Attached: SE3D.jpg (640x569, 132K)
Weird ports
Camden Thomas
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Jonathan Foster
Elijah Cooper
This port was pretty cool. I got to play MGS3 on High School between classes and the school bus. I later played the port on the PS3
Robert King
Some people did crazy shit on gba hardware
Blake Butler
Noah James
Switch game
William Moore
>tfw i have this
been reluctant to continue playing it
Jordan Bailey
why? does it play like shit or something? or has Yea Forums just memes you so hard youre afraid to play something not on its original console?
Jason Davis
>3D effect is disabled after Snake loses his eye
Pretty cool port desu
Justin Powell
Did anyone even play this?
Sebastian Ramirez
I played the shit out of this one.
The crystal football minigame was GOAT.
Christopher Scott
>would theoretically be the best version for emulation if there were no FPS cap
>citra devs are retarded and this will never be a feature
Anthony Jackson
Easton Carter
Yep. Plays great on 3DS with the circle pad. Literally nothing wrong with it if you like classic RE.
Elijah Jones
Lucas Watson
this is the best version of resident evil.
Chase Reyes
Jason Gray
I think it's the only version with multiplayer.
Elijah Rodriguez
Is this playable on an OC'd Vita? H4xx'd mine a few days ago but I've heard it doesn't save this pos.
That being said, pic related is another weird ass Vita port but a real good one. RIP
Levi Cook
Arguably the best version of the original RE
Daniel Thompson
This came out months after Resident Evil 1 was released.
The original PC version is from 1993.
What were they thinking
Angel Cruz
>high school
Jaxson Peterson
>best version of anything
next you'll tell me the DS version of chrono trigger is the best over the steam version
Landon Morales
What's up with Doom being literally on everything.
Easton Allen
3DS is 8 years old boomer
Joshua Clark
not him but i was in 12th grade the year 3ds came out, i very much played mine during that time
Mason Green
Nigga it’s been 8 years I was a freshman in high school when the 3DS dropped.
I’m 22 now
Landon Allen
The effect of overclocking on the port is negligible.
Xavier Gonzalez
literally the definitive console port of mgs3 on anything that's not an emulator with tons of graphic improvement mods, if played on a new 3ds with the c stick and extra shoulder buttons
Tyler Rivera
Cant post image but DS version of guitar hero (Guitar Hero "On Tour" - you attach a 4 button grip into the GBA slot and hold the thing vertical and it even had a pick shaped stylus for strumming.
Jeremiah Ramirez
Does the ability to crouch walk break the game as much as I think it does?
Samuel Rogers
it's open source
getting Doom to run on something is an exercise for homebrew developers
Julian Lee
You can use VitaGrafix to lower the internal res, combined with lolicon to overclock your Vita to the max you can get something approaching "playable". It'll look like ass but if you're desperate for lootshoot on the go and don't want to wait for Gearbox to release Borderlands on Switch it's the best you're gonna get.
Josiah Turner
nice bait you almost had me goin
Joshua Diaz
reminder someone managed to get half life 1 running on the new 3ds. runs at a stable frame rate, only thing is it has long ass load times
Michael Rogers
Good look I shoulda googled. Thank you user
Another good look, I've got VitaGrafix installed but haven't toyed around with it and didn't even realize lowering res was an option in some outliers such as bl2. Will check it out later and report back if thread stays up (doubt it)
Nathaniel Sullivan
How are citra devs retarded for not being able to remove a hardcoded, engine-based fps cap?
It took them quite a while to perfect the peace walker fps cap removal, and even then, that's still not a perfect job when compared to peace walker hd
Levi Diaz
>new features like OTS aiming and crouch walking absolutely break the game
It's a neat oddity but if you want the best non-emulated console version play the PS3 version and if you want something portable the Vita port is actually really good.
Jaxson Barnes
It is though
>door animation is skipable
>quick knife button
>extra game made that moves items around and adds new puzzles
>no fart trumpets
>can touch Jill's ass and boobs with the stylus
Samuel Sanders
Yes. They over compensated for the lack of a second thumb-stick, and the game is completely busted with a pro-pad or New 3DS
Jason Cook
Vita also has Xash3D port
Kayden Long
isn't xash3d just stolen gold source code though
Luke Jackson
no, that would be the photo camo user. I put a picture of my ex's tits in and it got me +80% camo in almost every area
Ryder Campbell
I'd never recommend playing this as your only playthrough of MGS3 but this is a really neat port. It's basically MGS3 slapped into the Peace Walker engine, 20fps cap and all.
Now that I think about it, I'm surprised that there weren't a lot of PSP games ported to the 3DS. They're roughly similar in power and the 3DS has like the exact control layout. I'd bet ports of stuff like Peace Walker would have done really well.
Elijah Moore
Ultima Underworld ps1 port that was only released in japan. Why do japs love ultima and wizardy so much anyway?
Grayson James
Pretty sure it is written from scratch.
Jaxon Foster
using the camera to make penis camo in this game that gave me an 85% camo index will never not make me look back on and laugh
Tyler Barnes
Was the high camo index because it was too small?
Colton Butler
it was a pedo's who was trying to groom me at the time so yes
Jonathan Johnson
Wow. Had no idea this existed
Gavin Jones
feature was pretty kino, i got it to work with the final form design from kh2 and it looked pretty cool on snake. shame that white camo is useless in mgs3 though
Dylan Murphy
I dunno, but one of the creators of Wizardy is such a weeb that he married a Japanese woman and ran one of earliest anime companies that brought over uncensored anime. They still do stuff through Kickstarter, they just did Gunsmith Cats on BD and are doing Megazone 23 next.
Don't ask him about the Wizardy anime.
Mason Carter
Sonic Gems Collection
Sonic CD is the big selling point. The other games are questionable but decent. But Sonic CD is the only one above average.
Grayson Martin
iirc pretty much the only reason it exists was because people were mad Sonic CD wasn't on Sonic Mega Collection and they needed to pad out another collection to have an excuse to put it on that one
Jose Jenkins
Wtf GBA looks like that? It looks like DS graphics.
This one was surprisingly good too.
Jack Murphy
It is
Xavier Hall
>portable version of 2
Shit dude. I would've bought this if I had known. I loved playing Sigma on my vita.
Henry Barnes
I'm so glad there's a demo of this, otherwise I owuld have sunk twenty bucks into that awful face button-camera control scheme.
Lincoln Phillips
best part is, all the mega collection games are on there anyways with that weird time trial feature. if you had an action replay, you could disable the time limit and just have all the games on a single disc
Bentley Sullivan
I have a big soft spot for Sonic the Fighters even though it's as deep as a puddle
Speaking of which, that got a PSN port with the unfinished character added back in
Jeremiah Brown
this is literally the best version of the original RE
Hudson Morgan
For what it had to deal with, it really was a pretty rad port
Chase Williams
Rebirth Mode was kinda jank but a neat idea, honestly the only problem with this version was the highly-compressed backgrounds. Otherwise it has little improvements like the quick turn and manual reload that would otherwise put it above the original easily.
Elijah Bailey
Why hasn't anyone done FPS hacks for the game for emulators like they did with PSP games? Like peace walker even.
Noah Gray
Vita port is my favorite version of mgs3
Daniel Garcia
Splinter Cell Conviction old Gen being better than old gen
Xavier Martinez
I think you mean Double Agent
Conviction was 7th gen only
Nathaniel Rodriguez
I think people have attempted with MGS3D but haven't had any luck. It's doable but the demand probably isn't there.
Lucas Bell
those models are all pre-rendered
Landon Johnson
Yeah my bad. Meant better than new gen too. Old gen was the same studio as chaos theory I believe. Had a neat co-op mode too.
Jackson Gomez
I present to you Chaos Theory on the 3DS
Xavier Richardson
Noah Nguyen
Landon Powell
>dude just let charge characters spam their specials with a single button press lmao t. capcom
Remember to always post this game back to every Yea Forumsirgin retard who thinks fighting game inputs should be removed.
Joseph Howard
They kept putting these games on PS2 all the way until 2014
The console was declared officially dead in 2013
Isaiah Gutierrez
Who asked for this?
Chase Rogers
Damn grandpa you should be going to bed soon
Evan Gray
Is... It any good ?
Cameron Evans
it's alright
Brody Bell
Chase Mitchell
I need this
Nolan Myers
Sphinx is mad underrated
James Adams
This is actually a pretty cool port though the touch controls makes Guile and Zangief extremely overpowered
Hunter Perry
Chase Green
This is one of my favorite games of all time and I'm glad it's portable
Landon Miller
It's good
Joshua Hill
>super long load times and takes up an entire memory card
>BUT has couch co-op
Feels like a weird precursor to all those Gauntlet: Dark Legacy style games we saw in the PS2 gen
Justin Brooks
REDS is the definitive RE1 experience and more people should play it. I only wish we could've gotten a RE2DS and a RE3DS as well.
Jaxson Garcia
Benjamin Gonzalez
Framerate is utter shit. 20 FPS with constant dips to the single digits.
Brandon Flores
I played that and I remember it being pretty entertaining, but that might've just been me being young.
Kayden Campbell
You're stupid.
William Ward
my nigga
Eli Jenkins
Jayden Johnson
>How could they do thing?
>Literally gives example of how same thing was done for a different game
Benjamin Turner
Don't forget new character models for everyfuckingbody.
Jason Mitchell
I appreciated the collection back when it came out.
It was interesting to have sudden access to a couple of old Sonic spinoffs that were unknown to me at the time.
Isaiah Allen
Logan Miller
>graphing caclulator
small time. if you don't play DOOM on your car you shouldn't be allowed to post here.
Nolan Cruz
Jack Rogers
Here's a real surprise: Tekken did the same thing
Adam Hall
20s are the new teens zoomer. No disrespect though, enjoy your youth.
Ethan Powell
Great port
Jayden Morris
Dope but did you manage to crop it so it looked like Snake had a couple of Big Bosses?
Xavier Johnson
wasn’t it because in Brazil PS3s and PS4s costed like a thousand bucks and releasing FIFA and PES games on the PS2 made a profit in Brazil alone?
Christian Lewis
This isn't a port. The ngage version is the original version.
Chase Powell
>No 60fps patch
I hate that I'm too stupid to figure out how to do this
MGS3D on Citra would be the definitive version of the game if I could raise the framerate
Justin Campbell
Sonic Advance on a system with a vertical screen.
Eli Cruz
Would unironically play a Switch port of this version.
Isaiah Rogers
other game?
Brody Gonzalez
Josiah Rivera
>campaign data technically exists but it's just a bunch of textureless shit left in there
they only released this shit to capitalize on the people that didn't jump to Xbox One, only to spit in their faces anyway
Elijah Cooper
Luis Adams
Landon Robinson
originally campaign was announced for the last gen versions but then Activision went “haha lol no fuck off”
Cameron Lopez
Worked better than it sounded like it would
Eli Price
Daniel Lee
Jackson Wood
Angel Collins
oh shit I remember when they had those cheap Chinese side scrollers at McDonald’s, you know when the battery died you threw it in the trash
it had Sonic, Knuckles, the Monkey Ball Jr one was advertised with images from the GBA game, and I was disappointed it didn’t look like in the pictures
Kinda miss my childhood when this was my biggest problem in life today my biggest problem is chronic depression
Juan Jenkins
Isaac Lee
Caleb Nguyen
found them
Ryan Reed
All ports are weird because they shouldn't even exist in the first place
Robert Morgan
Snake Eater 3D lacks Boss Rush and Snake vs Monkey.
Carson Collins
Jack Cook
You took your PS2 onto the school bus?
Colton Green
had that port
holy fuck the load times were awful
William Price
I have this but I find it hard to play because of the fps drops. I hear that if I hack my N3DS I can force the game to use the extra power and make it run smoother.
Jaxson Russell
I had Shadow
Julian Sullivan
Oh, so that's why gba driv3r was also insane.
Grayson Evans
Only time I had any trouble was fighting The Fury, and the game became a fucking slideshow.
Gavin Reyes
I notice constant frame drops when rotating the camera in big areas.
Justin Evans
You know this Pocket Edition is also on PS4, right?
Brandon Bell
Thanks for the heads up user, i watched a few cutscenes from Snake Eater the other day and have an overwhelming urge to buy the 3DS version.
Noah Edwards
Don't all the other ports not have those either?
I think the MGS4 style gameplay is worth it
Xavier Morales
I t's a shame they rarely use stuff from Wizardry VI onwards on their own Wizardry games, I guess only the original trilogy was popular there.
Michael Russell
I raise you a Chaos Theory on the DS I had it
Juan Torres
>think it's one of those "same name completely different game" deals
>it's actually a real port
wut da fug
Owen Richardson
That was actually a pretty decent port. It had crossplay too.
Easton Cook
>That was actually a pretty decent port.
Ian Barnes
Personally I saved up and bought my 3DS from money from my paper route and by turning in my old DSi at the age of twelve, and I'm 20 now. My childhood with handhelds was weird because I jumped from using my brother's old Gameboy Color to play Pokemon Blue straight to the DSi and playing Pokemon Pearl.
Asher Jenkins
>lower resolution than PS1/Saturn
>lower poly models
Nah son
It's a great port but it's a downgrade visually
Chase Reed
I had the knuckles one
Ethan Taylor
When I was a kid I jumped from playing Sonic 1 and 2 on an old Genesis to playing Adventure 2 on a brand new Gamecube.
Brody Thomas
Seeing PS1 games on DS makes me wish Konami would've ported MGS to DS, seemed very fitting.
Map and inventory on bottom screen, gameplay on top screen, would've capitalized well on Snake's inclusion to Smash Bros. Brawl
Noah Parker
Damn nevermind then, rose-tinted glasses are a helluva drug.
Noah Edwards
there is literally not a single click control arpg that doesn't play better with a controller
Ryan Howard
The models are actually higher poly tho, and the lower resolution barely matters when the backgrounds are super low res to begin with. The additional features like having the map on a second screen more than makes up for it.
Ian Howard
>The models are actually higher poly tho
Is this like that thing where people think Mario 64 DS has higher poly models than the original because it looks more detailed on the smaller screen
Thomas Morales
DS has plenty of weird ports
This was super fun and I remember wrecking shit in MP
Jordan Ross
>so low effort that the graphics are worse than WaW
Jack Lee
The DS CoD games were unironically pretty good for what they were, though they got progressively worse. Compare CoD4 being relatively smooth to MW3's slideshow mess.
Austin Harris
Nowadays it's practically mandatory.
>If electricity runs through then Doom can be played in it
Kayden Morgan
Electricity runs through my DICK, can it play Doom?
Connor Russell
This is what feels like to play Quarantine.
Wyatt Watson
I got Shadow and Monkey Ball.
Bentley Cruz
Christopher Nguyen
Animations and models were definitely cleaned up, and you don't have weirdness like blatant joint shading making limbs stand out. The only real knocks against it are the backgrounds, sound quality and resolution, and emulation can fix the last part.
Adrian Long
Diablo 1 plays much better with a mouse. The pad controls are functional but not great.
Matthew Mitchell
>tfw also have this
Just got past the sorrow (A year ago). Convince me to finish it. Never played mgs3 other than this
Jayden Butler
Probably. Here's a toaster playing it.
Charles Sanders
In truth its not the weirdest port out there, but I geniunely had no idea it existed since I only knew that it released on PC and 360/PS3 under The Orange Box. It runs horribly and I couldn't play it without feeling motion sickness but its incredible that they even got it running at all on Xbox hardware, though probably not as impressive as Deus Ex on PS2 or Morrowind on Xbox with its uncapped framerate.
Caleb Sullivan
MGSV's entire second act is Snake VS Monkey, dude.
Gavin Reed
It's the litmus test for based hardware.
Henry Ross
>brutal doom
Alexander Murphy
absolute worst piece of shit I've ever played
Nolan Gomez
Quake on an oscilloscope.
Hunter Cruz
I had the blue one. Stuck it in a water fountain to make it stronger or some shit. It didn't work.
Aaron Allen
I had one of these shaped like a spider, it was really fun.
William Davis
Holy shit
Alexander Sanchez
It's less no effort and more they had literally no time to work on it, treyarch remarked that what they did was incredible with how little time and resources they had
Cameron Scott
I played this
It feels like a Vita port
Brody Brown
The crazy part is that Ubi brought back Amon To in to create remixed tracks of the original OST for 3DS and that said remixes got a Vinyl Release.
Elijah Richardson
>the frame rate
>the camera controls on 3DS
Everything else was really cool. The photo camo was retarded and fun, and I liked that they added in crouch walking (the original only had slow walking). But the flaws kinda ruin it, unless you want to be comfy and play it under the covers in bed. But I got a vita so maybe that's irrelevant anyways.
Eli Myers
>runs like shit
>doesn't take advantage of New 3DS's power
Connor Myers
I did
Colton Richardson
only the cars
Andrew Moore
I have and I played through the entire game. At the time it was very impressive even though the game mostly runs at 25 fps with serious drops in certain segments. It's playable for the most part but when there is a lot of action going on it becomes a slideshow.
Zachary Mitchell
>Playing the demo on a standard 3DS
Can't see shit, major.
Julian Martinez
Framerate is shit, graphics are also poor (although they sorta redid most of it). IT does have the best gameplay, having the crouch walk completely breaks the game. Double that with custom camos that can net you 100% everywhere. The bottom screen housing the map and other items was also really neat.
Just a shame they didn't delay it til the new 3ds console came out so they could have had a better framerate, then I might have called it the definitive version.
If this had gotten a physical release on Switch I would have got it. I enjoy playing "downgraded" versions of games, especially if they basically remake them.
Best version of the original RE (not counting REmake).
Absolutely shit framerate unfortunately. The first sigma manages to at least run and look decent enough, but this game pushed the system to the limits.
Begin able to map the specials to the touch screen both made it more accessible to newbies, and saved you from ruining your analog nub trying to pull some of them off.
Pains me that both this and crazy taxi have that horrible perspective. Just unplayable for me.
>Wanting to blow the pixelated mess to a screen twice as big
Standard is the best way to play it.
Carter Murphy
yup. its pretty amazing
Christian Flores
And it was legit shit. I remember them padding the manual by saying that lockpicking was a mini-game.
Sebastian Long
All the gameaaly enhancements still make it worth it.
Joshua Long
Funnily enough I used to play my Gamecube and Wii on the School Bus. I used to have one of those portable monitors you could plug in a Vidya in a car and managed to convince the Bus Driver to let me plug it in a few times, since I was the last person be left at their house. Playing Air Ride was a blast.
Lucas White
Charles Johnson
That is absolutely incredible.
Sebastian Cox
>Not having the game play only when you play At Hell's Gate.
Lost opportunity.
Matthew Foster
the funniest part is that it costs more than the entire royal edition of ffxv
Adam Kelly
I saw that it just came out, is it a decent port?
Hunter Long
Isaiah Cook
Why did they even bother?
Gabriel Gomez
Someone CARED. Was the 3DS port any good? Knew the DS version existed, looking into these now for curiosity if nothing else.
Leo Clark
It was pretty good. I think the reduced load time took at least an hour out of my total playtime.
Hunter Carter
Loved that the knife doesn't take space on your inventory anymore. The mini games were cool, but i can't play some of them on the emulator properly. It works as in RE4. Also pinching Jill's tits with the touchscreen.
Lucas Anderson
Noah Young
I own it for completion i own every single version of snake eater but it sucks, you reach the mountain area and the game lags so bad its barely playable, i dropped it there, i can't imagine how bad The Fear fight is.
Jose Harris
drink your prune juice and scoot up to bed, oldhead
Logan Phillips
Top notch port. A step above the other REs ported to Dreamcast which had status shit on the VMU.