Will Sony win E3 this year again? Has any other company won every E3 in a single generation?

Will Sony win E3 this year again? Has any other company won every E3 in a single generation?

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>Sony winning e3 last year

We all know it was Nintendo that did

i think sony will make a coference still jjust not at e3 itself like a day or two before or after and it will be better than microdicks e3 easy

Sony isn’t doing E3 this year.

>he doesn't know


I'm an actual nintendo fan and that wasn't true, the direct was mostly smash

after that abhorrent e3 conference they had last year and the 2 absolute shit state of play streams this year, they'd be lucky to hold a better conference than fucking ea.


It was MS and you know it. No-one expected it but it happened.

they only "won" because they were the first ones to show off the new multiplatform games.

Sony has won before the E3 started with yesterday state of play

you mean the best conferences at e3 back to back for 5 years at least?


sony are the real winners for not showing up

mircosoft are going to make me hate them even more with each conference i see

it happens every year

Maybe so, but they still had a presentation that was game after game after game with some quality reveals. It'll probably be an even better watch this year without Sony, even if half of it will be on Playstation anyway.


Ye but smash won E3

you cant attribute content for playstation to xboxes conference just for bening there

being the best conference isnt about how many you show its about what you show and how you do it

were talking best conference not best video file at the conference

Smash was the best game, but Microsoft had the better overall lineup

But there were no MS games at the conference. AS a PC/PS4 player at the time (I despise owning my PS4 r/n though for obvious reasons) I enjoyed it, but there was nothing at all there to actually sell xboxes, which considering it's the point of the conference makes it a failure.


Microsoft had a better conference last year, but atleast Sony had deep looks at their games. They throw out a Gears 5 trailer and go silent for a year on it, Microsoft was just buying up trailers and building a conference without having much concrete.

Halo Infinite literally said in-development engine. The fucking engine wasn't done yet and I guess people are excited for Halo again after 4 and 5?

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You actually believe that Sony won by showing off multiplat DLC, remaster, exclusive indie, multiplat teaser and another teaser trailer of a game announced 4 fucking years ago and is confirmed not exclusive?

MS paid third parties to show multiplats at their conference, they had next to nothing they actually made.

Nintendo won the last three years, easily. Most talked-about games, showed gameplay and interviews for days, brought demos for stuff, etc.

same way how people keep saying that ms won e3 2018 by showing nothing but mulitplats


don't bother, Yea Forums is convinced nintendo won every single e3 except for the one with wii music.

>Sony couldn’t afford to buy out all the 3rd party games announced
I guess they just needed more time to FWEEEEEEP.
Nintendo didn’t win the year completely dedicated to BOTW and they didn’t win last year

How many of the games at Sony’s e3 are now multiplat? They only showed 9 games last year, and now Detroit and Rick and Morty are both coming to PC, along with RE2R and NIOH 2

>Rick and Morty


who, them or you?

Sony lost last E3, HARD! not even Death Stranding helped.

Microsoft had quantity but with many decent games over quality.

Nintendo had Quality with Smash and the few new games over quantity.

Sony had nothing!

Trover or whatever the fuck it’s called

didnt they cancel their E3 this year ?

>Nintendo didn’t win the year completely dedicated to BOTW and they didn’t win last year
They won both, and the year in between. BOTW stole the entire show in 2016, Smash less so but was still the most talked-about and anticipated game.

Deal with it, Snoiboi.

>thinks Nintendo won with a shitty party game

Go back

how you still excited for smash bros lol

most people been burned out for a while on it
is so true what the giant bomb guy said about how nintendofags really expect most people to shit their pants over Mario Kart and Animal Crossing like no one played them before lol

Don't forget Control. It's a multiplat too

>Sold 14 million copies and counting
>Most entrants out of any game at EVO
>LOL ppl are sick of it :^)
Cope harder.

>Snoi lost to a shitty party game
lol seethe harder

you honestly believe most e3 viewers were like holy shit, another smash bros wow

you're delusional

Welcome to reality, enjoy your stay

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I had forgot that game existed

weak b8

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I am a progresist who likes onions based products and equality. Of course my favorite multi-million dollar copany Sony Interactive Entertainment is going to win again!

>If I crop out smash I can pretend no one cared about it :^)

>Fucking Starlink was more popular I SWEAR XDDD



I can b8 better in my sleep

Then do it faggot, you won't

take a shower & have sex :^)

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Pretty sure he does....

We're talking bout last E3. Who says im excited for the game. Just stating facts ...

Literally shut up with this. It's dead.

Im fucking ur mum in the shower right now :^)))

WATERPROOF PHONE BITCH, Its going up her pooper next

>the state of this "banter"

Its set to vibrate, text her for your tendies :3

>2hour long smash trailer
>Here's a bunch of trailers that will also be on ps4!
Delusional fucks.


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But Microsoft won last year. Sony has been getting raped every single year since 2015. Even if everyone else didn't exist, Sony's had absolutely nothing for four years straight and has had trash E3s

Last year's Sony presentation was all style over substance. If you really thought they won with that pompous bullshit, you're insane.

How can you be so sure when everyone agrees Microsoft dominated last year?

It was literally only smash

They should try for the Oscars or an Emmy instead. Seems more like their area of expertise

MS came through

Sony not even trying anymore. If you skip E3, you cant lose E3

Sony isn't going to be at E3 this year.

Nintendo won last year, no one cared about anything that wasn't smash. MS showed trailers for multiplats.

See above, seething Microcuck. They had next to nothing they themselves made, it was all multiplats they paid to have shown at their conference.

You also can't win it either.

MS easily won last year
>but multiplats
Microsoft not only showed the most games, they showed off the most exclusives.

2013: Sony, Runner Up: Nintendo
2014: Nintendo, Runner Up: Sony
2015: Sony, Runner Up: Square Enix
2016: Sony, Runner Up: Nintendo
2017: Nintendo, Runner Up: Ubi or Devolver I guess?
2018: Microsoft, Runner Up: Nintendo or Bethesda?
Just my two cents

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>2016: Sony, Runner Up: Nintendo
BOTW stole the whole show, Sony showed up with trailers for the same four games they had the previous two or three years.

>2018: Microsoft
lolno, they paid third parties to show multiplats. If those games won, third parties won, not MS. Smash was easily the most talked-about and popular game there. The tournament garnered more attention than anything MS spaid to have shown at their conference.