Let's be honest Yea Forums this game looks fucking incredible. I got full faith in Square . They knew they couldn't afford to fuck this up
Let's be honest Yea Forums this game looks fucking incredible. I got full faith in Square . They knew they couldn't afford to fuck this up
>I got full faith in Square
They've done nothing but fuck shit up since FFXIII. And not just their Japanese games, they've also imploded their western studios. What makes you think they'll deliver? It might look good (and I'm hopeful) but they're literally garbage tier right now and they don't NEED to correct the way they make games because they're guaranteed to sell 5 million+ copies on any of their flagship titles.
it sure does
im interested in combat system more than anything
never cared too much about graphics or why barret used shades or cloud design and useless shit, i just want to see how are they gonna pull off the ATB active
look like shit its gonna be like ff 15
Name 5 games Squenix has developed in the last decade that have been good.
Do we really need a remake of this game??, just play the original version and fuck off.
The World Ends With You
Kingdom Hearts 3
World of Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest 11
Nier Automata
There that was easy
Weird how Tifa's name shows up in the trailer but she's no where to be found.
Square enix published half those games. They didnt even have a hand in development in Nier automata retard
Visually it looks good but I don't trust them to put out a complete product that retains all of the original's content.
>FFXV - 2015 - Yea Forums
>This looks fucking incredible, they can't fuck this up
People have been bitching to Square for a literal decade for a remake of FF 7. It's one of the most influential and one most popular games of all time. There is high demand for it
>they didn't have a hand in it
Do you understand how important publishers are to video game development? It wouldnt exist without squeenix, nobody else would've funded it.
I think Square understands FF7 development is a an endgame scenario. Immortality or death.
>Giving money is developing now
They funded it and thats it you fucking faggot. They had no hand in gameplay/visuals/engine/etc
user, TWEWY was 2007.
>Let's be honest Yea Forums this game looks fucking incredible. I got full faith in Square . They knew they couldn't afford to fuck this up
I don't know how you can sound more like a shill than you do now. I don't even think Square shills here.
Different teams. FF XV was developed by Tabata who utterly fucked up everything. Nomura and the Tokyo Team is making this. KH 2 Final Mix gameplay is fucking fantastic so I got high hopes that FF 7 R gameplay will be top notch
World of final fantasy is trash
>The World Ends With You
That game came out over 10 years ago, and the ports to Switch and mobile were fucking awful.
I didn't think a game could dumb down their combat more than the Batman games.
>I got full faith in Square
After blunder called XV and KH3? No way fag.
Also, nu-Cloud looks like shit.
TWEWY is good
KH3 sucks
WOFF is utter garbage
DQ11 is still worse than DQ8
Nier Automata was okay
Any of my other LA niggas going to this? We gon be the first to see a full trailer and release date
But she looks cute. Sephiroth looks fine from that side profile as well.
SE trailers always look good even for those of us that have hated every single FF game since XII or XIII. The thing is we KNOW that the trailers is as good as it gets. It´s all colored mirrors, an illusion. They´ll fuck it up a 100% guaranteed so best not get your hopes up. You avoid dissapointment that way. If it turns out to be good you can always be pleasently surprised but i expect nothing from them at this point.
Granted, DQ XI and Automata where both good but FF has not been good for ages and it seems that KH is going down that path now as well.
Man stop with the lies that it's KH2's gameplay, it's fucking Crisis Core/FFXV
I was soo ready to shitpost about the Remake but after that trailer I just can't. It looks too good. It's over.
What went wrong? His face wasn't so terrible in first reveal trailer. At this point, I bet Yuffie, Tseng and Hojo will look whiter than fucking Cloud.
>full faith in SE
>just nice graphics teaser trailer
how many versions of Sephiroth's pauldrons are there
The Tokyo Team worked on FFXV.
KH2FM was released 12 years ago.
Enough with these autistic speedrunner memes.
That was literally a cgi movie trailer, no trace of a game anywhere in there
Why is Sephiroth only one that has a thing called nose?
From top
His coat also appears to be different in remake. It has strange patterns that it never had before.
>It looks incredible-
For a movie yes. and don't arghue. We literally have had nothing but trailers. Flashy Bells and whistles graphics only attract absolute morons who never even cared about the series to begin with, much like you OP.
>They've done nothing but fuck shit up since FFXIII.
Nigga, Lightning Returns is the best FF in the last 20 years.
It looks like shit, both technically and art style. FF7 was a cartoon/anime game, it should keep that style. Japan is far behind in graphics, they cannot compete with the West in this area and SE trying is pitiful and hilarious.
This game is made for KH fanboys who never played FF7
Shit just change every single iteration. Dissidia even has a version that has some purple strands from the original Amano design. I actually liked that one a lot.
This. watch the first DLC cosmetic outfit be clouds fucking bandaged emo from KH too.
>muh you're not a real fan like me argument
Fuck off
it was real time on a pc,the taa artifact showed it clearly,it's just that the ps4 couldn't handle it
It's called building suspense. This was only the teaser trailer, full trailer is next month (most likely at E3).
I'm talking about first trailer that showed Cloud's face. Which is an image my post used. That trailer did have bit of gameplay, in case you forgot it. It was literally first gameplay trailer.
>Not denying it
As I thought.
oh my god we are coming to the reawakening of hot girls cosplaying as aeris with a stupid wig and basic bitches saying they're cosplaying as tifa but just dressing normally
The only western games with good graphics are like Rage and nu-Doom.
Sephiroth actually looks imposing and diabolical in the right one, I love it.
Can you not make a thread and not sound like a literal shill. Fucking hell. For once I want a decent remake thread in this post tortanic hellhole.
>Let's be honest Yea Forums this game looks fucking incredible
Not really, this looks likes garbage. It's not about nostalgia, it's about being faithful to the original fucking game you are 'remaking'
Even though their last 5 games were shit, I know he still loves me and the next one will be good.
attacking enemies that don't react is like hitting a wall.
combat looks like it will devolve into a routine of attack to fill limit gauge -> use limit -> switch character
>Sephiroth actually looks imposing and diabolical in the right one
Now if only he was written that way instead of being a broken down momma's boy to an alien who aint even his momma.
>mfw imagining how utterly simplistic materia will be with this rubbish real time combat
I love how both Cloud and Aries have Ayy LMAO anime noses, yet Sephiroth has normal looking one.
>the graphics are so good, who cares about XV's shit gameplay
>>Now if only he was written that way instead of being a broken down momma's boy to an alien who aint even his momma.
That's Hojo's fault really.
The major SJW influencers are all triggered over Barret at the moment ala Quiet from MGSV. After Sonic getting changed, they feel the vulgus is entitled to have a say in the dev process.
>materia will have some dumb gimmick added tied to it's growth to seem more 'indepth'
The only problems I see are enemies not reacting to damage. It's a remake, not some sort of replacement or update - it can do whatever the hell it wants, but it's not gonna affect the original game that's already sold so many copies globally that it can never be rendered obsolete or stop existing.
Blame WatchHojo for being best dad in vidya.
>triggered over Barret at the moment
who was talking solely about the graphics you retard? game is looking fine on all levels.
based gameplay fag
Sephiroth is only white character.
t. Square Enix
You're fucking blind, aren't you? The battle system has literally nothing to do with the one from XV.
Do you think they will finally add a quest to revive Aerith this time around?
Gonna be honest. not feeling it. Only FFs i liked and played were the SNES 4-6 era. 7 i emulated years later to see what the hubbub was about, and it was painfully mediocre compared to V. the fact VII is so praised floors me. Even BoF and Tales games at that era were better. Hell So2 shits all over it. But no, FFVII is a "Masterpiece"
That being said. The transition to action combat is retarded. It just looks like yet another devil may cry style game (Like we dont have enough of those). but with nothing unique or interesting. RPgs are RPGs. not fucking 3D fighters. wheres the stat building and turn abuse buffing and haste casting? wheres the STRATEGY?
for muddied SJW reasons they just are.
they think he looks and sounds like a white guy
Sephiroth always had non-generic face when compared to others in 7/or other FF games.
It LOOKS good but the combat looks unimpactful just like 15. It's like he's swinging around a toy sword made out of paper or something. They need to look to crisis core for how to make swinging the buster sword feel good.
>do they even talk to PoC??
>why isn't he a lithe, bicurious superwoke mysterious coolguy like 2019 ads say black people should be!
Oh, fantastic. Now just imagine the shitstorm that will ensue when Tifa is revealed. There'll be screeching out the ass of how "over-sexualised" she is and #MeToo bullshit.
I want to go back to video games circa 2008 and before.
>Yea Forums bitches about Cloud's Asian face
>Yea Forums (on another thread) also bitches about Sephiroth's "too white" face
>SJW bitch about Barret not being too black
That combat looks fun to me. You sure you're not just old and stuck in your ways, gramps?
Imagine getting excited over some cutscenes and interrupted game play footage. Get me 10 min of intteruppted combat footage and then we'll see if it's worth anything.
is it the attacking something that doesn't react what makes it look fun or just all the flashy special effects that come with it
>people just bitching for the sake of bitching
When will this outrage culture madness end? It's fucking driving me crazy.
Yeah Why People get excited at stuff they like, geez
Gee golly, can't wait to press square repeatedly.
Trailer reminds me of the early trailer for FFXIII. A lot of hype then, and it hasn't gone far in terms of visuals. Only this time there's a lot of nostalgia to amplify the hype.
The graphics don't even look as good as XV.
This looks fucking gross
>Sephiroth will kill Aerith
>You won't be able to do anything to save her smile
I'm more concerned by Cid's redisign looks like we found where tifa's tits were
is that fucking yuffer?
It's gonna be the greatest game of all time, not even kidding. And no amount of shitposting will change that fact. Doubters utterly BTFO. Feels great.
>Cid is now a transwoman
>Cid is canon now officially non-gendered
Played the game and finished it more than 3 times. Memorize bits of the story in my head. Can remember and recall bits of the story and my playthrough of it by just hearing the music. I don't really care about your crusade with the company. I play my games, if I like it, so be it, if I love it, money well spent, if I hate it, only then I'll bitch and moan about it and sell the game to another guy who want to play it and somehow appreciate it.
>I got full faith in Square
you shoudln't. Barrett's new voice is a stereotype.
The guy responsible for creating Cidny and Aranea in XV is doing the remake character design, you don't have to worry about Tifa's tits. Also that image is his Advent Children design.
I hope they keep the crossdressing scene.
I can't wait to see Cloud in lingerie.
>it can do whatever the hell it wants,
It should try being good, then.
You mean exactly as he was portrayed in the original?
I'm optimistic. The designs are faithful. The attention to detail from the original seems meticulous. The early game characterizarion seems accurate.
I think a lot of fans forgot what Cloud and Aerith actually acted like in FFVII because of Kingdom Hearts and the Compilation, but I don't think SE ever did.
Plus the combat looks fine. Different but fine. I like KH and Crisis Core, so if it's close to either I'll be happy.
>Hot girls dressing as gothic lolita and calling it Chobits cosplay
And ResetEra says Barret got whitewashed.
Looks like a Ferrari design. I read somewhere that they hired him specifically to make characters less Asian looking, so debates on whether Tifa is Asian or not might end.
>1:12 of ebin graphics
I hate this industry
Keep your overproduced moviegames to yourselves, retards
>devs and publishers still don't know how to optimize a video for youtube to the point there's constant artifacts
It looks like some shitty third person Diablo. Fuck Zoomers.
>using a PAK figure as a representation of a character
No, user.
This is why companies rely on generic brown haired white males; no one gets offended by how they're depicted.
Didn't he design Iris & Cor from FFXV?
They've got some Asian going.
I think they just hired Ferrari because he's just Nomura 2.0, and the latter has his head up his ass directing CGI films and a shitty video game once every ten years.
Hell of a company.
> I read somewhere that they hired him specifically to make characters less Asian looking
Uh his work is mostly weeb animu style shit
>Yea Forums (on another thread) also bitches about Sephiroth's "too white" face
Isn't that a good thing?
No. You idiot. You moron. You fool. Pay attention.
That's so it can mesh better with Nomura's designs. But they still want characters meant to look western to look more western, so they hired the Italian artist. It's somewhere in an interview or something.
And that's a good thing!
He did Cindy, Aranea and the Verstael old guy in XV. Also designed Emina in Type-0.
It's the not boringly scrolling through menus to select the same option over and over that really sold me.
Pay for Midgar, ignore the trash that is the rest of the game.
Based Square, first decent thing they've done in thirty years.
Well at least they hire an artist from Europe instead of going to face scanning
>They've done nothing but fuck shit up since FFXIII.
I think you mean Since XII, since 13 was pure trash.
>FFXV combat
>Advent Children tone
>will be a Sephiroth wankfest
speaking of designs, looking forward to more enemies
hell house when
I'm going
>Its [not playing the game] that makes it fun
Take your (you) and go back to watching youtube letsplays you fucking milenial
I'm more concerned he won't have cigarettes on him because of the whole think of the children bullshit.
New party member
Type-0 was kino and I don't care what anyone else thinks
>Fans are concerned ...
Translation: a few faggots on twitter had a cry.
>Its [not playing the game] that makes it fun
Who are you quoting. no one said that. Do you have trouble reading, son?
>new trailer in June
>pic related shows up at the end
How would you feel?
I'm sad they recast Barrett's VA. Also, Aeris sounds like a shitty anime dub, but at least it's not KH2 Aeris.
They have the benefit of retaining Visual Works.
Credit where it's due, for all the shit Square has done over the years, Visual Works has been pushing boundaries and advancing technology that improves a lot of industries.
Shame their vidya counterparts are such talentless hacks.
>Aranea in XV
Not him, but you're obviously not a fan of the old FF7 if you have a problem with turn-based combat. This game is for JRPG zoomers that never played any of the old games.
Sephiroth's nose in no-nose game bothers me a lot.
So in your eyes, this looks bad to you, because enemies don't have hit responses?
I'd rather a secret to save biggs/wedge/jesse and then later hire them to work on the highwind
She looks kurdish I like it
>accurate recreations of enemies and scenarios from the original game already shown in a 1 minute teaser
>faithful models to the original that look high quality
Hell, they even kept the original visual effects that each character makes when their unique weapons hit an enemy (Aerith does a blue spark when she hits an enemy, Cloud does an orange spark which are both shown in this teaser)
So far it seems pretty faithful my guy. Of course the core gameplay is going to be different, why remake a game if you aren't going to be putting effort in bringing something new to the table?
>full faith in square
>after they royally fucked up versus 13
the only man I trust at square is yoshi-p and moon man(which is freelance) the rest are all cucks
Thank God that he pulled the rights to that character so Square Enix can't use him at all.
Yeah, which was a localization change some people didn't like.
Exactly. The article even acknowledges only a few people are talking about it, but still tries to make it sound like a big deal.
The majority of players liked Barret's characterization in the original. To change it in the Remake would almost certainly alienate more people than it would appease. I think it might make him a more interesting character, but since I don't care about him anyway either way is fine with me.
>I'm sad they recast Barrett's VA
They didnt, its still Beau Billingslea.
Obviously fucking not you massive retard.
It should have been turn-based.
it is yuffer
dragoon mommy
I hope the barrel sequence is in the remake and not just turned into a cutscene or reference.
I think "since XIII" would mean including XIII.
Also XII was garbage and the beginning of the end, if you weren't completely down on them before. It's impossible to enjoy XII if you know the background of its development, not to mention the merger and Square's incompetence in general.
Oh yeah, and it's just a complete fucking shit game, but I guess that's become irrelevant nowadays. I mean video games? Fuck that shit lol, I'm Basch von Ronsenburg!
Retard bait of a "video game" that has no challenge or difficulty curve, just like all the rest of this trashy series. Nevermind the fuckton of cutscenes dedicated to a cast that doesn't develop, and a plot that devolves into ancient evils and nonsensical motives.
Fucking take a few months to play video games and cleanse your brain of this rot. For your own sake.
In the trailer it definitely wasn't
>unreal meme engine 4
big fucking yikes, shame on you square, you were the leading technical marvel of the 90s, now you bow down to the west and use their shitty cold coded engines, absolutely souless
get with the times, gramp
She only says one line but gosh that voice is amazing.
Are we sure it isn't 'turn based'? Also ATB was barely turn based, it might be a Lightning Returns type of system except battles don't need to load a new screen.
FFXV runs on their Luminous Engine, and it's an absolute dumpster fire in optimization. FFXIV uses it too, but then it has instanced area-by-area design rather than true open world and cut back on a lot of shit honestly.
Nigger what? Gakt doesn't own character rights to Genesis.
Sephiroth's side-profile honestly looks a lot like prototype Ravus.
Stop and think about what you're saying user. Do you really want them to try making yet another game engine after the last two catastrophes?
>still episodic
have fun waiting 2-3 years between episodes for the game. then another 2 years after that for the "complete" edition with extra content
It would have taken like another decade if they built an engine from the ground up
Yes we are sure it isn't turn-based. It's literally FFXV combat.
Considering how much work it's going to be to create 9 playable 3D characters, how many do you think will be cut or DLC? Vincent and Yuffie have no shot.
It is.
It makes a ton of sense to remake a turn-based RPG into a third person Diablo clone with party members or some shit. I love Zoomer logic.
>Nier Automata
dogshit covered in fanservice is still dogshit
He doesn't, but Genesis' design would have to be altered. And we all know the only real reason Genesis exists to begin with was to insert Gackt into the series.
ff14 runs on crystal tools you absolute retard
It must be fucking sad being you. Just do everyone in your life, as well as everyone in the world who you might ever interact with in the future, a favor by just ending it all right now.
That's because Ravus was his shitty bootleg.
I could have sworn I read an article saying they couldn't use his likeness anymore?
The menu certainly implies real time input of attacks, given the flashing of the menu that only makes sense as corresponding to button presses.
>2019 Final Fantasy VII Remake (Video Game) (announced)
Barret Wallace (voice)
My name is Becky
>they do like shit when using their own engine
>so using a foreign engine they never used in their entire life will magically be better
fucking lmao I can't wait to see everyone bitch about technical issues at launch, I'm gonna screencap all of you
Thank you kind stranger, I shall. I hope you have a nice day.
I hope the combat is like Crisis Core's system, that was great
No shit Sherlock. Most likely because Ravus was originally meant to be his bootleg copy and real main antagonist before he got cucked out of role.
That was Caius and Ardyn
It's too bad everything just stands there and takes damage like a brick wall.
Also the gameplay did not need to be changed in order to consider it a remake. Stop acting like this is the ONLY path they could have taken
Seriously, I understand l looking at it and being excited based off how the characters look and the environments, but how the actual FUCK can you look at the literal one-button press FFXV combat and say "OMG OMG OMG OMG THIS IS GOING TO BE GOTYAY."
Can we just take a minute to appreciate the fact that Square Enix didnt go the same route as Crapcom and started making models using real people?
Like fucking hell Aerith, Cloud, Barreth, and all the rest shown so far look awesome without looking like ugly real people.
Honestly it looks like a successor to Crisis Core, minus the DWM for obvious reasons and with bits from Type-0 like the character switching, while putting in a special meter for limits/special attacks.
There's also this. Its updated so that you can still perform actions while the gauge is filling up but still incorporating the mechanic of characters waiting a certain amount of time before they can do certain things
Why would his design have to be altered? All they have to do is get someone else to do the Japanese VA, that is if Gakt doesn't want to do it.
>ugly real people
You're cute, though
Why do zoomers hate turn-based so much?
DMW was fun as fuck though
lol, it took them no less than 5 years to get to the remake's concept stage
Full faith indeed
So it's the worst of both worlds. Real time action but everything is on a cooldown.
The production values look more on the same level of Dirge of Cerberus, even the silly low quality acting
They completely shit the bed with Crystal Tools and Luminous, as well as fucking over every one of their projects they were working on at the time.
They used UE4 for KH3 so they have some experience with it.
XIV 1.0 did. ARR doesn't.
Also, ARR doesn't use the Luminous engine either
>blatantly Jesse
fuck off
Is that not the limit gauge?
Have sex
because it's boring grandpa.
This Cloud looked terrible dude. His hair is paper and his arms are twigs. It has better lighting than the new trailer, that's all. And that's something that will be improved as the game develops, just like it did in KH3. Remember the godawful lighting in early KH3 trailers? Yeah.
>Gud graphx mean gud game
>Stop acting like this is the ONLY path they could have taken
I'm not you tool. All I'm doing is having the modicrum of self awareness to not shit my breeches because a game isn't turnbased and thinking that means it has to either be enemy juggling action game or shit like there isn't room for unique things in the middle
Do they though? It just looks like they go along with whatever gets promoted.
Not much when your combat is shallow garbage, which is what JRPGs have pretty much always been, particularly in the case of Square, Enix, and Square-Enix.
This ain't DMC, nigga. It's going to be "real time" in the same vein that FFXV was, which is not at all really. It's a really weird hybrid that could be fun if there was any attempt at balancing and enemy design. Do they even have encounter designers?
One guy and his team work on a few encounters (or sometimes just one) for EVERY FUCKING ENEMY, nevermind the boss fights, in games like DMC.
But these trashy knockoff ARPGs are just the same lazy design work from three decades ago in real time with particle effects and animations.
Just imagining FFVII's boring ass combat pasted onto XV's is giving me an aneurism. It's so ass backwards it's baffling.
XV had lot of references to VII.
It was it's poor copy, in fact. Like how they attempted to recreate Aries' tragedy with Luna, Ravus being and looking like Sephiroth's cheap copy and one-winged angel reference with Ardyn's design.
What game? Thats only a 1 minute long movie
PLEEEEEASE more Zack Square that's all I ask
I pressed one button to attack back then as well. What's the difference?
If they fuck up FF7 (a game I literally skipped an entire year of high school to play obsessively) then I will suicide bomb them myself.
>Safay Roth
They did a pretty good job with the character designs and visual tone of Midgar.
The combat doesn't look promising but I can see the potential for it to be good so I'll wait and see.
If it's still episodic it will be trash.
If it doesn't have the overworld it will be trash.
If they fuck with the story it will be trash.
So it's pretty much still nearly guaranteed to be trash.
you blind. that's okay.
>he says this while P5 was popular among zoomers
>the only people bitching about "change is bad" are nostalgic boomers.
the zack fanservice is going to be so fucking unbearable
Wonder if the flashbacks in the remake will be changed to reflect Crisis Core.
There is nothing wrong with turn based, it's not some outdated thing, there are still turn based games that are pretty darn popular being released.
This is only part 1,and it will likely cover Midgar and maybe slightly more. Unless they make the rest of Avalanche playable, you'll have Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Aerith, and Nanaki. Maybe Yuffie if they bring you all the way to Junon, but I doubt it.
That's awesome.
Cool downs are perfectly fine in arpg.
I know Genesis had Gackt's face in DoC's secret ending, at least, and his CC model was based loosely off of that.
>end it all
lmao, why?
because I enjoy video games, and shitposting, literally, while I'm on the toilet?
you don't even have the decency to deny or defend your shit taste and the quote unquote video game you've become attached to.
what's it like to have an opinion so baseless that you can't even formulate a thought about it.
you're just a little drone who can't explain his own reasoning.
Final Fantasy XV 2.0 incoming fast, why couldn't they just have seen that Persona and Dragon Quest are thriving; manned up and made the game a turn based RPG again. They're fucking themselves in the ass with costs and dev time to make a big open empty objectively worse game that's biggest concern is attracting a brand new audience. I don't know how anyone could be excited the gameplay looks so meh, cloud looks and sounds like a sissy fairy, they confirmed they are changing shit muh 'cloud you are my arch nemesis for life' shit forced into the trailer. Fuck this game.
I press one button to shoot in nu-doom. Doom = Final Fantasy 7.
Yeah but Jessie actually looks white here. A dicklet would have given her a generic anime face that looked more japanese.
>killed thousands innocent people.
>later treat like good guy.
It like the writer complete forget about midgard part.
Looks great but is this still going to be sold in parts or full game?
Could be but I'm not certain how it works, since there was some leak in 2017 that suggested something like a gauge for turns similar to how it worked before but updated to let you do actions before it fills
In that image he posted of Ravus, one in which he said how Ravus has same side-profile like Sephiroth; Ravus was originally meant to have main antagonist role that Ardyn got instead.
But stuff happened. Lot of things changed and got replaced and we got XV we now know. Lunafreya had zero role and Ravus was reduced to nobody character who just looks like Sephiroth.
Please aim that bomb squarely at Kotaku's headquarters.
>I'm not you tool.
> Of course the core gameplay is going to be different, why remake a game if you aren't going to be putting effort in bringing something new to the table?
Sure thing dipshit.
I'm not 'shitting myself' by simply stating something. This remake could easily have stayed turn based. Sorry have an opinion that isn't in line with your chaps your fucking ignorant ass. Plenty of new things they could "bring to the table" that don't need to include an entire gameplay shift.
>that webm
FFVII can be literally won by only using attack and nothing else. Let's be honest here, FFVII isn't good because of the combat system. It was good because of the Materia system, story and set pieces.
>there are still turn based games that are pretty darn popular being released.
name more than five (5) turn based games that are popular. pro tip: you can't
and these three games are popular despite having a turn based combat.
>Ravus was originally meant to have main antagonist role that Ardyn got instead.
Source? Ardyn was the same character since day one, Ravus role was changed.
>A dicklet would have given her a generic anime face
That's exactly what he did
Hard facts about FF7 and turn based jrpgs
-random encounters are fucking boring is just here for padding
thanks that'd be all
We don't know. There's more info coming next month, most likely at E3.
Episodic. We will have to wait for the Ps5 and possibly 6 to get the whole thing.
have sex
>head back to that spot in-game
>see this
This is really fucking annoying
>$180 + tax over several years for a game you can get for $10 right now and download in 3 minutes
I wont buy the game unless this part is included.
They already said it will still be in parts. But how much will each part covers and how much parts there will be, those are yet to be known.
But it was her sister that used the time machine all the time in 13-2. Also:
>Game features Serah as one of the main protagonists
>Serah is trying to save Lightning
>Serah is the pretty much the only character who ever talks about Lightning aside from Snow
>People are aghast that Serah talks about her sister whom she is trying to save
Why? Lightning talked about Serah all the fucking time in the original too.
>people up in arms about Barret
>people going to flip about the crossdressing scene
>people mad about tifa calling cloud a retard
>these same people have yet to mention about Cid
I'm gonna chuckle when the outrage fanbase gets hit with Cid 'shut up and drink your goddamn TEA' Highwind
Shit, I'm almost willing to give them credit for not just doing Dragon Fantasy XIV. I mean fucking Hell, DQXI was embarrassing.
>Here's your game bro, every enemy and boss encounter is pants on head retarded and we put together a thousand hours of cutscenes for some shitty, predictable dialogue written by a twelve year old
>Oh you want it to be strategic? No problem my dude, here's Hard Mode, that'll turn the first thirty hours into RNG until you're finally allowed to build a character's skillset and play the game
It doesn't matter which side of the wall you fall on with this shit. They're different breeds of cancer, but cancer all the same.
Persona is it's own disease, but it's still relatively benign for now. P5 inched a little closer to faggotry, though. Like it's apparent they've run out of ideas, despite the development time between 4 and 5.
>Honey bee Inn are trans and homophobic
>Tifa is over-sexualized
>cloud is a stereotype edgy anime guy
>Back in 2015-2016, Tetsuya Nomura confirmed the Cloud cross-dress will be in the game
>This was before Sony went full SJW
I know it's going to be censored now and I have no faith at all that the Honeybee Inn will remain in tact. Fuck Sony
No one will mind that line. But Kotaku and five other "journalist" websites and like twenty tumblrs will suddenly rise up when Cid verbally abuses Shera, and act like the pair inevitably getting together in the future is some sort of rape crime.
>they didn't just do this for the remake
Why? They already had the HD models made.
>This remake could easily have stayed turn based
It could have also been a card game, but it doesn't and shouldn't have to.
The original comment was about being faithful to the original game. A 1 minute teaser showed just how much they are already faithful by showing all the scenes from the original recreated, the iconic enemies being visually identifiable as soon as its shown and keeping the system of how character weapons interact upon hitting something. All of which points to faithful fidelity to the original with evidence.
You really can't give evidence for why the game should have stayed turn based and I know you can't because you would not be running on the knowledge to make the claim. Maybe in a month when we get a new trailer and more confirmed information about how this new system works, but right now you are blowing smoke because you are upset that the game is different in a way that hurts you.
What part are you most excited to see remade? For me its the Golden Saucer.
>A big bulky black man
>Sounds like a big bulky black man
Sony has nothing to do with this game's production and has zero control over what's in it. Furthermore the only thing Sony wants to censor is nudity, and there's no nudity in FFVII. Well unless you count that jenova monster bursting out of the tank in the Mount Nibel flashback.
There'd be nothing inherently wrong with random encounters if the combat was tactical or rewarding.
on a mostly unrelated note,
Are random encounters even random? I'd be willing to bet there's a pattern. Sometimes it's more obvious than other times. Seems like all random encounters are more like what Etrian Odyssey just blatantly tells you out in the open, how there's essentially a countdown, which creates tension with the dungeon crawling because of the level design.
Maybe random encounters are just for creative and mechanically bankrupt faggots?
Don't forget that he's also literally worse than Hitler because he SMOKES! And not only that but he actually uses a lot cigarette to light a stick of dynamite as if it's cool or something. Oh God won't somebody please think of the children!
You all have it wrong. Cloud is your twink, boi pucci every faggot wants to nail. He's also your pre-HRT MtF tranny. Not to mention Barret is your big black cock that's gonna pound everything, including Cloud, backwards and forwards in all the SFM porn.
tried to make her look more white, but there's just something off about her mouth that can't be fixed
Yeah, that's what I was thinking about specifically.
If anything I hope the game and the battle system becomes a huge hit so SE can remake Ehrgeiz
>>people up in arms about Barret
They are? Why? I haven't been online at all today so I must have missed it.
But that is Yuffie?? I've played FF7 literally 2 weeks ago for the first time and found her in some forrest, so my memory is still fresh. Definitely Yuffie and it looks like she's mandatory this time, which I like.
They'll also will whine how Shera is a victim of patriarchal oppression and how Cid guilt trip her into believing it's her fault that Cid's dream ended.
4 years for 1 minute of footage
See Anything would probably be an improvement and I'm sure they learned from XV's combat. XV's combat was fun against multiple enemies, thought. It was the big tough guys it didn't really work for unless you got gud with Armiger.
>I got full faith in Square .
user, I hate to break it to you, but Square doesn't exist anymore.
We have Square Enix now.
Good luck getting anything good from them.
So everything should stay faithful except for the core gameplay. Gotcha. Resident Evil 2 remake should have been a RTS. Gotcha.
You can't fix perfection.
No one is forcing you to buy it, retard.
What the fuck? Everyone told me they gave Tifa small boobs in AC. They don't look small at all.
>it's an "autist tries to "fix" something already good and proudly shows it to Yea Forums" episode
Daily reminder Aerith never liked Cloud. He was just a discount Zack for her.
It was from the time when it was versus XIII.
When they planned to have Stella and have her be an enemy to Noctis. Among all of these things, Ravus was originally planned to have similar power that Noctis has aka same power that Ardyn got instead aka pic-related aka his rival aka his Sephiroth.
However, it changed with XV and he just became Luna's brother that did nothing at all, other than getting killed.
So was those place holder voices for Barret, Cloud and Sephiroth? Because that is clearly not their original VAs. Did they just not want to have the original VAs record for a 1 minute teaser trailer?
Some faggot on twitter tweeted how problematic Barret is. And somehow garners like 8000 likes.
>muh 'cloud you are my arch nemesis for life' shit
seriously. Sephiroth never cared about Cloud AT ALL.
I thought Hulk Hogan destroyed Kotaku? How are they still posting faggotry like that?
>game looks fucking incredible
You mean the cutscenes look incredible. We see about 5 seconds of actual "game" and can't even tell what's going on
They aren't. A few people are mad he sounds like Mr. T, most people expected him to sound like that.
Cid is an asshole who treated Shera like shit, and I'm surprised he doesn't get called out for it more. But that's why people like him, isn't it? He's a mean old asshole.
Those are actually lower res than the remake ones. There's been massive leaps in 3D technology since Advent Children was made.
ResetEra is freaking out because apparently Barret is a white dude now and some other website says he's too stereotypical (according to them he's still black at least).
No, things should change and there should be a certain vision in a remake about what you want to improve, add to and/or change. Its clear that they want to revamp the core gameplay and that is not a bad thing. Fucking shocking right?
Video quality is slightly better here
It's been several years since the 2015 trailers, and over a decade since Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core. Odds are they just got recasted altogether.
I was super excited after seeing the new trailer yesterday.
And then I read pic related a few minutes ago and all my excitement died.
>the Honeybee Inn
They will probably just cover the main parts in each episode and the most controversial ones will be left out for budget reasons.
This is going to be a game for the new players as well. Don't even think of SquareEnix(((Disney))) to be able to emotionally hurt or micro-agress the young generations.
>that image
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I'll never not be mad!!!
It literally says
>more to come in June
you fucking Hurensohn, as we say in Germany.
Weapons being activated
Gold Saucer/Prison
Shinra Mansion
Temple of the Ancients
I'm not too worried, my standards for video games aren't really as high as when I was a teenager. I mean, at the end of the day I even enjoyed my time with FFXV.
I think he did after Cloud btfo him twice.
Its a retcon to say he would to a significant degree in VII itself, but seeing as that's all his characterization has been in everything else I could see why they'd want to start it early in the Remake. Cloud did fuck him up good, so it isn't like he has no reason during the events of VII. And it sure seems like he enjoys fucking with Cloud in VII, even if it isn't hatred/rivalry.
I'm assuming these fans didn't actually play FF7 because his voice sounds like how he talked in the original but with less cursing.
After how much a mess FFXV and KH3 were, I still have concerns that Square will fuck this up somehow.
>not their original VAs
But that makes no sense to recast Cloud and Sephiroth. Especially since they are the official voices of the characters. Hell, Steve Burton is the ONLY English speaking voice for Cloud since 2002
I hate that you're most likely 99% correct. Fuck this gay Earth.
That image hurts. A LOT!
This, basically. Also:
>thinking AI partners in action combat will ever be anything but useless at best.
SE has never been good at this. The best I can think of is Ys, and they're only acceptable because when they're standing around not doing anything, they at least are usually good at avoiding any damage. In just about everything else, they stand around not doing anything and die constantly.
This. Replying for all the zoomers to see. Aeris liked Cloud because Cloud was brainwashed into thinking he IS Zack. Cloud isn't SOLDIER 1st class, he's just a reject that signed up for the mako Gene therapy bullshit. Aeris is also canonically a slut, and Tifa is a virgin femcel that just wants her childhood oneitis (Cloud) to notice her.
>Its clear that they want to revamp the core gameplay and that is not a bad thing. Fucking shocking right?
>not a bad thing
Your opinion is garbage. It is a bad thing and plenty of old fans are going to be pissed. People like you are the reason why companies like Blizzard cranks out shit like Diablo 3 and Diablo mobile or why Square regularly churns out turds.
It looks like like the jaw is almost going to fall to the ground tearing down the skin with it.
I tried to fix the man jaw in a quick shop yesterday.
I don't care about the garbage spin offs. Sephiroth doesn't give one bit of a shit about Cloud. The "Sephiroth" you follow throughout the game isn't even Sephiroth.
It's not though. That is clearly not Steve Burton or George Newbern as Cloud and Sephiroth
hahahahha what the fuck
Is Steve Burton part of the union VA strikes from a couple years ago?
She looks like that subhuman from the young turk, whatever her name that thinks she's better than you.
coworker just invited me to this. is it worth it if im just interested in the trailer?
Makes sense, Advent Children is gonna be in Episode 3 i bet
it looks like Ravus or Stella (one of them channeling from the other) would have been Lindzei l'Cie while Noct is a Pulse l'Cie
>thinking AI partners in action combat will ever be anything but useless at best.
Devs actually can make AI partners smart, the consequence is they will effortlessly beat the game for you while you do nothing.
Zoomers would love it. The genre itself of action rpg with party members is flawed, it doesn't work.
>a game I literally skipped an entire year of high school to play obsessively
I'm interested to hear more about this. Did you just replay it over and over? How did you even get away with doing this?
My point was that there were no original voices, you goddamn retard. Apart from the choir during the final boss fight, there was not a single voice to be heard.
Fuck you, millennial piece of shit.
technically she did got the cloud D
Advent Children isn't a spinoff, it's a direct sequel.
XV had references to most of the games, but it had far, far more references to VI than VII.
sephiroth is a jew
or it's the other way around, since the Lindzei plan is to massacre as many people as possible
>It could have also been a card game, but it doesn't and shouldn't have to.
Not sure what your point is. Yes it can be anything, I've acknowledged that, I'm allowed to state that I would have preferred it stayed turn based, because that's what Final Fantasy VII is to me, not FF XV.
>The original comment was about being faithful to the original game. A 1 minute teaser showed just how much they are already faithful by showing all the scenes from the original recreated, the iconic enemies being visually identifiable as soon as its shown and keeping the system of how character weapons interact upon hitting something. All of which points to faithful fidelity to the original with evidence.
All this is great, and no one is claiming it is bad. It could have been more faithful by keeping it's core gameplay, the entire point of the fucking game, intact. But it didn't, it's now entirely different.
I don't really need "evidence" It's just my opinion, it doesn't really go beyond that. I prefer FF VII to be turn based, I would have liked if it stayed that way. If you just want everyone to roll over and accept everything you are on the wrong website.
>you are upset that the game is different
Neat, you might finally be starting to understand something
>Cid is an asshole who treated Shera like shit
Yes, so?
>I'm surprised he doesn't get called out for it more
>But that's why people like him, isn't it? He's a mean old asshole.
No you fucking donut. People don't like him because he's mean. It's because in his own arc he has his own personal story. He's mean to Shera. He knows it. Acknowledges it and tried to be better by the end of his arc. I don't know about you, but don't you think that this is a good way to teach kids to not harm women? You can't write a character that teaches people to not harm women by just creating a character that preaches it. That's just terrible character writing.
This this voice in the end...
...sounds like this to you:
Its been confirmed that Cloud is Steve Burton and Barrett is Beau Billingslea. Dont know about Sephiroth.
Its always a good time seeing a vocal minority thinking they are a majority. Or just simply thinking more people than they think agree with them and get on this soap box of superiority.
Its confirmation that they live inside of an echochamber and don't make an effort to be exposed to different people in their lives. That or they are just underage
>Advent Children
Kill yourself.
AI characters worked fucking fantastically in FFXII.
Replayed earlier this year
>that scene where you fight Palmer in Cid's backyard, and he runs off and gets hit by a truck
>in Cid's backyard
>with Rufus and Cid talking like 20 meters away on the other side of the house
FF7 has some weird shit in it
Yeah, why be mad that they're going to take one of the greatest RPGs from the 90s--which many people have childhood nostalgia for--and turn it into some shitty action RPG clickfest that Zoomers will pick up and put down within a day or two. I have no idea, user.
>Devs actually can make AI partners smart, the consequence is they will effortlessly beat the game for you while you do nothing.
Exactly. There's one fight in KH3 where your party members AI is cranked up to 11 and pretty much solos the boss for you. There has to be a trade off for AI partners or else you'd get that all the time.
I am more excited over barrett than anything else in the remake. Final fantasy gets to have a real nigga and not some cornball brother like the one in xiii
I do not agree with you. Whenever anyone talks about Cid, it's about him being a mean old man compared to the rest of the cast. I've never heard anyone except for you praise how his character arc made him a better person. And several of my friends said he was their favorite character, this is a conversation I've had before. That's why I made the assertion.
It's Sephiroth's voice speaking through the Jenova puppet though. Of course he gives a shit about the guy who almost killed him. He even machinates an entire mind breaking scheme to get his revenge.
>My point was that there were no original voices, you goddamn retard. Apart from the choir during the final boss fight, there was not a single voice to be heard.
Holy fuck you dumb fuck we have had a original voice for Cloud since 2002 you dumbass. Steve Burton retard
>Its always a good time seeing a vocal minority thinking they are a majority. Or just simply thinking more people than they think agree with them and get on this soap box of superiority.
So you're the type of person that believes Fortnite is one of the GOAT because it's the most popular? Top lel.
FF7 is like a 90's manga or anime in game format. Plenty of serious subject matter and dark psychological shit, high body count and extreme stakes, and then the cast dress up as sailors and Red XIII does the hokey-pokey while Jenova genocides everyone below deck.
>believes he comes from the chosen people from ancient times
>he actually is controlled by a manipulative extraterrestrial entity
>genocides entire towns
>waaaaah why won't this capitalist, corporate product stay pure like in my childhood memories waaaaaah
It's definitely still them, they're just directed better now.
It's the first time George become his VA, sadly. Which is why I used it.
>that Tifa vs Scarlet slap fight
I've never understood people like you who hear a game is being remade, but you want the exact same game repackaged and sold to you. You want nothing changed, or revamped or reimagined because any change is sacrilege and disrespectful to your precious fandom.
Guess what? The original FFVII still exists, and you can play it, right this second, on nearly any platform. If you play on PC there are even mods to make it look fantastic. So go play it.
Why did they have to make Cloud look more chink like?
>the absolute state of Yea Forums
Before, during or after the events of ff7? I doubt before, perhaps during near the end after the events of the midgar attack, and after is questionable. In any case, cloud is the biggest idiot in the world for not marrying her off asap
>sounding anything like George Newbern
Get your fucking ears checked.
The Resident Evil 2 remake was great because it stuck to the original formula but modernized it. Fuck off, Zoomer.
You will always have your old game and stop strawmanning people because you are upset. Write a blog.
You need to see everything the game has to offer? It's a remake, it's coming out, what more do you want
Can we shoot everyone that uses some sort of "-oomer" unironically?
I look forward to the scarlet vs Tifa slapfight QTE, post gas chamber escape in 4k
>Tifa could easily Final Heaven Scarlett to death
>willingly chooses to slap her bitch ass to the pavement
>u don't have blind fanboyism gramps. go write blog XD
>original voice
You niggers don't even play the game and yet you vomit your worthless opinions into the world.
>not marrying her off
There was no priest in the church. Midgar's puppet major was not an option.
>that forehead
>that nose
>those lips
Yup. Sephiroth is too white. Can't wait to see how will SE Chink him in June as well.
>"send them to the gas chamber- I mean execution room, can't use gas chambers in 2027"
>that is not a bad thing
It is though, action rpgs suck, and SE sucks at them. See FF XV for details. They should stick to what they are actually good at
No, actually the name Sephiroth literally comes from judaism.
t. 7_oomer
Apparently there's a rumour going on that these voice actors are just templates for the trailer. They're planning on getting the original voice actors for the final release and this is just Enix saving money.
Sounds a bit fishy, though and would imply that the game is nowhere near finished yet.
You're making an equivalency that makes no sense. There's no connection between pointing out a vocal minority and thinking fortnite is even good. Its simply making a statement about what most people want or what people like, its totally aside or contrary to the discussion about what is even good in any kind of substantial conversation
You realize he has a vocal range?
Sephiroth is only character for who Asian treatment would make sense since he's meant to be hafu.
Time to celebrate. What FF7 doujin should I fap to?
Advent Children is poorly executed and a bad movie, but it really isn't the black stain on the series some people treat it as. With supplemental material (the On The Way to A Smile novellas and OVA, extra material from ACC, and arguably some context from Crisis Core) it at least makes sense and stops being fucking embarrassing.
I hated it when he came out, but now that I feel like I understand what they were going for it feels like more of a well intentioned mess.
Its looks too weeb and anime compared to the PS1 version. I hate weeb anime shit but loved FF7 on PS1
Fuck off. Post source or don't post at all.
>original voice actors
We've been over this already. FFVII had no voice actors, and you basing your perception of FFVII on Advent Children shows you're a tasteless, underage faggot who should be ignored.
>You're making an equivalency that makes no sense. There's no connection between pointing out a vocal minority and thinking fortnite is even good.
A vocal minority of gamers believe Fortnite is objectively shit. However, it's the most popular game in the world with many Zoomers claiming it's the GOAT. It makes perfect sense.
The aeris prostitute one, that's not even a question
This one. The only good doujins are happy sex between canon couples.
>It is though, action rpgs suck, and SE sucks at them. See FF XV for details.
to be fair, that was all Tabata's afault
He is half-Asian desu. So...
wasn't even aware this was happening
thanks user
Final Fantasy 7 is the only good Final Fantasy game.
quick rundown?
I think it's so fucking bizarre these days where if you say you love FFVII or if it's one of your favorite games, you have to defend yourself after.
>Sounds a bit fishy, though and would imply that the game is nowhere near finished yet.
Actually English dubbing is one of the last things done. It makes sense to get stand in VAs for a literal 1 minute throwaway trailer.
Damn Tifa looking cute as fuck
>what is reading
Thats was my point retard.
I recognize Aerith's theme, but what was that other music used in the trailer? I don't remember it from the FFVII OST.
Also, do Cloud and Barrett have new voice actors? That definitely wasn't Steve Burton or Beau Billingslea
Luna's death was more effective, the game got really dark (literally) after it
While in FF7, they went snowboarding, lol fuck that Aeris bitch
Holy shit you are a retarded autist . Cloud has had a voice BEFORE Advent Children. Steve Burton is Cloud's original voice. Fucking retard
Pretty much replayed it over and over, it was the first JRPG I'd ever played and something about it just hooked me big time, the music, the atmosphere, just how different it was to the braindead shooters and platformers i'd liked up to that point. I didn't have a strategy guide or internet at the time so each play through I'd keep finding new shit and understand the story better (it was a bit wtf for a 13yr old). I got away with skipping school due to single mother parent who had no authority over me, and by fleeing out my window and hiding under an old rowing boat at the bottom of my garden whenever social services called lol
they have sex before they go to the crater, when they are alone
did you play the game or what?
>Also, do Cloud and Barrett have new voice actors?
hold on, there is an English version of the trailer? The one a friend linked me yesterday was the Japanese dub
I likes this artist doujin where a guy shaves Tifa's pubic and anal hair then pees in her butt
>Asian man will look Asian instead of WHITE
And that would be a bad thing, how?
The hell are you on about, faggot? I know the original didn't have voice actors because it wasn't voiced at all. The original voice actors are the ones that first gave voice to the characters, you fucking ingrate.
Find a strawman that actually is worth my time.
A 90's Cyberpunk animu'd been gnarly
Tifa W Cup?
They are the same voice actors. People told you that in the other thread.
generic trailer action music
>Tifa W Cup
That's the one
That's a very bad thing. Nobody wants to be Asian, not even an actual Asian.
the other wasnt a ff7 track, maybe its a new one
it wasnt bad but i would love to hear bombing mission again
Yeah just like how we're getting a remake of Ocarina of Time right?
which is why it will always be better than this remake
>Luna's death was more effective
Maybe if she was an actual character it would have been. Muh Noctis does not a character make.
It even has unique lip synching for the English audio.
Aeris, Honey Bee Inn doujin. Tifa, the EroTifa Series. Haven't found a decent one with Yuffie.
>The only thing to modernise and change is the gameplay
>New sidequests, monsters, system changes while keeping the same overall gameplay-style, etc.
>Nope, gotta turn it into a completely new genre cuz KH kiddies struggle to pay attention otherwise.
Even if I were to agree with you that the gameplay needed to be changed, they still chose the worst way to go about it. XV combat was shit. Crisis core combat was boring. If they're gonna turn it into a DMC-wannabee, then make it into a DMC-wannabee, i.e have good action-based combat.
Not him, but my first FF game was six. However, I still love FF7 and I really don't want them to turn it into a mindless action RPG. Why is this such a controversial opinion? For fuck's sake.
>all these turn based babbys
So don't buy it you then whiny morons
I wasn't in the "other" thread. Link pls
You have to defend saying you enjoy literally any game, let alone calling a game an all time great
oh yeah, my second doujin ever, First was Erotifa.
Check Mimonel's ones, they're pretty cute desu
>they have sex
No they don't. They just cuddle. If you genuinely think they did have sex, then you're retarded.
there was an anime that was released as part of the complication, the last order:
Just tell me its not episodic anymore, please
Judging by the sales of other turn based games I'd say they don't buy them at all.
I like action RPGs but FF7 shouldn't be turned into one.
Yes, I know, Denzel also got an OVA.
But I'm just saying in the nineties.
At least Madhouse got the cyberpunk feel of the game, so I don't complain (I only complain about the fucked up Buster sword)
It is still multiple games, if that's what you are asking. My money is on 3.
>Judging by the sales of other turn based games I'd say they don't buy them at all.
So Pokemon is a poor seller now?
>people play pokemon because it has turn based combat
>not because of the mon collecting
Sure thing turn based tard.
>moving goalposts
Based retard.
They better not cut Hojo getting a tan in Costa del Sol
I'd rather they not make it even more of a rehash than it already is. I already played the original many times. Not saying I have faith in them to make this good, but at least it's a different take
clean it up janny
I can concede that it's possible at that point, like I stated before, but it's more up to interpretation, and was far from confirmed in game. I'm happy that you learned how to read English from playing ff7 but do try to respond like you're not an ESLkun in the future.
>Let's be honest Yea Forums this trailer looks fucking incredible
Nobody buys Pokemon for the turn based combat.
It's gonna be
>mash square until limit break, then mash triangle
Feels bad man, I bet they remove half the materia too.
Party based system is simply not suited for action based combat in any way. This I can concede. Unless they go multiplayer.
I know exactly who Sephiroth's voice actor is. I recognized the voice immediately. It's the guy who voiced Cid Raines in FFXIII.
Latest trailer Cloud sounds a lot like Noctis for some reason.
>argument was about alleged poor sales of turn based games
>Bring up Pokemon which has huge sales and is turn based
>"b-b--but turn based SUX"
Based tard.
He actually doesn't look too far off the old concept art here, but needs slightly bigger eyes and squared off face a bit. Not terrible, and thankfully not Advent Children.
He sounds nothing like Ray. Considering he said a whole four words it's hard to get a good read on who it is. Best to wait for full trailer.
Yes, it's flawed and generally doesn't work. That's the point. They're changing the formula from something that works and has a great potential for depth, and turning it into the garbage horseshit that was FFXV.
If there's anything I hope they change in the remake, it's to add the ability to save here and biggs/wedge
Could you sound any more like a shill? Holy fuck
But he sounds exactly like how the english dialogue was written in the original, and stereotypical based black dude.
It was him m8.
The only reason he sounds a little different is because it's been like 15 years since he last voiced Barret IIRC
He's right though. No other turn-based JRPGs sell worth a shit. People don't play Pokemon for the combat. They play it for the autistic collecting.
Kingdom Hearts has always worked perfectly with party members. The FF7 remake is clearly based on Kingdom Hearts combat (rather than the dysfunctional FF15 combat), with the added bonus of swapping your player character at any time. It's going to be good.
Was not a fan of the generic action music, real surprising they didn't throw in an actual FF7 tune to start things off. They could have even used something heavier from AC if they needed.
Looks more like Type 0
We got one on 3DS, the fuck are you talking about?
Once again the brainlet wojak poster is the brainlet.
>Kingdom Hearts has always worked perfectly with party members.
The only time party members worked worth a damn was in KH3. The rest of the series, they were wildly incompetent, suicidal, blew through their skills/magic unless you babysat their ability lists, and were often useful only for specific limits or the like attached to them.
>and one-winged angel reference with Ardyn's design.
And then he was literally nothing like Sephiroth and a copy of Kefka + Jesus. SE are batshit crazy.
>So it's the worst of both worlds. Real time action but everything is on a cooldown.
This CAN work, like in Xenoblade (especially 2), but I have no faith in them anymore.
>couldn't afford to fuck this up
By splitting the game into 3 sections, adding fanfic tier new dialogue (hurr we needs maor Sephi earlier on), and focusing on cinematic shit instead of good gameplay, they already did.
Meanwhile, the cancelled PS2 version from early 2000's would have been infinitely better. Sure hype for this version, but you'll be spending nearly $200 to experience it and you'll be ancient. Meanwhile I can play FFVII any time I want, get the full story, and move to something better.
Kill yourself remake fags.
See this .
That's because Ardyn was shoehorned into a role that wasn't even his.
>muh 'cloud you are my arch nemesis for life' shit
This is what I don't get, in the original Cloud was literally nothing but a little runt that managed to bullshit his way to a "status" and hurt Sephiroth out of pure luck. This was part of the appeal of the character, not the typical destined to be the chosen one fucking garbage.
>getting married
No, I think the idiot is you
And Sazh always talks about his son.
Fang always worries about Vanille.
Snow only gives a shit about Serah.
Noel doesn't even care about Lightning.
as long as they don't fuck up the combat like they did in ff15 it'll be amazing. i want this game to be good so badly.
You could heavily customize their AI in each game. Not the game's fault if you were too retarded to do so.
They did weak damage, but that's as it should be. They died often, but they also auto-revived after a while so you didn't have to worry about healing them. They were never in the way, they healed you when they could (and notified you before doing it so you didn't waste your own heals), but were limited on MP and potions so you couldn't rely on them overmuch. It was all well designed. And in FF7 it will be even better since you can take control over them.
The claim was that turn based games don't sell. I brought up a turn based series that does sell which makes the statement that "turn based games don't sell" objectively incorrect. Anything else is moving the goalpost. Stop being retards. If Pokemon was turned into a RTS but still had collecting no would would play it.
Reading about Versus XIII stuff makes me sad, even though I still enjoyed a lot of XV and liked Ardyn. What could have been though..
you sound like a total retard
Yes its so fucking bizarre that people expect you to be able to articulate why you gobble the cock of something and love it with all your heart. Especially on a forum meant for discussion. how bizarre!
Alas user that's most likely all it will be, all we can do is pretend it doesn't exist or try and enjoy it for what it is. Personally I'm trying to view it as just a trip down memory lane and hold no high hopes for it after the shitfest that was FFXV. All I'm hoping is they don't tarnish the memory of the original too much.
This was the first thing I noticed. I like it. Huge deal if they're prioritizing the english dub syncing
Cloud is an Asian man. I know this may anger you fragile white bois, but it's true.
Remember: You're playing an Asian game.
better than all the people who promote relatively obscure shit nobody has played as being crowning jewels of the genre to avoid having to defend their opinions.
Why are the graphics so bad? I can hardly even tell what I'm looking at.
fucking idiot
>Kingdom Hearts has always worked perfectly with party members.
It did? I never even knew my party members were present in the KH games except for in KHIII and that's only because they wouldn't shut up.
it's pretty obvious cloud is some sort of white/asian hybrid like Tifa, while Barret is black, Turks are White (ironically) so is Cid & Yuffie is Chinese/Japanese
>necklace slips between cleavage
what a sloot
tHis miGht bE a GoOd sPot To fInD soME InGReDiEnTs
New Cloud looks great fuck off
All the ones on the right are better hands down
Bahamut is gonna have to step up his game after Donald's performance in KH3.
Comparison is meant to show that ones on the right resembled one on the left.
>Cloud and Aries - Adevent Children
>Sephiroth's side profile - CGI from Dissdia NT
It is FFVII music. It's a remake of this track:
Sephiroth is jewish.
>the planet is ours
>we deserve to rule over it
>we are gods compared to everyone else
Yep, checks out.
Sorry to ruin your Jew meme, but Lucrecia was no Jew and Hojo is as Asian as he comes.
>Like how they attempted to recreate Aries' tragedy with Luna
Nope. Luna's death is a reference to romanticism. It's why she's associated with the blue flower motif.
>Sephiroth is jewish.
This explains everything
You forgot her. She's in his DNA way more than his biological parents are.
I would also say that the top brass at SE are to blame as well.
Keep /pol/ out of Yea Forums, thanks
The name Sephiroth literally comes from hasidic judaism.
"Sephirot" is the hebrew word for "books", yes. That's where the jewishness ends. I guess by your logic, Cloud is american because his name is in english.
Your point? His actual parents weren't of Jewish ancestry, no hard how hard you're trying to force this meme.
Sephiroth comes from Sephirot which is from the Kabbalah.
Sephiroth and Jenova have something to do with the Qliphoth as well
Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart don't sound German either, even though they come from not-Germany.
It comes from Kabbalah, goy. Kabbalah predates Hassids by centuries, as does Sefirot.
Are you two retarded, or are you two same person?
His point was that your meme is retarded because he in reality isn't a Jew, because none of his ACTUAL parents were Jew. One was white chick with Italian name and second one was fantasy Asian man. If anything, he's hafu.
Sephiroth is the collective name of all the aspects of God (Sephira) together. Also called the Tree of Life. From Gnosticism, I think it's still referenced in ultra orthodox Judaism
FF7 was suppose to be in new york originally, Tiffany Lockhart sounds like a white girl name & Cloud Strife a really generic 90's action hero name, it fits
Yeah, that doesn't make the character Jewish. I have a Christian name but I'm not Christian.
Mate I think you're the retarded one
Native American, actually.
Then I'm sorry user but you're going to hell
It's another episode of "Yea Forums is obsessed with Jews and is trying to force Jew memes everywhere"
He was based off of Mr. T
fuck all yall
doctah dre
I'm not the one that is getting called out for his retardation and failed attempt at trying to force retarded meme here.
The only time a Square game is good ever since the start of the PS3/360 generation is when it's a small project that they don't expect much out of, so upper management leaves it alone.
Doesn't Kabbalah basically teach that what most people know of Abrahamic religion is BS because the holy books are encoded, so most people's understand is just the gibberish "code" these books are written in, their true meaning is much deeper?
Whoa Yuffie, Tifa, Marlene, and Vincent have the exact same face.
Literally nothing is worse than ATB. The closer it gets to action or turn based the better it will be, and it sure as hell isn't ever going to be the latter so they might as well focus on the former.
If anyone is retarded here it's you.
Hojo is Romanian and Lucrecia is Jewish. Squaresoft said this in the FFVII Ultimania guide over 20 years ago.
Kabbalah is complex, and traditionally considered so dangerous you have to be both over a certain age and married to study it without going insane. I'm a wizard so I've never gone much beyond what each aspect of the Sefirot stands for. It isn't mainstream at all, my rabbi doesn't know shit about it.
That said I doubt it would say traditional interpretation of religion is wrong, just that it's missing the real truth (maybe that's semantics, though)
I will be dead before then.
I don't hate, but I already played it in the original, I want something new for the remake