This is the best flagship in Monster Hunter, prove me wrong.
This is the best flagship in Monster Hunter, prove me wrong
Why is he on fire
he has literal fucking jet wings
ninjas can't catch him
Valstrax is so much fucking better than the new ED flagship they showed off yesterday, holy shit.
Can't wait for the new Switch MonHun.
The fact that it's literally present in the sky to remind you that you gotta fight it and it actually does pop up to kick your shit in when you beat the Gravios is absolutely kino.
Valstrax is okay but Seregios literally cucking an entire ecology of Rathalos and other monsters is my personal favorite.
Fourth Gen really has some of the best monsters in the series.
>Gore Magala
>Shagaru Magala
world can't compare
Didn't Nerscylla return in GU?
Just fucking look at it to prove yourself wrong.
>Played the shit out of MH4U
>Save got corrupt as I was about to reach HR999
>Decide to dodge MHG since it looked like frontier shit
>Play world, get 400 hours in and get to HR360 but decide to drop it since I got bored of trying to get a single attack gem
>MHGU is released decide to give it a shot
>Fucking blow the fuck away by all the new monsters, they are all unique and fun to fight, hunting style give a plethora of new way to fight monsters with your favorite weapons, goddamn final boss is literally a mentis going full GATAI on your ass
Also this goddamn theme
They're really going to have to pull out all of the stops with Velkhana's gameplay because it sure as hell isn't getting a pass on its design. Banbaro should have been the Iceborne flagship instead.
Also has the better Lavasioth.
And they snoy boys think world is perfect...
AAAAAH I need to get a Switch for this game & Smash at least, and your post makes me drool even more!!!
It has a ramjet organ that converts air sucked in through gills on its chest into dragon energy.
We didn't see anything from it come on. I mean, Valstrax design is bland too at first.
>ywn see Turf Wars with the best monsters in the series
>ywn see Yalstrax fly so high then fucking kamikaze Nerg
>ywn see Fatalis fuck over high tier monsters and even some elder dragons with no problem
>ywn see Rajang skullfuck a Kirin, then throw it right at you
>ywn see Seregios rip apart a Rathalos
>ywn see Glavenus fucking slam it's tail into the face of another monster
why live
Gore Magala and Shaggy Magala are unironically better, but I do really like valstrax
Well we have Nargacuga vs Los. I mean, there's that.
>Fatalis may appear in Iceborne
>post yfw arch tempered old fatalis
mizu and gammoth are shit and unfun to fight
astalos is easy as shit and therefore isn't good because there's no real fun
finally beating g rank valstrax solo for the first time was so great
>ywn see Yian Garuga kick the living shit out of a helpless Yian Kut Ku for fun
>ywn see Gammoth pick up Tigrex and start swinging it around like a rag doll
>ywn see a three-way turf war between Teostra, Kushala Daora and Chameleos
>ywn Great Jaggi fight absolutely everything
>*blocks your path*
>Great Jaggi vs fucking Nergigante
>there's a 1% chance of the Great Jaggi SOMEHOW winning against the beast, but only doing minor damage and him running off
We don't even know what it fucking does. For what it is it the design is good. I'm getting really fucking sick of fighting dragons though.
Bloodbath Diablos no dif speedblitzes everything in world.
>For what it is it the design is good
It looks like they just took a generic western dragon and left it in the freezer overnight. It's as lazy as monster design gets.
Uh, I mean look at Valtrax, that's just a regular silver dragon. There's nothing unique about it.
Not with those wings worldlet.
Valstrax's wings barely have any flight membrane, making them look more like an extra pair of regular arms than actual wings. That's already a more unique feature than most dragon designs, even before you get to the fact that it uses them as organic jet engines.
Whaa he has spikes for wings. Come on man. We don't know what's the gimmick with the new monster, it will not only be ice, they stated it. Look at Seregios, it's only unique when it's enraged.
And fuck off, you're probably a Tribabs, you don't know shit.
>trusting the people who are proud of making zorah magdaros
Fuck off insect.
How the fuck do the wings work? How can it extend them three times their normal state?
when are they going to man up and release an actual bug flagship?
>spikes for wings
Good job admitting you've never played GU.
I don't give a shit about Magdaros, I'm sure they were proud of making Lao too.
Nergi is one of the only good monster of the game. I trust them for the flagship because they rarely failed, that's it.
>Oh sorry, spike wings that can grow twice their sizes for whatever reasons and become spear but also reactors.
Come on man. You look at them, it's spikes. You look at the body, spikes. You look at the tail, spikes. Be fucking honest and stop pretending everyone that criticize your fucking game is a newbie when I played this damn shit before you even knew about it. I'm tired of this.
>i don't give a shit about the worst trash they've made
>i only give a shit about shit-tier monsters
It's kind of impressive how they managed to create an entire moveset almost exclusively based around the wings alone, even Glavenus doesn't always use its tail to attack.
>I only love my waifu animu monstar with katanas and jet bazookas
Moron, why do I bother.
So noe you've moved on to assumptions. Brilliant triple digit IQ you have.
Leave this place. Make a portal to the New World with a rope.
>Stating things as facts without any argumentations
>Speaks about IQ
Sure boy. Can you shut the fuck up now ?
Not until you stop giving replies stupid nigger.
>valor switchaxe w/ tempest
Shit is so good, this is what switchaxe should’ve been like from the start
And that's the same guy that speaks about IQ. Goddamn loser.
I bet he posts on 4channel too.
Picking up SnS for the first time in MHW. Tips?
Drop it.
>AT Nerg drops tomorrow.
Looking forward to it if the leaked stats and theme are anything to go off if.
Don't bother. Iceborne lets you use items with any weapon unsheathed.
Wait what? You're shitting me?
I don't care about that, and Iceborne isn't being released for a while.
Do you have the theme on hand, by any chance?
>Wanting new switch game when the ps4 made a significantly better game
>muh graphics
I'd like to say Lagiarcus but fucking jet wings are hard to top.
>Not waiting for a switch game by playing a game on the PS4 and vice versa
Pretty sure he's only half right. All weapons can use the slinger while unsheathed in Iceborne, I don't think it applies to all items.
>Fourth Gen really has some of the best monsters in the series
>Good job admitting you've never played GU
>admitting to not playing complete garbage
damn you sure showed him
I like Nerg’s normal theme but this one is way cooler.
They probably started with 4th gen so when their only exposure to monhun is that and world you can't really blame them.
4th gen can't really hold a candle to 3rd gen in this aspect.
third and fourth gen are equal in godly monsters
world's suck ass in comparison
>ywn see mizutsune zigzog bloopity bop around monsters and make monsters slip and fall down ramps and cliffs
>ywn see zin and bracchidios slugfest
>ywn see bracchidios shove his fist down jho's throat and make him fart explosions
>ywn see agnaktor clakclakclakclaksnipe down a bazel
Hes right though.
>has 2 themes while every other flagship has 1
>his Elder power is making other Elder Dragons eat shit
>God-Tier design
Nerg > Every other monster
When comparing just 3/3U and 4/4U it isn't even close, 4's roster was piss poor in comparison in terms of new good monsters and being flooded with returning garbage gen 2 monsters didn't help it's case.
Gen and GenU brought some really good monsters to gen 4 finally but being locked behind such a trash game made it a waste of potential really.
i wonder how easy AT nergy will be
because teo is the only AT elder dragon i can solo well
>entire body is a weakpoint
>only flagship to die in under a minute within a week of release
Shitty edgelord
>>has 2 themes while every other flagship has 1
>he doesn't know
This. I really hope they buff SnS significantly in Iceborne.
>watch icejew trailer again
>tigrex scream at the end
i missed that when i watched the livestream
He is so fun to fight and his weapons are nifty.
I really, really want him in World.
He's getting an AT form today and it will cement his place as the hardest monster in MHW. Get ready.
All monsters in Monster Hunter are explicitly male unless explicitly stated otherwise in game (such as Gammoth being female).
They won't. We already knew that it was fucked when it didn't get oils which finally fixed the weapon and now they are just finding anything relatively useful from SnS's corpse to give to other better weapons. By the next game everyone will be able to run around at normal speed and block with all weapons too.
oh was it all items?
i thought it was just the slinger
gee Billy, two flagships?
>>ywn see bracchidios shove his fist down jho's throat and make him fart explosions
>>ywn see agnaktor clakclakclakclaksnipe down a bazel
These hurt the most
bloodbath is a super horny girl
she's so horny she managed to weaponize her body fluids
How many new attacks will be getting tremors and wind pressure? It's guessing they're going to give it roar to hit combos as well.
Velkhana is literally just a re-skinned Kushala. In the Ice area. It's super easy to tell it has Kushala's skeleton in the trailers. Kushala has always already been associated with Ice before, why replace it?
There was literally no reason to make a Kushala clone, when Kushala itself already exists.
Same with the new shitty shark thing. It uses the jyuratodus/lavasioth skeleton, and has the exact same gimmick as Zamtrios. Why not just have fucking Zamtrios instead?
>ywn see Seregios rape a Rathatlos
Still gonna be easier than EX Bloodbath Diablos.
Why do people keep calling it a Kush clone when we've literally seen nothing of what it could do?
Like yeah, if it starts summoning ice tornados it's a clone, but as of yet, they just look similar. Doesn't mean it's a clone.
im seeing people on twitter and youtube say there was a tigrex roar in the new trailer
can anyone confirm?
im not hearing them
>could have had lagombi
There was.
>Still gonna be easier then this EX Deviant G-Rank monster
>Watching shitters get slapped by bloodbath all day while I dance around it with a prowler
Just bring back cat mode you shits
At the very least take some of the moves from subspecies like Dreadqueen/Bloodbath and fold them into the main monster's moveset
You had a perfectly good opportunity to expand their movesets in World and you couldn't even do that
>they just look similar
Considering they can't be assed to actually make new animation skeletons in World and just try to re-use as many as they can, and that Velkhana looks extremely similar to Kushala and even hovers in place with exactly the same animation as Kushala, it will be a Kushala clone.
Doubly so because, again, Kushala was already the Ice associated elder dragon, so re-using its skeleton for a shitty new monster that's just a bad rip-off of Kushala is doubly lazy and uninspired.
i got that reference.jpg
Only at the end of the re-run of the trailer at the end of the Capcom stream, on the black screen after the release date fades.
How could you have possibly seen it's animation when gameplay of it hasn't even been showed? What are you talking about?
>even hovers in place with exactly the same animation as Kushala
Got a link or webm?
>tripped/staggered at the first breeze on its spikes
>best flagship
Hes hot
what is your problem with XX? It's got loads of ways to play and thousands of hours of content.
thanks i will go look
Styles and arts are still off putting. Same complaint people had with X when it came out.
that fucking mantis fight blew my mind. I went in blind and holy shit is it fun at least the first few times.
that's a dragon, not a boat.
surely all the flagships from X/XX arent just going to waste right? They actually fucking cared about the biology of the monsters rather than cut and pasting bullshit to look good graphically like world. I really hold out hope that the soul of monster hunter will live on in the switch because world is just low-effort.
So is PC actually caught up with consoles yet? I got tired of having to wait for shit like Leshen
Can't wait to do it all over again with iceborne
>>ywn Great Jaggi fight absolutely everything
ok that one hurts...
MHXX did it right and made the final boss a well-kept secret: its mantis that is the most dangerous elder of all time because it is tosmart and builds mechas
>MHW is a PS4 exclusive
>when the ps4 made a significantly better game
World is ass on PS4
It's only good on PC
It's caught up until tomorrow. Tomorrow console gets AT Nergi and PC has to wait a month. Also Iceborne isn't out 3+ months after console.
>bug that builds mechs
so it's japanese?
how on earth is more customization/play-styles offputting?
Ahtal-Ka isn't even an Elder, it's just a ridiculously strong Neopteron
Maybe you didn't stick through to the end. I stopped watching when they started playing the trailer again at the end since I already saw it twice (the first time during the State of Play), and only that time did they add the Tigrex roar when the date appears.
Well for months it will only be on PS and XBOX but nobody has an Xbox
Capcom is so fuckin inconsistent. do they change out devs every other game for all of their IPs or somethin?
>Nergi and the alien dragon are supposed to be intimidating
>scariest monster in the series is a little bug with a giant wheel
Why are they still giving consoles priority?
The PC playerbase is actually bigger than the PS4 playerbase rn
I remember when I autistically bought every single monhun game after getting tri on wii just so I could fight every monster in the series.
Now, I see this unoriginal bullshit they pull and can't be bothered to even get dlc for world. It really is sad how lazy and uninspired the monsters are now.
>Why do people keep calling it a Kush clone
Because it literally is like many other elder and frontier is well known for reusing kush skeleton to make monster out of it and World continues this despicable trend with Vaal and Velkhana.
>if it starts summoning ice tornados it's a clone
This isn't a matter of gameplay, of course they will have a different moveset/gimmick and they better do considering about how similar they look.
They want to force people to double dip.
>The classic "elder" because it's strange/unknown the levels of power it has convo.
It technically is an elder, I kno that sounds rarted but so is kirin for same reason.
That dragonator part made me onions-face and lose my goddamn shit. What happened to soul like that ?
why does world fail to capture the absolute hype of classic monhun fights?
i genuinely do not how to describe it
>Why are they still giving consoles priority?
The Monster Hunter fanbase now overlaps with the fanbases of game like Destiny 2.
>have the Narga skeleton
>have tornadoes (Kushala)
Come on Capcom, you can fart out a meager Barioth.
They have really been slamming the music out of the park recently. AT Kulve's fury theme is amazingly good.
There are two monster hunter teams, the A team that makes the good mainline games made tri 3U and world and iceborne, and the shitty B team made shitty 4U and stinky generations/genU. The B team is probably currently hard at work making another mediocre monster hunter for the switch. Maybe this time they will add even more smelly additions, such as making every evade into the perfect evade skill, so that hunters can use it every second instead of every 3 seconds.
>The Monster Hunter fanbase now overlaps with the fanbases of game like Destiny 2.
Yep. Everyone I know that loves World loves Destiny 2.
At least they are making the slinger a core part of the combat, it felt like such a tacked on piece of shit.
Old games
>Chipping away at a monstrous dragon with a sharpened twig
>Dropping an atomic bomb on a paraplegic puppy
Inb4 Velkhana has a moth transformation or mecha transformation and faggots like this get BTFO
that is so fucking depressing.
I genuinely don't want to be affiliated with my favorite vidya series of all time anymore. Why must all good things end?
>thinking 4/4U and X/XX are bad
lad, do you just hate fun?
As a world bab who just started playing 7 months ago, I'm really glad you faggots are leaving.
Hopefully by World 2 we won't even have to deal with the "muh soul" arguments that literally have no meaning.
Lagiacrus and Mizutsune exist so you're wrong.
Third and fourth gen have better monster designs than World.
What do you think are some ideas for monsters that would be cool?
Grow up.
How much of a difference does -3 vs +3 of an elemental defense make? Say I took my legiana armor against a kirin instead of tobi armor, how much more of a butt fucking am I in for if I get hit by lightning?
>It's only good on PC
It's fucking shit on PC too.
I think its a 6 point difference
thanks for letting me know your post doesn't matter in advantaged
fuck off back to destiny.
Monsters who the same the skeleton most likely share the basic animations//attacks, but it doesn't mean they will do the same things in fight.
>the phase when it grabs wheels and you have to dodge them like wheel skeletons in Dark Souls
>the hardest monster in MHW
Setting a pretty low bar for yourself.
any news on if they are continuing a separate portable line with the good gameplay?
>World 2
More like World Frontier
>Written by a retard that would rather have a unique franchise become just another generic western AAA loot obsessed trash
Fucking embarrassing.
Look, I'm gonna need some sub 5 AT proofs before you can post some shit like that
What are you talking about?
12 million people baught World because it looked fun and it DIDN'T have loot boxes. I'm one of them.
Why does the fact that I play this game make you so mad? It's kinda sad.
it is just the slinger, they are baiting
Sorry you braindead ass can't understand what people have been saying since the honeymoon phase was over, I'm not going to spoonfeed you here. If you enjoy braindead garbage made specifically for the masses, that's up to you.
Gammoth sure. He's the worst of them all.
But mizutsune?? Really? He's a fan favorite.
looks like a faggy new gen pokemon
>No Barioth
>No Zamtrios
Fug dis
I will. And I guess you'll just enjoy...?
Was enjoying GU, as well as a few other well designed games on my PC. Kill yourself.
Just realized we can fight AT Nerg. Time to solo my dudes
Looks like I hit a nerve... Oops...
Anyway, have fun with GU (remember it only sold 350 thousand on Switch, so don't expect any new games on there for awhile). I'll just enjoy Iceborne and World 2.
its a clever and natural evolution of a bunch of concepts already present in monster since day 1
>only feeds on weakened/close to dead elders
nerglets, everyone
here, forgot to mention that nearly all MonHun trailers are actual in-game footage with the in-game models and animations, unlike most AAA companies that use shitty pre-rendered not-in-game-engine movies.
Sometimes I hate the localization team for GU's names, especially Valstrax instead of Valfalk and "Bloodbath" rather than "Massacre Demon" Diablos
postan theme tho
>Braindead retard points out wrong sales numbers with wrong info on the way the MH franchise is planned to continue, as stated by capcom themselves
Unsurprising. Continue eating shit, it looks like you're enjoying it.
Gen 4 monsters look like shitty pokemon. Worst designs in the franchise.
he looks so happy at the end of this webm
best fucking deviant ever
Fuck no, you're really showing your age, GUSperm. And MHGU must be your first MH game. Valstrax is literally Frontier-level in terms of ridiculousness. What's next, we wanted an ED with triple mounted howitzers on its back that fire guided missiles? The things that piss me off about some monsters in MHGU how anime-ishly over the top they are that look like Frontier rejects. How the fuck does G-Rank Dreadking shoot 3 huge exploding rocks out of its mouth; where the fuck do these rocks even come from? And how could Dreadqueen even secrete toxic rocks from her own tail?
>People defending XX shit
Don't , there is only 2 monster worth saving from that dumbster fire and its not the turd you posted
Not only you have sit taste you also are a faggot and a double nigger
>I personally do not like thing, therefor it must be literally impossible for anyone anywhere to like it because my subjective opinion is objective fact, and if there is someone that likes it they are objectively wrong because I say so
>What's next, we wanted an ED with triple mounted howitzers on its back that fire guided missiles?
So Gogmazios or Dire Miralis?
>hating the gen that gave us bugs, amphibians, and snakes
Am I weird for not feeling any hype for the new expansion? It seems like they're asking for a lot for what's a couple of monster reskins and some attack skill changes. Maybe I'm just burnt out of series.
I miss comfy 2nd Gen MH.
So leave this plane of existence and go back in time already, retarded FUfag. It's NEVER going to be the second gen again. Get over it.
World is close enough, which is probably why you fags are so mad that you're not getting a new cuhRAYYYZEEE game like XX
You were never an actual fan of the series, if you were you'd know that they always drip feed info on their games and don't blow their load right away about what is in the game.
>Sorry you braindead ass
>muh I'm a real fan rhetoric.
Go outside.
He's not baiting, and honestly it's hard to say. It might just be slinger which is still a large blow to SnS.
>muh sales
It seems you're bitching about realistic features in a fantasy game. You should probably just chill.
show footage of anything other than slinger being used, you can't
>Yea Forums unironically defending 4th gen now
We need to go back...
The generation before the current one is always the best to Yea Forums, we had tribabs complaining about how their monsters were so much better than the ones in 4U and how X was anime shit (it is) and now they're lamenting the death of "classic monhun" that was GU, apparently.
Yea Forums always considered 4U the best game
They didn't show much of anything to be honest. Regardless of what you think, using the slinger with the weapon drawn was a SnS thing, and now it's not.