So in the end can we agree that:

So in the end can we agree that:
Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Sekiro > Demon's Souls

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Sekiro is trash

I think DS2 should be on the list... but I really can’t decide where. Hm.

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which one has the most exciting speedrun

Curious is the trap-maker's art...

BB >= DaS1 >= DeS > DaS3 > DaS2
Sekiro isn't a Souls game

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Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Sekiro > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 SotFS > Dark Souls 1

So in the end can we agree that:
OP>ur mum>sperm bank>Riley Reid

It's all taste really. People whose first entry in Souls was a more fast-paced action title like 2 or 3, or BB, will always list BB, DS3, DS2 above DeS, DS1. People who played DeS or DS1 first will generally rank those higher, because the game has undergone significant change.
Dodging was slow, more a slow-paced game with a more thoughtful and deliberate combat; mis-stepping or thrusting would completely lock you in place; mobility was really low generally speaking with specific exceptions (DWGR etc)
The pace of combat drastically increased, rolling was made nearly-free, you could very much be ninja-y and super fast, roll roll roll roll roll, and at the time, it was considered a great departure from DS1.
Totally dropped all pretense of deliberate combat and went with hyper-aggressive dodge-dash frenetic-paced animu-tier combat. Not a bad thing, and felt good in the universe they made for it. Still an evolution of the 'speeding up' of gameplay, combat. Feels nothing like ds1 except itemization and other 'framework' elements.
Even more rolly than ds2, they clearly infused their work on BB into the DS formula and created this bad boi. Spam roll all day, you'll never run out. Be the high fantasy hero of anor londo you always wanted to be; rollrollrollrollrollrollrollrollrollrolroll
Not a souls game, so i won't discuss it much, but as a rythym game meets semi-hardcore action/timing game, it shines. Greatly enjoyed it. Shouldn't be compared with Souls titles.

TL:DR Zoomers love DS3, DS2, BB because it's their virginal experience with the franchise and can't see what was lost. Playing ds1, DeS feels like a backwards step to them. Those who played des, ds1 feel more acutely the loss of the soul of the franchise across its iterations in favor of frenetic CUHRAZYEE combat and less punishing, less 'deliberate' combat design.

>having a faggot at the top of your list

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The only Dark Souls game (exclusing sekiro) is DS:R on the switch, and is it just me or does this game have the most replay value ever? Excluding the copypaste dex,str,fai,int builds that everyone does, I never seem to run out of ideas for a playthrough or build.
> SL1 runs with different strats.
> Low level dragon covenant dueling in burg.
> Gravelording at any level.
> Typical minmax sl120 township invasion builds.
> Mage oneshot builds.
> Cosplay runs of any of the 50+ NPCs.
> "Santa Claus" runs where I give gifts of titanite and souls to players I invade.
> Sword-in-left-hand, shield-in-right-hand meme runs.
> "Jesus" build (Miracles only, pacifist w. phantom summoning).
> Invading areas like sen's and tomb of the giants with force and WotG miracles only.
> Warrior of Sunlight builds for each level.
I've done like 45 run-throughs of the game without any gameplay mods and am not getting bored.
Am I autistic?

Only dark souls game i've played*

>DeS at the bottom
Fake fans like you make me want to puke

10yo spotted.

DaS2's replay value is unironically higher due to the way the game works on a mechanical level.

>roll in DS2
Wtf am I reading
Also it was really only marginally faster paced. I would lump it in with DeS and DaS.


Yea Forumsros, i want to get into Dark Souls but i only have a ps3 and a switch (my pc can somewhat run it but the control scheme is strange), which version do you recommend?

>fast paced action title
What? Its even slower than DS1

I know, I've been eyeing it but the fact that I'll have to dump points into ADP and VIG and the weird animations makes me a little worried. Still I might check it out because those dual red & blue smelter sword builds look extremely fun.

>entire analysis lacks mention of exploration or world-design

It's vastly more fluid and quick than ds1. It's just slower than ds3 and bb. As mentioned, the series progressed to ever-more-quick as it went on. If you believe ds2 is 'slower than ds1', you must not have played ds1 first, or are just lying through your teeth. Or are retarded. Who knows.
"Exploration" and "World Design" are not the driving factors of Souls games. Combat is, first and foremost. DS1 had a neat interconnected world with some fantastic visual design and treats of occasional good songs, but let's not pretend the combat, bosses, and overall difficulty to newcomers is not the overwhelming focus of everyone's praise or hate of the franchise.

You get way more levels in DaS2 to make up for additional stats. I'm usually 80-90 SL in DaS1 and DaS3 when I beat them, comparatively I'm usually around 140-160 in DaS2. The leveling curve is a lot different in DaS2 too, early bosses give a ton of souls compared to early bosses in the other two, but it smooths out once you get to ~70-80.

Even with soul memory involved? If I make a build for invading at a certain part of the game, won't I outpace most of the players I'll be invading simply through the souls I collect from victory?

>The pace of combat drastically increased, rolling was made nearly-free, you could very much be ninja-y and super fast, roll roll roll roll roll, and at the time, it was considered a great departure from DS1.
What in the actual fuck are you talking about? DaS2's rolls have the most ending frames and are the most easily punished in the entire series. They also ALWAYS cost a flat amount plus a percent of your total stamina, and the flat amount goes UP if you spam roll, meaning that even with about 150 stamina you can roll maybe 5 times.

DaS2's weapons may come out faster on average, but the ending animations can't be cancelled as early, leaving the player open for longer. Compare that to Havel+DWGR or DaS3's retarded sanic shit, DaS2 is not more "ninja-y". The only thing definitively faster in DaS2 is base walking speed under 30% equip load. Everything else requires more precision and better timing, which is why so many people don't like it. Because it's slower overall.

If you want to get one of the few weapons/outfits that are locked behind 4 great souls, you can get a ring to eat your souls instead.

The roll in DaS2 cost way more stamina proportionally to DaS1, you're retarded dude.

Wait, but then what about buying more cracked red eye orbs, there's no proper eye orb in the game is there?

>The pace of combat drastically increased.
>Rolling was made nearly free.
What on Earth are you on about?

Unless you plan on invading a fuckton of times in the same place and the same bracket, that's a non issue. I do agree that not having a DS1 red eye orb in there is retarded though.

SM being some game-breaking mechanic is a meme. When the game first came out there were no real brackets for it, which meant that getting people outside of your SM range was almost impossible.

SotFS fixed mot of the problems with SM by making the brackets huge, especially once you hit 500k. On top of that, invasions have a much larger SM bracket than other multiplayer features and are also weighted to take SL into account. So if you're 600k SM, and someone in the area is 1million SM at around your level (because they're bad) you can still invade them.

On top of that there's a ring that keeps your SM from bloating up if you don't want it to, that you can get fairly early, you'll just have to quickly put it on every time you kill a boss or player.

Either way, I had a character at SM 1million sit and invade in Iron Keep for months, probably almost 10 months, and was able to invade there until 2 million SM before I stopped getting consistent invasions. Even then I'd still get the odd NG+ players that were going through the area.

Another thing to note is that because the game is so open-ended, most areas have a huge range of players in them. The DLC in particular have a ton of people in them at 1.7million or higher.

>there's no proper eye orb in the game is there?
Cracked Red eyes have to be farmed. You can do this killing enemies, using ascetics, or PvPing in the arena. PvPing in the arena is what I do, because it doesn't bloat your SM and is pretty fun in general.

here's this, in case you wanted it

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Sekiro is better than Bloodborne and Dark Souls.

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