I wish Gravity Rush got more love. It's probably my favorite franchise from this generation. Only one that really reminds me of that feeling I would get playing weird PS2 games as a kid. Everything else is either some western indie dev trying way too hard to be quirky or boring, cookie cutter AAA open world shooters.
I wish Gravity Rush got more love. It's probably my favorite franchise from this generation...
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I completely agree user. GR1 and GR2 are both very simple games, but they're some of the only games that managed to capture the pure joy I had playing games as a kid.
Yeah, it's a shame. Unfortunately the series launched on a dead handheld and the sequel didn't get much attention pre-release. If the series hadn't been dealt such a bad hand I'm sure it would have taken off.
I hate that one boss in that factory. Pretty fun game honestly
That's true. For a game that gets so much love from the people who played it it didn't get much broad attention. It hurts to see something that has the balls to be unique get so low appreciation.
My your beloved weebshit waifufag franchise rest in piss and feces
While I think it's underrated, I still appreciate that the first game got a solid remaster and that the sequel exists at all.
Kat had a hard life..,.
Goodnight lads,
stay based and Kat-pilled.
Cant believe its been a year since the server shut down. I haven't touched it since. Probably half done with the game.
>tfw it's genuinely the best PS4 exclusive yet it doesn't get the credit it deserves
Love would be great too, but I'd be perfectly happy with just more lewds.
It still pisses me off that this game's servers got shut down faster than an EA sports game
>it got very few nominations for any game awards in 2017, even though it could have won something like art or soundtrack
Call it a wild theory, but i think it had to do something with Kats nipples and sonys censorship crap.
Someone post that “anatomy of Kat” meme
Interesting concepts/mechanics with great art, music and protagonist. Gameplay could stand to be more diverse and the story less incoherent but when people talk of soul, franchises like Gravity Rush ought to be what they mean.
>Gameplay could stand to be more diverse
as a big GR fan, sometimes the gameplay gets TOO diverse (stealth sections, queen level)
Pretty cool game. It needed a clearer game mechanic direction because fights weren't that great.
oh boy almost missed a gravity rush thread on v
the game is not all about the combat tho
Well, be happy that your favourite franchise had 2 good games. 2 is enough.
>because fights weren't that great.
combat is more enjoyable when you are more comfortable with the controls
How long will it be until Vita emulation becomes viable?
Gravity Rush 1 & 2 are mainly 3D platformers. Only those who deny reality disagree.
Why bother? An egg-sellent PS4 port was made.
Problem is that they made it all about the combat and left only so e mediocre exploration left.
Think about the open world of assassin's Creed brotherhood.
It was an open world with shit to do. Even idling around and ambushing a patrol of guards was fun, but I couldn't get that out of gravity Rush despite wanting to get it.
just buy a Gravity Rush machine and play the entire series
While I think the gameplay is fun they really need to upgrade the combat and have something to do while flying to another island. I know there's quick travel but I would rather go to the heavens but I have to admit it's boring because there's no enemies or mini games to do while going up. Just waiting for GR3 honestly, even if it's the final one we can at least have a trilogy to end on.
Wish it'd been ported to PS3 as well as 4.
Were there any bugs on the PS4 version that had to be patched? If I knew I obviously would not ask.
the exploration is the reason the game is so good to me, flying around is fun and the cities are super fucking detailed and interesting, i don't care if theres nothing to do there, you just go there to look, its a fucking piece of art, but im a fucking autist that likes exploring maps for the sake of exploring them, gravity rush is like a gold mine to me but i understand if someone would find it boring
1st game was planned for PS3, but that was not to b.
based sony making use of those ps plus subscriptions.
shit or maybe it's because 100x more people buy those sports titles? sony's being greedy fucks but the logic isn't rocket science.
GR2 didn't require PS+ for the online features.
doesn't matter. it's their game and they haven't improved shit with the money they're getting.
I'm a brokefag.
I've never played any of the games but I'll be FUCKED if this isn't one of the best VG tracks I've ever heard. Dat Sax at 3:00
When that part of the song drops is one of the biggest videogame nuts I've had. Raven had a great character arc. Assault sax for your SOUL
Get a job. I got, so can you. Start small.
PS4 Slims are pretty cheap now
if that's still too much, you can just wait for the inevitable PS4 discounts when the PS5 comes out
the games go on sale on PSN pretty often
Getting a job just to play video games defeats the purpose and I'm only just starting with college, I don't really need the money for anything else.
Can't you just harass your parents to get you them for a combined birthday/Christmas thing or something
at this point just wait for PS5 since it'll have BC
Is it still worth getting into this series? I heard they killed the online for GR2 or something?
Gravity Rush was a pretty fun first try, and GR2 was just so much better
>Dialogue had tons of personality
>Have you taken a bath yet, Kat?
>Trimmed the chest for you
>I guess someone out there will find this one beautiful
>Tutorials and tips for side quests that you'd probably only do once
>Combat finally clicked for me
>Maps were pretty cool
>Costume changes on the fly
Kat is pretty cute
Video games have been practically banned for me. All I have left is my computer so pirating is my only option.
Then wait.
played 1 thanks to the 1 week free PsNow trial.
it was great, by the end I could aim direction changes for gems or races really fast.
>tfw when you go full speed in some direction and go default gravity to land on a small ledge like a pro
the races were mostly fun. the other challenges were trash.
the battle system had something missing to avoid hits, perhaps a "reverse" button instead of the forward(R1).
the "has no body" meme in game is dumb, she's very cute.
Dodge was bound to the touchpad by default in the first game or some dumb shit wasn't it?
this for me, that's why I liked it. Haven't played the sequel yet
At least she has a hot wife.
Do you have time to talk about our Lord and Saviour Rocket Jump and how it makes life worth living?
Must be a holdover from being on the vita
Thank god they mapped it to something else, although I find that just flying was better than just dodging all over the place
I don't know, but I don't even know if you can utilize dodge in mid-air. I certainly didn't think you can, so I relied on going around fast.
still, some enemies shot several bullets or the flying swordfish enemies, those fucked me.
No, it was the R2 trigger. The touch pad wasn't used for anything important in the first game. Let Kat stand idle for a few seconds before touching the touch pad and she gets startled. I can't remember what the other function is. Show the map?
In GR2, the touch pad is used to change gravity styles.
Guess nobody here knows.
I don't recall any.
I know for sure you can dodge in mid-air in 2, but even better is one of the styles just lets you blink teleport straight through shit and you can even build super meter when you dodge stuff with it.
I was probably thinking about how you had to press your thumbs on the screen to slide on Vita.
Lunar style is a godsend, it changes so much of how kat plays
how come jupiter style got the short end of the gravity stick?
the online allowed you to rate pictures people took and do treasure hunts for dusty coins, which allowed you to unlock costumes.
WTF I love Mojang now!?
Sony did release updates of the game so there must have been bugs in it. There is still at least one bug that Sony did not fix. I'm not sure what triggers it but in the very deep levels of the Delvool Trench, the game can sometimes crash. I had this happen to me once just as I defeated Electricitie on Level 50.
GR2? Was asking about 1.
I'm playing through Gravity Rush 2 right now. It's a fun idea, but it doesn't seem like it's substantial enough to support a game that's so long. I think I'm going to lose interest partway through just because the game is longer than it needs to be and its concepts run out of steam quickly.
that makes delicious food for her and helps her eat
shitty taste
no paying for sony shit
I'll pirate
It's not though, gravity rush was already a niche title on a niche system. Soney advertised and pushed the fuck out of the game on the vita, they made kat a semi mascot for the playstation.
Gravity rush was literally designed as a seller on the vita, but it just didn't work. Okay you can say to yourself "Well then it's Sony's fault because the vita sucked, GR didn't get a fair deal."
But sony didn't just drop the game like it does to so many games that fail as bad as GR did, they literally GAVE them a bigger chance, GR2 has commercials, it had fucking cartoons, it had a fucking song by a popular japanese artist made for it.
It was shown off AGAIN as THE title for the PS4 with beautiful graphics, gyro sensor integration and online play.
So what happened? the game sucked is what happened.
GR as a franchise just shit the bed, it failed as a sandbox because it tied movement to currency leveling, it failed as an exploration game because the only thing to find are fucking orbs to SPEND on movement.
And the combat was fucking awful, the ONLY thing it had going for it was it's artstyle and story.
The story of the first one was good because it was this wacky fun romp, the second failed because it lost the wacky fun charm and it was just replaced with BIG BUDGET ACTION!
It failed because it was a bad series who's only + was it's niche charming story and visuals, it went AAA and lost the charm and just because a subpar 3d sandbox game.
Sorry about that. I just checked my machine and there has never been an update for Gravity Rush Remastered.
it should have been a movie game like the other sony shit desu
it would be popular
Do you secretly hate this game and keep making threads because you like seeing people shit on it because that's all these are now
it was really fun trying to get the high scores on the races and beat other people's ghost score, but that feature is gone along with all the other online stuff
Kohei Tanaka has always been a god though.
>G Gundam
>Gundam 08th MS Team
>Brave Exkaiser
>One Piece
In that case, I will have 0 regrets buying a plastic disk like some sort of boomer. I prefer to store my games and movies on disks instead of stuffing hard drives.
did you read the comments ITT? lol.
In the day of 50 GB day-1 patches, the publishers really ought to have a program where customers who buy the physical discs can, for a nominal price ($5 or so) trade in their original discs for updated discs with the fully updated binaries.
Honestly the only thing it does exceptionally well are the gravity powers. This wouldn't be an issue, but there's a lot of combat and the story is pretty mediocre as well. It's a good, unique game, but it's not great.
>Ravens theme is integrated into Elektricites theme.
>Mfw the callback to GR1’s title theme.
It sold over a million copies on the Vita, user. The problem is they shunted the Vita fans and made GR2 PS4-only so the majority of their fanbase ignored it and newcomers (PS4-only) had better things to play.
Well, a perfect solution exists. It's called "wait 5 years or so for modding to get to your consoles, so you could back up your games on an M-Disk or something, and those promise to last a long while".
I am right there with you, brother. I love exploring maps, and spent dozens of hours dicking around in Gravity Rush. It doesn't hurt that the devs tucked crystals in every nook and cranny.
kat's nipples?
Uh, no. I want a properly silk-screened disc. :)
A medium does not matter, as long as it holds the same exact data, and lasts you a long time. Which is why I don't care if I have a BD disk or a cartridge. Data = data. Longevity is all that matters.
it's also fun to try to pull of tricks or build up continuous speed
Post pokies
Different strokes for different folks. I'm a collector and like completeness and authenticity. It's the difference between owning an original painting and a copy. For some, it doesn't matter. For others, it's matters tremendously.
Fair enough. I collect things myself, but I accepted that I will not be able to own everything I want. Like there is an album that was only released as CD-R, and I bought that, having 0 other options. And when a CD is crazy expensive, I go with vinyl (which will have to sit and wait until I buy an actually GOOD player).
Mod, or edit?
>it's been 7 years and there is still no good GR porn
What the fuck
It's real
I'm starting to feel that gamer thing again. When I go on these threads it makes me want to play it, but once I do play it I suddenly don't know what to do in the game. This keeps happening
>he doesn't know
I wish Gravity Rush got more porn
Yeah, well the difference is that an EA Sports game has actual multiplayer and an active base for it.
GR2 had maybe 100 Katfags who took pictures of Kat's ass near the apple treasures. They were mostly pointless too.
>b-but there were 2 outfits locked behind them
Who gives a shit
How did they get away with this?
Based retarded weeb
Based plebbitor
Thanks anons u are powerful
Wrong, it sold 600k on Vita in 7 years.
It was a different time
Order one off eBay and claim they shipped you rocks to get a full refund
Jesus Christ Toyama...
I got my younger sister (2.5yrs) to say Spurella, Oolala and Ougee.
>I won't pay for the game I want to play
>people like me aren't the reason GR is dead, Sony is to blame
I thought the gameplay looked like ass in all the videos, but the games themselves have a certain charm that no other game this generation has come close to matching. A great OST, superb art design, and simple yet endearing characters. Also you get a hot goth gf
it looks like someone doesn't have a sister-chan.
It is truly the experience.
Faggot retard nigger
>imaginary sister
well, OK I guess
they're making free money and can't even keep a few servers on for their own games.
God I wish I could cum inside Kat's butt.
>a few years ago is different time
yes, actually it was a widely different time a few years ago
>lunar style introduces a whole new way of traversing and an interesting fighting style
>jupiter style is just fall faster and punch
Jupiter was a shitty sky father anyway. Kronos is way better.
Gravity Rush gameplay is complete trash. The movement mechanics are interesting enough, but the game fails to create any level design worth exploring them. The combat is also tedious as fuck. It deserves to be forgotten, and the only reason it isn't is that it stars a cute anime girl.
>jupiter style is just fall faster and punch
it has the fastest slide
fastest gravity shifting speed
dodge during gravity shifting covers the most distance compared to the other gravity dodges
you can block attacks
if I give a voocaroo will your writhing virgin rage be sated?
I mean, the only unique thing that jupiter has is the last one you posted, along with its unique attacks and stronger gravity kick + black hole. I just found it a bit disappointing compared to Lunar Style
shes on the swing rn so I can't get her to say it.
assuming the thread archives I'll post it in a futyre gr thread.
>i don't care if theres nothing to do there
This is genuinely my only complaint regarding the entire series and I otherwise love it to bits. On the impossible off chance we ever get GR3, I really want them to add in interactions with the city/s.
Don't bother. You didn't understand why I called you a faggot
How is Kat's shirt staying up?
ignore the shitposter.
gravity queen
ain't gotta explain anything
>I will never be a pixel animating master
Which is okay, I can just have others do it for me.
cee wee
One question: WTF happened to the doujin that some guy commisioned?
It wouldn't surprise me, the fact that they never bothered to make any updates after the fact tells me that this fell so below expectations that they pulled a Of Mice and Men
Is it worth it to play it without the online?
>could have had some crazy 3D puzzle with action and solving riddles using gravity
>instead we get a linear storyline and a meme world size that doesn't load properly
This COULD have been the game to make gravity rush a console mover but they dropped the ball HARD
>the golden era when Sony was still Japanese
Zoomers will never know
Any single player game with optional online component is worth playing offline.
fuck off shill
It would get more love if they ported it to Switch.
is it only me to feel nu-sony (california'ed) does not like Japanese contents? gravity rush was nothing other than a first party title, but SIE rarely had a meaningful effort to advertise it when the game was released, and consequently the game was a bomb. it seems like they even hate a japanese part of their company.
the game looks pretty interesting, but I dont own a PS, so yeah
>bought GR1 on Vita
>didn't finish it
>just bought GR2
>now I want to know what happened in GR1
Should I buy the game (again) on PS4 before I finish GR2?
why do I like the first game better than the second game?
You should, bumbass.
You also should've watched the Overture animation before playing GR2.
the first is an episodic anime while the 2nd is a story focused adventure that loses focus 1/2 way through then changes villains near the end.
gravity rush and xenoblade chronicles 2 have some real banger soundtracks honestly this gen has been really good with music
but none of the games with good music get any recognition except nier, every award seems to go to the generic stuff you hear in AAA western games which is a big shame
Cute and nubile young women are not part of Californian (aka western neoliberal) values.
The schoolgirl outfit is so good.
I love my wife Kat more than anything and bought every one of her games.
Does Gravity Rush take place on a "planet?" Is there any ground to speak of? Or is it just an endless void of clouds? Where did humanity/animals/etc come from? Giant floating rocks big enough to create life?
Is there a biological reason why I'm so incredibly attracted to brown skin?
Even irl, if it's the colour of caramel I'm sold
The darker the skin the better it hides flaws.
It's a mystery
Brown women are for white husbands.
One of the three main reasons I got a PS4 for. So far just played it for about an hour just to check it out.
Do I need to make the challenge missions? What should I invest points in?
Dusky is where it's at. Dark Vanilla and California Gold are also very nice.
I tend to go for more of the base stats, like generic damage or health or amount of gravity
Cinnamon is the darkest I'll go.
there is no ground, therefore there is no lightning because there isn't a ground it can discharge to.
No on in grav rush universes have seen lightning come from a cloud ever.
Also because of light and shit 360% rainbows are the standard, you can only see 180% rainbows irl because the ground blocks the other 180% from forming.
World looks like pic related where a giant oceanic blackhole approaches the pillars.
Gods iirc.
>giant rocks?
There is agriculture but devs didn't want to spend 1/2 resources on making the setting agriculturally accurate because they didn't want 1/2 of the overworld to be farms and processing factories.
it picks up after you get lunar and jupiter styles.
Don't get spoiled.
I didn't do the challenge missions and instead focused on the side missions.
>rising death
We're not using that condom, honey.
I'd gladly buy it and play it, but unfortunately GR came out only on a console that I have no desire to own.
>beat the tutorial missions, finally reach the main area
>fly around the marketplace, harbour, and city for a bit
>wow, this is pretty big
>see the faint outline of another city above the clouds
>think "must be a late game area, probably can't go there"
>mfw I CAN go there
>pick up some more gems around the mansions, jump off into the abyss, see how long I can fall before being teleported back
>mfw there is ANOTHER city below the clouds as well
I'm sure I'll get tired of flying around quickly, but I was really impressed by how vast this game feels
What the fuck
it's one of the few games I own on that shit console, really fucking loved it, it's a damn crime it didn't generate much interest, but it's comforting knowing that there are plenty of fans out there that truly love the games.
How do people in Hekseville/Jirga boil their water?
>cities are super fucking detailed and interesting, i don't care if theres nothing to do there, you just go there to look
sony fanboys say that shadow of the colossus is a piece of art for the very same reason, and the game it's a fucking wasteland with some ruins. i guess they would consider gravity rush the new frontier of arthouse openworld games if only it didn't have anime artstyle.
the first time i discovered there was a city under the main city I almost cried
>Oh Jirga Para Lhao is a city made up of different regions, I wonder how I'll be able to access them
>Look to the left and right, can't see them anywhere
>Eventually do a side story where you go on a ship that goes to lei havina
>want to go back to the market place area, start gravity shifting towards the east
>can't get anywhere, kat says i'm not supposed to go there
>mark it on the map
>go down
This so much. Exploring the city in first person view while using the gyro to look around is so damn immersive and feels like I'm actually exploring a foreign city.
I wish GR2 had PSVR support.
Attractive female protagonist was a red flag for the soibois and el goblinas in charge over in California
>shut it down
>getting to look at your own sexy kat tats in VR
Literally the ultimate AGP experience
Good point. Assuming atmospheric pressure applies to universally it would work as normal at every height.
Idk how it would work as is though.
The same way we do? Doesn't higher altitude make it easier to boil water, hence why you boil in space?
>using a device that prevents you from pumping Kat's seventeen (17!) year old womb full of your virile semen and numbing the feeling of her seventeen (17!) year old inner vaginal walls caressing your hard twitching member
Absolutely disgusting
There may have been a surface at one point since the Nevi hatched from an egg and put their roots into the world according to the lore.
Otherwise everything was always in a void, though the low place is described as heavy so it could be a gas giant like Cloud City. But the world of gravity rush doesn't end there because the mining sites/rift planes make up the space between dimensions and then you have Jirga's world on the other side.
I know it's in bad taste but can anyone post Kat reaction images
If possible, the ones from the comics like in GR2
It's a shame that Moebius became deathly ill and passed before Gravity Rush really ever got established, since they undoubtedly would've commissioned some GR art from him.
What happens to all those people that get thrown over the edge whenever Kat shifts gravity around other people? Surely Kat isn't actually a mass murderer, right? They don't just fall endlessly until they get crushed by the pressure, right? Why did the devs include this in this """"""""""fun""""""""" feature in the game?
It's funny you mention that, considering that while Gravity Rush looks like a fun and light-hearted anime romp on the surface, Toyama's horror and David Lynch influences are still very much there. Also if you look closely, on the spire at the Hekseville Cathedral is the emblem for the cult from Forbidden Siren.
Dusty teleports them to safety like he does when Kat goes too far out of bounds probably. Good kitty.
bless you user
The horror elements felt more apparent in the first game, especially when your going down the world pillar, the skeletal insides gave me a berserk vibes.
I think they watered down the horror stuff in GR2 and made it more happy anime and less horror franco-belgian. It was still fun though and I appreciated the comfy world. Hekseville felt warmer and friendly in the sequel compared with how bleak of an atmosphere it had in GR1.
I want to kiss her
i guess it kinda helps that you're not kept in permanent dusk from hekseville for quite some time until you're able to explore the world, but yeah
Hekseville does feel more dystopian than Jirga Para Lhao, but less so when compared to GR1
Despite Jirga's issues when you get there it felt a lot brighter and more inviting compared with the world of the first game, whole different atmosphere. And Hekseville felt dystopian when you return there but after completing the game I noticed that everything felt warmer and more vivid, less bleak looking, they did tweak the artsyle a little in 2.
Pleajeune was less brown and more purple, Auldnoir was warm and orange compared to the browns in the first game. They even removed the dark whirlpool that used to be visible beneath the city in GR1, to give you that impending sense of doom.
Pleajeune looks better in 2 imo.
Yeah. It's more atmospheric and nicer on the eyes rather than jarring. I really like it now that I've played it
So what's everyone thinking that Project Siren's next game might be? Toyama seemed to suggest last year that the new action IP he was talking about in 2017 was scrapped, but he also took the time to mention how inspiring those Siren fan conventions for the 15th anniversary were to him. Could we see a return on the PS5, maybe?
GR is a game made for photo mode, I love the silhouette effect everything has from a distance mixed with the strong colors.
One of my favorite areas here, I like places like this that are created even though they don't have a role in the story. Kind of like Lurelin Village in BotW.
>the level & raven fight while traveling down the world pillar
Most game-kino I’ve had in the last 10 years for me desu.
Android Twins are underrated.
Kat has a fun life. I want to be Kat.
Candle Zone is great too, the illusion it creates of being underwater. Not sure if the forbidden zone was the deepest or this one.
Many moods of Kat.
Business Laben.
Kat has her own center of gravity!
Great theme, too.
This game probably has the best flight controls out of any 3rd person adventure game. Would be really well adapted if they wanted to make an iron man game or something.
Beach Kat
Since Sony are in bed with Disney now, I really do hope we end up getting a proper AAA Iron Man/War Machine game one day.
Maybe if the VR game does okay?
What a horrible fetish.
Your genes desire children resistant to harsh solar radiation.
Yeah the piano is amazing in this track, but I'm a sucker for ambient piano tracks in video games. It reminded me a little of Cavern of Remembrance a little.
I feel like the game needed a decent lock on system, then the combat would be much more enjoyable. Whiffing gravity kicks was kind of frustrating.
This game will still look nice after 10 years.
Apparently Yunica was going to have a much larger role originally, and her backstory would've been explored more. They even marketed Kat, Raven and Yunica as a trio in some promo art, shame she got shafted.
It's better that way, Kat will remain as a good memory forever and not some commiefornia redesigned trash
Stylized games usually do, anything that tries too hard to be realistic will age no matter how good it looks at the time. Even slight stylisation on character designs helps to keep a game from aging too badly.
It reminded me a little bit of this when I first heard it.
>Gravity Rush 3
>new and improved photorealistic art style
>hours of fully voiced cinematics instead of comic panels
>frenchinese is replaced with english so characters can say "fuck" and "shit"
>kat wears a gold-trimmed burkha and has a really smug and confrontational attitude
>syd has a son, and you play father-son stealth missions as him
>cover system that lets you hide behind chest high walls while throwing objects
>kat wears a gold-trimmed burkha
I'm almost ok with this just to see what that would actually look like
>GRC: Having received feedback from both gaming media and fans over the past year, is there anything that you would have liked to have done differently for Gravity Rush 2?
>Keiichiro Toyama: One thing I regret is not having a chance to expand more on Yunica and Permet’s story. I would’ve loved to have given players a better understanding of where the two were coming from in the story. The other thing in retrospect I might want to adjust is the difficulty in a few of the trickier spots.
They deserved more screentime damn it.
We need more gravity rush in general. I wonder if they'll be able to do one main continent with huge caves and interiors or will they continue the trend of floating islands, assuming we get another
The world was originally conceived as a post-apocalyptic flooded Tokyo by the look of early concept art. Or something more grounded, I'm glad they made it more out there and weird though.
They considered including floating farmland/villages in the first game and a south american style mainland in the sequel but neither really made it in.
We could get something more like Granblue Fantasy with massive floating continents but knowing Toriyama they'd probably want to go more bizarre and ground it less. Maybe a more futuristic/psychedelic setting. A big city/noir world could be interesting, Hekseville dialled up to 11 or something more cyberpunkish.
This game is pretty much doomed. After 2 games with nothing to show, they quickly pulled the plug for the online servers and buried it for good.
I'm just glad I bought the boxed edition that came with the OVA.
Syd is pretty hot 2bh.
Sleepy Kat.
He really did care about Kat underneath it all. Best boy.
It wasnt the original world. Toyama always wanted to do a fantasy setting, but this was an alternative in order to please marketing as a plan B, but was dumped because they got full approval.
>I wish Gravity Rush got more love.
I wish Sony never gave these shit games a chance. Soul Sacrifice should have got the PS4 port and PS4 sequel, this series is so shit and only cared about for waifufag reasons
Fi too, I love his relationship with Vogo.
>Soul Sacrifice
Nobody care about Soul Sacrifice, it sold even less than GR 1 and 2.
Because it was on a SHITa
Heksville seemed a lot bigger in the early concepts and prototype videos, guess it was too ambitious for PS Vita, but man did it look good. Only major difference is that it looked like Eto was actually visible from Hekseville, acting more like a class divide maybe, but that idea carried over to GR2's Jirga with the rich at the top and the poor below.
I wish i could play this game but exclusives is just ruining everything. Never will buy a console
But I think they originally wanted the city to be more connected as one structure, but the hardware probably couldn't handle that so they had to split it into separate towns.
You should at least for Gravity Rush because it's the best game to come out of the PS exclusive line in years.
Ape Escape crossover when?
Why didn't they at least make the two online-required outfits free?
How can that happen?
Gravity Rush started as a PS3 game, it was later rebuilt as a VITA game, I guess that´s why the game feels like it was supposed to be bigger. Textures are similar to PS4 port
I grew up with SNES/Genesis but I agree. Both were flawed but charming as hell. Loved the ost as well.
Time ago someone commisioned a full doujin to a drawfag, I hope he share it someday.
Where are the manga's last chapters?
What are the fetishes?
No clue, the guy asked on a thread what Yea Forums would like to be included but never posted again.
I've got to play these games one day.I've alwys wanted to.
What's with this image?
That makes sense, judging by the cut content in GR1 it was too ambitious for Vita. They wanted to include Eto, a village where the mysterious couple lived and the government area was fully planned out but it was too much.
Sucks we didn't get all this stuff in 2 either, since Eto ended up being linear and they never addressed what happened to the couple (Raven's DLC shows they got back somehow though).
no fucking way
where does this egg shit come from? bountome didn't look like an egg
Any news on rigged models?
Weren't there only two volumes that adapted the OVA and acted as an abridged version of GR2?
The OVA is not related to the manga.
I like Gravité as a title much more than Gravity Rush/Daze, honestly.
Yes but the last chapters don't seem to have been scanned anywhere.
Is lovely, dont you think?
It kinda does. The whole town is in a cracked shell which you can fly out of at some points
I think it was changed because the film Gravity was in production for several years before the release of the game.
Are the final chapters in the second trade paperback volume that Kadokawa released? It's only like 20 bucks for the pair of them, so I might just buy them for the art alone. I'll scan them for you if you'd like
It's in the saghsssi paintings hidden around the world.
Nevi were born from that egg/seed but they began to fight and divide into the light and dark nevi, the light went up to the sky while the dark ones accumulated at the bottom.
Then humans showed up somehow, maybe because the pillar began to grow from the nevi seed, and humans are like the rift between the two because we're capable of both good and evil while the nevi are much simpler basically. Don't know how Gade and the creators factor into it, but that's the creation myth of gravity rush.
Jirga and Hekseville seem to have a shared history too despite existing in different dimensions, suggesting they were thrown through a gravity storm like Kat a long time ago.
And the mining sites have the same bird statues that the Arks have on them, so that's the ancient civilization that Eto and Hekseville come from. There's so much subtle lore in GR.
The story is contained in both volumes? or is just open and cancelled
Honestly? No idea, but there's only been two volumes released. The second one came out almost a year ago, so probably safe to assume there won't be any more.
There's a lot of really bizarre and confusing lore in Gravity Rush, but I guess the mysteriousness of it all is part of the charm.
Apparently Hekseville and Jirga both believe the universe exists inside the belly of a giant fish. Very Discworld.
Is it because you fucked the family dog?
Barneyfag hates weebshit, though.
Gravity Rush doesn't deserve any more attention because it's already overrated. Terrible clunky gameplay. Great on paper, terrible in practice concept. Nice world and character building but the actual game sucks.
perky nips
I heard they show Kat smiling back at Raven and it might be based off the game's true ending.
>I'll scan them for you if you'd like
that'd be nice
specially in regards to history of the series, preservation etc
I wish Kat was more cute and funny.
the fact that Kat and Raven have a cutie/hottie dynamic makes me unable to tell who could be a good futa to fuck the other
>kat has perky nipples
>kat is 17
>sony is now run by californians
>california is one of the very few places where 18+ is law
>online is killed for gravity daze
Ah, sokasoka
The games just werent good enough and thats the honest truth. 1 got a slcak for being portable, but considering that it was excellent. 2 wasnt so great for a lot of reasons, terrible intro and sneaking missions. Not to mention the story takes a detour from 1.
The controls are great but i suppose working with them is a hard feat, isn't it.
she cant compete with sayaka
need more spikat