Happy weekend bros, whatcha playing?
Picking up anything in the (EU) sales?
Happy weekend bros, whatcha playing?
Picking up anything in the (EU) sales?
There are sales?
Smash with a friend
Not buying anything because I have all of the games for free thanks to the paper clip
No online though, right?
shut down internet on the console completely for safety measures
playing smash with a friends in my room
Trying to decide what to buy at the game store in like 30 minutes.
Want to buy either 1 or 2 physical and 1 or 2 digital.
Kinda have my heart set on katana zero being one of them but im open to change, in a different thread some guys were highly recommending dragons dogma and LA noire (which i have played some of before but not a ton on xbox 360)
I want a variety, some comfy, some challenging, a walking simulator would be nice especially a cell shaded one. i wish animal crossing was out already ;_;
all the time on the eshop my man. DSremastered had been 30% off for the last like 14 days (but i want that physical so had to pass)
bumpin for comfy
What do you already have bro? I hope you have Box Boy
the only games i have are
>va-11 ha11a
whats box boy?
Still playing my 3DS as I’ve been bored with the games Nintendo has been offering with the system and the lack of a virtual console is absolutely ridiculous
>ive been bored
what have you been playing?
Still octopath. Thinking of buying katana zero. Since I’ll be in hospital a while, I bought a paper clip jig since I have an xaw4 switch that can be hacked.
Is there a moonlight/steam link equivalent for switch?
I unironically bought Nintendo Labo for Easter and it's been fun
but I'm waiting for the new Animal Crossing/Zelda remake while still playing BotW
Maybe I'll buy Dragon's Dogma
Working on making a game for switch now. Something by a fairly respected developer here.
Week and a half into May and I've already hit 50 hours of overtime. I want to die.
there's too much positivity in this thread
hey i recognize you from last night
You're the guy who got staph or strep or some shit through a cut in his foot, right?
Side note: anyone would know why I get File not found when trying to expan images? Rest of browsing works.
After I beat botw, Mario oddesy, katamari demacy and kirby star allies. Too much indie shovelware on the eshop. I’m currently playing MM3D on the 3DS
Correct, that’s me.
Anyone got steamworld quest?
server problems or connection issues. probably the former, usually clears up fairly quick. also refreshing the page or going back to catalog and reopening the thread works when this happens to me on mobile at work.
Bayonetta 1+2 (action)
DKC Tropical Freeze (platformer)
Box Boy + Box Girl (puzzle platformer)
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (action platformer)
Picross S (puzzle)
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (racing)
Hyrule Warriors DE (Musou)
playing Tales of Vesperia
Any 3ds bros left around?
I dont know when I will switch to the Switch
3ds has simply too many games and I already played BotW on my PC
have you played dragons dogma yet? looks bretty gud and its only like 25 bucks out at the store im going to get it later.
i assume thats mario maker 3D? awesome game, haven't used my 3ds in a while but ill need to get back during a switch break to play that and finally finish SMT IV apocalypse
nigga he is talking about Majora Mask 3D
I’m here. Just beat Samus returns, a shit ton of Layton’s, donkey Kong returns, Mario 3D land, a link between worlds, the bravely games and 2 of the FE games.
I just bought Dead Cells. Definitely the best randomized action RPG with progressive unlockables that I've ever played.
What did you do to get it on your pc? Was it an emulator- if so what was it?
>come to switch thread
>dude why are y'all playing switch :_;
I still play 3ds occasionally but you should really just take the plunge user. Unless you are bidding your time waiting to see if they anounce some kind of new model at e3
just between smash, arms, splatoon, oddessy, octopath, and xenoblade theres more then enough reason to get one
and i kinda regret waiting 2 years to do so myself
Octopath is on PC.
Dude, buying one at launch was pure pain for 2 years. The best jump on point was probably sploon or mario but even then it was pretty dry. Enjoy your backlog of gems the rest of us had to pull from the shit. Golf story was the high point for months.
so he doesn't need a Switch to play it.
Why should I buy one when I already have a lot of the games to play on the 3ds?
its not like all the switches are going to be sold out lol
they will probably announce new model or at least a price cut + even more games when I will buy one
Boxboy + Boxgirl is a puzzle platformwr game and a very very light VN
Very video gamey though it has some really fucked up diffculty spikes
Overall I got my money’s worth
Try that Linux thing I believe that will work
Labor is strangely a lot of fun
Mainly feels like poorfag Legos with a goal
well i guess maybe it was good that I waited then. But i missed being present for alot of the conversation around new releases like botw, smash, etc. as people were still figuring things out.
Thats cool and all but I want to be where the action is so to speak when moving forward, and there is more then enough of a backlog to justify a purchase now.
>although we are technically in another minor drought
ok. what about the other 5 games i mentioned?
Who's looking forward to new Luigi's Mansion 3 news at E3?
Bruh just have both.
Don’t be a faggot
Nobody because it won't be better than the first game.
I won't lie, I play most of Nintendo games with my family, especially my mom.
the fishing game is her favourite, it's kinda fun too
we played all the Zelda games together since OoT and we're waiting for Link's Awakening
Honestly as My Splatoon and MHGU machine I’ve gotten my money worth
I can respect waiting for a price cut so more power to you lad. I used to be a bit on the broke side too, and that 35 buckos for a brand new 3ds game is much nicer then the 60 for ps4 or switch or xbone
Unless you have a hacked 3ds, thats even better
I unironically want a Wii sports port or Switch sports
My mom absolutely loved playing with me and even though I’m out of the house every time I come home we fire up the Wii and play Tennis then bowling
I am. But what a really want is animal crossing news, and deep down inside my heart of hearts
anything at all about smtVs progress
I have both and I’ve still been playing my 3DS more. I would wait for a new hardware release of the switch
Don't get me wrong, being there from the beginning was hype as all fuck. Riding launches was crazy fun and I don't regret it for a second. But if you waited you were rewarded. The first 6 months were shit.
damn son that 3ds grip looks mega comfy
and i like the switch color combination
>wii sport tennis
yeah those were the good times
shakedown hawaii, its breddy gud
The first game was nothing more than a shitty tech demo though. Take off the nostalgia glasses
Nobody liked Dark Moon user...
Still waiting for the supposed physical release on dueling legacy. If a date ever comes up
Nothing, there's nothing to play on Switch.
A lil'bit of Cuphead, but the game is not relaxing, it feels like work playing it at times.
>angry soinygro enters the thread
lmao shouldn't you be off playing games right no-
oh, my bad I forgot
Playing Picross S3 for the last few days and I'm fucking done. I finished regular and clip picross without a single hint/help, but I fucking suck at color and mega picross.
I'm probably starting The Lost Child soon.
The game mentioned above was on sale recently, which is when I bought it. But speaking of current sale... I grabbed Castle of Heart, DragonFang Z and Realpolitiks, and I'll probably get all 3 SteamWorld games (Dig, Dig 2 and Heist) and Tangledeep.
Anyone tried Puyo Puyo Champions? It looks fun but I haven't played Puyo in years.
So ports of decade old steam games and atari games and loads of ports?
Why do you care?
would anyone like to play final fantasy: crystal chronicles with me when it comes out
Bought fast rmx with the sale and some gold coins for €11. Fun game
right here big guy
all fucking day long
>ignore prompt that my battery is low
>died and I just lost 25 minutes of progress from being retarded and lazy
brb gotta kill myself real quick
>Only 25 minutes lost
Lol Zoomers
bagged mk11 now physical finally dropped. first impressions: gameplay: feels like mortal kombat (haven't played any since UMK3 days). had 6 matches against 1 guy lost 3 won 3. I was cage he was skarlett. Netcode surprisingly solid. no issues. graphics: as expected. some old skool sega-saturn esque "transparency" (mesh) on hair. quite low res.
Eats battery. Will get in lab tomorrow for sure. the matches I won was purely on reflexes and old-skool zoning, mix-ups, fakes. and a bit of luck.
sweeps and uppercuts feel exactly the same as they used to.
I was trying to force myself to finish Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but then Mahjong Soul happened and now I keep playing Mahjong instead of touching my Switch.
Legacy of the Duelist.
I stole Kaiba's Blue Eyes and the game crashed.
Puzzle game recommendations?
I got my revenge though. In the next duel I beat him the same sort of way Yugi did.
Swords of revealing light stall, draw chaining with normal monsters and tribute summoning monsters to search out pieces of Exodia.
I got that sweet Exodia victory and Kaiba couldn't do shit about it except stand there and wait.
>digital sale for Europe
Any hidden gems?
So there's a digital sale on right now.
>Wonder Boy: The Dragons Trap
>Mutant Mudds Collection
>Steamworld Dig 2
Any thoughts on any of these?
search Metropolis Lux if you like match-3 games; and its got free demo. Also you might want to look up Lode Runner, which is a classic; this remake has a fair bit of content.
Swd2 is great. Not tedious in digging, story and gameplay is fun, upgrades make it even more fun
FF7 remake news convinced me to pick up the original on switch since I hadn’t played it before. Is the port bad or is this game just that fucking clunky? The visuals don’t bother me really. The movement through the world is ass, it’s a pain just to turn to face shit to interact with even. I’m ok with turn based combat in general, but targeting stuff is a pain and there is so much lag from animations going off while menuing. Even the cutscenes suck with it sometimes being hard to tell who is speaking to who and dialogue that really isn’t very good.
How the fuck is this garbage so highly regarded? Chrono Trigger came out two years earlier and completely blows it away. The only good thing I can say about this game is the setting and atmosphere are great, but with gameplay this clunky I’m probably dropping it after only three hours. What a massive disappointment.
>Wonder Boy: The Dragons Trap
Only one I've played but it's good. Gameplay is the same as the original but it's aged well and the new visuals are really nice.
Is it worth it at this point to get splatoon 2? Has the ship sailed?
Playing super one more jump and getting assraped. Game is hard but addicting.
Nah, dude. Plenty are still playing Splatoon 2. After all the updates and new free gear the devs put out over 2 years, it has a pretty decent value. It even has an second campaign as DLC that poses an actual challenge.
That game is the perfect example on how to handle an all ages online multiplayer game. Non of the microtransactions and bullshit that totally wrecks games like it today.
I didn't like Wonder Boy or Owlboy. I did play steamworld dig 2 as well. It's a fun game but it's a bit short, main story is 7 hours with no real replayability. So keep that in mind.
Why is Dead Cells so praised?
Any deep, at least semi-active 2D fighting games on this thing? I've sunk a lot of time into Pokken but the 3D phase bothers the shit out of me.
How is the dark souls remaster port? Haven't played ds1 in several years so I might get the switch version to replay it if it's decent
Been playing FFXII and the Tetris 99 DLC. Really looking forward to next week's Tetris event. Even if I don't win a bunch, I'm gonna atleast play until I have enough event points for the theme.
owlboy is like one giant tutorial for each upgrade you aquire, with no challenge or need to reuse them really. Its a shit game like 1hr of gameplay the rest is empty exploration.
It is graphically in line with the original, the other remasters for console and pc suck. However the sound is incredibly compressed and sound canned. Some buttons are also mixed up, causing menu'ing to be a pain.
Other than that it works and plays just fine.
Persona 5
Can't wait for darkwood and RE4 bros, wanting cuphead and katana zero too. The Nintendo switch is such a wholesome console experience, my right joycon started to drift but I have a replacement analogue stick coming so its all good.
Play Baba is You
Puyo champions just came out the other day
Tread lightly. You’re in the wrong neighborhood.
Thinking on buying a Switch tomorrow, how hard is the hacking?
For a retard who can't even google something, probably beyond your abilities.
Waiting for DOOM to finish downloading rn so maybe i'll try that after i beat Wolfenstein The New Order
Dark wood? Been wanting to play that
I am thinking about Celeste — meme or actually good?
>very very light VN
The fuck? There was nothing like that in the demo???
has both games too, looking forward to it
Has anyone played Tangledeep? Thoughts on it?
zelda wind waker and twilight princess bundle when.i want to be a cute doggo and hump minda on the go
I nigger-rigged some $10 VR headset to fit the Switch into so I could try BoTW. I mean, the depth is pretty cool but holy shit is it pixelated. Maybe it'll look a bit better when I fix it up enough so my glasses will fit as well.
Just 100%'d Shakedown Hawaii
FF7 has ALWAYS been a janky ass piece of shit. I never understood the praise for it, was one of those games kinda like the original dq7 that was immediately outdated upon its release.
If its any condolence though the remakes going to be even worse most likely
>right joycon
tbqh i have yet to play a game that requires its use beyond occasionally shifting the camera
are you a big smash guy or something?
Absolutely worth it. I bought it at the end of March and have 110 hours in it so far. It's so goddamn fun and from what I've seen has a lively playerbase, as I've never had an issue getting matched with anyone. The connection issues can be kind of frustrating sometimes but otherwise I can't recommend it enough.
I've got Smash Ultimate, Super Mario Party, Crash NSane Trilogy, Super Mario Odyssey, and Breath of the Wild for Switch
What other games should I get? I was eyeing Splatoon 2 but I don't have Switch Online
Don't get Splatoon if you are not playing online.
If you didn;t play it in the Wii U, DK Tropical Freeze is one of the best games Nintendo has ever made.
yeah I wanna get Switch online soon but I wanna wait until I get a job and some kind of income
is Splatoon 2 online still active?
I have a terrible habit of not finishing games, but lately I've been playing Dragon's Dogma
Playing through FFIX and its max comfy.
Using the cheats sometimes cause I can't be bothered to play it legit with my schedule.
Xenoblade 2
i've never played a Xenoblade game
>want to get Ikaruga
>$10 on Steam
>$10 on Playstation store
>$15 on Switch
I got Katana Zero and Cuphead this week. Been having a great time with both. I was on the fence for Katana Zero for a while cause I kept hearing people say it was short. I just beat it but man, what a ride. I’m replaying levels to get more dialogue options, get more swords and I heard something about a secret boss and different endings. I hope more content gets added to this game.
Don't play Xenocringe 2. Play the previous games. Save yourself from the unironic weeb movie.
It's pretty stand alone.
ten dollars is literally nothing, especially for something that was sold as a full-priced title back on consoles when it originally came out
I'm about to start Va-11 Hall-A. Any tips?
Yeah, ten dollars is a good deal but why do I have to pay fifteen for the exact same game on the eshop?
This game any good? Waifus are a plus, but I don't buy games solely on them.
Makes me hopeful. I’ve been wanting to get katana zero
Is Saturday Morning RPG any good?
TSA recommended it. But, then again, it also recommended YIIK.
Yeah, its still pretty active. It takes about a minute or less to find a match.
Slowly but surely chipping away at Spirits mode. I've had Smash since launch and I'm not even close to beaten it. I'm not in a rush too though so it's always nice to pick it o whenever and knock out a few fighters. The fights where they summon Assist trophies a re a fucking bitch. Fuck you Rayman.
>It's time to jump up in the air
Jump up, don't be scared
Jump up and your cares will soar away