Oh you want this game here?

Oh you want this game here?

Too bad bitch!

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God, feels so good to be on the winning side

what game?

imagine being so starved you start shilling shovelwares.

Isn't this made by the developer that abandoned Friday the 13th?

no thanks bro i'm good with bloodborne

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Who the hell want that shit?

Yeah you can keep that Evolve clone.

slightly off topic,was that game predator concrete jungle for ps2 any good?

They didnt abandon it by choice. They got fucked over due to copyright laws. They still wanted to add new content but legally couldnt. All they're allowed to do now is bug fixes

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>Sonic Boom developers

Enjoy your shovelware lmao

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You can keep it...

>Ghetto Golf
>Xbox 360

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Cool game, can't wait for the PC release.

Dead by daylight/evolve predator skin. Game will be dead in a month tops

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>Sony online focused game
See you in March 2021 when the servers are shut down after a year

Sony exclusive tard

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PS5 let's you make private servers

Just doing what says.
Nothin personel... kid...

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>shovelware online game made by the people who left friday the 13th for dead

Yeah just like the last 6 Sony exclusives that came to PC.

Okay, let's buy some wii eshop games and play a wii game online, oops. Lmao. Kys.

You talking about octopath traveler?
>t-that doesn't count

Oh, you want this game?
TOO BAD you will never ever have BC

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My ps3 still works. Can you play your wii u games on your shitch or xbox games on xbox one? You can't, what ? Nice bc. oof, cringe.

>Online Only

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Nice bc on your shitch and xbone.


But I don’t want that game.

>xbox games on xbox one
Actually, yes.

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You don't cause it's not on your platform

I own a PS4 and I don't want that game though.

How did Sony get a fucking Predator exclusive?

How are all of the original xbox games working on them?
>only a select few

Yikes, kys
>inb4 butthurt fag replies to me again

>he doesn't know how to hack his xbox one

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I almost get tired of winning, you know? Like it takes all the fun of competition away. *Sigh* Guess I'll just have to play the Predator and FF VII and take my mind off it. Looks sick, can't wait bros.

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