I hate gamefreak so damn much

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no respect

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Have sex

Yurishitters BTFO.

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boku no pico

These pokeymen are my favorites.

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Just post the full set.

decent, please deal with triggering things like megas or types that din't exist for certain gens.

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noone cares


fuck off /bant/
fuck off no one cares


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Oh shit niggas lets do this
17/18 -Gardevoir
Major kudos for Nidoking, Golurk, and Breloom
15/18 -Gardevoir again, Hydreigon is an awesome concept but in execution he just looks stupid in my opinion, I don't like the tacked obligatory pikaclones outside of actual additions to the evolutionary line and Mimikyu
Major kudos for Kabutops, Chandy, Primeape, Ferrothorn, and Garchomp

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/bant/ has a new queen.

>expecting a romance sim game
i hate poketards so damn much

template fag

I don't have it, I just made mine over somebody elses

emptying those boxes is fucking simple MSpaint tier shit man, just do what I did.

Cirno is still best queen.

Man Game Freak doesn't disappoint.
That water looks great!

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Why can't Pokemon battles be like this now? Shouldn't the hardware on the 3ds and switch be strong enough by now?

"Spoonfeed meeee! :)"
Here comes the airplaneeeeee

>just saying ehat you're fucking referring to instead of being a vague piece of shit BAD
> spoonfeed BAD

Shut the fuck up

People like you need to just die

Just fucking apply yourself, this isn't difficult.


literally all they had to do was copy dqxi

I'm not talking about that, I'm saying that you're a faggot about it and should die.

i'm glad gamefreak decided to focus on the quality of the water instead of those boring old pokemon creatures nobody cares about

women with huge tits for no reason unironically make games better because they become more fun to play and weed out the shitters in the fanbase who like to forget they play video games (or god forbid make them accommodating on any other level than pleasurable).

Miss me with this flat shit

>tranny faggot loves playing the woman he'll never be

I'm talking about other characters other than the protagonist you numbnuts. Also since when are lesbian pillow fights not hot, you gay.

holy shit this is the gayest post I've seen all day you might as well have put "MASSIVE COCKSUCKER" in the namefield.

when will these fucking developers get it in their heads that sex sells and we're all on board with this shit.

When it sells, so never.

That seriously looks like a Wii game.
A Wii GAME! Let that sink in.
The worst part is Game Freaks have the resources and time to make actual 3D games. They just don't want to.

Barring Gardevoir, this is the best PokeTaste i've seen in Yea Forums AND /vp/. Good job, user.

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>Final Fantasy VII (Tifa)
#2 best selling playstation game of all time
>Tomb Raider I & II (Lara)
#6 and #9 respectively, best selling playstation game of all time
>Any Tekken game
>Any Soul Calibur game
>Any GTA game
>Skyrim tit/sex mods
>The Sims sex mods

pokesex now

Literally the worst starter ever why do you like him

oof, reddit sure got upset by being told to fuck off

It's the only Pokemon on my list that i couldn't explain. I don't even like real life monkeys, really. I was always a fan of Journey to the West, so i guess it's kinda logical in the end.

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It's probably because of the quantity of models that have to be made now. With the first few gens they probably could have had bespoke animations for each pokemon but with literally hundreds and hundreds of pokemon to model it may be that we're left waiting for what would be pleasant looking animations.

Based Miltank brother

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>No Gen 1
It's shit.

utterly and unequivocally based

the fuck you mean no gen 1?
what about dragonite? or nidoking? or fucking omastar?

Forgive him user, he started playing pokemon with DPP

I couldn't fucking see them. My bad. Fucking asshole. Fuck you.

But they are? The only things that are missing from that are minigames and announcers.

This was tough as a gringo

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