Why did Kat's game fail?

Why did Kat's game fail?

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Kat is so pretty!

Ass not fat enough.

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Sony didn't give a shit to promote it.

She is a lesbian

>Referring to something as ____'s game instead of the name of the game
Biggest red flag.

It just means the protagonist is loveable, not that the game is bad.

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Because you touch yourself at night

no smell-o-vision

>Gravity Rush comes out on a platform no one bought
>Everyone who did play it say it's great
>Gravity Rush HD comes out
>Really like it
>Buy Gravity Rush 2
>Try to talk to the few people who did play the original
>Literally none of them bought it
>"It's just going to be the same game"

They didn't gain a big new fan base with HD and those who did own it on PSP betrayed it and killed the series.

because waifufaggotry can't save a boring and unappealing game design

Is not on Steam

I love Kat! Lack of marketing aside the first game being on the Vita probably didn't help. Also gravity shifting + the mediocre combat would probably turn some people off.

dumb yuriposter

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Only tried the first one. Kind of boring after a while aside from the art style and gravity gimmick

Kat has a new girlfriend!

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>no bra
>perky breasts
>cute face and hair

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They should've just advertised it as being Spiderman 2 with gravity powers and cute girl dress up.

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She likes boys and Raven though.

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I love my smelly girlfriend

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Once you go genie you forget about weenie!

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Kat poses for old men and she does it for free!

Where are the scans of the manga's last chapters?

And Spike too.

Did the manga confirm Raven and Kat is one soul split across two bodies (hence why Kat struggled to unlock her powers/why Raven came from nowhere) or was that shitposting?

just like the way bloodborne failed, they put it one console to a casual audience and no one bought it.

>cover was garbage compared to the first game
>looks just like the first game.

It's a retelling of the short anime and the manga's first chapter, but outside of that 2's main ending is probably the only thing mentioned outside the 1st chapter.

I have a friend who looks exactly like Kat and she makes my dick diamonds

Get a load of THESE grapes!

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Sony has mishandled the series so badly that I'm half convinced it's a front for a money laundering scheme

>3.1 million sales on ONE console
Either you're retarded or I'm retarded for replying to you

Does this artist draw more of GR?
I swear some user said he commissioned him for a 20 pages comic.

I played the demo about 20 times and in each playthrough I either enjoyed it or thought it was trash. I dont want to buy a game if Im so divided on it

>looks just like the first game.
Im sorry could you point out the puke inducing neon bloom for me in this image? Because I can't seem to find it.

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No one wants to play a game about a stinky pisswhore.

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kat tats

jaded faggot

Best looking cel shaded game this gen bar non. Blands 3 might give Kat a run for her money.

Kat has nipples.



>weeb trash

that and the fact that first game was released on a dying console

demo framerate a shit, it's like $20 most of the time just get it

does she have qt feet?

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she's a negroe

Brown 2B > 2B

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her the palm of her hands and feet aren't brighter, tho

>No one wants to play a game about a stinky pisswhore.

that's literally exactly why people bought it

The art direction of this game is soulgasmic.

it's true tho.

It was. Look at average shit like HzD and Days Gone. Got more advertisement

Yes it is Sony's fault
>first released game on Vita, a dead machine
>made the remaster an Amazon exclusive for the physical copy
>barely promoted GR2
>killed off the servers in a little over a year

Head tilt is fucking adorable.

Yet you played it 20 times. Something's bringing you back

Everything but the gameplay is really good. Though I heard the story can be iffy as well.
Gameplay isn’t bad, just average. It’s around the same as spiderman, but without the comparable brand name in the period that capeshit is more popular than ever before.

Don't reply to obvious bait, anons.

rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=daga gravity_rush

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Seething coping Basedny fan.

Western fucks need not apply

Someone should convince Sseth to review GR2 and do the same with his money like he did with God Hand

Official ingame artwork are says otherwise cuck

Sony hates her guts, they want characters who look like they're from Uncharted

Bring it on pc and switch
The gyro controller on switch would do wonders

Pretty sure it's more french than anything btw

stinky hobo

You've gotta be pretty delusional to believe something like gravity rush could exist with anything less than a Nintendo label on it. It was charming and the art direction was great but the game itself kinda sucked, it just wasn't that fun because the world was poorly designed for the gravity powers you had. There's very little room for non-AAA shit these days and gravity rush just didn't have the cult appeal to actually keep itself in business. The other shit certainly didn't help but this was inevitable.

I feel the same way about Wipeout, it went from being a first class racing game to getting pimped out for PS Store, PSP and Vita. It didn't help that they kept relegating it to lesser platforms but it's days were already numbered.

I'm meaning triggered westerners that are scared of Japan


piss off I saw plenty of advertisement for it, your delusional if you think there is a huge market for this game and normies would live this game if they knew

No sweaty we just hate incels.

The fact that it got a sequel was miracle enough. I'm glad we got some closure at least

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>California now in charge of Sony
RIP cute girl protagonists

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>Minecraft gave it a shout out


Delusional weebs think that anything that make their tiny dick hard is a "miracle of the universe" and deserves being successful
Which is ironic because if the game was actually popular they would turn against it like they do with stuff Persona and Xenoblade

Barely enough compared to other Sony exclusives and you know it. Days gone is still being shilled and shares front store page with Spiderman (also still being shilled)

Hush, incel.

>Westerncucks scared of women

Both those games have mass market appeal, gravity rush does not

Cmon user, you don't seriously fucking believe the same people who bought Horizon would buy Gravity Rush... do you?

They focused on the cute girl and forgot to make a good game. It happens a lot these days and I'm sick of it.

Have sex

>incel accusing others of fearing women
holy projection... yikes

Days Gone was a flop though?
>Inb4 N-NO it's not!
Many of the normies PS4 owners buy PS4 exclusive games purely because they are exclusive.

I've got the platinium trophy for both games you degenerate, that's why I'm qualified to say that they are not very good games overall and got far more attention they actually deserve

I wasn't a fan of the controls for the most part, but I will likely play it eventually because it has an interesting concept and the artstyle was nice

>No U

No, just shit opinion

You're kidding yourself user. It has zero normie appeal and being on a Sony console doesn't help. A well advertised Sony game could still flop, especially after they've spent tons of money marketing it. I would imagine Sony isn't so retarded that they don't understand this concept, hence the lack of advertising.

The controls were one thing the vita version had over the console versions. I think you can adjust the sensitivity of it though, might help

>not having sex
mega cringe

>doesn't know if Days Gones is a flop and phrases it as a question
>follows his question up with a mocking tone greentext in case he is proven wrong

Jesus christ hang yourself

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I think you underestamate how braindead a lot of the PS4 normies are. It wouldn't have even needed heaps of advertising. Few social media posts and a front page on the store would have affected sales.

>Ahmad Hassan
So just the UK then?

Cringey mc cringe cringe

>Doesn't understand basic English sentence structure.
Re2 sold more digitally anyway bub

Days Gone is fucking good, this is the "zombie" game I've always wanted. If you have a PS4, get it.

Of course it would have, dumbass, if the game was Pong that would help sales too but it wouldn't be a worthwhile investment when you've got games like Zero dawn that will gain millions more sales from big marketing pushes. It's not worth it to Sony, and they only would have dropped it even faster if they had dumped a bunch of money into advertising it.


It's been out longer moron, Days Gone did not flop retard

This is true. Source: dating a genie girl


> It wouldn't have even needed heaps of advertising. Few social media posts and a front page on the store would have affected sales.
Literally free shit they could do and chose not to, for an exclusive game they already invested in. With your logic, they shouldn't have funded the game to begin with

>Your English sucks!
>Posts this fucking mess
It did flop bub, accept that.

They probably did regret funding it, and the Vita I'm sure. The sequel and remaster were probably just to squeeze out what little life it had left before they jettison the IP.

Was the same as 1. So it got boring.

footfags are their own worst enemy

I'm honestly amazed they even bothered to do that. They also funded weird things surrounding it like the prequel anime

cute butts best butts

The bottom line is that it's a flop and never should have been made in the first place.

Ape Escape crossover when?

Yeah, if you don't own guns, or lift weights, you probably won't like this game. Because the game reminds you that fags who don't own guns died in the first week, lol.

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desu i was going to buy it but they announced they were shutting down the servers

I really hope that epic games will bring her to pc.

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Prove it flopped, I'll wait

yikes (unironically)

GR2 was made for legs patricians like myself. Unfortunately, low IQ boobgrugs and assniggers who prefer cowtits and flabby asses, make up the majority of the population.

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haha this game btfos liberal soibois tf out

Wow you're so patrician user.

Does this franchise still flop if it was Nintendo's game?

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*chomp* *chomp*

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Kat's perky chest and ass are key to her legs though.
Without the perfect balance, legs are nothing.

But Kat has modest perky boobs and cute peachy bum, which are just as wonderful as her pretty legs.

>be """patrician""" legvirgin
>get basically no games that pander to you
>be superior titchad
>every game ever made caters exactly to you

You know who else has legs? That's right, gay homomen.
Stay mad little foothumper LOL

Kat and Raven doing ____


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How is she so agile wearing 5 inch heels?

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what if kat had an ability to pull enemies to her?

Because she controls gravity you re re.

It would still be really boring I'd imagine.

smart yuriposter

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I want to play it but I'm broke.

She does have that ability unless they're Nevi. As you'll recall, if she's near people when she shifts gravity or creates a stasis field, those people get caught in her wake.


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because it's shit

also you should stop saying shit like "waifu name here" game it makes you sound autistic


It was $10 last week, you missed it.

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$10 is too much. I'm literally broke.

I may regret asking but will ask anyway: "red flag" of what? õ.o



is her game fun?


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Yeah, my dick's thinkin' it's go time.

Kats game for PC please

The gameplay is a bit clunky and it takes use getting to the controls, but it's enjoyable once you get the hang of it. It's got a unique art style and unique setting that oozes soul as well. I'd say it's a 7/10 game elevated to an 8 purely because Kat is fun and sexy.

I don't like how Juipter and Lunar adds those dumb arm bands instead of giving you a blue/orange aura. It clashes with the outfits.