Without mentioning any of the Souls games, tell me what did well and what did it poorly

Without mentioning any of the Souls games, tell me what did well and what did it poorly.

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it's an okay game
just lacks replayability. feels forgettable

I've never beaten a souls game before this one
The combat is very satisfying once you get it down
I found the story hard to follow at first, but I'm a retard so who knows if it was just me

Spirit Emblems are a stupid system. Why the fuck do I need to grind for them? Just make them refill at sculptures. I love the prosthetic system but this limits it a lot

It's no Demon Souls that's for sure.

I liked the game but the maps are kinda lazy.

umm no sekino is perfect and you're just a bloodborne fanboy. git gud bruh
another one filtered by god miyazaki

It did swordfighting really well. The stealth element of the game couldve been better implemented.

the most rewarding combat ive played in a long time, it was so good that i never got mad or raged to hard bosses (except the demon of hatred).
and the ending is a pretty interesting moral dilemma (kill a child to end your immortality or kill yourself to end the child's immortality)

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Would have been better as a 20 bucks boss-rush type of game. This would have saved a lot of dev money, save me some time, and I wouldn't have lost any meaningful gameplay experience.

The boss fights are amazing. Everything else is just good at best, which much of it mediocre.

the entire game just feels like a boss rush but with padded trash mobs that you forget easily. doesn't feel like it's worth 60 bucks

Yeah, it doesn't have as much of a sense of exploration like other Souls game, mostly thanks to grappling.

So it's a good game?


I've played and beaten all the souls games including demons souls but this game is fucking GRINDING ME DOWN TO A STUMP. Tips and advice would be appreciated. For some background im currently at ashina castle and everything from the samurai inside to the goddamn spear mini boss is kicking the Christ out of me.

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just get the sequel bait ending

its the third best game ive ever played
first being bloodborne
second being mgs 3

Don't play it like a Souls game

Dude I need real advice. Like when I'm about to get attacked I instinctively spam L1 to try and parry and I can't tell if that's what I'm supposed to be doing. Even after fighting the same enemy multiple times their random ass hit pattern doesn't click with me so I'm stuck spamming block trying to get some parrys off and I don't have the fucking reaction time to pull off the thrust counter after parrying 5 attacks. It's fucking melting my brain.


Spirit Emblems were a misfire and discourages experimenting with the tools, some of which are extremely situational. It really just should’ve been a mana meter.

Ah. A man of culture.

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demon souls was bad

I never played any souls games. Sekiro combat was very very fun and simple. It was obviously annoying to get hit by stuff you shouldn't. Some of the bs deaths we've all had were a little more than git gud, it was just the game being programmed to keep shitting on you. The story barely makes sense, but it's not very important to understand I think.

If the new star wars game fights like sekiro, I will be very happy.

All you can do is try and read your enemies attacks. it takes a while, but as you play you get better at anticipating. spamming is good for some enemies that have long, quick combos, but you wanna learn to be more precise.

Pretty much my main complaint. Why the fuck do the melee weapon tools use up a resource at all? Retarded.

It was a good experience but it doesn't feel like it had much weight to it. Like five sameish areas, and all the game is L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1

Just like BB, it took ONE aspect of Souls and tried to capitalize and build around it. BB is a masterpiece, Sekiro is monotonous but rewarding

I've put 600 hours in BB, think I'm done with Sekrio after 50. Still, 50 hours is a shitton. Just lacks replayability or any sense of wanting to go back due to there being a mini-boss / boss wall every 20 mins while all the other enemies are pushovers

That spear guy is the hardest miniboss for many players, you don't have to fight him right now. Samurai dude just parry his ultra, it's easy and builds up like half of his posture.

Play Furi, that's basically what that is

DS Boss Rush with god tier OST

casual lock and block quick time event soulsshit

You actually have to try to win. Not a waypoint walking cutscene game.

Thank you

>I instinctively spam L1 to try and parry and I can't tell if that's what I'm supposed to be doing
No, the deflection window shrinks from 30 frames to a minimum of 7 if you press the button successively. You're making it harder for yourself by mashing. Only tap the button before attacks connect.

I mean you really don't have to try at all for anything other than Isshin, Owl 2, and Guardian Ape 1

Just spam axe spin with posture + attack boost items and it kills everything in the game. Add Divide whatever for apparitions.

>He buys games for replayability.
Heh, have fun with that. I enjoy playing my games only once. 60 dollars well spent because I'm not poor and I make 6 figures a year.

I really feel the game would be vastly improved if they gave you a few more options to customize your character. Even if it's just something like swords with slightly varied movesets. Exploration yields so little in Sekiro.

That itself is a strategy though. Not just aim and shoot or sword painting.

-Fair difficulty and intricate ways to make your time with it harder or easier.
-Genuinely good combat and great bosses.
-Pretty good music if you know where to listen.
-Interesting lore and level design.
-Replay value is middling at best.
-Customization is lackluster.
-A noticeable portion of the minibosses are repeated, as well as a few bosses.
-The game doesn't deviate too far from ancient japanese culture and mythology aside from Robert's father and a few tidbits of design or lore.
-Dragonrot has suprisingly little impact compared to world tendency

Thank you it was fucking killing me not knowing. Literally.

solid base game for one playthrough
almost no content outside of that

The Corrupt Monk is a shit boss fight
>but you can just cheese it with items
Shitty bandaid excuse

Hope she reads this bro

what did the schizo mean by this

some boss fights (e.g. lightning nip, first owl fight, last boss, some mini-bosses like shamisen lady)
enemy design (art-wise)
weird atmosphere, nothing else feels like this game in this regard
input lag & in general very bad optimization of the engine
a lot of bosses (e.g. bull, orange furry leftover Bloodborne asset, monkey (1st encounter), second spear miniboss after last attack on castle, dragon at least mechanic-wise, headless)
music is boring, sound effects are straight up annoying
combat arts are largely useless except maybe two of them in bossfights
shinobi tools, see above
re-hashed bosses
a lot of enemies are boring to fight
sneaking is mostly boring

Overall nice 7/10 game, but it waisted a ton of potential.

Spirit emblems are dumb
A lot of prosthetics are dumb
Sneaking is kinda broken
The bad fights are a chore but the good ones will get your blood pumping like a car. When it's tough but fair it's on a whole new level, when it's simply idiotic it's not even fun even if it's winnable and when it's too easy it leaves you wanting for more

How do you die to Corrupted Monk? All of her attacks are slow and telegraphed from a mile away. The fake one is second only to monkeys as easiest boss fight.

>killed guardian ape, duo apes, true corrupted monk first try with almost no effort
>died so many times to the demon of hatred I have abandoned the game to this date

These games are literally personality tests

The only attack I have a problem with is her jumping overhead smash. Feels like there are two slightly different timings for that, which I haven't been able to grasp.

Haven't gotten it yet, but wondering if I should. I have so many fuckign game sat this point, and various shit that I haven't tried out yet. I have all my fucking VR shit. my flying stuff, my wheel with pedal, etc.. I've been so fuckign depressed I haven't been able to leav ebed even to sit down and play the games I wanted to get for years now. Not sure what to do about it. Depression really, really sucks.
Anyone who tells you "depression not real" is completely full of shit, sinceI've changed so much from the ages of 19-20 to NOW where I fall alseep hoping not to wake up every night. Justmy entire fucking way of feeling has changed to such a feeling of hopelessness.
Can anyone recommend game that night pull me out of this? Last game that TRULY pulled me out of this sort of depression for a while at least was witcher 3...

It's a classical Shinobi/Samurai story, the visuals are beautiful and the atmosphere captivating. Using stealth actually rewards you and the combat is satisfying. However, having said that, there needed to be more. Not much, but a little, couple more bosses perhaps? Also the balance of certain tools and techniques is outta wack. I can list you the useful things

>Axe Vs. enemies w/ shield only
>"Malcontent" Whistle vs. Headless only
>Anti-Fire Umbrella vs. Demon of Hatred only
>Ichimonji: Double
>Floating Passage Useful early, useless late
>Bloodmist Ninjutsu
>Puppeteer Ninjutsu Simply because some things are locked behind this move

Besides these, everything else feels next to useless. And you are best going on about your business mastering the combat basics of deflecting and dodging.

Also I think the fact that you can only have 3 ninjutsu tools, one combat art and one ninjutsu art equiped at a time, makes this even worse. It makes what I said just earlier even more of an issue. The only time when I actually change my shit is either when I fight with Headless, Demon of Hatred or Shichimen Warriors. Moves like "One Mind" or "Empowered Mortal Draw" are cool looking, but that's about it, they lock you in animation in a game like this which makes using them feel awkward as fuck, even more so since they cost spirit emblems, which I refuse to "waste" on regular enemies anyways, because I don't have to if I play well enough. Which I do. Last but not least, money becomes useless in this game after the first playthrough, if you are not retarded.

All in all though, it's a great game and I hope to see more, I haven't played Bloodborne or the Souls games, since they simply didn't catch my interest, also the combat seems so much less fluid compared to Sekiro anyways...

T. NG+5, all bosses killed, 100 hours playtime.

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Bosses are top tier
Lock on system and camera are awful

I'll skim over a lot of stuff I personally felt was off about the game when playing. Need to fit these into the 2000 character limit, so i'll just list out some bullet points that summarize things. Also I fucking loved the game fyi.

-Even easier than before to avoid enemies. Locking the player in with fog walls for mandatory fights is a pretty clumsy counter to this issue.
-Dragonrot is a nonmechanic.
-Get to a point where sen is worthless because you'll have everything bought out and regularly be gaining mad dosh.
-Requiring divine confetti to beat headless, and efficiently defeat shichimen is pretty bad. Perhaps let the player re-use confetti with spirit emblems.
-Excess reuse of main bosses.
-Exploration is underwhelming and often rewarded with poor consumables.
-If you are going to add a NG+ mode to your game, you need to flesh it out and make it more worthwhile. The charm is a nice idea, but more should be done such as new enemy placement.
-Emblem cost for abilities and some prosthetic is a poorly-considered option for balance despite the selling point of the game being all these cool tools and techniques you can use.
-Many skills perform worse than simply pressing r1.
-Despite posture existing, many enemies can still be r1-ed and stunlocked to death.
-Camera is still mediocre at best. Works almost identically to the still-flawed camera from DaS3.
-(Subjective) Ost is pretty unmemorable overall and fades into the background. A select few stand out, but nothing as incredible as some of the themes from past games. Repetitive battle themes for every common encounter detract from the atmosphere of the game.
-Enemies blocking and deflecting after the first hit often nullify the majority of tools and techniques.
-Being staggered by random hits and doing the kneeling animation is frustrating and getting out of it is clumsy, often leading you to get hit. You seem to not perfect deflect when in this state and can only block (correct me if i'm wrong on this)

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Combat and bosses were good and that's the most important thing so it's an automatic 8/10 for that alone. But everything else was meh. Muddy, bland environments, boring prosthetics that replaced weapon variety, no replayability, dull atmosphere and world building compared to non-souls game Bloodborne, enemy variety, forgettable music etc etc. I think this game was rushed desu

Combat feels great to master on its' own but some of the supporting items and skills are pretty lackluster. Only having one active combat and ninja skill at a time makes you feel like the rest are going to waste, and prostetics other than the firecracker aren't worth switching to because they're so scarcely situational, not to mention the way the number of uses is tied to unlocking expensive skills that only give you a total of 5 extra spirit emblems.

It's not like Dark Souls

The mobility is fun but generic enemies are boring or tedious.
Bosses are a hit or miss and you can't get hit much so if you don't "get" a boss right away you'll just be dying repeatedly with little progress, especially if you're missing a tool/item that would make the fight manageable.
I feel like dying is too punishing. You lose half you money & XP and can't get it back and risk dragonrot and have to grind back the resurrection.
Enemies can clip into each other and won't hurt each other but if you get cornered you're stuck.
At times it feel too "videogamy", there's a bunch of stuff that doesn't make sense aside for video game reasons. The fog doors, the lack of grapple points in areas you're not supposed to escape from despite the walls being the same as before, wooden objects breaking by just walking in their general vicinity, door you can't open for no reason, etc.
The map is dumb, Japan needs to stop having castles built on extremely high mountains and cliffs.
Combat arts are almost all useless.
The stealth mechanics are retarded as in most video games
The big kanji tell is a shitty mechanic imo, it warns you about enemies out of range and doesn't say what kind of attack to expect so on most new attacks you get to eat shit, especially with the terrible hitboxes.
Why the fuck can so many enemies do that weird slice attack with their empty hand?
Tools feel mostly useless exept for their very specific use.

gameplay focuses on aggression
some neat ideas with the prosthetic tools
looks really good
pretty much everything else

still decent though.