Joins raid team online

>joins raid team online
>"ayo you got gjallarhorn?"
>"no, but I do have Hunger of-"
>you have been kicked from the game

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Other urls found in this thread:

nobody knows what that means because its a shit game. I'm sure you're an admirable human being though.

Destiny 2
>do you have whisper of the worm?
>Ikelos shorty?
No? Kicked. Play the fucking game

Destiny taught me that online games aren't fun.

Old Destiny 1 veteran here. I know what it means.
Genuinely enjoyed this game but after a while I found myself more complaining about bullshit like $30 dlc and these frequent pvp """balance""" updates than actually enjoying the game.
>Destiny 2

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>He doesn't have a spare Ghorn on all his chars

>devs add quest to make it easy as fuck to get
>"hardcore" players explode

>not buying ghorn when xur was selling it

Based FRES ruining pvp for weeks
Still not as annoying as a stormcaller, though

Tractor Cannon
Forge Shotguns are better anyway
>He didn’t get it free on the Quest

>still can't join randoms for nightfalls

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>not soloing the nightfall each week
Only did this in Destiny 1, is it even possible in 2?

Depends on which one, some of them are extremely broken. They still haven't fixed some of their regular strikes and you can fall through the map or just instantly die for no reason and get stuck in an infinite respawn loop.


literally non of these are meta anymore and you have so many more options

I mean Destiny 1 had moments of being fun despite an awful campaign, but somehow Bungie threw away all their progress with D2.
Even then it didn't get bad until the annual pass and the constant light level increases each season for 0 reason.

>lets exploit Riven 50x and still not get a shitty fusion rifle.

Hard to believe they lessened all the good attributes and strengthened all the bad ones in Destiny 2.

Also “Congratulations you defeated Riven, only 1% of destiny 2 players have made achievement”. Great game design.

>get game 2nd week it's been out
>do tiger strike missions for a month straight
>get suros regime
>dominate pvp for 3 months

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>only 1% of destiny 2 players have made achievement
Cause everyone fucking quit on account of the game being so shit. Who the hell stuck with the game after they release curse of osiris?

>get outbreak perfected catalyst
>find out there is a secret ship in zero hour
>learn where all the key cards are
>learn how to input the codes
>mfw there are 49 codes
>literally not even try because the ship is garbage

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>have to grind through most of the game, know other fucking retards who play it, actually socialize to a level to get a party together, and on top of it be competent
Why they expected anyone but a handful of faggot twitch streamers and normalfags to play is beyond anyone's guess, but I want to saddle the blame with Blizzard pushing for it through Chinese companies.

I don't even play Destiny anymore, but there's a quest to get it when you're like level 30. How do you not have it?

I've been trying to play D1 one lately but I can't matchmake other guardians for heroic strikes or anything. It's pretty sad that this game is just about dead at this point. Still get crucible matches pretty quick which is nice, and I still load into a full tower to dab on people - I wonder what the end of life plan for these games is?

I feel there's no reason this game shouldn't be free to play now.
They're not going to sell the full bundle for $60 anymore, so just jew the eververse.
What system?

Good memories user. Fuck the haters i enjoyed the game and all of the expansions. Remember the crota cheese? Fun times.

>He doesn't use fighting Lion exclusively
Anons, join me in my glory

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I know exactly what he means.

Farming for Ghorn was the most satisfying thing ever when you eventually got it.

Interestingly, you never in the world needed 5 Ghorns to take down Crota, was fucking ridiculous people were so picky.

Fantastic memories raiding crota and VOG.

Destiny 2 - it’s just so much worse than D1.

No right minded person can claim otherwise.

No way that's actually the ship

Fucking Efrideets spear sniper - destroyed trials for some time that

Its not, last time I checked its another situation like Whisper's ship where you have to complete it at least 3 different weeks with the different burns.

That’s the iron ghorn, he’s talking about before that dlc when it was an absolute necessity to be accepted into any raid team.

The ship has been datamined already, it looks like this shit but it's red like the weapon, nothing special about it

No, the iron gjallarhorn is from preordering.
The regular gjallarhorn is guaranteed in a quest you do to build one.

Is this a new exotic?

Has there been a new dlc?

Last time I played was to do that spring season shit in the tower but hadn’t played for months before then.

>spectrumwolf75 has joined your party

They added another D1 nostalgia bait weapon and timed mission thing.

Ah you may be right, either way, that’s later down the line of dlcs - the original Ghorn was lower light level by then.

They did actually sell the Ghorn in week 1 with Xur, if I remember rightly but because it was so early in the game not many people bought it.

Ahh the outbreak prime.

Only weapon I’d pick the game up again to play would be either icebreaker or hawkmoon.

The fact that they keep digging back into D1 shit to get interest just proves how much better it was imo

I wouldn't be shocked if Hawkmoon is back next release. That or Mythoclast. Or both.

Reminder that the Warlock class was the undeniable best class of Destiny 1.

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>Hear someone randomly wasting 2 sniper bullets in the distance

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PS4. I get the occasional group, but I'm Australian so my play hours probably have something to do with it. I didn't really play much of D1 so I'm trying to go back and see what I can get done in it now.

When D3 comes out I'd really like to see D1/2 survive in some way, maybe bundling all games in one launcher would help. The PS5 is supposed to be backwards compatible so that would help things.

For me its the opposite, matchmaking on Xbone takes forever. This could be because I just got the game and it seems to be struggling to match me with similar players, but strikes seem somewhat more common.

Its funny how many people claimed how D2 was better than D1 at launch. Not only does D2 lack so many features even with 3 studios working on it, but it just feels like such a genuine chore to play. I wonder if people are having genuine fun with it.

Either that or fucking “invis-hunter-shotgun/flux grenades” - that was fucking ridiculously OP.

Warlock self res was great but all it took was one shotgun to cancel it out.

>join lfg group #17
>they're also exploiting riven
>constant wipes
>get fed up and join a group doing him legit
>beat it
the problem with riven is it attracted all sorts of shitters who thought they could beat him using that glitch. and unsurprisingly they still couldn't do it. im convinced that's why clears were so low

At launch it was exciting, it felt like a revamped version of destiny, the maps felt like they had more depth to them and much more interactive things going on around you.

That soon worn off though.

The thing that bugged me was how easy it is to reach max light - in D1 I remember the exhilarating feeling of running crota every week to try and get a helmet/chest piece/gauntlets/legs etc. to reach max light.

In D2, you can just do standard shit every day and continually get higher level equipment. It got dumbed down essentially.

>throw axion grenade
>blow ur face off with my shotgun
Pshhh nothin personnel kid

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Were you about to say that you have the Hunger of Giant Cocks?

What's the version of the game that has all the DLCs 'n shit.

Were Legendaries and Exotics harder to obtain as well? With D2 it feels like it just showers you with exotics just for returning if you haven't played for ages along with legendaries just for doing a bounty. Meanwhile Legendaries at the vanilla campaign of D1 actually feel like Legendary and difficult to get items.

Shotguns ruined destiny / D2 PvP.

They should have been made as heavy weapons.

Online games taught me that online games aren't fun. Generation Z taught me that we did not have nearly enough abortions.

>The thing that bugged me was how easy it is to reach max light
fucking this. raids and trials should be the only way to max out. not running around doing public events

>knucklehead radar
>universal remote
>aiming down sights around the corner ready to blow your fucking brains out.

Fuck yeah, the loot cave in D1 was for people striving to get 1 or 2 legendaries!

There are no rare weapons, it feels like in D2, they’re all just trapped behind long winded quests. I’m actually a fan of the rare and incredibly rare drops - that for me kept me going.

Hopscotch in D1, I never fucking got despite running the strikes over and over.

Trials is fucking dead now too - don’t get why this happened either. Know the focus was put more into competitive but why was it completely scrapped

>No Outbreak Perfected

Fucking scum. Or just as bad, sticky grenade, emote me whilst I wait to die.

You subguardian fool. You literal waste of light.
How dare you speak, you swarthy plaguelands junkie. How dare you open your blue lipped, rim encrusted, gas-mask smelling mouth?
You are hunter trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your guardian type and subclass offers no hope to the world that the last city can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the dead corpse your ghost raised you out of, you literal polemonkey.
I hope you decide to pilot your welfare jumpship to the Rubicon Wastes and power-bottom for some Cabal, as is in the Hunter's nature. It would still be the only action you ever had. Give Titans a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Hunters' obsession with a few windswept wastelands in the system is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Hunters have made to the Last City. The MUH PROWLING WASTELANDS sentiment in the average Hunter is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your dirty smelly cloam off your head, and never talk about Warlocks again, you mockery of our supposed shared Traveler's light. No amount of dead animal remains and Hive feces on your armor will make you look "threatening" or "traveled". It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of using anything other than Nightstalker in raids.
You tether slut.
You make the Fallen look like a beacon of civilization.
You are the ass end of Mars.
Go fertilise the black garden with you and your other Hunter friends' corpses, as you die in it over and over. Its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, Huntard, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Gunshitter. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a Guardian "Hunter" contributed to anything, let alone a fireteam.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you.

>loot shooters

Oh no

>Destiny 2 - it’s just so much worse than D1.

bungie bet on esports with d2, which means you gotta have elo and traditional matchmaking instead of what trials was

>mfw fighting against someone with the original felwinters lie

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this game is a even shittier cut down version of PSO2

Reminds me of Black Ops 2 when people started bitching about nerfing the R870. Devs should never listen to shitters like you.

Save for replaying PSO BB or D1, what else is there to scratch my itch? MonHun never came close, Division 1 was well optimized but dull, and Anthem was a poorly optimized mess of a game.

I hate how much the Destiny community calls for nerfs instead of buffs to counter new weapons or supers.

Lost 200 hours of my life to destiny 1
Lost 100 to destiny 2
Don’t know what broke the spell but god this game sucked dick

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