Remember when Yea Forums was so convinced this would kill Fortnite?

Remember when Yea Forums was so convinced this would kill Fortnite?

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>a handful of retards = all of Yea Forums
haha ebin revisionism

I legit got banned simply for buying battlepass.
Ea declined my debit card which had plenty of money 5 hours after I ordered it, then proceeded to perma ban me


I was convinced because it's better than fortnight and actually a good game

I forgot how stupid everyone is

>ea shills
fuck Yea Forumsiral marketing

>not only will we not let you voluntarily give us money, the only way we make money at all, we'll forfeit every opportunity for you to do so in the future!

kek, how could a company be so incompetent?

The only thing that can kill Fortnite is the new generation of consoles
When people get new generation games they will start forgetting fortnite until is dead

Yea Forums here

I dont remember shilling this or even talking about it

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We got too cocky.

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If they had kept constantly updating it instead of leaving it dead in the water it could have easily kept up with it or at least stayed right below it

it proves one thing to publishers though, releasing any pile of shit as a BR will guarantee a million retards in a couple days

I always heard the tales of how awful EA was and didnt believe it...they truly are scumfucks

The same way people forget about Minecraft?

>Yea Forums is one person

Fucking newfags

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If they only supported it, still could have happened.

Everyone is an ugly minority
sexy lizard

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They really had the opportunity to do some serious damage to Fortnite. But I guess EA is happy enough with its success since they seem to be porting it to phones now.

We weren't expecting them to just abandon the game immediately after release either

Fortnite gets constant updates. Apex got one. They shipped out a massive success and left it to die

The only people left playing are people with names as gamertags, ie people trying to make a name for themselves in video games. EA completely dropped the ball by being so hands of and allowing game breaking bugs to fester for months. Then when they finally drop a true update, the changes are absolutely pathetic with no real fixes to the true issues. Not even a new character. People who like the game have played its limited systems to death. Even the professional scene is just acting as a place holder until a more popular, similar game comes out.

>trusting EA

That's on you

I don't trust them, but I expected more from them than nothing. I never spent a penny on Apex, but it's a fun game and it sucks that they just decided to ignore it for some reason

no but i remember saying day 1 that it was gonna go through the same fumbling retard cycle that cod blackout did because the company wasnt prepared to support it and just want free money for doing nothing forever
hence why they put all their money in the anthem bucket instead and tried to force that to work despite it very plainly never having a snowballs chance in hell

Minecraft is currently dying though

Because Fortnite


I have a few friends that play Minecraft and they tell me that the community is amazing again because Fortnite got rid of a large portion of stupid small children

You should expect less than nothing given the history. You should expect them negatively sucking the life out of anything they produce.

I honestly still play it everyday and love it. Though the main problems imo (on Xbone at least):
>add in solo/duo queues
>way too many people duo-queue and if you end up with them you can't hear their mics since they're in a private party, they're often assholes as well that couldnt give 2 fucks about you
>way too many people quit as soon as they get killed, like you're running towards their banner the dude simply d/c
>there really needs to be some sort of ranking system so that you don't face off against uber-good people
>please give my boy Mirage some love... his ult and especially his passive are a joke

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Likely story

alright Sunshine Bear I get it

The point is is that if they made Apex in a few months, they should be able to still easily update it with things to keep it interesting

All they had to do is fix their stupid game before adding new content. I can't even play the game because it keeps freezing. This didn't happen before I installed my new HDD tho, fucking retards

I just wish they had other modes. I want a Modern Warfare 2 with classes.

Minecraft turns 10 years old next week, and its still popular. It's a TF2 or CS at this point.

I still don't understand why they haven't added a ranking system and custom matchmaking already. This isn't hard to implement, and that would give players incentives to win, skilled players the possibility to play with and against other skilled players only, and also support the competitive scene, which was booming at the beginning and now the players and gaming orgs are losing interest.

I still play a ton of Black Ops 4 because I love Blackout and they still pay a fucking ton of attention to it and update it constantly

I didn't give a shit about this when it came out, but I can safely assume the reason everyone thought that was because the lack of updates wasn't an issue yet.


Blackout quite literally has a better competitive future than Apex if the trend continues. Not even a lie, the money is really tapering off in the Apex scene.



This, thats as stupid as a bunch of noobs teaming up in LoL and ending facing against Cloud9 or something

It also has to do with the fact that Respawn apparently refuses to crunch their employees like Epic does for Fortnite

I'd be fine with that if they just unabashedly stole the ping system that Apex has

>tfw played apex
>liked the ping system
>now mad that other games don't have it
It's weird when I play Halo, because Halo 5's campaign actually DOES have a working ping system, so when I go and play MCC or Reach I move my thumb to the d-pad to use it and then remember it doesn't exist.

I find this kind of phenomena interesting. Same shit sort of happened with mobas and Dawngate. The game flounders because figuratively no one plays it in comparison to League/Dota, but it has so much QoL shit that the other games are starting to add now.

I'm honestly glad they haven't rushed out a dozen new characters and a map. Fortnite is a complete mess because of all the random wacky shit they added and constant rebalances because they dont give the meta time to evolve

No one knew the developers should be so retarded and leave it to die

It wouldn't have beat Fortnite even if EA or the devs cared. Get real.

Same here, but it's fucking hilarious seeing how shitty the average consumer is when it comes to vidya. They want new shit every day, but they don't want it every day. If you give it to them too fast, they complain about how you're trying to whale them and don't let the gameplay grow. If you give it too slow, they cry about how dead the game is and how boring the meta is.


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I don't get why that's bad. It's not like they're Valve where they put out nothing, with Respawn the quality of their games really show.

I wonder if people even play video games anymore or if they just take the words of streamers/"Content creators". Hell didn't Respawn even put out a road map just to show they were committed to the game during the reveal anyways?

Shit game forced by paid off popular streamers easily lost steam, why are you shocked?

>a handful of retards = Yea Forums
yeah pretty much

>I wonder if people even play video games anymore or if they just take the words of streamers/"Content creators". Hell didn't Respawn even put out a road map just to show they were committed to the game during the reveal anyways?
It's a mixture of the two and other stuff. Suits see what the popular games are doing and force them to do it. Players have some highly self-inflated sense of worth and knowledge and think they know what it takes to make a game functional and sustainable. Devs are also pressured by "non-existant" groups to doing dumb shit. It's a mess overall but at least Respawn is saying no to something.