Platform exclusives are anti-consumer and should be illegal. Only in the video-game industry is something like this acceptable. Imagine if movies were TV-exclusive and you had to buy 2 or 3 TVs to be able to watch any movie. That would be, of course, ridiculous, and it would only benefit TV manufacturers. Exclusives only benefit corporations selling lucklaster hardware, whose value is artificially tied to artificially locked software. The only case in which an exclusive actually makes sense and is not only a corporate swindle is when it takes full advantage of a hardware feature not shared by other gaming systems. Refute this. Pro-tip: you can't.
Platform exclusives are anti-consumer and should be illegal...
seething pcnigger
imagine limiting yourself to one platform for gaming
Except ported games costs a lot of time and effort and money meanwhile having tv exclusive shows would require going out of your way to make them exclusive to certain tvs
>implying this is not the case with consoles
Nigger, guess in what platform ALL games are developed? Consoles are literally just slower gaming PCs. It's harder to make a console game because your resources are more limited (that is, you have to "go out of your way" to make a console game). And guess what is the only reason to develop a console exclusive game in the first place? You guessed it: exclusivity bucks.
DUDE.... what if everyone like *hits blunt* gamed on pc
Most of the best games of all time are system exclusive because they had the money and time to complete them properly as an incentive to sell systems rather than make a quick buck like most third party AAA shit.
Change my mind. You can't.
Problem with your analogy here is that a TV is just an output device, and not the machine that actually plays the movies.
VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray, etc. players can still be "exclusive" to some TVs, because not every TV has every single type of input available, and that's not even starting with the actual movies that are/aren't available for those platforms.
The truth is that there is no real need for multiple platforms, at least not if you're thinking about the mainstream consoles like the Xbox and PS. What can any of those two consoles do that a computer can't, hardware-wise? If the answer is "nothing" (which it is), why do they even exist in the first place? At least portable consoles' existence like the Switch can be justified on the basis of a genuine hardware feature that gaming PCs usually lack (portability).
>Problem with your analogy here is that a TV is just an output device, and not the machine that actually plays the movies.
What year are you living in user?
Only first parties. Anyone else should be on every system
>takes full advantage of a hardware feature
Yeah so that's why console games are not on switch because it's a handheld.
ok so smart tvs are a thing
exclusivity between appstores
what's on netflix vs. what's on hulu
same shit
I agree but there are too many people who get their kicks rather out of the other guy not having a game than playing the game itself. Because fuck that other guy.
It is literally just for normies who see their PCs as Facebook and Youtube machines
>good games take time and money to be developed
No shit, retard. In other breaking news, the sky is blue.
>TV-exclusive and you had to buy 2 or 3 TVs to be able to watch any movie. That would be, of course, ridiculous, and it would only benefit TV manufacturers.
>Platform exclusives are anti-consumer
They're only anti consumer if the platform owner pays for a game that could have been a multiplat.
Only one of those three does that
>hey, this bad thing exists over there too!
>its alright if its Nintendo though
> Imagine if movies were TV-exclusive
Faster internet was a mistake.
Platform exclusives are, for the most parts, produced by the platform holder.
So without the platform exclusivity, the platform holder would have no reason to produce them at all and they wouldn't exist.
So the real question is: would you rather live in a world where all the exclusive games don't exist at all? Or one where they exist but only on specific platforms?
I vote for the former.
>why do they even exist in the first place?
Either bait or underage if you seriously can't understand why consoles exist.
How do you play the switch in handheld mode without severe hand and thumb cramping?
don't be a subhuman and adapt, unless you play fighting games or some shit there's no issue
>user would rather live in a world where exclusive content is never produced rather than one where its exclusive to one provider.
What do you mean? The same way you hold a controller normally?
It's not really that heavy and the ergonomics are pretty comfy for the most part, even for games like Smash
Only really command-input heavy fighting games need a proper pro controller
The right thumbstick is at palm level.
That is bullshit, though. Game developers and hardware developers are two very different, distinct sets of people. What ACTUALLY happens is that game developers have an idea and start developing software and then comes along a hardware company and buys them out with exclusivebucks.
>the Switch can be justified
oh, so it's another thinly-veiled portbegging thread. you guys have found a way to be worse than the pc mustards with their petitions.
People (hopefully) dont actually think this. Exclusivities are a basic factor of competition, if sony wants someone to buy a ps4, theyre going to put a lot of money into making as many good exclusivites as possible. Nintendo has being doing this for decades. Sure sometimes a company with a mediocre title gets bought out and the publisher makes them exclusive to one platform for muh shekels, but what can you? Do you really want the federal govt making platform exclusives illegal? Plus, what are you going to do about the existing communities of people already loyal to one platform? This would only lead to the stagnation of video game development.
Sure, it sounds great to be able to play any game i want on just one platform, but practicality-wise, thats just the idealistic ravings of a spoiled child who wants to both have his cake and eat it.
>the ergonomics are pretty comfy for the most part
ergonomics are fucking terrible unless you buy a grip case for it.
Streaming services exclusives are bullshit too, retard. There is no benefit for me as a consumer if a movie is artificially locked in a given platform.
>Imagine if movies were TV-exclusive and you had to buy 2 or 3 TVs to be able to watch any movie
It's called cable user
>What ACTUALLY happens is that game developers have an idea and start developing software and then comes along a hardware company and buys them out with exclusivebucks.
Do you have a single shred of evidence? Because most exclusives I know of are usually produced by second or first party studios, which means they are LITERALLY paid by the platform holder to produce the game, NOT the game being made and then exclusivity is bought out by the highest bidder
When you make a console game you're making it for maybe 5 sets of hardware at most, you don't have to optimise for all the different PC set ups, by your logic, how do unoptomised ports exist?
>all movies and series can be watched in any channel, independent of broadcasting rights or studio
>all channels are avaiable when you turn the TV on, no need for extra fee or extra sevices
>zoomers in this thread think that this started with Netflix
You kids never paid a bill in your lifes, right?
>unironically caring about loyal corporate drones, which must be 1% of the total market
>calls me a spoiled child because I don't want to waste my hard-earned money like a retard on inferior hardware that I don't actually need
>implying that the gaming industry would die if exclusive wars were not a thing
Sweetie, exclusive wars only help make console manufacturers richer. If hardware artificial competition weren't a thing (and I say "artificial" because an Xbone or a Basedstation are practically the same shit), the competition would happen in the only area where it ACTUALLY matters: software. Great game developers would thrive, while shitty ones would die. And that would be a good thing.
lol missing the point this hard because you want to try and feel superior to others for being retarded, nice job dude
OP is fucking brain dead.
This would be the case if TV OEMs were interested in producing exclusive content for their TVs. Luckily that’s not the world we live in.
>local user makes up bullshit
here's some fucking history lesson for you, underage shithead.
the history of exclusives has generally been in two phases.
The first is exclusivity due to hardware specializations. Most game devs in the past maybe only knew how to optimize for one set of hardware, so they stuck to the console they knew the most about since they generally weren't teams that were so large that they could develop for multiple platforms at once.
Then, around fifth and sixth gen consoles, you began to see more exclusives developer by companies within the First Party Console Developers themselves. Ape Escape for PS1, Ico and SotC for PS2 or Halo for Xbox.
This pattern extended to third parties too, since game developers outside of the major publishers didn't have that much money to work with and therefore often depended a ton on an external source of money to bankroll them BEFORE they started developing the software itself. You have this in games like Metroid Prime, where Retro was explicitly offered the opportunity to make a Metroid game by Shiggy BEFORE their acquisition.
Generally speaking, exclusives are made only once the money from the Platform Holder comes in OR because the studio doesn't really have any specialized talent for that platform. You see this a ton with Japanese games and Xbox One: there's not raelly anyone who's specialized for optimizing for Xbone because there are no Xbones in Japan.
>if sony wants someone to buy a ps4, theyre going to put a lot of money into making as many good exclusivites as possible.
So they don't want people to buy PS4s?
>die if exclusive wars were not a thing
It wouldn't die but it'd be much worse since the only types of games that would be made are low budget indies and high budget creatively-bankrupt cashcows.
The benefit of exclusives are that they are games that the publisher is willing to take a loss on because it makes the library of that particular platform more robust. It's the type of game that normally would never get made, a high-budget title that isn't designed to extract literally every cent from your pocket.
Exclusives wouldn't come to other platforms if they were outlawed, they would just straight up never be made. Because no publisher in their right mind would want to pay for something taht doesn't have maximum profit in mind
It’s fantastic to see how the PC MASTER RACE has become more and more embittered. You’ve done it to yourselves with piracy, developers won’t waste their time releasing games for PC for you to just steal it from them lol
You dun goofed bois
They have their own image of what makes a robust library and whether you like it or not, they're clearly not looking to make bank on the exclusive sales themselves (even though they do sell well), but on expanding the installbase of PS4s such that they earn more in the long term from future software purchases on that new PS4 owner
Well, and kickstarter has been kind of dry of any half decent projects recently
Last raelly amazing one I can remember is DivOS2
In this thread we see the feral libshit imagine a world where telling somebody where they have to sell their art is a good idea.
Yes, exclusivity made sense a couple of decades ago when developers had to program close to the hardware, we all know it, gramps. I was talking about the modern day gaming industry. Surely you are not suggesting that developers can't write multiplats because their assembler ultra efficient programming tricks don't work on every hardware platform, right?
More than that, they misunderstand how the art is made at all because they can only imagine their own misfortune as the result of someone else's malice.
im not following you, i remember a ton of my friends buying xboxes just so they could play halo 2. Recently, i remember sony issuing a statement that they were hiring teams to make more of those '3rd person cinematic action games' that normies seem to buy so much of. Maybe i shouldnt have said 'good' exclusivities but they are what drives the market. Nintendo might brand mario on a lot of games, but they always put as much into their mainline mario games as they can. Otherwise, there would be no reason to buy nintendo consoles.
this is almost good bait
Look at this fucking retard. Apparently it doesn't occur to this dipshit that if you didn't have exclusives there would be more pressure to make the consoles better because people could buy whichever was the best actual machine, rather than just the one with the games they want on it. Which would be actual competition.
Piracy has nothing to do, though. Because: 1) it doesn't really affect sales; 2) you can also pirate in consoles. Try to lick those corporate boots harder, sweetie.
go to bed autist
Lot of corporate dicksuckers in this threat squealing about customers being "entitled" and "spoiled" in their usual piggy way.
>Imagine if movies were TV-exclusive and you had to buy 2 or 3 TVs to be able to watch any movie.
In a way that's kinda what's happening now with all of the new streaming services. I wish everything was on Netflix...
>Make a platform that technically has the specs to run every major release but is a nightmare to actually develop for
>Sue any developer that fails to make their games available for my platform cause they're legally obligated too
Even in the modern day industry, 90% of exclusives are only made because a First Party offers to produce them.
HZD, GOW4, Bloodborne, Halo, Mario Odyssey, BOTW. These games would never even get made if the developer didn't get the project greenlit by a publisher. And most AAA publishers wouldn't bother to pay for a game that's high-budget and single-player only with no MTX or lootboxes because it's not immediately profitable.
But First Party Platform Holders will. Because they don't care as much if that particular software title is optimizing its potential profit, they're looking to attract new people to their install base.
It makes the gaming landscape better on the whole that these titles are produced AT ALL and exclusively than to not have them produced in the first place.
>Surely you are not suggesting that developers can't write multiplats because their assembler ultra efficient programming tricks don't work on every hardware platform, right?
I'm suggesting they often don't have the money to write anything until they attach to a publisher or were super successful already.
>not believing in the free market
Kill yourself commie, in your ideal world you wouldn’t have electricity and probably not any food either
Can confirm. My PS4 is gathering dust until they finally release the 6.00+ exploits.
> piracy doesn’t affect sales
Hmm very interesting concept. I would have thought that downloading a cracked version of a game for free and not paying for it, would affect the sales figures...
Good luck playing a pirated game on PS4.
>wanting competition that is beneficial to the consumer instead of artificial competition that only benefits corporations is being a commie
Go drink some bleach, you literal retard.
Coprorate drones make up way more than 1% of the market. I dont know the last time you were outside or in a workplace, but normies can get heated discussing ps4 vs xbone.
If you dont want to buy the hardware then dont buy the hardware, invest in a good pc 5-7 years down the line and play those exclusives when emulation or fan ports are available.
As far as exclusivity wars goes, i dont like them either nor do i think the game market would die if they were not a thing, but i just dont see how banning these practices would work in a practical sense. Personally i dont want the federal government putting their fingers in my vidya, slip slop slippery slope and all that. But beyond my personal conspiracies, how would the legislation pertain to developers of all sizes? If i make an rpgmaker game and publish it on steam, are you going to make me port it to switch?
>implying I would buy most of the games I pirate
I just would not play them, sweetie. Therefore no sales were lost.
Ah okay so you only purchase games you want to play, but just download the ones you don’t?
You ever thought of getting yourself checked out for austimospasticalism syndrome?
>Imagine if movies were TV-exclusive and you had to buy 2 or 3 TVs to be able to watch any movie. That would be, of course, ridiculous, and it would only benefit TV manufacturers
Is this the 1980s..? wtf are you talking about?? You do have to do this, only you failed to realize how it works in modern times.
>Amazon prime video
>DC universe
But there already is a ton of pressure to make the best machine, when microsoft and sony started releasing specs on their next consoles, people were throwing numbers and fancy words left and right. Now, you could claim that its just public relations jargon and theyre only going as far as their competitor or however they need to in order to get the pretty looking EA demo. Unfortunately, the problem in this case is the average joe does not understand his hardware on a fundamental level. He might understand that more ram means he can have more chrome tabs open and that a better graphics card makes his games look prettier, but he understands none of the jargon beyond that. All he knows is that a new spiderman game makes his peepee stand at attention and makes him feel proud to be on 'the side that gets spiderman'. Only in a niche market would a push for better hardware be reasonable, as hobbyists want the best medium through which to experience their hobby. However, gaming has since become such a mainstream activity that people tend to avoid the hobbyist side of specs and technicalities in favor of franchises they like or games theyve played.
>What can any of those two consoles do that a computer can't, hardware-wise?
Be convenient, easy to use and standardized to be focused on gaming, with glitches and bugs being patched by the developers so the user doesn't have to go looking up mods to fix their game and it's crashes all the time?
I dunno dude, it's almost like consoles are made for convenience or something. If you want power, sure go for PC, but don't act like such a giga nigger because you like to struggle more than you game.
This is bullshit. You really have to try harder, sonny (heh). Pre-built gaming PCs are a thing.
>Platform exclusives are anti-consumer
>and should be illegal
Fuck off
Imagine if you wanted BMW seats in your Honda with f-150 suspension, this is you.
>same games on every platform
>differences only boil down to gimmicks
>lack of competition
>industry crumbles
If I could not pirate, I would play fewer games because I would not be able to pay for all of them (surprise, not everyone lives in the US and is able to spend 60 dollarydoos in games). In this hypothetical scenario, the only thing that changes is that now I play fewer games, but the number of sales has not changed (because, alas, my salary hasn't magically increased).
>industry crumbles
Only the bullshit generic consoles (watered down computers à la Xbone / Sōystation) industry would crumble. And that would be a glorious thing for the GAMES industry.
at least try to refute me beyond
>this is bullshit
Im willing to entertain something beyond my preconceived notions. If theres something im missing, something that doesnt occur to me because im a bit out of the loop, then tell me. Ive been PC exclusive myself since the ps2 was released, either give me an argument to work off of or go shitpost somewhere else
Fuck off. If I don't want to develop for your piece of shit platform I shouldn't have to
Refute what? This is your argument: Average Joe buys consoles because they're easier to understand than computers. This is bullshit, because if consoles didn't exist, PC assemblers like Alienware or whatever would fill in the normie pre-built hardware vacuum.
Nobody cares about your indie shit though, user.
Im not buying that (no pun intended).
If money is tight then I can only imagine you’d pirate the games you want to play also.
Either way, your individual, personal experiences aren’t a reflection of the masses. I personally would pirate all the games I like to play too of course - fuck you think I’d spend my own money on a game when I could just get it for free? I’m not trying to take any moral high ground here, but that’s not an option for PS4.
The problem is though that if everyone thought like me and it was a possibility, developers would stop producing for ps4 too.
Ok, how about:
Fuck off, if someone doesn't want to develop for a shitty platform they shouldn't have to
Except that’s not how that works because fucking console manufacturers are ALREADY trying to make the best console possible at a price point they think the average consumer will cough up dough for
If Sony could shit out 20 TFLOPS for $10, don’t you think they would already?
The whole point is that the average consumer isn’t going to shell out $800 for a decent gaming rig, so console manufacturers use their superior market leverage to get components for consoles at a cheaper rate and sell a machine that is more powerful per dollar spent than a machine of similar spec made from consumer-sold parts
If this were mandated by law, cross-platform developing kits would become the norm, sweetie.
Pre built gaming PCs are still made with consumer-priced parts designed for modularity
Except the point of a console is to have a streamlined, optimized and more efficiently priced gaming system.
There’s only so much you can do unless you get into gimmick territory
>consoles are cheaper by the dollar
Oh boi am I LAFFIN'
>unique, high budget ideas are never produced because they can’t make maximum money for AAA publishers
>all versions of all games are shittier because the devs have to split time between all versions
I for one welcome a low 20 FPS future
I mean they are, at the time of their release
That changes over time but take the XboneX for example. That shit is way cheaper than just buying a GTX1060 gaming rig
With the rise of streaming services, shows are now sometimes exclusive to the streaming service you are subscribed to. Netflix has exclusive shit that's not on the others, Hulu the same thing, Amazon Prime the same thing. Also, even before the rise of streaming services, premium cable existed and continues to exist (HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Starz, etc), and they have exclusive shows/movies as well. I agree with OP's sentiment, but he's ignorant to the fact this shit has existed for decades with TV.
Which one ?
>Platform exclusives are anti-consumer and should be illegal.
>Imagine if movies were TV-exclusive and you had to buy 2 or 3 TVs to be able to watch any movie.
Imagine if certain movies were released in theaters and never recorded and sold on VHS or DVD or Blu Ray, oh wait fuck that happened how do I delete text and not post what I wrote
I still dont follow why my argument is unsound.
>Average Joe buys consoles because they're easier to understand than computers
Yes, i did say that. People, especially kids growing up in the modern technological age, do not understand the inner machinations of a PC. They can navigate twitter, but they dont know their motherboard from their hardrive. Their PC navigation skills consist of microsoft word and google chrome.
Meanwhile, a console is plug and play.
>This is bullshit, because if consoles didn't exist, PC assemblers like Alienware or whatever would fill in the normie pre-built hardware vacuum
PC assemblers already do that, you said so yourself
>pre-built gaming PCs are a thing
And why do they do this? Because building your own PC is an imposing task for most people and they simply want to be able to plug something in and have it work. Understanding it beyond that is far too much an ask.
To tie it waayy back into the original argument you had of
>no exclusivities means a greater focus on hardware
the intrinsic problem of this argument lies in the heart of the consumer who does not understand his device. Not with the companies themselves. If every joe blow gamer understood what made his machine tick, and petitioned companies for better machines, then they would have to either deliver or die
an xboner is also way less customizable and only runs games though i guess some people stream movies off them. But with a PC rig you can use it to work, play, browse Yea Forums, whatever. You pay for flexibility in all forms
Consoles take up less space, and are easier to use. Convenience is always king, which is why very few people game exclusively on a pc.
Wow what a revolutionary and controversial opinion
How is buying a pre-built gaming PC any different, from the hardware illiterate point of view, from buying a console? If it's the same shit, why do we need generic consoles at all? Joe doesn't need to understand a thing about what goes inside his computer to understand that the latest game runs like shit on his brand new monster PC gaming. You know, the same way a console peasant doesn't need to know shit about hardware to understand that a game runs like shit and drops frames like crazy when there are two many explosions or enemies or whatever in his screen.
Very simply, the pros far outweigh the cons of console gaming over gaming on PC.
That is the end.
Samefag here. Also, these competing streaming services are, in the long run, better for the consumer than the alternative. Before the rise of streaming, cable was usually the only player in town (unless your area also has satellite as an option), so since there's no competition, you're forced to pay whatever they felt like charging (or, just do without cable, and only have antenna network TV, which is only like eight channels not including all the Spanish channels). Cable packages don't let you choose what channels you want a la carte, you have to buy what's included in a particular tier, and if another channel is in a higher tier, you have to buy that entire tier even if you don't give a shit about any of the other channels in that tier. The different competing streaming services drive costs down, so you can likely get more than one and it still be less expensive than cable.
funny how it's always PClards upset about exclusives
Stay fucking mad
Nintendo making a first party game for their own console is perfectly fine.
Pros like worse framerate, worse resolution, locked into using one controller, locked out of entire genres like RTS, having to pay a $60/year fee to use your own internet that you're already paying for. Yeah, consoles are so much better.
And those are just the begin, Warner and NBCUniversal next year and you forgot Crackle and Fox+
Production costs are already high. Exclusives are a business model. It's nothing personal, man.
I can’t hear you over the sound of me playing my glittering AAA exclusives.
Go back to farm simulator homeboi
Very soon snoyboy, after your beloved corporation goes bankrupt. Microsoft and Nintendo are hinting that they will become plataform agnostic
Why snoybois exist? Snoy sucess doesn't benefit you
Assuming you're referring to having a PS4, the only worthwhile exclusives are Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2, so that's cool. Dropping $400 just to play two games isn't my idea of a worthy investment. Luckily, Bloodborne is on PS Now, so I could play it if I really wanted to. Yeah, streaming is trash, but since the game already runs at sub-30fps, it's not like you're getting an optimal experience on console anyway.
why do pc lards exist? microsoft, nvidia and intel's success doesn't benefit you.
If you play $400 for a PS4 in 2019 you are not a very intelligent person to begin with anyway
if piracy doesn't affect sales, then why are pc lards protesting the epic store by pirating their exclusives? wouldn't that be an ineffective way to protest tencent's bullshit?
The same effect would be achieved by simply not buying from Epic Store. Piracy just adds salt to the wound.
>How is buying a pre-built gaming PC any different, from the hardware illiterate point of view, from buying a console
It isnt i agree with you on this
>If it's the same shit, why do we need generic consoles at all?
We need to take a step back and look at what a generic console is nowadays. Its pretty much just a gaming PC running a gaming exclusive OS, the console market has widely been like this since the original xbox. If alienware marketed a new gaming PC that ran only their exclusive OS, it would just be a console more or less. So why do we 'need' generic consoles. We dont 'need' them but they will always be marketable. Whether it be for simplicity, brand recognition, because their friends have the console, take your pick.
>a console peasant doesn't need to know shit about hardware to understand that a game runs like shit and drops frames like crazy
But once again the heart of the problem is that even if they dont understand the hardware, they still dont care. My coworkers have put hundreds of hours into PUBG on their original run xbox ones, despite textures never loading in properly and frame rates dropping all the time. They just spout buzzwords because they think they care about their games running smoothly. When i tried to help my friend optimize his settings so he could play Escape from Tarkov, he sperged out because he was worried he wouldnt know how to change everything back. He chose a strictly inferior experience because he just wants to play games with his friends, anything concerning frames and textures are just jargon he spouts to feel like a gamer.
Sounds like communism to me