Are you hyped for Rage 2?
Are you hyped for Rage 2?
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Bethesda consistently hire arseholes.
No sense in being nice to an asshole. they've been pumping out trailers and ads for the game since E3, so I don't know what this idiot is talking about.
haha the company types a casual message with slang they're people like us
You notice all the people mad at this tweet have preferred pronouns in their bios or literally are proud to call themselves feminists? Fuck failed journos and their whiny supporters.
desi I'm "mad" at it because I'm sick and tired of the snarky corporate twitter account bullshit Wendy's started or at least popularized
>they've been pumping out trailers and ads for the game since E3
and still, no one cares
I don't "twitter" can a man get some screenshots
didnt even know it was coming out so soon
was at ebgames today and overheard the staff say they can start selling it 8pm on monday night
I am actualy bit hyped. Rage 2 look good. Open world nuDoom mixed with Mad Max game.
not bad desu
Is Paul Tassi part of some kind of psyop to make me like Erik Kain more?
Dunno, I assume a bunch of mentally ill onions chugging incels that orbit around the mentally ill women who work there made the game.
no just believe me sjws hate this game so buy it unless you're a libcuck
>le teenage social media handler makes epic clapback
Silence, brand
based and redpilled if i do say so myself
Go outside. Meet a girl. Have sex.
I'm still not going to buy your game, Todd
Looks pretty shit. Fuck the open world meme.
That's an okay reason but most of these people commenting are like "ummm toxic bad look sweetie I might have checked your game out (not really lol) but now I definitely won't." People literally fucking virtue signally for journalists over a game that looks fun as fuck.
>twitter cap
Kill yourself you waste of fucking oxygen.
i don't know what to think of Rage until Oneangrygamer writes an article to tell me what Youtubers and Twitter thinks.
He's the only news source i trust.
Waiting a week when it drops to $25 like every non mainline Bethesda game does
Kinda. The first one was fun. Maybe I'll pick this one up when it goes 75% off as well.
The first twittershitter has a point though. For big studio game, there's been no build up for this. The first game had the same issue.
just pirate it like everyone else ya numpty
Day 1 pirate
>What even is Rage 2?
>Wendy's, sonic etc.
Being a retarded fag on Twitter=/= funny
which branch worked on it? I won't touch anything involved with bethesda austin
>so I don't know what this idiot is talking about.
I bet most of the people reading this thread didn't know it was out tomorrow.
this desu, though hopefully it isn't filled with bugs and plagued with shitty performance.
Like for real tho, what is Rage 2? Never heard of the first one let alone from Bethesda? They should be busy making TES VI
I think my wife would get angry at that
id and Avalanche. The Avalance responsible for Just Cause 2, not Just Cause 4.
>who even are you
jesus how embarrassing
this is what happens when you hire zoomers to run your social media
For the same reason people don't read IGN for business news I don't really give a shit what Forbes has to say about my video games.
Spot on, Just heard about it, it's also on bethesda launcher so it can go to hell
This, but even more ironically.
>doesn't know there are 2 Bethesda's
Forbes is fucking shit, terrible website full of clutter and trackers
Why is the industry ran by such narcissists these days?
Best news articles about video games for years. Forbes is great, newfag
It is on my wishlist, on piratebay ;^)
Guess it's not trending in resetera/twitter bubble
4 actually, last time i counted.
>muh b-team meme
Isn't this the game where the devs, when asked in an interview, said the game has no political statements or themes?
And all games "journalism" outlets have not mentioned it at all since then?
Hmm, that's quite the coincidence...
It's on Steam retard
You mean Erik Kain is great. As long as he can keep his Walking Dead and GoT autism in check.
im getting it too, looks cool. never listen to game "journalists"
A little. I want to see more in terms of weapons diversity and powers tho.
I don't really know when the majority of games are out, I don't much care. They will still be in the store after release and that's all that matters
>anyone caring about bethesda games outside of fallout/skyrim/doom
Lol just lol
I was just referring to the 2 entities bethesda softworks and bethesda game studios
bethesda game studios has 2 subsidiaries so there are basically 4 of them
>>who even are you
Cool attempt at a burn, bro. He obviously meant he didn't know the individual writer not the magazine itself.
Not caring != not having heard of
The game was worked on by id, faggot. You know, the people who made Doom.
I thought we had another year or so before this shitshow was released...
Mad max was good. This looks like FPS Mad Max, so rage 2 looks good.
So the game looks like it could be fun, but atm it sits as a 1 year later purchase once the bullshit has been sorted
Who gives a fuck, come back when you got a release date for Doom Eternal.
literally the only person of worth working on Rage 2 is Tim Willits
are u retarded
Bethesda is just a publisher in this case, not the developer
and they didn't develop doom either
>You know, the people who made Doom.
The people who made Doom haven't been there for ages. Unless you mean nu-Doom, and that's not really a positive point.
i really want to buy it for pc but i hate steam because i can't sell my shit afterwards , so i'm thinking about getting it for my playstation por. does anybody have the same feel about games?
virgin cringe
based chad
Uh oh, the blue checkmarks aren't going to like this
now this is epic
>every corporate PR twitter trying to be snarky and engage in epic bantz ever since wendy's got 15min of senpai
I meant, fame.
>Paul Tessi
I don't have "silence brand" but it would be an appropriate image here.
We heard you the first time grandpa
>Rage 2 claps back against alt right twitter troll in epic fashion
I've heard of it, I mean I watched the Bethesda E3 thing. But I sure as fuck didn't know it was coming out next week.
>far right gamer troll throws shade at Rage 2 and bethesda isn't having it!
You could say the same thing about Rage 1 and that was the epitome of mediocre.
For you.
Remember, corporations are not people nor your friends.
>far right
Check his bio m8
>take bribery from multi million dollar publishers
>surprised when they stomp your shit on twitter and blacklist you from the industry
This is what they wanted, now publishers OWN journalism.
rage 2 actually looks nothing like rage 1
you could call it something else and I wouldn't even know its related to rage except for the boomerangs
Bethesda didn't pay for the forum shilling so everybody using adblock or premium services hasn't had it shoved in their faces every second. It's arguably as important as commercials and conventional marketing. Compare Rage 2's presence here to FF14 or HK or even Hat in Time who are allowed to have advertising threads up here with 0 discussion
>implying "journalists" let facts get in the way of clickbait
You're right except Rage 1 looked more like Mad Max than this does so the statement still stands. Rage 2 looks more like Borderlands.
zoom zoom
>alt right twitter troll
It's the same guy who wrote that Sekiro needs an easy mode in Forbes you dingdong
yea I wasn't the guy u were originally talking to I was just chiming in
I agree Rage 2 looks closer to Borderlands and that actually makes it more interesting to me
I didn't like the mad max game desu
>the internet is in love with Rage 2's epic clapback against racist neo nazi gamer on twitter
Pretty sure Sonic was the first PR account who engaged in epic banter but i could be wrong.
not like anyone's talking about it here either
found the idiot bethesda shill
You're not allowed to make the same joke more than three times in a single thread. Consider this your final warning.
It was the first put a meme loving fuck in charge of their twitter, but wendy's was more like someone roasting competitors. Much more snarky, which is what these newer corporate shills are trying to emulate.
brb, preordering
Manners are so rare in today's day and age.
>racist Yea Forums poster takes joke too far and user isn't having it
That's good, it's going to flop though.
Will the almighty power of Mega Textures return?
Fuck off Yongyea.
Pro-Tip: Use Adblock Plus in combination with "Bypass Adblock Detection" to read their articles while denying them any ad revenue.
hoes mad
Well the article mentions he likes the game, the issue is marketing and he's right. But you wouldn't know that because you're only capable of reading a headline. Just like the intern running that twitter, who will likely get fired.
hashtag relatable
hastage pIZZA
>the year is 2019
>they're still talking about gamergate
>(they haven't responded to a single Kotaku email for 4.5 years and counting)
I wish I could drag journalists
to the execution line
> buying Bethesda game
having a hard time caring about rage 2. it doesn't seem that fun, its just another open world shooter with some magic and HIGH IMPACT QUIP-BASED COMEDY
lol rekt
Jason "Lolicon" Schreier
oy vey
Jews are what's wrong with our gaming industry, so they can fuck right off.
Based Bethesda, pre-ordering rage 2 now JUST to spite kikes like this.
If you wanna send a message to (((Gaming Journalists))), make Rage 2's launch the biggest in modern gaming history.
(if you don't like it, refund in 10 days, so you can send a message without actually spending any money)
Never seen a single 1
It looks like a fun game to me, I dunno about you guys though.
>(they haven't responded to a single Kotaku email for 4.5 years and counting)
Wtf I love Bethesda now?
Sad part is you're probably right
>I'm a nobody, just like you are
How are they going to save face for the next con or E3?
Is it really post when they are still salty?
How about this one?
Why are modern day game journalists almost always distasteful?
well he is right
but so are you
he is not wrong. i knew rage 2 existed but i had no idea it was going to launch so soon.
Why is this a stock photo?
They blocked Kotaku because they leaked their games a week before reveal for cheap clicks
That's it i'm calling the cops.
>haven't responded to a single Kotaku email for 4.5 years
wtf I like shithesda now
fuck bethesda and fuck rage 2
>They haven't responded to a Kotaku email for 4.5 years
You know what? Okay, that's pretty fucking based, I'll admit it.
theres a rage 1?
is this the only thing that bethesda has done right?
>they haven't responded to a single Kotaku email for 4.5 years and counting
fuck you and have sex
>blacklists ((((Kotaku)))
>refuses to give out review copies
>engages in ebin banter now
On the one hand, based, on the other hand, they are doing it for the wrong reasons.
That's going on the box.
>from the makers of DOOM, Fallout 4, and people who haven't responded to a single email from kotaku for 4.5 years
as long as it hurts these blue checkmarks I don't care why they're doing it
>Police get called to radicalized far right NEET's home and you won't believe what happens next
fucking what
The games that aren't made by Bethesda but are only published by them are usually really good.
Doesn't really matter tho
It matters for post support.
You know, now that i think of it i'm surprised nobody made a "A Trump is sitting in Zenimax' board of Directors and here's why it's important in todays alt-right culture" articles.
>please respond
Not gonna lie. There promotions for this have been sweet. They made a mini pc in a Dreamcast shell that can actually run the game.
>TFW you will never get 15min of senpai.
>(they haven't responded to a single kotaku email for 4.5 years ad counting)
can't wait for suckers to stop buying gawker properties and just close them down
>no way i'ts real
>it's real
don't they have an e-celeb scandal article to write?
this shit looks so bad every time I cast my eyes upon its cringe, i instantly feel embarrassed for the people who made it.
>enemies attacks have a chance to damage themselves
that was just really important journalism
really cleaned up the industry with that explosive expose
I liked the official Sonic twitter but they seem to have toned it down since they assblasted retard trannies a while back.
>w-why won't they talk to me, I only leaked their stuff for click shekels
>oh no they have a Trump on the board
>oy vey remember gamergate
People forgetting that to be a quirky and edgy artist you actually have to make quirky and edgy art.
Technically, yes. It's just one of the blandest games ever made.
It's mostly notable for being the last vidya Carmack worked on. Wonder if he's still seething his megatexture meme didn't catch on.
Disney verbally destroyed Vice media and all of its publishing brands a few days ago so the noose is tightening.
someone hasn't tried to learn how to throw a wingstick...
There's a Rage 2???
>lesbians, women hitting the wall, and prissy beta söyboys
Why should I listen to any of these freaks about anything let alone what vidya are good? When Polygon said Gone Home was the 35th best game ever or something, these were the sort saying that.
is this how the industry works now? Bethesda hires some jew to typically jew and then everyone hates the jew for acting a jew and then you feel bad for Bethesda for having to interact with the jew so you give Bethesda shekels and sympathy. what i'm saying is that I'm so cynical i expect this exchange to be entirely manufactured for the benefit of selling more shit.
Why do these fucks think they matter in any way shape or form?
Look if you want to write about vidya that’s cool but why should any dev or pub treat you with anything but open contempt?
Go outside, unironically. This kind of tinfoil thinking ain't healthy, user.
Well I really had no idea that it is already coming out so...
i go outside all the time, that's where the toilet is...
it's hard to find pictures of black kids with their dad
It technically does look nice but there's something a bit off about the tone like they're trying just a tad too hard to be wacky.
Might give it a try later if the reviews are good.
no man, you dont get it. obviously the guys who keep saying "fuck nazis" were really nazis and they knew that back then
fuck Kotaku, how do you relate a joke tweet to "DUURRRR DONALD TRUMP AND GAYMER GATE HURTS STILL"
NuDoom and Wolfenstein use megatextures.
I fucking despise Twitter. It's become such a fucking cesspool of general ignorance, one sided arguments and absolute fucking retards who bandwagon any social issue without knowing it's meaning.
I fucking despise it.
That's insensitive and a bit racist user.
This is because Obama isn’t around to fund them anymore.
The entire idea of digital ads based on clicks was fucking bullshit. When was the last time you clicked on a goddamn ad? I was reading about how the per click market was collapsing 5-10 years ago yet these sites were and are operating normally. It doesn’t add up.
They needed other sources of funding and got it from the CIA.
Because gamergate was like another shoah, you insensitive goy
>all those cucks in the tweet replies with their npc reactions
>le yikes
>le not it chef
>Lol who even are you
Isn't this the official Twitter?
Why are they acting like this?
Holy fuck all of the replies are assmad journalists bitching at Bethesda for this post. Christ these people are the lowest hive of scum on the planet.
>they've been pumping out trailers and ads for the game since E3
ive only seen the premier and then it stopped existing
I didn't know that it was coming out in 4 days.
Oh and Vice was fucking cool when they were sending weird hipsters to remote places to eat weird shit or take part in local customs or talk to locals struggling with war. Once they embraced the poz and became a propaganda front for antifa and the deep state everyone tuned out. Obviously.
>Save the turtles
>Don't buy straws
>Buy giant plastic cup
How so
they even released a "GAMERS RISE UP" trailer
I stumbled across their Youtube channel last week and it was so fucking pathetic to see the transition from 'We sent a journalist into a literal warzone' to 'cAn mY dOg sMoKe wEEd? xD'
based politicuck simps being easily manipulated like usual
It's time for Journalists to rise up.
>"Vice was fucking cool when they were sending weird hipsters to remote places to eat weird shit or take part in local customs or talk to locals struggling with war."
This. I used to love watching their old documentaries like the Krokodil epidemic
Twitter has done more damage to journalists than any profession. It’s really shown what they are, a bunch of 90 IQ midwit NPCs making $35000 a year in big liberal cities to spout whatever the DNC tells them to say. Yet they act like they’re taking down Standard Oil or some shit. That’s really why they hate Trump so much, he treats them the way they are. He’s skipped the WH Correspondents dinner each time and they seethe every time.
sauce on dis?
it's "cool" for brands to act "normal and hip" on twitter now.
She has the disproportionately large nose and mouth of very big men like Andre the Giant.
>Gamergate has literally impacted the fabric of his being
wow epic twitter clapback i love corporations theyre funny memers like me :)
I find the game appealing but I keep forgetting about it.
Every id game since Quake Wars uses Megatextures.
>In a post gamer gate world
>muh journalist holocaust
The latest trailer honestly convinced me to pre-order full price
which of the three corporations in that image are you white knighting again
>please don't hurt our feefees
holy shit.
I didn't keep up with goobergate but was that all it was about? People telling journos to fuck off?
Same here fellow gamer. Hope it will get lots of DLC!
Thanos tier kek
The game will still be shit though lol.
GamerGate = 9/11
It was funny seeing them rally behind a shitty open world zombie survival game. It was no different that the politicucks on the other side rallying behind whatever female protag shit game I'm sure they've got behind recently.
>omg this shit game has ideology similar to [political party I like] goty I love it! what? gameplay who cares about that lol
Here's your roadmap
>On Schrier's death bed he will be staring up into his wife's man face as he takes his last breath
>His final words he sputters out in exasperated breaths : " GAMERGATE!"
>He then passes on
The moralfags ruined it like usual but for a few days it was entertaining to shitpost in their general direction yeah.
But some people can't let a joke go and unironically think it's a 'Movement' or some shit. Callback to Chanology.
Here’s a summary I found for you fren
how is that edgy you obnoxious faggot?
I never udnesrtood why this was marketed so much. Lots of games use mega textures. Fucking CSGO uses megat textures
what are you talking about
who r u
Edgy means on the edge of what a community considers acceptable. Piracy is definitely acceptable on Yea Forums so boasting about it isn't edgy.
That's actually pretty funny.
did i stutter
I like the tweet because fuck any game journalist, but Rage 2 is seriously such a default game. And Bethesda puts a 50% sale a month later anyways, so even if you genuinely are going to buy the thing because you are retarded just wait a bit
>Vice outjewed the mouse in the end
I'm happy with it. Fuck both.
Thanks ICE T
He immediately took offense and made a mountain out of a molehill trying to turn it into GG2.0. This guy is 100% jewish
being on the side of any of these people makes you a giant fag
400 million are nothing to the mouse, but when the biggest western Media Giant publicly says that you're a worthless Brand, you may as well take a rope. There's no recovering that.
i'm me ofcourse
Gee thanks
the only good twitter poster
Didn't he says that after magapedes asked him why he """"""betrayed""""" them after that hilarious gamergate episode?
>Dont want to loose the name trademark
>Whatever just make a new game
>But realize literally nobody asked for it
>Just make the worst marketing possible that’ll do and people will notice
I really want to know what were they thinking. The world looks fucking boring but the shooting itself is decent, shoulve made a different thing entirely
I will wait for a discount.
And you know the situation is bad because Disney is investing real money on streaming. They'll probably own Hulu in the near future, so the shit Vice produces could be there, but the company is so shit that the mouse just said: "Fuck this shit, time to cut my losses."
Don't blame the nigga because the ((white)) man made him do a job.
that shit was fun
>already planning DLC
Good fucking lord.
are you really bad with dates
htf u write a song called fuck the police THEN play a cop in a TV show...Uncle Tom motherfucker...
You just wake up from a 15 year coma?
i never leave the house so i often have to double check what month we're in
based and gamerpilled
I don't, I'm just fucking sad that they're already just arbitrarily leaving content out of the game that you have to pay for, on top of being a sequel nobody asked for to a completely forgettable game.
ice cube was in nwa, not ice t
So you did just wake up from a 15 year coma. DLC isn't cut content.
the svu episode didn't air until the next year
i know, because i ignored the goobergrape completely until then, and had to go back through months of gay logs and study their flamewar, because it was so funny
>What's that, you want to use that BFG we've been hyping up? Better pony up then, goy.
yeah you're right games should just be in perpetual development. its not like any of us actually play games, after all.
Unless its on disc dlc like the destiny fiasco this is what most companies do. If they kept adding features maps etc tbeyd literally never release any game ever because more could always be done
It was advertised as a special edition item since day 1.
>Advertising it makes it okay
>"cheat codes" as a premium feature
Yes, actually, because you're implying they showed it to you all this time and then at the last minute say it requires more money to acquire.
>blocked for calling him out on his bullshit
Why is this jew fuckboy so sensitive?
>because you're implying
I've never implied anything like that retard.
I didn't know it was possible to fail at reading comprehension towards your own statement.
>getting triggered by literal biker chick lingo
Game's been advertised and showcased since day-one as" le cuhrayzee late-millenial/zoomer hair dye post apocalypse nobody wanted".
Look at all those gimmicks, the gore, the zaynee over the top action, the quips and the witty humor! Yay!
What's their demographic? Pretentious shitheads who think Fortnite and superhero movies just doesn't cut it for them
because they're more sophisticated and mature than their peers?
>Towards your own statement
Here's my statement
what compels a person to post like this
It was two to three different groups of people who all basically behaved the same but for different reasons. One group was just malicious trolls enjoying themselves, one group were unironic misogynists, and the other group were "principled" consumers who hated games journalists. Nothing stopped someone from being in all three groups but every now and then you get people, particularly from the third group, who pretend that the activities of those in the first two don't represent them, when they all did the exact same shit.
not as fired as you are going to be for being of literally no use to society
>i'm so tired of all these online only microtransaction riddled games
>But you wouldn't know that because you're only capable of reading a headline
maybe they shouldn't clickbait
Waaayyy too fucking bored properly format. I just press enter whenever I conclude.
At least I can fucking spell sentences correctly, unlike you.
Rage 2 looks fun.
>if you dislike the current trend of multiplayer games, you MUST like every single single player game ever
I'm not going to buy your game, Todd
>blue checkmark of insanity
I just finished my bingo card.
I've seen multiple film ads recently, each with a date on, and I can remember only 1 date
You need to actually be invested in something to follow when it drops
game "journalists" more like GAY PATERNALISTS heh
I like singleplayer games where the angle of writing isn't "DUDE SO QUIRKY SELF REFERENTIAL WE'RE SO AWESOOOME".
It never worked on any game. It went like shit for Sunset Overdrive, it worked like shit for Watch Dogs 2 (another sequel to an incredibly forgettable and dissapointing game) and it's gonna be the same here.
>wants to support single player games
>chastizes single player games on the most inoffensive shit cause you're just a reactionary
who cares if the gameplay is good
its an easy pill to swallow
America’s snitches get stitches or wind up in ditches policy
Was this their 9/11, what exactly happened?
It was a rebellion against shitty game journalism that was co-opted by any and everybody into an online culture war where nobody emerged looking good.
>They kept saying DOOM BFG would be an unlockable in all versions
>close to release they announce you have to buy a special edition to get the gun
>$20 for a gun
>people who preordered the shittier editions sometimes can't refund
It pretty blatantly has been in multiple cases
You think it took effort to add individual characters to Star Wars Battlefront, to the point of charging tens of hours worth of ingame currency for (that could be bought with real money to save time :^)))))?
(wannabe-)journalists are scumbags and can't tolerate it when people don't scrape at their feet, big surprise
>don't buy this single player game, you need to believe in a live service future!
get lost EA shill
oh wow another race flipped remake of a classic
I am going to buy a singleplayer game, just not a shit one like this.
That user might of had a bit of a brain freeze
what games have you bought this year
>Gets shat on by everyone again
>On his birthday
He just can't keep his dumb mouth shut
>post gamergate world
Return of The Obra Dinn, and I'm gonna get DOOM Eternal once it comes out. I also gifted singleplayer games to friends.
No but Ice T did write a song called Cop Killer
Schreier literally leaked one of their biggest games ever (Fallout 4). Why would they give him any respect? He's just mad that his website doesn't get pre release copies anymore.
Yea. It looks fun as heck.
fair enough
but my point is more in the idea that these aren't practices that are what only bethesda is doing, its more standard
Post apocalyptic shit is up my alley but I’m currently playing through shit on my 3ds backlog so prolly will pick it up when it drops to 40 or 20 bucks
>became a propaganda front for antifa and the deep state
what does any of this actually mean?
>It's become such a fucking cesspool of general ignorance, one sided arguments and absolute fucking retards who bandwagon any social issue without knowing it's meaning.
so Yea Forums?
No they didn't, you fucking liar. It was advertised as a Deluxe Edition item from the very beginning.
And I hate that it's standard. If I pay $60 dollars for a game, I expect to get the full fucking thing, not to just be slapped and said "pay $20 more, goy". Fuck that. At that point I'll just wait for a huge sale with the full game on a single bundle.
I support single player games when they're good. Rage 2 won't be good.
Well I guess that confirms I’ll wait until Black Friday
Literally 'pls no bully' the post
4 days really? where was the marketing for this?
I haven't seen anything since BE3 last year. I assumed it had already come out and flopped.
that sounds like rape to me user
No offense but you must not be very observent. You have to have a slight interest in the game if you're in a Rage thread to begin with, meaning you should have seen the multiple trailers that have been coming out, the pure gameplay footage they've been releasing, and know how they brought youtubefags out to play the game for publicity.
well now I'm interested in this game, how do they do it
>You have to have a slight interest in the game if you're in a Rage thread to begin with
or he came here to laugh at you
Plenty of threads, of videos and I would guess ads.
It is kinda forgettable though.
It's going to flop, but I might have fun. I enjoyed Rage 1 and Mad Max game, but still hesitant.
>Return of The Obra Dinn
I'll pirate and try it but I have zero expectations.
If it's 20% as good as nuDOOM I'll finish it.
They targeted JOURNALISTS.
not gonna lie i didnt know it was gonna come out that soon. i thought it was still months away. then again i didnt pay any attention to it and pi-hole + ublock origin made it so i never see a single ad ever.
wait a second, straws are made out of turtles?
>Tweet doesn't just say "Literally who?"
Missed opportunity.
Did everyone forget how big a pile of shit rage 1 was?
Did nobody look at the braindead AI in the gameplay trailers for 2?
I don't predict it getting higher than a 6
The guy is right. I knew about Rage 2 but I never even remember when its gonna come out. Its just really forgettable and their 'advertising' is mostly ads (which people block) and their twitter, which I dont read.
No (real) multiplayer no buy. This game looks like it was made with co-op in mind, yet doesnt really have it. Just some social shit.
WTF i like Ice T now
Tassi's a bit of a tool but I am so fucking done with brands trying to be snarky and hip. I was fine with the sports teams twitter's getting a little saucy, but fuck this fast food and video game account shit. You literally exist to shill a product. Stop acting like a person with an awful personality.
Rage 1 wasn't that bad. If you could get it to run, otherwise it was unoptimized shite.
huh? Rage was awesome.
But is it worth 10 bucks.
no lmao this is not my game
Time will tell if this tweet is pathetic or not. If the game is good then Paul got dabbed on. If the game is bad Bethesda is just sad.
you tell me
based PAC
>43 hours
is that suppose to be impressive?
well considering the game ends before it begins, yes
Waifus are not a big selling point for me.
Give me something else.
Rage 1 made out like it was going to be this epic rpg with a borderlands kind of vibe, and then it ended all of a sudden. I know that they added some DLC, I never got around to playing it again because I was extremely disappointed. I think I made it about last about 30 hours or so and I usually take my time.
best shotgun since fear
i dont have a twitter cuz im not gay, but if any kind gentleman could retweet this for me @ this faggot i would appreciate it
what the fuck even is this
I would show her my wingstick mastery if you get my drift
anal devastation
I blame Wendy's for the current state of corporate Twitter accounts
>Brittany White
time to fap
The vanilla game cost 85$ in my country so pirate life is for me
>anyone caring about bethesda games
should have stopped here
if you still give behesda money after FO4 and FO76 you might be retarded
No need to go on about misogyny. Your own culture has a gender problem and we need you to acknowledge it.
This is also where things get a little more complicated than it is for most. We live in a global society, meaning our opinions on gender are not only relevant to the current moment (e.g. the global economy being a misogynist threat, men not playing by the rules, etc.), they might also have far-reaching consequences for our future.
For example, look at how a lot of people, as well and more accurately than you or me, think men and women are equal:
If you care about gender equality, consider yourself lucky. When I was in elementary school one of my teachers told me that "there's a reason that all the boys are so hot: because they like playing with dolls." The teacher had probably never met a boy who was not equally attracted to his dolls. I guess a few years later I overheard my father arguing with friends about the exact same, unspoken statement.
Would if I wasn't blocked.
wtf is the alt-right?
Absolutely shit taste.
Why would you be nice to Paul tassi?
Based developer or twitter user or whatever.
between the girl and this, it is totally worth a playthought.
I'm lost. Why're journos so upset over a sassy game account?
no it looks bland as fuck.
Pathetic racists, homophobes, transphobes and ableists that want to ruin the world. They should all be locked up.
>racists, homophobes, transphobes and ableists
So normal people?
i honestly had no idea it was coming out, completely forgot about it
Its actually delusional and mentally unstable trannies like you who want to destroy the world.
>put in the effort to do this
you're definitely gay bro
No, normal people are nice to each other. Right-wingers are a minority in this world, just like white people.
lol no :)
Man I played Rage, thats enough of an endorsement for me to not buy rage 2.
There are plenty of high profile games I don't give a shit about but even I'm aware of their launch because of marketing so it says alot when a AAA game goes under the radar
umm wow ok who even are you lol
buy our game retards
He didn't write the fucking episode Dick Wolf did.
cant say i cared enough to even translate your text into what will be short term memory
I have a confession: I still don't know what Gamergate is actually about. I thought it was about getting game journos to actually do their job and not sleep around with people for connections but everytime it's brought up people lose their complete shit for wither being pro or against it, so which is it?
Wait what the fuck. Rage 2 is a thing? How did the first game not just kill the IP entirely?
Yea Forums isn't used by a mainstream audience, there are people I know that have 0 clue how it works with the only thing most knowing is /pol/ and Yea Forums. I even know one who thinks you'll get hacked or attacked with viruses by just using the site
I'm excited for the game but that article is right and the developer should be rightly worried instead of snarky. There's been like no advertising whatsoever in the past month and barely any press coverage.
>it's trump-esque
>fitting, Since a Trump is on Zenimax's board
lmao. i mean i dislike bethesda too but what the fuck does any of this mean. why bring trump into this
>tfw goobergate happend 5 years ago
Its time to start Gamer Gate 2.0
I didn't know it was coming out so soon
Dude, you're on modern Yea Forums. People on here would defend lootboxes if they played a soundclip of someone saying "nigger" when you opened it.
Goobergate was a fucking mess of conflicting stories and motives, you'll never get a straight answer out of anyone. I've even argued with people who say that Zoe Quinn had absolutely nothing to do with it because it didn't "officially" start until the 'gamers are dead' articles went up, even though I believe it started with the initial FiveGuys incident on Yea Forums, and there's even debate on when and where that whole thing started.
Don't pretend you wouldn't buy one.
will the end suck like its good old RAGE tradition?
>Corporations make up more than 70% of pollution in the world (e.g. Freight ships, factories, meat industry, cruiseliners)
>herpaderp dont use straws!1!!
its not on the individual to save the world from pollution and nothing is accomplished by banning straws except giving faggots the satisfaction of patting themselves while they sit on their moral high ground
Why do they hate it? am I missing something
what does five guys have to do with it?
>mentioning gamer gate in the year 2000+5+10+3+1
Conservatives at it again.
gamergate is when people tried to use Depression Quest as proof of collusion between devs and journos
Gamergate is when journos started to cancel gamers and to separate games from demographics in favour of politics
Gamergate is people shitting on one another at high speed and noone getting anything out of it.
Gamergate is somehow Hulk Hogan winning a lawsuit against Gawker because of a sex tape.
Gamergate is not about anything, its the logical conclusion of a lot of people conflicting and opposite points of views leading up to a shitstorm of social media misuse, terrible journalism all around and the issue of the blind leading the blind.
This is why its still not over in those people's mind. Their career such as it is is very fragile because anyone believes anything so long as someone wrote it on the internet and screamed it loud enough. It a game of fingerpointing and victimisation of any side for the purpose of furthering any agenda.
Pretty much.
I mean, the game doesn't look good, so it's not a lack of marketing just a fundamental lack of appeal. The cover and promotional art is fucking awful, the aesthetic is thoroughly cringe and undesirable.
>>put in the effort to do this
i was thinking of buying the game anyways, took
The chick who started it slept with about 5 guys, hence the name
what's wrong with that?
>The chick who started it slept with about 5 guys, hence the name
>what's wrong with that?
she slept with them because they were gaming journalists/bloggers who she wanted to promote her text based game about depression and suicide, "Suicide Quest"
The guys she slept with were all journalists and industry people in order to get good reviews on her game and other perks like a job at another studio and such. It was about the corruption and nepotism in the industry but incels got baited into making it about MUH SLUTS REEEEEEE which undermined their whole argument and gave the people in question the high ground.
it's almost like it was a giant flamewar and all of those people have different reasons for why they got mad online and when they did it
Is that nitro lid and plastic cup recyclable?
Got blocked for shitting on Kotaku on the replies, honestly made my night better to know he saw it and got bothered enough.
how the hell would you know she had sex with 5 dudes?
she got called out for being an abuser
might ring a bell or two
god this have sex meme is the worst forced piece of shit the tranny discord mods have ever come up with
I'm not buying your Borderlands copy, marketer.
Its not a copy, it only draws from the same well
gameplay wise they are only alike in being first person shooters
i actually dont know who that is so i dont blame them
hes just an opinion writer on forbes basically the same thing as having a blog on blogspot
Is it set in a mad max post-apoc world?
Is it a looter shooter?
Is it lol quirky?
It's borderlands
System requirements seem kinda high.
Honestly yeah I think it looks great. I just want a greasy open world game. Pre-ordered it. GCU and $10 rebate makes it $37
Boom boom
Still would
>can drive everything
>trailer shows off giant convoy trucks
They better not be lying because if I can't hijack them I'm gonna go fucking nuclear, my dick hasn't gone soft since I heard
It's on steam, and bethesda straight up said "okay our launcher sucks, everything from here on out's gonna be on our launcher but also on steam if you'd prefer to get it there
Probably can. There are tanks too. The vehicle list seems pretty large going by this menu in a video, this is the top of it and the scroll bar seems large
Avalanche has let you drive a lot of weird big stuff