How could Sonic even compete?
How could Sonic even compete?
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I saw an edit on twitter that gave him a fat guy voice and it ruined it
Do people think this looks good?
Not defending Sonic either, that shit is much worse, but Pikachu looks fucking terrible too.
It's funny how Pikachu dancing for 2 hours is better than what the Sonic movie is going to be
Why the hell does the background look less realistic than the pickagchu? I'm going to watch this movie.
I thought it looked bad but it’s nice in motion. Except Ludicolo, what the fuck were they thinking.
It's not an actual scene in the film, it's the fake leak.
So Yea Forums, did you watch the movie? It's unironically good.
Honestly, I'd much rather watch Sonic. Pikachu is just some side story that happens to have pokemon, while Sonic is about Sonic and Robotnik.
Why is this ok but Sonic isnt? Each pokemon looks more disgusting than the last.
why the fuck is there so much 80s nostalgia for a product that was popular during the 2000s?
I saw it yesterday. Detective Pikachu easily has the rights to be known as the first live-action video game movie that isn't bad. It's not great, either. They could make the sequel better, but films don't often follow video games and get better with the sequel.
ah fuck
>Defective Flopachu
This. It's no masterpiece and it's not gonna blow your mind, but it's a solid and fun little movie that's better than live action Pokemon had any right to be.
The pokémon look generally okay (on average). The difference between the two is that while there's probably close to a hundred different pokémon featured in the Detective Pikachu, the Sonic film had two characters to get right. Sonic, the titular character, has been universally panned and "Robotnik" has received a mixed reception at best.
Sonic got way more people talking than pikachu did and that's all that matters
Detective Pikachu was an actual game.
It was shitty though.
thats my issue
they keep using 80s music for the promotion its stupid
it's been out for a fucking day, stop this le flop meme
Pretty good except how the fuck didn't he recognize his own father's voice?
Ironically the movie is much better, even plot-wise since it fucking finishes the story, for starters.
He hadn't seen him in ten years.
It's the highest grossing videogame movie ever and already has made 21 million against a 150 million dollar budget.
He was estranged from his father for years and told his dad was dead and the whole talking Pikachu thing is freakish even in-universe, I'm not surprised it didn't occur to him that's his dad's voice exactly.
The biggest media franchise ever is tracking lower than Shazam.
>tfw actually enjoyed the hell out of this movie
This. I don't understand how not beating Avengers is flopping somehow when Avengers had a 350 million usd budget vs. Detective Pikachu's 150 million usd budget.
any good cam rips of the movie?
Good point but that's not live action.
Its pretty crazy how this movie was based on a spin off no one remembers
They can make the cg look like that for only 150mil? So why the fuck does didney shit the bed over and over again with each new marvel movie?
>cam rip
he cute
>fat pikachu
>can do aerobics
Well the creature he is based on is ugly so
Remember when Pokémon fans were bragging about it having more views than the first Toy Story 4 trailer.
it's a genius way to introduce people to it all. That way you don't piss off fans by butchering the story of the anime, and it's unfamiliar enough that new people won't feel like they have to watch a bunch of other stuff first to catch up.
Isn't this movie massive flop?
It was a good 7/10 for me. was hoping the villain corporation trope would not be there but what can you do.
the evil son being the ditto was a nice twist though.
Even so, they showed some respect to the game by keeping the general plot, completing it and arguably enhancing it. As someone who had played it, they even threw me for a loop by teasing Roger Clifford as the villain like in the game but actually making the real villain someone else. I thought that with the movie being developed alongside the full release of the game and coming out just a year after it, they wouldn't be able to keep it close to it, but they actually hit most of the important plot points, characters and places including the late-game ones like everything to do with Mewtwo and R or the Ryme City Parade.
Ah, didn't see the live-action part you mentioned
It literally just came out yesterday.
Ludicolo looks terrifying in 2d too. Hard to fix that in 3d
It's also a better fit scope wise than trying to do the whole Pokemon journey an hour and a half.
>Pokémon voices sound like shit
>The actor for Tim is aids
> Greninja got knocked out by a psychic attack, despite being immune to psychic type moves
>Almost no backstory given to Mewtwo
>Pokémon battles are ass
>Same Pokémon are copy and pasted over and over and over again
>Greninja got knocked out by a psychic attack, despite being immune to psychic type moves
Protean + Water Shuriken. :^)
The Pokemon redesigns all stick to their actual proportions. They're not so much redesigns as adaptions of the standard design in much the same way any 3D model is. They just add a realism element. While that does result in being creepy in some specific cases, it's within reason or thematically consistent for them to be creepy. When you look at literally any Pokemon in Detective Pikachu, there's at very least the familiarity of its shape and the shape of everything in that design.
Sonics movie design changes the design itself for some unknown reason and makes it look worse. So it has the creepy factor that these things have without any of the endearing character traits of the original design.
Also for some god forsaken reason almost all the design changes they made to Sonic make him inherently creepier. The more human-like transition from leg to torso, the visible human teeth and the awkwardly shaped and positioned eyes.
Also Pokemon as a live action movie has a draw since it's a franchise specifically about the relationship between humans and "animals". Sonic is a franchise that while, yes, it has had humans before, that has always been a controversial element and never really added to the franchise in a meaningful way (besides Eggman specifically).
>Having a main story
I'm glad Greninja jobbed hard to fucking Psyduck. They ruined his design for the movie.
>the actor for *Lucy is aids
>It's literally the same Mewtwo from The First Movie, its been twenty years, the movie says this
It's the blade of video games movies. Blade is looked back as a goofy game but is universally recognized as what brought comic book movies back. Now it's up to hollyjew to keep the ball rolling or let it slip through like they did after the no movie
>Almost no backstory given to Mewtwo
They state it's the one from the games ("escaped from Kanto around 20 years ago"), so the backstory would be about the same as that of the first animated movie.
What psyduck does in not explicitly a psychic attack, protean exists, also these greninja were science experiments so who knows what else might be up with them, and there's no proof the movie was going by mainline game mechanics anyway.
>The Pokemon redesigns all stick to their actual proportions.
They did mess around with the proportions a bit. Pokemon like Greninja look completely different in the movie than in the games.
someone post the goth gf sonic thats how
they really don't look any different, you just never get a solid look at one
No, all that is said is that the Mewtwo escaped from a lab in Kanto 20 years ago. That is not conclusive proof it's the same Mewtwo as the first anime movie.
Main as in not side? Sure, pokemon league for example.
>not Ash
>not "get 8 badges and compete in the league"
half the movie is fanservice, there's no way they weren't serious about that line
gonna see this tomorrow, what should I expect
left Greninja is more humanoid and you can obviously see how they altered the proportions on your image
pretty disappointing since Greninja is one of my favorite Pokemon desu
Not competing with Endgame could really help Sonic
>it's just been fur padding and some loose skin folds the entire time
We've been lied to, fat pikachu is a myth created by our misinterpretation of the art.
I honestly don't see how they altered the proportions. The elbows? Head size maybe?
And referring to the gen 1 games that came out 20 years ago and have a Mewtwo that escaped from a lab in Kanto is no less fanservice. Point is, it's not clear exactly what Mewtwo it is.
I must be retarded I did not see the whole "he was your dad the whole time" twist coming because of the extremely obvious race difference
What the fuck dude, the proportions are the same, down to the relative sizes of the arms, legs and body.
Sonic might of unintentionally sabotaged one of the biggest global cash cows with his first trailer.
Justice Smith is actually mixed himself.
>already the highest grossing vidya movie ever
>only been out one day
4chans definition of a flop gets more absurd with every passing moment.
I liked that they played with your expectations on that but if you look closely you could see Harry Goodman was white both in the car crash and in the other couple flashbacks where he's shown from behind, just look at his hands.
>He watches the sub for pokemon
that's just kind of sad
dubs are usually shit but you're nothing but a contrarian (actual) weeaboo faggot if you get upset over people watching pokemon in english so they don't have to hear Mokuroh, Lugarugan, and Nyaheat
>the proportions are the same
just look at the image, retard
That was the plot of the game so everyone knew it was gonna happen.
>Ryan Reynolds fathers a black kid
The premise is so forced to the point it becomes funny, especially when Ryan Reynolds was literally his dad at the end.
hurr durr, it didn't beat avengers, total flop
Smith is light enough to be mixed and the mom was shown in a picture early on and was dark as night.
>already the highest grossing vidya movie ever
Is this supposed to be impressive?
I had to read a post about how Captain Marvel was supposedly only successful because Disney themselves bought out most of the tickets and it was actually a flop. I can't tell what's serious from what's a shitpost anymore.
No it wasn't. They never find his dad in the game.
>Caring about the ashime period
They're the same. Not even the head is actually smaller, it just looks bigger in the anime artwork because it's hunched forward.
The dad twist is obvious as fuck but i still fell for son being the good half of "giant fuck you corp we're totally no evil" leadership
It was never going to compete.
>He watches the sub for pokemon
or, maybe, just hear me out here, on Yea Forums the video games board, HE PLAYS THE FUCKING GAMES!
Justice Smith is actually mixed. Dad's black, but Mom is Italian/Canadian.
Did you watch the Sonic trailer? It tells you nothing about the movie, nothing happens, and it has nothing to do with Sonic. Unless you are a "I clapped when I saw it!" fan it might be the emptiest trailer released this decade.
You're reaching hard, pal.
Ah yes of course, the movie greninja's toes and forearms are slightly bigger. How foolish of user to miss that detail. Now that you point that out it's clear they look nothing at all alike. You've saved us!
They were still clearly going for that with several hints such as Pikachu only starting to like coffee after Harry disappeared so the movie honestly felt like the extended version of the game, as if the game ended ten minutes too early.
They spend less money on CGI and more on the actors and advertising budget
The SM season is unironically pretty great though.
My bad I thought he was complaining about satoshi/ash not red/ash
Did Red or Ash make a cameo?
What made this movie for me were all the little background details. Main plot and shit was good, but the shit in the background elevated it.
>that scene where they very blatantly name drop Cynthia in a way that draws attention to the name
>she's a reporter who isn't relevant before or after that name drop and doesn't show up again
>is literally the only human character from other canons that gets namedropped
Don't know much about the newer generations, but i went to the theater with my wife and kids and i found that thing to be very cool. The whole presentation in the lab and the way they moved, attacked and looked reminded me of Resident Evil Lickers. I thought they were pretty badass and creepy.
>It tells you nothing about the movie
except it does
>sonic runs fast, probably trying to dimension hop back to his world
>running fast blacks out the western US
>this attracts government attention
>sonic needs to avoid gov attention while trying to get back to mobius or wherever the fuck this one is from
He's not called by name, but a trainer clearly meant to be Red does make a cameo in a promotional video explaining that Ryme City banned Pokémon battles. He's shown in a stadium battling against another trainer as this is said. He's played by a nip actor.
not that I saw
Pikachu does sing a bit of the original english anime OP.
>Grenigger fags seething
Of all the shitty designs that came with every post-gen 2 abortion game, Greninja is one of the worst.
Not meant to be the same character, especially considering it IS the same canon as the games. The girl reporter is called Lucy (though her name was Emilia in the game) and she's obviously not meant to be the same as the Pike Queen from the Battle Frontier.
Nintendo can't be okay with these poor box office numbers from China and Japan. Do you think they'll pull the Mario movie if this underperforms?
Sonic makes my peepee hard
Greninja isn't good or anything but you have a much worse design right after him
Eh last I heard it was doing really well in Japan.
except for the fact that canonically, theres only one mewtwo in the world. just because you can catch it in the games doesnt make it less special.
It's about Sonic, in our world, who'll need to save it, who's being chased by Robotnik. Seems pretty simple to me.
>poor numbers
>outpacing literally every pokemon movie that came before it
Jesus fucking Christ on a stick.
Why'd they go out of their way to say the name like that then?
She refers to her another way first, then very blatantly drops the name like you're supposed to get the reference. And unlike Lucy, which is a common name and only tied to a character who hasn't been seen for like 15 years, Cynthia is a pretty uncommon name and she's been in three out of four generations since her first appearance. They could have gone with literally any name or not drawn as much attention to it, but they very specifically did both.
He will move realy fast.
Yeah but Incineroar is cheating though since it might be one of the worst designs in history. There are pokemon literally intended to be ugly that have more design sense
The MCU broke some people's idea of what numbers a movie needs to make to be considered successful.
How gardevoir looks like in movie?
That's not even true in the anime canon.
when in the anime have we had multiple mewtwos?
It's not in the movie. Neither is Lucario or any other waifumons.
To be ""fair"" a lot of retards in the game industry have the same problem.
Was it ass creed or something that sold several million or something but was considered a massive failure because it wasn't a lot more
Why does Ryan Renolds sound so gay outside of acting?
There's the one in the movie and then there's a "girl" one in the anime.
There are (relatively) few legendary pokemon that there are only one of, there's a literal field full of shaymin.
>expected the cause of the moving forest in the trailer to be either Groudon or Regigigas
>turns out the forest itsefl was the backs of a group of colossal bio-engineered Torterras
That was the coolest shit.
$90 billion
>$90 billion
$90 billion
>$90 billion
This film is objectively a flop, no matter how you spin it.
>The cubone scene
Why the fuck even watch it then? I mean shiiet it's worse than when GBF anime didn't have Tanya
And so the could awnser the questions but they didn't. We will even find out an awnser for the most important question. Will gardevoir in real life look as good as in games/anime
>cherry picking obvious joke voice for argument
fucking retard, go back to- on second thought, I guess you do belong here.
>watching nigger shit
It's been out week s in japan and it bombed.
Are you pretending to be retarded now?
so if pikachu is the kids dad how did he not recognize his fathers voice?
I didn't play the game and I haven't watched the movie but even I thought that would be the most obvious plot twist in existence, and I guess I was right.
I'm sure everyone would like their waifu in the anime user but you're going to be shit out of luck if it's an obscure one
ok, fair enough, never got to see those movies after all...
He didn't see his dad for a decade, when he came back it was because he was told his dad was dead and wanted to get his affairs in order. Probably just didn't occur to him this freakish talking Pikachu had his dad's voice or that it meant anything even if he did.
I know it's not exactly obscure, but as a Torterra fan, this movie did me good.
they're probably butthurt that the shitty cg still looks better than anything they've done in the last 5 years
It's been out for A week you retard.
He's a Yea Forums shitter. Anything under Avatar/Endgame is a flop for them.
It's funny how they just had Venusaur as a background Pokémon and significantly featured Torterra instead. Feels like they did choose the most appropriate Pokémon for each context regardless of gen in most cases.
Ok I can buy that.
Also, they had Bouffalant instead of Tauros, which was pretty rad.
Everyone liking this movie must be some big meme lie.
It's so soulless and mediocre.
Mediocre can be enjoyable. Not everything has to be 10/10 5 STARS BEST EVER to be fun.
so is there any decent torrents of it or not?
don't really fancy embarrassing myself watching this in the cinema
That's the part I don't get either. Eventually Reynoldschu mannerisms should've clued him in.
I went yesterday with my friend and literally everyone in the theater was in their late 20s like us, do you think you'd be the only adult in a sea of kids and their parents?
>embarrassing myself watching this in the cinema
Nobody cares about you.
all pokefurries should be hanged
What a little bitch baby. You're embarrassing yourself posting this shit in this thread.
I always see posts that make me think "how someone could have taste this shit?", but then I remember that I'm on Yea Forums
It's a pretty big plot point in the film that he hasn't even seen his dad since he was a little kid and choose to live with his grandmother after his mom died instead of going with his dad. He probably just wasn't all that familiar with his father, he didn't even know he had a partner Pikachu.
don't worry, you embarrass yourself enough in private
No joke, I've read about people being disappointed that the movie didn't end with a sequel hook. Marvel really did a number on the general consumer market if a movie having a complete plot is now a negative.
I honestly starting thinking sonic was a ploy to make people more accepting of detective pikachu. They made him so bad that more people thought pikachu was ok.
In fact, it probably going to be better than Detective Pikachu or the Pokémon games
Jesus. I'm kinda glad Tim's story is all wrapped up just because I don't think Justice Smith was all that good so they don't have to bring him back.
Nah. They saw a nigger as a protag and got turned off instantly.
Stay seething nigger
I still want to see more of Ryme City since it's a really cool setting and it feels like they've only scratched the surface. Maybe they can make a sequel with a different protagonist and Tim/Harry/Pikachu still in the movie as supporting characters.
Same. I know some people probably hate there's no official battles in Ryme City, but I don't know, the side by side living thing really works for making the city feel alive. I am so fucking glad it's a location in the established Pokemon world and not a "Pokemon are suddenly in our world" deal though.
It's a human-sized assassin frog that attacks with his tongue and wears it like a scarf. Did you seriously expect such a thing to look all lovey dovey adorable in real life? Literally the only concerning issue was the eyes in preview, and those were fixed in the final movie, so the only remarkable issue was the lack of squinty frog ◥θθ◤ eyes that he's know to have. The rest was an absolutely perfect adaptation and i'm glad they went for the cool/evil/creepy route with it.
Obvious it couldn't, all Sonic's fans did was whine about its movie design and cry about it so much they has to acquiesce on it like a parent relenting and buying their screaming toddler a toy in Walmart.
It was a hideous design though, those tantrums were well justified
At what point did Yea Forums fill with corporate cocksuckers? Did they just do it to be contrarian and then it eventually became real?
I watched it on a cruise once
it wasnt bad
It's redpilled.
I bet this image introduced a lot of normal fags to sonic porn.
You mean Gengar
>yeah let's just give this misty ghost pokemon huge realistic teeth
The grin is iconic.
The grin's not the problem, it's that they decided to give him normal human teeth. He's a ghost, it's ok if he doesn't look real.
that looks like zoomer garbage
absolutely awful. numovies with cgi can fuck right off
Thanks for the bump la
is this the creepiest movie ever made?
no longer this garbage is flopping
the CGI was definitely not as good as they tried but Detective Pikachu is definitely the movie that broke the "movies about vidya bad" curse.
it was kino enough to me and had a few good jokes.
>no longer this garbage is flopping
I good, I didn't think the movie was doing that poorly but I'm glad that is no longer the case
What kind of mush does your brain need to have become if you think that looks creepy? Every character looks appropriately cute or weird and you can instantly tell who each Pokémon is.
>implying gengar isn't meant to be freakish
Treecko got one of the best treatments if you niggers ask me, aside from Pikachu of course, and Ditto and Mewtwo.
I really like how all the "first in the line of evolution" pokemon trilled like little baby animals.
me as well
>Every character looks appropriately cute or weird
I'm afraid you're blinded by your pokemon obsession, all of those except squirtle are uncanny valley creepy shit
>all of those except squirtle are uncanny valley creepy shit
Holly shit, I want that fluffy Snorlax NOW!
Both look like dogshit
the "coincidences" very entertaining if nothing else