What's your favorite device to play original Nintendo ds games on? Even if you emulate, I wanna hear it.
Nintendo DS
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Nintendo DSi XL
DS Lite for touch heavy games, DSi XL for other games.
nice, how is the scaling of the graphics on the DSi XL? Do you notice any blurring?
There's no scaling. Resolution is the same, but larger pixels.
I use a hacked 3ds with Twilight Menu to play ds games at the moment, I'm not sure if the emulation's perfect but hey it works
Ah see, so it looks good I assume?
saved, thanks!
I just use my old ds's r4 card with my 3ds and NTR launcher. I have to pop the cartridge out and then start it or it doesn't load but it's not a huge annoyance
i use the dsi i bought myself when i was like 20.
sorry, ds lite
Nintendo DSi XL
DSi. had a lite years ago but i don't remember if it was better or worse.
>no 999
literally the only good DS game i know and it's not on this list?
>the only good DS game
Hotel dusk is much better
professor layton is better
still one of the system's best VNs; better than at least one of the 4 ace attorney games on that list. layton deserves a spot too.
DS lite. Don't really like the dpad on the 3ds
Is it true there's some hacking thingie that makes DS games look better on o3DS? I haven't happened to play any lately so i haven't looked into it properly
I mostly use my DSi but occasionally I'll pull out the OG DS Phat just because it's much more comfortable to hold.
There were no good DS games. I was born in the early 90's and owned a Gameboy, GBA, DS, 3DS anything after the 2d era was bad.
>No Pokemmon Black 2 or Bowser's Inside Story
>Fucking Shadow Dragon
3ds XL.
>no Radiant Historia
>no Strange Journey
Imagine having such a shit opinion
new 3ds since its the swiss army knife of handhelds after modding it
??? None of your damn business fag hag
Here's a better list
>april 5, 2009
>that description for PoR
kek, though someone should include the game center cx games as those two are good shit
the 3ds has very little obscurehits that arn't japanese exclusive compared to the ds dosen't it?
Are are any grindy games on DS/3DS that isn't turn-based? only found one which is SADAME and I already finished it
forgot to mention, I already finished the Castlevania games
post more nintendo ds lists
>taste this shit exists
I use my DSi or my phat, i like the look better then the slightly blurry upscaled image on my New 2DS.
the original silver one
I still have my original chunky DS. The clicky buttons are nice.
>rotate monitor vertically
>run desmume in RetroArch
>increase native resolution
>enable pixellate shader to remove scaling artifacts
>use a DualShock 4 and use the touchpad for touchscreen input
This is objectively the best way to play DS games in 2019.
>Dual trash 4
N3DS standard and my flashcart of choice is the DStwo.
No other controller has touchpad functionality for the touchscreen you fucking idiot. On top of that, DualShock 4 is easily the best controller ever made and I'm sick of this fucking meme that it's bad. In all testing that's ever been done it has the lowest amount of input lag of any modern controller, it's extremely ergonomic, the sticks have more resistence and accuracy than previous gens, the D-Pad is larger and easier to hit diagonals, and it fixed every single flaw with the DualShock 3. How people can prefer shit like the Xbone or even the fucking Switch Pro controller is beyond me.
Touchscreen monitor would be ideal, with something like a pokken controller. Comfiest by far as long as you don't need four shoulder buttons or analogue sticks.
based and pokkenpilled
best emulator controller for anything that doesn't require sticks
So what was the point of posting this image..?
>>use a DualShock 4 and use the touchpad for touchscreen input
Is there something I need to configure to do this or does it work out of the box?
Use Ryochan7's DS4Windows and configure the touchpad to use as a mouse and clicking it in as left click. Desmume has an option to use the mouse for touchscreen use.
PS4 controller is tiny and the dpad is divided into sections that dig into your thumb instead of smoothly rocking like almost every other dpad. at least the vita had clicky feedback.
DS Lite
>PS4 controller is tiny
It's larger than any other DualShock and also larger than the Xbone controller.
>the dpad is divided into sections that dig into your thumb
While true, the sections are closer together than the other DualShocks and indented towards the middle giving your thumb a natural resting place.
>instead of smoothly rocking like almost every other dpad
Factually incorrect. The aforementioned indentation coupled with the fact that it's still one solid piece of plastic means that it functions identical to solid D-Pads and is controlled by rocking it around.
>at least the vita had clicky feedback
Clicky D-Pads are the worst thing ever invented and if you prefer them you have never experienced a good D-Pad in your life. There's a reason the SNES and Saturn D-Pads went for a softer feel. DualShock 4's D-Pad is the perfect balance between rigid and soft.
>no Metroid Prime: Hunters
What the FUCK
try reading the entire thing before getting butthurt nigger
I'm comparing it to other controllers, not to other dualshocks. All of them are small. Most other dpads have a concave center similar to DS4s, but they usually rock around that center to allow for smooth quarter circle movements instead of falling straight in. You can push up and down at the same time on a DS4, and even if the game doesn't register it due to compensating for it, it reduces player accuracy. DS dpads tear up your thumb if you try to play fighters or shmups on them.
time to take the horipill
Pokken controller is peak comfy. I have a similar Hori pad and it's nice too, buttons feel great, but I like a good solid grip. Look at the pokken grip compared to the pro controller for example. The pro controller is slightly bigger than the DS4 too. Barely any controllers fill adult hands, they end up being used in a semi claw grip with thumbs constantly bent.
Hacked O3DS
It's 100% high school nostalgia, but man, the DS was GOAT
I just got Twilight Menu working. Now I can play DS games on actual hardware. That's really nice.
Love plus SUCKS
Real hardware >> EMULATION
What's wrong with shadow dragon?
*Warp staves behind you*
Nothing personell in this game with no personality, kid
3DS is the best one.
you get the entire library of:
And with a flash cart you can get every DS & Lite/DSI game too.
I bought a cheap portable battery and a USB to 3DS charging cable and now I can play literal decades of games wherever I want.
I forgot to add that the stylus holder being behind the system instead of underneath the bottom screen like the New 3DS XL is a big plus. I have both a new and old 3DS, and the stylus falls out of its socket all the time on the new one because the nub holding it in place had worn down. Not having to fight gravity, the superior placement is on the old model.
3DS screen is trash compared to the DSi XL
it's a literal eyegasm