What was a game that set up a sequel and it just disappear in thin air?

What was a game that set up a sequel and it just disappear in thin air?

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Every game that ends with "2"

Star Wars Republic Commando

Too Human. Dyack got roundly fucked by Sweeney and his company got dismantled

mass effect

>Gotye had the biggest hit of the year
>disappears the next year
I see OP

Eternal Darkness

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Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2


Fear Effect.

>Dino Crisis 2
It's true, can confirm

The Order 1776


Too Human
Shadow Run
Primal Fear

Both of the Prey games

Half-Life is a given.

Rayman 3 does a Rayman 4 reference.
It hurts bros

How about this one?
To this day I have absolutely no idea why Irrational decided to can the ending to the trilogy and started working on bioshock instead. Money it is, but after two games?

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Deus ex the new one

Space Marine is the biggest offender

Megaman Legends 2

WH40K: Space Marine. Silly as the premise is, the game was fun as fuck and I want to see what happens to Titus.


Advent rising

I liked most of his other songs more than that one desu, but I do have to thank that one for introducing him to me. Here's one of the others that I liked

Damn shame too. I remember enjoying it and was looking forward to seeing where it went.

Konami ruins everything, forever (once again).

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>The Order 1776
>Literally game about to actually start
>Credits roll
I was fucking mad, but for 5 bucks it wasn't bad

The Darkness 2
(eternally mad about it)

Army of two: devil's cartel

The radio mix version of Somebody you used to know will always be the GOAT Goyte song.

Fez 2

That game was kinda fucked up. I couldnt tell for the first half if him being in the loony bin was reality or everything else was. I liked it a lot

T'lan need a serious asskicking in the alternate future.

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Does never getting a Castlevania 1999 game count?

This one really hurts. The story and voice acting are great and the graphics worked well with the limitations of the playstation. I can see why they were and still are reluctant to continue the series after so many years. to get new players up to speed they could make animated shorts recapping the story. It would make for a nice saturday morning cartoon even.


Space marine.
I cared about those characters dammit.


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Advent Rising

Neutopia II

Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy


Tomb Raider
Mortal Kombat 11

No mention of Banjo-Tooie yet?