>he doesn’t start games on hard
He doesn’t start games on hard
Other urls found in this thread:
Something, something, fluid druid.
>lol just increase the health bar of every enemy with a 1.5 multiplier and call it a hard mode
don't see a problem since normal mode is too easy anyways
Most games on higher difficulties aren't actually more hard, they're just time consuming and boring. There's no reason to slog through a game at high/higher difficulties if it isn't actually harder or more fun/more interesting.
Like the Elder Scrolls games, enemies have 50000000000000000000000000 HP and take 1hr each to hit, yet you will die in about 2 hits. It's pointless and not hard. Or like certain FPS games where the enemies all get instant reaction speeds, can see you from galaxies away, have more HP, and so on. It's not hard, it's tedious.
But I do.
>ywn date a hot girl with a hairy anus
It's not fair
>he doesn’t start games hard
Hard mode usually sucks ass and just sours the whole playthrough because the game isn't actually balanced for it. Worse is when you get used to this and have to play everything on the hardest first try, because lower difficulties are too fun and there's that niggling feeling that you're cheating yourself out of that balls to the walls experience that comes once in a blue moon
I typically do since hard is the new normal in most modern games. If it's an absolute meme difficulty where a single attack from a basic enemy or missing a debuff outright kills you in normal encounters then I'm not going to waste my time though. Only game in recent memory with serious difficulty issues like this was Automata. Normal is complete autopilot, you simply can't die and it's a total snoozefest. Hard you struggle to even make it through the prologue but once you reach the point where defensive chips start dropping you'll be fine, I just stuck with the latter in this case but the game seriously deserved better difficulty options.
I played nu-wolfenstein on Uber and it was still easy, I can't imagine what the easier modes are like
what fucking game
The best kind of hard mode is when it actually has something different to offer than the lower difficulties like enemy AI actually using smarter tactics while also having access to hard mode exclusive moves. Hard mode that is just just them hitting harder and taking longer to kill is just lazy and basic.
God I want to fucking impregnate Mamimi.
That’s my gf
Incorrect, she is my wife.
>Hard mode is locked until you beat the normal mode
cute hand
If you're new to the genre like say, Ace Combat. Alot of people have never played fight arcade games before. I'd say start on normal first.
>A test of your skill. This is the way [game] is meant to be played.