Why do people get excited about this when every entry in the franchise gets progressively shittier...

Why do people get excited about this when every entry in the franchise gets progressively shittier, and the life simulator genre has progressed while this one remains stagnant? The second there's a life sim that is actually good that appeals to furfags comes out on PC no one will pretend anymore I bet.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>progressively shittier
I'll give you that the GC game was the best, but New Leaf was a little better than Wild World and WAY better than City Folk, which is awful.

>life simulator genre has progressed
what games?

>every entry gets worse

This is Animal Crossing, not Pokemon

>new game bad
>old game good

This. New Leaf is great, if the switch game improves on what NL did then it'll be great too

>life simulator genre has progressed

name em

Stardew Valley, mostly. My Time At Portia if you want something 3D. AC Switch is going to be NL HD, which isn't what the series needs, it needs to break the mold entirely.
New Leaf's writing was abysmal, user. Which is pretty fucking bad considering interacting with villagers is the point of the game. And being better than a shameless DS port to Wii isn't saying much.

People only think the GameCube game was better due to nostalgia. It's missing so many key features.

>progressively shittier
I think it's a cycle, I liked WW and NL more than their preceding titles

>My Time At Portia if you want something 3D
is p good? has mixed reviews on steam.

>stardew valley

Attached: trash.jpg (914x693, 71K)

Wrong, GC had by far the best script. They sapped the series of a lot of personality when they felt it had to be more kid-friendly, removing Resetti and removing "mean" villagers (instead making them just vaguely grumpy).

Wha? who the fuck cares about writing in an animal crossing game?

>Stardew Valley, mostly. My Time At Portia


dont you like hearing your town say funnies

>removing Resetti

Never ever happened. Hello user who repeating other peoples opinions!

>My Time At Portia
is it any good? haven't heard about it.

Shut the fuck up population growing faggot you are the scourge of this fanbase
Fuck off and ignore AC form now on

>I'll give you that the GC game was the best
If you think that you are a fucking retard, go replay it
Its unbearable

I've played many life sims but they never capture the relaxing atmostphere that I'm looking for. They always try to cram something into the game to make it more "exciting"

You try resetting in New Leaf, dumbass. See how it compares.

GC and WW are the only ones with decent scripts.

dont know what to tell you. He's in new leaf.

Obviously I meant "removed the way Resetti used to be". Did you play anything before in the series?

>People actually think that the gameplay loop of "Boot game up at night, catch bugs for two hours and then sell them" is good
>People actually call NL "the best"

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yup, all of them. dont know what to tell you

Are you just pretending to be retarded here or?

All he did was scream, it's not like he would actually delete your data.

You mean farm island beetles for a week until you have enough start up money to go on /acg/ or r*ddit for turnip profits?

The point is that he was threatening but got neutered hard

There's no point in doing any other form of gaining income. It needs to be nerfed in Switch and have some other sources of it.

>Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley is a carbon copy of the older Harvest Moon games. That's not progressing the genre in any way.

I just found out about the "welcome amiibo" free update

is it any good?

Fine then, any Rune Factory game.

It has amiibo in the title.

Stardew valley is worse even. Can't believe I got memed into buying that shit, I had more fun playing the in game arcade shooter game than the actual game.

>That's not progressing the genre in any way.
they added cuckolding to it so I'd say it's pretty progressive.

Anyone playing pocket camp? Its extremely repetitive but I picked it up in the slim hopes that the items will be transferable to whatever AC comes out next. Like Pokemon Go with Pokemon Let's Go

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you said it already, because there are basically zero games like animal crossing so people have no other game to turn to even as the series turns into something different than it was originally
except for magicians quest I guess, which uh... yeah...

I hope that isn't a thing, that game is shit.

I feel it would most definitely be a thing.

As long as there aren't microtransactions I guess.

What's wrong with New Leaf?

Honestly needs more town planning stuff, but not necessarily with the player as a mayor.
I want to plan out and beautify my community.

More personality and interaction with the villagers too of course.

If I wanted to play Harvest Moon I'd play Harvest Moon. AC's real time system hasn't been touched in any meaningful way by another game yet. Everyone seems to focus on games that are short cycles of repetition you play for extended periods instead of a game you check out on your own time that just exists in the same time frame as your own reality.

New furniture, small daily tasks for the currency to buy said furniture. It's not bad for a free update to extend the life of the game. Amiibo add a little more, but mostly just for getting specific villagers, or new themed ones. Not a big deal.

It was a mild time waster that's been updated to an obsessive time waster that's falling into the worst microtransaction hell. It's really not worth your time.

>More personality

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No one plays animal crossing for the “scripts” lmao. Go suck Bill Trinen’s dick.

You can’t even make custom designs in the GC game, it has the least features and customization of any game and just because the villagers do exercises in the morning doesn’t make it the best.

It does have the best soundtrack though. I’m just tired of anti-new Leaf fags putting that game on a pedestal just because the villagers can be “mean”

The only legitimate issue with new leaf is that catching bugs is way more valuable than any other income in the game pressing you to do it too much.

What user, you don't like hearing about the CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES that the villager just made? It is very unique and not at all tiring!
>He plays an Animal Crossing game for the random shit to the side and not the fucking point, interacting with villagers
Mean villagers being removed hurt the game, just like the rest of them being lobotomized hurt it.

Pocket Camp is largely just mobile garbage, but it’s not COMPLETELY without merit. I definitely want to see villagers dressing up in hats and accessories make a return for the next game, as well as maybe the furniture placing/grid system.

Only in the GameCube game are you spending a ton of time interacting with the villagers because you have to spam talk to them over and over to get rare fruit or to trade them. In the newer games the villagers show you a unique emote when they have something valuable to talk to you about. It's a much better system.

lmao dont bother, nlfags are basically just as bad as the roasties who obsess over the game, all they care about is the town management/decoration
they probably play pocket camp too

>obsess over the game, all they care about is the town management/decoration

Yeah the main fucking part of Animal Crossing is customizing your town and house.

The animals are just a means to get furniture.

The furniture system was taken from HHD. Didn't invent it for the mobile game.

You mean actually fucking building up a relationship with them in a game that is supposed to be mostly a relationship simulator? Fucking shocking.
They do need to get rid of grass deterioration and actually add paths though. Imagine playing Animal Crossing and using the game to decorate the town with the shit tools it gives you.

>progressively shittier
New Leaf was the best of the series, you dipshit

>He thinks a life simulation game where the primary goal is to build relationships with the characters primarily has the characters as conduits so he can decorate his house he never leaves
The jokes write themselves.

Animals are the least productive way to obtain new furniture in the game. If that's all you care about why waste time talking to them at all?

well it's a free update so i guess I'll get it anyway

I hope Nintendo will make something like pic related for the Switch

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>he builds relationships with code

How fucking autistic are you? I hope anyone above the age of 10 doesn’t seriously find enjoyment from this. Get some friends.

Who the fuck are these people trying to incite “wars” between the GameCube game and New Leaf?

And I like how nobody gives a shit about City Folk or Wild World when talking about this.

>normie doesn’t like one of the main points of the gam- oh i mean old games before you filthy normalfaggots got your hands on it
go buy some leaf tickets goy, that van needs decorating!
uhmm sweatie you forgot about his DREAM TOWN

We know literally nothing about the new animal crossing and you’re already calling it NL HD.
I hope you get BTFO
(I wouldn’t put NLHD past nintendo though.)

Because one type of autism has found another type that constantly replies back. It's the central premise to console wars still existing.

Also, Wild World still gets some mention, but NL essentially perfected whatever it brought so it's mostly moot. That's also the reason City Folk is universally ignored, it did nothing that hasn't been surpassed or wasn't a copy of WW. Can't make good bait if it's too obvious.

I do. I loved NL but something inside me broke when I gathered up like 3 peppy rabbits and realized they are literally carbon copies of each other (voice, conversations, .etc) outside of their 3D models.
Like I can handle the animals being overly nice to you compared to the variety in GC, but I don't want repetitive conversations.
Same reason why I love Rune Factory so much but Harvest Moon was always so shallow in comparison, with just the conversations / villager events alone.

If you have amiibo cards it’s great.
I used an Ankha card yesterday to get her to move into my town.

>normal fag
>implying the series wasn’t normal fag since it’s inception

Animal crossing has always been a multi-million seller

>Obviously I meant "removed the way Resetti used to be".
jesus user just admit you were mistaken you tard, no one's going to care, you're anonymous

after all these years i still have no idea what animal crossing is

It’s literally just the same crowd and the same mentality as Smash
Best generation doesn’t deserve to be muddied like this thanks to the autists who cling to the GC so badly.

I mean no matter how much dialogue they add in they’ll start repeating themselves eventually.

Make the villager houses in set positions. Absolutely no reason they shouldn't be, I'm sick of them building houses in front of paths or on top of flowers.

It's a fishing simulator where you can also design a house and maybe talk to some animals.

And you never will.

it adds a few changes like villagers not moving on top of patterns anymore (unless there's no other open space, then it just ignores patterns like previously) and being able to kick out villagers by inviting new vilagers in via amiibo. I hope that feature stays since I can just borrow my friend's amiibo fob cheat thing to get all my fav villagers right away

This. And I still love the GC game but that doesn’t mean I don’t love New Leaf too. And I really hate this mentality that just because one game did some stuff better than the other, the entire game is shit. And liking New Leaf more than the GC game doesn’t make me a zoomer.

well now it is even moreso somehow

add in enough dialogue and at least I won't remember every single one word-for-word. I guess the voices in Rune Factory also adds immensely to its illusion of being alive even if it's not fully voice acted

>And liking New Leaf more than the GC game doesn’t make me a zoomer.

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it's a game that'll postpone suicide for some people, just like RF5

>the new magician’s quest games never got translated
feels bad man

How about you actually read a post instead of arguing semantics?

You know Wild World sold like 13 million units right?

it's trash sjw bullshit

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Believe me, I want to be BTFO.

then they should have kept that formula instead of experimenting with the whims of the roastie masses
as soon as they realized they could get more money lobotomizing it for normies they did

The only person wrong in this image is the top right.

Every AC game has the same formula.

WW introduced the rolling log shit though.

I haven't played Stardew Valley, but cuckolding is in both HM and RF

>progressively shittier
10/10 - Gamecube
06/10 - Wild World
06/10 - City Folk
10/10 - New Leaf
02/10 - Amiibo Fest
06/10 - Happy Home Designer
??/10 - Switch
Despite it being an average series overall, Gamecube and New Leaf are in my top 5 games of all time. I have high hopes for the new one, it just needs that new level of innovation that New Leaf brought.

the what?
sure just like how in pc it “has” dialogue and fishing/bugcatching its just shittier and shittier each time

>the what?
the rolling round earth

If you think that every single thing in New Leaf is inferior to the original then you’re retarded and I’m not arguing with you anymore. New Leaf bad, GameCube and Chibi Robo good. Got it.

except I never said every single thing in it was inferior. fuck off illiterate dumbass

it's literally the same

NGC and 3DS are still the best ones.
animal crossing should just die already, or become a game that comes with the console.

How could you go about modding new villager personalities into the game?


yeah certain parts of it are shittier, exactly what I said

What are you top realistic/not hopes for AC Switch, bros?
>More fish, bugs, furniture
>Actual paths
>Deciding where villager houses go
>Some sort of vehicle
>More mini games
Not realistic:
>movable camera
>Not being mayor anymore

Take out dating, add more fish.

Who the fuck gives a shit? Just wait until we get some news about the game because at this rate people talk about wanting the same shit over and over again.

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>some sort of vehicle
for some reason the idea of tearing through the town on a bike or whatever is really funny to me

this is my wife, say something nice about her!

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The writing is the only issue here. Tom Nook becoming a real estate mogul makes complete sense, and if you actually liked sitting through Resetti and Blathers dialogue, then you should commit last panel.

Lads please let’s stop the fighting and post your favorite villager

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"Oh hey, there's the Mayor. Maybe I should talk to hi-"
lol, I'll take it.

Don't know why, he was in my childhood town and I liked him.

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It's gonna piss me off so much if that happens and I bet it does. I love a lot of the new items I've seen them add for it but I just can't bear to play that shit even so.

>animals telling you that you're unlikable and need to fuck off is good script for a game about making friends
>animals LITERALLY being able to take things from your inventory and not give it back is a good script
nah fuck off

>nah fuck off
get use to it, they're adding niggers in every game now.

>dont know what to tell you
How about "I'm a huge fucking retarded faggot who is worthless to everyone"

>Animal Crossing Let's Pocket Camp for Nintendo Switch

I still play acpg to this day.

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trash cat best cat

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I play it every day, it shits on new leaf

>Go suck Bill Trinen’s dick
that'd be Nate Bihldorff's dick

>You can’t even make custom designs in the GC game
so you clearly didnt even play it, gtfo new leafer

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Alright, the next thread should probably just be Hopes/Dreams/Expectations? so that the thread isn't just arguing.

I tried to fix it. But we're only a month away now.

villagers actually pay for a sizable chunk of public projects, especially ones they ask for.

It;ll just be the same shit we've been talking about, just wait until we get news at E3

But why

Yeah, you're both right. I'm just waiting for the trailer to drop so that way we at least have something new to talk about, regardless on whether the game looks good or bad.

He was the first grumpy villager I had in my wild world town, so I think that's why. It's a tie between him and Bob for me.

Based. And how about having them actually do something other than just sitting there?

oh yeah i like kabuki for the same reason

It will be underwhelming.

But at least it'll give us something to talk about.

AC switch is not gonna be new leaf HD. New leaf was heavily constrained by the awful handheld hardware. It will be very easy for them to make meaningful upgrades here, for example in having a larger town.

But why bother trying when it will sell a fuckload?

What do you all think of character episodes? I thought they were neat.


Because unlike gamefreak Nintendo has standards and will fuck them up if they don't do a proper job.

i wish they'd come back
i still remember the first time i saw one i thought it was the coolest shit
It's weird now actually seeing them written out and how specific the times were for getting them

Considering that a lot of the AC devs also worked on splatoon 2, I'd say I still have some hope that this game will be good.

if you think City Folk is worse than New Leaf you just have plain bad taste, sorry to break it to you

Attached: Animal_Crossing-_City_Folk_(logo).png (200x153, 45K)

One of my most wanted things in this game along with better villager dialogue is for new character episodes. I have hope that they will have new ones though.

Are you an actual toddler?

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You’re wife is very cute! I’m happy for you!

I mean it's the same game. New leaf just shuffled shit around and made other things worse, plus some features that the gamecube had for years.

I fucking hate the food obsession in the newer games.

cherry picking
now show Villager Interaction how you can wave at people from afar and AC:PG can't
Music is great
If you prefer this
to this

the controls were actually solid---you can fish and catch bugs like you're really there

the nes games were all shovelware

also, wasn't even talking about the first game

City Folk is great and you are a contrarian if you disagree
you have tinnitus

New Leaf is not the same game

Attached: Villager Cyan.png (470x320, 213K)

me too, although i am pretty interested in how a sable and nook episode would look these days. I could have sworn i saw something in NL about how they're friends again now or something

If you prefer this *you have tinnitus*

my b, got mixed up there

>the nes games were all shovelware
I wish people would stop using words they don't understand.

>the nes games were all shovelware
what the fuck

>now show Villager Interaction how you can wave at people from afar and AC:PG can't
that's a feature from e+, so sure?

>New Leaf is not the same game
yeah, it is albeit worse in some areas

a secret dog under the bed

I have no idea what they would do with them at this point, maybe one of the episodes can lead to them merging their shops or something.

I just want New Leaf but more for AC2019.

maybe there's hope for this stupid fucking shit board after all

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The point of the game is whatever you make it retard pea brain bitch

You forgot to check for dating and "relationship."

Neither of those games actually fills the same niche as Animal Crossing. Stardew Valley is more Harvest Moon/Rune Factory, and I haven't played Portia yet but it looks pretty unpolished and not too fun.

nevermind fuck this board. I was telling my sister about how people wanted "relationships" as a feature in animal crossing and she looked absolutely disgusted

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They should not do this. Part of the charm is having no control.

They used to have set places. They were RNG from the moment you started town, but you always knew what plots of land were potentially a house. NL tossed that out for autistic control.

gr8b8, New leaf was great nigger


how does it feel being cucked by the nookman


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vocal minority
Animal Crossing needs mansions before it needs d*t*ng

My idea for it is that when villie moves out the house stays, and a new villie movies in.

damn son you want BIGGER mansions?

Honestly there's no real excuse for not giving the player a full upstairs equal to the ground floor. The house on the outside even looks like it has one in NL. Would go a long way with the growing furniture amount too so you could make an interesting house with new stuff and not constantly rotate themes.

Cus you just know those assholes aren't going to make all furniture catalog buyable and they're gonna add even more event-only shit.

I see, I thought user wanted something like in city builder games.

I hope there will be no numbers. I tried Pocket Camp and seeing friendship levels etc was horrible
I want them to develop online interactions with other players a little. Maybe make part of recycle shop available for online trades? It will make getting furniture easier though, so maybe it’s a bad idea.
I don’t think we should be so negative about new game. Splatoon is amazing and apparently AC team is the same. With new hardware and high expectations, I actually think they will BTFO us.

those weren't mansions
those were suburban homes

She cute

i want shortie pcs again

Also, Amiibo Festival and Pocket Camp weren't actually developed by the AC team, so that gives me more hope.

I should be able to date the villagers.

Let's just agree that there need to be more substantial relationships. Everyone either treats you like a stranger or their best friend. There's no growth and no consequences for how you choose to interact with the villagers.

I wonder what will happen between them in the new game.

Having a height slider would be nice for that.

I imagine the online will be much more fleshed out. Half because that made NL so welcoming and they want to build on that and half because Nintendo seriously needs some excuse to sell their online system and are really fucking that up hard.

I'm also confident there won't be number nonsense. PC needed some generic mobile hook to make you keep coming back, but AC when done right is the hook. It helps when the profit model is one sale and done vs milking every cent you have.

>Stardew Valley, mostly. My Time At Portia if you want something 3D.
both of those are just mediocre indieshit ripoffs of story of seasons.