Do you like Kiryu's game?
Yakuza Kiwami 2
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I love Reina's game!
How is optimization?
>gets brutalized by Arase
Psshhh, nothin personnel
I loved it on PS4.
That said, I was at Dotonbori two weeks ago and it was even more awesome than in the game.
Same with Kabukicho, but it was smaller than I thought it would be.
I played it on PS4 so I just pirated it to try out the Dragon Engine on PC and fucking hell it's incredible. It's seriously making me want to wait on every future Yakuza game hoping they come to PC as well as PS4 if the leap in performance is THIS good.
I've heard mixed things, but the Nvidia drivers from yesterday are supposed to help a lot if you're on RTX.
I'm on a 2080 and i7 9700. I'm getting 120 average FPS at 1440p. Seems to use all cores, but CPU usage is lowish on my machine and GPU use is 100%. I've seen worse optimized games to be sure.
I made this screencap, hope do you also appreciate it and use it in following threads in Yea Forums or other boards in the future
I wish I could pull off Kiryu's hairstyle
Reina was incredible hot in Zero with that 80s style, made my cock on fire.
Hm, yes, this is a very important business trip to talk to the Omi Alliance.
Is it 30fps on pc.
What do you think? Read, think, THEN speak you fucking idiot.
Don't forget to bring your friends along to your important business meetings.
that's a lot of money going into gelling your hair every single day.
looks cool but definitely not worth it
30 + 90, sure.
She has to learn somehow.
story in these games bores the fuck out of me, is it worth it for the other shenanigans?
Remember to watch Yakuza film by Takashi Miike, it's fully aviable on youtube
At least all the parts with Majima in and the ending, the rest is terrible non-canon shit
wait a second....
Jesus fucking christ some games have animations locked to 30fps I was just asking if they managed 60 on pc because it's 30 on ps4 but alright fuck off then cunt.
Probably not. I love the story, but I spent my first 5 hours playing darts, golfing, gambling, and singing karaoke.
I'm playing Yakuza 0 and equipped pic related
>WOOOOOOW why is everyone fucking me in the ass all of sudden
dumb slut got what she deserved
I still have to play kiwami and this shit never goes on sale.
I'm the only one who dislikes Kiryu having a ragdoll effect after being hit? He's Kiryu for god sake, can't fly like a octopus anytime he's hit to the floor as any common thug.
This, I just go around the town as much as possible before doing the first mission, even at the beggning when half the city is closed I keep searching for stuff to do and see.
Can I bring Majima?
How important is that DLC pack? I've player 0 and Kiwami pretty much beck to back and I'm not sure if I want to go trough Kiwami 2 right now
Did anyone hack the nude model of Kaoru onto the normal model on the PC version yet?
Only played like 90 minutes for now becasue wanted to wrap up my billionth modded Terraria playthrough
>Only like 2 bosses left
>Can't be bothered getting the shit to summon them now
>Know the fight would last a few seconds anyway because of the shit I have
Guess I'll start playing properly tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
wheres the crazy ken mod
Doesn't seem important at all. I thought after blowing through 0 and 1 so close to now that I would be burnt out too, but I'm actually having a blast. This finally feels somewhat modern.
be patient, fagbo
I feel bad for nagging about it but I forgot when the stab scene happens and dont wanna progress and miss out on kino
When you enter at the Sotenbori Hogushi Kaikan Massage parlour from Zero in Kiwami 2 and it's all the same
Yeeesh, seems like the helmets should be on all of them
whens audio rip of kiwami 2, there are some absolute bangers that play as ambient sounds, and literally NONE of you care about them. What gives?
So Yakuza 3/4/5 HD pack next?
>Never seen this before but knew about it
>Take a peek
>That fucking translation
Good fucking god.
I had a similar item equipped, some arm band I believe, and I thought Yakuza 0 was one of the hardest games ever or something because enemies became super aggressive and kept knocking me on my ass. Had to consult Yea Forums to figure out why the game was so punishing.
It's the only way to get SSR characters, it gives you access to more rocket launcher characters (Like The Florist and Jo Amon) which makes levels a bit more manageable, it gives you a better Komaki (Akiyama), it gives you a way better Majima, it gives you Ryuji who is almost as strong as Okada in 6, and it lets you put Ono Michio in your team which should be mandatory anyway (Plus he is a full team heal so he's useful). You don't need it or anything, you can easily get by with regular characters, it just helps out and makes later levels not a pain in the ass. The SSRs were way more useful in 6 though, especially due to the fact that they are horribly broken, Daigo and Date especially, and they have way higher stats compared to the free SR versions you can get on top of being mandatory if you wanted to defend/attack other online players.
Just work for ONE day and you can afford it you dumb poorfag/NEET
The guy who ripped Zero took all the videos off youtube for some reason. I should have downloaded them.
I think these Yakuza games are selling nicely so maybe they'll end doing them, same for 5 and 6 for PC in next years.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin! never ever tho, which is sad.
Also that punk head new main for the Yazuka series looks like shit, they should just clone Kiryu again.
nah nah nah, those are just the battle themes and whatever. i'm talking about stuff that plays in clubs
Yes the names translation are fucked, everybody is named Kamaza somehow. there is another version in youtube but it's dubbed in german
What fantastic asses on those wee lasses
check the videos on 6. pretty sure that the game reuses a lot of those ambient tracks.
I just came back from Japan with pic related.
Now I just need to figure out how to play this with the fan translation PDF.
>fan translation PDF.
Use the website, it's way easier to deal with because everything is very easily arranged and easy to follow. The PDF is way more annoying to deal with.
>Also that punk head new main for the Yazuka series looks like shit
shit taste
It's fine. I think 2 is a bit overrated, but it was a good game. However, I'm a bit weird in that I've only played 0, Kiwami 1 and 2 and out of those, Kiwami 1 has been my favorite of the bunch. If I had to rank the series, it's been Kiwami > 0 > Kiwami 2 so far.
wasnt there a pool recently asking fans if they want region locked content?
I cant imagine anything else but Ishin and Kenzan by that so it could happen.
Have hope user!
I'm hoping there's some Sega reveal at E3 for Yakuza collection of 3 - 6 on PC or US PS4
poll* im retarded
Alright, thanks for the input
>Same with Kabukicho
Not really, in real life it actually does feel like a dangerous place full of whores and criminals. That kind of stuff is only nice when you're a criminal/whore as well.
I'm so sorry to break this to you, user, but you seem to have terminal shit taste
Can you find two more?
A cabaret club simulator minigame has no right being this much fun.
They've been asking us about Ishin since 0's PS4 survey and Kenzan in addition to that since either K1 PS4 or 6's survey. Black Panther's the only one that hasn't been in a poll so far that I can recall. The only spinoff game they've asked us about directly that got released is Like a North Star which got so many requests they pulled it off the poll the day it was added. Don't take it as anything because they've been pulling us along with that rope for at least two or three years on top of people asking for it back when 5 was just localized.
Wow. I'm legitimately surprised someone in the world thinks Kiwami 1 is better than 0 and K2.
>dangerous place full of whores and criminals
Just ignore the niggers and whores and no one will hurt you and you won't get robbed.
And don't walk around drunk out of your mind while alone. There is literally no dangerous area in Japan unless you're a complete moron.
>t. Stayed 10 days at a hotel in Kabukicho
>I'm legitimately surprised
Not as much as I'm surprised by your reply to my post, silly user
Why are you surprised? You are baiting for (Yous), you're bound to get some. First day or something?
Silly user you replied to a wrong post!
1 Sets up all the characters 2 while good doesn't extend the plot.
you big silly willy!
I got incredibly hooked with that minigame in Zero.
>Fall in love with the only girl who's not real from the cabaret cast
Still hurts
that actually did a pretty good job with majima in this
A pity fever mode ruins the music
Also, pic related
Stop fagging up the place.
get out of my thread
>very early in the game, just got past the first Ryuji fight
>already bought enough food to more or less max out stats, fundamental battle abilities and quality of life stuff like digestion and minigame boosts (even though I don't have those minigames unlocked yet)
>have 1.5 million in cash but nothing to buy with it
So, is this pretty much it as far as upgrades go? Now I could just go and finish the story without ever giving a shit about cabaret and whatnot? In 0 the minigames were less self-contained, you pretty much needed them if you wanted to improve your characters.
>tfw playing Kiwami 2 while sipping on Hibiki Highballs
Shame it runs so much worse than the other 2, then again the new engine is a lot more demanding.
How does this game run on PS4? Is the exploration good?
Yeah that's why I wrote that at least watching the Majima scenes, they are the funny parts of the film and he does a good kansai accent
You’re an idiot. Just don’t post and save everyone some time. Fucking retard.
it's the same fucking map in every game
How do I make the aliasing less horrible and distracting
I skipped it in 0 but I think I'm going to give it a go this time. I also am fairly close to maxing out that early in the game.
I couldn't help but eating all of the food.
runs like dogshit on PS4, game was made for PC this time around, even has mouse driven menus and minigames.
I haven't played any of them. Is the map big?
>Tatsuya's arms are messed up from everyone hitting them full force in BP1.
>Gets his hand shattered during the start of BP2.
>Takes a knife from Shinji (Not that one) to his forearms.
>At the end of the Shinohara Masaru fight he has the same arm that was stabbed broken in half.
>Asura/Okita's best money still can't beat Kamuro's Dragon even after all this.
0 is the exception to the rule when it comes to that. You still have to do substories, training, and occasionally minigames for moves, but you never have to do something like Cabaret Club or Real Estate to get something.
update the drivers, I took that yesterday before the drivers came out.
I also can't be assed to force anything though the control panel because I want muh 120 fps
i need more yuki bullying
>How does this game run on PS4?
900p 30 FPS on base PS4, 1080p 30 FPS on Pros.
>Is the exploration good?
They're recreations of cities and they're pretty well sized. You can also explore nooks and crannies in this engine so they feel a bit bigger than usual.
Faggot no one gives a fuck.
Nah think I will continue fuckface.
>Cared enough to reply
Keep crying fag.
900p? yikes. imma pass. maybe there will be some sort of port on ps5 at some point
She’s even hotter in K2
Everyone knew what you meant, stupid cunt.
>japanese PC port
It was garbage, I guarantee it.
Lmao. Cringey faggot
is that location based on some RL place in JP? looks neat
Played 0 recently and 1 way back in the day. Should I just dive right into K2 and ignore K1? Feels like K1 might be so boring I won't enjoy K2 as much as I should.
>the absolute state of console shitters
yeah, it's based on the area called dotenbori.
Dotonbori in Osaka, it looks nearly identical.
Kamurocho is based on Kabukicho in Tokyo (Shinjuku). See Okay.
does anyone know how to set the game to windowed without actually booting it because i keep crashing on boot 9 times outta 10.
I'm so sorry to break this to you too, user, but I don't give a shit.
you don't need to play K1 if you've already played the original, so you'll be fine.
Dotonbori. The guy who jumped off of a bridge when Heisei switched to Reiwa did it off of one of the bridges there if I remember right.
Kamurocho is Kabukicho.
Kiwami 1's an even 20 bucks, bro.
You're right about Yakuza 6 never fucking going on sale, though. I'm not gonna pay more than 20 for it goddammit.
Kiwami 1 tied it all in with 0 and Kiwami 2 better but it's not a must. Much weaker than both of the other games.
Bronze girls are NPC-tier and can't even be edited.
ehh due to my setup i can't really game on PC and i don't really want to change my room around. also i don't have the money for a bomb ass PC
No idea why they even bothered changing the names at all.
>dont want to change my room around but i'll fill up my house with shitty plastic disposable consoles instead of comfy gaming on one machine
gaming on PC isn't very comfy for me. sorry user
What a cute little cucklet you are.
Please fuck off forever from Yakuza threads if you're too dumb to upgrade to PC.
Could be because they'd have to pay a fee to use the name, sort of like how you have to pay Paris to use something like the Eiffel Tower. Hiroshima's still the same and I think all the towns from 5 are the same names (Nagoya and Fukuoka I'm pretty sure on, not sure on Tsukumino). The only ones I don't know of are if the areas in Kyoto like Gion, Fushimi, Rakunai, Rakugai, and Mukurogai are real names or not.
>Could be because they'd have to pay a fee to use the name, sort of like how you have to pay Paris to use something like the Eiffel Tower.
Goddamn, I've never heard of that. That would explain it, yeah. They even did that passive-aggressive thing where they only changed one letter in each name.
why don't any of you appreciate bangers like this though
I know for a fact that Gion is a real area, it's the traditional area of the city which the tourists flock to.
>sort of like how you have to pay Paris to use something like the Eiffel Tower.
considering how long that thing has been there shouldn't it be in the public domain?
It's cum isn't it?
its pretty good, i might end up preferring this to 0
take it easy pal it's just a game
France basically has a law where you can take pictures and stuff for personal use but if it's for commercial use then you gotta pay up.
No it's a symbol of power for PC gaming.
How the mighty PC triumphs over the pathetic console cucks once again and how you cannot stop crying about it.
We're the Yakuza fanbase now.
That seems so retarded. That would straight up illegal here in Burgerland. 17 U.S. Code § 120 to the rescue.
Why is there always a double agent snoyfag in every thread when a game goes to pc.
I'm confused at how they have really good mouse driven menu support, but the ingame camera movement has dogshit acceleration, as if you're just operating a stick but with your mouse.
Well, they try to shit on Bing Bing 'Wahoos for "muh graffix" but they can't pull that on people who can run their games at 4x times the FPS at double the resolution.
Game is hot release now, wait for a week and they will stop shitposting this rampantly. Same happened with 0 and Kiwami threads when they released on pc.
How dare you imply that I would ever own a fucking console.
Yes I'm having a bit of fun on consolefags expense but it's all rooted in cold hard truths.
us PC chads are the only reason this thread exists user
stop shitting up the thread and actually talk about the game/series.
i'm not really into yakuza. like i said i've never played one
stop falesflagging and go do your homework
We once again took a game away from the consolefags. It's worth celebrating.
This was a nice substory
>that resolution
Consolefags will never experience this.
>everyone jerks 2 off as the best in the series
>it's par for the course, Ryuji isn't even that cool of a villain he just tells Kiryu he'll "kill him soon" throughout the whole game
I've been feeling this since it fucking came out on the ps2 but I'm sure I'll get called a 0fag for this opinion
Why do people stop trying to even have minimum amount of effort put into their bait? It's kinda pathetic, honestly.
It was a weird gachimuchi video
yes it was
fuck off
PS5 gonna be backwards compatible, so if Sega isn't a cunt they unlock the resolution cap.
>game was made for PC this time around
>came out a year later
my PC can barely load the image itself
If anything it'll work like Boost Mode does on Pro rather than like how the Xbone X works with older games (Where it has the Boost Mode equivalent on for all games and they tested them to make sure it doesn't cause problems like in SOMA for PS4).
Nah that's the long and short of it. You never see anyone from the game ever again too so it's like a weird side story.
I'm playing Kiwami 1 at 100+ fps but the karaoke note indicator seems stuttery. Anyone else had this?
Whatever you say, cucklord.
Source on what? What Sega gonna do nobody knows. PS5 BC was announced last month.
>PC only fag that started with 0
Kiryu has unironically become my role model.
I mean, he is not the greatest villain in history of gamig, but he was the best in yakuza before 0, because all the other villains are a lot worse.
I have yet to finish 0, but I keep playing it and already bought Kiwami and Kiwami 2. I just can't stop playing Shogi.
Will see. The engine already has dynamic scaling, unlocking it for 4k is literally one line of code . Only menus would look kinda meeeeeh.
None of the games that came before 0 matter.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
>role model
criminal incel who's in to little girls?
It needs a cucklord to recognize one.
dumb secondary
I started with 3, got up to Kiwami, then upgraded to PC and emulated the ps2 games and now back in with K2
He is really good father too, orphanage stuff in 3 was great.
Fuck off you gatekeeping consolecuck.
stay seething
Do the fights get more varied later on? Been playing for a while and it feels like it's the same two enemies each time and they don't really do anything, like they're waiting to be beaten up
I was there in March, wandering around Dotonbori at night and needed a piss
>I knew where the public toilets were located thanks to Yakuza
that blew my mind
why have I read this exact post before?
Bosses and colliseum spice it up from time to time.
>An user actually went to Theater Square
Jelly as fuck, user.
Run into any delinquents.
Why are you guys still here?
Your reign is over.
We won.
But why he doing this? Really weird.
God can this dude stop trying to ruin these threads please, reporting him seems to be doing nothing
I will forever thank Sega for introduce me to my favorite JAV and JAV "actress". Bless them.
Yuki a cute! A CUTE!
>implying it's only me
Already got this on PS4. How is it on PC, kyodais?
I wish I could give her the cute haircut I gave her in 0
Played the PS4 version at a friend's house and it fucking sucked. How can anyone play a game that runs this poorly is beyond me.
Not the same user, but I think there'd be more delinqs in Shinjuku.
STAR-543 (Mana Sakura).
What the flying fuck is happening here? This is yakuza 6 right?
The difference is like comparing a ps1 game to modded crysis.
it's the ono uprising
I'm not in premiun adventure but isn't that an outfit for Kiryu, is it also in Kiwami 2?
It's just Ono Michio protecting Onomichi from Haruto's threat.
it's only in 6
I'm sure you're exaggerating, user. So how is it?
I played Yakuza back in 06 and still have my copy of Yakuza 2, one of my favourite PS2 games.
Should I pick up Zero? It has Outrun.
Does Kiwami 2 do the original great justice?
>is it also in Kiwami 2?
No. You can have Ono Michio on your Clan Creator team if you have the DLC and you can get Ono Michoyo/ko in your Four Shine crew but that's it. 6 has you use the OG version in some substories but the Premium Adventure one has a smaller head which isn't as fun. Judgment has the outfit as part of a detective mission but I don't think you can wear it.
Call me a pleb, but I don't like nude model replacers that just have a character run around everywhere in their birthday suit when the context doesn't call for it.
PS4 version is 900p at 22fps.
PC version can easily reach 4K at 60fps even on mid range build.
PS4 version is clearly obsolete
>mfw Koyuki
*sigh* *unzips dick*
I'm not that user, but my hotel was literally in Theatre Square
was pretty cool desu
I'm going to say it...
Yeah Sotenbori is way more accurate than Kamurocho, it's really fascinating to walk around there in real life after playing the games.
is model swapping possible in K2 PC?
can someone please replace default kiryu with pic related?
You should definately try to go there some day, it's quite the experience, especially at night.
APA? I stayed at that one. It was loud as FUCK at night, sirens blaring every single night around midnight.
>MFW I used her in the cabaret club for the first time
Our little girl has grown.
yeah, the APA
After 10 days of staying in hostels and capsule hotels having my own room was heaven so I didn't notice any noise
>Those speeches at the end of Four Shine.
Truly best girl.
I don't like how fugly AIKA's model is.
Who said you could take pictures of my wife?
It's BABA, you dip!
Don't you guys get bored of playing the same two maps over and over again
I'm not played up to four shine yet, but from what i seen it's pretty disappointing, yeah.
It’s been RGG’s tradition since forever.
You have fucking perfect looking male faces like Kawara’s, Takashima’s, Kuze’s etc. yet the AV girls all look awful.
Still mad about how shitty Ai Uehara was in Y0
Maybe it's trying to tell us something about how Kiryuu-chan perceives men vs. women.
Yeah, i gotta get back to it. I'm a ps4 user
Yeah I got used to the noise, and I'm a heavy sleeper in general, but it was really annoying at first.
No, instead it's been really cool as a newfag to the series to see the streets change from 0-1-2. I thought I would be burnt out, but I'm having a blast with 2 6 hours in.
This place reminds me of Fremont in Vegas. Actually, I might like visiting this place more than Vegas some day. I've been to Vegas like 25 times over my life.
this is hell
goddamn that looks beautiful
I got used to the camera turning for me in 0 and 1, here you have to use the right stick to turn it, and it's only like 45 degrees
man i was thinking about buying it
but i haven't finish kiwami yet
Whenever I had trouble getting something, the game always seemed to glitch and the present would clip through into the prize bin.
i havent even finished zero yet
zero is great
kiwami is a big MEH
What is that little girl doing in a porn store?
>Make sure you have enough hair
learning life's lessons
>all those replies
Wait, so there really are just two types of enemies over and over? What the fuck?
Wonder if she'd like a part time job.
Back to R*ddit, zoomie.
generic enemies in Yakuza games are non-threats and mostly exist to be styled on and beaten in cool ways. It's pretty much like a musou. Enemy variation comes in in the challenge stuff, like the coliseum or bartender missions
The orphanage stuff is the only part of Yakuza 3's story I like.
I can't wait for the HD remasters to be released. I kinda hope someone will remake Kiryu's character model in those though, maybe replace them with his Kiwami character model. The Yakuza 3 and 4 Kiryu models look weird and out of place compared to how he looks in the rest of the series.
>Bartender missions with the Amons
I guess I just need to git gud.
I mean, I guess you break them down into Big Guy and Small Guy if you really wanted to. I don't really pay attention to the guys I'm beating the shit out of other than blocking their hits.
I do feel like there's more clothes variance on enemies in this one vs 1's Hoodie Army.
>I've watched enough JAV to recognize a handful of the posters
It's just the 3 model touched up, don't expect stuff from the newer games at all.
ahhhh I work from home and I just want to play Yakuza
fuck you work, best I can manage is to shitpost real quick and then get back to it
This is the same engine as 6, right? It feels so fucking weird running around now. Ending a combo by grabbing a guy and swinging him around is fun, though.
At last you truly see.
I don't mean the base game, but I mean a mod on PC, i'm hoping someone will swap the mod for the Kiwami 1 one.
I figure it will be difficult to do since the Kiwami 1 engine and its animations are a bit different from Yakuza 3 and 4, but maybe someone can do it.
>going from kiwami 2 to this
is going to feel weird
Thanks for the info
Same engine as 6, Judgment, Shin, and every game for the foreseeable future going forward.
I just went from BP2 to Judgment's demo to this all within a 30 minute period. It takes like five minutes to adjust but yes, the gameplay does feel weird for a bit before you get used to it again. The worst part is really the fight loading times more than anything after you've gotten used to more modern engines because it takes a couple seconds even in 3's demo to get a fight to load.
Why doesn't mainlike Yakuza have time stop sways when you dodge correctly and powerful sway attacks that don't feel weird, I keep trying it and it's driving me insane after BP.
I saw it right now when the club minigame appeared in K2. I was really surprised when I read the Four Shines was owed by Yuki-chan in the minigame menu, didn't expect that. Good for Yuki-chan.
Sucks that it's such a quiet release that not many people noticed. The pcgamingwiki doesn't even have anything useful yet.
mad dog of shimano? more like onahole of shimano
Severe, and I mean fucking SEVERE autism.
>not feel the heat.webm
These games keep selling less and less
All-time peak:
> 0
> Kiwami 2
remind me why kiryu/majima are called the dragon of dojima/mad dog of shimano when both are dead in y1 and people even think Kiryu killed dojima himself
It's almost like...PC gamers don't matter...
:thinking: :thinking:
And Rage 2 will sell a million+ copies. That's just how it is. I'm not even sure I WANT normies to start getting into niche Jap games considering what they do to them.
I just hope they sold enough to make the effort worth it so they bring more.
To be fair, Kiwami 2 had surprisingly high requirements on PC, so it probably drove a lot of people to PS4.
Yeah it certainly wasn't the year long difference between releases, retard
And to make matters worse I bet 3 will sell even less. I wonder how SEGA is going to price a game that old. They can call it HD all they want but it's still very dated
They're just rushing too much. We went from waiting three years for 5 to not being able to keep up. Now they have Judgement which has dunning, and there been absolutely no marketing. Sega are retarded.
Same tiny map of the same city over and over...... you would think they would expand it buy now but nope same tiny fuckin map. You play one yakuza you played em all.
Nice persecution complex, faggot.
How exactly will high sales of Kiwami 2 on PC lead to more normies playing and ruining the series? Firstly the series is basically done already, and it's been on THE PLAYSTATION for over a decade. You really think a PC release breaking 3000 sales... THAT'S when the normie invasion begins?
Try reading less OneAngryGamer and remember to talk to people in the real world now and then so you don't just sit at home making yourself dumber all fucking day.
It's character driven. The map is just the playground to get you to the substories and missions.
>replying to such shit bait
Nice projection, retard. If you think "popular mainsteam game sells more than niche Jap game" is somehow an incendiary statement, then your mom would've been better off aborting rather than squirting out a soft headed disability into the world.
Isn't Kiwami 2 more expensive? 0 was like 20 bucks
criticism is not bait
unless it's a yakuza thread, apparently
>wasting money on an ambitious dub as if anyone fucking cares
>don't bother to market the game
This plan is genius, it can't fail
>t. Ubi fanboy
there's already trannies in this series, not sure what else you Twitterfags want in your games
Stop making it in the same fucking city in the same tiny fucking map. Pretty simple...
Sega never added 4K to Persona 5, so they probably won't
>single player
>a bit more expensive than the other 2
>using all time peak when timezones exist
I'm not saying the game sold millons but the info you are using is worthless
>inb4 DMC5 or Sekiro
games that came at the same time as the console counterpart unlike Yakuza.
Expand on what you think "normies" "do" to niche japanese games, then.
And explain to me why you think high PC sales are what's going to cause this to happen when it's a series that has existed on consoles for so long.
I somehow doubt you will, even though all I'm asking you to do is explain your own points further.
They didn't market the newest Valkyria Chronicles, either. It's a shame because it was pretty good.
Thems the breaks, though. If people don't buy the ports we won't get the ports. I'm not going to crusade for people to do so, but it is going to be pretty sad to go back to Compile Hearts tier RPGs or AAA being all of the offerings with nothing in between.
Man this thread really turned to shit out of nowhere.
It's not criticism. They have expanded and changed certain parts of the city before. Saying they haven't just proves he's only played maybe 2 games int the series. It's ignorant shitposting.
Don't like it? Play a different series. Simple as that.
Yeah PClards showed up and ruined everything, what else is new
>Smile burger playing equipment search theme from 0
Neat. I love how cities sounds in yakuza series so much.
Kamurocho is a series staple. Not everything has to be a huge openworld.
>Forgot which restaurant
>baka mitai is playing in the background
dame dame
it's just the usual schizo that shits on pc for no reason. just ignore
>walk into pawn shop
>here music from 5
>want to replay 5
>one person says they dislike the small map being reused
>thread instantly falls about with accusations of shitposting and people announcing the thread is ruined and try to start a consolewar
what the fuck is wrong with yakuza fans, jesus fucking christ it's like you're made out of wet paper. one mild criticism and it's abandon thread.
If you can't see what games going mainstream does to them then you just don't play fucking video games.
I don't want niche shit like Danganronpa or Disgaea becoming as well known among modern Western "gamers" less we get bombarded with shitty hit pieces from shitty games media that people pay attention to for sure fucking reason.
Ask your caretaker to use the Google Machine to figure out how to look up any one of the numerous sources of Jap devs unhappy about Western censorship or the amount of complaining they receive. Everyone from Hiroshi Ogawa to Atlus has caved to these whiny retards.
Fucking put your helmet back on before you hurt yourself
Recorded this because why not. It definitely will feel weird especially if you haven't played the older games in a while. Kiryu runs both too fast yet looks like he's running like Hermin from The Musters at times, attacks feel very very quick for weapons but stiff for regular attacks, dropkicks come out faster than I recall (Running for a half a second basically has you do it), grabs always felt a bit strange in the earlier games with the overhead throw, and normal punches and kicks are both slow and fast at the same time. You just have to get used to it, I remember later on 3 felt a lot better because of what you had in hand to use to fight and there were more Heat Actions at your disposal. I can't remember if it was 3 or 4 that started the attack speed though.
The pharmacy in Sotenbori plays I believe it was Hana's song from Ishin and I can't remember if Sushi Gin still played Kamuro Lullaby or not. The girl you meet with Haruka later on sings Ishin's credit theme as well, and one or two other stores in Sotenbori play various things from Ishin. I seem to recall Machine Gun Kiss being played as well.
Gee, it's almost as if PC gamers are insignificant and don't actually buy games.
>wanting to revisit Yakuza 5fps ever again
Teach me your ways
Their attempt to recapture the west is garbage. They went to all the trouble of dubbing Judgement, and I've never seen a single ad for it.
>He says while he loads up Fortnite on PS4
This is problematic for whatever contrived reason.
Only place where you'd hit 5fps is at the edges of Saejima's city. Also, I've pre-ordered the 5 remake import.
>someone gets upset complaining about people getting upset and complaining
and the circle of life is complete
thanks pirates
Why didn't it have music in zero.
I've never played a Yakuza game before but it looks fun. Is Kiwami 2 a good start on Steam?
The map is fine, stop crying shitposter.
Thank you for proving me 100% correct about you. Amazing how easy it was to detect your pathetic stench from your initial post. Now run back to your "ethical" gaming news source and give Billy some more clicks.
This is the cabaret special old lady in this game isn't it?
Nope. 0 then K1 then K2. Have fun.
no start with dead souls on ps3
Y-yes, it's great, buy this game please
I'm not whatever age you are, i've never played Fortnite.
>replying to such a stupid post seriously
why would you do such a thing
>ignore everything I said because he has no counter argument
yeah, what else is new from bluehair fucktards. Get your soft skull back to Resetera and cry about how Yakuza made fun of a tranny, faggot.
No. The cabaret old lady in this game is the same one from zero
that GoW autist is still at it
>nobody complained about this
>but I am going to roleplay as someone complaining about it
>haha those people sure are crazy
>I bet they'd complain about this if they knew about it
>well they do know about it and didn't complain about it but I bet they would
>haha they're so crazy
>but dangerous too
>I haven't gone 24 hours without thinking about "them" in over 4 years
kill yourself retard
>being this mad Jap devs don't like the current social climate in America and sometimes opt to just not bother
the jew fears the samurai
since my pc can't handle YK2 should i play original Y2 trough pcsx2?
fucking how
Yep, you sure are making me feel foolish about getting you so wrong. Turns out I was just projecting.
I do wish this game sells a bit more. After VC4 and this Sega might only bother to bring their big boy titles over. They actually had a really bad fiscal year, too.
Why the hostility?
I'm legitimately new to this series and don't know where to start.
Yes, why not.
Do you have to wear an orange vest to go with the bike helmet when you go outside?
They're both different experiences and both have different content, so go right ahead. Both 1 and 2 are worth playing even if you've played K1 and K2 as they're different experiences.
The Obatarians are a group in Sotenbori headed by the King Panther in BP2 and their goal is to basically harass people for discounts and to buy stuff for them. Her being in K2 is only scratching the surface.
No user, if Kiwami 2 on PC sells any more copies then the bluehaired smoothbrain reseteratrannies are going to ban the series. I am not a retard.
With the first one. Or at least the remake of the first one. Why do people ask this question?
releasing 3 games in span of 10 months isn't a bright idea
pc specific thread from the get go
just like 0 and k1, decent threads until a certain group of people show up
What's the strat for boss fights in this game? The thing where you quickstep behind them and combo doesn't seem to work since they turn around too fast.
it was mostly their Jap gambling shit, but they do mention digital sales were below expectations.
I assume it was a lot of titles, not any in particular. Sega was bringing good stuff, too.
>hurrrrrrr should I start at entry number 2? oh god I'm so fucking retarded should I start this story from the beginning or not uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Fuck yourself with a rake
They did tho. I'm too lazy to google it but there was a kotaku or polygon (interchangeable) article and resetera bitched about it.
Do the back thing for a couple of hits and then start doing charge attacks with square. If you get knocked away begin another charge attack either on square or triangle, but the triangle ones can be blocked while the square one always breaks guard.
>2... 1.... 3... 4...
fuck off retard
>I just hope they sold enough to make the effort worth it so they bring more
you can't even read. How severe was the craniosynostosis? Is a normal bike helmet, or one of those full metal deals?
There was no kotaku or polygon article complaining about earth angel mama
Play the original instead, fucking zoomers
Start at 6 you fucking egg
This must be the same tranny. Can you go back to Era now?
>fuCk oFf reTaRd
Ok ile find it.
I actually really enjoyed one. If you time your dodges and don't rely on grabbing, it's not bad.
user, you're the one who believes Kiwami 2 having decent sales on PC is going to bring a normie invasion to the series when the previous PC releases sold much more, not to mention the console sales which are many many times higher. Me saying this is silly caused you to have a complete /pol/ meltdown and you're still mad as fuck. I'm not the retard here. I suggest you take my advice and just cut down on the redpills a LITTLE and try to interact with real people in the real world now and then. It's good advice.
Can someone explain SSAO to me?
Someone said its bad in K2, but didn't explain why.
Not buying any Yakuza game until the series becomes PS exclusive again. Not kidding. Fuck PCtoddlers
They release the games 6 months apart, of course sales trail off
Found resetera already. It's looking bad for you buddy.
he's just upset that was correct
you always know when someone has struck a nerve when the automatic response is "nice projection"
>I'm not even sure I WANT normies to start getting into niche Jap games
Again, you can't read. Only a complete drooling retard would take some flippant comment as an alt-right assault on SJWs or whatever retarded shit you're blabbing about, Helmet-kun.
Let go of the politics. Turn off your computer. Go outside. Have sex but leave your helmet on just in case
SSAO just takes the image, renders it higher than your current resolution, then down samples it back over the image. It's bad here, because it makes the game extremely unplayable and laggy trying to do that to the entire city and everything/everyone in it.
It's pretty funny that his first tactic was to say
which then suddenly became
It's almost like he's a retard who only has stock phrases and automatic responses. No wonder he's a simpleton with a persecution complex. I'd be scared of Kiwami 2 breaking 5000 sales if I were him, too.
did you write the port this user links to?
is that why you're seeing the /pol/ boogeyman everywhere? Everyconsidered that the average person who doesn't give two shits about either Le Orange Man or Bernie just hates your guts and it really is that simple?
No, s(he) is usable in the Clan Creator mode but not in the Cabaret minigame
>conversation with xirself
Helmet-kun, you're not fooling anyone. You blew up over an offhand comment and went full "OMG LE /POL/ RED PILL NOTSEES" like the retarded sperg you are.
Oh look ya they sure said nothing about it.
Why did you bring up politics?
Are you thinking of SSAA?
>removing trans freaks from the game entirely so people aren't exposed to that degeneracy
fucking based
Oh. Yeah, I am. My bad.
You’re going out of your way to find things to get mad at, get the fuck out of this thread
gee I wonder. Perhaps it's because someone is obsessed with them?
I'm refuting a retard who said nobody ever complained about earth angel mama
And it's fucking easy to do.
Claw Catcher is making me really mad
Oh good, as if it wasn't bad enough when people were posting their feelings on what they personally dislike about the yakuza series, now there are shitflinging /pol/fags
>ask someone to prove something
>they do
>omg why r u find tings 2 get mad abut?
what the fuck is wrong with you?
kill yourself
It was Laura kate dale btw but I cant find the fucking article
>guys I hope kiwami 2 sells badly so (((THEY))) don't find out about yakuza and ban it!
lol fuck off back to OAG you obsessed faggot
just another day of valuable videogame discussion on Yea Forums - videogames
How does this game look on a 2080TI?
Oh good, as if it wasn't bad enough when people were posting their feelings on what they personally dislike about the yakuza series, now there are shitflinging Erafags.
>I cant find the fucking article
wow imagine that
maybe you should link to a forum post or two and claim that's just as good
Nishkiyama was such a faggot, wanting Yumi over Reina
Come on man It's laura kate dale just fucking believe me.
>what retard claims is said
>guys I hope kiwami 2 sells badly so (((THEY))) don't find out about yakuza and ban it!
>what was actually said
>And Rage 2 will sell a million+ copies. That's just how it is. I'm not even sure I WANT normies to start getting into niche Jap games considering what they do to them.
>I just hope they sold enough to make the effort worth it so they bring more.
for the third time, you just can't fucking read. If you took away that I want Yakuza to fail or something stupid like that you need your soft soft head checked out.
Seriously, go outside. You people are so desperate for victimhood you invent problems wholesale.
They asked for proof of a kotaku or polygon article complaining about earth angel mama which nobody has posted
is charge cancelling still in
I don't have a TI, just a regular 2080. OP picture is mine. You can force AA options through the control panel without much hit if you want, too.
I think it looks pretty good
>You people are so desperate for victimhood
I was making fun of you for thinking "they" are going to take your games. What victim card am I playing exactly? Now who's projecting?
I´ve been playing it for a little over 2 hours now and I´m not sure what to think.
The requirements listed were no joke, the game is a lot more demanding. I had no trouble playing 0&Kiwami at 1440p/100+fps. But I´m not able to hit a consistent 60 (or even 50 for that matter) at 1440p with this one. I turned down a few settings but it barely did anything.
The fighting feels a bit off to me, but that might just be because it´s different from the other 2 and I just have to get used to it again. Otherwise, it´s pretty damn good so far. Gandahara not having "real" sexy videos is fucking gay though
and I'm making fun of you for being a softhead retard that can't read, asks for things and then ignores them, and kicks and screams about the red pill boogeyman.
Nobody is that retarded, it's impossible.
what gpu
get the fuck out and go off yourselves together you fucking flaming faggots
Where are the mods?
So why didn't majima tell her it was him?
What did I ask for? What did I ignore? I mocked you for your paranoia about "them" and then you just couldn't contain yourself and have been screaming about trannies ever since. I don't go to resetera, I'm not a tranny, or any of the other strawmen you've thrown at me, but you have turned out to be exactly what I accused you of being. A sad paranoid faggot with a persecution complex.
Because he doesn’t want to get involved in her life?
He doesn't want her to be involved with the mafia anymore.
He did, in a roundabout way. Plus he doesn't want to bother her or pull her into his life again because you know she would.
That bad? I never had any real issues running pretty much everything so far. I didn´t plan on upgrading until the next-gen consoles are out.
kiryu says trans rights are humans rights and trans rights now
What's your agenda here buddy? Why are you even arguing with this guy? It seems to me that you're trying to dissuade people from thinking that " SJWs are coming for our videogames". Why are you trying to pretend the subversion of videogame content through loud outrage from left leaning blogs, reviews and people in power in videogame companies(sony) doesn't happen? Look at how it fucked dead or alive 6. Anyway go fuck yourself for starting this in a comfy Yakuza thread faggot.
fuck off, retard. Take your lover's quarrel to IM or some shit
>writes up a big post about muh SJWs and ends it on "you ruined the thread with politics"
So you are saying that yes, you and your friend here DO have a persecution complex, but only because it's justified? Just so we're clear here, that's what you're saying?
He did
>posts about flaws with the games bad
>pathetic political "nu u" posts good
Glad to know where everyone stands
you're replying to like three different people, dipshit. Fuck off of the thread. You probably don't even have the game.
Nah, I just don't like faggots trying to make a narrative of "omg i can't believe you morons BELIEVE that some people are trying to change japanese games to meet western feminist standards" in Yakuza threads. The other guy flipped out unreasonably IMO, but that's my piece. Now enough of this.
Kiryu is a terf or so I heard.
I do have the game. That's one more sale, and one more step to the normie uprising. Say goodbye to your precious Yakuza games.
shut the fuck up you falseflagging retard
they're worth buying but that's a stretch, oh "blue pilled" overlord.
/thread, maybe the next one will be less retarded
Jesus fucking Christ how hard is it to just talk about a video game for once
Back on topic, are there any Judgment demos in the West yet or do I have to crank out my Japanese account to play them
series is shit.
Not yet, hopefully soon.
We don't have either of the demos localized and unless you downloaded the JP demo prior to the cocaine arrest you're not going to be able to grab it because they took it down. I wouldn't doubt they're not doing Judgment's because of 6's since they can both carry over the save to the main game and it's the entire chapter 1.
>I'm not /pol/ you fucking blue pilled resetera SJW soft brained tranny agenda retard
Okay sorry I shouldn't have said that about you. I take it back and apologise for saying you read OAG and don't spend enough time outsdoors socializing
>says the guy constantly bringing it up over and over and over again
just fucking stop
I always like how the story is super serious but every sidequest is just some silly ass gag.
Man, the charge attacks in this game are so fun to use. Charging at basically any time makes it so versatile. Does anyone know if theres an easier way to charge both the kick and the punch at the same time, cause holding triangle and square is awkward
Why is the series called Yakuza when Kiryu spends 95% of his time not in the Yakuza
>wanting to be gangsters
uhhhhhh.... is this....the power..... of normies...?
favorite sub stories so far?
Ignoring the retards and getting back to the game, does anyone else think they should add a healing animation to fights?
It's called "Like a Dragon" in Japland. It's us Burgers fucking things up again.
god I hate weekend Yea Forums
It's actually called like a dragon in japen.
hole detected.
kill yourself, roastie.
Nothing will ever beat By My Baby.
It’s really not available on either? That sucks, I really wanted to give it a try before it comes out here. Do you know if the Yakuza 4 remaster has a demo like 3 did?
Why is the series called like a dragon when Kiryu is a human being and not a dragon
>kiryu is a good father!
>let's his oneitis' daughter become an idol and then get knocked up by a chink
>Cannot even get 60 fps with EVERYTHING on the lowest settings minus render scaling on 100%
Is this game extraordinarily unoptimized or is it something on my end? The only thing being maxxed out was my GPU too.
lmao every time
Poison Mitsuo, the interview, and the BL voice acting quest are all 10/10
pclard here
>emulated 1 + 2 after hearing about the series from a friend and seeing these threads
>played 3 on JB'd PS3
>played 0 and a bit of K1 on Steam
Never made trouble for no one
Not necessarily all PC users being retarded, I think it's just the price paid for accessibility
The same thing happened to Ace Combat threads for a while after 7 dropped and even recently and it's a shame because they're usually slower pace and decently comfy
It's a real shame when you have something nice going but new users come in such a swath that trying to keep them in line with the culture proves too difficult
You might say a PC release brings a localized kind of summer
new to the series... is it true kiryu raises another man's child in these games?
>throw a random meme out and hope it sticks no matter how nonsensical
good try?
I got the one in the front but
>Gor for the one at the back first
>Got it right
>When gets free it bounce back from the hole
damm i was mad
>AMD cpu
>Nvidia graphics card
Kill yourself.
Why do you write like Swedish people talk?
It's like the sentence became a trampoline
to be fair there is 90 posters in here, that's like 50% of all the people who bought the game
Because the main protagonist is like a furry but for dragons.
I mean he runs literally an orphanage
Good. We can't risk selling any more.
lmao cuck simulator
Because Sega originally wanted their own competitor to GTA when the game is anything but and decided to market the original games as if they were meant to compete with GTA. It's called "Like a Dragon" in Japan and that does sound a bit generic so it makes sense why they opted for something else.
English isn't out yet even though we're only two months out so who knows what's up with that situation. We might see one in June though if they're going to do the chapter 1 demo. Both the game and demo got taken out until they do the new VA work and new model for Pierre. Physical copies also shot up in price because of it.
3 HD's demo is the only one and only on the SEA stores since I didn't see it on JP last I checked.
Yes as you look after it you can get cuck points that you can put into skills like prepping the bull.
>still assmad
lmao. It's okay, I'm sure Sega will listen to the next Retardera petition
Man, it needs to sell more so I don't feel bad for pirating it.
There's no way. Rage 2 is on Tuesday. It came out so quickly after 0 and 1 that people are probably still on those and it's sandwiched in between big boy releases
I bought Rage 2 as well
Cutscenes, cutscenes and more cutscenes.... Talking, talking and more talking.... After that (if you are still awake) you have a silly fight. And then the cutscenes and dialogs start again... Is there anything else to do or the Yakuza serie is just that?
I bought every mainline Yakuza game so far, what are you talking about? I just don't want normies to find out about it.
>is there anything to do in the series with probably the most minigames of any other series outside of Mario Party and a fucking metric fuckton of sidequests
based retard
>FX processor
0 and Kiwami 1 were more than decent.
If you just mainline the quests it's mostly cutscenes but you're meant to do hours of sidequests in each chapter to break it up.
Why is she so sexy with that outfit? Look at that ass.
as you shouldn't because the hand of the masses is like the reverse Midas touch
If that guy didn’t snort cocaine I could be playing Judgment right now. What a dick.
there are minigames to distract you from the tedium, but none of them have genuinely great gameplay
it's true that you're usually spending your time reading VN-like conversations or having repetitive fights, but that's yakuza and if you don't love it you probably don't belong here
god I wish that were me
How is it even an issue when it's not even close to hitting 100% usage? Only my graphics card is hitting 100%.
Stop replying to such obvious bait.
What ass?
This, I wish Kiryu would carry me on his strong back too.
If you're not breaking up the boring mainline game by spending hours killing time elsewhere, you're playing it wrong
She’s naked the next time you see her, like she comes out in a towel and just strips off in front of Kiryu because she’s autistic as fuck and doesn’t realise that’s weird
Best girl
I fucking hate that yakuzas let niggers into japan. I thought they fancied themselves be protectors.
i dont like this post =/= bait
How can't people get sick of this game?
I couldn't even finish 0 because I got sick of doing the same stupid quests like GO THERE PUNCH SOME DUDES AND RETURN ME SOME SHIT ad nausea. Now imagine doing this for 7 FUCKING GAMES.
>0 was like 20 bucks
So was Kiwami
Damm, I was running around doing substories after coming back to Tokyo. I should go to the bar right away then
Only decent, though, and this coming from one of the most consistently good developers out there. Japan cannot port a game to PC.
>mfw I saw one in Kiwami 2 in front of a bar
If you don't like punching dudes then the games obviously not for you.
that's what they tell gullible dumbasses like you to keep the public accepting of them
>"we wuz honorable now that the police be cracking down on us foreign mafia is flooding in we kept the streets clean"
they're murderous career criminals man
people are fucking stupid, even japanese normies believe everything these goons say
6 has foreigners working in grocery stores and nowhere else lmao, wonder what the devs are trying to say
They was more than decent. Western devs have produced much worse ports than 0 and Kiwami.
now think about how 0 is the best one and there are some that not even yakuza fans like (but are desperate to rebuy as many times as they can)
Weebs are faggots that will enjoy anything japanese.
Thought this was well known?
You say that in a thread about a game series made by a company with deep Yakuza connections.
I’d say get to the point where she follows you around and you can fight with her. You can do substories while she’s with you but sadly none of them involve her like how some substories involve Haruka
Post all the nitpicks you want but at the end of the day it just feels good to beat up a load of guys with ease and then seduce women. It makes me feel cool, so who cares about all this plot analysis shit? So the writing and combat aren't great, who cares? It's cool as fuck.
How does Kiwami 1&2 compare to 0? 0 was my first time playing a Yakuza game and I had a blast.
Can someone post Majima doing the hustle?
Man you pc dicksuckers sure love our console porta
>how is my garbage processor and outdated graphics card not an issue
I dunno, a lot of brawlers don't have tons of nuance. It's fun for just smashing dudes. I imagine a modern River City Rampage would be a lot like this game.
oh look another tripfag to filter
>that post game in Kiwami going around with Haruka asking you to do/give stuff
Spoiling Father Simulator
>Haruka ask you to win X chips at the Casino
Haruka... well ok.
Man, you console dicksuckers sure like 700p 22 fps, censorship, and Bloodborne, your one game.
Japan is getting USA'd with pakis at the grocery stores. It's just the beginning of their end...
Imagine being this pathetic and a sad falseflagger
imagine being this autistic
>didn't complain when the thread was just trannyposting
>but now one person posted to say they don't like the games so it's time to SHUT IT DOWN, STOP POSTING EVERYONE
Cool, glad you're hear to fix the thread
Kiwami 1 is pretty hollow compared to 0, but better play it for the story.
Kiwami 2 has more and the improvement of the graphics.
K1 will feel more like an expansion with some downgrades in some respects but it's still an enjoyable game albeit with faults here and there.
K2's a new engine so things will feel way different and more open, the story's enjoyable, it's got some good characters, the substories are good, and the new content is pretty enjoyable. Clan Creator is a downgrade from 6 but Four Shine is great even if it's just more of the same.
I said it before because I'm sick of these faggots trying to tear yakuza appart with their dumb ass criticisms. Fuck them. Stop shitting up our threads. You got a problem with what I'm saying? Fuck off.
imagine being this retarded
nah you're just a falseflagging, samefagging autist emwho dies this in every thread and this is you too
Wish they didn't make mini games substories because it makes 0 and 6 less unique.
Moose I always appreciate your takes on the games and how well you know the systems as well as what content has been added/removed from various editions. Thank you for being the one consistently good thing in these threads.
Do you think Yakuza games would benefit from having more than two types of enemies? After 7 games I wouldn't mind seeing a third type of regular enemy, personally.
>he doesn't like playing games where you seduce women and beat up a bunch of guys with ease
Try resetera, that might be more your speed
Fuck off and kill yourself you autistic cunt. Stop trying to bait Moose.
>leveled up Stomach and extra EXP to max in Ch 2
>in Ch 4 and I get more EXP for gluttony every other fight than fighting 6-7 battles.
I feel like I'm not playing Yakuza and am instead on some Youtuber's food tour
I don't even mind the sub-par gameplay, I just hate that everything is constantly being undone or rendered pointless by idiotic twists. Silly plots can be fun, but I just can't invest emotionally in a story where nothing really matters because at any moment it's going to pull some "that didn't actually happen" shit on me.
They've been doing them in all the games so it's not just a 0 and 6 thing. 2 had several substories just for minigames on top of Adam and The Marietta, 3 had you do golf with a guy along with Hostess Maker, 4 had Sodachi's gym and Elise, and 5 had pretty much every character with one.
the fuck are you talking about son?