A week later

>A week later
>Dead already
What happened?

Attached: mordhau.jpg (460x215, 7K)

It's just another flavor of the month game. This happens all the time.

>50k playing currently
Absolutely DESPERATE for another SWTOR aren't you?

Attached: 1407119379594.png (568x479, 93K)

>Already down 10,000 players
dead by june

The way people were talking about this game it sounded like the next must play. But then I took a look and saw it only peaked at like 60k over its opening weekend? And with such a low price tag you'd think more people would buy it. So I checked the Stream store page and say its rating was only at 77% which is abysmal considering the product loving culture present on Steam. Bad signs for sure, so I gave this game a hard pass. Doesn't look like I missed much either, just a knock off fan game of one I played a decade ago.

>if it's not over 100k players for at least 3 years out of the gate it is DEAD
I genuinely hope you get Lou Gehrig's disease for being such a moron. Can I find a game within 3 minutes? Then shit ain't dead.

>m-m-m-muh small but dedicated f-f-fanbase
lmfao, the cope! the cope! dead by june, dead by june!

Multiple threads please prune

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god that's a lot of talk for someone that didn't even try the game


>watch stream
>dude is spinning around like a beyblade
wtf you said it wasn't as bad as chivalry

rofl why are people so butthurt about this shit

The drag and accel combat is pure jank and there's no way to solve the ballerina bullshit while keeping that outdated, unintuitive, and broken-by-design system.

calm down Timmy

>watch stream
>some dudes mowing down people constantly and ending with 50+ kills
god im garbage

For Honor blew it out of the water.

pathetic mordcuck

>Broken hit registration
>Defense favored combat
>Slow and sluggish animations
>Stamina being a non-issue in anything save for drawn out 1v1s
>Duel meta is already spamming feints and morphs without any thought of actually attacking
>Directional parrying being way too lenient and far too easy to the point of one parry being able to stop 3 simultaneous attacks from a 180° arc
>Anything can parry anything with the same effectiveness

whatever smashfag

>he doesn't know about the quarterstaff meta

Attached: Edgeknight_gets_the_shaft.webm (800x450, 2.85M)

High skill level, the game is fucking hard and you need good reflexes (Which i don't have myself) and a lot of practice to be good.

All of these are good points, but whenever people mention issues like this they're flooded with "BRO THE GAME IS GREAT YOU'RE JUST TRASH THE GAME IS SO EPIC BRO YOU CAN BE A CRUSADER AND DEUS VULT LMAO"

>killing a fully armored knight with a literal fucking wooden stick

It's a hard stick

Attached: whacked.webm (800x450, 2.85M)

>fighting actual, for real retards

Guy in 1st webm was 15 - 1 before I showed up. Then he refused to duel me again.

i dont give a fuck faggot, he's gotta be a retard to play this pile of shit game

Kek, well played

Post your creations so far.
From left to right: Imperial Greatsword, Imperial State Trooper, Bretonnian Knight of the Realm, Bretonnian Peasant Bowman, Bretonnian Man-at-Arms.
Any criticism? I felt like the peasants needed washed out colours to match their aesthetic in lore, but it makes it difficult to distinguish what exactly they're supposed to be. How does everyone else feel?

Attached: warhammah.png (1894x721, 2M)

All these For Honorfags making ''its dead'' threads.

Imagine seething this hard.

>spend all my time playing frontline
>always complain about cheap shit
>play skirmish for first time
>nothing but ballerina dancers and dragqueens
I'm so sorry frontline, I had no idea how bad things could get

Considering how Anthem only last for a month, I think for a small game Mordhau is doing pretty great

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>never even trying the game
You realize you can try the game and get a refund?

That's actually cool dude.
>using Reikland colors
>not using Middenheim colors
My only genuine critique.

I love how this game has caused so much salt

what fucking mouse sensitivity do you people use?
i keep finding myself changing it every few matches again and again because i don't feel like it feels ''right''

Dude, anything even remotely successful or hyped on Steam is going to be hated on.
This board is basically 70% paid corporate shills, 30% shit posters.

I have a similar lineup except without the archer because archery just isn't fun for me. My knight of the realm is using the cloth mantle and footsoldier arms, also heavy legs but I don't remember their name. I've tried swapping around weapons on him a lot but nothing feels right except the warhammer but it sucks ass. My greatsworder has the burgonet(sp?) and fluted cuirass. Might swap the helmet for a hat and take a bandage though. My bretonnian man-at-arms is just there to fuck horseniggers.

I hope they add decorations for the greathelm so I can truly LARP as a Bretonnian.

Yeah, I know that Reikland scheme is overused, but I felt that Middenheim scheme was too similar to bretonnia visually.
I might consider switching the Bretonnians to the Bastonne palette, letting me move over the imperial units to either Middenheim or Talabaceland palette

It's worrying that so many people are just talking about dress up over the game itself. I think I'll be taking a pass on this one.

hurr durr ded game. opens steam, 50k players online.

just another day in Yea Forums

I feel like this game gets more cancerous each day

You mean people are getting better so you can't just swing your executioner's sword and get 50 kills every match now? Yeah

qs is fantastic in 1v1 but against multiple people you simply cant do enough damage in time. Will always end up getting jumped by a whole squad

Of course it does, the devs refused to draw from anywhere other than Chivalry while making this game so everything about it has already been known for over a decade. It's just a reskin of Chiv, complete with all the bullshit, and people have now realized that so get ready for ballerinas to return in a bad way.

Here's a Conquistador I made with the free 10k gold

Attached: 629760_20190510181443_1.png (2560x1440, 1.85M)

Show me your average day's pay on the front line Yea Forums. Lets see how much gold you're really worth.

Attached: A doctor's wage.png (467x235, 63K)

>he thinks gold is a reward for personal performance and not just a number dictated by the length of the match
fucking lol

I guess you've never been playing with any friends and asked how much they got huh

personal performance does factor into it considering I've gotten more than people I played with in the same match and we both joined at the very beginning

>he still thinks gold is a reward for personal performance and not just a number dictated by the length of the match
fucking lol again

Thank you, the servers are already full enough.

yeah frontlines is the only GOOD mode
everything else is for tryhards going sweat mode

>F-For Honorfags!
Every time.

I heard that they had to lower the amount of players for the official servers, since they were of such low quality that they couldn't even handle the advertised 32v32 game mode. What terrible, lazy devs.

>decide to check reddit on how it's doing
>even there everyone hates it
holy shit that really came and went huh?

>Loading screen for front lines goes on about how it's a 32v32 player mode.
>Official servers can't handle this amount of players.
>Barely any unofficial servers can either.
>Even 24v24 servers are drenched in lag and teeter on being unplayable.
lmfao holy shit

>I let meme steam reviews dictate my opinions on games

Attached: somewhere else.jpg (300x300, 20K)

>be noob and do poorly
>300 gold
>Get good and do well
>600 gold

Attached: 1395455557752.jpg (490x547, 96K)

>Some weapons have long range and long wind up
>Some weapons have low range and fast wind up
>Oh but backpedaling is slow as fuck, you can attack while sprinting and if you start chasing someone you get a fucking SPEED BOOST
Boy I sure wish I didn't have to outskill a rapierfag by an order of magnitude to beat him with a spear.

Attached: 1556929188459.jpg (500x365, 74K)

>i blindly buy every game! have to support the devs! then i shill for them for free on Yea Forums

Sure but it's more than that. People are gravitating to the cheapest weapons, learning to abuse dragging and all other kinds of unfun shit

Game is handling 32v32 just fine, get better internet and/or stop connecting to servers outside of your continent.

I know its really shitty to walk around without a helmet, but switching them out for a bonnet would make your empire men look better. Also instead of using Reikland colors for both you could use it for one of them and use another state's color for the other. Unless you want people to be able to instantly recognize it, then yeah Reikland colors will be the best option for it.

lm,ao you stupid NIGGER the OFFICIAL SERVERS couldnt handle 32v32 so they HAD TO LOWER IT. LMAO, the shilling, holy shit. off yourself nigger!

based retard

>It ONLY peaked at 60K
>A game with no marketing made by a bunch of literal whos ONLY peaked at 60K and has been in the Steam top 10 since release

Attached: 1550622924769.png (300x377, 134K)

Did they ever fix the "ghost" bug where you can't interact with anybody or be seen by anybody? In my entire two hours of play time I went to dozens of servers and it always happened to me, I literally can't play the game.

>b-b-b-b-bbutttt 32v32 is w-w-working p-perfectly!
>the official servers were constantly crashing and had to be lowered to 24v24
>being this much of a mindslave for the devs
lmao the state of nu-Yea Forums folks

the fuck kind of garbage internet do you have? lol Only one frontline server I've played on has had bad lag so far

Yeah it's dead. FUCK this game let's go back to For Honor lads.

>pretty much scrub in chivalry
>pick up game
>raping niggas all day with falchion buckler combo
>get bored
>start dabbing on noobs with peasant scythe
>just start using homeless man with rocks combo

Without the 360 lumbar spin2win maul gibs in chiv this game takes the piss with how forgiving it is. Also the quarter staff in this game is complete ass that does less damage than fists and they need to add a war staff, also your stamina is pretty much infinite unless you're playing the chamber feint game every swing.

>no marketing
>autistic shill in every swordfighting game thread/general shilling the game for years
That's all it takes for you retards to buy the game.

lol you're a dumb nigger. the official servers are complete dogshit and the devs have said as much so it's okay, you don't have to do it for free in that regard.

Could've been a ball of poo, those are fatal too.

Why are anti-Mordhau cucks so demented and new?

best thing was your starting weapon becoming the best weapon in the game through fucked level scaling when playing with a much higher level player.

>no marketing
From the moment the game was a thing, in every single game with sword fights ever, from completely unrelated shit like Nidhog, to an audience comprised of single player people like Mountain Blade, there was ALWAYS a shill pulling attention to this game. When For Honor was a thing you fucks made damn well sure to spam this game every single time no matter what. Now unlike what you might think, Yea Forums is a big deal online, and if you can manage to have Yea Forums's userbase backing you up, your game will succeed in numbers, and absolutely NOBODY here didn't know about this game thanks to the constant shilling.

Stabbing shieldniggers, that's what.

>Yea Forums is a big deal online

I am really upset I cant afford this game. I feel like I am missing an opportunity to play chivalry again with all my friends.

Community is divided between competitive players and memeing faggots at about 50%. SInce the game doesn't balance the teams every match is a wash, going to whichever team has the least amount of retards.

I'm pretty sure the Mordhau shills were all over Reddit as well.

This isn't 2007 anymore, buddy, your grandma fucking knows of this place and has visited a few times out of curiosity.

If you're too poor to afford a 30$ game you're probably too poor to afford a good enough connection to enjoy it.

>dollar sign after number
ESL! ESL! E! S! L!

took him like 15 hits tho, if it had been a halberd it would've been 3.

This board had waaay more influence in the past. See Ace of Spades, Minecraft

get the fuck out

Somehow cringier than the roleplaying retards.

It’s been on Steam’s most played list, wtf are you smoking

If I buy a weapon or armor in the character creator, can I use it on all future loadouts?

Just pick dodge and dab on the facestabbing retards.

eastern expansion when

>battle royale game

and nothing of value was lost


>someone has any kind of passion for anything, ever
>"eewww cringe!"
Yes, I am certain that your epic detached attitude and totally cynical view on everything makes you extremely popular with your friends fag

It was made by 9 guys who literally had to get a kickstarter to fund development

It doesn’t even have microtransactions

It's the first game I've played in a long time that has fun armor and clothes to unlock with no in-game purchases. I never pay for skins and shit so I'm loving the character creator.

>I didn’t play the game

game has br mode ≠ is a br game
havent played that mode once

LMAO fucking nigger shill, go post another smash thread and then put a bullet through your skull

Wasn't it supposed to be dead on launch week? Yet here it is packed with retards to lose their head to my maul.

How does dragging work exactly?

Mordhaufags are the most cringe shill negroids. Jesus you're game already bombed

Attached: 1557521531850.jpg (250x250, 4K)

Why are there so many retards shilling this literal Reddit game?

Its both retard

>no microtransactions
>designed for PC
>30 dollars instead of 60
>created by a small but dedicated team that responds to bugfixes, compensated everyone with 10K gold
Wtf does Yea Forums want now? The only thing that’s missing is some way to play without Steam. Other than that the devs have avoided 99% of the shit everyone here bitches about and everyone still bitches

seething console peasants or seething for honor/chivalry fans

take your pick

>spending so much time here you actually think the outside world gives a FUCK about Yea Forums
go get some tendies you seething faggot

>trying to compete with fortnite
Yeah no shit those retards were going to fail

I don't support shilled games. Especially ones that are shilled in all my generals.

Greedy cunts no epic release no buy fuck steam

Today I:
>shot horseniggers with ballista
>killed a horse with a rock and watched my friend behead the horse nigger as he was getting up
>axed a horse to death as the horse nigger was charging me, then axed him to death
>threw my Schlägel at a horsenigger and killed him
>beheaded 2 bowniggers at once
>threw rocks through a window and killed a guy trying to reg hp
>threw my Schlägel and my knife at someone coming at me over the tree bridge on that one map, then boxed him in the face, killing him
>placed 3 bear traps in front of a doorway and got 2 kills, then beat to death the third guy who survived the bear trap

I love this game.

Attached: 1526579562266.jpg (680x1671, 1.15M)

>literal Reddit game?

What did he mean by this?

>y-your game is dead! trust me! i’m not shilling you are!

I don't know about the gameplay but this game looks hilarious as fuck. Would play

Attached: 1538944267506.jpg (640x853, 89K)

I wish I could undo "TORtanic" so I wouldn't have to listen to these fucking losers infesting Yea Forums constantly searching for the latest "flop".

>>Oh but backpedaling is slow as fuck, you can attack while sprinting and if you start chasing someone you get a fucking SPEED BOOST
This is fucking infuriating. It's bullshit that a fully armored knight can chase down unarmored players.

playing videogames is for losers

no it isn't, pussy.

It took 5 hits retard

Compete with fortnite? What the fuck are you retards smoking?

Do you really want to chase archers across the entire map?

Is it? I've been getting games non-stop.

you drag your mouse opposite to the direction in which your weapon is swinging when it releases. for example if you do a left swing, you'll want to move your mouse to the left when it starts swinging, if you do a right upper slash, you'll want to move your mouse up diagonally towards the right when the weapon starts swinging.

>no it isn't, pussy.
Well you failed to make any argument as to why fully armored knights should be just as mobile as unarmored players, so I guess I win.

>it's another mordhau shill thread

because you pushed way too hard this shit

Why are you faggots so desperate for games to fail?

Stellar bait

>can't chamber spears or rapiers
shit game, shills

because video games ruined my marriage

I used to experience this glitch, but since the patch from 2 days ago it hasnt happened to me

Dumb steamcel everyone want complete with fortnite steam being desperate oh no no no look at top of head dumb monopoly

That's how it goes with every MP game nowadays

You can play offline on lan, you just can't have custom classes. Yet.

>i'm not a shitter the game is broken!

it is broken
what;s the point of a chamber if you can't do damage with it since they can block before it hits?
christ you shills are pathetic.
Give up already, this meme fighting style is for singleplayer m&b and nothing else

Almost level 29, soon I'll get to finish my gothic plate set and get the Maximilian armor

Attached: doomer.jpg (416x402, 31K)

>inb4 servers shit the bed again

>some archer faggot plinking you constantly
>get close to him
>he just turns and runs away
>some faggot with dodge and a spear
>constantly poking at you in big teamfights
>finally an opening to attack him
>he just turns and runs away
but user always knows best, he can't be wrong even though he only put the briefest and most cursory of thoughts into what he's saying! seriously though, use your fuckin brain


How do I git gud
I get shit on pretty bad

As long as archery and light armor super fast weapon loadouts exist, so too should the catchup mechanic.

everybody moved to the new superior game

Attached: game new.png (209x24, 2K)

just use maul
ever since I started using maul I got to appear on the score list
until then I tried the longsword and it's absolute shit, fuck you guys for recommending it

Don't be afraid to attack. Get your parry timings down right. You will get shat on even if you just attack, block, and counterattack, but you will get better over time by doing just that, and slowly realize where you could apply the more "complex" mechanics into your defense and offense. Above all, don't get discouraged as you get your ass kicked, and don't let rapiers and shirt spear users get on your nerves with their faggotry, avoid shields if you can for now.

But I like swords

Attached: 1422932927824.png (282x289, 7K)

executioners sword then

>103 reviews
>mostly negative

Attached: 1476978324640.jpg (200x211, 10K)




Dodge is amazing in this game. What? Cant afford 4 points?

lmao bold of Sweney to outsource his damage control to a Chinese sweat shop filled with illiterate goblin children

>replying to your own shit bait after no one goes for it
Sasuga epic shill

>you're game

console release when

>and absolutely NOBODY here didn't know about this game thanks to the constant shilling.
I never heard of this game until last week
seek help

>i can't wait to play archzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............

Why is archery so boring lads, why is melee berserking the only way to play other than lute lads.

what gaem i just got one shot by a maul for the 1000th time I think im done and need to move on

need to remove the lute, having some retard being dead weight and dragging your team down isn't fun for anyone else, at least they are free kills on the enemy team

>teammate keeps charging at me and tries to attack me
look bro I know it's kinda hard to see teammates at first but holy shit at least try

>when they get mad that someone killed them
some walking bloodlust heal standing right there? who could resist

Play obama's new game.

Attached: oh no.png (634x466, 149K)

how much impact does heavy armor have on your footwork, is it really worth risking getting one shot by waraxes and execs just to go fast?

Attached: tenor.gif (498x498, 518K)

Typical FOTM dogshit. ANYTHING dies on Peecee if it isn't memeshit made by Valve, Blizzard or Bethesda.

People are idiots, lute players are actively hurting your team.

if you're gonna 1vX you need t3 chest, it just increases the amount of garbage you can tank by a metric ton
for duels you can afford a lighter armor if you're confident with your movement I would say
I'm no autismodueler but even then i've seen people pull nice moves with t3 armors

and ppl wonder why its dead

im really giving up on modern games altogether

>41k people online right now
Absolutely seething chiv/for honor cucks

>already bleeding players
Dead in a week.

take some god damn criticism retard, or suffer the same fate which I surely hope ends up happening

buddy ur trying a bit too hard. why dont u try to improve your life somehow? pick up a hobby or find a girlfriend, just stop disappoint your parents already

>parent's are both dead

I bet you said that last week, fucking moron

What criticism? If you think a game with +40k people is dead you need to stop sniffing glue

I'm saying that it's gonna be dead just as the other ones if they don't fix this fucking spear/rapier/shield bullshit

gave up on it long time ago, gaming is dead to me

Fix what? Maybe you should stop being a fucking scrub

just mousewheel up when they try to poke you

exactly what the chivalry fags kept parroting
enjoy your 1 month while there's still people playing this trash
doesn't work retard, especially on spears.
>tutorial itself teaches you about chambering and how it does damage
>chamber doesn't do jack shit against rapier and spears because they manage to block it before it does damage

>i-it will be dead in week
>n-no it will be dead in a month
Cope harder, bitch nigger

obviously not the same person you autistic fuck

You're literally just fucking bad. Learn to chamber and morph into another attack.

sucks to suck

Literally rock, paper, scissors combat. Worse than For Honor.

amazing arguments, shouldn't have expected a lot from chivalry refugees

New maps when?

not once have i played chivalry but go on

Started playing this game a couple of days ago and so far I'm having fun.
Frontlines is not the most fun for me though because it's just too much of a cluster fuck and there's not really much coordination between team mates.
I've enjoyed practicing in 1v1 duels servers but unironically the most fun I've had had been in the battle royal mode.

I guess as a new player I just really enjoy fighting with different weapons every time and the fights are generally more interesting to me because other people can't choose their loadouts either so everyone is operating on pure skill and luck. Also bear traps are hilarious in this mode since they basically turn a dangerous threat into a loot pinata.

Nigger, I already said what you need to do and you refuse to listen. Must suck being a retarded autistic child blaming the game for your failures.

it just doesn't look that fun

>hurr just chamber
>no it's not working because
>hurrrrrrrrrrrrrr ur retarded lmao

Attached: 1457529159235.jpg (771x900, 102K)

Are you new?

Attached: 150101.gif (463x634, 9K)

He told you. Morph the chamber thrust into a swing, you can get it out by the time they're winding up their next thrust.

Chamber AND morph you fucking mong. If someone is just spamming a rapier or spear they ARE going to get hit. Learn to read you stupid retard.

I read it correctly you fucking nigger and still stand by what I said
are we playing the same fucking game

Apparently you must not be playing Mordhau. It's either that or you're completely clueless about the combat mechanics. Fucking moron.

>People are using ridiculous sens to twirl around between swings
>Also using macros for mixup

The tryhards are coming out of the woodwork. Soon this game will be just as much of an autist trap as Chivalry.

Attached: clint.gif (240x228, 857K)

fighting games like this are shit.

chivalry was shit, i just abused the templar wide sword swing. i cant understand how people play these games "competitively".

The devs are already millionaires and are set. Game had a tiny budget.

>twirl around
What exactly does this accomplish besides getting stabbed in the head by any decent player?

You can't twirl like in Chiv tho, all weapons have a max turning cap, about 100° or so at most.

They twirl between swings, not during them. It's not as bad as the ballerina shit in Chivalry, but it does give them pretty much 360 degree parry because they spin so fast.

Parry has such a short window that it's literally not possible to do what you lying fag


I hope it does, but for now I'm enjoying this game

I've been playing chiv and warband for years and mordhau is a nice follow up till M&B2 drops in 2090.

>mountain blade 2
>never ever

>using macros to cheat at a skill based game
I genuinely agree, that is disgusting and yes it is fucking cheating, it's giving yourself an artificial advantage through altering the controls using a 3rd party program, that's cheating.

Mount & Blade 2 will have mods that Warband can't even begin to dream having, of course it'll surpass a multiplayer only game that can't be modified and requires other people or else its literally useless.

Parry lasts for a good 250ms at least. These nibbas are spinning at multiple revolutions a second. Do the math.

>refunds don't exist

People realized it's just streamer bait FOTM and otherwise boring, buggy and unbalanced shit.

>give players chance to use all the different weapons without having to grind for them

yep, as good as that is, it's not gonna make players stay to play the game in order to unlock cooler/better weapons when they're already available

All I want besides good multiplayer is sieges where the AI doesn't just shuffle up a single ladder and you play whack a mole till you get knocked unconscious from one of the 50 archers raining on the bottle neck.

I’m gonna have fun playing it in retirement home in 2060s for sure.

Really this is my only gripe so far.

>mechanics good
>nice weapon variety
>scrubs getting mad that they're bad
>but you play on front lines you literally 4 maps to choose from

We need community maps ASAP

Post video proof. Turning also has limits.
I really don't get what you get out of blatantly lying like this.

Ehhhhh, maybe in 2075 when Mount & Blade 3 comes out.

Mordhau will have mod tools soon
Expect a lot of custom game modes and maps

Why can't you afford it?

It is possible, it's just a gamble since you can't just rely on the grunt to parry like you would when parrying into your flanks.

I'd love to see a proper, large conquest mode. Frontline maps are very cramped on the 64 players servers. Specially mountain Peak.

Just buy it then.

immediately refunded when I saw I had to get gold and level up to make my own class

t. brainlet
Weapons and armor cost 300-500 gold and you get 500 gold per game.

Attached: Mordhau.jpg (640x813, 107K)

Samurai when

Mee too, but honestly any bigger and it'd just be full of bowniggers

>$ after the 30 showcasing you're an ESL subhuman nigger
>4 maps after 5 years of wasted development yet claims not early access
>game runs like utter shit on official servers
>confirmed that there will be DLC microtransactions coming
lmfao youre retarded even for a shill

>Hang out behind the main line with my recurve bow and pick off cowards as they try to retreat
>Got the feel for the bow and starting to nail people consistently within a fair distance
>They push up close enough and they get THE STICK

Ive got a pan build and a buider....build that are also very fun. Great game.

Attached: awdddddd.jpg (260x568, 51K)

I dropped the game when I realize how cheap 90% of the weapons are. Most servers are full of rapier, maul and spear/shield niggers.


lel epic funneh lute game XD can do teh battlecries and shoot bows and arrows! lol teh black knight trait like from monty python! epic!

this is how this shit game hit its sad, pathetic 60k peak. casual faggots flocked in and choke servers to death and thats the best mordfaggots can hope for before their shit game dies by june

>Had long running paid beta
>Can literally buy hats with money
user you have to shill harder than that

sounds like you play like a complete fucking faggot. you do everything possible to avoid the main combat of the game, so who the fuck is a nigger like you to offer his opinion at all. neck yourself bitchboy

If this game lasts long enough to get blown the fuck out by butterlord, I'll be really happy.

>Can literally buy hats with money
Literally fucking false lmao, prove it you bitch nigger

>there's already macros out to one-key morph, one-key feint, and fake an acceled upwards attack that's actually a dragged attack that lands opposite of the animation

lmao it's just going to get worse as time goes on

>4 maps after 5 years of wasted development yet claims not early access
There's more than 4 maps and it only started being developed by more than one guy in 2017 you retard.
>game runs like utter shit on official servers
Works on my machine, maybe you shouldn't try playing it on your mom's laptop.
>confirmed that there will be DLC microtransactions coming
[citation needed]

>Works on my machine, maybe you shouldn't try playing it on your mom's laptop.
your machine doesn't mean jack shit when they have to bump down the number of players on their servers so that they stop crashing. lmfao you truly are a dumb nu-Yea Forums nigger

The servers have nothing to do with game performance tho

Like you're just objectively wrong, server problems do not, have not, and literally can not drop your framerate

but you forgot the auto-riposte macros, too!

Mordcucks so eager to defend their shitty game. That's a warning sign people

Attached: DLC.jpg (964x195, 18K)

youre such a dumb fuck faggot. the servers were literally crashing, making the game - get this - unplayable until they bumped them down. now the servers are lag soaked pieces of shit with skyrocketing ping jesus fucking christ youre a dumb nigger and of course i have to explain this to you because youre some casual lute faggot no doubt. im def going to stomp on your neck until you fucking die and itll be a mercy you dumb nu-Yea Forums faggot ass nigger

They already fixed the severs and that has nothing to do with the performance you dumb tech illiterate nigger

>they fixed the servers!
>servers are still 24v24
>frontline says 32v32
>game advertises 32v32
>official servers still 24v24 with heaps of connection problems that have been widely reported
>devs have no idea what to do about it
lmao shill harder faggot.

You sound what I imagine every unga retard sounds like when I smack his ass down with the rod after making him eat a couple arrows.

>small indie team of 8 people spends half a decade on their dream project
>releases an optional deluxe edition that has literally a single cosmetic hat since people kept asking how to support them
>literally refunded everyone who bought it through their website because of a small issue with like 20 stolen keys, losing thousands of sales and doesn't ask for any compensation

Yeah sure is the same as EA, wow these microtransactions totally kill the game so greedy

Is Mordhau the single most shilled game on Yea Forums?

>The "game works fine for me!" faggots out in force.
If they're popping up this early the game is truly a week or two away from dying. I'm glad I passed on this one, seeing what happened to Chivalry was hard enough. To go through that again would be bad, and that's where it looks like Mordhau is going.

>literally just played 32v32 just on an official server just fine
What are you smoking, dumb nigger? Get some better internet.

Nice job moving those goal posts user I'm sure those 8 devs really appreciate you doing all their marketing for free these past few years

for sure, look at this faggot for example
lmao doing it for free shillboy

none of the official servers are set to 32v32. 100% confirmed shill sighted. don't believe his lies.

>WoW Classic
>Space Station 13
>King Arthur's Gold

nah there are plenty that have been shilled more

I'm in a 32v32 official server now with 0 lag you knuckle dragging retard

Go into the server browser and take a screenshot of an official 64 player server. You have five minutes.

Significantly out of proportion post to unique IP ratio in this thread. A handful of retards desperately want this game to be another Tortanic and make up shit every time their post cooldown is up.

Probably if you don't count EA games. It was shilled in multiple generals on /vg/ as well.

>people think the player ran servers are official servers
holy shit the absolute state of nu-Yea Forums

>none of the official servers are set to 32v32
This is a literal lie.

Go into the server browser and see for yourself you fucking retard.

>game does everything right
>No pay to win
>great optimization
>some faggots on Yea Forums still hate it
Nothing will make you niggers happy. I strongly suggest considering suicide.

Has a good post ever accompanied that specific edit of pepe?

>He was called out!
>Critical hit!
Lol, die shill. There, I ended your pain.

Also it's Friday night and Mordhau is down 30,000 players from where it was last weekend. Absolutely astounding, the game is dying so quickly!

>Game dying faster than For Honor

holy shit it is lmfao ahahahha 30k players. breaking through that lowly 60k peak never ever

>all this rampant shitposting
Do I buy this game or not, I liked Chivalry casually and love Warband

Attached: 1496184356441.gif (200x200, 948K)

That's what flavors of the months do.
Game that seemingly comes out of nowhere but suddenly people cannot stop talking about. Meme game

It's literally the 10th most played game on all of Steam. Make up your own mind.

Attached: m.png (744x651, 100K)

You should've bought it a week ago. It will be dead soon.

>Literally 4 maps for the showcased game mode.
>Each one less balanced than the previous.
>Shallow gameplay, with high end play being boring defensive macro twisting to try and drain one another of stamina with no attacks released.
>Normies get tired of strumming on lutes and spamming voice lines after a week.
Wow, that didn't last long.

>he changed shitposting goalposts
Wow only 38k players for an indie game with zero marketing! It's literally dying!
Cope harder you pathetic faggot.

>38k on a Friday night so soon after release.
I've got a bad feeling about this, Mordbros! Oh well, I had my epic lulz playing the lutebot for you all.

Anyone who brings up concurrent playerbase is a 100% shitposter and an outsider, disregard any and all opinion they have to say.
What happened to just liking a game and enjoying it? I can still open up Natural Selection 2 and find games no problem and that game barely reaches triple digits. If it fills a lobby it's a game.

Attached: 1505940626156.png (653x522, 286K)

>zero marketing
Thats a damned lie the devs have you ruining every thread on Yea Forums

Lmfao the shill is reeling! Holy shit, should I show him mercy? Nah, I'll go for the killing blow! Die, nigger!
>Indie game
>Zero marketing
An indie game ripping off a well established IP with free shills like you having spread it through word of mouth for years! And now it's dying, fading into nothing, to be forgotten about! Wow!

LMAO you're dead, don't even bother. I completely fucking owned you!

Can you die before it does at least so I don't have to read anymore of your posts?

>zero marketing
But you exist, Mordhau shill.


oh my god that's a strong delusion. this cope is powerful

Shields should have limited health and break like structures after taking enough hits.
I feel that this would balance them without rendering them useless and encourage more proactive play over passive turtling.

>ripping off a well established IP
Oh I see, you're a Chivalry faggot. Too fucking bad your ballerina simulator died :)

holy shit the shill's brain is broken in half

have sex

It's not dead, and probably won't be for a very long time since it has an actual audience and isn't just trend-riding.

But it definitely won't reach the cultural saturation heights that Chivalry did, at least not until pop culture's lust for novelty brings it full circle back to those kinds of multiplayer games. Which won't be for years. Hope they're prepared to play the long game.

Too bad it never went away have you seen the current Mordhau meta?

>O-o-o-h I s-s-see, you d-d-don't like m-m-muh game so you m-m-must be f-f-from C-c-c-chivalry
The siren song of the dead game shill. The one unable to cope, unable to handle what's become of his flavor of the month game.

I made this two days ago and there's like 3 more

Attached: mordhau dudes.jpg (4268x3692, 3.88M)

What about it?

Mordhau was made by people who specifically hated that shit in Chiv and it's not in the game.

>inb4 he posts that joke webm

>Back pedaling is slow so even armored guys can close on archers given enough time
>You can attack while sprint to counter further backpedaling or dodging backward from the archer
>If he turns and runs you get a catchup speed boost to run him down
>Bam, ranged classes are balanced
>"But wouldn't those mechanics royally fuck the long range 2handers that NEED to leverage their range to make up for their mediocre/bad everything else?"

Attached: 1556333769425.jpg (865x512, 82K)

>isn't just trend-riding
>literally copying a game wholesale

>and it's not in the game
It is and even worse shit than Chivalry ever had.

I'm sure it will die next week, just like it was supposed to die last week :)

No it's not. Post proof or fuck off retard.

why you so mad? did someone bulli you?

Attached: 155163115234.webm (896x504, 2.94M)

>Cheaters ruin a fun thing for everyone else again
Macros like this in this game are literally cheating, I just wish there was some way to detect it and ban the fuckers from the game.

there's that fag talk we talked about

You clearly never played Chivalry or this game

seething swordlet


Have sex

>add a perk specifically for extra fist damage, implying they're viable
>make them unable to even do a shitty half-parry where you take damage on any weapon except fists
come on at least let me block lutes

I fucking hate this game as much as i hated Chivalry, but to state that this game is "already dead" is a big fucking fat lie.
This shit is going really strong.
I hope the momentum carries over until their next update, since many indie games like this one died in less than a month.

Attached: 1546870438094.jpg (680x462, 42K)

Says the "man" spending his Friday night making stuff up about a game he doesn't like. Literally have sex.

>Make a webm of basically the medieval equivalent of shooting fish in a barrel
>Person youre shooting is probably even more retarded than a fish

I mean I don't have anywhere near as much disdain for archerfags as others but this webm is definitely not showcasing your skill if that's what you're going for.

Doesn't mean much coming from a shill who does it free 24/7

>This shit is going really strong.
lmao. nearly down half its playerbase compared to last week. came no where near hitting the peak since, steadily downward trends. no one wants to learn faggy jank nigger shit in 2019 just to play a medicore slasher with no content and awful maps. absolutely dead by june.

Yeah that sucks big time, oh well I already got my moneys worth I'm okay with dropping this once it becomes stupid.
It's clearly for the lols.


Have sex

Why would anyone ever want to do that?

Attached: 1557344737062.jpg (960x806, 137K)

>no one wants to learn faggy jank nigger shit in 2019 just to play a medicore slasher
You're right on this, but in everything else you're just silly.

Attached: silly.png (774x451, 160K)

>nearly down half its playerbase compared to last week
Are you braindead or do you not know how time of day affects player count?

Attached: mordplayers.png (920x435, 133K)

>guy spouting buzzwords doesn't know how to count
Why am I not surprised.

NS2 just got an update...why is anybody playing a shitty Chivalry clone?

Attached: NS2.jpg (300x168, 11K)

>300 something players after an update
Now this is what an actual dead game is

Wow, this game is still new but is already beginning a downwards slide into obscurity. The next remotely popular release is going to absolutely demolish Mordhau. Jesus, after how quickly a free-to-play like Apex died there's simply no way Mordhau has any sort of staying power. And it's sad that it'll never, ever crack that 60k peak. That's so insanely low for a multiplayer only game, hopefully the devs don't take their failure too hard.

lol ded gaem

>Thousands of players and full servers everywhere
Living with autism must be hard

Didn't you mom ever teach you that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?

Nah. 300+ dedicated vets are always playing, and finding a game is easy.
NS1 literally had a single 32 player server that kept the game alive until NS2 came out.

>hopefully the devs don't take their failure too hard.
The game sold 500,000 copies in it's first 7 days. I'm sure the devs are taking it real hard.

Attached: Dead.png (843x199, 27K)

Cope harder lmfao

Another third world underpaid shill sighted.

Nice mental gymnastics. I guess Quake isn't dead either because it always has some dedicated autists playing it. By that logic no game with servers up ever dies.

60k peak despite 500k copies sold? That's simply impossible, I never thought they'd stoop so low as to smudging their numbers. I wonder what publisher they're trying to attract? They no doubt want to ditch their dying product ASAP.

fad game
abandon ship or join the community of rabid turbo-autists that orbit games like this

t. seething For Honor fag

>50k daily players
i-it's dead I swear!!
>500 daily players
P-please play my shit game, it's alive and people are playing

I know you're retarded but I thought you would at least know what time zones are.

In 1625, an Englishman named Richard Peeke used a quarterstaff to defeat three Spaniards (at once) armed with rapier & dagger,

Attached: Untitled.jpg (506x275, 76K)

>60k peak despite 500k copies sold? That's simply impossible

Attached: you.jpg (900x900, 83K)

The shills defending their fraudulent devs. Good boys!

>t-they're just lying
Cope harder lol

You know you can look up sales figures right? Of course you don't. You're retarded.

Apex Legends too was a good game, but it failed because the devs killed it.
No major releases killed that game, it just killed itself.

Holy hell. Please stop posting

I was thinking about picking up Mordhau but after reading through this thread I'm having second thoughts. There's no way a game that's only $30 yet already peaked so close to its release is going to stay for long, and it looked really flavor of the monthish anyway.

Pick up For Honor instead.

Whats the most useless thing you can do in this game? Essentially acting as a blank space in the match.

>59.4k peak on TF2
What the fuck? What?

Be a lute bro

Playing the lute.

Lute main here I come


It's since records began, that or since a certain time