>barely any servers with 60+ people now
it's dead isn't it?
Barely any servers with 60+ people now
Other urls found in this thread:
yep, already refunded the piece of shit
fuckoff nigger this game is dead
Played for 3 hours then got bored. Cosmetics are great but combat is ass.
>Running some frontline with my Maul wielding Medic
>Top out the victory over 1.5k score ahead of the guy with 35 kills by shear healing power alone
Here's another for your troubles.
>over 1.5k
user you need to learn basic math again
>all the 64 player servers are full
>it's dead
49k people on and going on stay mad forhonorniggers
rent free
I have never even seen a 64 person server.
Just bought the game, combat hasn't clicked yet. I try to chamber in frontline but I never get it. Most of the time my stab doesn't even hit
>combat is ass
mad cus bad, git gud shitter
user has over 1500 points more than the guy behind him.
It's in the top 10 games on steam in terms of playercount.
it just got to 51k:^)
>it’s dead
Kys you can’t even shitpost right. Fucking autistic brainlets I swear.
>trying to get 10 kills without dying cheevo
>get 9, get catapulted
>get 9, get teamkilled
>get 9, get ganked in the back
it's not fair bros
use a horse it's ez mode
Feinters are massive faggots.
I don't think I'll ever get gud bros, I always just panic when I start fighting
>being mad you got outsmarted and outplayed
nah you're just awful
duel servers are really good practice
Saw a guy that ragequit the other day saying that feints, morphs and drags were all unfair and that people who used them had no honor. The entire server laughed at him and called him a shitter. Was that you?
I'm ashamed to go to them because I suck so much
4,485 + 1500 = 5985
Anons score = 5931
So no, you both need to learn basic math.
Mad cuz bad
How is this game any different than Chivalry?
niggers always take the lance and take the horse right away
how the fuck do you want people to play the game? just parry back and forth for half an hour?
put it on your ssd. i almost always have the chance to take the horse right away but don't bother because i prefer to fight.
Told you it was going to be horseshit.
>Do nothing but play megalavonia the entire match as a bard
>occasionally kill some scumbags looking for a free easy kill
>lose match
>still get 450 gold at the end
Can't say that i can complain
spinning around like a top
Yes. I've already gone back to For Honor. Mordhau is just rock, paper, scissors at high skill play.
what's it feel like being totally wrong?
it is on an ssd.
ssd can't help with spawn location
Same here
didn't for honor literally die on arrival? i never heard anything positive after it's release.
cringe as fuck..
also the use of your mascot is a red flag, you have to go back
You know what counters a feint? Actually hitting them.
it's still active but the playerbase is small and dedicated
>ssd can't help with spawn location
and when did i imply that? i'm starting to understand why you can't get a simple 10 kill streak...
For Honor threads aren't allowed on Yea Forums.
ah so it is dead, oh well nothing of value was lost.
>posts an old screencap
HAHAHAHA holy cope
when you implied that if you can load the game fast enough you will be able to get the horse and lance, yet if I spawn with 4 people in front of me at the start of the game then those people will be able to get their faster than me unless they are wearing 3-3-3 I guess..
if you couldn't figure out what I meant then you must be a bownigger
As it should be. This was always a niche subgenre wrapped around shitty half made games. It belongs in the bargain bin of some slav store with the rest.
>50k players
>from May 3, 2019 to May 10, 2019
>literally today
It has more players than any other fighting game.
Have they said anything about fixing the balance on maps? Every maps so fucking one sided.
what is one sided about mountain pass?
camp and grad also don't feel one sided, they feel asymmetrical I will give you that. the only actually one sided map is Taiga.
>literally being a fucking nerd who refuses to round numbers
1/10 made me reply
>being this pedantic because someone used "over" rather than "about."
I know it's tough staying on topic in a Mongolian cheese-making forum dedicated to gay ass video games, but your post is as worthless as its creator.
can't talk about ubisoft games on Yea Forums
you are dumb and bad and you should feel bad
google it right now you dumb cunt
except mordhau huh? lol
It came back and is actually a solid 6/10 after the rework early in 2018. It's not dead but it's not flourishing either. The Mordhau-For Honor rivalry has been forced for at least a year by literally just two autists and is a shitty meme now, the games aren't even comparable.
>so slow and retarded he can never get a horse
>so bad he can never get a 10 kill streak
lol tragic shitter
it's an awful game made by retards for retards, enjoy it.
I agree with this, taiga is fucked but the rest are pretty close to balanced
Mordhau isn't a fighting game.
There's nothing enjoyable in this piece of shit for me anymore now. 80 hours in and I don't even laugh or have fun with it like I did in the first few hours. I just get mad whenever I get killed or the dumb cunts just block my attacks and won't let me fucking land one on them. Just match me with the fucking shitters that don't know how to play again.
>it's an awful game made by retards for retards, enjoy it.
Why would I ever play it? Are you one of those tribal autists that thinks everyone who doesn't like your game must belong to the other game's fanbase?
>war of the roses
lmao your genre sucks
Opposite problem for me. I haven't run across anyone who can even come close to beating me in days, it's just a faceroll game after game and it's boring as fuck.
>people posting Yea Forums memes in the in game chat
>people with pepe avatars
You reddit-tier faggots need to fuck r8ght off with that cringe inducing crap. Have some fucking self-awareness fuck.
you forgot for honor in that list
2-3-2 master race
shut the fuck up you cringe nigger
Use a catapult, got the 30 kill cheevo after my first time using it