Villain from the first game reluctantly teams up with the hero in the sequel

>Villain from the first game reluctantly teams up with the hero in the sequel

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name 365,000 games that do this

X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

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>Villain from a prior game becomes the protagonist to fight a greater threat.
>You have to fight the series main protag along the way because she assumes that you're up to no good.

baldur's gate 2? or do i not remember that right.

golden sun

Sly 3, greasy sweet

>villain as a party member provides best banter
>villain carries the story

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The Throne of Bhaal expansion lets you recruit Sarevok.

Good answer, but not what I was thinking of.

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chrono trigger in the same game

Mario RPG
Super Paper Mario
Bowser's Inside Story

>Indigo Destiny duet blasting through the speakers
GV2 had no business being that good

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This is a black thing isn't it?

>Villain just wanted the sammich that you refused to make him

Thta barely happens in vidya. Just go back to your animu shit board.

System shock 2

Portal 2.

>villain doesn't care about what the protagonist thinks because they aren't their father
>protagonist then has a heart attack

>Final battle against villain requires an autistic amount of grinding.

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>Succeed speech check against final boss and make amends
>Instantly have heart attack and die.
Who writes these retarded downer endings?

Sonic and Knuckles

>Have a son
>It's humiliating

If Activision weren't assholes that's what I was hoping in Prototype 3 but since Radical Entertainment was closed well there goes any dreams.


>succeed speech check against final boss
>henchman kills him for treason

>Main character just wants a hug

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>Villain tries to save the protagonist by killing him.
Why do people like these shitty tropes?


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>Party members can die

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>game has no villain

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>Instead of a villain driving the plot, the protagonist struggles through a Kafkaesque legal system

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>Optional Post-Game Dungeon and Boss is hidden in a Pizzahut in the garage and can only be beaten by maxing your levels or specifically using a leg in one hand and a brerb in the other to kill him in one hit.

>villain does all kinds of crazy shit in the boss fight
>joins your party
>does none of that shit

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Baldurs Gate 2

>villain won't fix the air conditioner in the pool house

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Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
Some call it GV2, some other call it ASG2

Any games where the new villain in the sequel gives both the protagonist and prior game's villain a hard time. I'm not talking about the hero and villain teaming up but rather there being a segment in the game where it shows the first villain's perspective as he deals with the new threat.

Something like an orochimaru kinda villian that's just doing his own shit that just so happens to help the protag cause the new villian is getting in the way of the old villians secret plans.
Kinda like if the new villian destroys the world the old villian won't have a world to fuck around with in.

touhou 4 and 8

>Villain kills the hero
>you now play as the Villain
>he actually did nothing wrong

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Tales of Xillia 2.
Villian from the first game teams up with the hero from the first game to fight the protagonist of the second game

>the hero's wife propositions the villain to HAVESEX

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>the villain was the MC's gay clone
>The final boss was MC's love interest going nuts
What a ride

fucking Lisa

your GRANDchildren are gonna need GRANDchildren lawyers

>villain dies because of improper racial diet

unironically hot


wait wtf i only played it halfway but i thought you just murder the rogue AI and all the aliens

>villain in first game started out as a ally and then put on a costume revealing his true self in the end.
>come back in the second game as an ally, again, then tries to reveal himself.... again.

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Just take a moment and try to actually comprehend how horrific this situation would be.