It's gonna hurt even more bros

It's gonna hurt even more bros

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It never hurt to begin with. I'm forever grateful to Sephiroth for trimming the dead weight from my party.

dude fucking SPOILER! reported

Hopefully Jessie lives and becomes clouds gf instead.

Would the game be better if Tifa died instead of Aerith?

Originally the "Seto was actually tru hero" reveal was more emotional than Aeris' death IMO. Though this time around... we're so much older, it will stir up the dreams and hopes we had at the age we first played, all those we knew who are no longer with us... yeah it will hurt real this time.

RPGs are gay
especially the Japanese ones
Oh it's my turn now?
I choose attack
Now I wait for them to attack
Oh that did a lot of damage
better heal
okay now that I'm all healed up, I'd better attack
now I wait for them to do something
okay now the battle is over
better walk 8 steps
okay it's another battle
hmmmm seems to be a hostile force
better choose attack
okay now I wait for them to attack
okay now I attack
okay the battle is over now, I'm level 53 now, which means I'm now strong enough to fight these enemies over here
oh a cutscene huh?
The fate of the world is in my hands?
I'm the chosen one with powers I have yet to unlock and can only do so by my persistence to go on?
oh cool that's never happened in a piece of fiction
oh okay time to walk 8 steps
oh it's another battle
better choose attack

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I was more sad by Galuf dying than her.

And he went out like a fucking champ to boot.

it will take at least 5/6 years to get that episode so who cares

This. Aerith was fucking annoying. Tifa was boring but I prefer her over some pink bitch who keeps throwing herself at Cloud

Why did people care about her anyway?

You're gay and so is your life
>Oh i touched a thing
>Oh i heard a thing
>Oh i tasted a thing
>Oh I smelt something
>Oh I saw a thing
>Oh I thinked a thing
>Oh I moved
>Aged 53, not strong enough to woo the wimmins
>Fate of the world never in my hands
>Ded lol

Why did Sephiroth kill her again?
Was he an incel?

Yes, Tifa sucks. She is a useless codependent bag of tits with no interest in anything other than Cloud

your response was not sufficiently insulting for it to be considered cool

It's gonna be episodic so we probably wont see it until 2024 at the earliest.

Yeah, not like Aerith who's only interested in Cloud because he looks like the last guy she used to like

See, I can make shit up too fag

Should have killed Vincent and Cait Sith then

Daily reminder Tifa is the far superior girl and endgame for Cloud. Can't wait for the scene where they have rough, sweaty wrestle sex the Highwind with all their friends watching.

Wonder if we'll get the infamous boobs wobbling all over the shop Highwind deck scene

It is. One of main reasons this scene never really bothered me when I played it for the first time was that the original PS1 did a fucking awful job at making me care about Aerith. She just look awful in her polygon form, her dress looked really dumb, there was no voice acting and her text didn't really charm me.

She looks gorgeous in the remake, and I'm sure they'll give her a really solemn voice and make her feel much more human and relatable.

I love JRPGs and this is true for the generic stuff that most people play.
I'd fucking hate the genre if the only thing I knew about them were the superficial, cookie-cutter stuff such as Final Fantasy games, thank god I actually was smart enough to dig a bit deeper than that.

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