
>Assimilate random civvie
>Spend the entire game fisticuffing the shit out of the infected in the red zone as a crazy fucking moron that punching monsters in the face and saving the poor fucks stuck there
Prototype 2's a pretty fun game, ngl. Would prefer it if Heller wasn't so angry and if Mercer wasn't a saturday morning cartoon villain, but it's fun.

Especially playing it as a 'monster trying to be a hero'. Took me years to realize you can put people down WITHOUT lobbing them into a wall, too.

Attached: P2.jpg (1280x720, 208K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Also, what's your favorite power? Besides going bare knuckle, I like the tendrils. It makes the game into a far more violent Spider-Man Web of Shadows. Don't have it on PC, but I'd love if there were a mod to make them black.

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I will always like the hammerfists because I just like that kind of design.

Fucking loved the blade. I also really enjoyed dressing up as Blackwatch and putting down zeds with good old machineguns

They're not bad. Trying to use them against brawlers gets you fucked, though. And fuck those radnet challenges involving them, but props to the game for implementing a dodging mechanic. Makes the combat so much better. Now if only the camera were closer to the shoulder.

Oh hell yeah. Getting a high ammo gun and then going out with a squad and trying to keep them alive is the shit. Found out today that the game has kind-of tank controls, so being a blackwatch soldier in the red zone makes you feel like Hunk in RE2.

Claws are good, but not AoE enough. Very fast though.

Attached: Lady Deathstrike Claws.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

Based. Dropping the elbow from the top of a skyscraper onto a Tank is the coolest shit. Half the reason the bossfight with the girl who goes full Akira on you sucks is that her homing pollen completely shuts down that approach to breaking her shields.

It's a shame that the first boss in the game is the only truly good and fun one. The final boss is only decent if you don't mind being more optimal than cool in taking his life down.

If I pick up a weapon, its going to be one ripped from a tank or a heli.
In part because of that stupid joke where Heller says he eats a lot of protein.

prototype 3 when?

I really missed muscle mass and the massive armor in Prototype 2.

Been replaying them both recently, although Prototype 2 has some really good QoL improvements, I always prefer Prototype 1's approach. Even the city progression/degradation is just downright amazing in P1.

the most fun part of Prototype 2 was grabbing a chair and running through crowds. It would send people flying.

>can't mix powers in 2

When we stop touching ourselves. So never.

P2 does make the game more fun, but Prototype's story is the one I like more. People say there's no one redeemable in the game and that might be true, haven't played it in forever. But I also like it's approach, especially for Alex. The monster that decided to be more human than any other human, and became the hero.

And then P2 makes him a villain. Hate that.

Again, foggy on P1, but you could do that?

Attached: P2-concept.jpg (1280x687, 495K)

The prototype games were the best spiderman games we had in years

I like grabbing those canisters from the bases in 2 and slightly damaging it so I run around the map causing outbreaks.

kek, but not wrong. Didn't care for how easy it was to let civvies become collateral damage though. Heller never really addresses killing them or anyone else, which makes me think he's not just a man who's lost his family, but a monster to. Maybe because of the virus, maybe not, but if nothing else, he's not a hypocrite afaik.

Maybe I'm overthinking it.

Wanna get the bundle on PS4 just to fuck around with those friggin dlc cheats so I can do that whenever.

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Damn that's some sick concept art.

I think the people overreacted back then
>Would prefer it if Heller wasn't so angry and if Mercer wasn't a Saturday morning cartoon villain, but it's fun.
It's really what you said op. I had fun with both games and I'm sad we will never get a third game or a proper end to the series for that matter

Email THQ Nordic and beg for one, it might work.
Who even owns the IP nowadays?

Activision still owns it.

Maybe once they and Blizzard fuck up enough they'll come back to this for brownie points. Maybe.

Attached: P2-true-ending.jpg (1062x751, 96K)

Was any similar game released since?

There was never any similar game to be honest. inFamous maybe?

Not really. Closest I can think of is inFamous, which isn't gory at all. You can go on killing sprees, but there's no 'wanted' system like in Prototype.

Saints Row 4 has the movement and combat almost to the letter but with more guns. You could also play Hulk Ultimate Destruction, the game the Prototype team made before Prototype, which is very similar but with all your abilities revolving around being the fucking Hulk just running around smashing shit.

I mean, I'd also prefer it if Heller wasn't as dumb as a sack of particularly stupid rocks.
Also if they didn't retcon the origin of Blacklight in order to emphasize how EVIL the scientists are.

Crying shame.

>I mean, I'd also prefer it if Heller wasn't as dumb as a sack of particularly stupid rocks.
And he seemed so smart and kind and caring in the beginning of the game, too. I had forgotten that he wasn't always a vitriol spewing stereotype. By the time the end of the game came round and he finds his daughter, I was like, "The fuck? Heller's a monster, this is very out of character for him and very out of place besides."

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>all dese prototype threads recently
Please tell me it's Activision getting some bacterial marketing hype for 3 or 1 but in HD or something.

Musclemass, nothing beats bring down a chopper by chucking somebody at it, taking another out with a cannonball, and getting a triple kill with a flying kick before landing and fucking everything else up with kung-fu.

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It's not even the end of game stuff.
It's little things, like not being able to follow simple instructions, then blaming the machinery he's using when it fucks up.

That "I hate computers" scene will always annoy me.

the fuck did they do to passionlip

shit game

I think its mostly because there are so many remasters recently that people hope these games will be next.
The rest is just people liking it. And maybe a recent video.

nothing will protect you from me

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Heller is the worst protagonist I have ever encountered in any game ever. I even tried to find some ending where Mercer wins, cause Heller is such an insufferable dick.

I'd even prefer to play as Noober.

never played p2, honestly how many animations did they reuse for Heller?

When will gaymers get sick of BR style games and revive the Prototype-like as the newest, biggest genre?

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not MEN

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Prototype 2 was a fucking joke and the fucking retards that created Heller should fucking die.
>hmm should we use the established non-human virus colony with almost no empathy for mankind as a protagonist for our game?
>nah let's make it a generic revenge story with the most generic character as a protagonist that "kills" a character that is literally beyond death and regenerated from a bloodsplatter on the inside of a helicopter door
Die, die, fucking die whoever you are. Die.

not GUNS

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Infamous Second Son and Spider-Man 2018 make me yearn for Prototype 3. They could do so much better with modern hardware and a bigger budget. Prototype was marred by being rather janky and ugly, plus there's little actual destruction.

Those dlc cheats are nuts. Theres a tornado gun for some reason and its great.

Allegedly Mercer was supposed to have some manner of grand plan before they just dropped the ball and made him a retard.
Why couldn't we get a new mutation of the virus after the time skip and new mutations.
If it could happen to Greene it could happen to anyone.

Hey remember Greene's son? Y'know, the one they hyped up in the first game that was apparently the first and only natural Male walker? Activision sure fucking didn't.

I mean, I am really afraid of what they would do with PARIAH. Particularly since he appears to be really alien.
That requires excellent writing, and much as I like the original game, it was not at that level. Never mind the sequel.

I really want Activision to green light a series rebbot and let platinum's A team handle development. Thinking about it drives me insane.

where the hell do you worms crawl out from? why would you hand a SANDBOX game with an emphasis on PLATFORMING to a dev whose repetoire consists of locking players in small flat arenas and having them fight five enemies at once?

because a lot of the combat powers would work much better in an action game than a sandbox game with ps2 era stealth mechanics

The appeal of Prototype isn't
>dude omg he has a sword for an arm.
>dude omg he has a sword for an arm and he's diving off a skyscraper to stab a helicopter that's three blocks away.

I keep getting the feeling they would have gone with a KOTO approach to Pariah. Go through the game doing this amazing shit, up until you reach Mercer and get the choice to help him or stop him, and at some point have it revealed: "Oh yeah you were Pariah all along. The virus made you lose your memory or something.'


>hold sprint and max charge jump from building to building
We get it, you hate platinum but don't let your hate scramble you brain. I understand where that user comes from though, I'd like prototype with more refined combat mechanics instead of it being a 2edgy4you version of the ps2 spiderman game

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Dont die thread, please

>more refined combat mechanics

Come on, it's got wall running. It's very much a platformer.

Enemies that actually pursue you
Block/parry mechanics
Advanced dodge maneuvers to make both melee and ranged opponents fun to fight
Balanced movesets that make the different weapons unique.

sneak tendrils are fucking cool as hell to mess with.

>infect someone with tendrils
>pick them up
>throw them down a street
>watch as everything near by gets pulled with him

Good ideas. The most fun I had in P2 was being chased down by the evolved and going toe to toe with the brawlers. I would also have liked if they let better combos in P2 than spamming the punch. A non-charge kick attack would have been nice.

It's lewd as hell.


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>literally one mention of him in 2
I will never not be mad

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Possible I suppose.

>Enemies that actually pursue you
Do you mean, in general? Because the enemies do follow you.
>Block/parry mechanics
P2 did that, albeit barely.
>Advanced dodge maneuvers to make both melee and ranged opponents fun to fight

>Do you mean, in general?
I want enemies that are competent enough to use verticality to their advantage, to pressure the player into a position where they must make use of their platforming abilities, and can confidently navigate the environment while attacking.
To different degrees based on the enemy type, naturally.

And I hit post like a retard
Dodging in those games seems pointless. When fighting soldiers I expect to eat them or rip them to shreds or pick one up to play bowling with his friends or to splatter him on the ground.
Sure the Hunters/Brawlers/Supersoldiers could use some better options but its not a 1v1 game, more a game to do a ton of damage and cause a lot of mayhem against enemes you outmanoeuver in multiple ways. TTK should be short, not overextended outside of bosses.
>Balanced movesets that make the different weapons unique.
While the weapons are unbalanced and the movesets limited they do feel pretty unique to me

>infiltrate a military base
>just start shooting fuckers from within and kill them all
>casually walk outside with rocket launcher
>just start shooting the base down
This game was great


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You don't need to bloat enemy health to implement fun dodges and parrying.

as long devs are obsessed with muh grafics we will never get AI's that competent

Sure enough, but dodging implies that I don't want to get hit. Which yes, maybe against a tank or some kind of massive mutation.
But in general mobility trumps dodging to me in that context. Being able to attack constantly while on the move looks more appealing. So I guess more varied mobility options such as using the whip fist to move for instance. Splitting hairs I guess.

Prototype 1 and Infamous 1 were kino

I still think Alex becoming a villain was dumb as hell.

Stop using that word

Alex becoming a villain could've been interesting
Alex becoming a 1 dimensional cartoon villain was fucking stupid

Too true.

He would have worked better as a villain to the perceived 'hero' of the story... which is exactly what he was at first. Then he explains things to Heller and things make sense... then Alex magically went from saving humanity to wanting to destroy it is stupid.

>But the comic
Man, fuck that comic.

>the reason he even becomes a villain in the first place was because some thot betrayed him
That was just lame.

His character arc was a really nice twist. The fact that the virus actually becomes more human than the original host was really cool to see. Then the sequel fucks that up.

>One of these is not like the other
Spot the Infected, Yea Forums!

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>Play prototype
>Use the power to accuse a random soldier of being Mercer
>Watch him get wrecked by the 20 tanks and copters nearby
That power seriously never gets old

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Forgot about that. Why would they leave ANYTHING from the original game out of the sequel? So stupid.

Prototype had no business being as fucking fun as it was
Fuck the boss battles though holy shit
>that one sequence where you have to shoot all the mutants with various guns because you've lost your powers
>and it's also an escort mission

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That was a cool mission. I liked how the soldiers would react with amazement if you picked up a helicopter's weapon.
>I, uh, eat a lot of protein.

>Have to drive a tank to the doctor
>Try to be a good boy and not kill civilians
>They keep running into the streets and stopping in front of me, cars stop in the middle of the road

Tendrils were so fucking fun


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In 2, I always liked to make sure the last guy I ate was a commander of a pilot. They looked really cool.

1 good
2 bad and shit
end of thread

1 good
2 good gameplay but that's about it
Not really I also liked the interlocking story you get by absorbing the blackwatch and gentek personnel and listening to the blackboxes.

The one who says the N word.

Did 2 still have dedicated punch and kick buttons?

>Prototype 1: Blackwatch are ruthless killers trying to save humanity from existential threats to our existence.
>Prototype 2: Blackwatch lock homeless people in a compound and set Hunters loose on them for no discernible reason

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It's, uh, scieence!

Another brilliant rewrite from whoever the fuck took over

Did anyone from the previous game even return for the sequel?

They were fucking morons for not bringing back Dennis Detwiller.

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Its probably a good thing, but I am surprised there is no Delta Green game.

Got the game on steam and it does not work. I have a good pc and tried the fixes ,but nothing. What do?

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So far game devs have barely managed a couple decent Call of Cthulhu games in an early 20th century setting. I shudder to think how badly they would fuck up a Delta Green game. Then again Prototype is basically Delta Green from the Shoggoth's perspective.

Try fixing it harder

It really doesn't play nice with quad core processors or new operating systems. Try limiting it to one CPU and running it in WinXP SP2 compatibility mode.

If this comes to the switch hopefully. It'd be a pre-order

Well yeah, but in general this seems ripe for an adaptation, shitty or not.
I would expect it to be full of tentacles and more tentacles and barely anything good, but still.

What would you want in Prototype 3?

Attached: Ideamen.png (1231x767, 915K)

Ill try it if i ever install it again

full destructible environments
I don't even care if the map is 1/8 the size of the last two games

this fix worked for me.

Fully destructible environments. I don't care if they have to make it look like a PS2 game to achieve it, I just want to knock down a skyscraper by throwing a tank at its last support beam.

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Return of Mercer as protagonist.
100% ethically challenged plot.
Mercer Virus as a gameplay mechanic ala Plague Inc.
RTS-lite zombie armies.
Destructible environments.

it was a different time

On the one hand, PARIAH. On the other hand,, its a very high risk of fuckup.
A different, non Mercer connected runner. Could be female for all I care.
Improved parkour.
Better flight.
More damage to the environment.
The first game's shield but with 2's parry option maybe.
Maybe the possibility to create combos to mix powers.
Bring back the same charge jump as 1.
Bring back patsy.
Disguise as supersoldiers.
And I am probably forgetting things.

>when the "fake" video store brand in a sandbox game was actually real
Nothing of value was lost.

>Fully destructible environments

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What, free roam games? All you fags complain endlessly about them

>What, free roam games?
More like Ultimate Destruction games.

Attached: The_Incredible_Hulk_-_Ultimate_Destruction_(game_box_art).jpg (265x376, 31K)

It was indeed a good game, it's a shame what happened to the studio.

So what games are in that genre? Hulk Ultimate destruction, Prototype 1 and 2, Mercenaries PoD, and Red Faction Guerrilla, maybe?

Just Cause?

Right, also this bad boy and Destroy All Humans

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>Destroy All Humans
RIP it will be missed.


Just finished the mission where you fight THREE evolved at once and have to beat them in under 90 seconds. With endgame tier upgrades and I still had a hard time with them. Fuck, fighting the Evolved is so fucking fun.

It's Operation Vivid Future in the Green Zone, fyi.

Attached: blackwatch-evo.jpg (580x505, 31K)

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I hated what they did to Blackwatch in Prototype 2
Yeah they were "badguys" in Prototype 1 but honestly can you blame them? Take Mercer out of the picture and just leave the infection without a super powered good guy to stop it and their methods and tactics look a lot more practical. In 2 they're literally just mustache twirling racist villains whose scientist talk about making some sort of virus that would only kill blacks.

dare I say: ludo


I was more pissed about how they handled Blackwatch than I was about Heller.

Also let's take a moment to appreciate just how much is going on in the world of P2 at any given time. It's world is so much more lively and interesting than fucking Infamous Second Son which has dick all to do in it.

Attached: P2-Blackwatch-commander.jpg (1280x663, 93K)

A shame they ruined it with a bunch of Tryhard shit like the Blackwatch gestapo and renaming NYC to NYZ for some god awful reason.

At this point, I would just settle for it existing and being decent. It's a damn shame that we only ever got two Prototype games

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>not consuming a regular marine and wearing him
>walk into base
>stealth consume the entire base but 1 guy
>patsy the last guy for shits and giggles

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>Alex literally consumed an ocean of people
>still maintained being a good guy
>goes out into the pacific northwest
>a thot betrays him and he consumed some bad mafia guys
>suddenly he turns evil because omg humans r the rel monsters
>no dissenting opinions from the thousands of morally good soldiers and civilians he ate along the way

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That SCP secret lab game is sort of kind of like maybe how a Delta Green game could be. Its fun.

Bring back Mercer
>Mercer in 2 was an off shoot of Mercer reconstituted by a collection of matter from him and the edge lord supreme hunter
>set it in another major American city
>make the main villain Pariah and its all about how to stop him considering just being around him kills you from what I remember.
>make Blackwatch like they were in 1, hard men doing a hard as fuck and morally awful job for ultimately good reasons because the threat their dealing with is just that dangerous instead of LMAO DUDE WHAT IF WE LIKE WHAT IF WE LIKE PUT HOMELESS PEOPLE IN A CAGE WITH HUNTERS?

Attached: blackwatch_wallpaper__prototype__by_wormdarkzerathxibe-d5wal1u.png (1280x1024, 2.34M)

>disguise as regular soldier, walk into other soldiers
>"fuck off asshole I am going to shoot you"
>disguise as big boss soldier, walk into other soldiers
>they salute you
the best

>that part of the first game when you lose your powers, forcing you to learn the value of stealth and of guns, which you probably totally ignored up to that point
>rewards you with Blade AND Armor
That was some great game design.

it would've been easy to make alex into a villain
>consumes so many people he stops holding a singular consciousness and becomes a bio-mass collective hivemind
>starts to realize life is better for all those that become part of him
>starts infecting more and more of the world and has to be stopped

The best part of P1's ending was how conflicted he felt about the whole thing. How he was never really human but he's got a head full of hundreds or even thousands of memories from the people he tore apart and devoured. He could have just left New York City to be destroyed but he chose to save it.

Then the comic happened, his girlfriend betrayed and shot him over money, and he went full capeshit villain like a petty child.

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>the people in his super collective hivemind are legit happy and not controlled
>their every need and desire catered to forever and eternal life
>the game actually goes out of its way to portray Mercer and the people of his collective hivemind as being honestly alturiustic at heart and honestly fully believe their doing the best thing for mankind by uniting everyone together for no war, no racism and prejudice and they sort of are

Id dig that, I mean id fucking immediately nuke them to ash because fuck that, id rather have complete freedom with all its dangers and inequalities then human hive tier collectives but it would be an interesting moral quandary.

Why does Activision even own the IP still? I thought they shut down the dev ages ago and they didnt even care enough to port it to new systems.

they are really really sincerely happy
and they want you and all of humanity to join them in peace and love
but they look like pic related

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Even better if Alex found a safer, painless way to assimilate the people. As opposed to, you know, literally ripping them in half or piledriving them off a building.

Yeah, id see it like, basically a small prick to the base of the skull, and you become part of the human hive. You even maintain your individuality in some terms, but you are forever connected, and you feel them all around you. A great peace and understanding.

But id still burn them all.

And they would understand that. Alex would understand. You're alone, isolated, afraid. Human.

But even in death, you can still find home. It's okay, user. You'd be apart of the family eventually.

okay a better way to describe it
Mercer isn't a cartoon villain but JC Denton in Deus Ex 2 out to unite all of humanity

Attached: jc denton DE2.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Who else loved just throwing a helicopter at another helicopter?

Everyone did, the real shame is the GhostDog jets weren't in the game outside the end mission
early gam docs were you could highjack them, pull them out of the sky, and throw them

>>Speaks in Omar

...All this time and I don't think I've tried doing that. In the second game, at least. I love pelting the Brawlers with infected though.
>I'm gonna get ya user!
>No you're not- gotcha bitch

Nah it's that Paul Jenkins left. Shoulda kept Paul Jenkins he's one of my favorite cape-writers.

I really liked hijacking helicopters then flying as fast and as low to the ground as I could blasting whatever happened to be below me.

Muscle Mass was my favorite power, but I don't know why.

Because pelting tanks to death with taxis is hilarious.

you guys are making me even more disappointed in what could've been great
>Mercer confronts you to join him
>He's not angry just sad
>"Why won't you join us and be happy?"
>"There is no need to be afraid we are not in pain"
>"Why must you continue to try and run and hide, don'y you understand we build this city, designed every lock, know every password, there is nowhere where you can ever escape"
>"Please,there is no need to cower in filth trying in vain to hide, just join us."

Attached: prototype city.jpg (1023x578, 836K)

I would have liked if bullet-diving from an extremely high height increased its damage and range. Some screen blur or something.

It's not that it looks weak or anything though, it does look powerful, unlike Second Son. I bring that up because it's the closest I can think of and the drop attacks in that game just suck.

I keep meaning to get around to playing that.

>Mercer starts shapeshifting into you loved ones to really drive his point home

>He's not angry just sad
Shit, that'd be the final maturation of his character arc, wouldn't it?
>Monster in the image of a monster
>has more humanity than most humans
>Grows to be a shining example OF humanity... in a monster... by wanting to save people and protect them, have them be happy
> assimilating them into the collective

It's so fucking meta that I'm pissed Radical didn't run with it. I'd like to think that Dana would be the one person Alex wouldn't want to assimilate, showing some very human doubts about what he's doing. He wouldn't want to lose her, his sister, and she'd be the key to stopping him or getting him to stop in a very secret-ending sort of way.

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I really did like Alex’s and Dana’s relationship. Even more so when you consider that the original Alex never gave a fuck about her. The virus came to value Dana more as his family than her own brother, which is both tragic and surprisingly heartwarming.

Attached: CE738CE2-886B-473D-B43A-A076DC3FEE1D.jpg (800x600, 89K)
This is character in a moment. Or, character in a monster that cares.

Attached: Prototype-Dana.jpg (687x602, 81K)

>prototype 3 reveal at e3
>protag is goth girl in school uniform
>we want the bayonetta audience
>bible black and tentacles up in this
>more colorful and varied map, not just boring straight lines new york

>goth girl
>school uniform
FUCK OUTTA HERE if you're going goth go all the way.

>that awkward “sorry.”
I really wish the sequel didn’t fuck up his character. Would’ve killed to see more moments like that.

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Why are SJWs so racist? They made Heller a by the book stereotypical black guy who's ignorant of technology and doesn't know how to state instigating through verbal cursing. Then they even add a Mexican with a thick accent as his sidekick. I feel like an SJW saw that Mercer's sister in the first game looked like a feminist and she stepped in to take over 2's direction thinking she was in good company.

Good times

>even when whole world becomes a unified collective your still alone

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Let's not go too far with that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought 2012 was before, or at least in the infancy of the whole essjaydoubleu thing. And also consider NYC is a melting pot and Heller's friend was, what, a rebel in a foreign country or something? There's history there.

Heller himself is angry because he came home to find his wife slaughtered by flesh eating monsters and his child missing - AFTER he had promised to get them out safely and take his little girl out on a trip.

I was dissatisfied with his character too, still am, but he has a lot of reason to be angry. They just didn't show that anger well and you're right, it was very stereotypical.

Attached: P2-Heller.jpg (1920x1080, 274K)

Angry and doesn't have time for anything, that is. Makes him a lot like the Prince in Warrior Within. He's seen shit, has a lot of smouldering rage, and has no patience, just a lot of anger and pain dying to get out.

>Why are SJWs so racist? They made Heller a by the book stereotypical black guy

>advocating for steretyped minorities
it's the opposite. everyone whines that SJWs want to water stereotyped characters down (which they deem as "turning them white" because lol can you guess why?). kotaku today just made an article about barret's voice actor in the FF7R.

Prototype has a surprising amount of Japanese fanart. Didn’t think the guys out there would actually like it.

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Redpill me on prototype and the black watch before they were ruined. It seems cool.
And I hear there is stealth.
I need more stealth games.

You can play most of the game stealthy if you like. You've got tons of offensive capabilities but stealth is arguably more effective than any of them.

The boss fights in 1 were such dogshit. The game's combat mechanics weren't solid enough to support them.

Hollywood video was still alive back then? Shit's depressing, I used to love that store.

Also is 2 worth checking out? People kept calling it shit.

You can karate kick a helicopter, consume a military officer without his friend knowing, frame said friend as being you, watch him get gunned down by other military officers, and then murder them all with gleeful abandon.
It’s that kind of game.

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Blackwatch is the necessary evil in 1. They may go too far, and they have a responsibility in the fuckup, but they do their best to clean it up no matter the cost to themselves and others. Its hardly nuanced, but they do what they do because it must be done. And they are generally effective.
In 2 they are mustache twirling cartoony villains.


I remember being very fond of muscle mass and the claws.

Tendrils were cool but the first game's musclemass was way cooler.

>uncharged punch liquefies normal zombies
>charged punch blows off their upper half but leaves their legs intact
SO satisfying.

>Blackwatch also look like they missed a helicopter drop into a Cosplay Convention and have rubber pool noodles strapped on their arms and legs
>edgy hoods
>monocles like they're Tech Priests
>Leather straps all over them like they're Jabroni's
This design was so fucking retarded, it's not cool at all

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Forgot pic

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Looks like a Fallout mod.

Also, don't know if anyone else has read it but I'd be surprised if they didn't
>that fucking Prototype and Spider-Man crossover fic about if Peter became the Prototype
Variant Strain has no right being as good as it is.

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so cool. reminds me of the nobodies of KH2, but cooler.

sounds like a really overpowered power synthesis

Don't want to spoil it for you, but the Prototype in general is pretty overpowered.

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>I'm tired
>My feet hurt
>This thing on my arm is heavy
>This mask makes everything look blue
>My sargent keeps calling me and asking if my refrigerator is running
>I really hate that guy
>I got ketchup on my armor, now all those marines are going to think I'm mercer again
>Why do we all look like tactical smurfs?

I miss Robert Cross. Now that was a badass.

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With a few writing tweaks the story of Prototype 2 could've been at least serviceable but it wasn't even that, it's amazing how much it just shit on the entire character of Mercer/Blacklight while offering as bland a replacement as they come.

Making Alex the villan was weak. He literally started ground zero again for the lols? The same guy who stopped a friggin nuke decides to destroy everything? Completely unbelievable.

>Looks rad
>Only good boss fight
>Actually a pretty well-written character
>Heel turn foreshadowed in a cool way
Cross was great.

>hey guys how can we make our black protagonist more unique?
>I know let's make him...a veteran of the US military!
>now let's give him a wife and a daughter who died in mysterious circumstances!
>this will definitely make him more relatable and less generic! no stereotypes here!
God I hate whoever was in charge of the narrative.

Even that base foundation for Heller's character, while generic, could've been fine if implemented well. Maybe add some twist like the first game had where your family was never real and you were just designed to be a potential host for Blacklight and everything was set up for you throughout the game if you wanted to subvert it. Or even played straight just give Heller more emotional scenes showing his turmoil or connection to his family without all the 'grrrr angry black man' shit.

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heller was better

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Whatever happened to the Radnet challenges? I know they had to shutdown at some point, but when?

>You were playing as the infection all along
>The real Mercer died a long time ago
>The infection just believes he IS Mercer
I love this kind of plot twists, the game X-Com Declassified had a similar one.

They're on the PS4/Xbone releases.

Which enemy/boss fucks you up the most? Fucking Hydras


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>Hulk: Ultimate Destruction remake never

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>game over message spoils the plot
based radical dabbing on baddies twice

I love the body slide, swinging around helicopter and kicking them when i get close, absorbing a civilian or a soldier and taking down infected, stealthily absorbing enemies and not noticing that everyone has disappeared and leaving the scene quietly.

Baptism by nuclear piledriver.

Making Alex a c u c k villain was fucking stupid.
>cheers for killing me my negro
>here's your reparations
>welcome to the top of the food chain

Seriously what the fuck was that shit?

Prototype 2 retroactively ruined my enjoyment of Prototype 1

Haha, shit really? Why? Story wise or gameplay wise?

>Their building in Vancouver finally took the sign down a few months ago

...Was I the only one who saw a penis and balls from the thumbnail?

>Put on a military disguise
>Go to an outer edge of an infected zone where there are a good mix of infected and regular civilians
>Walk around like I'm about to start helping the civies

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>bring back based Mercer
>better defined gunplay and reloadable guns when zombie hunting
>destructible environments like Red Faction Guerilla

This. How can he changed from that one idiotic event while he already devoured thousands of people and witness their pleasant/deranged memories?

Great thread. Thanks anons.

Good night user, may you have a sweet dream about Prototype 3 being announce at E3.

One could make the argument he burned pretty much all the biomass and everyone he ate in the process of surviving the bomb.
This of course makes little sense, but it could vaguely serve as an explanation.

I would take control of a soldier in the first game and basically just play it like EDF going into the danger areas where it's all red and shit and fighting the monsters with the other soldiers, sometimes I'd use a helicopter, sometimes the tanks, but I enjoyed using the rifles like the other guys and pretending I was on patrol with them.

It's been so fucking long and I've still done nothing with my life, I was an actual child at that point, now I'm almost 25

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Man if they just kept the cool movement shit I'd play 2 over 1. 1 is just more fun to fuck around in despite the combat being less smooth.

Fucked up parkour and gutted movement options are the worst thing about 2. This was the entire reason P1 was so replayable to me.

>tfw no Prototype 1 remake never with the story actually fleshed out and no weird cuts and out of place dialogue
>no more "ALL I CARE ABOUT IS FINDING DANA" even though by this point Ragland should have next to zero idea who the fuck Dana is
I also don't want the gameplay to be P2-tier, because P2 was just so gamey, P1 was just an overall better experience.

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Why not just retcon 2 to never happen, and have a new 2 where the nuke caused all the prominent personalities consumed by "Mercer" to separate and become their own amalgamate? Hell, then we could still have a last boss that is Alex Mercer, and it'd be the Alex Mercer that was the asshole that caused the incident to begin with.

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>ywn summon evolved with Pack Leader
Sometimes I just wanna summon monsters and watch them kill stuff while chilling
Or gangraping a boss for the fun of it

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>even though by this point Ragland should have next to zero idea who the fuck Dana is
It's more fun if you pretend Alex (and probably everyone else) has sudden-onset autism

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Goddamn, the military in this game and especially the short "memory" scenes were absolutely 100% kino. I was always suprised they pulled those of with that much style.

Bodysurfing civilians and then kickflipping them into a crowd was so fucking fun. Goddamn.

Armor form was absolutely my favorite, especially for hero fantasy stuff
Do a little bare knuckle as alex, then when you gotta sort some serious stuff you suit up and get shit done

>tfw going up against Final Boss as Armor form, Blade only
Felt like a battle between Gods. Also, fuck whoever decided to make you invincible during consumption in P2, that shit is big gay

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Prototype 1 was great gameplay and story-wise relatively speaking. Prototype 2 had the same gameplay EXCEPT THE FUCKING JUMP BUTTON CHANGED FUNCTIONS AND THAT IS THE WORST FUCKING THING EVER. Also the story is super fucking retarded and they should have stayed with Mercer and actually dealt with Pariah instead of creating a new character and killing Mercer which was incredibly stupid for any number of reasons.

I probably wouldn't be so salty about 2 overall though if not for the jump change regardless of how stupid the story was.

>armor form and muscle mass powers return
>zeus is the protagonist, evolved beyond being just an alex clone, the player can customise what their default appearance looks like. uses p1 Alex's voice if they choose male, esomeone else's voice if female (maybe elizabeth greene)
>new location, less apocalyptic setting
>more transformation powers, including one for the the excess biomass supermoves
>power customization, eg; sword can become axe/halberd/dual swords. Not particularly upgrades but more for situational options
>Return of p1 mobility; canonball, airstomp, etc
Probably more but thats my main ideas/wants

Don't forget
the crazed hivemind Mercer turned out to be LESS OF AN ASSHOLE than the actual human Mercer

I fucking loved that twist. And then they fucked it up in the sequel.

I did the same thing, but with muscle mass cause I'm a huge venom fag

This game would have been great but they had to replace alex with a fucking nigger.

I mean this but unironically. If they wanted the protagonist to be black just make it so Alex decided to change his look as he is a literal shapeshifter or give players the option at the start to pick one of several different base forms.

The story would have been much better if it actually kept the focus on Zeus.

>Only good boss fight
Fuck this it was a fucking chore, I had to spam groundspikes like a retard to beat that fucker also the timer is a bitch.
Also is this me or does prototype have the exact same ending as Dark Knight Rises ?

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I like the change in protagonist, I just don't like that they made Alex a villain.

How so?

the boss fights in prototype 2 were so disappointing
>oh boy it's yet another disciple of alex who looks generic as fuck and has the same moveset of the last 2

for fucks sake

t. alex main



in prototype 3 we need a genderless creature as the protagonist, it's settled

prototype 3 could star a completely untextured grey fucking model and I wouldn't give a shit as long as the mechanics, animations, and effects were on point to make traversal feel involved and flashy

Not gay but I'd fuck Mercer.

Because Heller is too fucking stupid to not use his own voice despite BECOMING OTHER PEOPLE. Image Heller disguised as a white guy trying to patsy someone while screaming like a chimp. Heller is too stupid for his own good. It's genuinely astonishing that Mercer lost, cartoonish as he was in P2. I'm convinced he let Heller win.

batman/Mercer hook-up a nuclear bomb to an helicopter and fly away to the see, saving the city and faking his own death
honestly I just finished the game last night, it was 5 in the morning and my brain was fried from the terrible bossfight

While I agree with you on the whole, the Blackwatch chopper pilots in P2 are fucking radical and I always go out of my way to absorb one whenever I fuck around so I have the Alex skin in the Heller slot and the pilot skin in the victim slot.

>make Alex a villain for no reason in sequel

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Except that Alex didnt really fake his own death though. The blast too strong and hit him too
The regeneration scene was meant to tell as long Alex have a tiny amount of the virus, he can survive anything.

I hated Heller so much. If the dev's intention was to make someone who was obnoxiously dumb as shit as could be, they succeeded. He was also just an ass hole.

I know killing random civs was part of the game, but could they have tried to make the protag likeable?

>Can't accuse random people of being infected in the sequel

Why? It was so fun.

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Throwing people into walls with super strength. It never gets old.

that slam attack from high position

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Prototype 2 has strange boring gameplay compared to 1

fucking hell why did they remove the cannonball + dive bomb at anything

They didn't, you can still dive bomb with hammerfist.

that's good an all but that combination was godlike that it was a sin to remove it

fucking hell heller moves so slow compared to alex

I think they wanted Heller to be the good guy vs Mercer the anti-hero
And going around making other people murder innocents isn't exactly something the "good guy" does

He does until you unlock all mutations and max out his movement skills. Then he actually runs faster, flies farther for longer and with three dashes, and jumps higher. But starting out P2, especially IMMEDIATELY after finishing P1 again, feels like dogshit, yes.

>Radical is dead so no more fun over the top destruction sandbox games
This generation was full of sandbox games but was missing out on one of the more fun takes on it for some bizzare reason.

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I think any elevator pitch a dev could have make for some kind of prototype game would have been shut down by a "but wait isn't it exactly what just cause 3 is about ?"