>only 4% of gamers, the smallest group
huh so this is what it feels like to be going extinct ...
Conventional Gamer Extinction Thread
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More like the number of casuals have increased, not that gaymers are now fewer in quantity.
>i enjoy high quality games
>preferably free to play
I came here to post this.
>wait a minute that nose
That's what happens when you expand the definition of gamer to someone who just watches streams. Ignoring the interaction of games allows you to invent new demographics to market to and marginalize the others.
I mean, are they not? What makes them not part of the ""culture""?
>I mean, are they not?
Would you say that anyone who watches the NFL from his sofa is a football player?
by their definition, yes.
they press play the football program on tv
Not the same customs and beliefs you barbarian pagan
Maybe not, but I would say they are part of football culture and are a participant in the medium. I'm not saying everyone is a gamer as profession, but neither is everyone a footballer by profession.
Literally what the fuck does any of this mean? Enthusiast by definition is someone who us extremely into something. Some of those categories are "eh I occasionally have seen/played a video game." How the fuck is that enthusiast tier? Also how are they going to honestly say that 20% of gamers use game streaming services like PS Now?
what an exciting age, gaming has become so much more than just playing videogames!!
>marketing firm literally named "Newzoo" whose entire business model is to reduce people down to nice, neat cattle categories to more easily cage up with product
I could have never written this future.
the all-round enthusiast looks like CIA from The Dark Knight Rises
The point is that gamer used to classify a person more passionate about it. I watch the World Cup and thats it, I dont claim Im a sport enthusiast football fan, the people who play fantasy league, watch champions, bunch of other shit I have no idea and know the names of the players are the fans, sports enthusiast or whatever the fuck they call themselves. Point is, football is not a important part of my life, games on the other hand sadly are
At least in this context, that image doesn't call them "gamers", just "game enthusiasts" which make the spectrum bigger
A lot of these are bullshit categories. Why are "Ultimate gamer", "all-round enthusiast", "conventional player", and "hardware enthusiast" all separated? They all play fucking normal games and maybe watch streams.
If you lump all regular gamers into one category and casuals into the other, you get something like:
>Normal gamers
13 + 9 + 4 + 9 = 25%
>Casual gamers
19 + 27 = 46%
13 + 6 = 19%
Also, what's the missing 10%?
This is essentially how all marketing firms operate. They identify a handful of potential target groups, reduce them down to their simplest (not necessarily lowest) common denominators, put a nice stock picture to them so they can imagine their little model is an actual person, and then come up with ways to convince that model person to give them their money.
please for the love of dog use cute cartoon avatars for your cringy business materials
Go back
They have been doing it long before you were born, it's called a psychographic profile.
hello backseat viewer.jpeg have you thought about buying a hat
maybe a nice trilby or a shotgun blast
>The Lewd Gamer
>I vigorously masturbate to sexy gameplay that feeds my myriad fetishes to an extreme degree.
The truth:
>mobile gamers: only gamers in the loosest sense. It's more like gambling really. Often the games are luck based. Skinner boxes.
>casual gamers: they play Call of Duty, FIFA, Fortnite. No real interest in gaming outside the flavour of the month. Gaming is more a focal event for socialising rather than gaming itself.
>enthusiasts: show interest in a variety of games. May read gaming magazines/sites. May pre-order games. May own merchandise. The more prolific may post on Reddit.
>hardcore gamers: Probably a member of gaming forums or post on the Chans. Often know the lore. Often on the spectrum. The true patricians. May own several systems and emulate. May know juicy drama about developers etc.
Just saved your marketing department a lot of work.
>everyone into watching games is either female or old
>Ultimate Gamer + Conventional Player + Hardware Enthusiast
"Conventional" is a needless segmentation.
Hardware and Ultimate are still part of the same "convention" of players, they just choose more specific focuses atop it.
Ergo conventional players make up 26%, the 2nd largest group.
If you're not separating by purist nature where people who "watch" games are the other team, you could even throw in All Around. Though adding his percentage is funky since +9% across the board won't add up. Better to add everyone else up but him, make that the new total %, then use ratio to get the new figures.
Once you've started reintegrating groups by area of involvement more than sub-priorities you have to add Time Filler and Cloud Gamer together, since chances are Cloud Gamer's reluctance to spend real money overlaps with a reluctance to spend real time. Their total is a majority by technicality though since by definition both vary when they invest. It's like if every stranger you asked said they "might" show up to your party, it could be a huge gathering or like 2 guys, or no one. There are unfinished fighting games with more readable 50/50 flow.
"Popcorn" and Backseat also fold and are dead last, as to be expected because while a lot of people have overblown the Twitch drone trend the fact is most people who indulge it barely consider it an actual investment towards games. They're there for the streamers and memers, not the games. If you asked them what they watch they'd give you the name of a person, not a game. These people by default are also even less participatory about being involved than the F2P fruit flies so their numbers dip in and out and up and down.
Still it's something like 50% casual F2P fruit flies, 29% video game customer and 21% couch pillows.
But is still the sum of it. More phone owners just get factored in for no reason other than marketing likes to speculate potential projected profits.
Don't believe me? It's all in the numbers.
>Conventional gamer apparently doesn't include anyone who watches LP's
So already we can combine conventional, all-round, and "Ultimate gamer" because they're all the same thing really.
>Cloud gamer
>Time Filler
Ok so they're including grandmas playing farmville and cunts playing candy crush as gamers so we can just delete that 46% because they don't fucking count.
>Popcorn gamer
>Backseat viewer
Watching someone play is not fucking playing you stupid cunts, another 19% gone.
This chart doesn't prove that there are less gamers, it proves that dumb cunts are trying to expand what being a "Gamer" means to the point that it has become fucking meaningless.
stop pretending that casuals don't count
they are their own market segment and publishers will always want to find an opportunity to exploit them for revenue
Anons, when will the Wall Street parasites leave us alone and go destroy another hobby?
when you are poorer than an african dirt farmer
They only count if they buy games like COD, FIFA etc. If they're just F2P squatters and phone cunts they've not relevant.
Yea Forums makes up for 50% of piracy.
That doesn't sound focus tested or market analyzed, user. Won't make me enough dosh.
When there stop being so many customers that give them money and information. I'm just patiently waiting for the day that "mainstream" gaming finally disconnects completely from the small, indie enthusiast crowd so we can be left in peace.
>playing video games at all
Cringe as fuck, I'm glad gamers are dying out.
This shit is way too redundant.
Now we're talking.
These four subhuman categories are not videogame enthusiasts, they merely pretend to like videogames to garner attention.
There's basically no difference between ultimate and all-round enthusiast.
>all the casual ones have female portraits except for the old guy who used to play a lot
They got some things right at least.
Several categories of these "gamers" haven't played a single game for more than 100 hours.
I look down on streamfagging because it was something I did as a poorfag kid whose religious parents never would NEVER buy a console.
>watch friends play at their house
>watch strangers play at arcade, attract modes too
>read strategy guides and magazines to stay current on vidya so I can discuss with kids at school
>watch game trailers in early ign days, earliest LPs
It was a sad and pathetic state of being and I only understand it as a poorfag hobby. If you watch streams, you are a POORFAG.
It's like a comedy routine.
>I dont play games at all but I am definitely a gamer
I cant put my finger on what it is exactly, but something about their categorization seems a bit... off.
>65% of the "market" spends little to no money on video games
Wow, this changes everything! Gamers don't need to be your audience; gamers are dead.
Reminder that the cloud gamers are also majority consolefags.
Guess what that means.
>the cloud gamer
wtf does that even mean
user please don't increase the pain
White genocide: I sleep
Gamer genocide: real shit
Write them an angry email claiming you're a jew and it offends you.
>the conventional player
Imagine spending hours, days, weeks of your life on this.
Seems accurate and the faces they have portraying the groups aren't really mismatched at all.
see boys, girls can game too
Where are the gamegrls??
Paying to watch a stream of somebody playing is the future.
You know that, and I know that, and the marketers know that, but the old investors don’t know that; they just see an “untapped market”
juicy drama about developers etc.