one of these threads
yes my taste is contrarian, pseud, and autistic but its my own
Other urls found in this thread:
3/3 Rondo of Blood, Megaman Legacy Collection and Dmc(yes i like Dmc).
+SMT Nocturne, AC0, MGS2
How does 3DS Sonic Generations compare the the other versions?
+TWEWY, Viewtiful Joe, P4G
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Depends on if you mean the Definitive Edition. If you don't, fuck you.
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Wind Waker is one of the few Zeldas I really really liked.
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As a fellow Umi and VLRbro, the highest of the tiers, I have to ask:
1, why Mankind Divided?
2, is AC7 a good game to start with in the series?
3, would you recommend Silver Case?
>1, why Mankind Divided
It's just a tight, solid RPG and I can't get enough of it.
>2, is AC7 a good game to start with in the series?
It is, but I'd recommend the holy trinity (4,5,0) first.
>3, would you recommend Silver Case?
Absolutely, especially if you like Suda's other games and other VN's. Things will not make much sense but stick to it and you'll end up with a unforgettable experience, whether you like it or not.
Don't forget to play FSR and 25th Ward afterwards.
Holy shit, I didn't play anything else anyone has on their lists here. I'm too old for this board.
Did you play the other DE games? I just think MD is the weakest, but it's great that you like it so much!
Are 4, 5, and 0 available on PC? If so, is a controller alright to play them?
I LOVED Killer is Dead, so I'll definitely give it a go, thank you!
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>Did you play the other DE games? I just think MD is the weakest, but it's great that you like it so much!
I played HR and a lot of the original but they didn't grip me as hard as MD did.
>Are 4, 5, and 0 available on PC? If so, is a controller alright to play them?
They are not. You can emulate them but I heard they have problems with emulation, especially 4. I personally played on a ps2 so I can't help you much there.
>I LOVED Killer is Dead, so I'll definitely give it a go, thank you!
No problem, having someone getting into Suda's games always makes me glad.
1/3 ew
2/2 fellow personachad
3/4 can't get into half life, love blood tho
5/6 mankind divided is very underrated, playing kiwami 2 rn and loving it. not on the level of zero so far.
3/3 what are your thoughts on other borderlands games?
5/5 tse is peak sam
+megaman, AC, MGS2
+/- DmC, it was kind of meh
+ghost trick, TEW2, SH3, AC7, Deus Ex
I feel like MD was the weakest, but the gameplay was pretty solid overall.
>tactics a2
>dq ix
Ah, a fellow patrician.
Ace combat games are perfectly fine these days, check this video for emulator settings.
That's perfectly fair and understandable.
Thank you again, very much, user.
>what are your thoughts on other borderlands
1 is great, but not as accessible as 2, takes a while to get going; Pre Sequel is even worse in that aspect, but it's fine enough otherwise; Tales is genuinely pretty good if you like Telltale stuff, and it's one out of like 3 good Telltale games.
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loving Metroid Prime and Hollow Knight, but I'm pretty sure I have basic bitch normie taste
+FE, MGS2, Nocturne, Castlevania
-DMC. Only played generations on pc.
+ TWEWY, P4G, Zelda, Mario, Castlevania, Pokemon.
1/1 Doom
Danganronpa, SMTIV:A, Desu:O, Ghost trick, Strange Journey, SH3, Soul hackers, Umineko. Only played the first 999. Good taste overall
2/3 +P4G, Umineko.
Still havent played DMC5, Xenoblade2 but it looks worse than the first one. still got to play FFX.
- KH3 was dissapointing.
1/1 Dark Souls
4/4 Bloodborne, Aria, MGS3, Hollow knight.
Amazing games there.
Based KH3bro
it's me again
forgot pic
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Like Mordhau that much?
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Disagree heavily on KH3
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KH3 made me very very happy.