The most important thing this trailer has revealed is Yea Forums is full of literal 12 year olds defending jewish...

The most important thing this trailer has revealed is Yea Forums is full of literal 12 year olds defending jewish practices because SHINY GWAPHICS OH EM GEE.

I can't believe I share a board with a bunch of literal children who weren't even alive when this game came out, and yet blindly defend the company raping its memory to nickle and dime people. Graphics whores are the biggest cancer on this earth, and every child, especially zoomers, are massive graphics whores.

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Other urls found in this thread:

God forbid people look forward to a video game huh

Hard pass for me. I didn't even like VII that much.

God forbid people use their brains and don't give money to a company splitting one game up into three and charging you almost $200 for it.

God forbid people don't boycott the game out of spite for a company that flat out admits they forewent content in games for graphics whoring.

Right user?

Fuck Squeenix, just wait for 1 week - 6 months after launch and pick it up used for half the price and they get none of the money.

i cant believe i share a board with people like you who cares about the board's shitposting more than the game


It's being sold in three parts. I'm not buying a game three times. And fuck you for normalising this shit retard.

isnt the same as those retards who want "same atb system but with better graphics"?

joke's on you,you actually buy games,i only pirate,suck it loser

God, you're really seething.

How's this negative echo chamber treating you guys?

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Have you've been ignoring SE's fanbase or something? They'll legitimately take subpar games and praise them. Its why you have idiots like Barry or the XIV community praising what seems to be incomplete races. The company is the definition of style over substance.

seething cracker

True, only kids are defending this reimagination-not-remake

"eeeey boomers turns are obsolete we need action and realistic graphics "

Literally retards

What's the matter, mommy too poor to afford you the latest games and consoles lmfao *begins flossing on OP*

Can't believe you get so mad at the younger crowd being excited for a game that their older peers liked and played during it's release. It's hard to not get excited especially if you're a jrpg fan especially how the devs have something to learn from like the re2 remake games.

Good luck pirating a PS4 exclusive moron

How's blind love of a comporate conglomerate and everything they shit out treating you?

If they're going to remake the game at this scale then it needs to be in parts.

You might say "Then don't remake the game at this scale". And I agree, I don't want that either. But they are. Since they're doing it that way then it needs to be in parts. It would be a problem if it wasn't, there'd be no way to do it justice. Being in parts is not the problem.

cringe, can't believe you wrote this thinking it's a good justification for being a retard who sucks corporate cock

It's square enix, Japanese EA.

They will learn NOTHING from anyone, they will gouge you for every penny you have and not give a fuck. Fuck the younger crowd, they're retards and deserve to be treated like retards. It helps them develop a sense of standards and taste, instead of lapping up everything the AAA studious shit out.

Yes.. it's in parts because we're trying to make sure nothing is left out... good stupid goy

reminder only poor people complain about episodic stuff

because you are not complaining about the game itself, but the episodic. The game isnt bad, it's expensive.

Poor people dont like expensive things.

Nibba I haven't bought a SquareEnix game since Final Fantasy X.

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how many times you gonna make this thread you upset boomer?

>If they're going to remake the game at this scale then it needs to be in parts.
No, it literally doesn't.

They're just being huge jews. I don't care if it costs them more money than what they'd usually spend to make a game. That's their problem, not mine and they can use the money they've conned people out of for years with their progressively shitter, wrote, unoriginal and graphics whore pandering, contentless games to make FF7R.

Why the fuck are you defending a multi billion dollar company?

It makes sense, user. I'll reserve judgement until I see how much content the game has, but until then I have no reason to assume the worst.

The fuck am I going to spend my money on? I'm fine spending 60$ for a hobby. At least I still have fun playing video games unlike your jaded ass. I I'm debt free my college tuition and loans are paid for. If the game is good I'll buy the second one and so on. All this pricing shit doesn't bother me because that's just the market goes. Is it good and headed to the right direction fuck no but what are you going to do? Also, it's only 60$ man calm down.

Yes, it's totally not in parts because then they can charge you 3 times for the same game.

Nooooooo, never.

I'll buy it when it's on sale for 50-60.

>And fuck you for normalising this shit retard
No one is normalising it, as it stands this kind of practice is not some kind of industry standard and is a factual quirk for games in general and a test for Square Enix. Stop being so upset

>I'm an adult I have a mcdicks job I can afford whatever game I want it's just a game dude
Please be baiting, or a shill, this is pure NPC talk

>That's their problem, not mine
You don't seem to understand how this whole "market" thing works, friend.

>Why the fuck are you defending a multi billion dollar company?
Because you brought them up and made a stupid point. Fuck Squeenix. Nothing wrong with making a multi-part game though.

Doesn't matter if it's broken up to 10 pieces even. You yourself judge whether any game you purchase is worth the money you're paying. Be it a good but short game, bad but long game, or even dlc. All the information should already be there for you to judge yourself.

Like can you imagine buying 2 of the same pokemon games just to have the complete roster?

Because youre a failure why do want everyone else to fail? Can't you be happy for anons to succeed? College is easy, shit you don't even need to go to school to make money. I literally get paid for doing something I like taking photos and spending 30mins making designs. Iget paid enough to have a condo and spend money on expensive dinners and more useless shit. I'm living the American dream lmao.


I feel you, OP. We've known this for a long time, but every now and then it gets to be a bit much.

>I can't believe I share a board with a bunch of literal children

Welcome to hell user, sometimes it gets pretty bad you end up deleting fucking everything alas you're here forever because sometimes theres goodtimes with these fat manchildren too


Say it or get out.

To be fair, I've been hearing people shit on turn based stuff and requiring action in games since the 90s, and I'm sure people shat on it before then too, so this is nothing new.

>You don't seem to understand how this whole "market" thing works, friend.
I do.

Something is worth what someone else is willing to pay for it, and you and millions or other drooling retards are willing to pay $200 for 1 game split into 3 parts.

How ever said it would be $60 for each rather than a proper episodic price?

>this kind of practice is not some kind of industry standard
It will be if you and a bunch of other retards buy one game THREE TIMES

You haven't explained what's wrong with that.

You really fucking think Square Enix of all people won't charge $60 per game? Really?

Get a fucking grip. Why do you think they're adding "new" content? To justify the $60 price tag retard.

>Why the fuck are you defending a multi billion dollar company?

That's just what people do here now for some reason. Someone was insulting me the other day for caring about quality of video games and non-Jewish practices over the company making maximum profit.

>Be Black
>Cool they have a black character!
>See trailer and notice barret looks more caucasoid
>Discuss this with friends
>5 of 9 friends say Barret was never black and that he was just a dark Asian guy or native guy
>Look back at his old artwork

Holy shit I've been living a lie...

No, this is pretty common. People like to spend money to feel like they've got money.

but dude


i mean sure i never finished or even played FFVII but i have to pretend to be hype for gamer cred

So... what you’re saying is that $200 number is just pulled out of your ass and you have no other basis for it other than “muh squeenix greedy?”

The graphics whoring thing? The closest I can think of is when four years ago they said that they can't possibly make a single game of FF VII's scale in modern graphics.

Final Fantasy 7 was made in 1 year, this game is getting to FF 15 levels of dev time.

I just wanted a 1 for 1 remake with better graphics like RE1

Which Jewish practice? The fact that this game is going to be episodic? I don't see a problem with it. I'm not rushing out of my way to buy the game at the moment. I bought my Playstation the year after FFVII came out, because I borrowed a friend's Playstation and copy of the game but only had time to finish it once and I really wanted to explore. I played the game a countless number of times and found tons of shit. I don't know how many hours I spent just seeing if I was ready to handle Ruby Weapon. I don't know what you mean by 'raping its' memory'. It doesn't appear like this is at odds with the shit I bought back in 1997/8. If I'm feeling nostalgic I can play the original anytime I want. This isn't going to take that away. I guess I just don't understand you.

Give up, man. I made similar arguments with people over DLC 12 years ago and everyone just went "Lol u poor?" because people by and large have absolutely no foresight.

I hear ya. Whatever good it has, it's vastly overshadowed by the fact that it's gonna be sold in chunks, because there's no way they can deliver the crapload of content in the original because modern day development is fucking trash and needlessly expensive.

Hell, you know what would be better? Leave the graphics on the models as they are, make the backgrounds a high quality version of the old ones and just copy/paste everything but with a really nice new paint. Fuck voice acting and expensive cutscenes. That way we'd know for sure we'll get the complete game.

>You haven't explained what's wrong with that.
Just fucking end me.

Someone. Anyone. Please put a bullet in my fucking head.

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This game was boring when I played it when I was 13. Graphics don't really fix that.

Don't be fucking retarded, this is what remakes should be about, coming from low poly to 4k. What we don't accept is 1080p to 1920p and charging full price again.

>Nothing wrong with making a multi-part game though.
There is when the original was ONE GAME.

>True, only kids are defending this reimagination-not-remake
Not true at all, most of my friends are in their 30s and played the original when it was new, and they're all cumming buckets over the new trailer.


Would you pay $180 for the FF7 remake? Well?

If you have to ask why then there's no point explaining it to you.

well since every episode is a standlane game, i would pay 180 for three games considering every game cost 60 around

I really don't understand why people my age who have played and loved the original are excited over it. I mean, a perfect remake would be great , but we all know how Square-Enix is. Even the fans who've managed to put up with their shit long after people like me gave up are starting to get sick of them (except the new fans who are just used to the mediocre stuff they put out). People have known forever that an FF VII remake is like making a wish on a money's paw, but they still asked for it. If it's great, then great. I'll admit it. I just don't see it happening though.

You're scum and I wish you were here so I could kick you in the throat.

People like you are why video games have lootboxes and DLC now, why they're full of padding and fluff, why they're as wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle. You're human garbage and will never progress beyond mindless consumerism.

>People like you are why video games have lootboxes and DLC now
If more people were willing to pay more for games without those things then we'd have less of it, not more.

Nice bait.

That's just how the Japanese do their black guys

ok ignorant retard, probably communist too who doesnt understand that videogames are made by people who dont work for free and also no, its not easy to make games
easy as fuck to just say "JEEZZ GO TO MARS NASA, HOW HARD CAN IT BE??? FUCKING JEWS"

You do know that's just a tall tale that companies tell you, right? That they're the only ones who can be blamed for the costs of development since they're all obsessed with graphics and spending half the budget on marketing and famous voice actors?

>If more people were willing to pay more for games without those things then we'd have less of it, not more.

They'd just charge you $100 for the game and stick lootboxes in on top. Do you actually swallow that complete horseshit about "abloo bloo games are expensive to make now but players won't pay more!".


It’s almost like FF7 has aged so well and ATB systems are so good that the biggest feature in the rereleases is a fucking fast forward button.

Let it be a fucking action RPG and wait till it releases in its entirety.

I don't give a fuck about a company's finances.

Here's the deal:
>You have a game
>I buy games
>The going rate is $60 per video game
>You try to sell me one game 3 times for $60
>I tell you to go fuck yourself

Blizzard did this shitbwith stsrcraftv2 and I maintain that splitting sc2 into 3 was a historically stupid decision.

Final Fantasy was destroyed with the snes transition, then FF7 came with their cinematics and nonsense.

I like how well you've insulated yourself with double speak so that no matter the argument that comes your way you'll be right.

was it? what happened?

>They'd just charge you $100 for the game and stick lootboxes in on top.
I wouldn't buy it then, I don't buy games with lootboxes.

I would also prefer the game to just go with less labor intensive graphics, but that's not what they're doing.

Michael don't you have to go shit up re3make threads? You gotta pace yourself buddy.

So let's take a guess how much the final product will be.

>episodic, so about 10 episodes minimum, they'll use Blizzard's reasoning for Starcraft 2, so that's about 60 dollars per episode
>Yuffie and that vampire guy will be DLC, 20 dollars easy
>Golden Galaxy will DEFINITELY be DLC, I'd say 30 bucks
>crrossdressing Cloud will be DLC for the progressive crowd, 20 bucks
>minigames will be 10 bucks each, from the snowboarding to the phoenix tower defense

So we're looking at about 800 dollars. 900 for the inevitable switch version since portability increases the price.

I'm 34 and played it on release, I enjoyed it but it's certainly not my favorite JRPG nor game, top 5 sure but eh. There was a time when I was interested in seeing a game like FF7 redone in full modern 3d but those feelings were washed away from years of SE fucking things up, they lost so much talent and their management is braindead. I'm not to keen on it being remade because of the above, and for other issues like translating a party combat system into an action based one isn't exactly easy. However if there is one possibly amazing thing to take out of this project it's the music. Over the years we've heard many covers and such of the OST but mostly it's the same few songs repeated, with the remake we're going to get the ENTIRE soundtrack redone, every single song.
>Getting to hear this again, or cosmo canyon, cids theme, and so on

God I hope the music is done well, that's all I want.

why is the episodic model okay when the west does it but suddenly not okay when japan does it?

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You're just wrong in every way moron, you'll realise it in 10 years when you can legally drink

It wasn't okay. Telltale are full of hacks, and even their best """"games"""" are best watched on youtube, like Sam and Max.

It's a little different when it's a game you already know everything about, it's not like this is FF13 releasing in 3 parts, it's a near 20 year old game where the entire purpose is just to see it in current gen graphics.

Go into any "government might ban lootboxes" threads and you could have learned this there as well.


>Telltale are full of hacks
could have fooled me when Yea Forums was praising the walking dead and the wolf among us like they were the greatest things ever.

Except you can be excited for a video game and still acknowledge all the faults and flaws in it. Its called being unbiased and objective.

I'm glad they are taking a chance even though I know they'll fuck it up. I'll take that over just some lame ass thing you're suggesting. I'll just play the original if that is all I want.

>flaws/faults are objective

Attached: dumb brain.gif (500x348, 478K)

>I buy games
>The going rate is $60 per video game
>You try to sell me one game 3 times for $60
You are assuming too much. We really don't have a good idea of what any of this is going to be worth right now. We know it is episodic and that is about it. What if it is how you say and it is three chunks at $60 a pop, but the first piece is huge and takes forty hours or more to beat and is satisfying? And the subsequent chunks are equally balanced with the same level of content. Would they still not be worth your money because they have 'part II' and 'part III' in the title? What in your eyes makes a game worth paying $60? You just seem high strung to me. Square Enix might drop the ball hard, but they might also succeed. I say wait to be furious about it until we actually know what the fuck we're dealing with.


I was 11 when it first came out and loved it. It’s stayed with me, I class the music as the best vidya music, the story as the best vidya story ever, the atmosphere, emotional attachment and characterization as absolutely fantastic. I love the game and always will.

The Remake will NOT be able to recreate these things. It was a one time thing. The only reason I’m looking forward to. The Remake is so that I can experience the game I love from a new perspective and with modern day graphics; it’ll be fun to me, it will not touch the original however.

Paying $60 for 3 discs is a bargain. Would you rather pay $180?

Where did I say that? I said its called being unbiased and objective. As in a person. Can you literally not read?

>What if it is how you say and it is three chunks at $60 a pop, but the first piece is huge and takes forty hours or more to beat and is satisfying?
There's games that have hundreds of hours of content that sell for $60.

Most Monster Hunter players put 1000+ hours into every game they buy. You will never justify charging $60 for 3 chunks of FF7, NEVER.

>he fell for the soulless meme
oh nononono

>three episodes

Is it going to be $20 per episode or $60 for three unfinished games each?

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>I say wait to be furious about it until we actually know what the fuck we're dealing with.
You mean wait until it's too late and let the marketing team have free reign until release day? Get fucked.

$40 and then 25 each episode

>Is it going to be $20 per episode or $60 for three unfinished games each?
It's Square Enix, take a wild fucking guess

Forgot the third option:
$60 for three bloated games each that only come out once every three years. Everyone against the games will probably be long dead by the time the third in the trilogy comes out.

It's almost like video games have become considerably more complex since 1995 or something? Final Fantasy 7 is still one of the most expensive games of all time and was at the time the very thing you are whining about in your post. Bad troll thread just like the other bad troll threads you have up right now.

We don't even know if it truly is episodic yet, the original quote was misinterpreted. They did only show early game content yesterday and that does hint at the possibility of it being in episodes, but at the same time releasing it in episodes causes a lot of headaches.

>Releases next year
>Next gen consoles do too
>Would mean they are releasing current gen games for 4-8 years into the next gen
>Causes problems with pacing, leveling, etc
>If they do a delayed PC release that's another headache

+ tip

And Monster Hunter games aren't really pushing graphics or story telling. You can autistically put a thousand hours into anything. Even if you were totally satisfied and happy with the sixty dollar part I, you are saying that you wouldn't be happy at all? Fuck off man. You just want to sit on both sides of the fence slinging shit.

Or how about how the gameplay we saw looks closer to KH than it does XV? I frankly am excited for it as I love KH2 combat. Sure it's not turn based but I already love the combat designer's work. Although I hope there's a lot less jumping. Sora can double jump and glide, not Cloud

>It's almost like video games have become considerably more complex since 1995 or something?
Except they've regressed in every way except graphics whoring. Fuck off shill, I hope the pennies Square Enix is paying you is worth everyone thinking you're the human equivalent of an aids filled condom.

That's bullshit. He's literally a caricature of Mr. T. Your friends are retarded and so are you for believing them.

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You're quite childish and totally unreasonable. You are the type of person that is going to be losing their shit no matter how this pans out. You'll continue on that way until your inevitable death straining on the toilet.

Take your meds Barry

>Even if you were totally satisfied and happy with the sixty dollar part I, you are saying that you wouldn't be happy at all?
I would never be satisfied because it's 1/3rd of a game they expect me to buy twice more to get the full game. Kill yourself you dumb slut, I know you're a shill payed by Square Enix.

Everyone is biased/subjective, you retard.

>being an american

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>You're quite childish and totally unreasonable.
DIE SHILL, me and plenty of others are gonna shit all over this fucking remake and kill sales all the way up to and after release.

We outnumber you.

>things that never happened for 1000, Alex

>people expect tiny dude on overworld map games from old, something that didn't evolve from the NES to the PS1, to be easily recreated in a full open world
Are people mentally retarded?

He was always black, although the lighting in the new video does make him look rather pale. No one could argue his AC design was anything but black too.

I must be a shill for a corporation because I blew your baby ass out of the fucking water using sound logic? Nice.

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This is the same board that defends $60 DLC just because it's playstation exclusive. Why are you surprised?

Your only "logic" is blindly defending a billion dollar company's jewish tactics.

Only paid shill are that devoted. You don't fool anyone, we know you're here, proof has leaked before. You won't win, people like me outnumber any number of shills and we can do this all day and all night. FUCK SHILLS, FUCK FF7 REMAKE, FUCK SQUARE ENIX.

We have fourteen Smash threads a day, a game about a literal toy box full of mascot characters who've appeared on as many cereal boxes as toucan Sam, that people can't stop shitposting and having spaz attacks about EVEN AFTER THE GAME IS OUT, and you think the people looking forward to THIS are the twelve-year olds???

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t. American satellite state

>r eddit gifs
You're just confirming what everyone already knows shill

>This is the same board that defends $60 DLC just because it's playstation exclusive.

What are you referring to?

For every one of these threads I see, I’m going to buy an extra copy.

Persona 5 Royal

Why? To make yourself poorer and a billion dollar company richer? What is your logic moron?

No, people can review their favorite movie and state what is wrong with it. That's what it means to be unbiased and objective. Like how you can admit a movie you like is a guilty pleasure, meaning its a bad movie, but you like it for stupid reasons.

Shut the fuck up crying about fucking video games, you fucking manchild.
Grow up, move out your parents house, and have sex.

Not him, but he's not wrong. You sound young, so maybe it can't be helped, but companies don't care about you. They want your money and nothing else. Companies and and do lie, the do it all the time, to justify the prices they charge. They'll do literally anything they can get away with to get more money.

stay mad faggot I played 7 growing up and I'm fucking hyped
keep being angry and unhappy about other people enjoying things
you want the pure experience? replay your original copy

>Like can you imagine buying 2 of the same pokemon games just to have the complete roster?
I love Pokemon but that seems like a waste of money.


>We do not forgive, we do not forget,
>Our legions of devoted boycotters will tell our mommes, stepdads, and Discord friends not to buy this game with that months' child support cuz UR FAVORITE GAAAAAME SUUUUUUUCKS

Boy you making a Got damned fool of yourself up here.

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I didn't suggest anything though.

Who gives a shit
You can't tell me how to spend my money

Eat shit poor faggot/wage cuck

I suggest you go somewhere else if you do not want to have a serious discussion about video games then.



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>I enjoy wasting money
Give me $60 faggot, you're happy to give it to games companies for no good reason so I want some. Hand it over.

Will your money save you once all the video games you ever enjoyed have been turned to shit by supporting cancerous practices? What will you do or say when you notice all the games you enjoy now suck, and when you complain about it, people just tell you "quit being a poorfag and just buy the games you hate already, quit being a communist bro"?

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Takes one to know one.

It's not a waste when you enjoy what you get
Plus I'm fucking loaded, it's a drop in the bucket

>Hurrr give me $60 while I call you faggot
Eat shit retard
Get on the floor and kiss my feet like a God and maybe I'll reconsider, wagie