messing with us and telling these lies

Attached: WE WUZ DRAGONBORN N SHIIIET.jpg (564x548, 57K)

But there’s only one argument, the list is just proof that you would be demanding.

What is the missing context you are implying? The abstract of a study is only a paragraph or two long, and only one or two sentences of that are the actual conclusions of the study. Those are the sentences quoted.

Have sex.

>Yes, congratulations, you have graduated middle school. What they didn't include in that catchy slogan is that correlation IS however *correlated* with causation, which is the basis of all science. Science is all about finding corellates and making reasonable assumptions of cause by controlling for all other possible correlates.
>Science is all about finding corellates and making reasonable assumptions of cause by
No, science is about proving hypothesis (assumptions) with the scientific method, it is not about thinking that black people are dumber by design because you saw a black person yelling on YouTube, nice try though

>>dark skinned people are correlated to more crime due to low income, not genetic
Funny how there isn't a graph for correlation between individuals commiting crimes by poverty, it is all loosely associated

Mad as fuck

>No, poverty is controlled for in virtually any good racial IQ study. Hundreds of transracial adoption studies arrived at the conclusion that blacks raised in wealthy white families have equal IQ to blacks raised in poor black families. See the image in the post you replied to.
poverty is controlled for in virtually any good racial IQ study.
Even if this is true which it isn't, other social factors are a play

>Already responded
>>Means nothing gentics-wise
>Wrong again, already responded
>Wrong again, alreaicle that bent the truthhed science from a leftie-controlled academic university.
>>All the same shit
>You're not even trying anymore.

>Already responded

You stopped trying at this point because you lost

Here's some food for thought poltard

There’s still no good reason to believe black-white IQ differences are due to genes

Why genetic IQ differences between ‘races’ are unlikely

Thank you. This whole website would improve if mods banned OP's which link directly to a website. Everyone knows posts which link directly to websites are shills giving clicks to their clickbait articles.

Racists Believe Race Matters in Human Intelligence. Scientists Don’t.

Why People Keep Misunderstanding the 'Connection' Between Race and IQ

The Bell Curve Review: IQ Best Indicates Poverty

The problem with linking to site is newfags trying t fit in misinterpret it as usual and think ALL links should be archived for some reason.

I meant the problem witch archiving links to sites.

>his sources
>the university of michigan
>university of western ontario
>university of delaware
>university of california, berkeley

>your sources
>the guardian

Attached: 1516271313350.png (706x412, 278K)

Facts end where my feelings begin.

Did you miss Harvard, also not an argument btw

Nobel-winning scientist’s claims linking race and intelligence have been ‘debunked over and over’: expert

Black and White in America IV: IQ Myths and Realities

>I know that some still do that, but that's becoming less of a thing what with more and more games having both multiple audio options and the option to use several different text languages.
But that's my point. They're not giving those options to all games released to the west. And it makes little sense. A game like Bravely Default gets dual audio, a game expected to sell less than 500k. But then they don't give dual audio to a massive main series FF game expected to sell 7 million copies? And you have to wait for a PC port years down the line to get it? What gives Square?

What's even more confusing is they give the English options to the Japanese release of the game. Again, making me think it's based on soft locking regions.

>No, science is about proving hypothesis (assumptions) with the scientific method,
What does this have to do with what we're talking about?

>it is not about thinking that black people are dumber by design because you saw a black person yelling on YouTube, nice try though
What the fuck does this have to do with that we're talking about?

>Funny how there isn't a graph for correlation between individuals commiting crimes by poverty, it is all loosely associated
It would make absolutely no sense to make a graph like that. The graph in neatly displays what you want.

>Mad as fuck
What does this have to do with what we're talking about?

>Even if this is true which it isn't, other social factors are a play
It is true, and there are no other social factors.

The rest of your post is you getting angry and quoting feminist bloggers as your argument against 50+ pages of scientific evidence. I guess you gave up?

Fuck your feelings poltards here's the truth AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>huffington post

just stop
i'm getting second hand embarrassment for you

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You're not citing the opinions of Uni dudes on race, you're just using their data from their studies in a misleading way. That's completely different from a structured and comprehensive argument that employs studies which is what the articles do.

The articles are going "Here's why x is true, and here's proof 1 2 and 3 and my conclusion".
Your post is going "Look at this, strange hmmm? look at this strange hmmm?" with glaring gaps all around.

This Destiny guy sounds like he's not afraid of bants. Are you?

There is nothing misleading about the quotes in They are all summary sentences taken from the abstracts of the studies.

user surely you can't be serious linking this homo


>What does this have to do with what we're talking about?
You don't understand science so I had to correct you

>What the fuck does this have to do with that we're talking about?
Good to see your Iq is in the double digits

>It would make absolutely no sense to make a graph like that. The graph in neatly displays what you want.
Ah it would make no sense to make a graph the gets straight to the point, I see

>What does this have to do with what we're talking about?

Everything, since you are arguing with your feelings

>It is true, and there are no other social factors.
Proven false

>quoting feminist bloggers as your argument against 50+ pages of scientific evidence.
A.) Ad hominem on the authors with no counter to debunk their arguments and facts
B.) Your "science" has been debunked

Also awaiting a counter to each of these

Or maybe you'd rather give up

Ad hom/ not arguments

Why did you link some e-celebrity shitfling as if it were an argument?
Where is your scientific evidence?

Attached: race and college admission.png (708x308, 10K)

The juxtaposition is where lies are constructed.

Forget it, fuck debating this, he will forever be called too white or too black
I have a feeling what happened was that 4 years ago they werent far enough into the project to realize Barret needs to be loud and passionate to excel as a character. He cares about Marline and he carries a lot of guilt about his home town and for his current cause. He would not be timid after everything he went through. I think what Kotaku wants is for him to be white. The actor is just a black guy. What the actual fuck do they think he's going to sound like

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You made an appeal to authority (the actual version of that fallacy) then were corrected that your authority figures were not actually authorities. That isn't what "ad hominem" means. It isn't just some nice sounding latin you get to deploy whenever you're losing an argument.

>The juxtaposition is where lies are constructed.
Please explain what you meant by this sentence. I won't bother replying to you again until I get a thorough explanation on its meaning.

IQ is not a feasible measure for intelligence. It was designed by a frenchman to test on kindergarteners to begin with.

>But then they don't give dual audio to a massive main series FF game expected to sell 7 million copies? And you have to wait for a PC port years down the line to get it? What gives Square?

You're very behind the times. FF XV has multiple audios and texts for all versions, not just PC. Same with the HD versions of FF XII. FF XIII's PC version has dual audio because it was released later than the console version and dual audio had started to become a standard by then. Same can be said for XIII-2 I imagine, but I don't know much about that one. Lightning Returns had it from the get-go. FF XIV has multiple audio and text options. Even fucking Dragon Quest XI will have dual audio when it comes to the Switch, and they're much stingier about putting Japanese anything in English DQ.

>What's even more confusing is they give the English options to the Japanese release of the game. Again, making me think it's based on soft locking regions.

The only game I can think of that they released recently that does this is the FF IX port, which has multiple languages available in all versions, but Japanese is not available in English copies (though you can patch the option in the PC version), but the Japanese versions have an English option available. This seems to affect all versions of the FF IX port for some reason when no other FF game has this issue.

There is nothing, not one single subject, more studied in all of anthropology than IQ. It is universally, scientifically regarded as an accurate measure of intelligence. It is genetically transmissible with a coefficient of 80% or higher. It is correlated strongly with reaction time. It predicts success in life.

This new groundswell of "IQ is fake" horse shit is literal flat earth-tier denial of the overwhelming scientific facts of life. It is worse than climate change denial.

Attached: racial differences.jpg (437x586, 77K)

It's a trailer. It means nothing.

barrett is a retarded violent nigger like all of his kind, it makes sense

Attached: deplatformed.webm (710x400, 2.12M)

>You made an appeal to authority (the actual version of that fallacy
I make no appeal to authority, I do not care about the qualifications and position of the person that wrote those articles, only the fact they present
>That isn't what "ad hominem" means
Calling someone a feminist and dismissing their arguments is a ad hom, yes good job

Also awaiting a counter to each of these

Or maybe you'd rather give up

>people being against archived links
absolutely disgusting

The Barett you know isn't real. That was a bastardised localization of Barett.

He wasn't even meant to be black, just dark skinned. His features aren't even African.

Attached: Barret_PortraitNB.png (457x444, 284K)

>Nobel-winning scientist’s claims linking race and intelligence have been ‘debunked over and over’: expert

James watson talking about IQ is like a cashier talking about the economy

fucking hell get me off this planet with these ludicrously stupid takes

So basically you're saying they didn't start doing dual audio until around 2014. That's a good start, but it still doesn't make up for the decades of them blocking dual audio. I'm referencing their practices overall.

Also, I mentioned FFXV and XIII.

>The only game I can think of that they released recently that does this is the FF IX port,
Japanese versions of the game were getting English options as far back as FFX International version on PS2. Which is why the Japanese release of FFX Remaster also has both. But again, they didn't give the western release this option. And it happens quite often. It's nice that some games are getting dual audio finally. But it's still inconsistent.

Tifa Vincent when Clouds a veggy

>He wasn't even meant to be black, just dark skinned. His features aren't even African.

I see this is the new meme. You're not entirely wrong about the English version of Barret not being the real one, but I've played the Japanese version of FF twice and his personality's basically the same, and he's still got a rough speech style. They just ran him through a Mr.T filter for the English version.

>Barret isn't meant to be black

>But it's still inconsistent.

If we're talking about the industry as a whole, then yes. FF's been pretty consistent about it for the last several years. They didn't do it in the 2000s, but at that time it was the farthest thing from an industry standard.

>But again, they didn't give the western release this option.

Yeah, it may have been to keep the Nips from getting cheaper copies and/or because it seemed pointless to give English players the option to play in Japanese. That's only started becoming a thing in the industry within the last few years.

>many people are frustrated and annoyed about this
>but there's very few viral tweets about this
So, which is it?

Holy shit facts user put the pol cucks in their fucking grave

Not there because people weren't thinskinned faggots in '97

If darker skin makes you black then I guess most of India is black now.

>Yeah, it may have been to keep the Nips from getting cheaper copies and/or because it seemed pointless to give English players the option to play in Japanese. That's only started becoming a thing in the industry within the last few years.
Considering anime was getting huge in the west in the 2000s, they should have capitalized on it by having dual audio. Because Final Fantasy, like most JRPGs, are just playing a video game version of an anime. But this is the same company that spent 12 years sabotaging Dragon Quest despite Dragon Ball being the most popular worldwide anime. As well as doing everything they could to piss off the fans under Wada. So they seem to be totally oblivious.

Since the new management took over in 2014-2015, things have definitely improved.

He literally looks like a stereotypical big beefy nig
Does he just need bigger lips or a bigger nose?

I don't understand how the west is ok with games like San Andreas yet gets offended over Barret? Why is Rockstar getting a pass but Squeenix not?

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Barrett is supposed to be a cartoon Mr T. He’s supposed to be borderline minstrel show

They are crying over their shitty dub actors being replaced by even shittier dub actors, never mind that neither are real actors and that any bloke from the Harry Potter movies could probably do a better job casting the entire game by themselves.

Dubs are for convenience, it's hilarious how these people are essentially arguing over fast food restaurants as if they are 3-stars.

SA is all about the banger life and shows all the different shades of it and examines it. FF7 just has a Mr. T guy and he's the token black guy.
If you can't see the difference then holy hell pick up a book.

Jews put whites and blacks against each other

yasssssssssss queen

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Why isn't Kotaku out of business yet?


Are you a retard?

>He wasn't even meant to be black
He's literally a collection of 1970s/1980s black movie stereotypes. And I'm not talking about the horrible English translation. Even in the Japanese version, he comes off that way. His body language and expressions are very stereotypical for what the Japanese think "black" people are like, again thanks in large part to black focused movies made in America.

And the remake is just doubling down on this, giving him Shaft glasses, a crew cut, Blade style clothes and a body that looks like Mr T from Rocky 3. He's literally a conglomeration of black media stereotypes. And you know what? I'm glad. SJWs need a splash of cold water in their face. And maybe a big black man punching them in the face as well.

He posted typically biased shit. Academic study of race and intelligence is as tainted by ideology as it was a century ago, just in the opposite direction.

>the Persona 5 """""""controversy""""""
>now this """"""""controversy""""""""
I get it now. Kotaku just hates JRPGs.

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They have one good staff member and he floats the whole thing.

yall keep linking to them every time they race bait

Enough people click on their bait articles, as you can see from this thread. But with vice, vox, cnn and most other publications dying, they can't be far behind.

>Be not as shit as most real black people

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Why do people say this? This isn't fucking Texas.

Also, Kotaku are probably the people who link Kotaku here.

Don't forget Kotaku was pushing fake controversies over Dragon's Crown and Dragon Quest XI. And all it did was help those games get noticed more and sell more than expected. I hope they keep coming up with more controversies for Japanese games. It's free advertising.

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As if changing Barret like this will make it better

Yea Forums is just /pol/ taking a break from /pol/ KYS


Oh I didn't know he actually did that for the entire game. I just knew of the Found In Translation videos he did. They were interesting videos, they pointed out some things I missed on my Nip playthroughs.


Yes, friend. How can anyone take any of the shit he posted seriously when we know the opposite viewpoint being possibly correct was never an option in the first place with these academics.

Those are the Found in Translation vids he just renamed them lol

The original FFVII is nowhere near perfect either. But you're right. Hardcore FFVII fanboys will complain about every single thing the remake changes. Even if those changes are an improvement. And we'll have a decade of angry people arguing over FFVII, just like we did with the original game.

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It isn't option because it's simply false

Tranny shills, an absolute new low for Yea Forums

I legitimately cannot tell where this fucking meme is coming from but you retards need to return to /pol/, Discord, or whatever other tard wrangling group you chimps congregate at. If your argument is "The characters aren't based on a region on Earth because the game isn't Earth", you're still wrong for numerous reasons, but of all the fucking arguments to pretend you want to support, this is the dumbest.

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He wasn't never in my party unless required because of his skin color, shit.

>fans are concerned

Computer, translate that for me

>two retards complained on twitter

Ah okay. He just made a few more since I last checked.

>i don't eat brownies because they look like shit

Aerith doesn't take BBC. She's Zacksexual, and Cloud is a surrogate Zack. But Elena and Scarlet absolutely do. Doubly so for Scarlet.

>Thinking Yea Forums never hated Kotaku

kys newfag

/pol/ need to leave Yea Forums alone
I just wanted to talk about video games, not fucking IQ's and racial identity. We all know that white people will be outbreed by 2053 anyway.

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I'm okay with good changes, personally. I figure the remake will be meh at best, but I don't care about it not being turn-based.

Yes, surely sweetie. The black in the US is by and large poor, dumb, and violent, this is well known and factual. They are so violent a mere tens of millions of them matches the violence output of two hundred million American whites, tens of millions of whom live in equally squalid poverty. On the black home continent, if not for outside intervention, everything south of the Sahara would today still by and large be the home of hunter gatherers. No infrastructure, hospitals, paved roads, cities, train tracks, technology, industry, nothing. But you would tell me this is a coincidence, that the black has been uniquely persecuted in history (which is untrue), and this is why everywhere the black goes, it produces nothing.

>cry about a voice character
>silence when pic related is announced for cowboy bebops live action cast
theyre faggots.

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Did anyone catch watch he said there in the Japanese trailer. Sounded like ちょっとだ and I'm sure I heard him yell 全ェェェ部, but I could't catch the rest.

You suck then, why even be on a ff7 board if you don’t care about the game?

I'm trying to forget about that shit, goddamn it. Someone always finds a way to remind me it exists.

If its a Kotaku link you can bet your ass that nobody is really mad other than trannies and some self hating white girl

>Barrett was inspired by Mr. T
>Remake sounds nothing like a Mr. T

They really fucked up on Barrett.

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You mean a thread? I like the old FF VII.

>The black in the US is by and large poor, dumb, and violent, this is well known and factual.
Yes you can say that
>They are so violent a mere tens of millions of them matches the violence output of two hundred million American whites, tens of millions of whom live in equally squalid poverty.
Yes, need to double check the stats but probably
>But you would tell me this is a coincidence, that the black has been uniquely persecuted in history (which is untrue), and this is why everywhere the black goes, it produces nothing.
Yes there is no evidence linking IQ to this, there is however plenty of evidence that the 100s of years blacks spent getting fucked by Jim crow laws (made by whites) is still causing them issues, don't even get me started on Africa

>everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi

you should go to /pol/, you might like it

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They can't help themselves.

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>"Mariah StOkes" *sucks teeth*

>Why yes I do play World of Warcraft, sucka, how did you guess?

Wait, isn't Steve Burton still playing Cloud?

I could say the same to you

>there is no evidence linking IQ to this,
Typo, meant genetics

Jews shit all over your argument, for a millenia from Europe to the Muslim east they were second class citizens whose personal safety relied on the whims of the local leadership, at best. Beaten, expelled, persecuted, ghettoized, deprived, they still manage (and managed) better than the American black and were persecuted far longer and more severely. I haven't said shit about IQ.

dare i say it Yea Forums is nomura /ourguy/?

Well he is an enormous autist, so it'd make sense.

>Jews shit all over your argument, for a millenia from Europe to the Muslim east they were second class citizens whose personal safety relied on the whims of the local leadership, at best. Beaten, expelled, persecuted, ghettoized, deprived, they still manage (and managed) better than the American black and were persecuted far longer and more severely

You are comparing 2 groups of people that were in vastly different circumstances, and in the case of jews look much like whites so are able to blend in and reap the benefits of being white; what a nonsense """argument"""

>As a white dude
Why do these types all speak exactly the same? They're like dolls with pull cords and pre-recorded phrases.


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You're even dumper than the last moron LMAO

Blacks were literally murdered in America if they could so much as read the stop signs on a road for centuries, and later were prevented from having actual educations for decades before eventually, not even a century ago, they were considered "equal" citizens across the board, and yet still, for decades, they were treated as second-class citizens by the citizenry in most of the US until around the 70's when they began to actually emerge on their own as equals in multimedia, sports, and business.

But really, you have no interest in this actual argument. All you want is to post more of your crime statistics from /StormLite/ and rant about how niggers are ruining your country despite yourself being equally lacking economically as your average Compton Coon as you praise what fraction of whiteness exists in your pathetic shell of an out-of-shape waste of space. I earnestly hope you kill yourself soon. Your suicide would be a benefit to the world for many reasons, but of the most pressing of circumstances, it would remove your worthless taint from THE FUCKING VIDEO GAME BOARD, WHERE WE ARE DISCUSSING A FUCKING VIDEO GAME.

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You're dumb.

ad hom

This makes me so sad......spike, jet......Arrrrghhhhhhb

You're even dumber.

Polcucks aren't going to recover from this one

Then what’s you’re problem?! People have been yearning for a remake since the ps2 days. I hope they don’t buckle to the demands of the times and make a true to material remake without without worrying what people might think.

Terrible lol, dumbass

>jews look much like whites so are able to blend in and reap the benefits of being white
Bullfuckingshit, Jews got exiled multiple times and many tried and is trying to wipe them out across the globe.
Also Europeans at that time are very ethnically tribal and did you just ignore the persecution of Jews recieved in Middle East? Until now the rest the of ME and North Africa want Jews out and nuke Israel.

Lol, when someone says "black people are oppressed because white people won't give them their things!" you can write them off as being dumb, dummy.

Wasn't this the same guy who stole the recognition for the discovery of double-helix DNA structure after women who actually discovered it died?

Holy shit are you serious? Again, I'm talking about collective trauma, persecution, deprived opportunity, social exclusion, and population reduction, all comparable to black trauma. Jews were and still are wholly different from white gentiles, and were seen as and known as such because of their phenotype, at the very least. Through Europeans history they were forced to wear clothing that assured they would always be publicly identified as Jews, their social and religious life was wholly separated from Christian society, and they were consciously grouped to live in compartmentalized ghettos. Sure, by the 1700s they could begin to move among gentile society as basic equals, but that's after a millenia of first centuries of mass murder, enslavement, and explosion by the Romans, then centuries of conscious social, political, and economic exclusion and persecution everywhere they went. Then of course there is the world war, Russia and its infamous pogroms, and you have enough collective trauma to more than compare the jew to any black and their experiences of subjugation. Yet Jews have always been compact on community, conscious in finance, careful in politicking, and above all, capable of surviving and thriving. Blacks cant even do that, unmolested and in their home environment. Without whites, blacks in Africa would still live like pre agricultural primitives.

Why the fuck is linking to the article the thread is about be bad?

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Dumper? Excuse me you phone posting teenager?

>Then what’s you’re problem?!

Square-Enix being an awful company that can't be trusted with anything.

You faggot

And I'll kill myself if you go first ;)

Kotaku's full of shitty writers, SJWs, and clickbait, and also was a thing that people attacked during GG, so ever since around that time people have preferred archive links so Kotaku doesn't get any ad money.

That's some next level autism right there. Besides, don't we all use adblock? They're not gonna make any money by us just clicking a link to the article.

>I've never played FF 7
>But I'm gonna give my opinion on the game and characters on second hand knowledge and third hand heresy

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fuck off

>so ever since around that time
how new are you? I think the whole off site linking thing is autistic but people have been pastebinning or copy pasting articles into the comment field for much longer than that.

What are you, some "journalist" who makes $18k a year in NYC? Don't even give them clicks.

B-But the vibraniums!

I unironically liked Lance as Sephiroth in KH 1. I didn't imagine him in VII with a deep voice.

This has already been talked about, read the thread again if you read it at all (can you read?)

No, I'm just not autistic enough to care about giving some website clicks. It's not gonna change anything.


>Rude and Reno discussing who's the hottest chick they know
>Rude picks Tiffa
A man of taste

> Again, I'm talking about collective trauma, persecution, deprived opportunity, social exclusion, and population reduction, all comparable to black trauma.
> Sure, by the 1700s they could begin to move among gentile society as basic equals

You have literally already lost the argument when regarding Black Americans, considering they were still treated as inhuman beasts of burden until 1863, and were immediately subject to laws that did not protect their rights as equals that lasted until a little over 50 years ago. You are asking an ethnicity with zero understanding of its roots to recover from centuries of enslavement, zero economic foundation, and among a ruling class that despises it within 60 fucking years. The Jews have had centuries, fully educated, within their own communities, and now have their own countries they can claim to be their own.

>Blacks cant even do that, unmolested and in their home environment.
Africa has been exploited and turned against itself for centuries after there were whatever remnants of unique African civilizations to this day, and the incalculable amount of American and European intervention to place whatever figureheads in charge of the countries (the same with Central/South American, ME, and SEA countries) causes near-constant destabilization, which is supported via military incursions that have been visible all across the board. Presently China is exploiting Africa more blatantly than Europe, so people are pretending that the rest of Africa is some shithole by its own failings and not Europeans impressing overwhelming control over the nation and refusing to permit the worker class to educate themselves while raking in profits until laws prevented them from doing so, but hey, NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS is always a better argument.

Probably not, given that very few people outside of Yea Forums care. The most that happened was people emailed their advertisers during GG and got enough to pull their ads from Kotaku that Kotaku wrote an article whining about it.

Way to out yourself Kotacuck.

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fuck off, Chaim.

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>Whitoid Roastie "Jornalist" tries to bullshit about Barret, one of the most Iconic black vidya characters of all time, unironically wants to make him a souless boring robot because black characters being cool or passionate is now racist.
>Hasn't played FF7 before
Why must they do this?
Tryna keep a brother down by suppressing the strongest thing that black people got: SOUL

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these faggots are why the crossdressing segment might get cut

Oh, you don't have any arguments. Good to know. I wonder why the persecution recieved by the negro, not unique by any historical measure, is so uniquely crippling? Truly, it makes me wonder. Fuck, Chinese have among each other in their history inflicted more violence, persecution, destruction, and deprivation than has ever been recieved by blacks at the hands of arabs and whites, yet the Chinese aren't today using those hundreds of millions of dead, malnourished, and impoverished, deprived and held down, as an excuse for as to why they cant thrive anywhere without outside support. Fuck you.

>nigger leadership

Based fucking post, someone has to tell this idiots


Lmao, why the fuck are blacks so fucking fragile?


this is so hella cringe, the reason this is why im lesbian.


90% of all blacks in media sound even worse than that

>barrett is a nigger becuase his skin is black and black VA
>but Cloud isn't white even though he has white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes and white VA

Cuck niggers are so fucking stupid

oh the iron knee seeing someone unironically write this on vee of all places

Because white people allow them to be.

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I'm sure most of the guys around you are glad you're lesbian too. Some of the worst people I've been around, were lesbian.

>I don't understand how the west is ok with games like San Andreas yet gets offended over Barret?
There is a very strong anti-Japanese bias in western video game "journalism"

You aren't even paying attention to what I'm saying you asshole. I am saying that even at the height of their persecution, Jews found ways to survive and thrive, and make loads of cash. All the while considered outsiders, subhuman christ killers heretics, thieves, magicians, etc. They did the same while the Romans were massacring them in millions in the deadliest ethnic civil wars of the classical era. They did the same as the Romans at every opportunity broke up their communities, forced then into permanent flight, destroyed their cultural and religious relics and knowledge, and persecuted their customs, beliefs, and persons relentlessly. They found methods to survive, thrive, and more WHILE EVERYTHING AMERCIANS BLACKS WENT THROUGH HAPPENED TO THEM, AND MORE. Africa has since the 1600s has suffered outside invasion, manipulation, persecution, racial attacks and exclusion, and more. The point is that this same thing and worse has been inflicted on other groups through history, yet they have recovered. Poland? The Armenians? Russia lost 30 million people in WW2 and the Russian commoner was a slave until the mid 1800s. Black persecution on a large scale by outsiders was only intense for two centuries yet you think so slowly of them that you consider this an irreversible loss and an eternal excuse. Blacks have never thrived, and never will. No civilization in history has done more to prop up, make amends to, and support its persecuted minorities than the west in the 21st century, but even after this, and the fact that blacks suffered and un-unique set of traumas, THEY STILL CANT TRHIVE.

>Kotaku are probably the people who link Kotaku here.
Notice how the majority of the thread at the beginning was shitting on Kotaku and praising Barret, then suddenly some faggios started spamming "infographs" and arguing over race, trying to suck all the oxygen out of the thread and get it deleted. Quite a coincidence ain't it

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Stop replying to yourself faggot. You are wrong simply because you consider the black experience unique in its oppressiveness to excuse their unique lack of ability. Their lack if ability is unique, yes, but their historical experience, if we MUST compare traumas to explain this, is definitely NOT unique in the extent of its damage. To imply otherwise is simply false, and has more to do with your historical ignorance than anything else.

>Asians HAVE to be lemon yellow


Because his eyes were the most stereo-typically black part of his design and not literally everything else right?

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Like what you're saying is not an argument at all. All these deprivations are applicable to other groups, Jews again being my example.
>zero understanding of roots
>zero economic foundation
>despised by ruling class

Wow sounds like my white peasant ancestors and their feudal lord! And Jews didnt have any of what you were talking about for centuries. You're making up excuses that apply to so many different people's yet inky blacks get to use it as a crutch for how violent, lazy, and contemptible they are today, after more has been done for them than any persecuted minority in history.

The remake better have more bantz between Barret and Cid, that extended part where they switch off being leader was great but sorely lacking in back and forth shittalking

I know you're joking but this is actually true, these ungrateful niggers don't act like this in Gulf countries where they bow their heads in shame and do slave labor.

Look at this dumbass and laugh, thinking black people actually care about shit like this. Hes not a fucking shucking and jiving con character so it's fine. The farthest you will ever hear an actual black person speak on anything like this and not a larping faggot or a white person who feels like they need a voice is a character creator with shitty hairstyles that doesn't look good on their character who only has sort of weird tan or burnt skin with no inbetween.

>When it came out, the PlayStation was my older brother’s console, and I wasn’t allowed to touch it, as he (rightfully) feared I’d break it or mess up his saves

If I had an older brother like that I would have punched him dead in the fucking temple

>Be Black
>Enjoyable Black character or related content
>SJWs proceed to ruin everything because doing literally anything is racist and they feel the need to speak for all """PEOPLE OF COLOR"""
>View a black character showing any amount of emotion, charisma or character flaws is like it's minstrel show followed by a series of lynchings
>Most Black characters are written to be as boring as possible to avoid controversy
>Make purposefully characters minority characters ugly because being an attractive minority means avoiding (((white features)))
>Twitter shit in general
Why's it gotta be like this?

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No, go fuck yourself. If I bought a PlayStation with my own money, I'm not risking a sibling fucking it up.

And you realise I mentioned the 1700s and the millenia of relentless persecution close to each other so youd know the integration only gradually happened after a great long while. But you are too stupid to pick up on my point you dumb kike. You think you make a zinger but you didnt.

i'm just saying I liked the Blade look, even if it's just for like the first mission, and then have him open up more and come around to the Barret we know after the first mission and going through initial Midgard

It's alarmist honkies and Twitter niggers complaining. Mostly white people speaking for them though as pointed out.

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>implying you're black

I’m pretty fucking tired of Kotaku and all these other sjw fucks trying to break up the gaming community. Even worse are the /pol/faggots who feed into their made up shit.

I’ve never experienced racism gaming, I’m black. In fact shit, the gaming community is one of the few places I felt like I fit in. No one cared about your fucking race at a MvCii tournament, you were their to kick ass or get your ass kicked and you ended up making bros of all races in that shit.

Only fucking neckbeards and limp wristed liberal faggots with no real
human skills because they spent all their time inside isolated get bewildered and obsessed with all this race shit. This is what happens when you spend your life growing up with no exposure to people because mommy thought letting you go outside was certain death.

Shut up nigger

Shut the fuck up you snotty ass faggot. No one cares about you expensive children’s toys.

Just a bunch of bullshit. I don't know a single black guy who has played VII, and gave a shit how Barrett was portrayed.

>Mainstream outlets calling Game of Thrones racist for killing non-white characters
This is where we're at right now.

Kotaku previously complained that a white voice actress voiced a half white character. Phil LaMarr is fine though.

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this is a more accurate portrayal of a black guy than black panther or whatever the fuck

Another case of “let me be offended for you”. How many black people play Final Fantasy? Let’s be real

He sounds exactly how I pictured it in my head and I don't really get what the problem is, is he supposed to sound like a 95 year old woman or a white guy in a business suit? Like wtf

Fuck Barrret

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Any black weeb worth their salt has at least played FF7

>how many black people play Final Fantasy

Black people are weeb as hell.

>no one cares
>but I am going to punch someone if they don't let me use their property

Not counting XV, XIV, Lightning Returns right?

You tryna call me a commie?

yeah, what you trying to say about it, commie?

What went wrong

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I do, because it's my grandmother's favorite series next to Zelda and Animal Crossing and she introduced me to them. I played all up to X-2 so far. And it's not too far fetched of an idea because even the most hood of black people played Kingdom Hearts and got into FF because of Cloud and Sephiroth.

>nigger sounds like nigger
>oh no guys this is offensive

>same people trying to show how down they are with niggers by throwing out “yaaass queen” and other ignorant nigger slang
>actively supporting the right for niggers to speak loud ebonics in public
>yet this is a problem

I’m starting to believe that most sjws never been around niggers and are just exposed to them on the internet

Hair looks more natural, skin looks less sickly. What do you want?

Why is that unfortunate?

Don’t they sound like that in rap music? Which is the main way they project themselves? So why not? Square is just reacting off the culture put forth. Same with their movies. I watched Soul Plane once and they all sounded like slavery ended 5 minutes before the filming of the movie. So what’s the problem?

Square is just calling a spade a spade, calling it how they see it.

Oh man where'd all the people go that were jerking each other off about how they'd btfo muh pol?

not him but the emancipation of blacks is unique in so far as it took place under an entirely different economic system, it's very hard to compare black people's progress to some universal standard for how poor people are supposed to behave

>my grandmother
What is it with grandmothers being absolutely based. Mine got me in to horror films.

>Booker T
I would sell my soul to have Booker T voice Barret.

Stay faithful to the original or just stop development right now. Don't even bother if you can't even do that.

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what reason would they have to stay? they already blew you delusional faggots out of the water, KEK.

Except archive/pastebins have always been on Yea Forums, my /pol/-obsessed Reddit friend

Is dat nigga still alive

>muh property
Technically, your mum's property which you appropriated
Who's the commie here?

>I’m starting to believe that most sjws never been around niggers and are just exposed to them on the internet
No shit. Anyone who has actually been around nigs can't stand them

He is and still cool as fuck. Met him last year here in Louisville.

Yes, blacks were freed from slavery and deprived of (generally) economic rights, the ability to socially advance, and the ability to politically express themselve. Which is again something that was shared by say the Russian commoner until the past decade even (and even still), the jew in Europe and the middle east (post classical era, as in the classical times their enslavement, persecution, and expulsions were consistent Roman policies for centuries), the Pole for two centuries following the partition, and so on. Why is the black incapable of overcoming history? Even the peasant ancestors of most whites can say similar things, for centuries, or should I talk about the general situation common humanity in the feudal era next?

>black guy tried to ask me for directions once
>Woo lub bubbablubba where da subway at mang
>Say “sorry” because I don’t understand
>getting irate
>”mang dub wub subba way!?!?”
>tell him I’m hard of hearing to get him to leave me alone
>let off some profanity laced tired while he walks away

>what reason would they have to stay? they already blew you delusional faggots out of the water, KEK.
Screeching about how white peeble be evil and oppressing da blacks because they won't let them swim in their swimming pools, total ownage.

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>/pol/fags and Kotakucks absolutely BTFO

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Ah yes, the deafening silence following my last posts really speaks to how you fags 'won'. Would you like to be embarrassed next?

there are a lot of nigs that played FF7, 8, and 10 from what I've seen

he has a podcast now and his own promotion. he’s one of the wrestlers who slowed down before he got too fucked up, so he’s fine

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I'm still not seeing any good replies to me, or any at all, so the only people btfo in this thread are the nigger lovers who have run out of excuses.

Good to hear, i always liked him

is that legend of mana?

Man I miss the old /new/-/pol/
Back before it actually became stormfront 2.0

moot is a fucking idiot

Because they wuz kings.

>meme statistics
t. nigger

Bruh...fucking bruh. How media illiterate are fags like you and OP? That bitch is just writing a op ed fluff piece with shit in it purposely designed to peeve faggot ass faglords like you off for the sake of hits/clicks/ or whatever the fuck. Since shit will cause fuckers to get mad. Hence faggots like you will have fallen for the trap by giving it exposure/mind share. That then makes it way more likely that you and your faggot kind will make it pique the interests of others. So even if you do not go to it others will just to see what the fuck the fuss about it is.
God damn why are the most media illiterate and generally dumb motherfuckers out there. Some of the most sensitive ass motherfucking gaylords out there.

>respond with "Fuck you, nigger, I ain't no pussy"
>"Dayum, white boi, you aight!"

Blacks are fucking weird.

>Post anything about black character.
>6 gorillion off topic infographics and drawn out essays
>Any reply that doesn't suck them off are met with sperging out spamming nigger
>Kangz ran into the ground
>Attracts more fags to derail the thread further

my point is that it strikes me as overly simplistic to simply abstract the conditions of blacks, poles, jews, slavs etc away from their particular material and historical moments and say this group did better than that group. it could be that capitalism, or postmodernity, or america etc are extra fucked

>Be walking down the street
>Random black people scream at me.

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Sandnigger arabs are the same way. If you're nice to them they try to fuck you over or take advantage of you, but if you're openly hostile to them they actually fucking respect you.

They're brutish savages and violence is the only language they understand.

Does your mommy know you use so many big boy words?

And go figure all i wanted to talk about was how you break the game and 1 shot the superbosses with him.

There is nothing wrong with archiving everything.

It could be that human societies are always fucked and large groups of different people, ethnic, religious, or otherwise, will never get along and always seek dominance over other groups. Blacks dont get unique bitching points for any of this, but still have gotten unique, as in historically unique, support because of their historical grievances. And still everywhere they go, and always have gone, before anyone, east or west ever interacted with them, THEY STAGNATE AT BEST.

1 shot the Emerald Weapon.
Ruby can't be overflowed.

I always imagined a Mr. T or Booker T voice in my head whenever I read Barret's dialogue.

Attached: mr-t.jpg (2033x1144, 206K)

Someone draw a Barret with a monocle and a mustache sitting at a tea table, sipping tea with his pinky raised, and captioned "This is what a feminist looks like"

See, heres the part I dont get user. What you are telling black people to do is simply make it out of poverty after being put down for decades and do something positive to grow, but at any opportunity, it immediately gets shot down by those who want the opposite of that, usually the government. Remember Black Wall Street? Burned down because some force out there doesn't want black people to have power, wealth or knowledge. Any achievement a black person does is devalued. Anything they discover has the credit taken for. I do agree with your first sentence, but overall you have to think about why stagnation occurs. Nothing ever happens overnight.

>the game isn't earth

Attached: IdealDizzyImperialeagle-poster.jpg (640x360, 17K)

>Go to article.
>They shit on him for being his own individual.
>The comments mention they should also shit on Cole Train as well.
Man, for people that want real life takes, they sure do want everything to be cookie cutter about everything.

so if i get your position correctly, you dismiss the possibility that blacks' relative inability to overcome their political oppression can be accounted for by their particular economic and political conditions as being obviously irrelevant because being an oppressed group is just fucked in general, and so the most plausible explanation is that they're just genetically inferior.

So niggers need constant pats on the back to achieve anything of significance, and every roadblock is an excuse for the indefinite future. Black wall street was a century ago faggot. I guess youd excuse Warsaw for still being a bombed out slum today because 1 in 6 poles died in WW2, every single one of them suffered Soviet or German racial oppression, poland had only come into being as a nation and people 20 years previously after centuries of foreign repression; Poles then suffered under the poverty and deprivation of communism, and had in past centuries lost millions of people to Turkish, Swedish, Russian, Prussian. etc warmaking, and so on. But slavs are capable of producing complex civilization (relatively) and need no such excuses. Which is all it is. Niggers cant and wont overcome historical grievances because they cant and refuse to regardless.

Have you read anything I have posted? Oppressed groups HAVE thrived during and after their oppression, blacks simply cant and wont you illiterate kike.

Fucking. Preach.
Every FF game has been remade, remastered, etc, but FF8. We can't even get a fucking port. Shit is wack yo.

Wont stop me from knowing that based big nig is one the best black characters of all time. This whore wrote this heap of shite for clicks. Even if she had played it before she still would write this bullshit
I have never heard anyone irl in the 20+ years of this game to say barret is a bad character.

Blacks were thriving even during Jim Crow because they had intact families and their own businesses. It wasn't until the expansion of the welfare state that Black communities were completely fucked. Now fatherless Black homes is the norm, and that leads to every other problem they have. Women are fucking worthless at raising kids, the girls become whores and the boys become gangbanging thugs. Trash culture.

Face it, doofus, FF8 sucks ass

>but by then, the game was much harder to find
I jumped on Ebay in 2010 and got myself a copy for $60. After I beat the game I did the same thing and bought FF8. After I beat that I did it a third time and bought FF9. I jumped on Ebay just now to double check and there's tons. There'd have been second-hand shops everywhere with a copy for years.
>In the trailer for the Final Fantasy VII, the voice acting for Barret really leans into that Mr. T characterization. It’s something that some fans had hoped would change in the process of remaking the game, and they’re frustrated that it didn’t.
She's only saying this because she's black herself and will never be as cool as Mr T.

Its funny that in the end Jim crow helped them by assuring that black business got black customers. Really makes you think

Nice try retard
>You are wrong simply because you consider the black experience unique in its oppressiveness to excuse their unique lack of ability.
Nope, wrong. No need in reading the rest of your post since you already fucked up the main assumption

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Okay, I was really worried about the argument you dont have.

but you're not simply stating that they "simply cant and wont" and leaving it at that. you also take the next step and deduce from this that their inability to thrive unlike other oppressed groups can only be explained by genetic inferiority. you are implicitly making the argument that this can be deduced by process of elimination because nothing else can plausibly explain their inability to thrive. when i point out possible explanations, you dismiss them as being irrelevant, because you claim the general characteristics of oppression are always the same and the particular characteristics of black oppression are negligible. how am i misrepresenting you?

Nice projection

have you, a fuckin idiot really been arguing in the this thread for 2 hours straight about black people and youre even losing the argument holy shit lmfao



/pol/ faggots need their brains bashed in

>, is definitely NOT unique in the extent of its damage.
You cannot quantifiably measure psychological damage so you can't say this

I mean, that's what it is. You refuse to look at the reality of things, at every example that exists. Humans have been oppressed and had violence and repression inflicted on them all over the earth for every reason under the sun. But the black in his home, unmolested, didnt do shit, when dragged from his home he didn't do shit, and today he doesnt do jack shit. From one end of the earth to the other, complex civilization developed, everywhere but Africa. You draw your own conclusions, but your worthless niggling isnt doing anyone good.

People on resetera were complaining they whitewashed barret because of the lighting in this scene lmaoooo

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all i want to know is why does he sound _exactly_ like RDJ in Tropic Thunder?

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>But the black in his home, unmolested, didnt do shit, when dragged from his home he didn't do shit, and today he doesnt do jack shit.
And what does that have to do with the modern day? Why is this a problem? Why do I give a shit?

>From one end of the earth to the other, complex civilization developed, everywhere but Africa.
False, native north Americans, Eskimo people, some South American tribes. That's just false and you're a complete dumbass who doesn't know what you're talking about lol

I mean you're the one who feels the need to pretend to be other people to make it seem you're winning. You still have no worthwhile argument. You people say that black historical experience is why they are so shit today, but they were shit before that historical experience. All you faggots have is 'duhhh well you cany compare different historical experiences'. Well that's what we got to compare, and every time it's the same in the end, only niggers need your excuses for as to why today they cannot thrive, when again, they are being helped more than any formerly oppressed group in history.

Need someone to mock them by putting that
>I am the nigest
Picture along side barret as a reply to their comments about him.

Lol south American tribes produced the Inca civilization, the natives of central America, the Aztec and Mayan, and tribes in north America even had a city of tens of thousands on the easy coast. You don't know shit, stop embarssing yourself. Also the eskimos location literally precludes complex civilization, unlike africa.

i haven't said anything to you before dumb dipshit fuck off and argue with someone else

You're the one that decided to reply to me faggot.

>Lol south American tribes produced the Inca civilization
Hence why I said some
>the natives of central America, the Aztec and Mayan, and tribes in north America even had a city of tens of thousands on the easy coast.
See mansa Musa who's empire was far more advanced than anything the north American natives ever had

You realize you don't know shit about history right?

Somehow worse than Gaf.

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I was not aware facts were called "meme statistics" now.

When Gaf got #metoo'd the most progressive members left and created resetera so yeah

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aren't these folks basically neanderthals?

>direct link to kotaku
>thread gets almost 400 posts in under an hour

well, i don't think that's what it is. i think that our current society suffers from certain antagonisms that compound on top of existing problems that blacks face as an oppressed group, in light of which it makes sense that they will have an even harder time improving their conditions. even white, otherwise normal people are suffering from depression and other so called "spiritual" ailments in ways that i think (although i could be naive in saying this) are unique to this era.

You mean outdated and very cherry picked graphs that purposely leave out other variables to the statistics?

Oh jesus, you say that when I bet you've never read about Mansa before tonight. That was an Islamic empire you know?The only reason that civilization existed was because of contact with Arabs, that's where any 'complexity' comes from again going to my point that Africa would have nothing south of the Sahara without cotact with the east or west, which I've already said. Shit the most recorded event of his reign is a pilgrimage to Mecca where he bankrupted his kingdlm, fat only off trade with the Arab world. The natives of America formed civilization without outside contact, technology, or intervention.

>That was an Islamic empire you know?
Doesn't matter, it was in Africa. And if you argue it was Arabs that bolstered it, all civilizations like Oriental ones were heavily boosted through trade networks all over the continent. Additionally, islam is one of the most popular religions in Africa today but you didn't know that lol

Also you still haven't said why blacks not having an advance civilization 1000 years ago is a problem

>changed back his design
literally the same design from the previous trailer, same design with the screenshots released in 2017 and concept art they released last year.

You retard.

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easier on the eyes than pastebin which has always been a thing on Yea Forums.

Here's some facts for you
There’s still no good reason to believe black-white IQ differences are due to genes

Why genetic IQ differences between ‘races’ are unlikely

Racists Believe Race Matters in Human Intelligence. Scientists Don’t.

Why People Keep Misunderstanding the 'Connection' Between Race and IQ

The Bell Curve Review: IQ Best Indicates Poverty (Harvard)
Nobel-winning scientist’s claims linking race and intelligence have been ‘debunked over and over’: expert

Black and White in America IV: IQ Myths and Realities

Common poltard deleflections

FFXV launched not only with dual audio but quad audio for Eng, JP, French and German dubs, and now has added Russian dub too

Holy shit, saved, lol, I laughed so much at this image, it perfectly encapsulates Yea Forums.
What did we just say about using archive? No one's clicking your links, you tranny kike. You're not getting your (You) either.

it also released with half of the game missing

I thought Kotaku was dead after Hulk killed Gawker. Why are these cunts still trying to fuck shit up for everyone?

it literally is gaf just with a different name

all the mods and users left gaf just went to trannyera

it had the full main story and definitive ending since day 1 so no
self contained side stories about other characters have nothing to do with the main game

arguing with racists is a waste of time user, it's not healthy to engage these people

most normal folks know that IQ is literally a quotient of someone's intelligence. it means nothing, has very little context outside of certain circles, and is often brought up to measure one's own dick. it's really no wonder that fucking polfags latch onto this shit. it's all they have and they get furious when you tell you them

No, neanderthals where much smarter

>barret sounds black
>"reeee it's a stereotype!!!!!!"
>barret sounds white
>"reeee stop white washing this proud wakandan!!!!"
it's all so tiresome

a pretty faithful rendition DESU

Dude, I suggest your to follow Race__Realist on Twitter, don't be afraid of his name but he's the best anti IQ writer I saw with Ken Richardson, he believe in the reality of race for physical traits but he's environementalist for mental traits.
Here's a article from him:

Zimbabwe got fucked by the European union sanction dipshit

>one review study
>the basic gist is that IQ is a strong indicator for poverty, so instead of controlling for this and looking at crime and race individually, I'll just ignore both of these topics because they're political suicide, and pretend that poverty is the driving influence here
>every other link is a fucking news site

This is probably the worst debunk attempt I've ever seen.

Jews were still much richer than most people brainlet

I didn't follow the back and forth here, so I have no opinion on that, but the second I scanned that post and saw Vox, Hiffpost, The Gaurdian, etc there's no way to take it serious.

>Here's some facts for you

imagine being this retarded.

These sites base their claims on studies so you're wrong.
Also IQ is crap:

Yes those articles cite peer reviewEd articles, your point?

The shills are going all out tonight

Rhodesia was still doing well and on the road to complete self-sufficiency despite all the sanctions What really killed them was when South Africa turned around and said they'd no longer help because they somehow thought the would would be okay with letting them continue apartheid if they betrayed Rhodesia.

Not only are you linking the completely wrong fallacy, the best part is how your own post is actually a perfect example of "appeal to authority". News sites are not an authority on anything, they're 10 minutes of research a child could do with a few citations any idiot could shoe-horn in with no actual research.

Show me some peer-reviewed papers, you dolt.

Stormniggers are the most annoying shills

you cited mainstream media as facts. that's as dumb as you can get. one only needs to look at any black majority area of the world to debunk the "they're just like us" bullshit. they're clearly not, it's painfully obvious to anyone that isn't drowning in the koolaid.

Otherway around faggot, the whole world turned their backs against Rhodesia with the exception of Israel. Ian Smith was literally begging for the Queen to legitimately recognise Rhodesia but she turned her back to them as well.
The international community even help Mugabe and give niggers seeds and loans and what did Mugabe and niggers did?
They ate the seeds, sold the farming equipments the Rhodesians left, wasted the loan, they also kicked out the nigs who know how to farm because fuck whitey and was branded as traitors. Guess what happened next? The bread basket of Africa turned into a barren wasteland and they're now begging the white farmers to come back but it's all too late.
Stupid nigger.

Kotaku is a terrible website and doesn't deserve the views a regular link would bring. Most vidya journo websites don't deserve the views but Kotaku especially. So when you want to link to an article by Kotaku you either post an archive link or pastebin it.

So this guy is just seriously upset he scored a 90 or something, right? That seems to be what every argument against IQ tests really boils down to.

>Not only are you linking the completely wrong fallacy,
Nope, attacking facts presented in a news article because they are presented on a web domain you don't like is a form of ad hom
>Appeal to authority
Nope, I'm all of the facts presented are peer reviewed, I'm not saying that the websites they are published on are good or bad, my opinion of them is netrual.

Not him but the sanction affected more Zimbabwe because they were heavily relying on the production of their farms

LOL, citing clickbait journalists as your sources.

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what part of peer reviewed scientific article citation does your caveman brain not understand

So were they.

Attached: First post on new by mootles.png (208x191, 5K)

go live with the nigs, bro. put your money where your mouth is. they're just like us. do it.

They respect strength. If they think they can walk all over you they will.

not 1 argument in this post, sad

Wasn't the study on TLJ criticism being overwhelmingly Russian "Peer reviewed" as well? Again, I'm not getting into the race argument you and that guy are having, I'm just pointing out the cites and things you listed can't necessarily be trusted.

Zim's 2017 harvest was its highest ever, without the whites and it will stay this way brainlet . And Zimbabwe isn't Africa, the other countries don't need whites to feed themselves.
The aid received by Africa is meaningless since its a way to hide the money out of Africa
Stay assblasted

just read the articles and make up your own mind, they're not long. he gives a pseudo-syllogism condensing the main point. it's this:

Premise 1: IQ tests are experience-dependent.
Premise 2: IQ tests are experience-dependent because some classes are more exposed to the knowledge and structure of the test by way of being born into a certain social class.
Premise 3: If IQ tests are experience-dependent because some social classes are more exposed to the knowledge and structure of the test along with whatever else comes with the membership of that social class then the tests test distance from the middle class and its knowledge structure.
Conclusion 1: IQ tests test distance from the middle class and its knowledge structure (P1, P2, P3).
Premise 4: If IQ tests test distance from the middle class and its knowledge structure, then how an individual scores on a test is a function of that individual’s cultural/social distance from the middle class.
Conclusion 2: How an individual scores on a test is a function of that individual’s cultural/social distance from the middle class since the items on the test are more likely to be found in the middle class (i.e., they are experience-dependent) and so, one who is of a lower class will necessarily score lower due to not being exposed to the items on the test (C1, P4)
Conclusion 3: IQ tests test distance from the middle class and its knowledge structure, thus, IQ scores are middle-class scores (C1, C2).

>attacking facts presented in a news article because they are presented on a web domain you don't like is a form of ad hom
It's nothing to do with the web domain, buddy. It's to do with the fact any fucking retard can write a blogpost. It's not verifiable research, and I don't have the time to go hunting through cited articles the author never read to find conclusions that probably aren't even there.

Any study can be twisted, I've seen peer reviewed shit that's hideously biased. But the difference between a news site and a paper is that one comes with methodology, although I'm guessing 90% of those citations are review papers, which aren't fit to be used as toilet paper.


>Wasn't the study on TLJ criticism being overwhelmingly Russian "Peer reviewed" as well?


Imagine going through those steps just to prevent a site from getting views. I'm sorry, but I just can't get over that level of autism.

Attached: Larrykek.jpg (768x768, 59K)

Do these people even know the fact that in FFVII Machinabridged not only Barret has a stereotypical ghetto accent but he's also voiced by a white person? What would they think of that?

Attached: thanks kyubei.png (500x500, 77K)

> It's to do with the fact any fucking retard can write a blogpost. It's not verifiable research,
Correct which is why they cite peer reviewed articles

>Any study can be twisted, I've seen peer reviewed shit that's hideously biased
Facts can not be biased, you may have seen an sci article with opinions in it (but I don't think you have unless you can post an example) but the facts were not biased

it pretty much do be like that

unless its those uppity college blacks who unironically say people of color

Articles from "" that I posted here twist nothing for sure since he quote directly from sources and yet you ignore them too, why?

>Zim's 2017 harvest was its highest ever

That is an argument. Go live with the niggers, buddy. I did. It wasn't very nice. Don't you want to prove otherwise?

>Facts can not be biased,
Holy fuck, we're talking about STATISTICS here. The most easily influenced field there is. Change a few numbers, add a mystery control, and suddenly you can find strong correlations for anything you want!

Because they're some dude making blatant suppositions and then twisting some neurology studies that he knows 99% of his audience won't even attempt to read to suit his needs?

There's barely anything to it though. This isn't rocket science, you either get an archive link (easy) or copy the whole thing into pastebin (also easy). Of all the things you can call autistic this would rank down the bottom. It's the best way to allow discussion on thier stupid articles without giving them clicks/views/revenue.

if you can't debunk our sources just say it

When you change facts to something not true, they are no longer facts, you do understand this right? And misleading facts are still facts, they are just used misleadingly

Are you underage, serious question

>This depiction plays into racist assumptions people make about black men: not seeing them as full people, but as hulking masses of muscle that sometimes provide folksy wisdom.

Oh no how terrible. I would hate to be thought of as a wise hulk

You don't have any sources. Honestly, if you did, I probably wouldn't go to the effort of debunking them anyway, it's far too much work.

When you write the book, you can turn the facts into anything you want them to be. If something isn't socially acceptable, just ignore it. That's what modern science is, the hunt for the truth died decades ago in the softer sciences.

nah, something else entirely.

>it's whitey's fault again despite them helping niggers to kick out the evil Ian Smith!11!!11!
Are you implying Zimbabwe thrive under Mugabe and his coons?
Lol no these starving niggers are literally begging whites to come back.
You literally never refuted my points on why niggers fucked up. Western nations should cut off the aid and let mother nature sort these niggers out. Even Arabs at the Gulf managed to get their shit together despite being held back by religious zealots while niggers are still eating mud cookies lmao.

thats exactly what someone with a low IQ would say. You got meme'd hard thinking it doesn't matter lolol

Your article features statements and a graph literally stating that 2017's harvest was not only NOT the highest ever harvest, but that it was eclipsed in two separate years during the nation's time as Rhodesia (1971, 1980). It also only mentions tobacco in passing so there's no comparison on those yields as tobacco was also one of Rhodesia's biggest exports.

Stay assblasted

>can't read links
/pol/ used to be less retarded, but it's getting more and more dumber.

>XIII/XIV combat

its already gone into the trash, don't worry snowflakes.


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Denisovan actually.

>When you write the book, you can turn the facts into anything you want them to be.
No, you can change the facts, you can present them differently sure but the facts are facts
>If something isn't socially acceptable, just ignore it.
Yes but then someone can just bring it up

>That's what modern science is, the hunt for the truth died decades ago in the softer sciences.
You don't know anything about science I seriously think you're like 18

every single person here dubbed Barrett's voice like Mr. T when they were 13 and playing FF7.

>>I didn't play FVII

Alright but my point is that European sanctions Is what fucked them the most, which affected the most the population and not Mugabe directly

What the fuck is up with this thread? I came here to see people taking about mah nigga Barrett and all I see is /pol/ shittery

That's OP's fault, OP is obviously a stormnigger

Your literal who source only proves my point that niggers are incompetent retards.
Just answer me directly faggot. Did Zimbabwe thrive under Mugabe's rule or no? Lmao I wish China suck you niggers out dry this time.

>still can't read

I think the immediate consensus was Kotaku being incompetent as usual, and then dips spun off into their own shit. Barret absolutely sounds great and the motherfucker is never leaving my party

From what I can tell it's one guy from /pol/ and some Resetera people going at it. All retards.

is this the "controversy" of the weekend?

Radical centrist spotted, if you don't want to gas every NIGGER, cuck, kike, wop, chink, spook, tranny, queer and lob then you are a onions chugger


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>brother was rightfully afraid she'd break the console or ruin his saves
>20 years later, she's STILL trying to ruin FF7

Gotta admire her tenacity at least.

>nigger talking about reading
I'm still waiting for an answer but all I got is "whitey's fault".
You're a stupid nigger just like Mugabe and his kin.

I love how niggers can't address this directly and just blame whitey as usual.

Not him but you think you're a lot cooler than you are

>discussing an e celeb cucking his wife = bad
>bitching about muh niggers, posting graphs from studies that no one even reads = nears bump limit

Simple question...

How much do you or your ilk get paid to come here to cause Internet chaos and confusion?

At this point this is the only plausible theory as to why your kind keep derailing these threads with your nonsense.

Tell me what's the point?

Except that it was adressed.

How old are you?

Their lives is meaningless so they believe that their goal in their lives is to fight on the internet against the "black people threat".
Pure hatred do help to blind yourself about your own life

Today is the day we kicked the shit out of a couple of poltards in a ff7 thread, it is a glorious day

>nigger say something stupid
>some user refuted him
>huur duur it's your fault

>Except that it was adressed
Where? Also your spelling sucks Mugabe.

What is there to address? Mugabe was a despot, which everyone knows. Meanwhile, Zimbabwe's neighbor Botswana shits all over most of the continent thanks to actually having competent, educated leaders, so that country has a relatively high quality of life.

Attached: 1549792523278.webm (800x800, 2.46M)

>How old are you?
27 and now running a small construction company in Qatar with my tribe.
Because of you, I'll give subsaharans a shitload of work tomorrow and pay them cheap again lol.

How to fix racism in video games and movies?

Don't put black characters in video games and movies.

They should remake SA only this time make all of the gangs white people, including CJ. Make all of the cops black.

This is going to be worse than that horrible Death Note remake.

Based. Please stick around.

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But the trans racial adoptions were just pushed aside with literally no explanation other than "social factors" which also ignores the reality that social factors themselves are built partially by genetics.

The nigger claimed that it's Europe's fault on why Zimbabwe is a shithole and not Mugabe being a corrupt warlord like most of African leaders.

>hate an evil force with an agenda
>reserve even more hate for the reactionary movement it spawns that just wants to play vidya in peace
You fence sitting cucks deserve everything you get. When Kotaku acquires the power to murder its dissenters, they are going to start with the useful idiots that helped them fight the big bad /pol/.

They weren't pushed aside, it's just that they didn't need to be elaborated on here, because the poltard couldn't even prove a correlation between race and IQ, so obviously something else is going on

>which also ignores the reality that social factors themselves are built partially by genetics.

>There’s still no good reason to believe black-white IQ differences are due to genes

Oh right I forgot, whites used their evil white people powers to take away the IQ points of those poor negroes.

Did you also know that evolution is a lie created by the white supremacist Charles Darwin?

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You don't have to look very hard for that. Or are you now going to deny heritability is linked with ethnicity?
Not even a poltard btw I'm a brown dude with yellow fever.
>massive citation needed
What determines the structure of the brain (the thing you use to pass information, and thus culture through)? And most behavior as well? Or are you also going to make the bold claim that things like being homossexual aren't influenced by genetics? And if you say they are, wouldn't a society with more homossexuals develop a different culture than one with none?
You're making a lot of bold claims here in order to btfo some poltards.

The fact we aren't all exactly the same despite being the same species must mean something though. We don't even share the same type of earwax as people from the Asian countries why should our organs be any different?

Though that doesn't necessarily mean anyone is dumber. Just that our brains probably don't work the same way.

>generic Mr. T personality rip-off
>iconic dialogue

people are gonna get so mad if they find out they got a white guy to voice barret

OP needs to go fucking back

>its a white liberals speaking on behalf of the blacks episode
every single time. malcolm was right.

>A thread dedicated to discussing the IQ between blacks, whites and jews is somehow considered video games while jared threads are deleted immediatly for not being about video games.

Attached: 1554582690419.jpg (436x536, 51K)

Yeah that will article doesn't prove much, go back and read >I'm a brown dude with
That proves nothing, I don't think most poltards are white honestly
>>massive citation needed
>What determines the structure of the brain (the thing you use to pass information, and thus culture through)? And most behavior as well? Or are you also going to make the bold claim that things like being homossexual aren't influenced by genetics? And if you say they are, wouldn't a society with more homossexuals develop a different culture than one with none?
You can't prove how much is influenced by genetics, also I don't see a single citation here

If you actually aren't a racist and are just trying to follow the truth, I assure you that you're taking up arms with the wrong person, you should be questioning the poltards that have raided this board daily for years

Ok, this doesn't say much of anything

>still relevant 60 years later

You know that one game that you wish you could play again and experience new because its just that good? FF7 is that to millions of people with not a single game other game coming even close.

>Genetics are a lie, everyone is a blank slate like Karl Marx (pbuh) said, just look at this huffpo article and you'll see

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Nobody said that

Yet the evidence continues to pile up that environmental factors are by far the most important thing in intelligence

t. trustfund baby oil monkey

>giving attention to sjw nonsense by presumably not using sage
You're just as bad as OP. The best way to combat this nonsense is to not give it attention.

They´re not. Illiterates should not be able to spread theories they read in twitter.

I'm a psychologist, I don't give a shit that you're an undergrad studying psychology

20 more minutes and this thread will be archived, all my polslayer bros shoot this post an F as we laugh at the btfo polcucks while riding into the sunset



F, fuck racist polseethers

It proves a lot though, did you read it at all? None of your links invalidade any of it. You haven't shown either how any of what I said is wrong (because I'm very much right)
>you can't prove how much
Yeah I can't, they're still figuring that out. There are 500 genes already shown to be related to intelligence by the way.
Which university do you go to? I can tell it's either a bad one or you don't study anything related to biology.
I'll give you a tip. Go to Google scholar and type gene-culture co-evolution.
Bring me back the results and I'll grade how you do.

>get utterly btfo right before being archived
Waiting for any real reply here btw.