What's the point of facescanning if you're going to ruin everything anyway
What's the point of facescanning if you're going to ruin everything anyway
Was Mortal Kombat a financial success?
I mean why would you make characters that look good in a videogame, not like you want people to buy it and play it
Is facescanning kinda like the unity engine, in that when it's used well you don't notice it?
Nah, It's just can't replace actually good 3D modelers
it was profitable but it didn't hit expectations. Its already $10 off in many stores
Not info, they definitely expected much more sales because
MK is still the most profitable fighting game franchise, by a fairly significant margin iirc, so either way it's good
no its not dumbass
>May 1
>No long red fingernails
So now they just gonna throw whatever shit they have, give them the name of a character it's suppose to represent and we are done?
face scanning is the newest hip meme in the game shitdustry just like brown&bloom or chromatic aberration
its day one dumbass
right looks unironically better than that bug-eyed freak
why would she have them she is not mileena
Cassie is a legit qt, especially with her voice. Strange considering how disgusting she was in X. Jade is also presentable.
The rest are garbage.
If facescanning is cheaper (we already know it's easier) than actually modelling a face by hand, then expect this to become the new standard
what are you trying to prove here? She looks even worse in this pic and even less resembles her face model because she has no visible cheekbones
Angry shill spotted
>The rest are garbage
so you guys are ramping up the shitposting for today
I'll concede that 11 Cassie is qt, but why is her whole outfit so ass. It's borderline offensively bad, especially compared to her original outfit in X
All signs point to it under-performing versus MKX. WB still haven't released any sales figures which is strange for them, failed to monetize on Youtube which was a big source of revenue for X, and it went on sale not even a few days after launch. As for its release it didn't hold top spot on Steam for even a day and it was beat on Amazon by an Amiibo and that Days game that everyone forgot existed.
>What's the point of facescanning if you're going to ruin everything anyway
cheaper/faster than hiring skilled/talented workers
this retard again that thinks youtube helps sales
It makes nethercucks not want to kill themselves quite yet
Ah. You. I already provided evidence, you complained about it, and other anons started calling you a retard for not understand how Youtube works. I'm not indulging your dumb meme posting dumb ass again.
>You. I already provided evidence
no you didn't
That's an accurate facescan. If you applied the same lighting and makeup you'd understand.
no she is ugly because i said so
I can't get over how cute Kitana is. It's honestly amazing to look back on 9 and even 10 to see how ugly the faces and character models were. MK9 Kitana is basically a dude.
I think this was the model. She's a super cutie.
>MK9 Kitana is basically a dude.
So it MK11 Kitana, it's just she's gone from a buff figure to a twink one.
>different jaw, eyes, nose
go away NRS employee
um bros you said the game flopped and nobody got it
>muslim kuckbat
nice mad fag
You guys are STILL moaning and complaining about this game?
Yeah Lady is pretty cute
Kek always the same replies. You're as low effort as the game you shill for.
I'm just here to enjoy the fallout of it failing.
more mad from the fag
Why did mk11 drop in price faster than hzd and spider-man
hahaha ebin
Now post the other Kitana image you always post, you know the one, where she's crouched down.
She does have a very nice ass.
Because it takes less skill that way.
Best girl when?
Why are people pretending she looks ugly again?
so you dont have any fact about the shit you post do you
Kitana looks like shit, pic related is how you make asians
Go back
I rather be correct and mad than braindead and wrong
Thats tranny
right looks miles better, the fuck is this bug alien on the left
When you scan faces you know how human beings look. Then you know what you can tweak AWAY from in order to fit your ideological agenda.
Women have to be ugly. Men have to be hunky.
Never, Mileena is too hot for this garbage SJW game
still mad?
I like the current trend of face scanning actual females.
You need new material.
Yes im mad i said so in my post learn to read before you post again retard
Nico is ugly though.
so you retards post the same shit over and over
>g-g-g-game is sjw
What are you, straight and dont' love dick? mega cringe
Dude why are you so butthurt
She isn't, and i'm a Ladyfag
Actual females are ugly though, as your image shows
paid tranny shill
how much is boon paying you
I don't have to try that's why MK11 is failing on it's own, you however desperately try in every thread to defend it with the same posts, you put no effort into the thing you supposedly care about. And that's funny.
>has to post the mod without the tattoos
You're not even honest with yourself.
But it's true. Truth hurts (You), but must be told.
Mileena must stay away from this game at all costs.
>here's your princess of edenia bro
>I don't have to try that's why MK11 is failing on it's own
so you just want people to go off your word
Yeah the tattoos are shit i agree
so all you retards can say is that the game is sjw over and over again like retards
DIOS MIO.........
very cute.
Shiet, her in game model actually looks better than this jungle chink.
to bad about the man jaw
Mk11 got a 10$ price drop a day after release and in some stores it's even cheaper
But it's true. Truth hurts (You), but must be told.
Mileena must stay away from this game at all costs.
where show me
>man jaw
Where does this meme came from?
mileena was never good to begin with, so who gives a shit outside of mileenafags
Why is Skarlet dressed in fucking blue like Kitana? how retarded are at NRS?
face scan was a mistake or some devs doesn't know how to use it
so the only thing you retards post is mk9 shit the game looks like shit and post maymays like this
Never good in what?
So far the only "people" who mentioned sjws are you and the mileena fag
Also why do you keep saying the same shit im starting to get worried
how is she ugly i dont get it
Lets dissect that image shall we? most downloaded on PS4 in April so lets see what released that month:
Not much and most of it are re-releases. It also doesn't mention anything about profit. If we further add that we know for a fact that it was 3rd on Amazon when it released and it's currently discounted everywhere I'd say that your post is damage control.
It's an alternate color, you simp.
>that frost
jesus christ
how retarded are you not to know a fighting game has different colors
Why are her eyes so fucking dopey
Tattoos only make her hotter though.
Before you call me some sort of tumblrdyke apologist, I have a confederate flag on my wall and I'm an active poster on /pol/ and stormfront. She just looks sexy as fuck with those tats, fuck off.
there better be a glitch were if you do a ball based attack on female characters it glitches giving them balls that explode. Or frankly I'm gonna be quite disappointed
ok now where does this say the game flopped
Andrea Tivadar is her name.
>I have a confederate flag on my wall and I'm an active poster on /pol/ and stormfront
You're a tumblrdyke in different clothing and you don't even realize it. Kek
I don't know but Skarlet looks like shit from a lot of angles and sometimes she doesn't
Where does it say it's a success?
both are fucking disgusting
She's way better with the tats.
Faggots will defend this
>the game flopped
>its in the top sellers list but not at the top
The actual scan is great and pretty spot on, the fucking outfit makes her seem bald and her collar makes her neck seem as wide as her head.
Costume artists for this game need to at least get reprimanded for these designs.
Seriously, go to like the gayest, fashionista part of the world and they will tell you each base outfit makes is fucking atrocious.
Always the same images.
so how are they ugly i dont get it
MK always used shades of the same color for alternates, you don't pick Sub-Zero the yellow ninja
Looks like that sloth from Ice Age
This should've been her default design. If it was, we wouldn't have shitters talking about Muslims and other drivel.
are you retarded buy any chance
You don't know how business work, do you? If you're not growing then you're dying
get some facts you retards
I like Nico and all, but her tattoos really bring her down. She would be alot more cuter without them
The one million dollar question is who the fuck Sheeva is based on
sauce on this plasticized gook
Plenty have been posted but you dismiss them all as they don't agree with your shilling.
Certainly not the original.
so you have nothing got it
My god irl Kano is fucking hot
We did and it's always you posting the same images
Would you settle for his sausage?
I cant believe scarlett is real , damn. why is this so hot?
would smash both,honestly both left and right need to stop politicizing games yall annoying ,most people dont give a fuck bout your ideologies
Stay mad shill
nice rebuttal, frogposter
Nice meme.
I love npcs like you
best you deserve
Top sellers doesn't mean dick. If MK11 sells less than MKX, it's a flop. And it sure as fuck isn't doing MKX numbers right now as they won't even release the 1st week figures. Scared as fuck to reveal it's below expectations, aka in business world: a flop.
Almost everyone is disappointed by it, except the shills and NRS pro gamers who need the game to live. And even they aren't enough to lift the game's entrants above Samurai Shodown at EVO. Remember, This is in the FIRST YEAR OF THE GAME BEING OUT and NRS games rarely last 2.
Doesn't look good, anyway you cut it.
Her jaw isn't fully closed in the left pic.
I wish Kronika had hair, sometimes.
The resemblance is uncanny
Incredible that you still have this image saved on your PC.
your cope is showing
She's a weird kind of hot but I'd still hit
still no facts
They didn’t ruin anything. The bitch they scanned is just ugly
I'll let him fuck me with that wig on
I think we broke him
>It was okay to have females attractive in MKX
>It's not okay in MK11
Who the fuck were they trying to fool that it wasn't sjw pandering?
Real life Kano is pure no homo tier.
Frost got just'd hard.
In the past her look was inspired by Grace Jones, current Sheeva is inspired by Charles Barkley.
Every time I see this character I hear Jabba the Hutt's language.
Geez Im afraid of seeing nu-Jill now
As I said many have been posted but you refuse to acknowledge any of them and running around covering your ears saying "no facts" dose not make it true. You're literally acting like a child.
Ol' Billy boy?
>It was okay to have females attractive in MKX
so you didn't play mkx did you
>get cute face models for the girls
>NRS fucks it up and the girls look ugly
>get ugly face model for kitana
>NRS fucks it up and makes kitana look cute
How can a company be this fucking incompetent
oh man, so contrarian
never saw nu-Ada until now huh lmao
also, here's your nu-Jill
Were the changes they made worth the sales they lost though?
Jawline is the same. See the edge behind the shadow. The nose is the same. The shape looks different due to the lighting, but you can tell if you look closely.
The eyes feel different due to makeup, but aren't.
Basically, you don't know shit.
Only Cassie, Tanya, and Mileena were good looking in MKX. Now, if you're talking about revealing outfits, then yes it was fine in MKX, but not here for some reason.
Don't reply to him anymore he obviously has a mental deficiency
well, you see...
Good stuff. lol it cracks me up when industry puppet outlets try to hype up digital. Like when they say
>60% of new game sales in 20XX were digital!
conveniently neglecting to mention they've included online-only Steam and console indie games which is a market unto itself. But they make it out as though it's retail games only. It's all designed to get you used to there Digital Console agenda. They wanna take ownership away from you so fucking bad. Transparent motherfuckers.
God damn, what an ugly looking bitch, looks like a goblin or some other kind of freak.
Why do so many western devs insist in disgusting the player with offensively ugly looking women?
The only girl they fucked up was Frost because they make her pout 24/7.
>MK is still the most profitable fighting game franchise, by a fairly significant margin iirc
lol smash is way more profitable
Skarlet's wearing eyeshadow, goofball.
Frost is an edgelord, seems appropriate
>Don't come to the Lin Kuei temple tomorrow.
Did they face scan Frost's model and forget to use it?
>He thought Mileena was ugly
You're objectively wrong or you're a faggot.
She always had a ooga booga face, the teeth just distract you from it
One of the rare instances where she doesn't look like an angry bitch. I cherish it.
im not talking about mileena
They facescanned this?
instead, she looks like a ayylmao
she sounds like pic related
so people think mkx looks better
>muh lighting
fag pls
Fucking Days Gone outsold it in most, if not all cases.
The fuck is under night in birth?
What the fuck, is it photoshop or Capcom really made this to Lady?
no its capcom
I don't disagree, but that shit was ruined to begin with.
bros...no homo
Cables dead grandpa. Or did you miss how the current prez made use of social media to sell their message?
yes she looks good when she is not making that face
The model's head is angled slightly downwards.
but... why?
It doesnt change anything.
Because upgrades are good
I've just realised thats Junior Soprano
yeah, just about every character was created from a face model.
> le ogro de america
That just looks like two different lenses.
5 >= 3 > 4 > anime
La creatura...
> upgrades
Exactly my point. Skarlet is almost 1:1 with her model (except the hair, obviously).
You do realize that her face covered in all that makeup is not her actual face, right?
its ok to be homo
learn how to greentext nigga that's embarrassing
I have great manual for you latent fag
I said it doesn't change anything and she still looks different from face model.
like I said, if you actually looked at the scanned model you'd see the lower part of the nose was in the shadow.
And are you SERIOUSLY comparing the shape of her model's fully opened, eye-shadowed eyes to the in game model's half lidded eyes?
Christ. I used to think anyone could be an artist if they put in the effort, but I'm starting to realize some people have no ability at all.
Quick test- Look at the picture. Do you think they're the same person?
looks like vixenmoon
Is that really her? The game version looks better.
Kitana is KUTE
Andrea is Romanian.
We make that joke all the time on /mkg/....
Great meme except the top one doesn't have a manjaw (unlike nulady) and nobody on Yea Forums says she's ugly, fag
Nuh uh.
Is that a aprilfools joke?
Excellent example you posted.
You can clearly see its the same person
With Scarlett its obvious they fucked up modeling original face and now she looks like a goblin.
>muh manjaw
Imagine being such a faggot
>Cassie is a legit qt,
Cassie is just borrowed assets from injustice Supergirl. That's y she's so cute
really fuck, I'm late to the prarty
Best Mileena coming through. If you disagree, you're a peasant with shit taste and no culture.
Also, Nico with tats is the best. Love me that redbone/yellower skin woman.
> not liking masculine parts in women makes you a fag
Cope, latent fag
continuing, I alos looked ofr pics to make the comparison but all I got was her blown out ass kek
>imagine being this insecure
Guys, I think we can all agree on one thing, and it's that THIS WOMAN looks GOOD.
To be fair, Sonya hasn't looked good in decades
t. Jawlet
I don't think it's the same model.
> Hey dude you like beatiful feminine women?
> Lmao so insecure, you better start liking goblinas
No, thanks
they look the same senpai except the left has more makeup
nice manjaw gook
all blonds look the same now?
Do you think other parts of her body look similar to Vixenmoon’s?
whats your point here, she's ugly
Audrey Hepburn was CUTE
no she is not fool
>they look the same
if you have no eyes maybe. they look barely similar, they take an attractive model, use it for the model, then intentionally make it more ugly in every way they can. they've said they do this shit i'm pretty sure
Brutal Anality
I seriously doubt you would know it was the same person if it weren't literally in the file name, when you can even see how the facescan's features are nigh identical outside of lighting.
I know better than to make a move on your girl, Frost...
Did they actually model her entire nude body or something?
Yea Forums would still call her a manjaw if she was facescanned in a game
Of course she was, cause she didn't has manjaw
u mad fag
It's so hard to tell because of the haircut.
no you mad fuck boy?
> Yea Forums would still call her a manjaw
Never happened and never will happen. Stop seething, tranny lover, nobody likes nulady, just get along with it
>they've said they do this shit i'm pretty sure
I think it's you the one who has no talent to be an artist.
Here's your last (You)
Also, learn how to greentext newfag
damn autistic shill got new reaction images ?
Think as you like.
I know you have no talent.
Why do so many models have FAS?
You better get real right now, It's going to hurt more If you realize it later in life.
ok mad anti-shill
Samurai Shodown
damn just like that you agreed with me that you're a shill?
What a relief.
>all blonds look the same now?
Really, user?
nigga did you really tried to photoshop a strawpoll poll?
You have autism.
you fucking racist
Raven Symone
mods, brah
>mfw Skarlet’s blood tongue is actually a distended colon
>MK is still the most profitable fighting game franchise
shill harder
meme disease that only gets throw around Yea Forums
>look through insta
>hot pictures of her wearing cool clothes
>likes old movies and music
>"#wcw I love my mom!"
gib comfy high class runway model gf
Skarlet looks fucking cute, fuck you guys.
(((mods))), just like hot coffee was a (((mod))) too
Because people went "eww is that a cheekbone??" when the character was first revealed so NRS had to go and "fix" the face of the character.
But i don't think the game model has to be a 1:1 to the face model, just a base to work off of.
because tasteless shallow nerds don't know what beauty is.
so it's either plus sized full sjw wrecks or ~~uguu~~ Japanese waifus
>calling that cute
you are homosexual
Inshallah, glory to allah, Islamic Kombat follows what the holy imans have said will create a prosperous society very closely
he's not wrong
nrshill seething
>model for a game
>trannies make you ugly on purpose
>perverts use your mutilated face in porn
oof and yikes
NRS should be kept away from all facescanning technology
in fact, other companies should pick up Mortal Kombat away from NRS and actually make good looking models and legitimate mk clothing attire.
Fuck you Boon you hack bring back TOASTY
its ion the game already retard
well done you've discovered Poe's law. what other cheap tricks are you going to show the class today?
You know you really want to drink that bleach. Do it. Drink it all. Guzzle it down like the amount of semen you gobble upon during those hours at NRS where the trannies line up to spread your asscheeks wide and ejaculate inside your dirty stinky faggot ass.
Steamspy is not very accurate but it gives decent ballpark numbers, and those are terrifying: 100k - 200k owners.
PC sales are about 30% of all sales (probably less on fighting games.)
It probably haven't sold even 1M copies.
>nrshill defends nrs at every waking moment
lmao @ your life NRShill
his name is NRSnigger. remember it well.
Jade, Kitana and Skarlet look great.
Sonya is uggo but she's my main online so kek.
>y-y-y-you are a shill
say something new retard
go back to /fgg/ and cry fag
>doesn't deny being a shill
lmfao you people at nrs really need to lose the IP to MK and lose it to a company with actually intelligent people to represent MK
>ctrl+f "retard" = 13 times
yikes and cringepilled
anybody calling out the retarded shit you people say are shills ok go back to saying youtube helps video game sales
FAS in vidya? Wow
>ctrl+f "shill" = 16 times
reminder that MK11 had people working on it that didnt know that MK is a series that features gore.
Gotta reply user
this is what it looks like with similar lighting.
>say something new retard
>call out the retarded
you're so mad at people who attack mk11 and nrs that you use "retard" every time that you comment at them
what an actual retard
Yah right retard maybe if you calculate that nintendofags have to buy a whole new console for their shit games
>nrsIDF saying anyone doesn't belong here
ah, yes, 4channel, the home of woke islamists and toxic feminists
seek help
>smash is way more profitable
Smash on switch is already the best selling fighting game ever made
but is it profitable? do you think a series that has to split it's earnings among Sora ltd, Bandai Namco, IS, Creatures/GameFreak, Capcom, Sega, SE, Konami etc is profitable?
it's definitly successful but I doub't Nintendo makes much money with it, especially now with all the 3rd party content.
I'm pretty sure the port of MK8 has earned Nintendo more money.
fat with no tits
This edit makes me sad because MK11 Mileena would have actually ended up looking like her MKX concept art with current Kitana's face as the base. Would have liked to have e seen that.
>peopel will call this ugly
Oy vey, the porn jew is rotting peoples brain
Fucking yikes, left looks like a literal crackwhore
If you include the Switches the series moves each time, probably
There aren't many fighting games that can claim to get people buying a console solely for them
I thought Frost was supposed to be the female fridge
>mad anti-shill
she's not Johnny Cage so i can see why people say that
this guy
>people will call this cute
shalom, my fellow white person, the half-breed square-faced goblin abomination is truly remarkable of human sexuality
It launched at $49.99 at my local Walmart and was $45 on a lot of steam key sites (humble, green man, gamebilley, etc.)
stiff competition
Oy vey
Or there are the people like this guy who swallowed the anime jew and thing women should have alien faces with no jaw
White man is doomed
>local Walmart
>steam key sites
>It launched at $49.99 at my local Walmart
isn't walmart launching all new games (or at least some) at 49.99 to compete with amazon?
yes and he is a retard
I used to be obsessed with people's (or to be honest, girls') looks and modeling and this is honestly the most retarded picture I've seen on this entire site (and been here a long time sadly)
First of all, the gook on the left side looks like a literal tranny, the DMC girl on the right is shopped, and unironically, the shitlord bald girl has the most oval face out of all people in this picture because even though she is clenching her jaw, it still does not look defined in the slightest.
There is a lot of absolutely retarded shit on this site, but weebs always manage to be the dumbest and most delusional of all by a large margin.
I'm trying to decide if you were intending to say V looks like a girl or just wanted to get us with the "Mother dies" meme.
Are they going to add more tourny variations? I want to dab on people as baraka with his good abilities but his canon variations suck ass.
This is why you can't trust anyone on this board.
Fuck off
>and even less resembles her face model because she has no visible cheekbones
There's young and old face models of characters in MK11, user.
Can't give a woman a cute face AND good looking clothes, user. That's not part of the agenda.
it was profitable. now the question is : did it meet WB expectation? is safe to asume to it did not meet WB expectations and most likely sold less then MKX since the stores are overstocked and they have not release the sales numbers.
No there's only one face for Scarlet and there is no old /young Scarlet in the story. Did you even play the game
why is Yea Forums so obsessed with mortal kombat now? there's no way this many of you play MK that there has to be 2-3 threads up 24/7
They fucked up both Kitana and Frost. And soon Sheeva if the leaks are true.
so retards mad they dont have the costumes from mk9
Why is Virgil actually just V?
Frost looks like your typical Twitter #Resistor
>8 fucking actresses
Why do they do always do this. Just makes it difficult to find the part of the video with the girl you want to jack off to.
Because NRS said literally "fuck you fans" in the interview.
>this is the power of western character design.
What's the point of getting all these chiseled models if they just look like soft mush in the final product?
That jacqui briggs..
jacqui was hot in mkx
wish i could lick her prolapse
geras is aesthetic af
>announces new vids coming this week
>its been two weeks
>literally no sign since then
what a cunt
>jugando con la negra
looks fine to me
>NRS nigger is still replying to people
I wish you get shot in whatever shithole you live
she looks the same here just darker lighting oh and they gave are darker skin for some reason.
Mk11 Kitana easily passes for a Thai ladyboy faggot
her nose is ugly and her eyes are inbred looking
Aside from Smash (but that is a 4 -7 year deal), this game is the most profitable traditional fighting game. But honestly, that Skarlet problem can be fixed with her alternatives (ponytail design.)
Ugh... I forgot how gross some of the early models looked... it was alright for the time... I guess.
ok explain this 56% because i thought it was to describe latinos who are mixed with white and indian thus the 56. This also explains the spanish phrases. why are you using this for blacks....
Normally I'm on your guys side when it comes to bullshit in games... but this one I can't. BFV, oh yeah! Anthem, perfect to tear apart! But this one? Aside from the grind and annoying microtransactions, all I see it people mad they can't see titties and how "woke" Jax is, which isn't even canonical. Which is baseless. Tell me another reason aside from the three I mentioned.
go back to /fgg/ you salty fuck
>girls need armor and coverage
>guys just need pure muscle
Nico is super cute. Trashy looking girls really get me going.
>girls need armor and coverage
where is the armor
>West proves yet again that they are incompetent in creating interesting characters or reworking old ones
Industry crash when
cute pits
I like that they got the guy from the MK movie for Shang Tsung
No, Frost just looks pissed all the time and incels are legit intimidated and frightened by angry women.
I wanna fuck Centrion
nice cherry picking you salty fuck
From the yellow fever. It's a well known symptom.
Sounds like you would fuck anything at this point
the resemblance is uncanny
man he want to fuck a god ok retard
Nico is gross but for some reason I wanna spray hot ejaculate on her face
Her blonde version is better
God I want to smell her dirty underpants
This makes ZERO fucking sense. Dismemberment and disemboweling are fine but tits and ass are forbidden??
>Be a pretty lady.
>Get your face scanned into one of those video games.
>Some ham beast gets mad and thinks you're unrealistic while you literally exist.
>Butcher your face for video game.
Why are 8gaggers so anally retentive?
2028, hopefully
Nah dude tattoos make her look dirty and trashy
There is one ESL shitskin in every MK thread replying with same images and same phrases to any critique like a bot
Ugh, who is that dog behind her?
so is this retard going to say the same thing over and over again
Goddamit this is why I love Yea Forums can’t believe people would be this insecure to the point that they photoshop a straw poll.
why cant i say the most retarded shit i can
thats a really fuckin ugly woman
thats a bad way to talk about your mama