They are going to ruin Caves of Qud aren't they?

Attached: ohno.png (592x160, 15K)

>This was unironically my favourite roguelike
>Hear this
I push my fingers into my

> ruin

They're the devs. Unless they release the source code it's their game to ruin. Stop being cucked by shitty indie devs and just move on to better games instead of agonizing over lost causes like some ruined pussy.

oh shit, sounds good

ill make sure to support them then

t. rannies

Cease fire, I'm a dumb dumb I did read it wrong

>supporting an early access game
I was interested in their game too when they started, but I only added it to my wish list so I can get it when they hopefully finish it.

Now with these kinds of developments going on, I can safely take it off my wishlist and forget about it.

this is a sci-fi/fantasy game, and in sci-fi/fantasy worlds, there can be varied genders. the idea's been around since Thomas More wrote Utopia 500 years ago, and honestly it's probably older than that, that's just the earliest example I know of.
i know you like to cultivate outrage over basket cases on twitter, but this is a real ideological concept too complicated for your loop-stuck simian brain to comprehend. shut up and die.

>based autists catch the tranny sociopathogen and converted into tranny autists, ruining niche culture in a single generation

cant wait to mod that shit out

>procedurally generated pronouns
You realize that's the joke right? The joke is that the genderfluid nonsense is so arbitrary that a computer can just make it up as it goes and no one notices or cares.
Not to mention: This means you can slaughter the special snowflakes by the ton. It's Watch_Dogs all over again

I have no idea who these devs are and I've never heard of the game, but to an unbiased third party it kind of looks like they're mocking the whole lgbt culture.

imagine hearing the word "pronouns" in any context and getting triggered enough to post about it on Yea Forums even though you've completely misunderstood the point

what a load of pseudo intellectual bullshit

It's a fucking mod you mongs.

Attached: 1523146179397.jpg (311x244, 46K)

>dumb dumb

Attached: 1531097894387.gif (237x240, 3.23M)

fuck this image, I can't look at my shoes anymore without thinking they are laughing at me

>All these possibly not baiting buttmad babies
Stay away from best game, friends.

Attached: 1557035307650.gif (262x200, 38K)

Play Elona+

Yikes. Imagine taking role playing so far as declare oneself something which they aren't and never will be, but believe so full heartedly; as a reminder there are and only ever will be 2 genders, and switching between the 2 is impossible.

>Dude I am so above it, my first year philosophy class taught me everything I need to know about the real world, and I don't understand why anyone would not want to see this shit in their media at all!

what even are procedurally generated pronouns and why would it affect gameplay

nevermind op is a baiting faggot

Attached: Screenshot_20190510-180711_Twitter.jpg (1080x279, 91K)

>the idea's been around since Thomas More wrote Utopia 500 years ago
You mean the novel that was meant to show how a degenerate, consequence-free safe space like Utopia was ultimately the decline of mankind? You’re not one of the idiots who sincerely believe a “utopia” was meant to be a GOOD thing, right?

It would tell you which aliens to kill

Dont worry user, These arent actual humans you are replying to. They are barely even alive. They're in some sort of lucid dream state where they can never think for a second more than they have to in order to scrape through life.

isnt this game about mutant freaks or something it makes sense to put trannies in it


good job on working all these manlets, brother

Maybe actually read the conversation Yea Forumsirgins

>I think gender/pronoun selection is still likely to make it into the game, but you could start it out as a mod if you want"

it really doesnt matter desu not worth a thread for outrage points

Whose twitter is this and why should I care?