Is this real?
World of Warcraft - Eldre'thalas 9.0 expansion leak?
no you cock sucking faggot
>expansion pack leak
>it has content
lol no. You're really that naive nigger?
BFA has just as much content on paper.
>even on paper
Legion had more content on paper. The next xpack is going to remove more spells and at the most add one new class that is a tank/melee dps.
What content is in the OP that is more than BFA?
What is content in BFA?
Allied races
New zones
New dungeons
New raids
Island expeditions
Old zone revamps
The "leak" only says new class, new zones and new raids.
Afkfronts are content?
>Allied Races
You mean reskins behind a rep grind?
>new zones
with meaningless levels attached to them?
>New dungeons and raids
Just the reskin gear treadmill again
>Island expeditions
Which are completely pointless and a waste of time
>Old zone revamps
It just looks like a lot of noncontent there. Also OP's leak is bullshit and the next xpack will just be another round of noncontent with less spells and more braindead class gameplay.
>playable naga never
>level 70 land
Level crunch.
>Thunderhill: the city of shame
I kek'd and then I bur'd
>Levels don't mean anything after 100 because no new abilities, talents, or upgrades
>even before that you can level 15 times without getting anything but a dungeon unlock
>How do we fix this?
>Maybe add more spells or another character advance system like a talent tree that activates in the later levels? Maybe expand on Legions systems? How about expanding on gems and glyphs and having those appear as upgrades as you level, making your character more advanced and complex the higher the level.
Blizzard: "Durrr make less levels"
They contrived a fucking stupid reason to bring back Illidan and make DHs playable, why not naga? In fact aren't there naga allied with them right now?
>main characters:
Excuse me? What? Isn't he busy being Sargeras's keeper?
Leveling from 1 is an astronomical PITA. Level boosts are a bandaid fix for a bigger problem that Blizz can't ignore anymore.
less levels is as much a bandaid fix as stat squishes.
How about they scrap this & just make new content for Classic
Have Azshara kill everyone & end it at 8.2
>BFA hasn't even been out for a year
>he thinks they have patches planned for 9 already
kek, not a chance
I'd have believed it if the leak happened at this time next year but it is way too early to be that far in development.
They've already had to squish twice I think, and they'll have to a 3rd time. They need to sort their shit out and just take us back to people having 10k hp but they know pet battlers will scream about how weak they feel.
I read a 'leak' about how the final boss is N'zoth but we lose and he basically takes over the planet and the Old Gods rise again and 9.0 is basically a shattered Azeroth we have to fix while the factions are all shattered and the plotline is basically rebuilding/reforming the horde/alliance to unite (dude war lmao) against the greater threat.
It sounds awful so it's definitely fake as hell.
>sounds awful
Meant awesome.
A level crunch is a good no cost solution to the current problem. Going to level 200 without adding a single spell will not be interesting especially considering that as it is right now; the experience bar is a completely useless interface. It literally doesn't indicate anything other than "you are getting experience from what you're doing now" which you can already tell because +exp pops up on your screen, is in your combat log etc etc.
It's still a bandaid fix because Blizzard allowed for these levels to be meaningless from the beginning.
In five years they'll have the same, exact problem. Just like they keep deciding to stat squish
The problem with that is the WoW has an A Team/B Team development system so they can churn out expansions every two years. The A Team made Wrath, MoP, and Legion; the B Team made Cata, WoD, and BfA. If next expansion is an Old God one to set up the Void Lords, that would mean the Old God expansion is an A Team expansion (made by good, competent people) and the actually important Void Lord expansion will be handled by the B Team (brought to you by the retards who made Cata, WoD, and BfA). There's no way they'll leave something important to the lore to the B Team.
If they drop down to 60 again, in 5 years the level cap will be 80 or 90.
I can't even see the goalposts anymore
Which based on Blizzards current philosophy would be twenty-thirty levels of no spells / talents because they're terrified of adding any new ability interactions.
You're just kicking the can down the road than actually addressing why players have an issue with the system to begin with.
It's like if they took all the complaints of "talent tree is cookie cutter" and instead of trying to toy with the system they just added more talent points thinking it would give a feeling of choice.
I think what the guy was trying to say is that sure there's a lot on paper but good lord is it fucking awful to play through. Island expeditions and Warfronts might as well be non-content at this point. Run them 1-2 times each and that's all you'll need. Past that just torturing yourself to do those snoozefests for what? Azerite level? Pointless next patch. Better traits? Pointless next patch.
Blizzard fucked up hard with the non-raid PvE content this time around there is no arguing with that fact. 8.2 seems like it's adding some good stuff but who the fuck cares at this point? Most of us left months ago and coming back for Isle of Quel'Danas version 6.0 is just exhausting at this point.
The WoW community really is completely braindead if they think that's in any way legit.
>Leveling from 1 is an astronomical PITA.
Which is sad because that is supposed to be half the game, the enjoyment of setting off an adventure as a meager level one character and slowly growing in power as you progress through various storylines and master your class and abilities.
But now leveling literally just exists as a vestigial buffer, Blizzard and their players only care about the ENDGAME.
*snap* yep this one's going into my "prove anti wowfags wrong" folder
>tinker not a goblin/gnome Hero class