Does anybody even play this game anymore? I find it to be endlessly charming. New DLC coming out later this month adds new surface features (cryovolcanoes and the like)
Here's a screenshot I took of a mobile fuel refinery I landed on Vall.
Does anybody even play this game anymore? I find it to be endlessly charming. New DLC coming out later this month adds new surface features (cryovolcanoes and the like)
Here's a screenshot I took of a mobile fuel refinery I landed on Vall.
I'd buy it if it was $20. But it's $40. I'm not going to spend more than $10 dollars. They owe me $20.
Does KSP still spy on users?
What the fuck happened with the general?
We may not talk about it but I know I still play it. Brought it from their store instead of steam and I can install it on as many computers as I want.
When the developers got really slow with updates it devolved into off-topic shitposting and was subsequently b&
How is the vanilla feature set and mod options at this point? I ran an apollo-style mission to mun and minmus then put the game on hold waiting for resources, remote construction/operation, and general optimization to launch my single massive mission visiting every celestial body and installing a satellite network and various orbital and surface bases.
It was spammed and trolled so hard for so long, spilling into any thread with the barest relation, that it was finally completely banned from the board.
Imo it's absolutely worth $40.
No, they changed the EULA. Take Two got too much flak it seems.
Idk my dude. It must still be a fairly popular game because they keep releasing QoL updates regularly
its £10 on cdkeys
They've been doing a lot of QoL updates in recent updates. Added stuff like delta-v calculations, radar altimeter, and precision maneuver nodes.
Modding is still as open as ever.
>Imo it's absolutely worth $40.
Who is this fucking shill? This game just steals shit that mods have already implemented far better nowadays. Didn't the company have a track record of treating their employees like shit too?
They've already released 2 updates this year and there's a DLC coming at the end of the month
Vanilla features keep expanding. Many of the features present in Kerbal Engineer are part of the Vanilla UI (Delta V calculations for each stage, more detailed orbital information, a radar-based altimeter, etc)
Mods are still plentiful, and even though some mods aren't up to date with the current version most visual mods will work anyway.
I've burned out on it for now. I'll be back later I'm certain.
>only shills could like this game
wew lad.
>Kerbal Engineer is better than the current UI
I have to disagree. The current UI is much better. Kerbal Engineer just haphazardly throws a bunch of text at the top of the screen.
Yes, I was referring to several years ago when the development was being poorly managed.
The pace and quality of updates has been pretty good since Take-Two bought the game.
Dope Minmus base my dude.
>wew lad.
Only shills can condone dropping $40 on this game where most of the good work has been implemented by modders then copypasted over by the devs.
>Take Two is making decisions that benefit the players
Pinch me, I must be dreaming
It's been a long time but I remember there used to be a mod that let you open a browser page that displayed a bunch of the telemetry.
Idk if a mod like that still exists but it was pretty nice having a page with all the numbers up on a second monitor.
>a game dev who takes ideas from the community and improves upon them is somehow a bad thing
who hurt you?
Now the game's UI tells you all kinds of orbital information (apopapsis and periapsis altitude, degree of inclination, TWR and dV of each individual stage, and lots of other info)
>lifting part mods and bare basic features modders have covered millennia ago instead of releasing actual updates
They're just stringing retards like you along so the game doesn't seem completely dead. 40 dollar pricetag for this, jesus f christ.
And there's people like you who actually defend them.
Yea, I know the stock UI gives you most of the vital information. If you're an advanced player though there's still some info that you can only get from mods.
Kerbal Engineer works well for giving you that info, but it takes up a lot of screen real estate unless you're playing in 4K. Would be nice to just display all the telemetry on a second monitor.
>hurrrr QoL updates are bad
Jesus dude why don't you just lurk elsewhere if you hate the game so much? Squad improved these mods and made them a part of the base game. Why is this such a bad thing in your eyes?
>Squad improved these mods
imagine being this much of a mouthpiece.
Every Unity game does.
>If you're an advanced player though there's still some info that you can only get from mods.
The only info I need to use mods for are phase angles, and Kerbal Engineer doesn't even display this information. I need to use Kerbal Alarm Clock instead.
Kerbal Engineer just shat a bunch of irrelevant data all over the top third of the screen. The vanilla UI had literally all of the same info Kerbal Engineer provides but in a much more streamlined format.
Seems like it ought to be a pretty basic thing to just show the burn point for an ideal Hohman transfer.
Imagine being this much of a pozzed shill.
Give me a sec, I'll post a free DL for anybody so nobody has to pay money to these garbage devs.
You either don't actually know anything about rocket design/operation and orbital mechanics or are outright lying.
It's still the only game of it's caliber in the genre though.
There's Simple Rockets 2, but KSP is still miles ahead of it in content.
Also I bought the game for like $13 in 2011 so I get the expansions for free.
Looks like freegoggames has it.
>Also I bought the game for like $13 in 2011 so I get the expansions for free.
I've always pirated it so I get everything for free lmao
Well it's not just telemetry but also calculations. Displaying the suicide burn time for example is really useful.
>I don't know what this info is needed for so it must just be irrelevant
>KSP with mods
Not shown is the station wobbling itself to destruction.
Tell me which specific metrics aren't shown in the vanilla UI but ARE included in Kerbal Engineer then. I'll wait.
>he needs a mod to do a Pythagoras equation
is it still the best version?
So you don't actually know what math is involved then. K.
basically lately discussion of it has been popping up sporadically in /egg/ (engineering games) but a couple of resident autists are vehemently against it, because they believe it's an invitation for ksp shitposting
The worst part is that the wobble is so easy to fix.
To do a suicide burn? It's Pythagorean. You're just retarded lmao.
>for example
Listen to Scott Manley if you refuse to listen to me
>unironically Manley
Ahahaha. Might as well have posted a mechjeb screenshot.
this kind of shit is why /kspg/ was b&
No, it was the snake poster. I was there. That kind of post is the norm on Yea Forums and accepted everywhere.
>unironically hating on Manley
It's like you're not even trying
I got a kerbonaut stuck in the south pole of the mun once. Something glitched out and i couldnt get him back into the lander.
So i turned on infinite fuel/power, and put that little bitch in orbit with his RCS pack. Then i shot the lander up there and did a run-of-the mill orbital rendevouz.
If you ever even posted in /kspg/, you were definitely the laughing stock.
>youtube generation
I remember being in similar situation when I was just starting out. Somebody suggested I "get out and push" but I didn't know they were being serious lmao
Outer Planets is fun.
I'm still a few versions behind because a lot of my favorite mods are dead.
>is proven wrong
>posts ad hominem
I accept your concession you mouthbreather
>DLC coming out later this month adds new surface features
Should be an update. KSP has gone full jew.
>RTG intensifies
I hop back in real hard at least once or twice a year, always fun. There's no other game that does what it does that I know of. Hard to say that often.
It's free if you bought the game before 2014
Hey that's me!
I thought that was just the first DLC though.
>muh samefag
It was already acknowledged in that that is a popular opinion.
I have done the same for the past 4 or 5 years now. Idk why but something about this game gives me an immense feeling of satisfaction.
It's any and all DLCs
>tfw too much of a brainlet to get to minmus
what am i doing wrong?
>he has devolved into incoherent babbling
Jesus dude, just stop. I'm embarrassed for you.
Can you get to the Mun?
I keep thinking about it but other games won't let me.
yes. but i cant do docking.
do you mean landing?
>completely forgets about his original point while obsessively trying to win a fight over an irrelevant passerby comment that degenerated into people making fun of him
>can only retort by insisting that he won and suggesting that the people laughing at him are still trying to beat him
You didn't win shit, jackass. You don't know why the info presented in engineer is presented and think that because a particularly data point among many can be calculated without great effort its fine for it to not be done for you by the fucking computer.
That you would cite the math of the actual mechanics (via infotainment youtube video, no less) and yet balk at a hideable menu with a comprehensive readout of relevant information, as happens in any scenario of actual fucking science being done, proves that you are a popsci retard whose opinion on a fucking rocket science simulator can be safely disregarded.
>getting this mad
Chill, dude. The vanilla UI currently displays much of the information given by KE, and in a more manageable and aesthetic format. Why does this fact seem to upset you so much?
i mean docking with another craft. i can land just fine. for the most part.
explain further
It's DRM free idiot
I would like it more if i wasn't retarded, I see people building moon bases and stuff and i can hardly get a shitty lander on there, let alone plan a multi-launch mission that doesn't become a complete disaster
How the fuck do you land stuff like this?
Every piece of software in existence does.
Is this modded or did they finally figure out that people want to do more than just land rockets and rovers on planets?
very carefully
>game gets updated
>less and less mods are updated and fall to the wayside because modders stopped giving a shit about the game
what's even the point anymore? just fix the bugs and stop updating it so modders don't leave.
I landed it in a big lump and then took it apart and reassembled it on site with Kerbal Attachment System.
Mods. Planetary Bases I think this one was.
That's what I've been saying since like 0.18. The worst part is, they have a history of hiring the modders to work on the game, which completely kills the mod they were known for, then they try adding it in officially and it turns out to be complete shit and nothing compared to the mod they were trying to copy even though they literally got the mod author to work with them.
Please try out Simple Rockets 2. It's got potential to be a good competitor and we need more space rocket building games
The implosion that was ksp general
I'm not digging it. Seems even more barebones than Simple Planes.
Any specific examples of this or are you just talking out of your ass?
Who /children of a dead earth/ here?
Does 0.18 still run like shit?
If you can get to the Mun but you can't get to Minmus, you probably just need to learn how to manipulate ascending and descending nodes. I'll try and help as best I can.
First, get your lander into a stable, circular orbit around Kerbin. Press M to bring up the Map screen, and click on Minmus. Then click Set as Target.
Minmus orbit should now be highlighted, and you should see some dotted lines connecting your orbit with the orbit of Minmus. These are your Ascending Node and Descending node. If you right click on the node, it should tell you a number, either positive or negative. Your goal is to make these numbers reach 0°
To do this, either orient your craft to the normal position (pink triangle on the navball) when approaching the Descending Node, or Antinormal if approaching the Ascending Node.
Once your orbit has been aligned with Minmus, it's the same as going to the Mun.
What mod(s) did he make?
B9 aerospace, which added better spaceplane parts. Same deal with C7 aerospace, which was made by a different mod author who was also hired by Squad. The mods had more (and more varied) parts than what made it into the official game.
Idk but 1.7 runs fairly well
If you want better spaceplane parts, there are plenty of other mods, even mods that allow you to create your own parts procedurally
Ways to make it look good?
This was in 2012/2013. It's been over half a decade so it doesn't surprise me there are mods now, but for a long time there weren't. That procedural part skewing thing was extremely buggy for a while.
VR is nice when its not making you sick
If you like playing in IVA, get some IVA mods that provide useful info on the screens and makes some of the buttons usable