Deep Silver teases "exciting things ahead" for its open world crime caper series. We could be getting a new Saints Row game soon, as Deep Silver promises more to come
Saints Row Five happening soon
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I hope they have a donald trump reference, but his name is Donald DUMP!
>no source
Fuck off.
>yet another one
4 was proof they'd run out of ideas for the series and Gat Out of Hell was garbage. Just let the series die.
I'd honestly rather have Agents of Mayhem 2 than another Saints Row game, at least that was a new IP so I didn't have to sit there thinking how much the series has fallen as I played it.
who the fuck actually cares?
it's been garbage since sr2
Didn't Volition undergo massive downsizing after AoM flopped?
4 was one of the best games ever made
What's the appeal of a franchise that is literally a discount GTA?
It's hard to get excited about anything from nu-Volition. They're actually ashamed for ever having made the first 2 Saints Row games
It was a SR3 DLC sold for full price, also it wasn't even the best game in the series.
What's next? They become wizards and fight interdimensional alternative reality versions of themselves while surfing jets into each other?
I'm not that guy, but 4 is unironically the best superhero game ever made. Though that's not exactly the highest of bars
they should reboot the series and bring it back to its fun gta roots
saints row was strongest when it was a good gta clone
once they brought in the sci fi and the superhero stuff and all of the other assorted nonsense it just became shit
>superhero game
That probably explains the stupid hype behind it, you capeshit manchildren always overrate anything that has supes in it.
Not it wasn't, retard. It has longer and better written story than 3 and plays completely different. It's also the best example of intentional comedy in video game I can think of.
I'd rather they just lay it to rest.
Everything past 2 was awful.
That's like calling Crackdown a super hero game, it's really not, you jump around a sandbox that consists of zero threat enemies so it feels like you're playing with god mode on. There is nothing heroic about it, and the powers aren't even used in an interesting way in the core gameplay which is just punch/shoot some dudes, then jump to a new area to punch/shoot some dudes.
Opinion discarded.
Please kill yourself.
2fags are literal cancer that killed Saints Row
It just so happens to be adapted from a literal DLC for SR3, stuck in the exact same map, engine, and style as SR3, but sure it's a totally new and original thing.
Blonald Blimp is finally getting the ribbing he deserves!!
>female MC
Tranny or waifuvirgin detected. Please ignore it and its opinions
Said the weeb that thinks anime games are good
>Alien computer can render all of reality
>Can't render a day/night cycle
>ah make mah waifu in dah game! muh dicky hard! game good!
>Deep Silver teases "exciting things ahead"
Agents of Mayhem 2.
I too wish they'd stop fucking with Saints Row, but Volition actually need to make a new one to keep afloat. One more financial dud from that studio and they're 100% gonezo
You wouldn't see this much projection in a theater room showing Avengers 19.
As if it would matter if they did a new map? Who gives a fuck? It's not even used in most main missions.
There's a shitton of games that were originally designed to be expansions but were expanded to full sequels, but just because in this case the original DLC was publicly announced and then cancelled you dumb faggots can't shut up about it.
Funny that, I'm also a big Crackdown fan (The original that is) and Saints Row 4 is also the best Crackdown game ever made.
sidenote: 4 is not even my favorite SR game
lmao keep defending half baked trash you fucking retard.
>There's a shitton of games that were originally designed to be expansions but were expanded to full sequels
Yeah, and those are good because they had actual effort put into them, and weren't just a discount GTA.
It's better than the prototype games, that much is sure
>magatards getting triggered already
oh boy
Yeah, we're not surprised you love shit games, you don't have to keep telling us that though.
The devs seemed fairly transparent about the whole situation. The DLC getting turned into a full fledged game was spurred on by THQ being desperate for cash before their bankruptcy
>mental midgets arguing over which bargain bin franchise is better
What other franchise is being defended in this thread you illiterate retard.
why can't you cope, my man? it's friday
It's the switch release of SR3, they've been plugging it for a while now OP, where the fuck have you been?
You shouldn't be calling other people illiterates when you can't read, sonny.
You literally said people were arguing over which franchise is better, so by definition two franchises must be getting defended by different parties, you mong.
After Agents of Mayhem and Gat out of Hell, I’m not sure I care.
2-3-4 are some of my favorite games. What happened to volition after 4 shipped?
I live right down the road from their offices.
It's in the ghetto and looks like shit
>Saints Row 4
>Gat out of hell
>Agents of Mayhem
Why are people hyped again?
Saints Row 4 really triggers the inner nigger of a GTAfag.
Devs choose to do that because they saw the potential, they were never forced by THQ. THQ didn't existed by the time it came ot.
4 was unironically hilarious.
>Not it wasn't, retard
yes it was double retard, the game was originally a dlc pack for Saints Row 3 and shows with how there's less activities, no brutes, and having pasted the same exact city from SR3 with some shitty space shit floating around and was only made a full game as a way to help with money at the time because they where getting close to bankruptcy, and you know how that turned out.
>It has longer and better written story than 3
just because a story is longer or plays diffrently does not mean it is good. This is quantity over quality.
>best example of intentional comedy in video game I can think of.
That's debatable, I thought it was lame.
A straight superhero game with the usual cusyomisation would be nice. They'd do great, with the current popularity of capeshit
Do you think the release date of a game is when it began development? THQ was the ones who forced the development, just because they didn't survive till its release doesn't mean they weren't steering the ship up until they died.
>how dare people compare the franchise that is nothing but a bargain bin GTA to the franchise it obviously tries to emulate?!
4 was supposed to be DLC and I imagine having to turn something that was supposed to be a side project into a full game took a bit out of them. Gat came out after THQ went under so they probably lost a few people as well, and nothing point to AoM being anything but a disaster from the start.
Gat Out of Hell seems to be abandoned sequel pitch finished by different team. Agents of Mayhem was done by interns for grant money. True Volition was making a true sequel all this time.
>Subscribe to the Official Saints Row YouTube channel so you don't miss a thing... we have exciting things ahead for the Saints, you don't want to miss out!
There will be more announcements
>What happened to volition after 4 shipped?
The switch from THQ as a publisher, to Deep Silver. THQ reigned them in, whereas DS let them run wild.
>That's debatable, I thought it was lame.
I wouldn't say it's debatable, both of the South Park games are more humorous and better written, and they aren't even that well done.
>they were never forced by THQ. THQ didn't existed by the time it came ot.
Oh. I was wasting my time on an actual moron. I apologize on both of our behalves
>True Volition was making a true sequel all this time.
>no, no, guys! the REAL company was making a good game all along! trust me!
The amount of mental gymnastics, denial, and delusion you company worshipers are under is amazing to me.
Nah, fuck off.
>Devs choose to do that because they saw the potential, they were never forced by THQ. THQ didn't existed by the time it came ot.
This is the kind of high IQ opinion I expect from a SR4fag.
More likely it's about the Saints Row movie.
If SR4 wasn't announced as expantion from DLC you would never tell. It's a finished product. SR3 was the actual game that was rushed, the story makes no sense in that game, there's huge chunks that were cut out.
Actually you could because of how much of the game was copy pasted from SR3 in terms of engine, assets, and even the interface.
Why do any of you faggots actually care if Saints Row 4 has its origins in a DLC or not? I'm not a fan on nu-Saints Row in general, but 4 was way better than 3 and that's about all you can expect
>same maps
>same models
>same voices
>same animations
>bruh you could never tell it was originally a DLC!
Maybe you and your dumb ass, but not everyone else.
So was Saints Row 2. It has the same map as 1.
>lose argument
>why tf do u care anyway n00b?!?!/
Every time.
Hence why it's also shit,
It had an expanded map and most of the assets were redone, the engine had tons of improvements added too. Where as SR4 still couldn't get a day/night cycle to work, that's how little was added to it.
The upgrade Stilwater received from 1 to 2 was fucking huge.
You can switch day/night cycle after you finish the game. It's not important whatsoever, game is set inside the matrix. And it does run better than SR3, has better textures and other small improvements.
Technically Agents of Mayhem is the sequel to SRIV.
>lose argument
I wasn't part of it you dumb cunt, hence why I addressed it to all of you. I don't even know who you are, you cheeky little shit
>And it does run better than SR3, has better textures and other small improvements.
Truly a new game then. Honestly Call of Duty does more to their sequels.
>That's debatable, I thought it was lame.
That's because you hated it before you even launched it, dumb gtanigger. Or it wasn't pc enough for you.
>Technically Agents of Mayhem is the sequel to GooH.
If you actually look at it, it takes up a similar shape but a lot of the roads even in the "same" area of the maps were reworked, which is a lot more than SR4 did but just plopping alien ship parts in the sky.
>he wants new engine for every sequel, otherwise it's a dlc
No I want engine improvements, which is not a big thing to ask for.
No, Call of Duty still did more even with most of the game still using the same engine.
Yea, i sure can't wait for an uber woke SR game...
Hopefully though they should have gone under completely considering how disgraceful that games was
Doesn't disprove the argument. You enjoyed SR2 because the context was different and gameplay was fresh. Same goes for SR4. It's a completely different game to SR2-3 and one of the best super hero games.
it will be a saints row movie
Because the superpowers mission in 3 was a cool little diversion that, while entirely overpowered and silly, was just that. It didn't mess with the overall balance of the game because it was self-contained. Comparatively, 4 just dumps superpowers into the main game and makes no effort to balance any of the game around them, since there are still vehicles (made redundant within 15 minutes) and guns (which are useless outside of a few Warden fights). It's a blatantly lazy cash-grab of a sequel, yet 4fags will tongue-bathe it because muh superpowers.
>Yea, i sure can't wait for an uber woke SR game...
Have you never played an SR game before? SR2 literally had a gender slider.
>we have superpowers so let's remove cars and driving and other already impletented features so we don't trigger ocd retards
Donald Trump is pretty chad desu. I'm not into politics and think he's an asshole but he's chad af.
No I enjoyed it because it was a well made game with gameplay that didn't rely on firing sharks out of a gun to make it exciting. New isn't always fresh (considering it just apes off of Crackdown) or good. If I shit on your plate it's fresh and new but it's hardly a meal.
*since everything after SR2
Is this why it says that "some dlc not included" in the switch version because they're taking a shot at themselves
SR2 was a cheap "ape off" of San Andreas made on a dogshit engine that works like shit on any system. How's that for a meal?
That's not what i meant with woke at all. Did you play AoM?
>How's that for a meal?
Slightly more palatable than literal shit like SR4.
>hey, superpowers make about half the featureset entirely uesless, maybe we should adjust some of it?
>nah, let's just leave it as is, morons will eat it up regardless, and besides, it's just DLC anyway
No, nobody played AoM. Don't even pretend you did.
I hope they’d let me fuck Johnny again but this time make it more than fade to black
Sadly, i did. I wish i didnt. Never completed it though because it was unbearable in lots of ways
They better make it political.
Can't wait to kill all the conservative and neo-nazi scum with dildo swords.
God I hope not, 3 and 4 were the drizzling shits.
Sure it was, if you have downs
Agreed I remember beating 3 in one sitting the day it was released hoping it would be like 2 and I was literally shit on, then 4 was the after shart
>Alt-right are rapist nazis
>lmao alt-right are virgins laugh at them
What's with the mixed messages?
The worst part about 3 and 4 were that no matter what you did, the Boss was always jacked. Let me make a cub, dammit
>not using matt as the Yea Forumsirgin follower
also real saints row 2 pc port when? better yet wheres 1, if they were to remaster both games they would make solid cash
>SR4fags are all just Anthony Burch samefagging because he's in the game
lmao have sex instead of watching videos of your ex-wife having sex.
They lost the source code. It was the reason why SR3 had a new engine & everything remade from scratch for it.
>That's because you hated it before you even launched it, dumb gtanigger.
I don't even like GTA. The input lag makes playing it a pain in the ass. I gave it a fair shot and even finished the game, it was boring, and I havn't replayed it since.
>Or it wasn't pc enough for you
You're pathetic.
Nice strawman loser
Those who lost their virginity do the raping. Nothing says they all rape in equal quantities.
>input lag
What were you playing it on? A fucking PS3? Game is faster and smoother than Quake on PC.
Everything after 2 is garbage, series should just die already
It's already dead, it's trying to drum up any semblance of hype and funding by reselling a 6 year old game because they have literally nothing else to show for the series. It's also failing miserably because no one gives a fuck.
quads wasted on shitty faggot bait post
Holy fuck you best be shitposting
woah this kid is edgy
Saints Row 4 being an after shart is being generous
they've been hiring a bunch of Koreans recently
I'm ready, it's now or never for Open World driving games GTA6 is still off to in the horizon, I'd be okay with a bigger and badder cartoony SR3, and If they want to go back to more realistic SR2 that be cool too.
personally I hope the story is that SR4 is a dream or a movie and somehow Gat survived the crash because I love the SR3 cast and don't want to see them thrown out for a reboot.
And here I am thinking how the salt will flow once they see that they're taking the piss out of both Hillary AND Trump.
I was refering to gta. It's not really input lag but the animations they have for the characters are something i'm not exactly fond of (this was also complained abit back when Red Dead 2 came out). I enjoy the snappy feeling of my controls making my character act immedietly in games such as Saints Row, as opposed to later Rockstar games where there characters need to swivel there whole body to turn and then build back up speed.
Series is a husk now. Problem with the devs is they don't know where to draw the line between wacky and serious. And SR3 got so crazy and every opportunity to the point where people just stopped caring. It was too crazy for no reason.
>Yea Forums doesn't like the best Superhero game ever made
What a bunch of fags
This I can agree with. SR4 feels tactile and snappy as fuck and it's fun to upgrade jumps and dashes and go faster and faster as you progress.
It's the AU from one of the wishes Gat can make at the end of GooH
Yep, handles well. but it's still a downgrade in comparison to the previous games.
There's only one way they can save the saga:
Make it political as fuck.
You can choose to conquer the city and establish a hardcore right wing fascist state, make it libertarian, a commie regime or an antifa hippie anarchic community.
>"exciting things ahead"
SR3 on Switch
>Deep Silver teases "exciting things ahead"
lol where have I heard that before.
Just make fun of lefties and trannies and it will be good
>he didn't play a female character with a deep male voice
It's out, it's shit. Vastly worse than the PS3 version
Game takes place in a city, that makes no sense.
To be quite honest if it depended on me I'll prefer it if they made a full natsoc Saints Row: Eternal Reich with Moonman and Hitler as your homies but I don't think there are devs with enough balls to do that.
I told you guy about this ages ago. But after finishing up 3. I'm calling it there. What is the point of 4 when it is in the same fucking place that shit hole steelport. If there is a 5 they hopefully will have a bigger mp, no super powers and just back to gang warfare.
Actually shocked at how angry people are arguing about Saints Row in this thread.
I thought 3 and 4 were fun games. Not hugely memorable but enjoyable sandbox games, and the weeks I played them were nice. I hope 5 is similar.
Who the fuck cares that much about Saints fucking Row.
A, it's a videogame, it doesn't have to make sense.
B, it's Saints Row, a story about a criminal gang that somehow manages to control several cities, the government and hell itself. It has never made sense.
C, it has always been about controlling a city as a plot but also the game has always been known for it's customization options. Politics would be an extension of that and considering the hyper-politicized times we are living, it could be very profitable.
Posting source since OP forgot
In scrapped concept for Saints Row 5 you fought reborn Joseph Stalin and his communist gang. Pic rel
Did anyone else think 3 was a little too easy on activities and diversions? Like I love they improved the flying and such. But the game felt abit too easy from 2.
what the fuck happened? I thought they were still making it
This series died after 2. 2 was the peak and it is impossible to go back after the horrible mess they've made now.
Off and on, they are. They've gone through three developers that we know of, one of which fled for insolvenscy and every other month or bi-yearly someone on DL2's twitter keeps saying it's coming.
That sounds fun
Likely EGS and even then only 2 was good
Whoa, I didn't knew about that one. But I think that would have been pretty kino. By the look on those pics it could have an interesting and very aesthetic experience. Sometimes I get the impression that the deleted content or beta concepts in many games would definitely improve their quality.
based. game is fucking garbage for zoomers since 3
Just make a proper superhero game, capeshit is all the rage right now.
goddamn I am tired of hearing Laura Bailey and nolan north with their samefag voice in every game
How is that game? It looked shit but I miss SR.
I'll take them over Troy Baker any day.
jesus christ you people are pathetic
if you want your faggot nazi game so much fucking make it, good luck with your entire life afterwards
This. I recently played through re6 for the first time and everytime jake or helena talked, it always reminded of the default voices for sr3.
well, too bad
you're gonna get all three of them
Legit can't fucking wait bros.
Tried getting the PC version to work but nothing.
SO it was my only option.
Even using the mod that fixes so many of the issues, it's a hail mary trying to get it to run on PC. It's such a shame.
I never had too much of a problem with it for some reason
Buy the DLC as well.
2 > 4 > 1 = 3
Makes sense volition seems to have the dark souls effect where they can't branch away from the games roots that being said i liked agents of mayhem's art style and cast of cartoon characters i also like how they have different lil interactions depending on which ones u pick to be on ur team the only complaint is that the game has too small of a world with nothing to do except missions for an openworld game