New Undernight Game

I hope you guys didn't just buy UNIST thanks to the Evo announcement since it'll be obsolete in a few months.

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I bought it before the announcement, it's really good, but you should probably wait at this point, yeah.

I JUST bought st with a friend the other day. Are you shitting me? Fucking retard devs rereleasing games for full price with what two new characters?

refund it

And this stops you from enjoying UNIST with your friend how exactly

Is French Bread the only company that still adheres to the nickle and diming of past fighting game releases? Everyone else offers base games with downloadable DLC instead of entirely new versions. This seems to be the only current series that forces you to buy the same game multiple times.

why wouldn't you do that if you knew that animefaggots would gobble up that shit instantly

Actually, me and my friend are having a great time right now with UNIST ST. I'm just upset that this game doesn't just release DLC instead of re-releasing the whole game for new character implements.

>a few months.
Maybe for the arcade release. Then another few months for japanese console release. Then at least a couple weeks for western consoles and then if you're lucky maybe a pc release before 2020

To bad once the console release for Japan pops up no one who actually plays will be on UNIST

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why not just patch in the new characters?

French Bread still thinks it's 2010.

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We have no confirmation or official word about if this is going to be a separate release people can buy or if it will also be a free update to [st] for people who have it.
They might, nobody knows what's in store right now. The devs literally did a stream this morning without addressing this at all or acknowledging the leak.

LMAO. fighting game players are pathetic.

UNI fans, have any of you gone far in Chronicles mode? I watched the first three segments, but there was a lot of exposition for the characters and nothing all that interesting going on. I like VNs though so I wonder if I should watch the rest.

>Chronicle Mode
Yeah? I finished it but I'm the type who was waiting to read it before it came out. It's a silly question to ask in my case since if you were interested in the world then you have no reason not to read it.

Let me rephrase my question: Is it good?

I did just buy it, but it was heavily discounted for Goldenweek so I don’t regret it. The game is fun as fuck, and I’d pay full price for an update to get more now that I’m into it. Playing Waldstein and Akatsuki is some of the most fun I’ve had with a fighter in awhile

Yeah I finished Chronicle Mode ages ago. It is a lot of worldbuilding and explaining of the motivations of the characters, but I liked it. There's no, like, payoff like in an actual VN though. It's all building up for the big conflict that's supposed to happen.

So what? Skill earned in fighting games translates to every other game in the genre to some extend, this is especially true if its a game in the same series.

Chronicle Mode was the one of the features I was dying to read when it first came out so yeah, I loved every bit of it.
I will say that the first couple exposition chapters will definitely seem boring for anyone who doesn't already care for the characters but the better ones like Gord, Byak, Seth, Merk are all in the later ones to unlock. I'd recommend it.

>Expecting Yea Forums shitposters to comprehend what you just said.

>buying the game for $32 on steam
>not getting it on G2A or $16 instead
lmao I hope no one in here actually bought it for that dumbass price on steam.

If you want to know wtf is going on in the arcade story mode progressions for the characters I would recommend reading through it.
If Yuzu's segment spurred that question out of you I'd recommend continuing because that one was especially boring.

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Yeah, the last one I played was Yuzu's. The Orie/Wagner conflict was pretty cool.

I mean people kept fucking asking what the hell an In-Birth is and they got their fucking answer.

So we're calling it uncler night, right?

I'll wait for the French Bread themselves to determine the abbreviation when they decide the tag for it on twitter since that's how uni_st was designated.

Can't wait for PC to get it in 2021.

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>defending paying $79.99 plus tip for two new characters
This is some advanced shilling

Are these madmen going to top number of Melty releases with this?

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Hold me bros.

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Well that's why it was on sale. It was pretty obvious.

>he says when this release actually skipped the Arcade to Console step already

Fuck Under Night then.