Game has features and multiple ways to play

>game has features and multiple ways to play
>using any of them would penalize you from either an ending or a rank grade

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>rank grade
>needing the game to pat you on the back and tell you you did a good job
Holy cringe

>Unlock all the cool shit in MGSV
>Too autistic too use any because muh score
Kill me.

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That's why I stopped playing MGS 5. I wanted to do all kinds of cool shit, but at the same time I wanted to get the best rank from everything, so in the end I just stopped playing the game.

And what would getting the best rank have gotten you?

>Brainlets still upset over Dishonored

some games lets you unlock stuff with better grade you dunce

Pride and accomplishment

Pathfinder Kingmaker hit me with that deep. I was playing a Chaotic Neutral dude who just wanted his own kingdom and power and to chill. All my companions had their own way of doing things and I was cool with it, helped the knight-fighter with her knight-fighting morals, helped the goblin-hero do hero shit, helped the undead chick get closer to her undead goddess, helped the apocalypse priest push his religion, etc. Well at the end of the game it turns out you were supposed to push EVERY companion to their Good option, not their character-based option. Or they die.

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Gonna have to look further than video games for that, sonny

You unlock Raiden and Gold Snake through S-rank.

Is that the game with the mutant powers and the sequel in Seattle

This. Games that give you a grade are fucken retarded.

Oh you played the game a different way they was fun and effective... F


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Fucking cool dude

>Play Dishonored as a psychopath with no self control and murder everyone

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>game has 9999 cool guns
>have to use that one shitty tranq gun for the whole game because lethality is penalized

>Here's a bunch of ways to play the game
>But play OUR way or you're locked out of a good ending
>oh and our way involves NOT using any of the cool features this game has
Deus Ex did it right, even HR and MD

Big yikes.

Yep. You can even kill policemen and the guys just give you a slap on the wrist.

>game has tons of crazy moves and combos to perform, but they are all shitty compared to the boring basic attacks which do the most damage

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>killing bad people leads to a chaotic dystopia!
The opposite is true


>games has multiple features/ways to play
>mashing attack is still the most viable strat
Fuck Kingdom Hearts

>games have over 100s of buffs and potions
>nobody uses them because the game is braindead easy

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>game has buffs and debuffs
>they only work on easily killed enemies