what exactly went wrong?
What exactly went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
very little
>shit story that you are expected to play multiple times to experience any actual difficulty
>edgy gay aesthetic
>cameo coop
>bland environments, most of the game takes place in a tree
it's really a shit game and only people with nostalgia, or people who cant make up their own decisions, enjoy it
The main point of the game is the gameplay man and that part is exceedingly excellent, sorry you're such a jaded person you can't enjoy great things anymore.
Too short, and that's about it
except no vergil
oh yes! because juggling potato sacks is amazing gameplay!
I swear DMC fags are people who like the idea of fighting games, but cant play them. like what is so engaging about juggling an opponent with 3 moves and doesn't fight back. also, all the moves cancel into each other so you can literally button mash to get those SMOKIN SEXY STYLIN COMBOS!!!
real amazing gameplay. even Dark souls has better combat
Nothing. Maybe its not your type of game
nice reddit spacing faggot, try going back there with your retarded dribble.
Not much. Some fags complaining about the story and plot for some reason but other than that not a lot
>I cant refute so I will make fun of his spacing
you are trying so hard to fit in its sad, you're so new you dont realize the "reddit spacing" meme is there to expose newfags trying to fit in.
you btfo bitch
Haven't played it but what the fuck is a cameo co-op?
Retry mission making you go trough three loading screen, two cinematics and mission menu before letting you try again.
Long game over animation, its shorter to resurrect with a gold orb and retry the mission if you die.
Red nigger and blade arms are huge fucking faggots. Hit and run enemies are fucking boring
>sells 2 million
Show me evidence of button mashing because I'm starting to think you didn't play the game and are just shit posting to shit post, enemy AI hasn't ever been super great in DMC so it's mostly more of the same on that front but the main point of the game is to satisfy yourself. Not that it actually happens but if you are button mashing to SSS and are unsatisfied with that get creative the game gives you a ton of tools to craft a stylish combo.
why would i refute the noises a retard makes while gurgling on his own spit?
imagine coop, but without friends. you literally have random people popping in and out of your game but you cant play with friends. it's just kinda there and only makes you wish you had true coop. DMC fags will never say it's a bad system though, because their shit franchise is perfect
>but you cant play with friends
factually incorrect, try looking in the game's options. It's a bad system but you don't seem to understand exactly why.
I'm not making you a fucking video, it's obvious you didnt play it because it's a fucking button masher
you cant. you btfo, deal with it kid. go ahead, make up more excuses
oh yeah, let me set the cameo priority to friends, then maybe one of my friends playing the same level will join me. it never works, but DMC cucks eat whatever is shit into their mouths
Well if you can't provide evidence for your statements then I have nothing more to say to you. You're factually wrong.
Your mother didn't swallow.
you can't provide evidence that it's not a button masher. so i have nothing to say to you, shill. DMC fags just cant handle their game is baby tier easy
Four completly random, asspulls reasons and It's a shit game. Something tells me you were pre-determined not to like It.
Nothing went wrong, it's a near perfect game.
Maybe if you play on human or devil hunter which are you know easy and normal mode?
there wasn't enough porn of Lady being impregnated
>I can't refute his points, must resort to gangstalking some literal who
DMC fags are literally as cancer as nintendo fags. good work. I've already btfo this entire thread. saved a few anons some time and shekels. bye shills! I'll beat you again soon
>I swear DMC fags are people who like the idea of fighting games, but cant play them. like what is so engaging about juggling an opponent with 3 moves and doesn't fight back. also, all the moves cancel into each other so you can literally button mash to get those SMOKIN SEXY STYLIN COMBOS!!!
The whole point is the mastery of the mechanics to the point you're just toying with the enemies effortlessly.
Literally haven't btfo anyone once, you have essentially said game is shit, provide evidence, no way fag, haha I won argument fucking shills.
stop responding to bait you stupid faggots
>pressing enter is reddt
Not that much. Whether it's better than DMC1 or DMC3 is dependent on tastes, but for me at least it's wholly replaced DMC4.
The level design is a mixed bag, though. The variety in room structure and enemy placement is pretty modest. I know a lot of people bitched about things like environmental hazards, enigmas, soul eaters, etc. but they did a lot to lend DMC3 a sense of variety. It's not like DMC3 was lacking in arena battles anyway. The absence of this stuff makes DMC5 feel unfinished sometimes -- especially deeper in when the visual variety stops, too.
Is it at least better than 4, in level design?
Not much.
Mediocre and padded as fuck story, bland environments, and nonexistent difficulty on normal are my three biggest complaints. I hate when they do the difficulty shit, just give me an option to play on hard from the start man.
I also kinda hated Vi's gameplay and the fact that there are no actual levels anymore, but every curayzee does that corridor bullshit nowadays so, eh, whatever.
Decent game. 3 and 1 are still better. Revengeance and Bayo are also better. Could have been a lot worse though.
The story is a bit shit and it's a shame that you can't play each character on each level. Other than that, it's pretty stellar. GotY so far.
oh boy where do I begin
V's combat is shit
few new weapons
Yea Forums threads are annoying and full of bandwagoners
Music is largely shit outside of devil trigger which is now just a meme
Nero is the typical oc self insert
Vergil's motivation went from "I need to be strong to protect the ones I love" to "baww I never beat u dante"
colours are all washed out
Trish did nothing
Lady did nothing
Morrison did nothing
Nico did few things
Shit story
Bosses aren't very memorable
Big bad is just vergil, no new final boss design in over a decade
Vergil fights are much shitter than DMC3
I can keep going
No single-character playthroughs
V is an unintuitive character with a low skill ceiling compared to dante/nero and his story segments hurt to play at the highest difficulties.
No co-op bloody palace nuked the potential for DMC5 to be sold to the Fren lobby
No expac/content DLC planned, wasting the potential of sales within the first 3-6 months of release
No Inertia
Small pool of monsters to fight (though they are well designed compared to most other DMC's)
The dante vs. V demons fight is utter dogshit compared to the design of every other boss in the game, it's a completely random clusterfuck with janky hitboxes
Nico was a cheap, misplaced attempt at pandering to the american pro-diversity crowd(read;Jews)
Vergil obviously had basic work done towards him being a playable character, and Capcom has seeming dropped plans to make that a reality
Almost all of the things that DID go wrong are a symptom of Capcom following the western trend of shipping whole devteams onto different IPs immediately upon the game being shipped rather than stationing them for a small period on QOL/improvement/expac DLC. DMC is 3/4 of the game it could be, and loses a lot of longterm playability because of this.
>The whole point is the mastery of the mechanics to the point you're just toying with the enemies effortlessly.
Yes, the whoooole point. I'm sure that's what Hideki Kamiya had in mind when creating the series. Why even bother with DMC, just go play some other faceless simulator if mechanics are your main focus
fuckin retard zoomer
Ugly as sin character designs and the same horrific facial modeling as Resident Evil 7
Only things I can think of are
-No playable Vergil
-No Turbo mode
-No actual co-op
-Story is a Vergil character study we didn't need instead of the sons of Sparda and Nero team up to fight a new big bad or a rezed Mundus
Would have rather had V secretly be a Mundus avatar or something and have him scheme to grab the demon fruit at the last second ala Arkham, then he gets his statue powers back while Dante and Nero have to get Vergil to help them put Mundus down again. Or something. DMC5's story just feels so anticlimactic for how long we had to wait and how they brought Vergil back. They kind of just fight for old time's sake and it's lacking the emotion that the final fight of 3 had. And honestly Vergil shouldn't have been the final boss to begin with. You should have had to fight him to get him to help you fight whoever the actual big bad god thing was, and then maybe Dante and Vergil fuck off to hell at the end for a similar ending.
Yeah it's not really Kamiya's series anymore and hasn't been for a long time it's not a stretch to say that mastery of the gameplay to be that stylish devil Hunter is the core of the gameplay and what they were definitely going for with this game and really the past 2 as well
objectively yes
fippy bippy
>only people with nostalgia
i only started playing the dmc games about 6 months ago and i think gameplay wise it's the absolute strongest in the series.
the last part, the lack of costumes and the fugly girls
Difficulty (anything below DMD is a joke)
V has no depth as a character and he needed it the most since his gameplay is based on making tactical decisions at a distance.
Stage design eschews all RE style elements that made DMC unique. Now it's just corridor battles.
Bloody palace is weak but I appreciate the qol stuff. Too bad over half of it is on normal difficulty and feels like a waste of time
Visually boring levels and the the hardest difficulty mode you can pick from the beginning is essentially a very easy mode. DMD should be the default starting difficulty mode.
Also the story fucking sucks and was incredibly predictable.
Using gold and red orbs to resurrect is cancer on multiple levels and should have been removed already.
There's a good game somewhere in there but you have to beat on some mindless punching bags for couple playthroughs to get to it.
>fugly girls
>Stage design eschews all RE style elements that made DMC unique
You say that like it's a bad thing. People play these games to slap demons around, that shit was just busywork that got in the way for the most part. The real problem with the levels is just how bland they are in terms of both visuals and structure.
Or you could just beat prologue Urizen and immediately unlock the next hardest difficulty.
I would have put the time into beating him if I had known you could unlock the normal and hard modes by doing that.
Point is that those modes should be available from the start and not hidden.
Seething Suckiro fanboys who are mad that their game got forgotten after a week lol
This, not to mention there's nothing to even unlock.
Game delivered
level design was sacrificed heavily even though it wasn't that great to begin with and it could have benefited from some more bosses, but it probably had the most quality fights in one single game of the series.
>just give me an option to play on hard from the start man.
beat the prologue.
>some more bosses
>literally almost 1 boss per level
Jesus Christ, remember when trolling was an art and not this obvious shit?
there are quite a few reused ones and some that are a bit lazy like V's demons, but I guess I just would have liked more.
like I said though, I think overall it has the best consistency of good fights.
-gold orbs
-loading screens
-level design
Mission 10's S rank requirement. That's about it.
Some levels look the same
Shadow can't track for shit
No Vergil
No Kyrie
I don't like Nico but mostly because of her design and voice, her lore is good
The fact that V=Vergil in the shitty Kingdom Hearts way
In fact, not that much, specially since they took stuff from other games. That's something they never did before (except for Rebellion) and I think this is the right direction
it never was.. its just faggots trying to out fag the other fags
a* art
>or people who cant make up their own decisions
I made up my own decision. You're a faggot.
not him, but decent trolling used to be about getting someone else to out their own stupidity. now it's used any time someone wants to get replies even if it's people just pointing out what they said was dumb.
No you got it wrong. That user is literally seething because they can't beat SoS, let alone DMD, since the enemies have a bigger health pool in those difficulties.That's where punching sack comes from: They can't kill enemies fast enough because they button mash. Of course enemies take too many hits if you don't use skills properly (Exceed, Quadruple S, etc)
Scrubs like them should just stick to easy automatic.
>I swear DMC fags are people who like the idea of fighting games, but cant play them
Oh yeah? See me on fightcade
Piss poor themes, non-existent level design. Otherwise it is bar none top 5 action games of all time and will stay there.
SoS feels almost the same as DH in 5 though
I mean, that is what he had in mind. In an interview he gave, he once talked about how he really liked playing arcade games to the point where he'd just breeze through the game so easily he'd rather show off instead, so he wanted to make games for consoles where players could feel the same way. This also shows in Bayonetta.
Little variety in level looks
No playable Vergil
Lady and Trish amount to nothing
No Kyrie
Capcom was too safe with V, should've gone crazier with him
But, truth is, the goodness in this game vastly outweighs these bad bits. Combat is a whole new level of polished compared to previous games, Nero finally got some more complexity he was sorely needing (but is still rather simple and easy to get used to), Dante is all the way up there, enemies are some of the best so far, I think.
I'd rather do busywork than walk down a bland corridor listening to characters talking to themselves
This, but if I was naming a few
>excessive load times, even on good PCs with SSDs
>DH is far too easy for a first-run for series veterans, should have openly made SOS available from the beginning beating Urizen doesn't count
>no post-game options to play any mission with any character
>no playable Vergil
>some of the dialogue is really badly written. And I don't mean the self-aware cheesy stuff.
And the biggest one of all:
>went to all the trouble of making netcode and a playable co-op system and then restricted it to one boss fight and 10 minutes in Mission 13. Co-Op Bloody Palace with friends would be a god-tier addition.
>oh yes! because juggling potato sacks is amazing gameplay!